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Two of the defining hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are deposits of the β-amyloid peptide, Aβ, and the generation of reactive oxygen species, both of which may be due to the Aβ peptide coordinating metal ions. The Cu2+ concentrations in cores of senile plaques are significantly elevated in AD patients. Experimental results indicate that Aβ1–42 in particular has a very high affinity for Cu2+, and that His13 and His14 are the two most firmly established ligands in the coordination sphere of the copper ion. Quantum chemical calculations using the unrestricted B3LYP hybrid density functional method with the 6–31G(d) basis set were performed for geometries, zero point energies and thermochemistry. The effects of solvation were accommodated using the CPCM method. The enthalpies were calculated with the 6–311+G(2df,2p) basis set. Calculations show that when Cu(H2O)42+ combines with the model compound 1 (3-(1H-imidazol-5-yl)-N-[2-(1H-imidazol-5-yl)ethyl] propanamide) in the aqueous phase, the most stable binding site involves the Nπ atoms of His13 and His14 as well as the carbonyl of the intervening backbone amide group. These structures are fairly rigid and the implications for conformational changes to the Aβ backbone are discussed. In solution at pH=7, Cu2+ promotes the deprotonation and involvement in the binding of the backbone amide nitrogen in a β-sheet like structure. This geometry does not induce strain in the peptide backbone, making it the most likely representation of that portion of the Cu2+–Aβ complex monomer in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

The human pathogen Helicobacter pylori that may cause different gastric diseases exploits integrins for infection of gastric cells. The H. pylori protein CagL present on the outer region of the type IV secretion pilus contains an RGD sequence (-Arg-Gly-Asp-) that enables binding to cells presenting integrins α5β1 and αVβ3. This interaction can be inhibited with conformationally designed cyclic RGD peptides derived from the CagL epitope -Ala-Leu-Arg-Gly-Asp-Leu-Ala-. The inhibition of the CagL-αVβ3 interaction by different RGD peptides strongly suggests the importance of the RGD motif for CagL binding. CagL point mutants (RAD, RGA) show decreased affinity to integrin αVβ3. Furthermore, structure-activity relationship studies with cyclic RGD peptides in a spatial screening approach show the distinct influence of the three-dimensional arrangement of RGD motif on the ability to interfere with this interaction. Resulting from these studies, similar structural requirements for the CagL epitope as previously suggested for other ligands of integrin αVβ3 are proposed.  相似文献   

A new ‘silent’ abnormal hemoglobin, Hb Okayama [β2 (NA 2) His → Gln], happened to be discovered in a diabetic Japanese female living in Okayama Prefecture, Japan, in the course of glyco-Hb measurement of the blood samples of diabetic patients. This variant did not differ from Hb A by conventional electrophoretic tests. Only the isoelectric focusing on PAG plate for the determination of glyco-Hb and the cation exchanger chromatography were successful in the separation of this abnormal variant from Hb A and glyco-Hb. Functional study of the whole blood demonstrated a slight increase of oxygen affinity.  相似文献   

The specificity and regulation of GSK3β are thought to involve in the docking interactions at core kinase domain because of the particular amino acid residues. Recent X-ray diffraction studies illuminated the relative binding residues on AxinGID and FRATtide for GSK3β docking and appeared that GSK3β Val267Gly (V267G) and Tyr288Phe (Y288F) could distinguish the direct interaction between AxinGID and FRATtide. In order to explore the mode that involved the binding of GSKIP to GSK3β and compare it with that of AxinGID and FRATtide, we pinpointed the binding sites of GSKIP to GSK3β through the single-point mutation of four corresponding sites within GSK3β (residues 260–300) as scaffold-binding region I (designated SBR-I260–300). Our data showed that these three binding proteins shared similar binding sites on GSK3β. We also found that the binding of GSK3β V267G mutant to GSKIP and AxinGID, but not that of Y288F mutant (effect on FRATtide), was affected. Further, based on the simulation data, the electron-density map of GSKIPtide bore closer similarity to the map AxinGID than to that of FRATtide. Interestingly, many C-terminal helix region point-mutants of GSK3β L359P, F362A, E366K, and L367P were able to eliminate the binding with FRATtide, but not AxinGID or GSKIP. In addition, CABYR exhibited a unique mode in binding to C-terminal helix region of GSK3β. Taken together, our data revealed that in addition to the core kinase domain, SBR-I260–300, another novel C-terminus helix region, designated SBR-II339–383, also appeared to participate in the recognition and specificity of GSK3β in binding to other specific proteins.  相似文献   

