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以序批式气提生物反应器(SABR)为平台,研究了苯胺和氯苯胺类有毒有机废水处理过程好氧污泥颗粒化。结果表明,通过缩短污泥沉降时间、逐步提升目标污染物进水负荷,反应器连续运行3个月,最终在污泥沉降时间5min、COD负荷1.0~3.6kg/(m3.d)、苯胺和氯苯胺负荷1kg/(m3.d)条件下实现污泥颗粒化,COD、苯胺和氯苯胺去除率分别稳定在90%、99.9%以上;获得的成熟好氧颗粒粒径在0.45~2.5mm,SOUR稳定在150mgDO/(gVSS·h)以上,颗粒污泥EPS中PN含量为28.0±1.9mg/gVSS,PN/PS比值为6.5mg/mg,苯胺类比降解速率达0.18g/(g·d);应用PCR-DGGE分子指纹图谱技术分析了稳定运行的颗粒化反应器内好氧污泥微生物种群结构,结果表明好氧颗粒内主要细菌分属β-Proteobacteria、γ-Proteobacteria及Flavobacteria等类群,优势菌为Pseudomonas sp.、Flavobacterium sp.;与已获得的降解氯苯胺好氧颗粒相比,苯胺存在下培养获得的好氧颗粒污泥微生物菌群结构更为丰富。  相似文献   

Complete granulation of nitrifying sludge was achieved in a sequencing batch reactor. For the granular sludge, batch experiments were conducted to characterize the kinetic features of ammonia oxidizers (AOB) and nitrite oxidizers (NOB) in the granules using the respirometric method. A two-step nitrification model was established to determine the kinetic parameters of both AOB and NOB. In addition to nitrification reactions, the new model also took into account biomass maintenance and mass transfer through the granules. The yield coefficient, maximum specific growth rate, and affinity constant for ammonium for AOB were 0.21 g chemical oxygen demand (COD) g−1 N, 0.09 h−1, and 9.1 mg N L−1, respectively, whereas the corresponding values for NOB were 0.05 g COD g−1 N, 0.11 h−1, and 4.85 mg N L−1, respectively. The model developed in this study performed well in simulating the oxygen uptake rate and nitrogen conversion kinetics and in predicting the oxygen consumption of the AOB and NOB in aerobic granules.  相似文献   

Starvation is not a prerequisite for the formation of aerobic granules   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Activated sludge with sludge volume index (SVI)30 of 77 ml g−1 and SVI30 of 433 ml g−1 was inoculated to start up reactors R1 and R2, respectively. In both R1 and R2, cycle time of 1 h and the influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations of 1,000 mg l−1 were employed. Initial settling time of 2 min resulted in the loss of a substantial amount of biomass as wash-out and high effluent COD concentrations within the first week of operation. This implied that there was no starvation phase in each cycle of R1 and R2 during the first week of operation. However, aerobic granules with a size above 400 μm formed by day 7. Thus, it was concluded that starvation was not a prerequisite for the formation of aerobic granules. When cycle time was 1 h, the instability of aerobic granules was observed. When cycle time was prolonged to 1.5 h and granular sludge of 200 ml was used to start up reactor R3, the reactor R3 reached steady state within 1 week. SVI, size, and the morphology of granular sludge in R3 remained stable during the 47-day operation, which indicated that prolonged starvation time had positive effects on the stability of aerobic granules.  相似文献   

The interior structure of aerobic granules is highly heterogeneous, hence, affecting the transport and reaction processes in the granules. The granule structure and the dissolved oxygen profiles were probed at the same granule in the current work for possible estimation of transport and kinetic parameters in the granule. With the tested granules fed by phenol or acetate as carbon source, most inflow oxygen was consumed by an active layer thickness of less than 125 μm on the granule surface. The confocal laser scanning microscopy scans also revealed a surface layer thickness of approximately 100 μm consisting of cells. The diffusivities of oxygen transport and the kinetic constant of oxygen consumption in the active layers only were evaluated. The theoretical models adopted in literature that ignored the contributions of the layered structure of aerobic granule could have overlooked the possible limitations on oxygen transport.  相似文献   

