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几个优良籼稻亲本品质性状的配合力和杂种优势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以3个不育系和10个恢复系为材料,采用NCII交配设计研究10个米质性状的配合力和杂种优势。结果表明:①大多数品质性状的量值介于双亲之间,除粒重表现一定的超亲优势、垩白度和粒宽表现一定的正向平均优势外,其他品质性状优势不明显。②杂种稻米的品质性状主要受不育系或恢复系的影响,其中粒长、粒宽和直链淀粉含量3个性状,不育系的影响要高于恢复系;而对于整精米率、粒重、垩白率、垩白度和糊化温度,则恢复系的影响要高于不育系。③就优质育种的利用价值而言,不育系以广占63-4S为好,恢复系以扬稻6号为好,R527、镇恢084次之,用上述亲本选配的杂交组合米质较好;恢复系特青、盐恢559表现为一般配合力效应低,特殊配合力方差小,优质育种利用价值不大。  相似文献   

CL系列甘蔗亲本的遗传力及配合力分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨CL系列甘蔗品种作杂交亲本的遗传特点,采用3×3不完全双列杂交(NCⅡ)遗传设计,估算了7个产量和品质性状的遗传方差、一般配合力(GCA)和特殊配合力(SCA)。结果表明:锤度的遗传主要受母本加性基因效应控制,株高的遗传主要受父母本加性基因控制,而锤重的遗传主要受非加性基因效应所制约;CL83-1163作为母本,糖分配合力高,且能把高糖特性传递给后代,CL88-4730为父本,产量和品质性状的配合力大,其杂交后代表现高产高糖;根据配合力总效应(TCA),综合表现好的组合有CL83-1364×CL88-4730、CL83-1900×CL84-3152、CL83-1163×CL88-4730,可用于今后的甘蔗有性育种计划。  相似文献   

The Augmented Partial Diallel Cross (APDC) represents an intermediate position between the Complete Diallel Cross (CDC) and the Partial Diallel Cross (PDC) in which one or more primary lines are crossed with all the other lines but the lines of secondary interest form a PDC system. The method of sampling adopted for crosses of secondary lines is from arrangement of secondary lines on circumference of a circle. The mathematics for analysis of such APDC has been given systematically. The efficiency of estimates of general combining ability (g.c.a.) effects obtained from APDC has been compared with that of Pederson's estimator and CDC. It is observed that there are four types of variances for g.c.a. effects where as for comparing specific combining ability (s.c.a.) effects there are large number of variances indicating that the design is totally unbalanced for s.c.a. comparisons.  相似文献   

种植青蒿与野生青蒿精油成分对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用水蒸气蒸馏法和GC-MS法对来源于重庆云阳的栽培青蒿和野生青蒿精油的化学成分进行分析.从冬季和春季栽培的青蒿精油中分别鉴定出29和28个化合物,野生青蒿精油中鉴定出21个化合物.3种精油的化学成分差别明显,两种栽培青蒿精油有16个化合物相同.而栽培青蒿与野生青蒿精油仅有6个化合物相同.这表明基因型对青蒿精油的组成起决定作用;而气候因素对各成分的相对含量有重要影响,尤其对蒿酮和樟脑的积累影响较大.本文对进一步研究青蒿精油中萜类化合物之间的生源关系具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

选用生产上常用的5个杂交水稻不育胞质与5个高配合力恢复系,采用NCII模式对产量性状、芒、粒形等主要农艺性状的亲本配合力、方差贡献率及遗传力进行分析。结果表明:胞质效应和恢复系效应在所测性状中均达到显著或极显著差异水平,芒长、粒形、单穗重受环境的影响较小;产量和收获指数的非加性遗传作用明显,受环境效应的影响也较大。亲本效应方面,恢复系的效应远大于胞质效应;产量性状JW型(爪哇型)胞质和蜀恢527的一般配合力效应较高,同时JW型胞质和R21属于Ⅰ类亲本;粒形性状G型(冈型)胞质和蜀恢527的一般配合力效应最高,同时均属于Ⅰ类亲本。  相似文献   