Gaucher disease is a lysosomal storage disorder caused by deficiency of human acid β-glucosidase. Recent x-ray structural elucidation of the enzyme alone and in the presence of its inhibitor was done, which provided an excellent template for further studies on the binding of substrate, product and inhibitor. To draw correlations between the clinical manifestation of the disease driven by point mutations, L444P and L444R, and the placement and function of putative S-binding sites, the presented theoretical studies were undertaken, which comprised of molecular dynamics and molecular docking methods. The obtained results indicate the D443 and D445 residues as extremely important for physiological functionality of an enzyme. They also show, although indirectly, that binding of the substrate is influenced by an interplay of E235 and E334 residues, constituting putative substrate binding site, and the region flanked by D435 and D445 residues. Figure The binding of an arbitrarily chosen structure of glucosylceramide (A), conduritol-β-epoxide (B), glucose (C) to the active site D443/D445 (A1, B1, C1) and E320/E340 (A2, B2, C2) of the wild-type structure of human acid-β-glucosidase. A1, B1, C1 blue mask represents the residues D443-D445; red mask represents the residue D444; A2, B2, C2 blue mask represents loop1 (Ser345-Glu349) and loop2 (Val394-Asp399), whereas red mask the residues E235 and 340  相似文献   

Two kinds of dotriacontapeptides corresponding to C-terminal sequence 30–61 of human liver metallothionein, both containing 11 cysteine residues, were synthesized by the conventional fragment condensation method employing the HF deprotection or MSA deprotection method at the final step. Their heavy metal (Zn, Cd, or Cu) binding activity was examined, and it was found that their heavy metal binding properties were quite similar to those of native human liver thionein.  相似文献   

Epiboxidine hydrochlorides (+)-2 and (-)-2, which are the structural analogs of the antipodes of epibatidine (±)-1, as well as the enantiomeric pairs (+)-3/(-)-3 and (+)-4/(-)-4 were synthesized and tested for binding affinity at α4β2 and α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subtypes. Final derivatives were prepared through the condensation of racemic N-Boc-7-azabicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2-one (±)-5 with the resolving agent (R)-(+)-2-methyl-2-propanesulfinamide. The pharmacological analysis carried out on the three new enantiomeric pairs evidenced an overall negligible degree of enantioselectivity at both nAChRs subtypes, a result similar to that reported for both natural and unnatural epibatidine enantiomers at the same investigated receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

Summary Both retinoic acid and 17β-estradiol formed covalent bonds with proteins of the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. Two-dimensional gel patterns of the labeled proteins were unique for each ligand. There were four major retinoylated proteins in MCF-7 consisting of two doublets with molecular masses of 37 kDa and 20 kDa. These proteins were designated 37a, 37b, 37c, and 20d. The extent of retinoylation was very low in a 55 kDa protein that we previously identified in the human myeloid leukemia cell line HL60 [Takahashi, N. and Breitman, T. R. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 5159–5163]. These results indicated that the protein substrates for retinoylation may vary among cell-types. About 10 proteins were labeled from 17β-estradiol. Two of these proteins had mobilities that were identitied to the retinoylated proteins 37a and 20c. These results indicate that in MCF-7 cells there are two proteins that can be retinoylated and labeled from estradiol. The demonstration that some ligands of the steroid/thyroid receptor family are covalently linked to cellular proteins suggests new mechanisms for the many effects of these agents on cells. This study is the first report showing that estradiol or one of its metabolic products covalently binds to proteins in the human breast cancer cell line MCF-7. Two of the proteins labeled from radioactive estradiol comigrate with proteins labeled from radioactive retinoic acid. These results suggest new mechanisms of action for the steroid and thyroid hormones. EDITOR’S STATEMENT This study is the first report showing that estradiol or one of its metabolic products covalently binds to proteins in the human breast cancer cellline MCF-7. Two of the proteins labeled from radioactive estradiol comigrate with proteins labeled from radioactive retinoic acid. These results suggest new mechanisms of action for the steroid and thyroid hormones.  相似文献   

