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Many biological oscillators are stable against noise and perturbation (e.g. circadian rhythms, biochemical oscillators, pacemaker neurons, bursting neurons and neural networks with periodic outputs). The experiment of phase shifts resulting from discrete perturbation of stable biological rhythms was developed by Perkel and coworkers (Perkel et al., 1964). By these methods, they could get important insights into the entrainment behaviors of biological rhythms. Phase response curves, which are measured in these experiments, can be classified into two types. The one is the curve with one mapping degree (Type 1), and the other is that with zero mapping degree (Type 0) (Winfree, 1970). We define the phase response curve mathematically, and explain the difference between these two types by the homotopy theory. Moreover, we prove that, if a Type 0 curve is obtained at a certain magnitude of perturbation, there exists at least one lower magnitude for which the phase response curve cannot be measured. Some applications of these theoretical results are presented.  相似文献   

In order to study the ability of coupled neural oscillators to synchronize in the presence of intrinsic as opposed to synaptic noise, we constructed hybrid circuits consisting of one biological and one computational model neuron with reciprocal synaptic inhibition using the dynamic clamp. Uncoupled, both neurons fired periodic trains of action potentials. Most coupled circuits exhibited qualitative changes between one-to-one phase-locking with fairly constant phasic relationships and phase slipping with a constant progression in the phasic relationships across cycles. The phase resetting curve (PRC) and intrinsic periods were measured for both neurons, and used to construct a map of the firing intervals for both the coupled and externally forced (PRC measurement) conditions. For the coupled network, a stable fixed point of the map predicted phase locking, and its absence produced phase slipping. Repetitive application of the map was used to calibrate different noise models to simultaneously fit the noise level in the measurement of the PRC and the dynamics of the hybrid circuit experiments. Only a noise model that added history-dependent variability to the intrinsic period could fit both data sets with the same parameter values, as well as capture bifurcations in the fixed points of the map that cause switching between slipping and locking. We conclude that the biological neurons in our study have slowly-fluctuating stochastic dynamics that confer history dependence on the period. Theoretical results to date on the behavior of ensembles of noisy biological oscillators may require re-evaluation to account for transitions induced by slow noise dynamics.  相似文献   

Phase response curves (PRCs) have been widely used to study synchronization in neural circuits comprised of pacemaking neurons. They describe how the timing of the next spike in a given spontaneously firing neuron is affected by the phase at which an input from another neuron is received. Here we study two reciprocally coupled clusters of pulse coupled oscillatory neurons. The neurons within each cluster are presumed to be identical and identically pulse coupled, but not necessarily identical to those in the other cluster. We investigate a two cluster solution in which all oscillators are synchronized within each cluster, but in which the two clusters are phase locked at nonzero phase with each other. Intuitively, one might expect this solution to be stable only when synchrony within each isolated cluster is stable, but this is not the case. We prove rigorously the stability of the two cluster solution and show how reciprocal coupling can stabilize synchrony within clusters that cannot synchronize in isolation. These stability results for the two cluster solution suggest a mechanism by which reciprocal coupling between brain regions can induce local synchronization via the network feedback loop.  相似文献   

The stability of phase-locked states of electrically coupled type-1 phase response curve neurons is studied using piecewise linear formulations for their voltage profile and phase response curves. We find that at low frequency and/or small spike width, synchrony is stable, and antisynchrony unstable. At high frequency and/or large spike width, these phase-locked states switch their stability. Increasing the ratio of spike width to spike height causes the antisynchronous state to transition into a stable synchronous state. We compute the interaction function and the boundaries of stability of both these phase-locked states, and present analytical expressions for them. We also study the effect of phase response curve skewness on the boundaries of synchrony and antisynchrony.  相似文献   

In principle, two directly coupled limit cycle oscillators can overcome mismatch in intrinsic rates and match their frequencies, but zero phase lag synchronization is just achievable in the limit of zero mismatch, i.e., with identical oscillators. Delay in communication, on the other hand, can exert phase shift in the activity of the coupled oscillators. In this study, we address the question of how phase locked, and in particular zero phase lag synchronization, can be achieved for a heterogeneous system of two delayed coupled neurons. We have analytically studied the possibility of inphase synchronization and near inphase synchronization when the neurons are not identical or the connections are not exactly symmetric. We have shown that while any single source of inhomogeneity can violate isochronous synchrony, multiple sources of inhomogeneity can compensate for each other and maintain synchrony. Numeric studies on biologically plausible models also support the analytic results.  相似文献   

