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Protein loss during nuclear isolation   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Cryomicrodissection makes possible the measurement of the entire in vivo protein content of the amphibian oocyte nucleus and provides a heretofore missing baseline for estimating protein loss during nuclear isolation by other methods. When oocyte nuclei are isolated into an aqueous medium, they lose 95% of their protein with a half-time of 250 s. This result implies an even more rapid loss of protein from aqueously isolated nuclei of ordinary-size cells.  相似文献   

Summary Gap junctions (GJ) isolated from rat hearts in presence of the protease inhibitor phenylmethylsulfonylfuoride (PMSF) contain a Mr 44,000 to 47.000 major polypeptide and have a urea-resistant layer of fuzz on their cytoplasmic surfaces, whereas junctions isolated without PMSF are proteolyzed to a Mr 29.500 polypeptide by a serine protease and have smooth cytoplasmic surfaces (C.K. Manjunath, G.E. Goings & E. PageAm. J. Physiol. 246:H865–H875, 1984). Rat liver GJ isolated with or without PMSF contain a Mr 28,000 polypeptide and have smooth cytoplasmic surfaces. Here we examine the origin, type and inhibitor sensitivity of the heart protease; why similar proteolysis is absent during isolation of rat liver gap junctions; and whether the Mr 44.000 to 47,000 cardiac GJ polypeptide is the precursor of the Mr 29,500 subunit. We show that the Mr 44,000 to 47,000 polypeptide corresponds to the unproteolyzed connexon subunit; that proteolysis of this polypeptide occurs predominantly during exposure to high ionic strength solution (0.6m KI) which releases serine protease from mast cell granules; that this protease is inhibitable with PMSF and (less completely) soybean trypsin inhibitor and chymostatin; and thatin vivo degranulation of mast cells by injecting rats with compound 48/80 fails to prevent breakdown of cardiac GJ during isolation. The results support the concept that GJ from rat heart and liver differ in protein composition.  相似文献   

Cellular location and hormonal regulation of ghrelin expression in rat testis   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Ghrelin, the endogenous ligand for the growth hormone-secretagogue receptor, is a recently cloned 28-amino acid peptide, expressed primarily in the stomach and hypothalamus, with the ability to stimulate growth hormone (GH) release and food intake. However, the possibility of additional, as yet unknown biological actions of ghrelin has been suggested. As a continuation of our recent findings on the expression and functional role of ghrelin in rat testis, we report here the pattern of cellular expression of ghrelin peptide in rat testis during postnatal development and after selective Leydig cell elimination, and we assess hormonal regulation of testicular ghrelin expression, at the mRNA and/or protein levels, in different experimental models. Immunohistochemical analyses along postnatal development demonstrated selective location of ghrelin peptide within rat testis in mature fetal- and adult-type Leydig cells. In good agreement, ghrelin protein appeared undetectable in testicular interstitium after selective Leydig cell withdrawal. In terms of hormonal regulation, testicular ghrelin mRNA and protein expression decreased to negligible levels after long-term hypophysectomy, whereas replacement with human chorionic gonadotropin (CG) (as superagonist of LH) partially restored ghrelin mRNA and peptide expression. Furthermore, acute administration of human CG (25 IU) to intact rats resulted in a transient increase in testicular ghrelin mRNA levels, with peak values 4 h after injection, an effect that was not mimicked by FSH (12.5 IU/rat). In contrast, testicular expression of ghrelin mRNA remained unaltered in GH-deficient rats, under hyper- and hypothyroidism conditions, as well as in adrenalectomized animals. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that mature Leydig cells are the source of ghrelin expression in rat testis, the protein being expressed in both fetal- and adult-type Leydig cells. In addition, our data indicate that testicular expression of ghrelin is hormonally regulated and is at least partially dependent on pituitary LH.  相似文献   

