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IntroductionMan has long been using various plants to cure diseases and to provide relief fromhealth prob-lems.Primitive peoples fromall ages and in all locations had knowledge of medicinal plants,whichthey acquiredthroughlong experience of trial and error.The knowledge is still alive,for many plantsare still used in herbal remedies and in indigenous medicine systems all over the world(Khan,1985).A medicinal plant is any plant that contains chemical substances in one or more of its parts(root…  相似文献   

本文测定了青藏高原3种常见鸟类——普通鸬鹚Phalacrocorax carbo、渔鸥Larus ichthyaetus和小云雀Alauda gulgula卵壳膜的δ13C、δ15N,同时结合相关文献同物种肌肉组织中的δ13C、δ15N数据,探讨了卵壳膜代替肌肉作为稳定同位素载体的可行性。结果表明,小云雀、普通鸬鹚和渔鸥卵壳膜的δ13C分别为-20.80‰±0.48‰、-23.29‰±0.35‰和-24.20‰±0.33‰,而δ15N分别为9.25‰±0.87‰、14.40‰±1.03‰和13.94‰±0.43‰。单因素方差分析结果显示:3个物种卵壳膜δ13C、δ15N差异均具有高度统计学意义(P<0.01)。其中,δ13C值小云雀相对于普通鸬鹚偏正,普通鸬鹚相对于渔鸥偏正;普通鸬鹚与渔鸥之间δ15N值差异无统计学意义,但二者相对于小云雀显著偏正。因此,我们认为在一些问题的研究中卵壳膜可以代替肌肉组织作为稳定同位素的载体。  相似文献   

An ex-situ experiment was conducted to evaluate the growth performance of six medicinal species (Bergenia ciliata, Valeriana jatamansi, Dioscorea deltoidea, Paeonia emodi, Polygonum amplexicaule and Viola serpense) from upper Swat , Pakistan . Experiments were conducted at four different locations in the upper Swat valley at altitudes ranging from1200 to 1900 m. a. s. l . The objectives were : 1) to determine the suitability of ex-situ cultivation of different medicinal species, and; 2) to assess the economic geasibility of growing medicinal plants in the area . A highest mean survival of 80.7% across all locations was observed for Viola serpense, followed by 58.7% for Valeriana jatamansi. The remaining four species exhibited very poor survival rates , although Polygonum amplexicaule, did show encouraging signs of growth and flowered , before experiencing high mortality rates late in the trial . Altitude generally seemed to enhance the degree of sprouting for all species except Viola serpense. However, the productive yield of V. serpense was certainly not reduced, but rather slightly enhanced in the higher altitude sites. Overall, cultivation of only two of the investigated species, Valeriana jatamansi and Viola serpense, appearedsuccessful and potentially economically viable under farmland conditions at upper Swat .  相似文献   

An ex-situ experiment was conducted to evaluate the growth performance of six medicinal species (Bergenia ciliata, Valeriana jatamansi, Dioscorea deltoidea, Paeonia emodi, Polygonum amplexicaule and Viola serpense) from upper Swat , Pakistan . Experiments were conducted at four different locations in the upper Swat valley at altitudes ranging from1200 to 1900 m. a. s. l . The objectives were : 1) to determine the suitability of ex-situ cultivation of different medicinal species, and; 2) to assess the economic geasibility of growing medicinal plants in the area . A highest mean survival of 80.7% across all locations was observed for Viola serpense, followed by 58.7% for Valeriana jatamansi. The remaining four species exhibited very poor survival rates , although Polygonum amplexicaule, did show encouraging signs of growth and flowered , before experiencing high mortality rates late in the trial . Altitude generally seemed to enhance the degree of sprouting for all species except Viola serpense. However, the productive yield of V. serpense was certainly not reduced, but rather slightly enhanced in the higher altitude sites. Overall, cultivation of only two of the investigated species, Valeriana jatamansi and Viola serpense, appearedsuccessful and potentially economically viable under farmland conditions at upper Swat .  相似文献   

