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C. Liu  A. J. Lustig 《Genetics》1996,143(1):81-93
We have identified three SIR3 suppressors of the telomeric silencing defects conferred by missense mutations within the Rap1p C-terminal tail domain (aa 800-827). Each SIR3 suppressor was also capable of suppressing a rap1 allele (rap1-21), which deletes the 28 aa C-terminal tail domain, but none of the suppressors restored telomeric silencing to a 165 amino acid truncation allele. These data suggest a Rap1p site for Sir3p association between the two truncation points (aa 664-799). In SIR3 suppressor strains lacking the Rap1p C-terminal tail domain, the presence of a second intragenic mutation within the rap1s domain (aa 727-747), enhanced silencing 30-300-fold. These data suggest a competition between Sir3p and factors that interfere with silencing for association in the rap1(s) domain. rap1-21 strains containing both wild-type Sir3p and either of the Sir3 suppressor proteins displayed a 400-4000-fold increase in telomeric silencing over rap1-21 strains carrying either Sir3p suppressor in the absence of wild-type Sir3p. We propose that this telomere-specific synergism is mediated in part through stabilization of Rap1p/Sir3p telomeric complexes by Sir3p-Sir3p interactions.  相似文献   

In order to complete its life cycle, a cyst nematode must stimulate the production of a specialized syncytial feeding site within host root tissues. This process is characterized by major changes in local root morphology, including enlargement of affected nuclei and nucleoli, cell wall degradation, and proliferation of subcellular organelles. At the molecular level very little is known about the processes involved in this host response, but recent evidence suggests that cyst nematodes are able to regulate specific host genes. The host-parasite model system provided by Arabidopsis thaliana and Heterodera schachtii will be fundamental to our future understanding of the formation of syncytia. Molecular biology now offers us the opportunity to study this complex host-parasite interaction in great detail. A better understanding of the host genes regulated by cyst nematodes and the mechanisms by which this regulation is achieved will facilitate the engineering of crop cultivars that possess novel forms of resistance to these adept parasites.  相似文献   

Epiphytic, IAA-producing bacteria strains were fed with 14C-tryptophan (Try). 14C-Try absorption and, after transfer to a Try-free medium, 14C-IAA output were stated. Using 4 different methods, the 14C-Try containing bacteria were applied to the tips of sterile corn coleoptiles and the ‘diffusible’ auxin collected at the coleoptile bases by means of agar blocks. 14C-IAA was detected in the agar blocks. Sterile coleoptiles the tips of which were wupplied with 14C-Try also deliver some 14C-IAA at their bases, but much less than both sterile coleoptiles supplied with 14C-Try-containing bacteria and nonsterile supplied with 14C-Try.  相似文献   

Homogenates of epicotyls or roots of nonsterile pea plants incubated with tryptophan produce IAA within 1 to 4 hours, which was detected by means of the Avena curvature test and thin layer chromatography. Three results prove this short-term IAA production to be mainly caused by epiphytic bacteria: 1) Homogenates of sterile plant parts catalyze a conversion of tryptophan to IAA, a hundredfold lower. 2) Chloramphenicol or streptomycin very actively reduce the IAA gain obtained with nonsterile homogenates. 3) Washing solutions of nonsterile plant parts which do not contain plant enzymes but only epiphytic bacteria, produce IAA from tryptophan, too. IAA synthesis from tryptophan in vitro by enzymes of the pea plant occurs with lower intensity than hitherto known; possibly it is physiologically unimportant. It is discussed to what extent the hitherto existing research work about the IAA biogenesis in higher plants might be incriminated by disregarding tbe rôle of epiphytic bacteria.  相似文献   

During an ether extraction (20 h, 4°C), nonsterilc pea epicotyls deliver at least 5 times more auxin than sterile ones. A great part of the additional auxin originates from a bacterial auxin production during the extraction. Presence of chloramphenicol or streptomycin during the extraction lowers the auxin amount extractable from nonsterile epicotyls. In extraction conditions (i.e. covered with ether, 20 h, 4°C), epiphytic bacteria contained in homogenates of nonsterile plant parts produce IAA from added tryptophan. Furthermore, first results are presented underlining the fact that epiphytic bacteria already produce auxin at the surface of nonsterile plant parts (before an extraction).  相似文献   

More “diffusible” auxin is received from nonsterile than from sterile corn coleoptile tips. An artificial reinfection of sterile coleoptiles with epiphytic, IAA-producing bacteria strains does, a superinfection of nonsterile coleoptiles does not increase the auxin amount. The difference between sterile and nonsterile tips persists if diffusion from the coleoptile surface is excluded by covering the surface with a paraffin layer. The greater the distance from the apex, the higher becomes the superiority of nonsterile tips. An artificial bacterial contamination of the contact face between tip and receiver agar block, or addition of glucose and tryptophan to the agar block, do not influence the received auxin amount. Consequently the additional, bacteria-produced auxin delivered by the nonsterile tip is not produced at the cut surface or in the agar but is present in the tissues of the coleoptile tip.  相似文献   

Using hydrocultured pea plants, 109 bacterial strains (42 from shoots) were isolated from shoots, roots, and from the hydroculture medium. 58 different strains (26 from shoots) were able to produce IAA from tryptophan, 15 different strains (7 from shoots) were able lo destroy IAA. (Included are 13 strains possessing both properties.) As far as they could be identified, the IAA-producing and -destroying strains belong to Pseudomonas (by far dominating), Achromobacter, Alcaligenses, Bacillus, and Flavobacterium. The IAA-destroying activity strongly depends on the physiological state of the bacteria and the milieu conditions. Bacterial IAA production (but not IAA-degradation) is supposed to be important for the plant.  相似文献   

