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Archerfish are famous for spitting jets of water to capture terrestrial insects, a task that not only requires oral dexterity, but also the ability to detect small camouflaged prey against a visually complex background of overhanging foliage. Because detection of olfactory, auditory and tactile cues is diminished at air–water interfaces, archerfish must depend almost entirely on visual cues to mediate their sensory interactions with the aerial world. During spitting, their eyes remain below the water''s surface and must adapt to the optical demands of both aquatic and aerial fields of view. These challenges suggest that archerfish eyes may be specially adapted to life at the interface between air and water. Using microspectrophotometry to characterize the spectral absorbance of photoreceptors, we find that archerfish have differentially tuned their rods and cones across their retina, correlated with spectral differences in aquatic and aerial fields of view. Spatial resolving power also differs for aquatic and aerial fields of view with maximum visual resolution (6.9 cycles per degree) aligned with their preferred spitting angle. These measurements provide insight into the functional significance of intraretinal variability in archerfish and infer intraretinal variability may be expected among surface fishes or vertebrates where different fields of view vary markedly.  相似文献   

Batesian mimicry is a fundamental example of adaptive phenotypic evolution driven by strong natural selection. Given the potentially dramatic impacts of selection on individual fitness, it is important to understand the conditions under which mimicry is maintained versus lost. Although much empirical and theoretical work has been devoted to the maintenance of Batesian mimicry, there are no conclusive examples of its loss in natural populations. Recently, it has been proposed that non-mimetic populations of the polytypic Limenitis arthemis species complex represent an evolutionary loss of Batesian mimicry, and a reversion to the ancestral phenotype. Here, we evaluate this conclusion using segregating amplified fragment length polymorphism markers to investigate the history and fate of mimicry among forms of the L. arthemis complex and closely related Nearctic Limenitis species. In contrast to the previous finding, our results support a single origin of mimicry within the L. arthemis complex and the retention of the ancestral white-banded form in non-mimetic populations. Our finding is based on a genome-wide sampling approach to phylogeny reconstruction that highlights the challenges associated with inferring the evolutionary relationships among recently diverged species or populations (i.e. incomplete lineage sorting, introgressive hybridization and/or selection).  相似文献   


Background and Aims

It has been proposed that variation in pollinator preferences or a fluctuating environment can act to maintain flower colour polymorphism. These two hypotheses were tested in an aquatic monocot Butomus umbellatus (Butomaceae) with a pink or white gynoecium in the field population.


Pollinator visitation was compared in experimental arrays of equivalent flowering cymes from both colour morphs. Seed set was compared between inter- and intramorph pollination under different water levels to test the effect of fluctuating environment on seed fertility.

Key Results

Overall, the major pollinator groups did not discriminate between colour morphs. Compared with the white morph, seed production in the pink morph under intermorph, intramorph and open pollination treatments was significantly higher when the water level was low but not when it was high. Precipitation in July was correlated with yearly seed production in the pink morph but not in the white morph.


The results indicated that the two colour morphs differed in their tolerance to water level. Our study on this aquatic plant provides additional evidence to support the hypothesis that flower colour polymorphism can be preserved by environmental heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Epoxide hydrolases catalyze the conversion of epoxides to diols. The known functions of such enzymes include detoxification of xenobiotics, drug metabolism, synthesis of signaling compounds, and intermediary metabolism. In plants, epoxide hydrolases are thought to participate in general defense systems. In the present study, we report the first structure of a plant epoxide hydrolase, one of the four homologous enzymes found in potato. The structure was solved by molecular replacement and refined to a resolution of 1.95 A. Analysis of the structure allows a better understanding of the observed substrate specificities and activity. Further, comparisons with mammalian and fungal epoxide hydrolase structures reported earlier show the basis of differing substrate specificities in the various epoxide hydrolase subfamilies. Most plant enzymes, like the potato epoxide hydrolase, are expected to be monomers with a preference for substrates with long lipid-like substituents of the epoxide ring. The significance of these results in the context of biological roles and industrial applications is discussed.  相似文献   

Primula veris L. (Primulaceae) is a long lived perennial and well known pharmaceutical plant, widely collected for these reasons in almost all SE Europe and particularly in Kosovo. The aim of the study is to determine molecular polymorphism of cowslip (P. veris L.) populations from Kosovo. DNA extracted from leaves were  investigated in details for presence of polymorphism. RAPD analyses were conducted using 20 different short primers. Genomic DNA amplification profiles were analyzed and processed using data labelling. Comparison between cowslip populations in genetic composition revealed that samples from Bogaj were too distinct on their own. Molecular variation was observed to be more within populations (73 %) as compared to among populations (27 %). On the other hand, genetic distance of populations revealed that the highest genetic distance is between Leqinat and Maja e Madhe. Mean values of expected heterozygosity were highest in Bogaj population, while lowest in Maja e Madhe population. The obtained results indicated that Bogaj population are more polymorphic. From the obtained data it can be concluded that RAPD markers provided a useful technique to study genetic diversity in P. veris L. populations. This technology allows identification and assessment of the genetic similarities and differences among plant populations.  相似文献   