Aerobic granulation may play an important role in the field of wastewater treatment due to the advantages of aerobic granules compared to the conventional sludge flocs, such as denser structure, better settleability and ensured solid-effluent separation, higher biomass concentration, and greater ability to withstand shock loadings, which is promising for a full-scale implementation. As an aid for this implementation, mathematical modeling would be an invaluable tool. In this paper, the existing mathematical models available in literature concerning aerobic granule systems are reviewed, including the modeling of the dynamic facets of the aerobic granulation process, the mass transfer and detachment in aerobic granules, the granule-based sequencing batch reactor, the fate of microbial products in granules, and the multi-scale modeling of aerobic granular sludge. An overview of the parameters used in the aerobic granular modeling approaches is also presented. Our growing knowledge on mathematical modeling of aerobic granule might facilitate the engineering and optimization of aerobic granular sludge technology as one of the most promising techniques in the biological wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

This study attempted to address a fundamental question of whether metabolic behaviors of aerobic granules are different from their counterparts, such as activated sludge and biofilms. A series of respirometric experiments were carried out using mature aerobic granules with mean sizes of 0.75–3.4 mm. Results suggested that metabolism of aerobic granules comprised three consecutive phases: (i) conversion of external dissolved organic carbon to a poly-β-hydroxybutyrate-like substance; (ii) growth of aerobic granules on the stored poly-β-hydroxybutyrate-like substance derived from phase I, and (iii) subsequent endogenous metabolism of aerobic granules. The stoichiometric analysis revealed that the conversion yields of external dissolved organic carbon to the poly-β-hydroxybutyrate-like substance, the growth yields of biomass on storage, and the overall growth yields of biomass on external dissolved organic carbon were not significantly correlated to the sizes of aerobic granules, i.e., the metabolism of aerobic granules would be size independent. The conversion coefficients and growth rates of aerobic granules were found to be comparable with those reported in the activated sludge and biofilms cultures, indicating that there would not be significant difference in the metabolisms of aerobic granules over activated sludge and biofilms. This information will be useful for modeling and designing aerobic granular sludge processes.  相似文献   

Aims:  This paper investigates a selection-based acclimation strategy for improving the performance and stability of aerobic granules at a high chloroanilines loading.
Methods and Results:  The experiments were conducted in a sequencing airlift bioreactor (SABR) to develop aerobic granules fed with chloroanilines (ClA). The evolution of aerobic granulation was monitored using image analysis and scanning electron microscopy, and PCR–DGGE analysis of microbial community was performed. The sludge granulation was apparently developed by decreased settling time and gradual increased ClA loading to 0·8 kg m−3 day−1. A steady-state performance of the granular SABR was reached at last, as evidenced by biomass concentration of 6·3 g l−1 and constant ClA removal efficiency of 99·9%. The mature granules had a mean size of 1·55 mm, minimal settling velocity of 68·4 m h−1, specific ClA degradation rate of 0·181 g gVSS−1 day−1. Phylogenetic analysis of aerobic ClA-degrading granules confirmed the dominance of β - , γ -Proteobacteria and Flavobacteria.
Conclusions:  The chosen operating strategy involving step increase in ClA loading and enhancement of major selection pressures was successful in cultivating the aerobic ClA-degrading granules.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This research could be helpful for improving the stability of aerobic granules via optimizing operating conditions and developing economic feasible full-scale granular bioreactor.  相似文献   

