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We propose a freely accessible web-based pipeline, which processes raw microarray scan data to obtain experimentally consolidated gene expression values. The tool MADSCAN, which stands for MicroArray Data Suites of Computed ANalysis, makes a practical choice among the numerous methods available for filtering, normalizing and scaling of raw microarray expression data in a dynamic and automatic way. Different statistical methods have been adapted to extract reliable information from replicate gene spots as well as from replicate microarrays for each biological situation under study. A carefully constructed experimental design thus allows to detect outlying expression values and to identify statistically significant expression values, together with a list of quality controls with proposed threshold values. The integrated processing procedure described here, based on multiple measurements per gene, is decisive for reliably monitoring subtle gene expression changes typical for most biological events.  相似文献   

Yi Y  Mirosevich J  Shyr Y  Matusik R  George AL 《Genomics》2005,85(3):401-412
Microarray technology can be used to assess simultaneously global changes in expression of mRNA or genomic DNA copy number among thousands of genes in different biological states. In many cases, it is desirable to determine if altered patterns of gene expression correlate with chromosomal abnormalities or assess expression of genes that are contiguous in the genome. We describe a method, differential gene locus mapping (DIGMAP), which aligns the known chromosomal location of a gene to its expression value deduced by microarray analysis. The method partitions microarray data into subsets by chromosomal location for each gene interrogated by an array. Microarray data in an individual subset can then be clustered by physical location of genes at a subchromosomal level based upon ordered alignment in genome sequence. A graphical display is generated by representing each genomic locus with a colored cell that quantitatively reflects its differential expression value. The clustered patterns can be viewed and compared based on their expression signatures as defined by differential values between control and experimental samples. In this study, DIGMAP was tested using previously published studies of breast cancer analyzed by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and prostate cancer gene expression profiles assessed by cDNA microarray experiments. Analysis of the breast cancer CGH data demonstrated the ability of DIGMAP to deduce gene amplifications and deletions. Application of the DIGMAP method to the prostate data revealed several carcinoma-related loci, including one at 16q13 with marked differential expression encompassing 19 known genes including 9 encoding metallothionein proteins. We conclude that DIGMAP is a powerful computational tool enabling the coupled analysis of microarray data with genome location.  相似文献   

We propose a statistical method for estimating a gene network based on Bayesian networks from microarray gene expression data together with biological knowledge including protein-protein interactions, protein-DNA interactions, binding site information, existing literature and so on. Microarray data do not contain enough information for constructing gene networks accurately in many cases. Our method adds biological knowledge to the estimation method of gene networks under a Bayesian statistical framework, and also controls the trade-off between microarray information and biological knowledge automatically. We conduct Monte Carlo simulations to show the effectiveness of the proposed method. We analyze Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene expression data as an application.  相似文献   

DNA microarray is an important tool for the study of gene activities but the resultant data consisting of thousands of points are error-prone. A serious limitation in microarray analysis is the unreliability of the data generated from low signal intensities. Such data may produce erroneous gene expression ratios and cause unnecessary validation or post-analysis follow-up tasks. In this study, we describe an approach based on normal mixture modeling for determining optimal signal intensity thresholds to identify reliable measurements of the microarray elements and subsequently eliminate false expression ratios. We used univariate and bivariate mixture modeling to segregate the microarray data into two classes, low signal intensity and reliable signal intensity populations, and applied Bayesian decision theory to find the optimal signal thresholds. The bivariate analysis approach was found to be more accurate than the univariate approach; both approaches were superior to a conventional method when validated against a reference set of biological data that consisted of true and false gene expression data. Elimination of unreliable signal intensities in microarray data should contribute to the quality of microarray data including reproducibility and reliability of gene expression ratios.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Association pattern discovery (APD) methods have been successfully applied to gene expression data. They find groups of co-regulated genes in which the genes are either up- or down-regulated throughout the identified conditions. These methods, however, fail to identify similarly expressed genes whose expressions change between up- and down-regulation from one condition to another. In order to discover these hidden patterns, we propose the concept of mining co-regulated gene profiles. Co-regulated gene profiles contain two gene sets such that genes within the same set behave identically (up or down) while genes from different sets display contrary behavior. To reduce and group the large number of similar resulting patterns, we propose a new similarity measure that can be applied together with hierarchical clustering methods. RESULTS: We tested our proposed method on two well-known yeast microarray data sets. Our implementation mined the data effectively and discovered patterns of co-regulated genes that are hidden to traditional APD methods. The high content of biologically relevant information in these patterns is demonstrated by the significant enrichment of co-regulated genes with similar functions. Our experimental results show that the Mining Attribute Profile (MAP) method is an efficient tool for the analysis of gene expression data and competitive with bi-clustering techniques.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The numerical values of gene expression measured using microarrays are usually presented to the biological end-user as summary statistics of spot pixel data, such as the spot mean, median and mode. Much of the subsequent data analysis reported in the literature, however, uses only one of these spot statistics. This results in sub-optimal estimates of gene expression levels and a need for improvement in quantitative spot variation surveillance. RESULTS: This paper develops a maximum-likelihood method for estimating gene expression using spot mean, variance and pixel number values available from typical microarray scanners. It employs a hierarchical model of variation between and within microarray spots. The hierarchical maximum-likelihood estimate (MLE) is shown to be a more efficient estimator of the mean than the 'conventional' estimate using solely the spot mean values (i.e. without spot variance data). Furthermore, under the assumptions of our model, the spot mean and spot variance are shown to be sufficient statistics that do not require the use of all pixel data.The hierarchical MLE method is applied to data from both Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and a two-channel dye-swapped spotted microarray experiment. The MC simulations show that the hierarchical MLE method leads to improved detection of differential gene expression particularly when 'outlier' spots are present on the arrays. Compared with the conventional method, the MLE method applied to data from the microarray experiment leads to an increase in the number of differentially expressed genes detected for low cut-off P-values of interest.  相似文献   

