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Sexual selection has traditionally been used to explain exaggerated sexual traits in male animals. Today the concept has been developed and various other sexually related traits have been suggested to evolve in the same manner. In nearly all new areas where the theory of sexual selection has been applied, there has been an intense debate as to whether the application is justified. Is it the case that some scientists are all too ready to employ fashionable ideas? Or are there too many dogmatic researchers refusing to accept that science develops and old ideas are transformed? Maybe the controversies are simply a reflection of the difficulty of defining a theory under constant re‐evaluation. Thus, we begin by summarizing the theory of sexual selection in order to assess the influence of sexual selection on the evolution of plant morphology. We discuss empirical findings concerning potentially affected traits. Although we have tried to address criticisms fairly, we still conclude that sexual selection can be a useful tool when studying the evolution of reproductive traits in plants. Furthermore, by including the evidence from an additional kingdom, a fuller understanding of the processes involved in sexual selection can be gained.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry in an insect host: a big role for big parasites?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thomas  Ward  & Poulin 《Ecology letters》1998,1(2):112-117
Parasites are expected to be associated with host developmental instability because developmentally unstable hosts may be more susceptible to, or more frequently exposed to, parasitic infections compared with developmentally stable ones, or because parasites may directly disrupt host development. In this study, we analysed the relationship between developmental stability in the weta Pleioplectron simplex (Orthoptera) and infections by hairworm and mermithid parasites. These parasites have a long development in their host and the size of adult worms exceeds the length of the host by a considerable amount (15–20 cm). For one character (femora) we found that fluctuating asymmetry was significantly higher in parasitized individuals compared with unparasitized ones, in each of two samples collected in different years. Because no relationship was observed between the level of fluctuating asymmetry and the parasite size or number, however, infection by hairworm and mermithid parasites could be more a consequence of developmental instability than a cause. For other characters (tibia, external and internal spines of femora), the level of fluctuating asymmetry between parasitized and unparasitized individuals was not significantly different. Our results are discussed in relation to ecological constraints met by hairworm and mermithid parasites to complete their life cycle.  相似文献   

Courtship role reversal in bush crickets: another role for parasites?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Simmons  L. W. 《Behavioral ecology》1994,5(3):259-266
The last decade has seen an increasing body of evidence in supportof the idea that parasites can play a role in sexual selection.Parasites have been shown to influence mate choice and matingcompetition. Here I demonstrate a further role for parasitesin that they can determine the courtship roles of males andfemales and thus the sex on which sexual selection acts. Malebush crickets, Requena verticalis, feed their mates during inseminationwith a nutritious meal, the spermatophylax, that increases femalefecundity. I show how the ability of males to donate nutrientswas reduced by increased intensities of infection of a protozoangut parasite. Further, increased intensity of infection reducedfemale fecundity. Mating trials showed that when females wereuninfected the typical courtship roles prevailed; females werethe coy, discriminating sex. However, when infected with gutparasites, females attempted to mate more often and males adoptedthe coy discriminative role in courtship. Thus it appeared thatmale donations were of greater importance for reproductivelyconstrained, infected females. The infection status of the malehad no influence on courtship role reversal supporting the ideathat proximate cues in female behavior determine the courtshiprole adopted by males. It is argued that parasites will be animportant determinant f courtship role reversal in any specieswhere male gifts influence female fecundity, and parasites constrainhost reproduction, because of the opposing way in which reproductiveconstraints will influence male and female mating frequency.  相似文献   

A sample of mud snails Hydrobia ulvae (Prosobranchia) from an intertidal population revealed that the shells of trematode-infected specimens were especially likely to be fouled with epibionts. Experimentally trematode-infected Biomphalaria glabrata (Pulmonata) appeared to be especially prone to develop epigrowth in comparison with uninfected conspecifics as well. These findings suggest an interaction between trematode infections and epibiosis in aquatic gastropods. The two most likely explanations for this are (1) that trematode infections weakens the snails' natural defences against epibionts, or (2) that the defences against epibionts also are effective against invading trematodes, causing snail specimens with a particularly good fouling defence to be less likely to become infected.  相似文献   