Clones for DNA topoisomerase IIalpha and beta (topo-IIalpha and beta) were isolated from a cDNA expression library of chicken MSB-1 cells by immunoscreening. The deduced sequences of chicken topo-IIalpha and beta were about 80% identical for the N-terminal ATPase domain and the central core domain but only 37% for the C-terminal domain. Polyclonal antibodies were raised against C-terminal polypeptides specific to topo-IIalpha and beta. Indirect immunofluorescence with these antibodies to chicken embryonic fibroblasts demonstrated that topo-IIalpha was distributed in discrete intranuclear spots, which coincided with sites of DNA replication as indicated by incorporation of 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine, whereas topo-IIbeta was distributed rather uniformly within a nucleus. Examination of intranuclear distribution patterns of chimeric constructs between topo-IIalpha and beta suggested that a sequence region (residues 1280-1294) in the C-terminal domain of topo-IIalpha was effective in co-localization with sites of DNA replication. This region consists of a QTxhxF motif (x, any residue; h, hydrophobic residue) followed by a KR-rich sequence, which resembles those found in several proteins known to associate with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) or targeted to the replication factory. An in vitro pull-down assay with glutathione-S-transferase-PCNA and (His)6-tagged truncated forms of topo-IIalpha demonstrated that polypeptides containing the above region (residues 1158-1553 or 1158-1294) bound to PCNA in vitro.  相似文献   

A group of novel racemic nicotinic ligands structurally related to epibatidine or epiboxidine [(±)-10-(±)-17] was synthesized through a palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling between the appropriate vinyl triflate and a range of organometallic heterocycles. The target compounds were evaluated for binding affinity at the α4β2 and α7 neuronal nicotinic receptors (nAChRs). The set of 3-pyridinyl derivatives (±)-10, (±)-11 and (±)-12 exhibited an affinity for the α4β2 nAChR subtype in the subnanomolar range (K(i) values of 0.20, 0.40 and 0.50nM, respectively) and behaved as α4β2 versus α7 subtype selective ligands. Interestingly, the epiboxidine-related dimethylammonium iodide (±)-17, which retained a good affinity for the α4β2 nAChR (K(i)=13.30nM), tightly bound also to the α7 subtype (K(i)=1.60nM), thus displaying a reversal of the affinity trend among the reference and new nicotinic ligands under investigation.  相似文献   

The synthesis and binding affinities of 32 X3Gly4 dual-substitution analogues of the natural opioid heptapeptides deltorphin I and II are reported. A multiple regression QSAR analysis was performed using those results along with literature data for the X3Asp4 and Phe3X4 side chain analogues. Fitting to a three-term potential well model with hydrophobic and van der Waals attraction terms and a steric repulsion term indicates that the δ and μ receptor sites for binding the residue three side chain are similar, and that the binding interaction is primarily van der Waals and secondarily hydrophobic. Further analysis indicates that both sites are more constrained with respect to side chain length than width or thickness, and the μ site appears to be somewhat larger. A binding model consistent with these findings pictures the native third residues Phe ring laying on a step notched out of the receptor surface, pointing toward the back (riser) of the step, and sandwiched between the receptor and ligand. However, the binding sites for the residue four side chains are quite different on δ and μ receptors. Binding to the δ site appears to involve both electrostatic attraction (probably to a partial positive charge) and van der Waals attraction, but not necessarily hydrogen bonding, and more constraint with respect to side chain length than width or thickness. In contrast, there is no evidence for any kind of binding attraction between the side chain of residue four and the μ site, which acts more as steric repulsion site, as though the space that is a pocket on the δ receptor is filled in on the μ receptor. A regression model based only on steric repulsion by van der Waals bulk and/or the effective bulk of a hydration layer accounts for over 80% of the residue four related variation in μ affinity.


