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The zero‐force evolutionary law (ZFEL) states that in evolutionary systems, in the absence of forces or constraints, diversity and complexity tend to increase. The reason is that diversity and complexity are both variance measures, and variances tend to increase spontaneously as random events accumulate. Here, we use random‐walk models to quantify the ZFEL expectation, producing equations that give the probabilities of diversity or complexity increasing as a function of time, and that give the expected magnitude of the increase. We produce two sets of equations, one for the case in which variation occurs in discrete steps, the other for the case in which variation is continuous. The equations provide a way to decompose actual trajectories of diversity or complexity into two components, the portion due to the ZFEL and a remainder due to selection and constraint. Application of the equations is demonstrated using real and hypothetical data.  相似文献   

New questions about microbial ecology and diversity combined with significant improvement in the resolving power of molecular tools have helped the reemergence of the field of prokaryotic biogeography. Here, we show that biogeography may constitute a cornerstone approach to study diversity patterns at different taxonomic levels in the prokaryotic world. Fundamental processes leading to the formation of biogeographic patterns are examined in an evolutionary and ecological context. Based on different evolutionary scenarios, biogeographic patterns are thus posited to consist of dramatic range expansion or regression events that would be the results of evolutionary and ecological forces at play at the genotype level. The deterministic or random nature of those underlying processes is, however, questioned in light of recent surveys. Such scenarios led us to predict the existence of particular genes whose presence or polymorphism would be associated with cosmopolitan taxa. Furthermore, several conceptual and methodological pitfalls that could hamper future developments of the field are identified, and future approaches and new lines of investigation are suggested.  相似文献   

Rapid increases in taxonomic diversity are generally described as adaptive or evolutionary radiations. Such radiations differ widely in the rate and extent of morphologic innovation, taxonomic diversification and phylogenetic breadth, suggesting that several patterns, and likely processes, are involved. At least four distinct patterns of evolutionary radiation can be identified: novelty events, which generate new morphological complexity (altering the body plan of the group under consideration) but not necessarily with the associated production of many lower taxa; broad diversification events involving many independent lineages that undergo diversification, generate many new species and are driven by new ecological opportunities; economic radiations of a limited group of ecologically (but not necessarily phylogenetically) related clades exploiting a limited new ecologic opportunity; and adaptive radiations that may occur at any taxonomic level, but involve a rapid increase in diversity within a single clade, including “true”; adaptive radiations. Many events produce simple diversity increases with no corresponding increase in genetic/developmental/morphological/behavioral sophistication, but the most evolutionarily interesting events add new levels of complexity.  相似文献   

Explaining the dramatic variation in species richness across the tree of life remains a key challenge in evolutionary biology. At the largest phylogenetic scales, the extreme heterogeneity in species richness observed among different groups of organisms is almost certainly a function of many complex and interdependent factors. However, the most fundamental expectation in macroevolutionary studies is simply that species richness in extant clades should be correlated with clade age: all things being equal, older clades will have had more time for diversity to accumulate than younger clades. Here, we test the relationship between stem clade age and species richness across 1,397 major clades of multicellular eukaryotes that collectively account for more than 1.2 million described species. We find no evidence that clade age predicts species richness at this scale. We demonstrate that this decoupling of age and richness is unlikely to result from variation in net diversification rates among clades. At the largest phylogenetic scales, contemporary patterns of species richness are inconsistent with unbounded diversity increase through time. These results imply that a fundamentally different interpretative paradigm may be needed in the study of phylogenetic diversity patterns in many groups of organisms.  相似文献   

Xu S  Ju J  Zhou X  Wang L  Zhou K  Yang G 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30423
To further extend our understanding of the mechanism causing the current nearly extinct status of the baiji (Lipotes vexillifer), one of the most critically endangered species in the world, genetic diversity at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II DRB locus was investigated in the baiji. Nine highly divergent DRB alleles were identified in 17 samples, with an average of 28.4 (13.2%) nucleotide difference and 16.7 (23.5%) amino acid difference between alleles. The unexpectedly high levels of DRB allelic diversity in the baiji may partly be attributable to its evolutionary adaptations to the freshwater environment which is regarded to have a higher parasite diversity compared to the marine environment. In addition, balancing selection was found to be the main mechanisms in generating sequence diversity at baiji DRB gene. Considerable sequence variation at the adaptive MHC genes despite of significant loss of neutral genetic variation in baiji genome might suggest that intense selection has overpowered random genetic drift as the main evolutionary forces, which further suggested that the critically endangered or nearly extinct status of the baiji is not an outcome of genetic collapse.  相似文献   

