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Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pa) and Aspergillus fumigatus (Af) colonize cystic fibrosis (CF) patient airways. Pa culture filtrates inhibit Af biofilms, and Pa non-CF, mucoid (Muc-CF) and nonmucoid CF (NMuc-CF) isolates form an ascending inhibitory hierarchy. We hypothesized this activity is mediated through apoptosis induction. One Af and three Pa (non-CF, Muc-CF, NMuc-CF) reference isolates were studied. Af biofilm was formed in 96 well plates for 16 h ± Pa biofilm filtrates. After 24 h, apoptosis was characterized by viability dye DiBAc, reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, mitochondrial membrane depolarization, DNA fragmentation and metacaspase activity. Muc-CF and NMuc-CF filtrates inhibited and damaged Af biofilm (p<0.0001). Intracellular ROS levels were elevated (p<0.001) in NMuc-CF-treated Af biofilms (3.7- fold) compared to treatment with filtrates from Muc-CF- (2.5- fold) or non-CF Pa (1.7- fold). Depolarization of mitochondrial potential was greater upon exposure to NMuc-CF (2.4-fold) compared to Muc-CF (1.8-fold) or non-CF (1.25-fold) (p<0.0001) filtrates. Exposure to filtrates resulted in more DNA fragmentation in Af biofilm, compared to control, mediated by metacaspase activation. In conclusion, filtrates from CF-Pa isolates were more inhibitory against Af biofilms than from non-CF. The apoptotic effect involves mitochondrial membrane damage associated with metacaspase activation.  相似文献   

The airways of individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF) often become chronically infected with unique strains of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Several lines of evidence suggest that the infecting P. aeruginosa lineage diversifies in the CF lung niche, yet so far this contemporary diversity has not been investigated at a genomic level. In this work, we sequenced the genomes of pairs of randomly selected contemporary isolates sampled from the expectorated sputum of three chronically infected adult CF patients. Each patient was infected by a distinct strain of P. aeruginosa. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and insertions/deletions (indels) were identified in the DNA common to the paired isolates from different patients. The paired isolates from one patient differed due to just 1 SNP and 8 indels. The paired isolates from a second patient differed due to 54 SNPs and 38 indels. The pair of isolates from the third patient both contained a mutS mutation, which conferred a hypermutator phenotype; these isolates cumulatively differed due to 344 SNPs and 93 indels. In two of the pairs of isolates, a different accessory genome composition, specifically integrated prophage, was identified in one but not the other isolate of each pair. We conclude that contemporary isolates from a single sputum sample can differ at the SNP, indel, and accessory genome levels and that the cross-sectional genomic variation among coeval pairs of P. aeruginosa CF isolates can be comparable to the variation previously reported to differentiate between paired longitudinally sampled isolates.  相似文献   

Auxotrophic Pseudomonas aeruginosa are exclusive to respiratory infections in cystic fibrosis (CF) and bronchiectatic patients, and isolates require specific amino acids for growth on minimal media, particularly methionine. Since auxotrophic and prototrophic P. aeruginosa from CF are identical by genotyping, we investigated the genetic events leading to methionine auxotrophy (Met). Most (10/13) Met strains had the same pattern of growth on methionine precursors and required methionine exclusively for growth. Back mutation to prototrophy was very low (frequencies 10−8 to <10−10). Complementation of the mutations leading to auxotrophy was achieved for five strains with a genomic library of P. aeruginosa PAO1. Strains with different patterns of growth on methionine precursors were complemented by clones with different restriction patterns, while identical clones complemented strains with the same pattern of growth on methionine precursors. Methionine auxotrophy in P. aeruginosa from CF results from stable chromosomal mutations, and the commonest defect is probably in gene(s) encoding enzymes that convert homocysteine to methionine. Received: 2 August 1997 / Accepted: 23 September 1997  相似文献   