The presence of two electrophoretically and structurally distinguishable forms of ferritin (“fast” and “slow”) in cardiac and skeletal muscle (diaphragm) of the rat was confirmed. Although the total amount of cardiac ferritin showed no difference in concentration in male and female rats, the distribution between the fast and slow species was remarkedly different in the two sexes, the fast form predominating in the cardiac muscle and diaphragm of the female. In agreement with this, the rates of synthesis and of degradation of the fast species were greater in teh female, while the opposite obtained for the male. Iron administration stimulated synthesis of each ferritin species in the cardiac muscle and diaphragm of both sexes. Induction of cardiac connective tissue hypertrophy with isoproterenol inverted the ratio of slow to fast ferritin in female rats, while iron adminsitration along with isoproterenol restored this to normal. It is concluded that the metabolism of ferritin in cardiac and skeletal muscle is sensitive both to sexual status and to iron administration.  相似文献   

Ferritins purified from horse spleen and from rat liver, kidney, heart and hepatoma were analyzed by quantitative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. From the migration characteristics of these ferritins at several gel concentrations, Ferguson plots were constructed and the molecular sizes and charges (apparent valences) together with their statistical variability were obtained by applying Rodbard computer programs to the data. Finally, ellipses were drawn describing the 95% confidence limits of these data for size and charge and were used to identify those ferritins that differed in size and/or charge. By these criteria, many of the tissue ferritins were differentiated from one another in terms of their molecular size and/or charge. Among the various tissue ferritin monomers, the molecular sizes were essentially similar (420 000-490 000) except for the two heart ferritins which were larger (530 000 and 626 000, respectively). However, the estimated charges on rat liver, kidney and hepatoma monomers (30-38 net protons per molecule) differed from that of spleen monomer (51 net protons per molecule) while the larger rat heart ferritin also had a greater charge (83 net protons) than the smaller (40 net protons). Apoferritins prepared chemically by removal of iron from the holoferritins had migration properties indistinguishable from the parent holoferritins. The migration properties of minor (dimeric) ferritin bands on the gels were compared with those of the monomer bands. The molecular sizes of the minor bands were larger than those of the major bands, and were not inconsistent with a doubling in size. However, charge differences varied, being either similar for major and minor forms (spleen ferritin), approximately twice for the minor form (rat hepatoma ferritin) or five times greater for the minor form (rat liver ferritin). These differences in behavior were confirmed by using minimally sieving gels, on which the major bands of horse spleen ferritin failed to separate whereas those of rat liver ferritin were readily separable. It is concluded that dimers of ferritins from different tissues may associate in different ways.  相似文献   

The release kinetics of the enzyme invertase and alcohol dehydrogenase from yeast and penicillin acylase from E. coli during disruption using various techniques has been investigated. The disruption techniques used were sonication, high-pressure homogenization, and hydrodynamic cavitation. The first-order-release kinetics was applied for the determination of release rate of these enzymes and total soluble proteins. Location factor (LF) values were calculated using these release rates. The location of the enzymes as given by the values of location factor coincided well with those reported in the literature. Varying values of location factor for the same enzyme by different disruption techniques gave some indications about the selectivity of release of a target enzyme by different disruption techniques. Varying values of location factor for the same enzyme with the use of a particular equipment or disruption technique at different conditions reveals the degree to which the cell is disrupted. Few plausible applications of this location factor concept have been predicted and these speculations have been examined. This location factor concept has been used for monitoring the heat-induced translocation of ADH and location of penicillin acylase during the growth period of E. coli cells.  相似文献   

Cellular heterogeneity during vertebrate skeletal muscle development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although skeletal muscles appear superficially alike at different anatomical locations, in reality there is considerably more diversity than previously anticipated. Heterogeneity is not only restricted to completely developed fibers, but is clearly apparent during development at the molecular, cellular and anatomical level. Multiple waves of muscle precursors with different features appear before birth and contribute to muscular diversification. Recent cell lineage and gene expression studies have expanded our knowledge on how skeletal muscle is formed and how its heterogeneity is generated. This review will present a comprehensive view of relevant findings in this field.  相似文献   