In this work, we have investigated the relationships between synonymous and nonsynonymous rates and base composition in coding sequences from Gramineae to analyze the factors underlying the variation in substitutional rates. We have shown that in these genes the rates of nucleotide divergence, both synonymous and nonsynonymous, are, to some extent, dependent on each other and on the base composition. In the first place, the variation in nonsynonymous rate is related to the GC level at the second codon position (the higher the GC2 level, the higher the amino acid replacement rate). The correlation is especially strong with T2, the coefficients being significant in the three data sets analyzed. This correlation between nonsynonymous rate and base composition at the second codon position is also detectable at the intragenic level, which implies that the factors that tend to increase the intergenic variance in nonsynonymous rates also affect the intragenic variance. On the other hand, we have shown that the synonymous rate is strongly correlated with the GC3 level. This correlation is observed both across genes and at the intragenic level. Similarly, the nonsynonymous rate is also affected at the intragenic level by GC3 level, like the silent rate. In fact, synonymous and nonsynonymous rates exhibit a parallel behavior in relation to GC3 level, indicating that the intragenic patterns of both silent and amino acid divergence rates are influenced in a similar way by the intragenic variation of GC3. This result, taken together with the fact that the number of genes displaying intragenic correlation coefficients between synonymous and nonsynonymous rates is not very high, but higher than random expectation (in the three data sets analyzed), strongly suggests that the processes of silent and amino acid replacement divergence are, at least in part, driven by common evolutionary forces in genes from Gramineae. Received: 2 July 1998 / Accepted: 18 April 1999  相似文献   

Mixed models are now well‐established methods in ecology and evolution because they allow accounting for and quantifying within‐ and between‐individual variation. However, the required normal distribution of the random effects can often be violated by the presence of clusters among subjects, which leads to multi‐modal distributions. In such cases, using what is known as mixture regression models might offer a more appropriate approach. These models are widely used in psychology, sociology, and medicine to describe the diversity of trajectories occurring within a population over time (e.g. psychological development, growth). In ecology and evolution, however, these models are seldom used even though understanding changes in individual trajectories is an active area of research in life‐history studies. Our aim is to demonstrate the value of using mixture models to describe variation in individual life‐history tactics within a population, and hence to promote the use of these models by ecologists and evolutionary ecologists. We first ran a set of simulations to determine whether and when a mixture model allows teasing apart latent clustering, and to contrast the precision and accuracy of estimates obtained from mixture models versus mixed models under a wide range of ecological contexts. We then used empirical data from long‐term studies of large mammals to illustrate the potential of using mixture models for assessing within‐population variation in life‐history tactics. Mixture models performed well in most cases, except for variables following a Bernoulli distribution and when sample size was small. The four selection criteria we evaluated [Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and two bootstrap methods] performed similarly well, selecting the right number of clusters in most ecological situations. We then showed that the normality of random effects implicitly assumed by evolutionary ecologists when using mixed models was often violated in life‐history data. Mixed models were quite robust to this violation in the sense that fixed effects were unbiased at the population level. However, fixed effects at the cluster level and random effects were better estimated using mixture models. Our empirical analyses demonstrated that using mixture models facilitates the identification of the diversity of growth and reproductive tactics occurring within a population. Therefore, using this modelling framework allows testing for the presence of clusters and, when clusters occur, provides reliable estimates of fixed and random effects for each cluster of the population. In the presence or expectation of clusters, using mixture models offers a suitable extension of mixed models, particularly when evolutionary ecologists aim at identifying how ecological and evolutionary processes change within a population. Mixture regression models therefore provide a valuable addition to the statistical toolbox of evolutionary ecologists. As these models are complex and have their own limitations, we provide recommendations to guide future users.  相似文献   