Thirty-two new X3Gly4 analogues of deltrophin I/II opioid peptides are described. A QSAR study of the X3Gly4, X3Asp4, and Phe3X4 analogue series using a potential well model reveals the roles of hydrophobic, van der Waals, electrostatic, hydrogen bonding and steric interactions in δ and μ receptor binding of X3 and X4 side chains.  相似文献   

Murine ESb and MDAY-D2 lymphoma cells are highly metastatic, in particular to the liver, and are highly invasive in hepatocyte cultures. This may involve adhesion to hepatocyte surface-associated fibronectin (Kemperman et al., 1994, Cell Adh. and Communic. 2:45). Both ESb and MDAY-D2 cells express the fibronectin receptor α4β1, and MDAY-D2 cells in addition also α5β1. Yet, adhesion of ESb cells to fibronectin was low, and MDAY-D2 cells did not adhere at all, but adhesion of both cells was stimulated by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) and Mn2+. In ESb cells, this adhesion was mediated by α4β1. In MDAY-D2 cells, however, only α5β1was involved, despite β4β1levels similar to ESb cells. The α4β1integrin was functional since it mediated adhesion of MDAY-D2 cells to VCAM-1. An α5β1-negative variant of MDAY-D2 adhered to fibronectin and this was mediated by α5β1. These results indicate that α4β1function in these cells is suppressed in the presence of α5β1. Adhesion of ESb cells to hepatocytes was inhibited by anti-α4antibody, but only by 30%, and fibronectin adhesion was found to have no role in the interaction of MDAY-D2 cells with hepatocytes. This suggests that α4β1and α5β1function is not activated during this interaction.

The 9EG7 antibody against mouse β1integrin was described to inhibit β1integrins (Lenter et al., 1993, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 90, 9051). In contrast, we observed that β1stimulated Printegrin function: Adhesion of ESb and MDAY-D2 cells not only to fibronectin, but also to laminin was induced or enhanced.  相似文献   

Stromal cells such as fibroblasts play an important role in defining tissue-specific responses during the resolution of inflammation. We hypothesized that this involves tissue-specific regulation of glucocorticoids, mediated via differential regulation of the enzyme 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1). Expression, activity and function of 11β-HSD1 was assessed in matched fibroblasts derived from various tissues (synovium, bone marrow and skin) obtained from patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. 11β-HSD1 was expressed in fibroblasts from all tissues but mRNA levels and enzyme activity were higher in synovial fibroblasts (2-fold and 13-fold higher mRNA levels in dermal and synovial fibroblasts, respectively, relative to bone marrow). Expression and activity of the enzyme increased in all fibroblasts following treatment with tumour necrosis factor-α or IL-1β (bone marrow: 8-fold and 37-fold, respectively, compared to vehicle; dermal fibroblasts: 4-fold and 14-fold; synovial fibroblasts: 7-fold and 31-fold; all P < 0.01 compared with vehicle). Treatment with IL-4 or interferon-γ was without effect, and there was no difference in 11β-HSD1 expression between fibroblasts (from any site) obtained from patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. In the presence of 100 nmol/l cortisone, IL-6 production – a characteristic feature of synovial derived fibroblasts – was significantly reduced in synovial but not dermal or bone marrow fibroblasts. This was prevented by co-treatment with an 11β-HSD inhibitor, emphasizing the potential for autocrine activation of glucocorticoids in synovial fibroblasts. These data indicate that differences in fibroblast-derived glucocorticoid production (via the enzyme 11β-HSD1) between cells from distinct anatomical locations may play a key role in the predeliction of certain tissues to develop persistent inflammation.  相似文献   

The α4 integrin subunit associates with β7 and β1 and plays important roles in immune function and cell trafficking. The gut-homing receptor α4β7 has been recently described as a new receptor for HIV. Here, we describe polymorphisms of ITGA4 gene in New World primates (NWP), and tested their impact on the binding to monoclonal antibodies, natural ligands (MAdCAM and VCAM), and several gp120 HIV-1 envelope proteins. Genomic DNA of NWP specimens comprising all genera of the group had their exons 5 and 6 (encoding the region of binding to the ligands studied) analyzed. The polymorphisms found were introduced into an ITGA4 cDNA clone encoding the human α4 subunit. Mutant α4 proteins were co-expressed with β7 and were tested for binding of mAbs, MAdCAM, VCAM and gp120 of HIV-1, which was compared to the wild-type (human) α4. Mutant α4 proteins harboring the K201E/I/N substitution had reduced binding of all ligands tested, including HIV-1 gp120 envelopes. The mAbs found with reduced biding included one from which a clinically-approved drug for the treatment of neurological disorders has been derived. α4 polymorphisms in other primate species may influence outcomes in the development and treatment of infectious and autoimmune diseases in humans and in non-human primates.  相似文献   