杂交水稻苗瘟抗性的配合力和遗传力分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用7×7不完全双列杂交设计,对反映杂交水稻苗瘟抗性的5个指标进行了配合力和遗传力分析.结果表明,杂交水稻苗瘟抗性遗传力高,受加性和非加性基因效应共同控制,但以加性效应为主;恢复系的苗瘟抗性一般配合力效应明显相对重要于不育系,不育系苗瘟抗性一般配合力效应对F1代的抗性有显著的影响;14个供试亲本中,多恢1号、成恢149、K42A、K40A具有较好的苗瘟抗性一般配合力效应.因此,在杂交水稻抗苗瘟育种中,对恢复系的抗性GCA选择和对亲本的抗性GCA评鉴至关重要,但不应忽视不育系对组合的抗性贡献和对组合的抗性评鉴;多恢1号、成恢149、K42A和K40A可作为优良抗苗瘟亲本加以利用.  相似文献   

促进黄花蒿发根青蒿素合成的内生真菌诱导子的制备   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用酸解法对黄花蒿(ArtemisiaannuaL.)内生胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichumgloeosporioides)菌丝体进行提取,在黄花蒿发根培养系统中比较了各制备提取物的青蒿素诱导活性。活性提取物经过SephadexG25层析后,部分纯化的内生菌寡糖提取物(MW<2500)可显著促进发根青蒿素的合成,培养23d的发根经诱导子(0.4mg/mL)处理4d后,青蒿素产量可达13.51mg/L,比同期对照产量提高51.63%,诱导作用与诱导子浓度、作用时间相关。内生菌寡糖诱导子的制备和使用,在青蒿素生物技术生产研究中为首次应用。  相似文献   

Salinity has a great influence on plant growth and distribution. A few existing reports on Artemisia annua L. response to salinity are concentrated on plant growth and artemisinin content; the physiological response and salt damage mitigation are yet to be understood. In this study, the physiological response of varying salt stresses (50, 100, 200, 300, or 400 mM NaCl) on A. annua L. and the effect of exogenous salicylic acid (0.05 or 0.1 mM) at 300-mM salt stress were investigated. Plant growth, antioxidant enzyme activity, proline, and mineral element level were determined. In general, increasing salt concentration significantly reduced plant growth. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), and catalase (CAT) were stimulated by salt treatment to a higher enzyme activity in treated plants than those in untreated plants. Content of proline had a visible range of increment in the salt-treated plants. Distribution of mineral elements was in inconformity: Na+ and Ca2+ were mainly accumulated in the roots; K+ and Mg2+ were concentrated in leaves and stems, respectively. Alleviation of growth arrest was observed with exogenous applications of salicylic acid (SA) under salt stress conditions. The activity of SOD and POD was notably enhanced by SA, but the CAT action was suppressed. While exogenous SA had no discernible effect on proline content, it effectively inhibited excessive Na+ absorption and promoted Mg2+ absorption. Ca2+ and K+ contents showed a slight reduction when supplemented with SA. Overall, the positive effect of SA towards resistance to the salinity of A. annua will provide some practical basis for A. annua cultivation.  相似文献   

Bigdaj  E. V.  Bezgacheva  E. A.  Samojlov  V. O.  Korolyev  Y. N. 《Biophysics》2018,63(5):814-819
Biophysics - Abstract—The data on the influence of hypoxic hypoxia on the human ability to identify smells are presented. The study was conducted in male volunteers aged from 18 to 20 years...  相似文献   

四倍体大燕麦×六倍体裸燕麦的杂种F1的产生及鉴定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本研究以四倍体大燕麦 (AvenamagnaL .)做母本 ,六倍体裸燕麦 (AvenanudaL .)做父本进行杂交 ,利用幼胚拯救技术获得了杂种F1,并对其后代形态特征进行了观察 ;对杂种F1同工酶图谱和DNA指纹图谱进行了分析。杂种F1形态特征偏亲本或介于双亲之间 ;同工酶研究表明多数F1具有双亲互补酶带 ;RAPD分析不同引物扩增产物F1呈共显性或偏父、偏母。这些结果表明F1为真杂种  相似文献   

本研究以四倍体大燕麦(Avena magna L.)做母本,六倍体裸燕麦(Avena nuda L.)做父本进行杂交,利用幼胚拯救技术获得了杂种F1,并对其后代形态特征进行了观察;对杂种F1同工酶图谱和DNA指纹图谱进行了分析。杂种F1形态特征偏亲本或介于双亲之间;同工酶研究表明多数F1具有双亲互补酶带;RAPD分析不同引物扩增产物F1呈共显性或偏父、偏母。这些结果表明F1为真杂种。  相似文献   