Advances in DNA sequencing technology have made possible the genotyping of thousands of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, and new methods of statistical analysis are emerging to apply these advances in plant breeding programs. We report the utility of markers for prediction of breeding values in a forest tree species using empirical genotype data (3,406 polymorphic SNP loci). A total of 526 Pinus taeda L. clones tested widely in field trials were phenotyped at age 5?years. Only 149 clones from 13 full-sib crosses were genotyped. Markers were fit simultaneously to predict marker additive and dominance effects. Subsets of the 149 genotyped clones were used to train a model using all markers. Cross-validation strategies were followed for the remaining subset of genotyped individuals. The accuracy of genomic estimated breeding values ranged from 0.61 to 0.83 for wood lignin and cellulose content, and from 0.30 to 0.68 for height and volume traits. The accuracies of predictions based on markers were comparable with the accuracies based on pedigree. Because of the small number of SNP markers used and the relatively small population size, we suggest that observed accuracies in this study trace familial linkage rather than historical linkage disequilibrium with trait loci. Prediction accuracies of models that use only a subset of markers were generally comparable with the accuracies of the models using all markers, regardless of whether markers are associated with the phenotype. The results suggest that using SNP loci for selection instead of phenotype is efficient under different relative lengths of the breeding cycle, which would allow cost-effective applications in tree breeding programs. Prospects for applications of genomic selection to P. taeda breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

Over the past decade or so, pore-forming proteins (PFPs) have been isolated from various immune cells and nonpathogenic bacteria. It is now becoming apparent that PFPs may also be produced by a number of parasites. Although far from definitive, the evidence currently available for the role of PFPs in the survival and pathogenesis by parasites in briefly presented by David Ojcius and John Ding-E Young.  相似文献   

The amplifier hypothesis states that selection could favour the evolution of traits in signallers that improve the ability of receivers to extract honest information from other signals or cues. We provide a formal definition of amplifiers based on the receiver's mechanisms of signal perception and we present a game-theoretical model in which males advertise their quality and females use sequential-sampling tactics to choose among prospective mates. The main effect of an amplifier on the female mating strategy is to increase her mating threshold, making the female more selective as the effectiveness of the amplifier increases. The effects of the amplifier on male advertising strategy depends both on the context and on the types of the amplifier involved. We consider two different contexts for the evolution of amplifiers (when the effect of amplifiers is on signals and when it is on cues) and two types of amplifiers (the ‘neutral amplifier’, when it improves quality assessment without altering male attractiveness, and the ‘attractive amplifier’, when it improves both quality assessment and male attractiveness). The game-theoretical model provides two main results. First, neutral and attractive amplifiers represent, respectively, a conditional and an unconditional signalling strategy. In fact, at the equilibrium, neutral amplifiers are displayed only by males whose advertising level lays above the female acceptance threshold, whereas attractive amplifiers are displayed by all signalling males, independent of their quality. Second, amplifiers of signals increase the differences in advertising levels between amplifying and not-amplifying males, but they decrease the differences within each group, so that the system converges towards an ‘all-or-nothing’ signalling strategy. By applying concepts from information theory, we show that the increase in information transfer at the perception level due to the amplifier of signals is contrasted by a decrease in information transfer at the emitter level due to the increased stereotypy of male advertising strategy.  相似文献   

Summary Among some species of Sonoran Desert rodents microhabitat differences are density dependent. I studied the differences in microhabitat use among four species of heteromyid rodents (Dipodomys merriami, Perognathus amplus, P. baileyi, and P. penicillatus) at low and at high population densities. Microhabitats are defined by the abundance and size distribution of desert shrubs. During a period of low population density the rodent species showed substantial microhabitat differentiation. Following a large increase in pocket mouse (Perognathus spp.) numbers differences in microhabitat use between species disappeared. The lack of microhabitat differentiation at high density is due to microhabitat shifts rather than an expansion in the number of microhabitats used. The shifts lead to increased similarity among species in microhabitat use. Microhabitat overlap is not constant but it is highly variable and sensitive to changes in rodent abundance.  相似文献   