The experiment of phase shifts resulting from discrete perturbations of stable biological rhythms has been carried out to study entrainment behavior of oscillators. There are two kinds of phase response curves, which are measured in experiments, according to as one measures the phase shifts immediately or long after the perturbation. The former is the first transient phase response curve and the latter is the steady state phase response curve. We redefine both curves within the framework of dynamical system theory and homotopy theory. Several topological properties of both curves are clarified. Consequently, it is shown that we must compare the shapes of both two phase response curves to investigate the inner structures of biological oscillators. Moreover, we prove that a single limit cycle oscillator involving only two variables cannot simulate transient resetting behavior reported by Pittendrigh and Minis (1964). In other words, the circadian oscillator of Drosophila pseudoobscura does not consist of a single oscillator of two variables. Finally we show that a model which consists of two limit cycle oscillators is able to simulate qualitatively the phase response curves of Drosophila.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythm generation in the suprachiasmatic nucleus was modeled by locally coupled self-sustained oscillators. The model is composed of 10,000 oscillators, arranged in a square array. Coupling between oscillators and standard deviation of (randomly determined) intrinsic oscillator periods were varied. A stable overall rhythm emerged. The model behavior was investigated for phase shifts of a 24-h zeitgeber cycle. Prolongation of either the dark or the light phase resulted in a lengthening of the period, whereas shortening of the dark or the light phase shortened the period. The model's response to shifts in the light-dark cycle was dependent only on the extent of the shift and was insensitive to changes in parameters. Phase response curves (PRC) and amplitude response curves were determined for single and triple 5-h light pulses (1000 lux). Single pulses lead to type 1 PRCs with larger phase shifts for weak coupling. Triple pulses generally evoked type 1 PRCs with the exception of weak coupling, where a type 0 PRC was observed.  相似文献   

The ability of spiking neurons to synchronize their activity in a network depends on the response behavior of these neurons as quantified by the phase response curve (PRC) and on coupling properties. The PRC characterizes the effects of transient inputs on spike timing and can be measured experimentally. Here we use the adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire (aEIF) neuron model to determine how subthreshold and spike-triggered slow adaptation currents shape the PRC. Based on that, we predict how synchrony and phase locked states of coupled neurons change in presence of synaptic delays and unequal coupling strengths. We find that increased subthreshold adaptation currents cause a transition of the PRC from only phase advances to phase advances and delays in response to excitatory perturbations. Increased spike-triggered adaptation currents on the other hand predominantly skew the PRC to the right. Both adaptation induced changes of the PRC are modulated by spike frequency, being more prominent at lower frequencies. Applying phase reduction theory, we show that subthreshold adaptation stabilizes synchrony for pairs of coupled excitatory neurons, while spike-triggered adaptation causes locking with a small phase difference, as long as synaptic heterogeneities are negligible. For inhibitory pairs synchrony is stable and robust against conduction delays, and adaptation can mediate bistability of in-phase and anti-phase locking. We further demonstrate that stable synchrony and bistable in/anti-phase locking of pairs carry over to synchronization and clustering of larger networks. The effects of adaptation in aEIF neurons on PRCs and network dynamics qualitatively reflect those of biophysical adaptation currents in detailed Hodgkin-Huxley-based neurons, which underscores the utility of the aEIF model for investigating the dynamical behavior of networks. Our results suggest neuronal spike frequency adaptation as a mechanism synchronizing low frequency oscillations in local excitatory networks, but indicate that inhibition rather than excitation generates coherent rhythms at higher frequencies.  相似文献   

Weakly coupled phase oscillators and strongly coupled relaxation oscillators have different mechanisms for creating stable phase lags. Many oscillations in central pattern generators combine features of each type of coupling: local networks composed of strongly coupled relaxation oscillators are weakly coupled to similar local networks. This paper analyzes the phase lags produced by this combination of mechanisms and shows how the parameters of a local network, such as the decay time of inhibition, can affect the phase lags between the local networks. The analysis is motivated by the crayfish central pattern generator used for swimming, and uses techniques from geometrical singular perturbation theory.  相似文献   

Existence and stability criteria for harmonic locking modes were derived for two reciprocally pulse coupled oscillators based on their first and second order phase resetting curves. Our theoretical methods are general in the sense that no assumptions about the strength of coupling, type of synaptic coupling, and model are made. These methods were then tested using two reciprocally inhibitory Wang and Buzsáki model neurons. The existence of bands of 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, and 5:1 phase locking in the relative frequency parameter space was predicted correctly, as was the phase of the slow neuron's spike within the cycle of the fast neuron in which it occurred. For weak coupling the bands are very narrow, but strong coupling broadens the bands. The predictions of the pulse coupled method agreed with weak coupling methods in the weak coupling regime, but extended predictability into the strong coupling regime. We show that our prediction method generalizes to pairs of neural oscillators coupled through excitatory synapses, and to networks of multiple oscillatory neurons. The main limitation of the method is the central assumption that the effect of each input dies out before the next input is received.  相似文献   

