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The level of sCD23 produced in the course of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection was measured in patients grouped according to the Centers for Disease Control by using an immunoradiometric assay. Soluble CD23 was evaluated in supernatants of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) (106 cells/ml) stimulated by phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Compared with healthy controls (m±S.D. = 1.0 ±0.34 U/ml, n = 7), higher values were observed in some of the patients of group II (asymptomatic) (m±S.D. = 2±1.33, n = 9) and some of the patients of group IV (AIDS) (m±S.D. = 1.3 ±1.40, n = 8). Those results prompted us to compare the plasma levels of sCD23 in group II and group IV HIV-infected patients and in healthy individuals. Soluble CD23 plasma levels in healthy patients (n = 42) ranged from 0 to 1.5 U/ml (m±S.D. = 0.9±0.33), in group II patients (n = 17) from 0 to 3 U/ml (m±S.D. = 0.92±0.83) and in group IV patients (n =73) from 0 to 2.9 U/ml (m±S.D. = 1.15±0.71). The differences between the patients and the healthy individuals were not statistically significant but individual sCD23 values higher than 2 U/ml were obtained in 6% of the group II patients and 16.7% of the group IV patients. Increased values of sCD23 were obtained in plasma from patients with secondary infectious diseases (groups IV-C1 and IV-C2) and from patients without secondary infectious diseases (group II, group IV-A and group IV-B). Elevated values of sCD23 were detected even in patients with low counts of CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells in their peripheral blood. sCD23 has numerous activities including control of IgE synthesis and cytokine-like properties. Our results show a disarray of sCD23 in HIV-infected patients which could be involved in drug reactions, allergic manifestations and the IgE-level increase. Further investigations should attempt to define the role of sCD23 in clinical manifestations of HIV infection.  相似文献   

Infection by some human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates is enhanced by the binding of subneutralizing concentrations of soluble receptor, soluble CD4 (sCD4), or monoclonal antibodies directed against the viral envelope glycoproteins. In this work, we studied the abilities of different antibodies to mediate activation of the envelope glycoproteins of a primary HIV-1 isolate, YU2, and identified the regions of gp120 envelope glycoprotein contributing to activation. Binding of antibodies to a variety of epitopes on gp120, including the CD4 binding site, the third variable (V3) loop, and CD4-induced epitopes, enhanced the entry of viruses containing YU2 envelope glycoproteins. Fab fragments of antibodies directed against either the CD4 binding site or V3 loop also activated YU2 virus infection. The activation phenotype was conferred on the envelope glycoproteins of a laboratory-adapted HIV-1 isolate (HXBc2) by replacing the gp120 V3 loop or V1/V2 and V3 loops with those of the YU2 virus. Infection by the YU2 virus in the presence of activating antibodies remained inhibitable by macrophage inhibitory protein 1β, indicating dependence on the CCR5 coreceptor on the target cells. Thus, antibody enhancement of YU2 entry involves neither Fc receptor binding nor envelope glycoprotein cross-linking, is determined by the same variable loops that dictate enhancement by sCD4, and probably proceeds by a process fundamentally similar to the receptor-activated virus entry pathway.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) uses a variety of chemokine receptors as coreceptors for virus entry, and the ability of the virus to be neutralized by antibody may depend on which coreceptors are used. In particular, laboratory-adapted variants of the virus that use CXCR4 as a coreceptor are highly sensitive to neutralization by sera from HIV-1-infected individuals, whereas primary isolates that use CCR5 instead of, or in addition to, CXCR4 are neutralized poorly. To determine whether this dichotomy in neutralization sensitivity could be explained by differential coreceptor usage, virus neutralization by serum samples from HIV-1-infected individuals was assessed in MT-2 cells, which express CXCR4 but not CCR5, and in mitogen-stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), where multiple coreceptors including CXCR4 and CCR5 are available for use. Our results showed that three of four primary isolates with a syncytium-inducing (SI) phenotype and that use CXCR4 and CCR5 were neutralized poorly in both MT-2 cells and PBMC. The fourth