以青藏高原东北缘广泛分布的53种常见菊科植物种子为研究材料,以重铬酸钾外加热法和流动注射分析仪测定种子中碳、氮、磷含量,探讨种子中碳、氮、磷组成及分配是否随种子大小及生境海拔高度变异,为进一步探讨植物对环境变化的响应提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)53种菊科植物种子大小差异显著,且随海拔升高种子有变小的趋势。(2)53种菊科植物种子中C、N、P含量及其比值差异显著,不同海拔梯度的物种种子中C、N、P含量及其比值差异不显著,但C、N含量有随海拔升高增加的趋势,而P含量有随海拔升高降低的趋势。(3)种子大小变异并不影响其C的相对含量,但N、P含量与种子大小呈显著负相关关系,C/N、C/P、N/P与种子大小呈显著正相关关系,即种子越小,种子中N、P相对含量越高。因此,高海拔条件下,种子中积聚相对较多的C、N可以为其生长发育初期提供较高的能量及较多的蛋白质合成,从而增强幼苗抵御恶劣环境条件的能力,提高幼苗的存活率;较小种子中相对较高的N、P含量可以为早期幼苗提供足够的蛋白质和核糖体,帮助幼苗快速生长,从而克服其产生较小幼苗的劣势。研究表明,植物种子中C、N、P含量随种子大小及海拔的变异趋势是一种适应性选择的结果。  相似文献   

Carbon monoxide-oxidizing (COX) bacteria play an important role in controlling the flux of carbon monoxide among natural reservoirs, and thus studying their diversity in natural environments is of great significance to understanding the carbon cycle. In this study, the COX bacterial diversity was investigated in five lakes (Erhai Lake, Gahai Lake1, Gahai Lake2, Xiaochaidan Lake, Lake Chaka) on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and its correlation with environmental variables of the lakes was explored. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the CO-oxidizers were dominated by Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau lakes, and their relative abundance varied with salinity: in the freshwater Erhai Lake, the COX bacteria in the water were dominated by the Betaproteobacteria, in contrast to the Actinobacteridae dominance in the sediment; in the saline and hypersaline lakes of Gahai Lake1, Gahai Lake2 and Xiaochaidan Lake, alphaproteobacterial COX bacteria were dominant in the water, whereas Actinobacteridae and alphaproteobacterial COX bacteria were dominant in the sediment. In the hypersaline Lake Chaka, an unknown COX bacterial clade and alphaproteobacterial COX bacteria were dominant in the water and sediment, respectively. Statistical analyses showed that salinity, pH, and major ions (e.g., K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, SO4 2-, and Cl-) were important factors affecting the COX bacterial community compositions in the investigated lakes. Overall, our results provided insights into the COX bacterial diversity in Qinghai-Tibetan lakes.  相似文献   

报道我国青藏高原东南缘5种6个居群火绒草属植物的染色体数目和核型.银叶火绒草Leontopodium souliei 2n =2x=24=13M+8m+3sm,1B;坚秆火绒草L.franchetii 2n=2x=26=6M+ 18m +2sm,2A;华火绒草L.sinense;四川木里海拔2406m的居群:2n=2x=26=4M+22m,1B,四川木里海拔3074m居群:2n=4x=52=16M+36m,1B;美头火绒草L.calocephalum 2n=4x=48=3M+43m +2sn,1B;毛香火绒草L.stracheyi 2n=4x=48=13M+35m,1A.对现有的染色体资料分析表明:火绒草属的染色体核型比较对称,但种间具一定的变异;多倍化可能是该属在我国青藏高原及其周边地区发生强烈物种分化的重要原因之一.  相似文献   

人工食物对高原鼠兔稳定性碳和氮同位素组成的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以玉米面、小米面和绿豆粉 (质量比为 5∶3∶2 )的混合食物饲喂青藏高原地区特有种高原鼠兔 ,4 0d后断头杀死 ,取其后腿肌肉测定稳定性碳和氮同位素组成。结果表明 ,用混合食物饲喂后 ,高原鼠兔的稳定性碳同位素比值显著升高 ,由对照的 (- 2 4 6 6± 0 2 5 )‰上升为 (- 19 0 5± 0 0 9)‰ ;稳定性氮同位素的组成变化较小 ,仅由对照的 (3 2 8± 0 13)‰增加为饲喂后的 (3 6 1± 0 32 )‰。经人工食物饲喂后 ,高原鼠兔与其食物间稳定性碳同位素的分馏效应为 4 73‰ ,稳定性氮同位素的分馏效应为 2 79‰。C4组分食物的加入影响高原鼠兔的稳定性同位素 (特别是氮同位素 )代谢模式 ,其稳定性同位素代谢周转率可能高于原来预测的 4 0d。  相似文献   