Understanding the relative role of different evolutionary forces in shaping the level and distribution of functional genetic diversity among natural populations is a key issue in evolutionary and conservation biology. To do so accurately genetic data must be analysed in conjunction with an unambiguous understanding of the historical processes that have acted upon the populations. Here, we focused on diversity at toll‐like receptor (TLR) loci, which play a key role in the vertebrate innate immune system and, therefore, are expected to be under pathogen‐mediated selection. We assessed TLR variation within and among 13 island populations (grouped into three archipelagos) of Berthelot's pipit, Anthus berthelotii, for which detailed population history has previously been ascertained. We also compared the variation observed with that found in its widespread sister species, the tawny pipit, Anthus campestris. We found strong evidence for positive selection at specific codons in TLR1LA, TLR3 and TLR4. Despite this, we found that at the allele frequency level, demographic history has played the major role in shaping patterns of TLR variation in Berthelot's pipit. Levels of diversity and differentiation within and across archipelagos at all TLR loci corresponded very closely with neutral microsatellite variation and with the severity of the bottlenecks that occurred during colonization. Our study shows that despite the importance of TLRs in combating pathogens, demography can be the main driver of immune gene variation within and across populations, resulting in patterns of functional variation that can persist over evolutionary timescales.  相似文献   

The Olfactory Receptor (OR) superfamily, the largest in the vertebrate genome, is responsible for vertebrate olfaction and is traditionally subdivided into 17 OR families. Recent studies characterising whole-OR subgenomes revealed a ‘birth and death’ model of evolution for a range of species, however little is known about fine-scale evolutionary dynamics within single-OR families. This study reports the first assessment of fine-scale OR evolution and variation in African mole-rats (Bathyergidae), a family of subterranean rodents endemic to sub-Saharan Africa. Because of the selective pressures of life underground, enhanced olfaction is proposed to be fundamental to the evolutionary success of the Bathyergidae, resulting in a highly diversified OR gene-repertoire. Using a PCR-sequencing approach, we analysed variation in the OR7 family across 14 extant bathyergid species, which revealed enhanced levels of functional polymorphisms concentrated across the receptors’ ligand-binding region. We propose that mole-rats are able to recognise a broad range of odorants and that this diversity is reflected throughout their OR7 gene repertoire. Using both classic tests and tree-based methods to test for signals of selection, we investigate evolutionary forces across the mole-rat OR7 gene tree. Four well-supported clades emerged in the OR phylogeny, with varying signals of selection; from neutrality to positive and purifying selection. Bathyergid life-history traits and environmental niche-specialisation are explored as possible drivers of adaptive OR evolution, emerging as non-exclusive contributors to the positive selection observed at OR7 genes. Our results reveal unexpected complexity of evolutionary mechanisms acting within a single OR family, providing insightful perspectives into OR evolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) plays a key role in disease resistance and is the most polymorphic gene region in vertebrates. Although habitat fragmentation is predicted to lead to a loss in MHC variation through drift, the impact of other evolutionary forces may counter this effect. Here we assess the impact of selection, drift, migration, and recombination on MHC class II and microsatellite variability in 14 island populations of the Aegean wall lizard Podarcis erhardii. Lizards were sampled from islands within the Cyclades (Greece) formed by rising sea levels as the last glacial maximum approximately 20,000 before present. Bathymetric data were used to determine the area and age of each island, allowing us to infer the corresponding magnitude and timing of genetic bottlenecks associated with island formation. Both MHC and microsatellite variation were positively associated with island area, supporting the hypothesis that drift governs neutral and adaptive variation in this system. However, MHC but not microsatellite variability declined significantly with island age. This discrepancy is likely due to the fact that microsatellites attain mutation‐drift equilibrium more rapidly than MHC. Although we detected signals of balancing selection, recombination and migration, the effects of these evolutionary processes appeared negligible relative to drift. This study demonstrates how land bridge islands can provide novel insights into the impact of historical fragmentation on genetic diversity as well as help disentangle the effects of different evolutionary forces on neutral and adaptive diversity.  相似文献   

