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Development of preimplantation embryos of the Siberian hamster (Phodopus sungorus) in vivo and in vitro was examined. The timing of early development in vivo was found to be slower than that reported for the golden hamster. Progression through the cleavage stages, cavitation, and hatching from the zona pellucida occurred later, with blastocyst formation beginning on the afternoon of day 4 and uterine attachment occurring early on day 5. In vitro, morulae, and early blastocysts collected on day 4 and cultured in serum-containing medium formed expanded blastocysts and some began to hatch from the zona pellucida. With extended culture, blastocysts attached and formed trophoblast outgrowths. Outgrowth was characterized by an initial migration of small cells from the blastocyst, followed by formation of a sheet of trophoblast giant cells. Differences in the morphology of outgrowth between the hamster and mouse suggest that further comparative studies with the Siberian hamster may be useful.  相似文献   

The pineal hormone melatonin influences circadian rhythms and also mediates reproductive responses to photoperiod. The authors tested whether pinealectomy influences circadian oscillators responsible for induction of nonresponsiveness to short day lengths by preventing normal short-day patterns of circadian entrainment. Adult male Siberian hamsters were pinealectomized or sham operated, maintained in either 18 h light per day (18L) or 15L for 10 weeks, and then tested for responsiveness to 10L. Because pinealectomized hamsters do not show gonadal regression in short day lengths, responsiveness was assessed by measuring phase angle of entrainment and the length of the nightly activity period following transfer to 10L. The incidence of nonresponsiveness was significantly higher in 18L hamsters than in 15L hamsters but was unaffected by pineal status. Fully 88% of 18L hamsters failed to entrain to 10L in the normal short-day manner; the duration of nightly activity remained compressed, and the phase angle of entrainment was large and negative relative to lights off. The 15L hamsters entrained normally to 10L. Exposure to constant light after 10L treatment was equally effective in inducing arrhythmicity in pinealectomized and intact hamsters. Changes in the period of morning and evening circadian oscillators subsequent to 18L treatment did not predict circadian responsiveness to short photoperiod. Long-day induction of photo-nonresponsiveness, which prevents winter responses to short day lengths, occurs independently of pineal melatonin feedback on the circadian system.  相似文献   

Individuals of many nontropical rodent species display reproductive, immunological, and somatic responses to day length. In general, short day (SD) lengths inhibit reproduction and enhance immune function in the laboratory when all other conditions are held constant. Most studies to date have focused on seasonal variation in immune function in adulthood. However, perinatal photoperiods also communicate critical day length information and serve to establish a developmental trajectory appropriate for the time of year. Nontropical rodents born early in the breeding season undergo rapid reproductive development, presumably to promote mating success during their first reproductive season. Rodents born late in the breeding season suspend somatic growth and puberty until the following vernal breeding season. We tested the hypothesis that perinatal day lengths have similar enduring effects on the immune system of rodents. Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) were maintained prenatally and until weaning (21 days) in either SDs (8 h light:16 h dark) or long days (LD) (16 h light:8 h dark), then they were weaned into either the opposite photoperiod or maintained in their natal photoperiod, forming four groups (LD-LD, LD-SD, SD-LD, and SD-SD). After 8-wk in these conditions, cell-mediated immune activity was compared among groups. SD-SD hamsters of both sexes enhanced immune function relative to all other groups. The reproductive effects of perinatal photoperiod were not evident by the end of the experiment; circulating testosterone and cortisol sampled at the end of the experiment reflected the postweaning, but not the perinatal photoperiod. This experiment demonstrates long-lasting organizational effects of perinatal photoperiod on the rodent immune system and indicates that photoperiod-induced changes in the immune system are dissociable from changes in the reproductive system.  相似文献   