The Rengen Grassland Experiment (RGE), set up on a Nardus grassland in 1941, consists of a control and five fertilizer treatments (Ca, CaN, CaNP, CaNP-KCl and CaNP-K2SO4). In 2005, soil chemical properties were analyzed to investigate the effect of soil variables on biomass production, plant species composition and species richness of vascular plants. Further, the effect of sampling scale (from 0.02 to 5.76 m2) on species richness was investigated. Soil properties (plant-available contents of K, P, C:N ratio, and pH) and biomass production were found to be strictly dependent on the fertilizers applied. Diversification of soil P content between treatments with and without P application is still in progress. Biomass production was most positively affected by P and K soil contents under N application. Furthermore, pH had a small positive effect on biomass production, and C:N ratio a moderately negative one. Two types of nutrient limitation were recognized: (1) limitation of total biomass production and (2) limitation of individual plant species. Long-term addition of a limiting nutrient affected the grassland ecosystem in three ways: (1) causing a change in plant species composition without significant increase in total biomass production, (2) causing no change in species composition but with significant increase in total biomass production, and (3) causing substantial change in plant species composition accompanied by significant increase in total biomass production. The explanatory power of all measured soil properties on plant species composition was almost the same as the power of the treatment effect (61.7% versus 62% of explained variability in RDA). The most powerful predictors of plant species composition were soil P, K and Mg contents, pH, and biomass production. The soil P content and biomass production were the only variables leading to a significant negative effect on species richness. An almost parallel increase in species richness with increasing sampling area was detected in all treatments. Constant differences among treatments were independent of sampling area.  相似文献   

以青藏高原东北隅的西宁和海北(海拔分别为2 300 m和3 200 m)人工栽培唐古特山莨菪为材料,对两不同海拔地区间各叶层叶片光合色素含量和抗氧化酶活性等生理指标进行比较分析.结果显示:(1)生长在海北的唐古特山莨菪叶片厚度极显著高于西宁(P<0.01),且两地区植物的叶片厚度从第1层到第4层均呈显著增加趋势;海北唐古特山莨菪叶片的叶绿素a、叶绿素b、总叶绿素、类胡萝卜素含量以及紫外吸收物质的含量均显著高于西宁地区(P<0.05),从第1层到第4层,两地植株叶片的光合色素和紫外吸收物质的含量都呈降低的趋势,且两地区让差异显著;叶绿素a/b的层间差异显著(P<0.05),但两海拔地区间差异不显著;类胡萝卜素/叶绿素比值海北高于西宁,从第1层到第4层叶片呈降低趋势.(2)生长于海北的唐古特山良菪叶片组织中的SOD、CAT活性和MDA含量比西宁的高,POD、APX则相反;从第1层叶片到第4层,西宁和海北唐古特山莨菪叶片中的SOD活性显著增高(P<0.05),但两地区各层间的CAT、POD、APX活性和MDA含量无明显的变化.研究表明,不同海拔对唐占特山莨菪叶片的生理特性有影响,同一海拔不同叶层叶片之间差异也较为明显;生长在高海拔地区的植物尽管表现出诸多生理适应特征,但膜系统依然有一定受损.  相似文献   

陈佳锐  李佳洺  马仁锋  张文忠 《生态学报》2023,43(10):4039-4053
青藏高原是中国“三区四带”生态系统保护和修复重大工程的重要单元之一,兼顾其生态安全与区域合理开发是保障中国生态稳定的基础。阐释区域开发强度与生态安全的耦合机制,设计了两者关系的衡量体系,测算了2011—2020年青藏高原区域开发强度与生态安全耦合协调度与分型。研究结果表明:(1)研究期青藏高原区域开发强度不断增大,超过90%的市(州)增幅大于10%,以西宁、拉萨为“双核心”向外空间溢出速度加快,分别带动周边海西州和林芝等区域开发扩张;青藏高原各市(州)生态安全指数呈上升趋势,超过60%市(州)增幅大于10%,呈“中西部带状洼地、东部纵向组团”格局,且生态安全指数洼地向新疆南缘移动;(2)青藏高原各市(州)开发强度与生态安全耦合协调度2011—2020年间有不同程度提升,超过50%市(州)达到“轻度耦合”类,未有市(州)达到“优质耦合”类,但存在较多市(州)呈现开发强度或者生态安全滞后。(3)青藏高原区域开发强度与生态安全耦合协调的格局演进差异明显,逐步形成由西宁、巴音郭楞和拉萨-滇西地区(丽江、迪庆和怒江)三大组团逐渐向临近区域扩张,形成了“东高西低、多组团并列”格局。一定程度揭示了青...  相似文献   