isolate, designated 89.6, was more sensitive to neutralization in MT-2 cells than in PBMC. We showed that the neutralization of 89.6 in PBMC was not improved when CCR5 was blocked by having RANTES, MIP-1α, and MIP-1β in the culture medium, indicating that CCR5 usage was not responsible for the decreased sensitivity to neutralization in PBMC. Consistent with this finding, a laboratory-adapted strain of virus (IIIB) was significantly more sensitive to neutralization in CCR5-deficient PBMC (homozygous Δ32-CCR5 allele) than were two of two SI primary isolates tested. The results indicate that the ability of HIV-1 to be neutralized by sera from infected individuals depends on factors other than coreceptor usage.Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), the etiologic agent of AIDS, utilizes the HLA class II receptor, CD4, as its primary receptor to gain entry into cells (17, 30). Entry is initiated by a high-affinity interaction between CD4 and the surface gp120 of the virus (32). Subsequent to this interaction, conformational changes that permit fusion of the viral membrane with cellular membranes occur within the viral transmembrane gp41 (9, 58, 59). In addition to CD4, one or more recently described viral coreceptors are needed for fusion to take place. These coreceptors belong to a family of seven-transmembrane G-protein-coupled proteins and include the CXC chemokine receptor CXCR4 (3, 4, 24, 44), the CC chemokine receptors CCR5 (1, 12, 13, 18, 21, 23, 45) and, less commonly, CCR3 and CCR2b (12, 21), and two related orphan receptors termed BONZO/STRL33 and BOB (19, 34). Coreceptor usage by HIV-1 can be blocked by naturally occurring ligands, including SDF-1 for CXCR4 (4, 44), RANTES, MIP-1α, and MIP-1β in the case of CCR5 (13, 45), and eotaxin for CCR3 (12).The selective cellular tropisms of different strains of HIV-1 may be determined in part by coreceptor usage. For example, all culturable HIV-1 variants replicate initially in mitogen-stimulated human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), but only a minor fraction are able to infect established CD4+ T-cell lines (43). This differential tropism is explained by the expression of CXCR4 together with CCR5 and other CC chemokine coreceptors on PBMC and the lack of expression of CCR5 on most T-cell lines (5, 10, 19, 35, 39, 50, 53). Indeed, low-passage field strains (i.e., primary isolates) of HIV-1 that fail to replicate in T-cell lines use CCR5 as their major coreceptor and are unable to use CXCR4 (1, 12, 18, 21, 23, 28). Because these isolates rarely produce syncytia in PBMC and fail to infect MT-2 cells, they are often classified as having a non-syncytium-inducing (NSI) phenotype. Primary isolates with a syncytium-inducing (SI) phenotype are able to use CXCR4 alone or, more usually, in addition to CCR5 (16, 20, 51). HIV-1 variants that have been passaged multiple times in CD4+ T-cell lines, and therefore considered to be laboratory adapted, exhibit a pattern of coreceptor usage that resembles that of SI primary isolates. Most studies have shown that the laboratory-adapted strain IIIB uses CXCR4 alone (3, 13, 20, 24, 51) and that MN and SF-2 use CXCR4 primarily and CCR5 to a lesser degree (11, 13). Sequences within the V3 loop of gp120 have been shown to be important, either directly or indirectly, for the interaction of HIV-1 with both CXCR4 (52) and CCR5 (12, 14, 54, 60). This region of gp120 contains multiple determinants of cellular tropism (43) and is a major target for neutralizing antibodies to laboratory-adapted HIV-1 but not to primary isolates (29, 46, 57).It has been known for some time that the ability of sera from HIV-1-infected individuals to neutralize laboratory-adapted strains of HIV-1 does not predict their ability to neutralize primary isolates in vitro (7). In general, the former viruses are highly sensitive to neutralization whereas the latter viruses are neutralized poorly by antibodies induced in response to HIV-1 infection (7, 43). Importantly, neutralizing antibodies generated by candidate HIV-1 subunit vaccines have been highly specific for laboratory-adapted viruses (26, 37, 38). In principle, the dichotomy in neutralization sensitivity between these two categories of virus could be related to coreceptor usage. To test this, we investigated whether the use of CXCR4 in the absence of CCR5 would render SI primary isolates highly sensitive to neutralization in vitro by sera from HIV-1-infected individuals. Two similar studies using human monoclonal antibodies and soluble CD4 have been reported (31a, 55).  相似文献   

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