Chronic lung infection by Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the major severe complication in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, where P. aeruginosa persists and grows in biofilms in the endobronchial mucus under hypoxic conditions. Numerous polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) surround the biofilms and create local anoxia by consuming the majority of O2 for production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). We hypothesized that P. aeruginosa acquires energy for growth in anaerobic endobronchial mucus by denitrification, which can be demonstrated by production of nitrous oxide (N2O), an intermediate in the denitrification pathway. We measured N2O and O2 with electrochemical microsensors in 8 freshly expectorated sputum samples from 7 CF patients with chronic P. aeruginosa infection. The concentrations of NO3 and NO2 in sputum were estimated by the Griess reagent. We found a maximum median concentration of 41.8 µM N2O (range 1.4–157.9 µM N2O). The concentration of N2O in the sputum was higher below the oxygenated layers. In 4 samples the N2O concentration increased during the initial 6 h of measurements before decreasing for approximately 6 h. Concomitantly, the concentration of NO3 decreased in sputum during 24 hours of incubation. We demonstrate for the first time production of N2O in clinical material from infected human airways indicating pathogenic metabolism based on denitrification. Therefore, P. aeruginosa may acquire energy for growth by denitrification in anoxic endobronchial mucus in CF patients. Such ability for anaerobic growth may be a hitherto ignored key aspect of chronic P. aeruginosa infections that can inform new strategies for treatment and prevention.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the predominant microorganism in chronic lung infection of cystic fibrosis patients. The chronic lung infection is preceded by intermittent colonization. When the chronic infection becomes established, it is well accepted that the isolated strains differ phenotypically from the intermittent strains. Dominating changes are the switch to mucoidity (alginate overproduction) and loss of epigenetic regulation of virulence such as the Quorum Sensing (QS). To elucidate the dynamics of P. aeruginosa QS systems during long term infection of the CF lung, we have investigated 238 isolates obtained from 152 CF patients at different stages of infection ranging from intermittent to late chronic. Isolates were characterized with regard to QS signal molecules, alginate, rhamnolipid and elastase production and mutant frequency. The genetic basis for change in QS regulation were investigated and identified by sequence analysis of lasR, rhlR, lasI and rhlI. The first QS system to be lost was the one encoded by las system 12 years (median value) after the onset of the lung infection with subsequent loss of the rhl encoded system after 17 years (median value) shown as deficiencies in production of the 3-oxo-C12-HSL and C4-HSL QS signal molecules respectively. The concomitant development of QS malfunction significantly correlated with the reduced production of rhamnolipids and elastase and with the occurrence of mutations in the regulatory genes lasR and rhlR. Accumulation of mutations in both lasR and rhlR correlated with development of hypermutability. Interestingly, a higher number of mucoid isolates were found to produce C4-HSL signal molecules and rhamnolipids compared to the non-mucoid isolates. As seen from the present data, we can conclude that P. aeruginosa and particularly the mucoid strains do not lose the QS regulation or the ability to produce rhamnolipids until the late stage of the chronic infection.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus are the most prevalent pathogens in airway infections of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. We studied how these pathogens coexist and interact with each other. Clinical isolates of both species were retrieved from adult CF patients. Culture supernatants from 63 P. aeruginosa isolates triggered a wide range of biofilm-stimulatory activities when added to the culture of a control S. aureus strain. The extent of biofilm formation by S. aureus was positively correlated to the levels of the 2-alkyl-4-(1H)-quinolones (AQs) Pseudomonas Quinolone Signal (PQS) and 2-heptyl-4-hydroxy quinoline N-oxide (HQNO) produced by the P. aeruginosa isolates. Supernatants from P. aeruginosa isogenic mutants deficient in PQS and HQNO production stimulated significantly less biofilm formation by S. aureus than that seen with the parental strain PA14. When studying co-isolated pairs of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus retrieved from patients showing both pathogens, P. aeruginosa supernatants stimulated less biofilm production by the S. aureus counterparts compared to that observed using the control S. aureus strain. Accordingly, some P. aeruginosa isolates produced low levels of exoproducts and also some of the clinical S. aureus isolates were not stimulated by their co-isolates or by PA14 despite adequate production of HQNO. This suggests that colonization of the CF lungs promotes some type of strain selection, or that co-existence requires specific adaptations by either or both pathogens. Results provide insights on bacterial interactions in CF.  相似文献   



The molecular epidemiology of the chronic airway infections with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF) was investigated by cross-sectional analysis of bacterial isolates from 51 CF centers and by longitudinal analysis of serial isolates which had been collected at the CF centers Hanover and Copenhagen since the onset of airway colonization over 30 years.