33份杂交稻亲本的SSR指纹图谱构建及遗传相似性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用分布在12条染色体上84对SSR引物,对6个粳型和4个籼型核质互作雄性不育系、14个籼型和9个粳型父本,共33份杂交稻亲本材料进行遗传相似性分析,并建立SSR指纹图谱数据库.结果表明:在33份材料中能够扩增出多态性的引物有54对,占所用引物的64.3%;33 份材料间遗传相似系数变异范围为0.429~0.988,在遗传相似系数0,65处,33份材料被聚为籼、粳2个大类群;利用14对引物能将33份材料区分,引物RM264能将‘Ⅱ-32A'、‘协青早A'、‘冈46A’和‘K17A'4个籼型不育系与籼型恢复系区分开,引物RM432能区别5个粳型不育系与粳型可育品种,引物RM6、RM13、RM16、RM240、RM247和RM248均能鉴别籼、粳亚种.利用这6对引物的共显性标记可以鉴别籼粳亚种间杂交组合.  相似文献   

A fundamental need for commercialization of sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] as a bioenergy crop is an adequate seed supply, which will require development of hybrid varieties using dwarf seed-parent lines. A set of six public sweet sorghum A-lines (Dwarf Kansas Sourless, KS9, N36, N38, N39, and N4692) were crossed with a set of six public sweet sorghum cultivars (Brawley, Kansas Collier, Dale, Sugar Drip, Waconia, and Wray). Grain, fiber, and sugar yields were determined, and conversion formulas were applied to estimate ethanol yields. Hybrids were grown in fields at Ithaca, NE, USA, in 1983–1984 fertilized with 112 kg ha?1 N. In terms of yield components and overall ethanol yields, one A-line, N38, was inferior. Average total ethanol yields from hybrids made on the other A-lines were not significantly different, suggesting that any of those five A-lines could be useful seed-parents. With the exception of grain yield, cultivars used as pollen parents were among the highest-performing entries for all traits. For all traits directly contributing to total ethanol yield (grain yield, juice yield, % soluble solids, sugar yield, fiber yield), hybrids were also among the highest-performing entries. Results of this study demonstrate that hybrid sweet sorghum with performance criteria equivalent to existing sweet sorghum cultivars can be produced on the sweet sorghum seed-parent lines A-Dwarf Kansas Sourless, A-KS9, A-N36, A-N39, and A-N4692. Identification of specific seed-parent × pollen parent lines with characteristics best suited for particular growing regions and end-user needs will be critical for commercial hybrid development.  相似文献   

The use of plant biomass as substrate for biogas production has recently become of major interest in Europe. Winter Brassica rapa produces high early biomass and could be grown as a pre-crop harvested early in the year followed by a second crop such as maize. The objectives of this study were to estimate heterosis and combining ability of 15 European winter B. rapa cultivars for biomass yield at end of flowering. A half-diallel without reciprocals was conducted among cultivars to produce 105 crosses. These crosses and their parents were evaluated in two years at two locations in Northern Germany. Data collected were days to flowering (DTF), fresh biomass yield (FBY), dry matter content (DMC) and dry biomass yield (DBY). The mean DBY was 5.3 t/ha for the parental cultivars and 5.6 t/ha for their crosses. The crosses surpassed on average their parents by 7.6% for FBY and 5.9% for DBY whereas DMC was 1.4% higher in the parents. Maximum mid parent heterosis was 21.0% for FBY and 30.4% for DBY. Analysis of variance showed that genetic variance was mainly due to specific combining ability (SCA). The correlation between parental performance and general combining ability (GCA) was 0.42** for FBY and 0.53** for DBY. In conclusion, the amount of heterosis in crosses between European winter B. rapa cultivars is not very high on average, but can be up to 30% in the best crosses. Selection of parental combinations with high specific combining ability to produce synthetic cultivars can rapidly improve biomass yield.  相似文献   