Limit cycle oscillators that are coupled in a pulsatile manner are referred to as pulse coupled oscillators. In these oscillators, the interactions take the form of brief pulses such that the effect of one input dies out before the next is received. A phase resetting curve (PRC) keeps track of how much an input advances or delays the next spike in an oscillatory neuron depending upon where in the cycle the input is applied. PRCs can be used to predict phase locking in networks of pulse coupled oscillators. In some studies of pulse coupled oscillators, a specific form is assumed for the interactions between oscillators, but a more general approach is to formulate the problem assuming a PRC that is generated using a perturbation that approximates the input received in the real biological network. In general, this approach requires that circuit architecture and a specific firing pattern be assumed. This allows the construction of discrete maps from one event to the next. The fixed points of these maps correspond to periodic firing modes and are easier to locate and analyze for stability compared to locating and analyzing periodic modes in the original network directly. Alternatively, maps based on the PRC have been constructed that do not presuppose a firing order. Specific circuits that have been analyzed under the assumption of pulsatile coupling include one to one lockings in a periodically forced oscillator or an oscillator forced at a fixed delay after a threshold event, two bidirectionally coupled oscillators with and without delays, a unidirectional N-ring of oscillators, and N all-to-all networks.  相似文献   

Interappendage phasing of crayfish swimmeret movements dependsupon a central nervous system network of command, oscillator,and coordinating neurons. The command neurons serve to set thegeneral excitation level in each of the segmental oscillators.The oscillator neurons in each hemi-ganglion generate the rhythmicalternations of powerstroke and returnstroke motor neuron activity.The coordinating neurons transmit the precise timing informationabout the state of one oscillator to other oscillators. Thisinformation can serve to advance or to delay the motor burstsdriven by the other oscillators. Which effect is observed dependsupon the arrival time of the coordinating neuron discharge withinthe cycle period of the modulated oscillator. This type of modulationleads to the prediction that a stable interappendage phase canresult from situations where there is not a fixed excitabilitygradient among the segmental oscillators. This prediction hasbeen verified using a cut command neuron preparation.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythm of locomotor activity of the desert beetle T.gigas usually has two narrow peaks: morning (M) and evening (E). While entrained with diurnal (Tz = 24 hr) full or skeleton photoperiods, the M peak is precedes light, while the E peak coincides with light. In a variety of natural and laboratory conditions both peaks tend to maintain a stable mutual phase relationship, about 12 hr apart. The phase responses of the M and E peaks were studied using 6-hr, 30 lx green LED-light pulses applied around ct3, ?t12 and ct18. The PRC for the E peak, plotted versus ct0 (extrapolated moment of light-on) as abscissa, had the same position, as the PRC for the M peak. Both PRCs were asymmetric, but in an opposite way: for the M peak the area of phase advances was bigger, than the area of phase delays, while for the E peak, vice versa. The transient PRCs on day 1, 2 etc. did not differ from the steady state PRC, i.e, the phase response was accomplished virtually in one cycle. Period changes were almost all positive (period became longer after a light pulse). The only "dead zone" in the period response curve (decrease of Dt down to zero) was around subjective evening - early night. Here again, the M peak appeared more "eager" to phase advances than the E peak. Our data support the hypothesis that M and E peaks are controlled by putative separate oscillators. These oscillators seem to have different properties, tend to phase shift to a different extent, and are extremely strongly mutually coupled with phases locked at approximately 180°. The asymmetry of properties of the M and E oscillators has a clear adaptive significance.  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) host a robust, self-sustained circadian pacemaker that coordinates physiological rhythms with the daily changes in the environment. Neuronal clocks within the SCN form a heterogeneous network that must synchronize to maintain timekeeping activity. Coherent circadian output of the SCN tissue is established by intercellular signaling factors, such as vasointestinal polypeptide. It was recently shown that besides coordinating cells, the synchronization factors play a crucial role in the sustenance of intrinsic cellular rhythmicity. Disruption of intercellular signaling abolishes sustained rhythmicity in a majority of neurons and desynchronizes the remaining rhythmic neurons. Based on these observations, the authors propose a model for the synchronization of circadian oscillators that combines intracellular and intercellular dynamics at the single-cell level. The model is a heterogeneous network of circadian neuronal oscillators where individual oscillators are damped rather than self-sustained. The authors simulated different experimental conditions and found that: (1) in normal, constant conditions, coupled circadian oscillators quickly synchronize and produce a coherent output; (2) in large populations, such oscillators either synchronize or gradually lose rhythmicity, but do not run out of phase, demonstrating that rhythmicity and synchrony are codependent; (3) the number of oscillators and connectivity are important for these synchronization properties; (4) slow oscillators have a higher impact on the period in mixed populations; and (5) coupled circadian oscillators can be efficiently entrained by light–dark cycles. Based on these results, it is predicted that: (1) a majority of SCN neurons needs periodic synchronization signal to be rhythmic; (2) a small number of neurons or a low connectivity results in desynchrony; and (3) amplitudes and phases of neurons are negatively correlated. The authors conclude that to understand the orchestration of timekeeping in the SCN, intracellular circadian clocks cannot be isolated from their intercellular communication components.  相似文献   