Genotyping revealed that the P. aeruginosa population in CF is dominated by a few ubiquitous clones. The five most common clones retrieved from the CF host also belonged to the twenty most frequent clones in the environment and in other human disease habitats. Turnover of clones in CF airways was rare. At the Hanover clinic more than half of the patient cohort was still harbouring the initially acquired clone after twenty years of airway colonization. At the Copenhagen clinic, however, two rare clones replaced the initially acquired individual clones in all but one patient.


The divergent epidemiology at the two sites is explained by their differential management of hygiene and antipseudomonal chemotherapy. Hygienic measures to prohibit patient-to-patient transmission and the modalities of antipseudomonal chemotherapy modify the epidemiology of the chronic P. aeruginosa infections in CF.  相似文献   

The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa chronically infects the lower airways of patients with cystic fibrosis. Throughout the course of infection this organism undergoes adaptations that contribute to its long-term persistence in the airways. While P. aeruginosa diversity has been documented, it is less clear to what extent within-patient diversity contributes to the overall population structure as most studies have been limited to the analysis of only a few isolates per patient per time point. To examine P. aeruginosa population structure in more detail we collected multiple isolates from individual sputum samples of a patient chronically colonized with P. aeruginosa. This strain collection, comprised of 169 clonal isolates and representing three pulmonary exacerbations as well as clinically stable periods, was assayed for a wide selection of phenotypes. These phenotypes included colony morphology, motility, quorum sensing, protease activity, auxotrophy, siderophore levels, antibiotic resistance, and growth profiles. Each phenotype displayed significant variation even within isolates of the same colony morphotype from the same sample. Isolates demonstrated a large degree of individuality across phenotypes, despite being part of a single clonal lineage, suggesting that the P. aeruginosa population in the cystic fibrosis airways is being significantly under-sampled.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, is an opportunistic, bacterial pathogen causing persistent and frequently fatal infections of the lung in patients with cystic fibrosis. Isolates from chronic infections differ from laboratory and environmental strains in a range of traits and this is widely interpreted as the result of adaptation to the lung environment. Typically, chronic strains carry mutations in global regulation factors that could effect reduced expression of social traits, raising the possibility that competitive dynamics between cooperative and selfish, cheating strains could also drive changes in P. aeruginosa infections. We compared the expression of cooperative traits - biofilm formation, secretion of exo-products and quorum sensing (QS) - in P. aeruginosa isolates that were estimated to have spent different lengths of time in the lung based on clinical information. All three exo-products involved in nutrient acquisition were produced in significantly smaller quantities with increased duration of infection, and patterns across four QS signal molecules were consistent with accumulation over time of mutations in lasR, which are known to disrupt the ability of cells to respond to QS signal. Pyocyanin production, and the proportion of cells in biofilm relative to motile, free-living cells in liquid culture, did not change. Overall, our results confirm that the loss of social behaviour is a consistent trend with time spent in the lung and suggest that social dynamics are potentially relevant to understanding the behaviour of P. aeruginosa in lung infections.  相似文献   

Confocal imaging was used to characterize interactions of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA, expressing GFP or labeled with Syto 11) with CF airway epithelial cells (CFBE41o-, grown as confluent monolayers with unknown polarity on coverglasses) in control conditions and following scratch wounding. Epithelia and PAO1-GFP or PAK-GFP (2 MOI) were incubated with Ringer containing typical extracellular salts, pH and glucose and propidium iodide (PI, to identify dead cells). PAO1 and PAK swam randomly over and did not bind to nonwounded CFBE41o- cells. PA migrated rapidly (began within 20 sec, maximum by 5 mins) and massively (10–80 fold increase, termed “swarming”), but transiently (random swimming after 15 mins), to wounds, particularly near cells that took up PI. Some PA remained immobilized on cells near the wound. PA swam randomly over intact CFBE41o- monolayers and wounded monolayers that had been incubated with medium for 1 hr. Expression of CFTR and altered pH of the media did not affect PA interactions with CFBE41o- wounds. In contrast, PAO1 swarming and immobilization along wounds was abolished in PAO1 (PAO1ΔcheYZABW, no expression of chemotaxis regulatory components cheY, cheZ, cheA, cheB and cheW) and greatly reduced in PAO1 that did not express amino acid receptors pctA, B and C (PAO1ΔpctABC) and in PAO1 incubated in Ringer containing a high concentration of mixed amino acids. Non-piliated PAKΔpilA swarmed normally towards wounded areas but bound infrequently to CFBE41o- cells. In contrast, both swarming and binding of PA to CFBE41o- cells near wounds were prevented in non-flagellated PAKΔfliC. Data are consistent with the idea that (i) PA use amino acid sensor-driven chemotaxis and flagella-driven swimming to swarm to CF airway epithelial cells near wounds and (ii) PA use pili to bind to epithelial cells near wounds.  相似文献   