To attain a superior in vitro model of mature muscle fibers, we modified the established protocol for isolating single muscle fibers from rat skeletal muscle. Muscle fiber cultures with high viability were obtained using flexor digitorum brevis muscle and lasted for at least 7 days. We compared the expression levels of adult myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoforms in these single muscle fibers with myotubes formed from myoblasts; isolated fibers contained markedly more abundant adult MyHC isoforms than myotubes. This muscle fiber model, therefore, will be useful for studying the various functions and cellular processes of mature muscles in vitro.  相似文献   

Cellular location of pneumolysin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Crude homogenates of rat cardiac muscle were fractionated in order to examine the subcellular location of adenylate cyclase in this tissue. The fractionation procedure employed differential centrifugation of homonized material, followed by collagenase treatment, centrifugation on a discontinuous sucrose density gradient and extraction with 1 M KCl. The particulate fraction obtained by this procedure contained a high specific activity and yield of adenylate cyclase, moderate levels of mitochondria and low levels of sarcoplasmic reticulum and contractile protein as judged by marker enzyme activities. Adenylate cyclase was purified 20-fold with a 33% yield from the crude homogenate, while mitochondrial, sarcoplasmic reticulum and contractile protein yields were 5, 0.4 and 0.7% respectively. The membrane fractions prepared in this manner were examined by sodium dodecyl sulfate · gel electrophoresis.Adenylate cyclase copurified with ouabain-sensitive (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, a plasma membrane marker enzyme, and not with Ca2+-accumulating activity, which is associated with the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The distribution of marker enzyme activities indicates that heart adenylate cyclase is not located in the sarcoplasmic reticulum but is localized predominantly, if not exclusively, in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Persistent muscle weakness due to disuse-associated skeletal muscle atrophy limits the quality of life for patients with various diseases and individuals who are confined to bed. Fibers from disused muscle exhibit a marked reduction in active force production, which can exacerbate motor function, coupled with the well-known loss of muscle quantity. Despite recent understanding of the signaling pathways leading to the quantity loss, the molecular mechanisms of the depressed qualitative performance still remain elusive. Here we show that long-term disuse causes preferential loss of the giant sarcomere protein titin, associated with changes in physiologic muscle function. Ca(2+) sensitivity of active force decreased following 6 wk of hindlimb immobilization in the soleus muscle of the rat, accompanied by a shift in the length-active force relationship to the shorter length side. Our analyses revealed marked changes in the disused sarcomere, with shortening of thick and thin filaments responsible for altered length dependence and expansion of interfilament lattice spacing leading to a reduction in Ca(2+) sensitivity. These results provide a novel view that disuse-induced preferential titin loss results in altered muscle function via abnormal sarcomeric organization.  相似文献   

Satellite cells, the quintessential skeletal muscle stem cells, reside in a specialized local environment whose anatomy changes dynamically during tissue regeneration. The plasticity of this niche is attributable to regulation by the stem cells themselves and to a multitude of functionally diverse cell types. In particular, immune cells, fibrogenic cells, vessel‐associated cells and committed and differentiated cells of the myogenic lineage have emerged as important constituents of the satellite cell niche. Here, we discuss the cellular dynamics during muscle regeneration and how disease can lead to perturbation of these mechanisms. To define the role of cellular components in the muscle stem cell niche is imperative for the development of cell‐based therapies, as well as to better understand the pathobiology of degenerative conditions of the skeletal musculature.  相似文献   