Disentangling the relative importance and potential interactions of selection and genetic drift in driving phenotypic divergence of species is a classical research topic in population genetics and evolutionary biology. Here, we evaluate the role of stochastic and selective forces on population divergence of a colour polymorphism in seven damselfly species of the genus Ischnura, with a particular focus on I. elegans and I. graellsii. Colour-morph frequencies in Spanish I. elegans populations varied greatly, even at a local scale, whereas more similar frequencies were found among populations in eastern Europe. In contrast, I. graellsii and the other five Ischnura species showed little variation in colour-morph frequencies between populations. F(ST)-outlier analyses revealed that the colour locus deviated strongly from neutral expectations in Spanish populations of I. elegans, contrasting the pattern found in eastern European populations, and in I. graellsii, where no such discrepancy between morph divergence and neutral divergence could be detected. This suggests that divergent selection has been operating on the colour locus in Spanish populations of I. elegans, whereas processes such as genetic drift, possibly in combination with other forms of selection (such as negative frequency-dependent selection), appear to have been present in other regions, such as eastern Europe. Overall, the results indicate that both selective and stochastic processes operate on these colour polymorphisms, and suggest that the relative importance of factors varies between geographical regions.  相似文献   

The coloration of species can have multiple functions, such as predator avoidance and sexual signalling, that directly affect fitness. As selection should favour traits that positively affect fitness, the genes underlying the trait should reach fixation, thereby preventing the evolution of polymorphisms. This is particularly true for aposematic species that rely on coloration as a warning signal to advertise their unprofitability to predators. Nonetheless, there are numerous examples of aposematic species showing remarkable colour polymorphisms. We examined whether colour polymorphism in the wood tiger moth is maintained by trade-offs between different functions of coloration. In Finland, males of this species have two distinct colour morphs: white and yellow. The efficacy of the warning signal of these morphs was tested by offering them to blue tits in the laboratory. Birds hesitated significantly longer to attack yellow than white males. In a field experiment, the survival of the yellow males was also higher than white males. However, mating experiments in the laboratory revealed that yellow males had lower mating success than white males. Our results offer an explanation for the maintenance of polymorphism via trade-off between survival selection and mating success.  相似文献   

The myeloid differentiation primary response protein 88 (Myd88) is an essential adaptor protein, which mediates in all Toll-like receptor (TLR) members signal transduction, except for TLR3. In this study, the 4464 bp genomic sequence of porcine Myd88 was first isolated, whereupon tissue distribution, chromosome mapping and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) were analyzed. Our results revealed that porcine Myd88 gene, which was located at chromosome 13 linked with marker S0288 (distance = 40 cR; LOD = 8.66), was widely expressed in all the examined tissues. There were 16 potential SNPs in the isolated genome fragment. SNP 797T/C in the first intron was studied, with no significant association being found between the genotype and immune traits in pigs (p > 0.05). The porcine Myd88 protein contained both the death domain (DD) and the Toll/IL-1 receptor domain (TIR). Leu residues, essential for its structure, were the most abundant encountered in the DD. The TIR contained two conserved motifs which may play important roles in the Myd88 function.  相似文献   

Votintseva AA  Filatov DA 《Heredity》2011,106(6):936-944
The population-genetic processes leading to the genetic degeneration of non-recombining regions have mainly been studied in animal and plant sex chromosomes. Here, we report population genetic analysis of the processes in the non-recombining mating-type-specific regions of the smut fungus Microbotryum violaceum. M. violaceum has A1 and A2 mating types, determined by mating-type-specific ‘sex chromosomes'' that contain 1–2 Mb long non-recombining regions. If genetic degeneration were occurring, then one would expect reduced DNA polymorphism in the non-recombining regions of this fungus. The analysis of DNA diversity among 19 M. violaceum strains, collected across Europe from Silene latifolia flowers, revealed that (i) DNA polymorphism is relatively low in all 20 studied loci (π∼0.15%), (ii) it is not significantly different between the two mating-type-specific chromosomes nor between the non-recombining and recombining regions, (iii) there is substantial population structure in M. violaceum populations, which resembles that of its host species, S. latifolia, and (iv) there is significant linkage disequilibrium, suggesting that widespread selfing in this species results in a reduction of the effective recombination rate across the genome. We hypothesise that selfing-related reduction of recombination across the M. violaceum genome negates the difference in the level of DNA polymorphism between the recombining and non-recombining regions, and may possibly lead to similar levels of genetic degeneration in the mating-type-specific regions of the non-recombining ‘sex chromosomes'' and elsewhere in the genome.  相似文献   



Our aim was to determine the association between melanopsin gene polymorphism and pupillary light reflex under diverse photic conditions, including different intensities and wavelengths.