In cystic fibrosis (CF), Pseudomonas aeruginosa undergoes intra-strain genotypic and phenotypic diversification while establishing and maintaining chronic lung infections. As the clinical significance of these changes is uncertain, we investigated intra-strain diversity in commonly shared strains from CF patients to determine if specific gene mutations were associated with increased antibiotic resistance and worse clinical outcomes. Two-hundred-and-one P. aeruginosa isolates (163 represented a dominant Australian shared strain, AUST-02) from two Queensland CF centres over two distinct time-periods (2001–2002 and 2007–2009) underwent mexZ and lasR sequencing. Broth microdilution antibiotic susceptibility testing in a subset of isolates was also performed. We identified a novel AUST-02 subtype (M3L7) in adults attending a single Queensland CF centre. This M3L7 subtype was multi-drug resistant and had significantly higher antibiotic minimum inhibitory concentrations than other AUST-02 subtypes. Prospective molecular surveillance using polymerase chain reaction assays determined the prevalence of the ‘M3L7’ subtype at this centre during 2007–2009 (170 patients) and 2011 (173 patients). Three-year clinical outcomes of patients harbouring different strains and subtypes were compared. MexZ and LasR sequences from AUST-02 isolates were more likely in 2007–2009 than 2001–2002 to exhibit mutations (mexZ: odds ratio (OR) = 3.8; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.1–13.5 and LasR: OR = 2.5; 95%CI: 1.3–5.0). Surveillance at the adult centre in 2007–2009 identified M3L7 in 28/509 (5.5%) P. aeruginosa isolates from 13/170 (7.6%) patients. A repeat survey in 2011 identified M3L7 in 21/519 (4.0%) P. aeruginosa isolates from 11/173 (6.4%) patients. The M3L7 subtype was associated with greater intravenous antibiotic and hospitalisation requirements, and a higher 3-year risk of death/lung transplantation, than other AUST-02 subtypes (adjusted hazard ratio [HR] = 9.4; 95%CI: 2.2–39.2) and non-AUST-02 strains (adjusted HR = 4.8; 95%CI: 1.4–16.2). This suggests ongoing microevolution of the shared CF strain, AUST-02, was associated with an emerging multi-drug resistant subtype and possibly poorer clinical outcomes.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to Carbenicillin   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Ninety clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were examined for susceptibility to carbenicillin by the broth dilution and disc diffusion methods. Inhibition zone diameters varied at given minimal inhibitory concentration levels of the antibiotic. Nevertheless, the results obtained allowed the proposal of the following tentative criteria for the interpretation of inhibition zones. Pseudomonadaceae yielding zones of inhibition measuring at least 10 and 16 mm in diameter around 25-and 100-mug discs, respectively, are sensitive to this antibiotic when examined by the standardized Bauer-Kirby method of disc susceptibility testing. Isolates characterized by zones of less than 100 mm in diameter around 25-mug discs should be tested with 100-mug discs before they are reported as sensitive or resistant to carbenicillin.  相似文献   

Ninety-one Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates recovered from cystic fibrosis and non-cystic fibrosis patients were evaluated regarding the ability to form biofilm and acyl-homoserine lactones production and for the presence of five quorum-sensing (QS) regulatory genes (lasI, lasR, rhlI, rhlR, and vfr). Most isolates (90.1 %) presented all five QS genes. Five isolates shown to be lasI/lasR-deficient were not able to produce biofilm in vitro. Moreover, one isolate harboring all five QS genes was also not able to form a biofilm. The function of rhlR gene may be compensated by the las QS system. However, in our study, all isolates which were deficient for the rhlR gene were also deficient for the lasI/lasR system. This may point to some hierarchy in QS regulation which may pose a potential for controlling biofilm infections due to P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