Aerobic granules in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) are subjected to alternative feast and famine conditions, and are able to take up carbon substrate in wastewater rapidly and to store it as intracellular storage products when the substrate is in excess. This phenomenon could not be described by the widely used activated sludge model No.3 (ASM3). In this work, taking adsorption process, microbial maintenance, and substrate diffusion into account, the simultaneous growth and storage processes occurring in an aerobic-granule-based SBR are investigated with experimental and modeling approaches. A new model is established and successfully validated with the experimental results of an SBR fed with soybean-processing wastewater. Simulation results show that our approach is appropriate for elucidating the fates of major model components. Comparison between ASM3 and the model established in this work demonstrates that the latter is better to describe the substrate removal mechanisms and simultaneous growth and storage processes in aerobic granules.  相似文献   

The cultivation of stable aerobic granules as well as granular structure and stability in sequencing batch reactors under different shear force were investigated in this study. Four column sequencing batch reactors (R1–R4) were operated under various shear force, in terms of superficial upflow air velocity of 0.8, 1.6, 2.4, and 3.2 cm s−1, respectively. Aerobic granules were formed in all reactors in the experiment. It was found that the magnitude of shear force has an important impact on the granule stability. At shear force of 2.4 and 3.2 cm s−1, granules can maintain a robust structure and have the potential of long-term operation. Granules developed in low shear force (R1, 0.8 cm s−1 and R2, 1.6 cm s−1) deteriorated to large-sized filamentous granules with irregular shape, loose structure and resulted in poor performance and operation instability. Granules cultivated under high shear force (R3, 2.4 cm s−1 and R4, 3.2 cm s−1) stabilized to clear outer morphology, dense and compact structure, and with good performance in 120 days operation. Fractal dimension (Df) represents the internal structure of granules and can be used as an important indicator to describe the structure and stability of granules. Due to the combined effects of shear force and growth force, the mature granules developed in R3 and R4 also displayed certain differences in granular structure and characteristics.  相似文献   

Floccules are another major form of microbial aggregates in aerobic granular sludge systems. Previous studies mainly attributed the persistence of floccules to their relatively faster nutrient uptake and higher growth rate over aerobic granules; however, they failed to unravel the underlying mechanism of the long-term coexistence of these two aggregates. In this work, the existence and function of the floccules in an aerobic granule-dominated sequencing batch reactor were investigated from the view of quorum sensing (QS) and quorum quenching (QQ). The results showed that though the floccules were closely associated with the granules in terms of similar community structures (including the QS- and QQ-related ones), they exhibited a relatively higher QQ-related activity but a lower QS-related activity. A compatible proportion of floccules might be helpful to maintain the QS-related activity and keep the granules stable. In addition, the structure difference was demonstrated to diversify the QS- and QQ-related activities of the floccules and the aerobic granules. These findings could broaden our understanding of the interactions between the coexistent floccules and granules in aerobic granule-dominated systems and would be instructive for the development of the aerobic granular sludge process.  相似文献   

Biodegradation, kinetics, and microbial diversity of aerobic granules were investigated under a high range of organic loading rate 6.0 to 12.0 kg chemical oxygen demand (COD) m−3 day−1 in a sequencing batch reactor. The selection and enriching of different bacterial species under different organic loading rates had an important effect on the characteristics and performance of the mature aerobic granules and caused the difference on granular biodegradation and kinetic behaviors. Good granular characteristics and performance were presented at steady state under various organic loading rates. Larger and denser aerobic granules were developed and stabilized at relatively higher organic loading rates with decreased bioactivity in terms of specific oxygen utilization rate and specific growth rate (μ overall) or solid retention time. The decrease of bioactivity was helpful to maintain granule stability under high organic loading rates and improve reactor operation. The corresponding biokinetic coefficients of endogenous decay rate (k d), observed yield (Y obs), and theoretical yield (Y) were measured and calculated in this study. As the increase of organic loading rate, a decreased net sludge production (Y obs) is associated with an increased solid retention time, while k d and Y changed insignificantly and can be regarded as constants under different organic loading rates.  相似文献   