The impact of feather‐degrading bacilli on feathers depends on the presence or absence of melanin. In vitro studies have demonstrated that unmelanized (white) feathers are more degradable by bacteria than melanized (dark) ones. However, no previous study has looked at the possible effect of feather‐degrading bacilli on the occurrence of patterns of unmelanized patches on otherwise melanized feathers. The pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas, 1764 is a sexually dimorphic passerine with white wing bands consisting of unmelanized patches on dark flight feathers. These patches are considered to be a sexually selected trait in Ficedula flycatchers, especially in males, where the patches are more conspicuous (larger and possibly whiter) than in females. Using in vitro tests of feather bacterial degradation, we compared the degradability of unmelanized and melanized areas of the same feather for 127 primaries collected from the same number of individuals in a population breeding in central Spain (58 males and 69 females). In addition, we also looked for sex differences in feather degradability. Based on honest signalling theory and on the fact that there is stronger sexual selection for males to signal feather quality than in females, we predicted that unmelanized areas should be more degradable by bacteria than melanized ones within the same feather, and that these unmelanized areas should also be more degradable in males than in females. We confirmed both predictions. Microstructural differences between cross‐section dimensions of unmelanized and melanized barbs, but not differences in the density of barbs within unmelanized and melanized areas of feathers in males and females, could partly explain differences in degradability. This is the first study to show differences in bacterial degradability among markings on the same feather and among unmelanized feather patches between males and females as predicted by sexual selection theory. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 409–419.  相似文献   

Due to their long reproductive cycles and the time to expression of mature traits, marker-assisted selection is particularly attractive for tree breeding. In this review, we discuss different approaches used for developing markers and propose a method for application of markers in low linkage disequilibrium (LD) populations. Identification of useful markers for application in tree breeding is mainly based on two approaches, quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping and association genetic studies. While several studies have identified significant markers, effect of the individual markers is low making it difficult to utilize them in breeding programs. Recently, genomic selection (GS) was proposed for overcoming some of these difficulties. In GS, high density markers are used for predicting phenotypes from genotypes. Currently small effective populations with high LD are being tested for GS in tree breeding. For wider application, GS needs to be applied in low LD populations which are found in many tree breeding programs. Here we propose an approach in which the significant markers from association studies may be used for developing prediction models in low LD populations using the same methods as in GS. Preliminary analyses indicate that a modest numbers of markers may be sufficient for developing prediction models in low LD populations. GS based on large numbers of random markers or small numbers of associated markers is poised to make marker-assisted selection a reality in forest tree breeding.  相似文献   

Eosinophils have been shown to be potent effector cells for the killing of helminth parasites in in vitro cultures. However, an in vivo role for eosinophils has been more difficult to establish. Early data showed close associations between eosinophils and damaged or dead parasites in histological sections, and significant correlations between resistance to parasites and the capacity to induce eosinophilia after infection. However, more recent studies, using mice that have reduced or increased eosinophil levels through targeting of the eosinophil-specific cytokine interleukin 5, have not unanimously supported an in vivo role for eosinophils in resistance to parasites. Here, Els Meeusen and Adam Balic review these studies and suggest a major role for the innate immune response in unnatural mouse-parasite models to explain some of the findings. They conclude that the data so far are consistent with a role for eosinophils in the killing of infective larval stages, but not adults, of most helminth parasites.  相似文献   

The role of calcium in chloroplasts—an intriguing and unresolved puzzle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rocha AG  Vothknecht UC 《Protoplasma》2012,249(4):957-966
More than 70?years of studies have indicated that chloroplasts contain a significant amount of calcium, are a potential storage compartment for this ion, and might themselves be prone to calcium regulation. Many of these studies have been performed on the photosynthetic light reaction as well as CO(2) fixation via the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle, and they showed that calcium is required in several steps of these processes. Further studies have indicated that calcium is involved in other chloroplast functions that are not directly related to photosynthesis and that there is a calcium-dependent regulation similar to cytoplasmic calcium signal transduction. Nevertheless, the precise role that calcium has as a functional and regulatory component of chloroplast processes remains enigmatic. Calcium concentrations in different chloroplast subcompartments have been measured, but the extent and direction of intra-plastidal calcium fluxes or calcium transport into and from the cytosol are not yet very well understood. In this review we want to give an overview over the current knowledge on the relationship between chloroplasts and calcium and discuss questions that need to be addressed in future research.  相似文献   