Several weeks of short day photoperiod (SD) exposure promote a dramatic decrease of white adipose tissue (WAT) mass in Siberian hamsters(Phodopus sungorus sungorus). This slimming effect is accompanied by changes in the adipocyte responsiveness to adrenergic stimulation that are still under debate. We investigated whether possible changes in the antilipolytic responses, and/or lipogenic activities could be involved in such lipid deposition/mobilisation imbalance. Male Siberian hamsters were exposed for 11 weeks to SD or long day photoperiod and basal or stimulated lipolytic and lipogenic activities were measured on white adipocytes. As expected, the body mass of SD-animals was decreased. Besides a slight reduction in the basal lipolysis and in the maximal response to dibutyryl-cAMP, the responses to adrenergic and non-adrenergic lipolytic agents (forskolin, adenosine deaminase) were similar in both groups. Fat mass loss was likely not resulting from changes in the lipolytic responses of adipocytes to biogenic amines (e.g. octopamine), which were unaltered, or to a direct lipolytic stimulation by melatonin or histamine, which were inactive. Antilipolytic responses to insulin or tyramine were slightly decreased in SD-adipocytes. Basal or insulin-stimulated lipid accumulation in WAT, measured by glucose incorporation into lipids, did not change after SD-exposure. However, a significant decrease in the lipoprotein lipase activity was observed in the WAT of SDanimals. Despite the observed changes, the weight loss of SD-exposed Siberian hamsters was likely not resulting only from impaired antilipolytic orde novo lipogenic activities in white adipocytes, but either from other dramatic changes occurring during seasonal photoperiod-sensitive body weight regulation.  相似文献   

Male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) housed in long days (LD), but not short days (SD) release luteinizing hormone (LH) when exposed to females. This study examined whether this response is specific to a female and identifies the source of a stimulus that induces LH release. Serum concentrations of LH, testosterone (T), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and cortisol were examined in all experiments. T concentrations mirrored the LH response; FSH and cortisol were unchanged in response to all stimuli. Exposure to an LD female, irrespective of her reproductive status, but not an SD female, elicited LH release. Exposure to another male did not trigger LH release. Males released LH when allowed physical contact with an anesthetized female, but not when separated from a normally active female, suggesting that tactile or nonvolatile chemosensory stimuli elicit LH release. Urine and secretions collected from the vagina as well as oral, midventral, perineal, and rectal glands, elicited marked behavioral responses in male P. sungorus. Despite these behavioral responses, only feces from females elicited LH release in males. Males released LH in response to feces extracted from the rectum and to cotton swabs that had been rubbed against the rectal mucosa, suggesting that a component of rectal secretions may trigger LH release in male Siberian hamsters. Taken together, these data and previous data from our laboratory indicate that both the production of and the response to a pheromone that triggers the selective release of LH is regulated by day length.  相似文献   

Differential allocation of energy to reproduction versus host defense is assumed to drive the seasonal antiphase relation between peak reproductive function and immunocompetence; however, evidence supporting this assumption is only correlational. These experiments tested whether photoperiod affects immune responses to antigens in peripubertal Siberian hamsters, whether such activation of the immune system exacts energetic and reproductive costs, and whether such costs vary seasonally. Male Siberian hamsters were raised from birth in long (LD) or short days (SD), which respectively initiate or inhibit the onset of puberty. To elicit a specific immune response, hamsters were injected with a novel antigen (keyhole limpet hemocyanin [KLH]) as juveniles. Reproductive development was attenuated and body temperature was elevated in LD hamsters relative to saline-injected control animals. In contrast, KLH treatments affected neither thermoregulation nor reproductive development in photoinhibited SD hamsters. In experiment 2, juvenile male hamsters were challenged with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in order to elicit an innate immune response. Febrile and anorexic responses to LPS were greater in reproductively stimulated LD hamsters relative to reproductively inhibited SD hamsters. LPS treatments attenuated somatic and testicular development in LD hamsters, but did not significantly affect circulating testosterone concentrations. In contrast, LPS treatments were without effect on somatic and reproductive development in SD hamsters. These experiments indicate that photoperiod affects antigen-specific antibody production, febrile responses to LPS, and sickness behaviors in juvenile Siberian hamsters, and that peripubertal activation of the immune system exacts energetic and metabolic costs that can diminish the magnitude of somatic and reproductive maturation in LD. The data also underscore the importance of seasonally dependent life history factors in assessing physiological tradeoffs.  相似文献   

Siberian hamsters are photoperiodic rodents that typically exhibit several physiological changes when exposed to a short-day photoperiod. However, development of the winter phenotype in short days is largely conditional on prior photoperiod history: Hamsters that have been reared in an exceptionally long day length (18 L) do not usually exhibit the winter phenotype after transfer to short days, whereas animals reared under "moderately" long days (16 L) are more variable in responsiveness to subsequent short-day exposure, with 20% to 30% generally failing to exhibit winter-type responses. Hamsters reared exclusively in an "intermediate" day length (14 L) are almost uniformly responsive to short photoperiod. In the present study, the authors examine the influence of photoperiod history on short-day responsiveness in a breeding line of hamsters that has been subjected to artificial selection for resistance to the effects of short days. The results demonstrate that photoperiod history is an important determinant of short-day responsiveness in both random-bred (UNS) hamsters and animals artificially selected and bred for nonresponsiveness to short photoperiod (PNR). The PNR hamsters have a reduced requirement for long-day exposure to evoke a state of unresponsiveness to short days. The results are discussed in relation to possible significance for the origin of population and species differences in photoperiod responsiveness.  相似文献   