Artemisinin is an endoperoxide sesquiterpene lactone isolated from the aerial parts of Artemisia annua L., and is presently the most potent anti-malarial drug. Owing to the low yield of artemisinin from A. annua as well as the widespread application of artemisinin-based combination therapy recommended by the World Health Organization, the global demand for artemisinin is substantially increasing and is therefore rendering artemisinin in short supply. An economical way to increase artemisinin production is to increase the content of artemisinin in A. annua. In this study, three key genes in the artemisinin biosynthesis pathway, encoding farnesyl diphosphate synthase, amorpha-4, 11-diene C-12 oxidase and its redox partner cytochrome P450 reductase, were over-expressed in A. annua through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The transgenic lines were confirmed by Southern blotting and the over-expressions of the genes were demonstrated by real-time PCR assays. The HPLC analysis showed that the artemisinin contents in transgenic lines were increased significantly, with the highest one found to be 3.6-fold higher (2.9 mg/g FW) than that of the control. These results demonstrate that multigene engineering is an effective way to enhance artemisinin content in A. annua.  相似文献   

采用Griffing 6×6完全双列杂交设计,对长江流域内秋冬栽培的6个主要花椰菜(Brassica oleraceaLinn.var.botrytis Linn.)资源的自交系育种材料的球高、球径、单球重、成熟期、毛花率和内叶盖球度等6个花球主要经济性状进行一般配合力(GCA)和特殊配合力(SCA)分析,并对花椰菜的各个性状进行了遗传相关性分析。结果表明:花椰菜的6个经济性状同时受加性和非加性效应控制。其中成熟期、毛花率、球高和内叶盖球度性状的一般配合力大于特殊配合力,受加性基因效应影响大;而球径、单球重等性状间一般配合力小于特殊配合力,在相当程度上受非加性基因控制。花椰菜各性状的狭义遗传力由大到小依次为:成熟期、毛花率、内叶盖球度、球高、球径和单球重。花椰菜的球高与单球重、球径与单球重、球高与成熟期、单球重与内叶盖球度、成熟期与内叶盖球度等5个成对性状应该同时选择;而球高与毛花率、球高与内叶盖球度、球径与成熟期、球径与毛花率、单球重与毛花率、成熟期与毛花率、毛花率与内叶盖球度等7个成对性状的选择可以独立进行,彼此间不会相互影响,可实现同一组合或品种具备多种优质性状。在6个自交系中,P2和P5是理想亲本;P4是配制耐寒组合的亲本材料;亲本P6应用价值最低。组合中表现最好的为P2×P4,各性状的特殊配合力均较优。  相似文献   


A natural bioadhesive obtained from Mytilus edulis , mussel adhesive protein, MAP or mefp-1, is frequently used for cellular attachment. MAP is approximately 114 kD, and generally composed of repeating decapeptide units, A-K-P-S-Y-Hyp-Hyp-T-DOPA-K, MAP-RD. Prior nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and molecular modeling of MAP-RD revealed an overall bent-helix. NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling of a MAP fourteen residue peptide, P-S-Y-Hyp-Hyp-T-Y-K-A-K-P-S-Y-Hyp, MAP-14, are presented. Additionally, a molecular model built and minimized from MAP-RD and MAP-14 produced a twenty-six-residue MAP peptide, (MAP-26), that maintained regional structural consistency with both MAP-RD and MAP-14. Multiple attenuated internal reflection infrared (MAIR-IR) spectroscopy and ellipsometry of the MAP-14 as well as that of L-DOPA-containing MAP-14, (MAP-14(D)), showed uniform film formation near a monolayer in thickness was L-DOPA dependent. Significantly more undifferentiated leukocyte cells (MOLT-4) attached to and spread on MAP-14 (D) films (applied at 2 w g cm m 2 ) compared with intact MAP, MAP-RD or tissue culture treated polystyrene, indicating a cellular binding domain presence in the MAP-14 sequence. The culmination of biophysical data indicate the lysine-alanine-lysine (K-A-K) sequence as structurally conserved and responsible for the cellular attachment ability noted for MAP14(D) and ultimately MAP.  相似文献   

Comparisons of bacterial genomes demonstrate that even strains of one species may strikingly differ in gene set. Strain-specific genes are of considerable interest, as they may be responsible for distinguishing features, such as virulence or drug resistance, of the strain and may be employed as markers in epidemiological or evolutionary studies. Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was shown to be suitable for generating a set of DNA fragments differing between two closely related bacterial strains. More than 95% DNA fragments selected by SSH proved to be specific for Staphylococcus aureus strains ZW compared with strain 29213.  相似文献   

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