Proofs of different kind are presented of the existence of highly active bacteria producing IAA from tryptophan on plant surfaces and in plant homogenates. Both homogenates and washing solutions of nonsterile pea plant parts are active in producing IAA from tryptophan. Activity is much enhanced by the addition of glucose or by preincubating the preparations; it is abolished by sterile filtration, by some bactericidic and bacteriostatic substances, by chloramphenicol, streptomycin, and albucid (penicillin being only partly effective). Preparations of sterile plants do not produce IAA from tryptophan within the detection limit of the Salkowski test. The bacteria are even present on seed surfaces, in the air, and in aceton or ammonium sulfate precipitations of homogenates. Main products of the bacterial tryptophan conversion, as demonstrated by paper chromatography, are indolepyruvic acid, indoleacetic acid, indolecarboxaldehyde, and indolecarboxylic acid. In presence of glucose indolepyruvic acid is by far dominating. Many hitherto known results about tryptophan conversion to IAA by higher plants are likely to be falsified by epiphytic bacteria.  相似文献   

The auxin content (extractable and ‘diffusible’ auxin) of non-sterile corn plants is much more increased by a tryptophan application than the auxin content of sterile plants. This effect is independent of the mode of tryptophan application (spray or supply with the transpiration stream). The epiphytic bacteria settling the shoot surface are responsible for this effect, since in special experiments the rhizosphere was separated from the tryptophan treatment. Sterilized plants which were artificially reinfected with epiphytic IAA-producing bacteria strains behave like non-sterile plants. Non-sterile plants which were superinfected with these bacteria strains have a still higher capacity to convert tryptophan to auxin.  相似文献   

Abstract Insects feeding on ten species of wild crucifer were investigated. Differences in host plant range and insect community structure were examined with regard to anti-herbivore defense mechanisms. Most of the crucifer species deterred insect herbivory by disappearing in the summer or by lowering their intrinsic quality as food for insects. Species with these defense mechanisms were exploited by only a few specialized herbivorous insects that seemed to have counter defenses. The plants without these defense mechanisms were used by many herbivorous insect species. Rorippa indica lacked direct defenses, but supported a low total density of herbivore individuals. This crucifer has an indirect defense mechanism: ants attracted to floral nectar defended the plant from deleterious herbivores. Crucifers that disappeared seasonally lacked other anti-herbivore defense mechanisms. This suggests that the phonological response is an alternative other responses to herbivore attack.  相似文献   

Discovered in 1992 from cloning the gene involved in human leukemias carrying chromosome band 11q23 translocations, the MLL/HRX/ALL-1 gene has since attracted scientists from various disciplines by its diverse functions in normal physiological and pathological processes. MLL is the human orthologue of Drosophila trithorax (trx) – the founding member of trithorax group proteins, Trx-G. Leukemogenic11q23 translocations fuse the common MLL N-terminal 1400aa in-frame with a wide variety of fusion partners that share no structural or functional homology. The 500kD precursor MLL undergoes evolutionarily conserved site-specific cleavage mediated by Taspase1, generating the mature MLLN320/C180 heterodimer which methylates histone H3 at lysine 4 with its carboxy-terminal SET domain. Extensive biochemical and genetic studies on MLL/trx have established its critical role in maintaining the expression of Hox/homeotic genes. By contrast, the involvement of MLL in many other essential cellular processes remains unclear. Recent reports including ours began to elucidate the intricate interplay between MLL and the cell cycle machinery, which ensures proper cell cycle phase transitions. Thus, this review will focus on this novel activity of MLL and discuss the implications of its deregulation in MLL leukemias.  相似文献   

A Direct Chemical Interaction between Dynorphin and Excitatory Amino Acids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The endogenous opioid peptide dynorphin A elicits non-opioid receptor-mediated neurotoxic effects. These effects are blocked by pretreatment with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonists. Herein, the mechanism for the non-opioid effects of dynorphin and related peptides was studied by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass-spectrometry. We observed that both glutamate or aspartate bind non-covalently to dynorphin A and dynorphin 2-17. However, when dynorphin A or dynorphin 2-17 were added to an equimolar mixture of Glutamate and Aspartate, they both complexed preferentially with glutamate. These data may explain the non-opioid physiological effects of dynorphin A and related peptides and indicate that the direct chemical interaction between neurotransmitters should be monitored when studying interactions between different neurochemical systems.  相似文献   

An association between cyclin D3 and the C-terminal domain of pRb2/p130 was demonstrated using the yeast two-hybrid system. Further analysis restricted the epitope responsible for the binding within the 74 N-terminal amino acids of cyclin D3, independent of the LXCXE amino acid motif present in the D-type cyclin N-terminal region. In a coprecipitation assay in T98G cells, a human glioblastoma cell line, the C-terminal domain of pRb2/p130 was able to interact solely with cyclin D3, while the corresponding portion of pRb interacted with either cyclin D3 or cyclin D1. In T98G cells, endogenous cyclin D3-associated kinase activity showed a clear predisposition to phosphorylate preferentially the C-terminal domain of pRb2/p130, rather than that of pRb. This propensity was also confirmed in LAN-5 human neuroblastoma cells, where phosphorylation of the pRb2/p130 C-terminal domain and expression of cyclin D3 also decreased remarkably in the late neural differentiation stages.  相似文献   

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