Zhan J  Yang L  Zhu W  Shang L  Newton AC 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e38611
Fitness cost associated with pathogens carrying unnecessary virulence alleles is the fundamental assumption for preventing the emergence of complex races in plant pathogen populations but this hypothesis has rarely been tested empirically on a temporal and spatial scale which is sufficient to distinguish evolutionary signals from experimental error. We analyzed virulence characteristics of ≈ 1000 isolates of the barley pathogen Rhynchosporium secalis collected from different parts of the United Kingdom between 1984 and 2005. We found a gradual increase in race complexity over time with a significant correlation between sampling date and race complexity of the pathogen (r(20) = 0.71, p = 0.0002) and an average loss of 0.1 avirulence alleles (corresponding to an average gain of 0.1 virulence alleles) each year. We also found a positive and significant correlation between barley cultivar diversity and R. secalis virulence variation. The conditions assumed to favour complex races were not present in the United Kingdom and we hypothesize that the increase in race complexity is attributable to the combination of natural selection and genetic drift. Host resistance selects for corresponding virulence alleles to fixation or dominant frequency. Because of the weak fitness penalty of carrying the unnecessary virulence alleles, genetic drift associated with other evolutionary forces such as hitch-hiking maintains the frequency of the dominant virulence alleles even after the corresponding resistance factors cease to be used.  相似文献   

A central controversy among biologists is the relative importance of natural selection and genetic drift as creative forces shaping biological diversification (Fisher 1930; Wright 1931). Historically, this controversy has been an effective engine powering several evolutionary research programs during the last century (Provine 1989). While all biologists agree that both processes operate in nature to produce evolutionary change, there is a diversity of opinion about which process dominates at any particular organizational level (from DNA and proteins to complex morphologies). To address this last level, we did a broadscale analysis of cranial diversification among all living New World monkeys. Quantitative genetic models yield specific predictions about the relationship between variation patterns within and between populations that may be used to test the hypothesis that genetic drift is a sufficient explanation for morphological diversification. Diversity at several levels in a hierarchy of taxonomic/phylogenetics relationship was examined from species within genera to families within superfamilies. The major conclusion is that genetic drift can be ruled out as the primary source of evolutionary diversification in cranial morphology among taxa at the level of the genus and above as well as for diversification of most genera. However, drift may account for diversification among species within some Neotropical primate genera, implying that morphological diversification associated with speciation need not be adaptive in some radiations.  相似文献   

Population size changes reshape genomic patterns of diversity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Elucidating the forces responsible for genomic variation is critical for understanding evolution. Under standard conditions, X-linked diversity is expected to be three-quarters the level of autosomal diversity. Empirical data often deviate from this prediction, but the reasons for these departures are unclear. We demonstrate that population size changes can greatly alter relative levels of X-linked and autosomal variation: population size reductions lead to particularly low X-linked diversity, whereas growth elevates X-linked relative to autosomal diversity. Genetic variation from a diverse array of taxa supports an important role for this effect in accounting for population differences in the ratio of X-linked to autosomal diversity. Consideration of this effect may improve the inference of population history and other evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Plant reproductive systems and evolution during biological invasion   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Recent biological invasions provide opportunities to investigate microevolution during contemporary timescales. The tempo and scope of local adaptation will be determined by the intensity of natural selection and the amounts and kinds of genetic variation within populations. In flowering plants, genetic diversity is strongly affected by interactions between reproductive systems and stochastic forces associated with immigration history and range expansion. Here, we explore the significance of reproductive system diversity for contemporary evolution during plant invasion. We focus in particular on how reproductive modes influence the genetic consequences of long-distance colonization and determine the likelihood of adaptive responses during invasion. In many clonal invaders, strong founder effects and restrictions on sexual reproduction limit opportunities for local adaptation. In contrast, adaptive changes to life-history traits should be a general expectation in both outbreeding and inbreeding species. We provide evidence that evolutionary modifications to reproductive systems promote the colonizing ability of invading populations and that reproductive timing is an important target of selection during range expansion. Knowledge of the likelihood and speed at which local adaptation evolves in invasive plants will be particularly important for management practices when evolutionary changes enhance ecological opportunities and invasive spread.  相似文献   