The segmental locomotor network in the lamprey spinal cord was simulated on a computer using a connectionist-type neural network. The cells of the network were identical except for their excitatory levels and their synaptic connections. The synaptic connections used were based on previous experimental work. It was demonstrated that the connectivity of the circuit is capable of generating oscillatory activity with the appropriate phase relations among the cells. Intersegmental coordination was explored by coupling two identical segmental networks using only the cells of the network. Each of the possible couplings of a bilateral pair of cells in one oscillator with a bilateral pair of cells in the other oscillator produced stable phase locking of the two oscillators. The degree of phase difference was dependent upon synaptic weight, and the operating range of synaptic weights varied among the pairs of connections. The coupling was tested using several criteria from experimental work on the lamprey spinal cord. Coupling schemes involving several pairs of connecting cells were found which 1) achieved steadystate phase locking within a single cycle, 2) exhibited constant phase differences over a wide range of cycle periods, and 3) maintained stable phase locking in spite of large differences in the intrinsic frequencies of the two oscillators. It is concluded that the synaptic connectivity plays a large role in producing oscillations in this network and that it is not necessary to postulate a separate set of coordinating neurons between oscillators in order to achieve appropriate phase coupling.  相似文献   

In mammals, circadian rhythms are controlled by the neurons located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. Each neuron in the SCN contains an autonomous molecular clock. The fundamental question is how the individual cellular oscillators, expressing a wide range of periods, interact and assemble to achieve phase synchronization. Most of the studies carried out so far emphasize the crucial role of the periodicity imposed by the light-dark cycle in neuronal synchronization. However, in natural conditions, the interaction between the SCN neurons is non-negligible and coupling between cells in the SCN is achieved partly by neurotransmitters. In this paper, we use a model of nonidentical, globally coupled cellular clocks considered as Goodwin oscillators. We mainly study the synchronization induced by coupling from an analytical way. Our results show that the role of the coupling is to enhance the synchronization to the external forcing. The conclusion of this paper can help us better understand the mechanism of circadian rhythm.  相似文献   

 Coupled population oscillators are investigated with the use of coupled logistic maps. Two forms of coupling are employed, reproductive and density. Three biologically distinct situations are investigated: populations independently oscillating in a two point cycle, populations independently chaotic, and populations independently approach a stable point. Both entrained and phase reversed patterns are observed along with complicated forms of chaos as the coupling parameters are varied.  相似文献   

A model for neuronal oscillations in the visual cortex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We explore the influence of synaptic location and form on the behavior of networks of coupled cortical oscillators. First, we develop a model of two coupled somatic oscillators that includes passive dendritic cables. Using a phase model approach, we show that the synchronous solution can change from a stable solution to an unstable one as the cable lengthens and the synaptic position moves further from the soma. We confirm this prediction using a system of coupled compartmental models. We also demonstrate that when the synchronous solution becomes unstable, a bifurcation occurs and a pair of asynchronous stable solutions appear, causing a phase lag between the cells in the system. Then using a variety of coupling functions and different synaptic positions, we show that distal connections and broad synaptic time courses encourage phase lags that can be reduced, eliminated, or enhanced by the presence of active currents in the dendrite. This mechanism may appear in neural systems where proximal connections could be used to encourage synchrony, and distal connections and broad synaptic time courses could be used to produce phase lags that can be modulated by active currents.  相似文献   

We experimentally investigated the synchronized patterns of three people during sports activities and found that the activity corresponded to spatiotemporal patterns in rings of coupled biological oscillators derived from symmetric Hopf bifurcation theory, which is based on group theory. This theory can provide catalogs of possible generic spatiotemporal patterns irrespective of their internal models. Instead, they are simply based on the geometrical symmetries of the systems. We predicted the synchronization patterns of rings of three coupled oscillators as trajectories on the phase plane. The interactions among three people during a 3 vs. 1 ball possession task were plotted on the phase plane. We then demonstrated that two patterns conformed to two of the three patterns predicted by the theory. One of these patterns was a rotation pattern (R) in which phase differences between adjacent oscillators were almost 2π/3. The other was a partial anti-phase pattern (PA) in which the two oscillators were anti-phase and the third oscillator frequency was dead. These results suggested that symmetric Hopf bifurcation theory could be used to understand synchronization phenomena among three people who communicate via perceptual information, not just physically connected systems such as slime molds, chemical reactions, and animal gaits. In addition, the skill level in human synchronization may play the role of the bifurcation parameter.  相似文献   

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