System-level modeling is beginning to be used to decipher high throughput data in the context of disease. In this study, we present an integration of expression microarray data with a genome-scale metabolic reconstruction of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the context of a chronic cystic fibrosis (CF) lung infection. A genome-scale reconstruction of P. aeruginosa metabolism was tailored to represent the metabolic states of two clonally related lineages of P. aeruginosa isolated from the lungs of a CF patient at different points over a 44-month time course, giving a mechanistic glimpse into how the bacterial metabolism adapts over time in the CF lung. Metabolic capacities were analyzed to determine how tradeoffs between growth and other important cellular processes shift during disease progression. Genes whose knockouts were either significantly growth reducing or lethal in silico were also identified for each time point and serve as hypotheses for future drug targeting efforts specific to the stages of disease progression.The last decade has witnessed an explosion in both the quantity and the pace of biological discovery. High throughput methods have been developed and leveraged at an expanding rate, with the accumulation of high throughput data outstripping the capacity for analysis using conventional methods (16, 21). To face these new challenges, systems-focused methods have come to the forefront of biological discovery, enabling a synergistic merging of network analysis with the existing reductionist paradigms that have fueled biology for the past half-century (25, 40).One of the most pressing applications of systems analysis is unraveling the myriad factors that combine to form human disease. This ambitious goal has motivated a surge of interest in the collection and analysis of microarray data, which has emerged as a dominant technology for gathering genome-scale data due to its relatively low cost, ubiquity, ease, and increasingly high resolution and reproducibility (42). In particular, microarrays for gene expression profiling have been used in longitudinal studies of disease, as it enables a glimpse at the internal changes cells undergo as a disease progresses. While many such studies have been published, very little model-driven analysis has been leveraged toward interpreting these data at the network level. There is a tremendous need for this next level of analysis, as a network approach promises a deeper mechanistic understanding of whole-cell phenotypes that will be crucial for determining better therapies in the future.With the increase in life span of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients over the last several decades, bacterial infections of the thickened mucus of the lung have become the primary disease burden that must be managed in these patients today (23). The peculiarities of the CF lung mucosal environment render it a ripe environment for growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in particular, a notorious opportunistic pathogen that chronically infects the lungs of nearly every CF patient by an early age (32). Due to the ability of P. aeruginosa to thrive in many varied environments and its possession of a large number of regulators, it has been hypothesized that an important determinant of the virulence of this pathogen is its exceptional metabolic versatility and adaptability (37).CF lung infections involve many adaptive stages as the bacteria respond to the host lung environment and as the lungs contemporaneously remodel based on the stresses of infection (18, 20, 35). Long-term bacterial adaptations have been studied in part through gene expression profiling, and it has been noted that a significant percentage of genes differentially expressed during chronic infection encode physiological or metabolic functions (12, 36). This finding reinforces the hypothesis that the metabolic versatility of P. aeruginosa is a large factor in its pathogenicity. As a tool in studying the metabolism of this opportunistic human pathogen, we have previously published a genome-scale reconstruction of the P. aeruginosa PAO1 strain (26). This reconstruction accounts for the functions of 1,056 genes, 883 reactions, and 760 metabolites, incorporating the functions of approximately 20% of the genes in the genome into a functional computational model that is amenable to metabolic flux-level analysis (9, 17, 31). Methods for integrating high-throughput data, including gene expression array data, with genome-scale models of metabolism in order to study tissue- or condition-dependent metabolic phenotypes are developing (1, 4-6, 22, 34). By integrating gene expression data from a longitudinal study of P. aeruginosa growth (12) with our model of P. aeruginosa metabolism (26), we are providing the first network-driven analysis of metabolic changes in P. aeruginosa growing in the CF lung. By evaluating the metabolic changes that occur in this environment, we offer a deeper understanding of how the metabolism of this pathogen adapts during a chronic CF infection and present a new way to view its evolving metabolic lifestyle.  相似文献   