Ferritins purified from several normal and malignant rat tissues were examined for amino acid composition, content of tryptic peptides, available sulfhydryl groups and subunit sizes and proportion. Ferritin extracted from adult kidney, neonatal liver and hepatic and renal tumors differed from the ferritin of adult rat liver in migration on electrophoretic gels and in antibody affinity, but did not differ among themselves. Nevertheless, they showed distinctive differences in amino acid composition and tryptic peptide content. All of them and also adult liver ferritin contained two major species of subunits differing in molecular weight. The proportions of subunits, and the available sulfhydryl groups of the intact ferritin molecules, differed among these tissue ferritins. On the basis of amino acid and peptide content, the ferritins of hepatomas and the renal tumor analyzed showec the greatest similarity but not identity. The ferritin of neonatal liver was next most similar. Kidney ferritin differed considerably in composition from tumor and neonatal ferritins, while adult liver ferritin was the most extremely divergent of the series examined. A similar progressive difference was found on examining the proportions of subunits and sulfhydryl groups in these ferritins. However, changes in subunit proportion cannot explain the amino acid and peptide compositional changes.  相似文献   

Chemokine receptors are distinctively exposed on cells to characterize their migration pattern. However, little is known about factors that may regulate their expression. To determine the optimal conditions for an accurate analysis of chemokine receptors, we compared the expression of CCR2, CCR4, CCR5, CCR6, CXCR3 and CXCR4 on different leukocyte subsets using whole blood (WB) plus erythrocyte lysis and density gradient isolation (Ficoll). Most WB monocytes were CCR2+ (93.5 ± 2.9%) whereas 32.8 ± 6.0% of monocytes from Ficoll-PBMC expressed CCR2 (p<0.001). Significant reductions of CCR6 and CXCR3 on monocytes were also observed after Ficoll isolation (WB: 46.4 ± 7.5% and 57.1 ± 5.5%; Ficoll: 29.5 ± 2.2% and 5.4 ± 4.3% respectively) (p<0.01). Although comparable percentages of WB and Ficoll-PBMC monocytes expressed CCR4, CCR5 and CXCR4, Ficoll isolation significantly reduced the levels of CXCR4 (WB: MFI 5 ± 0.4 and Ficoll: MFI 3.3 ± 0.1) (p<0.05). Similarly to monocytes, CCR2, CXCR3 and CXCR4 were also reduced on lymphocytes. In addition, Ficoll isolation significantly reduced the percentage of CCR4 positive lymphocytes (WB: 90.2 ± 4.5% and Ficoll: 55 ± 4.1%) (p<0.01). The loss of expression of chemokine receptors after isolation of monocytes was not dependent on either the anticoagulant or the density gradient method. It was irreversible and could not be restored by LPS activation or in vitro macrophage differentiation. Experiments tagged with anti-CCR2 antibodies prior to density gradient isolation demonstrated that Ficoll internalized chemokine receptors. The method for cell isolation may alter not only the expression of certain chemokine receptors but also the respective functional migration assay. The final choice to analyze their expression should therefore depend on the receptor to be measured.  相似文献   

Genes encoding ferritins were isolated and cloned from cDNA libraries of hard tick Ixodes ricinus and soft tick Ornithodoros moubata. Both tick ferritins are composed of 172 amino-acid residues and their calculated mass is 19,667.2 Da and 19,974.5 Da for I. ricinus and O. moubata, respectively. The sequences of both proteins are closely related to each other as well as to the ferritin from another tick species Dermacentor variabilis (>84% similarity). The proteins contain the conserved motifs for ferroxidase center typical for heavy chains of vertebrate ferritins. The stem-loop structure of a putative iron responsive element was found in the 5' untranslated region of ferritin mRNA of both ticks. Antibodies against fusion ferritin from O. moubata were raised in a rabbit and used to monitor the purification of a small amount of ferritins from both tick species. The authenticity of ferritin purified from O. moubata was confirmed by mass-fingerprinting analysis. In the native state, the tick ferritins are apparently larger (~500 kDa) than horse spleen ferritin (440 kDa). On SDS-PAGE tick ferritins migrate as a single band of about 21 kDa. These results suggest that tick ferritins are homo-oligomers of 24 identical subunits of heavy-chain type. The Northern blot analysis revealed that O. moubata ferritin mRNA level is likely not up-regulated after ingestion of a blood meal.  相似文献   

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