Transfer of adult Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) from long (16 h light and 8 h dark, 16L:8D) to short (8L:16D) daily photoperiods induces an involution of the gonads and a cessation of reproductive behavior 8 to 10 weeks later. However, when male and female long-day hamsters were paired on transfer to short photoperiods, the males' gonads did not undergo the typical short-day response. Similarly, when male long-day hamsters were paired with refractory females (i.e., females housed in short photoperiods for at least 28 weeks so that they became unresponsive to short photoperiods), the response of the males' reproductive system to short photoperiods also was attenuated. Thus, social cues can override or delay the effects of photoperiod on the testes of this species. These results suggest that the inhibitory effects of long durations of melatonin secretion (in response to short photoperiods) on the male hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis may be attenuated by social cues such as contact with the opposite sex.  相似文献   

Among the suite of seasonal adaptations displayed by nontropical rodents, some species demonstrate increased territorial aggression in short compared with long day lengths despite basal levels of testosterone. The precise physiological mechanisms mediating seasonal changes in aggression, however, remain largely unknown. The goal of the present study was to examine the role of melatonin, as well as adrenal hormones, in the regulation of seasonal aggression in male Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). In Experiment 1, male Siberian hamsters received either daily (s.c.) injections of melatonin (15 microg/day) or saline 2 h before lights out for 10 consecutive days. In Experiment 2, hamsters received adrenal demedullations (ADMEDx), whereas in Experiment 3 animals received adrenalectomies (ADx); control animals in both experiments received sham surgeries. Animals in both experiments subsequently received daily injections of melatonin or vehicle as in Experiment 1. Animals in all experiments were tested using a resident-intruder model of aggression. In Experiment 1, exogenous melatonin treatment increased aggression compared with control hamsters. In Experiment 2, ADMEDx had no effect on melatonin-induced aggression. In Experiment 3, the melatonin-induced increase in aggression was significantly attenuated by ADx. Collectively, the results of the present study demonstrate that short day-like patterns of melatonin increase aggression in male Siberian hamsters and suggest that increased aggression is due, in part, to changes in adrenocortical steroids.  相似文献   

Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) exhibit reproductive and immunological responses to photoperiod. Short (<10-h light/day) days induce gonadal atrophy, increase leukocyte concentrations, and attenuate thermoregulatory and behavioral responses to infection. Whereas hamster reproductive responses to photoperiod are dependent on pineal melatonin secretion, the role of the pineal in short-day induced changes in immune function is not fully understood. To examine this, adult hamsters were pinealectomized (PINx) or sham-PINx, and transferred to short days (9-h light/day; SD) or kept in their natal long-day (15-h light/day; LD) photoperiod. Intact and PINx hamsters housed in LD maintained large testes over the next 12 weeks; sham-PINx hamsters exhibited gonadal regression in SD, and PINx abolished this effect. Among pineal-intact hamsters, blood samples revealed increases in leukocyte, lymphocyte, CD62L+ lymphocyte, and T cell counts in SD relative to LD; PINx did not affect leukocyte numbers in LD hamsters, but abolished the SD increase in these measures. Hamsters were then treated with bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which induced thermoregulatory (fever), behavioral (anorexia, reductions in nest building), and somatic (weight loss) sickness responses in all groups. Among pineal-intact hamsters, febrile and behavioral responses to LPS were attenuated in SD relative to LD. PINx did not affect sickness responses to LPS in LD hamsters, but abolished the ameliorating effects of SD on behavioral responses to LPS. Surprisingly, PINx failed to abolish the effect of SD on fever. In common with the reproductive system, PINx induces the LD phenotype in most aspects of the immune system. The pineal gland is required for photoperiodic regulation of circulating leukocytes and neural-immune interactions that mediate select aspects of sickness behaviors.  相似文献   

The combination of ketamine-xylazine was assessed as a surgical anaesthetic in Djungarian hamsters acclimatized to both long (16 h light: 8 h dark) and short (8 h light: 16 h dark) photoperiods. It was concluded that 50 mg/kg of ketamine with 10 mg/kg of xylazine or 100 mg/kg of ketamine with 5-10 mg/kg of xylazine when given together by intraperitoneal injection was a satisfactory general anaesthetic. Two hundred mg/kg of ketamine with 10 mg/kg xylazine caused death in 13 of 24 animals. There were no clinically significant effects on depth of anaesthesia due to photoperiod.  相似文献   