Novel aerobic granular sludge membrane bioreactor (GMBR) was established by combining aerobic granular sludge technology with membrane bioreactor (MBR). GMBR showed good organics removal and simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND) performances for synthesized wastewater. When influent total organic carbon (TOC) was 56.8-132.6 mg/L, the TOC removal of GMBR was 84.7-91.9%. When influent ammonia nitrogen was 28.1-38.4 mg/L, the ammonia nitrogen removal was 85.4-99.7%, and the total nitrogen removal was 41.7-78.4%. Moreover, batch experiments of sludge with different particle size demonstrated that: (1) flocculent sludge under aerobic condition almost have no denitrification capacity, (2) SND capacity was caused by the granular sludge, and (3) the denitrification rate and total nitrogen removal efficiency were enhanced with the increased particle size. In addition, study on the sludge morphology stability in GMBR showed that, although some granular sludge larger than 0.9 mm disaggregated at the beginning of operation, the granular sludge was able to maintain the stability of its granular morphology, and at the end of operation, the amount of granular sludge (larger than 0.18 mm) stabilized in GMBR was more than 56-62% of the total sludge concentration. The partial disaggregation of large granules is closely associated with the change of operating mode from sequencing batch reactor (SBR) system to MBR system.  相似文献   

A mathematical model, based on the Activated Sludge Model No.3 (ASM3), is developed to describe the storage and growth activities of denitrifiers in aerobic granules under anoxic conditions. In this model, mass transfer, hydrolysis, simultaneous anoxic storage and growth, anoxic maintenance, and endogenous decay are all taken into account. The model established is implemented in the well-established AQUASIM simulation software. A combination of completely mixed reactor and biofilm reactor compartments provided by AQUASIM is used to simulate the mass transport and conversion processes occurring in both bulk liquid and granules. The modeling results explicitly show that the external substrate is immediately utilized for storage and growth at feast phase. More external substrates are diverted to storage process than the primary biomass production process. The model simulation indicates that the nitrate utilization rate (NUR) of granules-based denitrification process includes four linear phases of nitrate reduction. Furthermore, the methodology for determining the most important parameter in this model, that is, anoxic reduction factor, is established.  相似文献   

A mathematical model to describe the simultaneous storage and growth activities of denitrifiers in aerobic granules under anoxic conditions has been developed in an accompanying article. The sensitivity of the nitrate uptake rate (NUR) toward the stoichiometric and kinetic coefficients is analyzed in this article. The model parameter values are estimated by minimizing the sum of squares of the deviations between the measured and model-predicted values. The model is successfully calibrated and a set of stoichiometric and kinetic parameters for the anoxic storage and growth of the denitrifiers are obtained. Thereafter, the model established is verified with three set of experimental data. The comparison between the model established with the ASM1 model and ASM3 shows that the present model is appropriate to simulate and predict the performance of a granule-based denitrification system.  相似文献   

Summary The differentiation and maturation of monocytes and neutrophil granulocytes were studied in bone marrow of normal mice by electron microscopy and cytochemical assessment of peroxidatic activity. The granule populations of the mature cells of bone marrow were identified and investigated to obtain a basis for the analysis of the earlier stages of maturation. Mature monocytes and neutrophils showed primary and secondary granules, and mature neutrophils had more of both kinds. The size, shape, and number of primary granules proved to offer the most reliable criteria for distinguishing promonocytes and promyelocytes. The primary granules of monocytes were smaller than those of mature neutrophils and were either spherical (smallest diameter 50–200 nm) or elongate (100×400 nm). Both granules had a homogeneous matrix. The granules of the granulocytes were either spherical (smallest diameter 200–300 nm) or elongate (150–200×300–500 nm), and some of them had a crystalline inclusion.  相似文献   