A total of 195 visually corrected subjects volunteered for investigation of the melanopsin gene of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of rs1079610 (I394T). The genotype groups were TT (n = 126), TC (n = 55), and CC (n = 8), and 75 of the subjects, including subjects with TT (n = 34), TC (n = 33), and CC (n = 8) participated in our experiment. Three monochromatic lights with peak wavelengths of 465 nm (blue), 536 nm (green), and 632 nm (red) were prepared, and each light was projected to the subjects with five intensities, 12, 13, 14, 14.5 and 15 log photons/(cm2 s), for one minute. The pupil size of the left eye was measured under each light condition after a 1-minute adaptation.


The pupils of the TC + CC genotypes (n = 38) were significantly smaller than those of the TT genotype (n = 31) under a blue (463 nm) light condition with 15 log photons/(cm2 s) (P < 0.05). In contrast, there were no significant differences under green (536 nm) and red (632 nm) light conditions. Conversely, relative pupil constrictions of the TC + CC genotypes were greater than those of the TT genotype under both blue and green conditions with high intensities (14.5 and 15 log photons/(cm2 s)). In contrast, there were no significant differences between genotype groups in pupil size and relative pupilloconstriction under the red light conditions.


Our findings suggest that the melanopsin gene polymorphism (I394T) functionally interacts with pupillary light reflex, depending on light intensity and, particularly, wavelength, and that under a light condition fulfilling both high intensity and short wavelength, the pupillary light response of subjects with the C allele (TC + CC) is more sensitive to light than that of subjects with the TT genotype.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Serotiny is common in the genus Banksia, so any seed collection is likely to be comprised of seeds that were produced in many different years. This study aimed to determine the impact of cone age and degree of serotiny on longevity in ex situ storage.


Cones of identifiable age classes were collected from three species of Banksia. Seeds were extracted from cones and the degree of serotiny calculated. An estimate of initial viability (Ki), the time for viability to fall by one probit (σ) and the relative longevity of seeds (p50) for each species and cone age class was determined using a comparative longevity test (50 °C, 63 % relative humidity).

Key Results

The degree of serotiny ranged from moderate (7·9) for Banksia attenuata to strong (40·4) for B. hookeriana. Survival curves for all seed age classes within each species could be described by regressions with a common slope (1/σ), but with different values for Ki. The time taken for viability to fall by one probit (σ) could be described by a common value (29·1 d) for all three species.


Differences in seed longevity between cone age classes and species was related to variation in initial viability (Ki) rather than to differences in σ. While targeting the youngest mature seed cohort on a plant will maximize the viability of seeds collected, a wide range of age classes should be collected (but stored as separate cohorts if possible) for quality conservation/restoration seed collections where genetic diversity is important.  相似文献   

赵小丽  杨耀文  李国栋 《广西植物》2021,41(12):2004-2013
为了探索草果(Amomum tsaoko)的栽培地理起源,该文检测了草果、拟草果(A. paratsaoko)的cpDNA序列变化,并获取了单倍型多态性信息。结果表明:(1)20个草果居群272个植株、5个拟草果居群62个植株共检测到7种单倍型。其中,草果有3种单倍型(H1、H3、H6),拟草果有6种单倍型(H1、H2、H3、H4、H5、H7)。H1和H3为共享单倍型,H6为草果私有单倍型,H2、H4、H5、H7为拟草果私有单倍型。H1为普通单倍型,H2为祖先单倍型。(2)草果居群遗传多样性远小于拟草果居群,遗传变异主要来源于居群内,拟草果居群主要来源于居群间。麻栗坡铁厂(TC)、屏边玉屏(YP)居群的遗传多样性、单倍型多样性高于其他18个草果居群。(3)进一步分析表明,包含屏边、马关、西畴、麻栗坡的云南东南部前端地域和邻接的广西那坡可能共同构成草果栽培驯化起源中心,以麻栗坡为核心区域,向周边的西畴、马关、屏边、那坡扩张。因此,结果显示应对TC、YP、那坡下华(XH)居群加以保护。该研究结果为草果种质资源保护、利用提供了遗传学信息。  相似文献   



Essential hypertension is a complex genetic trait. Genetic variant of alpha adducin (ADD1) gene have been implicated as a risk factor for hypertension. Given its clinical significance, we investigated the association between ADD1 Gly460Trp gene polymorphism and essential hypertension in an Indian population. Further, a meta-analysis was carried out to estimate the risk of hypertension.