During winter, increased thermoregulatory demands coincide with limited food availability necessitating physiological tradeoffs among expensive physiological processes resulting in seasonal breeding among small mammals. In the laboratory, short winter-like day lengths induce regression of the reproductive tract, but also enhance many aspects of immune function. It remains unspecified the extent to which bolstered immune responses in short days represent enhanced immune function per se compared to long days or represents energetic disinhibition mediated by the regression of the reproductive tract. Cohabitation of male Siberian hamsters with intact female conspecifics can block short-day reproductive regression. We sought to determine whether female cohabitation could also block the enhanced immune function associated with short days. Adult male Siberian hamsters were housed in long or short day lengths in one of three housing conditions: (1) single-housed, (2) housed with a same sex littermate, or (3) housed with an ovariectomized female. Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses were assessed after 8 weeks of photoperiod treatment. Housing with an ovariectomized female was not sufficient to block short-day reproductive regression, but prevented short-day enhancement of DTH responses. Housing with a male littermate did not alter reproductive or immune responses in either photoperiod. These data suggest that short day enhancement of immune function is independent of photoperiod-mediated changes in the reproductive system.  相似文献   

Short day photoperiod promotes thermogenesis and extensive weight loss in Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus sungorus). To determine whether a change in hormone-sensitive lipolysis occurs after short-photoperiod exposure, some lipolytic responses were measured on white adipocytes isolated from animals exposed in warm conditions to short or Long daylight photoperiod. The body mass of male Siberian hamsters exposed during 11 weeks to short days (SD; light: dark, 6:18 hr) reached only 50% of those kept in long days (LD; 16: 8 hr). In SD-hamsters, adipose depot mass also represented approximately 50% of the LD group. A lower DNA content was observed in intra-abdominal fat pads of SD-hamsters. Lipolytic responses to noradrenaline, adrenaline, isoproterenol and ACTH were unchanged. However, sensitivity to the beta-3 adrenergic agonist, BRL 37344, was moderately increased. The major component of the adrenergic control of lipolysis was mediated by beta-3 adrenoceptors in both LD- and SD-Siberian hamsters. The limited antilipolytic effect of alpha-2 adrenergic agonists, PYY or insulin was rather surprising in Siberian hamsters since these inhibitory systems are efficient in hibernants and other photoperiod-sensitive rodents. Our results show that, after short photoperiod exposure, white adipose tissue mass and DNA content are reduced, especially in the epididymal fat pad, with only minor changes in the adipocyte sensitivity to lipolytic hormones.  相似文献   

Among the suite of adaptations displayed by seasonally-breeding rodents, individuals of most species display reproductive regression and concomitant decreases in gonadal steroids during the winter. In addition, some species display increased aggression in short "winter-like" days compared with long "summer-like" day lengths. For example, male Syrian and Siberian hamsters held in short days express heightened levels of aggression that are independent of gonadal steroids. Virtually nothing is known, however, regarding seasonal aggression in female Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). Studies were undertaken to determine female levels of aggression in long and short days as well as the role of gonadal steroids in mediating this behavior. In Experiment 1, females were housed in long or short days for 10 weeks and resident-intruder aggression was assessed. Prior to testing, estrous cycle stages were determined by vaginal cytology and females were tested during both Diestrus I and Proestrus. In Experiment 2, hormone levels were experimentally manipulated; long-day females were ovariectomized (OVx) or given sham surgeries whereas short-day females were implanted with capsules containing 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) or Progesterone (P). In Experiment 3, both long- and short-day females were ovariectomized and implanted with either an exogenous E(2) or blank capsule, or given a sham surgery. Short-day hamsters displayed increased aggression relative to long-day females. Aggression was not affected by estrous stage. There was no difference in aggression between long-day OVx and sham animals. Furthermore, neither exogenous E(2) nor P had any significant effect on aggression. These results support previous findings of increased non-breeding aggression and suggest that short-day aggression is not likely mediated by circulating levels of gonadal steroids. These results also suggest that the endocrine regulation of seasonal aggression may be similar between the sexes.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are still expressed in animals that display daily torpor, implying a temperature compensation of the pacemaker. Nevertheless, it remains unclear how the clock works in hypothermic states and whether torpor itself, as a temperature pulse, affects the circadian system. To reveal changes in the clockwork during torpor, we compared clock gene and neuropeptide expression by in situ hybridization in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and pineal gland of normothermic and torpid Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). Animals from light‐dark (LD) 8∶16 were sacrificed at 8 time points throughout 24 h. To investigate the effect of a previous torpor episode on the clock, we sacrificed a group of normothermic hamsters 1 day after torpor. In normothermic animals, Per1 peaked at zeitgeber time (ZT)4; whereas, Bmal1 reached maximal expression between ZT16 and ZT19. AVP mRNA in the SCN showed highest levels at ZT7. On the day of torpor, the levels of all mRNAs investigated, except for AVP mRNA, were increased during the torpor bout. Moreover, the Bmal1 rhythm was advanced. On the day after the hypothermia, Bmal1 and AVP rhythms showed severely depressed amplitude. Those distinct amplitude changes of Bmal1 and AVP on the day after a torpor episode expression suggests that torpor affects the circadian system, probably by altered translational processes that might lead to a modified protein feedback on gene expression. In the pineal gland, an important clock output, Aanat expression, peaked between ZT16 and ZT22 in normothermic animals. Aanat levels were significantly advanced on the day of hypothermia, an effect which was still visible 1 day afterward. In summary, this study showed that daily torpor affects the phase and amplitude of rhythmic clock gene and clock‐controlled gene expression in the SCN. Furthermore, the rhythmic gene expression in a peripheral oscillator, the pineal gland, is also affected.  相似文献   