Summary The extent of correlation was estimated between isozyme genotypes and the four widely segregating characters — leaf segment W/L ratio, stigma exsertion, fruit weight, and seed weight — in the first backcross of F1 Lycopersicon esculentum x Solanum pennellii to the former parent. The inbred parents differ in their alleles at the 12 tested isozymic loci, which are known to mark a minimum of eight of the twelve tomato chromosomes. Based on the isozyme data, a mean heterozygosity value, ¯H, was calculated which estimates the proportion of pennillii alleles in each individual. Correlations between mean heterozygosity and observed levels of each quantitative trait were highly significant and positive or negative as expected from the relative parental values. Plants with the lowest mean heterozygosity — i.e., closest to the esculentum zymotype also had mean values closest to those of this parent amongst the whole backcross population for each of the quantitative traits.Bivariate and multiple regression analysis was used to evaluate the ability of isozymes vs diagnostic morphological characters to estimate the portion of recurrent parent genes carried in each backcross individual. The results suggest that isozyme data gives better estimates than single diagnostic morphological characters and approach the level obtained by combinations of three morphological traits. Since electrophoretic determinations are made on small seedlings, selection at that stage can effect great savings of space and effort by greatly deminishing the size of the population needed at maturity. As such, isozyme selection would precede morphological selection but not replace it, thus the predictive value of these biochemical markers as well as diagnostic morphological characters could be obtained.  相似文献   

Do males matter? The role of males in population dynamics   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Daniel J. Rankin  Hanna Kokko 《Oikos》2007,116(2):335-348
Models of population dynamics generally neglect the presence of males. While this assumption holds under many circumstances, behavioural ecology increasingly tells us that the presence (or absence) of males may have an impact on female fitness, and hence population sizes. Here we ask the question of whether males matter to population dynamics, operationally defined as a dependency of population growth on the relative density of males. We provide simple models, and evaluate the current empirical evidence for them, that illustrate various mechanisms of such male influence: mate searching behavior, male resource use (including effects of sexual dimorphism), sexual harassment and sexual segregation. In each case, theory predicts that males can have an effect on population densities, and in some extreme cases a positive feedback between an increasingly male-biased sex ratio and female harassment may theoretically even bring about population extinction. The results of this study, and the literature reviewed, show that the males can have a substantial effect on population dynamics, particularly so when human influences result in biased sex ratios.  相似文献   

One hundred twenty-five years ago, in The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex,1 Charles Darwin proposed the theory of sexual selection, as distinct from natural selection, to explain why, in some species, males have such magnificent ornaments and, in other species, such impressive weapons. He suggested two processes, which we now term female choice and male-male competition: either females choose particularly ornate males or, alternatively, relatively passive females accept the winner of fights among males. By now, knowledge of species in which the females are more brightly colored or aggressive than males has led to a more general formulation of the principle of sexual selection, in which, instead of “females”, we write “the sex with the lower potential reproductive rate”, and, instead of “male”, “the sex with the higher potential reproductive rate”.2  相似文献   

The diphyllobothriidean cestode Schistocephalus solidus typically infects threespine sticklebacks that are too small to allow the parasite to reach a mature size. As a result, the parasite must allow further growth of its host to reach the size at which it becomes competent to infect and reproduce in the definitive host. At times, however, intensity of infection can be high, leading to crowding among parasites and to heavy burdens causing mortality among hosts. Our data show that, during a previously observed epizootic, large percentages of plerocercoids (average 75% per host, 82% among all parasites pooled) did not grow to become massive enough in 1-yr-old threespine sticklebacks to be capable of establishment and maturation in the definitive host. Massive deaths of 1-yr-old sticklebacks due to infection during the epizootic resulted in the great misfortune of a disaster for a large number of parasites, resulting in dramatically reduced transmission of S. solidus.  相似文献   