Compounds containing a quinuclidine scaffold are promising drug candidates for pharmacological management of the central nervous system (CNS) pathologies implicating nAChRs. We have carried out binding affinity and in-silico docking studies of arylmethylene quinuclidine-like derivatives at the α4β2 receptor using in-vitro receptor binding assay and comparative modeling, respectively. We found that introducing a hydrogen-bond acceptor into the 3-benzylidene quinuclidine derivative resulted in a 266-fold increase in binding affinity and confers agonism properties. By contrast, addition of a phenyl group to 3-benzylidene quinuclidine derivative only results in an 18-fold increase in binding affinity, without conferring agonism. We also found that docking into the orthosteric binding site of the α4β2 nAChR is consistent with the fact that the basic nitrogen atom donates a hydrogen-bond to the carbonyl group of the highly conserved Trp-149, as initially observed by Dougherty and co-workers.1 The experimentally-observed trend in binding affinity at both α4β2 and α3β4 nAChRs was accurately and independently confirmed by quantum mechanics (QM)-polarized docking. The reduction in binding affinity to the α3β4 subtype primarily results from a dampening of both coulombic and cation–π interactions.  相似文献   

The Fbw7–Skp1 complex is an essential component in the formation and development of the mammalian cardiovascular system; the complex interaction is mediated through binding of Skp1 C-terminal peptide (qGlu-peptide) to the F-box domain of Fbw7. By visually examining the crystal structure, we identified a typical cation ···π···π stacking system at the complex interface, which is formed by the Trp1159 residue of qGlu-peptide with the Lys2299 and His2359 residues of Fbw7 F-box domain. Both hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) analysis of the real domain–peptide complex and electron-correlation ab initio calculation of the stacking system model suggested that the cation···π···π plays an important role in stabilizing the complex; substitution of peptide Trp1159 residue with aromatic Phe and Tyr would not cause a considerable effect on the configuration and energetics of cation···π···π stacking system, whereas His substitution seems to largely destabilize the system. Subsequently, the qGlu-peptide was stripped from the full-length Skp1 protein to define a so-called self-inhibitory peptide, which may rebind to the domain–peptide complex interface and thus disrupt the complex interaction. Fluorescence polarization (FP) assays revealed that the Trp1159Phe and Trp1159Tyr variants have a comparable or higher affinity (K d = 41 and 62 μM) than the wild-type qGlu-peptide (K d = 56 μM), while the Trp1159His mutation would largely impair the binding potency of qGlu-peptide to Fbw7 F-box domain (K d = 280 μM), confirming that the cation···π···π confers both affinity and specificity to the domain–peptide recognition, which can be reshaped by rational molecular design of the nonbonded interaction system.
Graphical abstract Stereoview of the complex structure of Fbw7 with Skp1 (PDB: 2ovp), where the Trp1159 residue of Skp1 qGlu-peptide can form a cation···π···π stacking system with the Lys2299 and His2359 residues of Fbw7 F-box domain.

The plant alkaloid aristololactam-β-d-glucoside and the anticancer chemotherapy drug daunomycin are two sugar bearing DNA binding antibiotics. The binding of these molecules to three double stranded ribonucleic acids, poly(A)·poly(U), poly(I)·poly(C) and poly(C)·poly(G), was studied using various biophysical techniques. Absorbance and fluorescence studies revealed that these molecules bound non-cooperatively to these ds RNAs with the binding affinities of the order 10(6) for daunomycin and 10(5) M(-1) for aristololactam-β-d-glucoside. Fluorescence quenching and viscosity studies gave evidence for intercalative binding. The binding enhanced the melting temperature of poly(A)·poly(U) and poly(I)·poly(C) and the binding affinity values evaluated from the melting data were in agreement with that obtained from other techniques. Circular dichroism results suggested minor conformational perturbations of the RNA structures. The binding was characterized by negative enthalpy and positive entropy changes and the affinity constants derived from calorimetry were in agreement with that obtained from spectroscopic data. Daunomycin bound all the three RNAs stronger than aristololactam-β-d-glucoside and the binding affinity varied as poly(A)·poly(U) > poly(I)·poly(C) > poly(C)·poly(G). The temperature dependence of the enthalpy changes yielded negative values of heat capacity changes for the complexation suggesting substantial hydrophobic contribution to the binding process. Furthermore, an enthalpy-entropy compensation behavior was also seen in all systems. These results provide new insights into binding of these small molecule drugs to double stranded RNA sequences.  相似文献   

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