The contributions of loosely bound extracellular polymeric substances (LB-EPS), tightly bound EPS (TB-EPS), residual sludge (the sludge left after EPS extraction) and functional groups such as amine, carboxyl, phosphate and lipid on aerobic granules on biosorption of four different dyes (Reactive Brilliant Blue KN-R (KN-R), Congo Red (CR), Reactive Brilliant Red K-2G (RBR) and Malachite Green (MG)) were investigated. EPS may be responsible for biosorption of cationic dyes. However, residual sludge always made greater contribution than that of EPS. The biosorption mechanisms were dependent on the functional groups on aerobic granules and dyes’ chemical structures. The lipid and phosphate groups might be the main binding sites for KN-R biosorption. Amine, carboxyl, phosphate and lipid were all responsible for the binding of CR. The lipid fractions played an important role for RBR biosorption. For MG, the phosphate groups gave the largest contribution.  相似文献   

The objectives of this work were to demonstrate the potential of a two-phase sequencing batch reactor in degrading xenobiotics and to evaluate the kinetic parameters leading to a mathematical model of the system. 4-Nitrophenol (4NP), a typical representative of substituted phenols, was selected as the target xenobiotic; this compound has never been remediated in a two-phase bioreactor before. Partition tests were conducted to determine the most appropriate partitioning solvent, and among the three investigated solvents (1-undecanol, 2-undecanone and oleyl alcohol), 2-undecanone was chosen because of its favourable partition coefficient and its negligible emulsion-forming tendencies. Moreover, the selected solvent showed satisfactory biocompatibility characteristics with respect to the biomass, with only minor effects on the intrinsic microbial kinetics. Kinetic tests were then performed in a sequencing batch reactor (2-l volume) operated in both conventional one- and two-phase configurations, with the two-phase system showing a significant improvement in the process kinetics in terms of reduced inhibition and increased maximum removal rate. The obtained kinetic parameters suggest that the two-phase sequencing batch system may find full-scale application, as the maximum removal rate k max (~3 mg 4NP mgVSS−1 day−1) is of the same order of magnitude of heterotrophic bacteria operating in wastewater treatment plants.  相似文献   

The removal efficiencies of 15 PAHs and some COD components (inert, readily degradable, slowly degradable and metabolic products) from a wastewater taken from a petrochemical industry treatment plant (İzmir, Turkey) have been determined using an aerobic completely stirred tank reactor (CSTR). Addition of rhamnolipid surfactant (15 mg l−1) increased the removal efficiencies of PAHs and soluble COD from 72% and 90% to 80% and 99%, respectively. The rhamnolipid treatment caused a significant increase of 5- and 6-ring PAH degradation. The soluble COD removal efficiency was 93%, in CSTR reactors with rhamnolipid added. The inert COD removal efficiency was 60% in a CSTR reactor containing rhamnolipid. Batch tests showed that removal arising from the adsorption of the PAHs was low (between 1.88% and 4.84%) while the removal of PAHs from the petrochemical industry wastewater via volatilization varied between 0.69% and 5.92%. Low sorption capacity (Kp) values for refinery activated sludge (approximately 2.98 l g−1) confirmed that bio-sorption was not an important mechanism controlling the fate of PAHs in aerobic CSTR reactors. Models proposed to simulate the PAH removal indicated that 94% of the PAHs were removed via biodegradation.  相似文献   

A mathematical model based on the simulation software AQUASIM was developed to validate an anaerobic/aerobic/anoxic (AOA) process that enables simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal in a single reactor by adding external organic carbon to preclude excess aerobic phosphate uptake by polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) and provide phosphate for denitrifying PAOs (DNPAOs). Aerobic batch tests after anaerobic phosphate release with different chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations indicated that the effect of COD concentration on the phosphate uptake preclusion could be expressed by a simple formula. The reduction factor reflecting the formula, which retards the aerobic phosphate uptake in the presence of COD, was added to the process rates of aerobic polyphosphate storage and PAOs growth in the model. The improved model, which included the reduction factor, reasonably matched the experimental result regarding aerobic phosphate uptake behavior whereas the model without it did not; thus, the former precisely predicts the AOA process behavior.  相似文献   

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