The comparison of gene expression profiles among DNA microarray experiments enables the identification of unknown relationships among experiments to uncover the underlying biological relationships. Despite the ongoing accumulation of data in public databases, detecting biological correlations among gene expression profiles from multiple laboratories on a large scale remains difficult. Here, we applied a module (sets of genes working in the same biological action)-based correlation analysis in combination with a network analysis to Arabidopsis data and developed a 'module-based correlation network' (MCN) which represents relationships among DNA microarray experiments on a large scale. We developed a Web-based data analysis tool, 'AtCAST' (Arabidopsis thaliana: DNA Microarray Correlation Analysis Tool), which enables browsing of an MCN or mining of users' microarray data by mapping the data into an MCN. AtCAST can help researchers to find novel connections among DNA microarray experiments, which in turn will help to build new hypotheses to uncover physiological mechanisms or gene functions in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

DNA microarray gene expression and microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) have been widely used for biomedical discovery. Because of the large number of genes and the complex nature of biological networks, various analysis methods have been proposed. One such method is "gene shaving," a procedure which identifies subsets of the genes with coherent expression patterns and large variation across samples. Since combining genomic information from multiple sources can improve classification and prediction of diseases, in this paper we proposed a new method, "ICA gene shaving" (ICA, independent component analysis), for jointly analyzing gene expression and copy number data. First we used ICA to analyze joint measurements, gene expression and copy number, of a biological system and project the data onto statistically independent biological processes. Next, we used these results to identify patterns of variation in the data and then applied an iterative shaving method. We investigated the properties of our proposed method by analyzing both simulated and real data. We demonstrated that the robustness of our method to noise using simulated data. Using breast cancer data, we showed that our method is superior to the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition (GSVD) gene shaving method for identifying genes associated with breast cancer.  相似文献   