The characteristics of the contents of 20 elements (Al, Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg, K, S, Si, P, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ti, Ni, Sr, Mo, Na, B, Cr, V) in 16 plant species collected from the Three Gorges Region in China were investigated. The average contents of Ca, K and Mg were higher than 1 000 μg·g-1, that of Al, P, Si, Fe, S and Mn ranged between 100—1 000 μg·g-1 and Ti, Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo, Cd and V were less than 10 μg·g- 1. The level of Na content was less than that of the reported. The main character of the element contents was of the Ca> K type. The contents of P, S, Ca and K in different plant samples showed a normal distribution pattern, while Al and Mn showed a elements lognormal distribution pattern. Plant species differed greatly in the element contents. On analyzing the coefficient of variation (C. V., % ), Al, Mn, Mg, Ni, Sr and Fe had higher C.V., while the C.V. of K, S, P, Cr, Cd and Cu was less than 60%, and Cu had the lowest C.V. The correlations between Al and Fe, Al and Ti, Al and Cr, A1 and V, Cd and Sr, Cd and Mo, Fe and V, Zn and Cr, Ni and Sr, Mg and Ni, Mo and Sr, Ca and Sr, Cr and Mo, Na and Mg, Na and P, P and S were statistically significant in different plant species. The classification of the 16 plant species and 20 dements by two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) method may suggest the difference in dement contents of the different plant species.  相似文献   

吴超超  高小叶  侯扶江 《生态学杂志》2017,28(10):3341-3350
黄土高原-青藏高原过渡带是我国农业生产方式变化最剧烈、碳平衡效应最敏感的区域之一.本文分析了海拔梯度上通渭-渭源-夏河样带农业系统的碳平衡.结果表明: 随海拔增加,单位面积作物的碳排放、碳固定和碳汇能力逐渐降低,户均家畜碳排放与碳固定、碳源能力递增,综合生产系统由碳汇渐变为碳源,户均碳排放上升,碳固定变化趋势与之相反.黄土高原-青藏高原过渡带的农户占比随碳平衡的变化可用Logistic方程拟合,随海拔升高,在通渭、渭源与夏河3个区域农户占比50.0%拐点处,作物系统的碳排放和碳固定分别为1491、857、376 kg CE·household-1和6187、3872、778 kg CE·household-1,家畜系统碳排放和碳固定分别为2218、3725、49511 kg CE·household-1和138、230、2706 kg CE·household-1,综合系统碳排放和碳固定分别为3615、4583、49918 kg CE·household-1和6289、4113、3819 kg CE·household-1,这些是区域碳平衡调控的关键点.  相似文献   

Relationships between vegetation and climate on the Loess Plateau in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Loess Plateau is one of the most environmentally sensitive regions in China. This study addresses the relationships between vegetation and climate of this area quantitatively at a large-scale, in order to determine the factors that control vegetation distribution. The Loess Plateau, located at 101°01′–155°10′ E and 34°02′–40°40′ N, covers an area of 52 million hectares. Vegetation data were collected from the vegetation map (1:500,000) and the Landsat Thematic Mapper scenes of the Loess Plateau. The Loess Plateau was divided into small districts of 30′ latitude by 30′ longitude on the vegetation map. In each district, areas with different vegetation were measured and used as vegetation data. The climatic data were average values of county meteorological records in each district in the past 25 years. GIS, TWINSPAN and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) were employed for analysis. 257 small districts were clustered into 7 groups using TWINSPAN, representing 7 vegetation regions or subregions. The first three CCA axes had significant correlations with climate. The first CCA axis represented the variation of vegetation and climate along the latitude gradient, while the second CCA axis the variation along the longitude gradient. The distribution pattern of 171 vegetation formations on the CCA plot is identical to that of vegetation regions (districts). The spatial distribution of vegetation is closely related to climate variables on the Loess Plateau. Water variables and temperature are important in both latitude and longitude gradients, while the sunshine hours, accumulated temperature and wind speed are more important than water variables and temperature in longitude gradients.  相似文献   