Heterothermic rodents increase self-selection of diets rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) when exposed to cold, short days, or short-day melatonin profiles, and Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) do so in long days in response to cold exposure alone. To determine whether Djungarian hamsters are also capable of selecting a thermal environment in response to dietary lipid composition, continuously normothermic hamsters were fed either a PUFA-rich diet or a diet rich in saturated fatty acids (SFAs) for 6-10 wk and given a choice of thermal environments. As predicted, SFA-fed hamsters were more likely than PUFA-fed hamsters to occupy the single heated corner of their cage ([Formula: see text]) and were most likely to show this diet-related difference in behavior when T(a) fell within the thermal neutral zone. Respirometry revealed no effect of diet on whole-animal or mass-specific resting metabolic rate or on lower critical temperature. The results are more consistent with the homeoviscous adaptation hypothesis, which predicts that organisms should make physiological and/or behavioral adjustments that preserve membrane fluidity within a relatively small range, than with the membrane pacemaker hypothesis, which predicts that high PUFA content in membrane phospholipids should increase basal metabolic rate.  相似文献   

A wide range of physiological and behavioral alterations occur in response to sickness. Sickness behaviors, rather than incidental by-products or side-effects of acute illness, serve as adaptive functional responses that allow animals to cope with a pathogenic challenge. Among the more salient sickness behaviors is a reduction in food intake; virtually all sick animals display marked decreases in this behavior. Food intake, however, is only one component of the food-related behavioral repertoire. For many mammalian species, food hoarding represents a substantial portion of the total energetic budget. Here we tested the effects of experimental sickness on food hoarding and food intake in a naturally food hoarding species, Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). Adult male and female hamsters received injections of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to induce sickness or control injections. LPS-induced sickness resulted in a marked decrease in food intake in both males and females, but did not decrease hoarding in either sex. These results support previous findings suggesting that food hoarding and food intake appear to be differentially regulated at the physiological level.  相似文献   

The medial nucleus of the amygdala (MeA) is a steroid-sensitive region that has been implicated in the expression of behaviors such as mating and aggression. The male Siberian hamster (Phodopus sungorus) uses light cues to regulate its reproductive neuroendocrine system, reducing androgen synthesis in the autumn and increasing it in the spring. There is also evidence that short photoperiods reduce the sensitivity of the brain to the behavioral effects of androgen. The authors tested the hypothesis that MeA neurons are less responsive to androgen in short photoperiods by comparing the regional volume and average soma size of the four MeA subnuclei (anterodorsal [MeAD], anteroventral [MeAV], posterodorsal [MePD], and posteroventral) in adult male hamsters that had been castrated and then implanted with capsules containing either testosterone (T) or nothing. Animals from each group were housed in either long or short photoperiods for 15 weeks. MeAD and MeAV somata displayed photoperiod-dependent responses to androgen, increasing in size after T treatment only in long days. In contrast, the average soma size and the regional volume of the MePD subnucleus were significantly larger in T-treated males regardless of photoperiod. The authors conclude that photoperiod influences the sensitivity of the MeA to androgen.  相似文献   

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