Conservation strategies depend on our understanding of the ecosystem and community dynamics. To date, such understanding has focused mostly on predator–prey and competitor interactions. It is increasingly clear, however, that parasite–host interactions may represent a large, and important, component of natural communities. The need to consider multiple factors and their synergistic interactions if we are to elucidate the contribution of anthropogenic factors to loss in biodiversity is exemplified by research into present-day amphibian declines. Only recently has the role of factors such as trematode parasite infections been incorporated into studies of the population and community dynamics of aquatic systems. We argue that this is due, at least in part, to difficulties faced by aquatic ecologists in sifting through the complex systematics that pervade the parasite literature. We note that two trematode species are of dominant importance with regard to North American larval anuran communities, and provide in this review a clear explanation of how to distinguish between the infective stages of these two parasites. We describe the general biology and life history of these parasites, as well as what is known about their effect on larval anurans, and the interactive effects of environmental stressors (typically anthropogenic in nature) and parasites on larval anurans. We hope that this review will convince the reader of the potential importance of these parasites to aquatic communities in general, and to amphibian communities specifically, and will also provide the information necessary for aquatic ecologists to more frequently consider the role of these parasites in their studies of aquatic ecology.  相似文献   

One of the central tenets in life-history theory is that there is a trade-off between current and future reproduction (i.e. a cost of reproduction). The mechanism for this cost of reproduction is, however, largely unknown. One hypothesis is that the high workload during reproduction compromises resistance to parasites and that the resulting increase in parasitaemia has negative effects on the prospects of future survival. Although empirical evidence for a negative relationship between reproductive effort and parasite resistance exists, the causal relationships between reproductive effort, parasite resistance and future reproduction are still unclear. We use a path analytical approach to investigate whether a change in parasite resistance (as measured by intensities of infections by the blood parasite Haemoproteus) after manipulation of reproductive effort, translates into altered survival in female blue tits. Our results show a negative relationship between reproductive effort and parasite resistance, although evident only in first-year breeders. Moreover, we found survival costs of reproduction in first-year breeders. These costs were, however, not mediated by the blood parasite studied.  相似文献   

The most severe form of human malaria is caused by the parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The second messenger cAMP has been shown to be important for the parasite's ability to infect the host's liver, but its role during parasite growth inside erythrocytes, the stage responsible for symptomatic malaria, is less clear. The P. falciparum genome encodes two adenylyl cyclases, the enzymes that synthesize cAMP, PfACα and PfACβ. We now show that one of these, PfACβ, plays an important role during the erythrocytic stage of the P. falciparum life cycle. Biochemical characterization of PfACβ revealed a marked pH dependence, and sensitivity to a number of small molecule inhibitors. These inhibitors kill parasites growing inside red blood cells. One particular inhibitor is selective for PfACβ relative to its human ortholog, soluble adenylyl cyclase (sAC); thus, PfACβ represents a potential target for development of safe and effective antimalarial therapeutics.  相似文献   

Significant efforts have been made to determine the correlation structure of common SNPs in the human genome. One method has been to identify the sets of tagSNPs that capture most of the genetic variation. Here, we evaluate the transferability of tagSNPs between populations using a population sample of Sami, the indigenous people of Scandinavia. Array-based SNP discovery in a 4.4 Mb region of 28 phased copies of chromosome 21 uncovered 5,132 segregating sites, 3,188 of which had a minimum minor allele frequency (mMAF) of 0.1. Due to the population structure and consequently high LD, the number of tagSNPs needed to capture all SNP variation in Sami is much lower than that for the HapMap populations. TagSNPs identified from the HapMap data perform only slightly better in the Sami than choosing tagSNPs at random from the same set of common SNPs. Surprisingly, tagSNPs defined from the HapMap data did not perform better than selecting the same number of SNPs at random from all SNPs discovered in Sami. Nearly half (46%) of the Sami SNPs with a mMAF of 0.1 are not present in the HapMap dataset. Among sites overlapping between Sami and HapMap populations, 18% are not tagged by the European American (CEU) HapMap tagSNPs, while 43% of the SNPs that are unique to Sami are not tagged by the CEU tagSNPs. These results point to serious limitations in the transferability of common tagSNPs to capture random sequence variation, even between closely related populations, such as CEU and Sami. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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