 本文论述了喀喇昆仑、昆仑山地区87种植物12个元素含量的特征。在含量水平上>10000ppm的元素有K,Ca,800—5000ppm的元素为Na、Mg,Fe、Al,10—100ppm的元素有Ba、Sr、Ti,Mn,V与Be的含量<10ppm。大多数植物Fe、V,Sr的含量高于一般的自然含量。植物中K含量的频数分布呈正态分布,其余元素的频数分布呈对数正态分布。不同植物种元素含量差异较大,Na的变异系数最大,Ca、Mg含量的变异系数最小。同种植物在不同地点元素含量有较大差异,不同植物种差异也不同。如紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea)>垫状驼绒藜(Ceratoides compacta)>鼠麴凤毛菊(Saussurea gnaphaloides)。植物中元素含量之间的相关分析表明,Fe、Al,V,Ti之间分别达极显著相关水平。用植物中12个元素的资料,对22种植物进行分类和排序,区分出Na,K型植物和Fe,Al,V,Ba型植物。  相似文献   

以青藏高原高寒草甸、高寒草原、温性荒漠草原的退化草地为基础,比较了5年围封样地与放牧样地的生物量和群落结构。结果表明:(1)围封后3类草地地上总生物量较放牧样地分别显著增加了48.1%、10.8%、34.5%;地下生物量对围封的响应与地上总生物量一致,且围封后高寒草原0~10cm土层根系生物量比例较放牧地显著下降。(2)围封显著降低了高寒草甸的根冠比,高寒草原和温性荒漠草原无显著变化。(3)与放牧地相比,围封显著增加了高寒草甸和高寒草原禾本科植物的生物量比例,高寒草甸杂类草显著降低,温性荒漠草原功能群生物量比例无显著差异。  相似文献   

 生长在青藏高原4个不同海拔地区的矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis),其蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物的含量有明显差异。其中海拔最高的大坂山(4,000m)植株中蛋白质含量平均比海拔依次较低的金羊岭(3,800m),海北站(3,200m)和西宁地区(2,200m)的分别高出9.9%,17.3%和39.4%;脂肪含量平均分别高出7.1%,77.8%和106.0%;淀粉含量也平均分别高出2.4%,21.6%和32.7%。同时表明,海拔高度对上述若干生化成分含量的季节性动态变化均有明显的影响。从而显示,高海拔地区的植物所以具有较强的抗寒性和适应逆境胁迫的能力,是与体内蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物(淀粉)的大量积累增加密切相关。  相似文献   

通过对中国北方C3草本植物稳定性碳同位素的测定以及有关该区植被碳同位素资料的收集,共获取了47个样点的地理位置、气候因子和325个植物样品的碳同位素数据;计算了中国北方不同气候分区的湿润指数,分析了C3草本植物δ13C值的空间特征以及与湿润指数等环境因子之间的关系。在所调查的范围内,中国北方地区C3草本植物δ13C值的分布区间为-29.9‰--25.4‰,平均值为-27.3‰。C3草本植物δ13C的平均值从半湿润地区到半干旱地区再到干旱地区显著变重;3个气候分区植物δ13C值的变化范围分别是-29.9‰--26.7‰(半湿润区)、-28.4‰--25.6‰(半干旱区)和-28.0‰--25.4‰(干旱区)。一元回归分析表明,各气候分区C3草本植物δ13C值与湿润指数的关系存在差异,在半干旱区、半湿润区和整个北方地区,C3草本植物δ13C值与湿润指数均呈显著线性负相关(P〈0.05),随着湿润指数的增加,C3植物δ13C平均值均变轻,但下降幅度不同。而在北方干旱气候区内,C3草本植物δ13C与湿润指数呈显著正相关(P〈0.05),湿润指数每升高0.1,植物δ13C平均值增加1.3‰。年均温度可能是决定该区内各样点湿润指数和C3植物对13C分馏能力差别的主要原因。  相似文献   

青藏高原作为一个独立自然的地理单元,是植物区系最为丰富的区域之一,其维管植物种数约占中国的1/2;其中仅限于该区域分布的特有类群在35%以上.该区域大部分为特殊或极端的高寒、低温、缺氧环境,以及干旱荒漠、盐湖沼泽和干热(暖)河谷等其他特殊环境;是世界上特殊环境类型最多的地域之一,也是世界上同类特殊环境下物种最丰富复杂的区域.这些物种拥有特殊的基因及其表达产物或性状,是人类尚未充分开发利用的珍贵遗传资源宝库,也是大自然赐予我们的最宝贵的资源,在我国经济与社会发展中有着巨大的潜力和不可替代的战略地位.  相似文献   

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