Understanding the role of the developmental pathways in shaping phenotypic diversity allows appreciating in full the processes influencing and constraining morphological change. Podarcis lizards demonstrate extraordinary morphological variability that likely originated in short evolutionary time. Using geometric morphometrics and a broad suite of statistical tests, we explored the role of developmental mechanisms such as growth rate change, ontogenetic divergence/convergence/parallelism as well as morphological expression of heterochronic processes in mediating the formation of their phenotypic diversity during the post-natal ontogeny. We identified hypermorphosis - the prolongation of growth along the same trajectory - as the process responsible for both intersexual and interspecific morphological differentiation. Albeit the common allometric pattern observed in both sexes of any species constrains and canalizes their cephalic scales variation in a fixed portion of the phenotypic space, the extended growth experienced by males and some species allows them to achieve peramorphic morphologies. Conversely, the intrasexual phenotypic diversity is accounted for by non-allometric processes that drive the extensive morphological dispersion throughout their ontogenetic trajectories. This study suggests a model of how simple heterochronic perturbations can produce phenotypic variation, and thus potential for further evolutionary change, even within a strictly constrained developmental pathway.  相似文献   

Bedford T  Wapinski I  Hartl DL 《Genetics》2008,179(2):977-984
Although protein evolution can be approximated as a "molecular evolutionary clock," it is well known that sequence change departs from a clock-like Poisson expectation. Through studying the deviations from a molecular clock, insight can be gained into the forces shaping evolution at the level of proteins. Generally, substitution patterns that show greater variance than the Poisson expectation are said to be "overdispersed." Overdispersion of sequence change may result from temporal variation in the rate at which amino acid substitutions occur on a phylogeny. By comparing the genomes of four species of yeast, five species of Drosophila, and five species of mammals, we show that the extent of overdispersion shows a strong negative correlation with the effective population size of these organisms. Yeast proteins show very little overdispersion, while mammalian proteins show substantial overdispersion. Additionally, X-linked genes, which have reduced effective population size, have gene products that show increased overdispersion in both Drosophila and mammals. Our research suggests that mutational robustness is more pervasive in organisms with large population sizes and that robustness acts to stabilize the molecular evolutionary clock of sequence change.  相似文献   

Studies on the relationship between the optimal phenotype and its environment have had limited focus on genotype-to-phenotype pathways and their evolutionary consequences. Here, we study how multi-layered trait architecture and its associated constraints prescribe diversity. Using an idealized model of the emotion system in fish, we find that trait architecture yields genetic and phenotypic diversity even in absence of frequency-dependent selection or environmental variation. That is, for a given environment, phenotype frequency distributions are predictable while gene pools are not. The conservation of phenotypic traits among these genetically different populations is due to the multi-layered trait architecture, in which one adaptation at a higher architectural level can be achieved by several different adaptations at a lower level. Our results emphasize the role of convergent evolution and the organismal level of selection. While trait architecture makes individuals more constrained than what has been assumed in optimization theory, the resulting populations are genetically more diverse and adaptable. The emotion system in animals may thus have evolved by natural selection because it simultaneously enhances three important functions, the behavioural robustness of individuals, the evolvability of gene pools and the rate of evolutionary innovation at several architectural levels.  相似文献   

Morphological diversity is routinely used to infer ecological variation among species because differences in form underlie variation in functional performance of ecological tasks like capturing prey, avoiding predators, or defending territories. However, many functions have complex morphological bases that can weaken associations between morphological and functional diversification. We investigate the link between these levels of diversity in a mechanically explicit model of fish suction-feeding performance, where the map of head morphology to feeding mechanics is many-to-one: multiple, alternative forms can produce the same mechanical property. We show that many-to-one mapping leads to discordance between morphological and mechanical diversity in the freshwater fish family, the Centrarchidae, despite close associations between morphological changes and their mechanical effects. We find that each of the model's five morphological variables underlies evolution of suction capacity. Yet, the major centrarchid clades exhibit an order of magnitude range in diversity of suction mechanics in the absence of any clear difference in diversity of the morphological variables. This cryptic pattern of mechanical diversity suggests an evolutionary history for suction performance that is unlike the one inferred from comparisons of morphological diversity. Because many-to-one mapping is likely to be common in functional systems, this property of design may lead to widespread discordance between functional and morphological diversity. Although we focus on the interaction between morphology and mechanics, many-to-one mapping can decouple diversity between levels of organization in any hierarchical system.  相似文献   

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