[This corrects the article on p. 630 in vol. 20.].  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a human opportunistic pathogen, is capable of provoking acute and chronic infections that are associated with defined sets of virulence factors. During chronic infections, the bacterium accumulates mutations that silence some and activate other genes. Here we show that the cystic fibrosis isolate CHA exhibits a unique virulence phenotype featuring a mucoid morphology, an active Type III Secretion System (T3SS, hallmark of acute infections), and no Type VI Secretion System (H1-T6SS). This virulence profile is due to a 426 bp deletion in the 3′ end of the gacS gene encoding an essential regulatory protein. The absence of GacS disturbs the Gac/Rsm pathway leading to depletion of the small regulatory RNAs RsmY/RsmZ and, in consequence, to expression of T3SS, while switching off the expression of H1-T6SS and Pel polysaccharides. The CHA isolate also exhibits full ability to swim and twitch, due to active flagellum and Type IVa pili. Thus, unlike the classical scheme of balance between virulence factors, clinical strains may adapt to a local niche by expressing both alginate exopolysaccharide, a hallmark of membrane stress that protects from antibiotic action, host defences and phagocytosis, and efficient T3S machinery that is considered as an aggressive virulence factor.  相似文献   

Tracheal glands (TG) may play a specific role in the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis (CF), a disease due to mutations in the cftr gene and characterized by airway inflammation and Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. We compared the gene expression of wild-type TG cells and TG cells with the cftr ΔF508 mutation (CF-TG cells) using microarrays covering the whole human genome. In the absence of infection, CF-TG cells constitutively exhibited an inflammatory signature, including genes that encode molecules such as IL-1α, IL-β, IL-32, TNFSF14, LIF, CXCL1 and PLAU. In response to P. aeruginosa, genes associated with IFN-γ response to infection (CXCL10, IL-24, IFNγR2) and other mediators of anti-infectious responses (CSF2, MMP1, MMP3, TLR2, S100 calcium-binding proteins A) were markedly up-regulated in wild-type TG cells. This microbicidal signature was silent in CF-TG cells. The deficiency of genes associated with IFN-γ response was accompanied by the defective membrane expression of IFNγR2 and altered response of CF-TG cells to exogenous IFN-γ. In addition, CF-TG cells were unable to secrete CXCL10, IL-24 and S100A8/S100A9 in response to P. aeruginosa. The differences between wild-type TG and CF-TG cells were due to the cftr mutation since gene expression was similar in wild-type TG cells and CF-TG cells transfected with a plasmid containing a functional cftr gene. Finally, we reported an altered sphingolipid metabolism in CF-TG cells, which may account for their inflammatory signature. This first comprehensive analysis of gene expression in TG cells proposes a protective role of wild-type TG against airborne pathogens and reveals an original program in which anti-infectious response was deficient in TG cells with a cftr mutation. This defective response may explain why host response does not contribute to protection against P. aeruginosa in CF.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) patient airways harbour diverse microbial consortia that, in addition to the recognized principal pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, include other bacteria commonly regarded as commensals. The latter include the oral (viridans) streptococci, which recent evidence indicates play an active role during infection of this environmentally diverse niche. As the interactions between inhabitants of the CF airway can potentially alter disease progression, it is important to identify key cooperators/competitors and environmental influences if therapeutic intervention is to be improved and pulmonary decline arrested. Importantly, we recently showed that virulence of the P. aeruginosa Liverpool Epidemic Strain (LES) could be potentiated by the Anginosus-group of streptococci (AGS). In the present study we explored the relationships between other viridans streptococci (Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus gordonii and Streptococcus sanguinis) and the LES and observed that co-culture outcome was dependent upon inoculation sequence and environment. All four streptococcal species were shown to potentiate LES virulence factor production in co-culture biofilms. However, in the case of S. oralis interactions were environmentally determined; in air cooperation within a high cell density co-culture biofilm occurred together with stimulation of LES virulence factor production, while in an atmosphere containing added CO2 this species became a competitor antagonising LES growth through hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production, significantly altering biofilm population dynamics and appearance. Streptococcus mitis, S. gordonii and S. sanguinis were also capable of H2O2 mediated inhibition of P. aeruginosa growth, but this was only visible when inoculated as a primary coloniser prior to introduction of the LES. Therefore, these observations, which are made in conditions relevant to the biology of CF disease pathogenesis, show that the pathogenic and colonisation potential of P. aeruginosa isolates can be modulated positively and negatively by the presence of oral commensal streptococci.  相似文献   

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