Many bioinformatics problems can be tackled from a fresh angle offered by the network perspective. Directly inspired by metabolic network structural studies, we propose an improved gene clustering approach for inferring gene signaling pathways from gene microarray data. Based on the construction of co-expression networks that consists of both significantly linear and non-linear gene associations together with controlled biological and statistical significance, our approach tends to group functionally related genes into tight clusters despite their expression dissimilarities. We illustrate our approach and compare it to the traditional clustering approaches on a yeast galactose metabolism dataset and a retinal gene expression dataset. Our approach greatly outperforms the traditional approach in rediscovering the relatively well known galactose metabolism pathway in yeast and in clustering genes of the photoreceptor differentiation pathway. AVAILABILITY: The clustering method has been implemented in an R package "GeneNT" that is freely available from: http://www.cran.org.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The analysis of genome-scale data from different high throughput techniques can be used to obtain lists of genes ordered according to their different behaviours under distinct experimental conditions corresponding to different phenotypes (e.g. differential gene expression between diseased samples and controls, different response to a drug, etc.). The order in which the genes appear in the list is a consequence of the biological roles that the genes play within the cell, which account, at molecular scale, for the macroscopic differences observed between the phenotypes studied. Typically, two steps are followed for understanding the biological processes that differentiate phenotypes at molecular level: first, genes with significant differential expression are selected on the basis of their experimental values and subsequently, the functional properties of these genes are analysed. Instead, we present a simple procedure which combines experimental measurements with available biological information in a way that genes are simultaneously tested in groups related by common functional properties. The method proposed constitutes a very sensitive tool for selecting genes with significant differential behaviour in the experimental conditions tested. RESULTS: We propose the use of a method to scan ordered lists of genes. The method allows the understanding of the biological processes operating at molecular level behind the macroscopic experiment from which the list was generated. This procedure can be useful in situations where it is not possible to obtain statistically significant differences based on the experimental measurements (e.g. low prevalence diseases, etc.). Two examples demonstrate its application in two microarray experiments and the type of information that can be extracted.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Consensus clustering, also known as cluster ensemble, is one of the important techniques for microarray data analysis, and is particularly useful for class discovery from microarray data. Compared with traditional clustering algorithms, consensus clustering approaches have the ability to integrate multiple partitions from different cluster solutions to improve the robustness, stability, scalability and parallelization of the clustering algorithms. By consensus clustering, one can discover the underlying classes of the samples in gene expression data. RESULTS: In addition to exploring a graph-based consensus clustering (GCC) algorithm to estimate the underlying classes of the samples in microarray data, we also design a new validation index to determine the number of classes in microarray data. To our knowledge, this is the first time in which GCC is applied to class discovery for microarray data. Given a pre specified maximum number of classes (denoted as K(max) in this article), our algorithm can discover the true number of classes for the samples in microarray data according to a new cluster validation index called the Modified Rand Index. Experiments on gene expression data indicate that our new algorithm can (i) outperform most of the existing algorithms, (ii) identify the number of classes correctly in real cancer datasets, and (iii) discover the classes of samples with biological meaning. AVAILABILITY: Matlab source code for the GCC algorithm is available upon request from Zhiwen Yu.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Time series experiments of cDNA microarrays have been commonly used in various biological studies and conducted under a lot of experimental factors. A popular approach of time series microarray analysis is to compare one gene with another in their expression profiles, and clustering expression sequences is a typical example. On the other hand, a practically important issue in gene expression is to identify the general timing difference that is caused by experimental factors. This type of difference can be extracted by comparing a set of time series expression profiles under a factor with those under another factor, and so it would be difficult to tackle this issue by using only a current approach for time series microarray analysis. RESULTS: We have developed a systematic method to capture the timing difference in gene expression under different experimental factors, based on hidden Markov models. Our model outputs a real-valued vector at each state and has a unique state transition diagram. The parameters of our model are trained from a given set of pairwise (generally multiplewise) expression sequences. We evaluated our model using synthetic as well as real microarray datasets. The results of our experiment indicate that our method worked favourably to identify the timing ordering under different experimental factors, such as that gene expression under heat shock tended to start earlier than that under oxidative stress. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

DNA微阵列分析为识别疾病类型及鉴别特征基因等生物研究提供了重要的研究手段,但目前大量使用的基于单基因的分析方法受样本数量和噪音的影响较大,无法呈现基因间的相互关系,而基因信号通路分析则是解决这一问题的一种有效方法。结合决策森林法对胃癌数据进行了基因通道分析,对所选择基因在基因信号通路中的作用以及通路中基因之间的相互作用进行了研究,为胃癌的研究提供了新的思路。  相似文献   



In the last decade, a large amount of microarray gene expression data has been accumulated in public repositories. Integrating and analyzing high-throughput gene expression data have become key activities for exploring gene functions, gene networks and biological pathways. Effectively utilizing these invaluable microarray data remains challenging due to a lack of powerful tools to integrate large-scale gene-expression information across diverse experiments and to search and visualize a large number of gene-expression data points.


Gene Expression Browser is a microarray data integration, management and processing system with web-based search and visualization functions. An innovative method has been developed to define a treatment over a control for every microarray experiment to standardize and make microarray data from different experiments homogeneous. In the browser, data are pre-processed offline and the resulting data points are visualized online with a 2-layer dynamic web display. Users can view all treatments over control that affect the expression of a selected gene via Gene View, and view all genes that change in a selected treatment over control via treatment over control View. Users can also check the changes of expression profiles of a set of either the treatments over control or genes via Slide View. In addition, the relationships between genes and treatments over control are computed according to gene expression ratio and are shown as co-responsive genes and co-regulation treatments over control.


Gene Expression Browser is composed of a set of software tools, including a data extraction tool, a microarray data-management system, a data-annotation tool, a microarray data-processing pipeline, and a data search & visualization tool. The browser is deployed as a free public web service (http://www.ExpressionBrowser.com) that integrates 301 ATH1 gene microarray experiments from public data repositories (viz. the Gene Expression Omnibus repository at the National Center for Biotechnology Information and Nottingham Arabidopsis Stock Center). The set of Gene Expression Browser software tools can be easily applied to the large-scale expression data generated by other platforms and in other species.  相似文献   

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