In the current study, 432 hypertensive cases and 461 healthy controls were genotyped for the Gly460Trp ADD1 gene polymorphism. Genotyping was determined by real time PCR using Taqman assay. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to detect the association between Gly460Trp polymorphism and hypertension.


No significant association was found in the genotype and allele distribution of Gly460Trp polymorphism with hypertension in our study. A total of 15 case-control studies were included in the meta-analysis. There was no evidence of the association of Gly460Trp polymorphism with hypertension in general or in any of the sub group.


We found that the Gly460Trp polymorphism is not a risk factor for essential hypertension in a south Indian Tamilian population. However, the role of ADD1 polymorphism may not be excluded by a negative association study. Further, large and rigorous case-control studies that investigate gene–gene–environment interactions may generate more conclusive claims about the molecular genetics of hypertension.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in the frequency of colour/pattern morphs of Philaenus spumarius is described at 48 localities in England and Wales. The sites have been divided into four broad environmental categories, two urban and two rural. There is a distinction between the urban and rural groupings in the relative proportions of the colour morphs; in urban localities there is a higher combined frequency of the eight ‘melanic’ morphs. Differences also exist between locality groupings, and between the sexes, in the relative frequencies of the eight morphs within the ‘melanic’ phenotypic category. Morphs limited to the female sex in some other parts of the species range occur among males in British populations. It is suggested that the different dominance hierarchy between the sexes which exists in Fennoscandian populations may not be characteristic of British populations.  相似文献   

The hRAD54 gene is a key member of the RAD52 epistasis group involved in repair of double-strand breaks (DSB) by homologous recombination (HR). Thus, alterations of the normal function of these genes could generate genetic instability, shifting the normal process of the cell cycle, leading the cells to develop into cancer. In this work we analyzed exon 18 of the hRAD54 gene, which has been previously reported by our group to carry a silent polymorphism, 2290 C/T (Ala730Ala), associated to meningiomas. We performed a PCR-SSCP method to detect the polymorphism in 239 samples including leukemia and normal control population. The results revealed that the 2290 C/T polymorphism has frequencies of 0.1 for the leukemia and 0.1 for the control group. These frequencies show no statistical differences. Additionally, we dissected the leukemia group in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) to evaluate the polymorphism. The frequencies found in these subgroups were 0.14 for CML and 0.05 for ALL. We found statistically significant differences between CML patients and the control group (p < 0.05) but we did not find significant differences between ALL and the control group (p > 0.05). These results suggest a possible link between the 2290 C/T polymorphism of the hRAD54 gene and CML.  相似文献   

Watanabe K  Yamagishi A 《FEBS letters》2006,580(16):3867-3871
Previously, we showed that mutants of Thermus thermophilus 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (IPMDH) each containing a residue (ancestral residue) that had been predicted to exist in a postulated common ancestor protein often have greater thermal stabilities than does the contemporary wild-type enzyme. In this study, the combined effects of multiple ancestral residues were analyzed. Two mutants, containing multiple mutations, Sup3mut (Val181Thr/Pro324Thr/Ala335Glu) and Sup4mut (Leu134Asn/Val181Thr/Pro324Thr/Ala335Glu) were constructed and show greater thermal stabilities than the wild-type and single-point mutant IPMDHs do. Most of the mutants have similar or improved catalytic efficiencies at 70 degrees C when compared with the wild-type IPMDH.  相似文献   

为选育高产子实体和虫草菌素的蛹虫草菌株,从野生蛹虫草中分离单孢子并进行分型,之后进行产子实体实验;同时对蛹虫草子实体进行了产孢结构的观察,并用高效液相色谱仪检测了子实体和培养基中的虫草菌素。结果表明,菌落背面颜色为橙铬色的菌株容易产生子实体;出发(原代)菌株所产子实体在形态上更接近野生蛹虫草,而角变株的子实体畸形;出发菌株产子实体能力要比该菌株未发生角变部分分离株和角变部分分离株都强。在虫草菌素的产量上也以出发菌株为高,表明表型多态性对蛹虫草产子实体和虫草菌素有很大的影响。这对于优势菌种的筛选和生产实践有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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