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One of the most widespread approaches for setting spatially‐explicit priorities for connectivity conservation consists in evaluating the effects of the individual removal of each habitat patch (one at a time) from the landscape. It however remains unknown the degree to which such priorities are valid and reliable in the longer term, as subsequent habitat losses and other disruptions accumulate in the landscape. We compared the patch prioritizations and estimated connectivity losses resulting from individual patch removals and from a more exhaustive assessment accounting for the potentially synergistic impacts of multiple habitat losses by testing all possible combinations of patch removals. Habitat availability (reachability) metrics and metapopulation capacity were calculated in purposefully simulated landscapes and in habitat distribution data for three bird species (NE Spain). We found that 1) individual patch removals allowed identifying areas of low contribution to connectivity that remained so after subsequent network modifications, 2) the most important patches identified through individual removals often did not coincide with those patches whose removal would actually be most detrimental after multiple habitat losses. However, these differences were smaller for the habitat reachability metrics, as well as for very mobile species that were largely insensitive to habitat spatial arrangement. If many patch losses over time are likely, it might be a more robust and fruitful conservation strategy for managers to pinpoint those patches that, with a low negative impact on connectivity, can be converted to other land uses, instead of trying to elucidate through individual patch removals which subset of protected patches would be the most effective for conserving as much connectivity as possible in the long term. Individual patch removals provide useful but non‐permanent guidelines that may need to be reassessed when substantial landscape modifications occur, which requires dynamic strategies for connectivity conservation in the face of global change.  相似文献   

Several theories propose that the cortex implements an internal model to explain, predict, and learn about sensory data, but the nature of this model is unclear. One condition that could be highly informative here is Charles Bonnet syndrome (CBS), where loss of vision leads to complex, vivid visual hallucinations of objects, people, and whole scenes. CBS could be taken as indication that there is a generative model in the brain, specifically one that can synthesise rich, consistent visual representations even in the absence of actual visual input. The processes that lead to CBS are poorly understood. Here, we argue that a model recently introduced in machine learning, the deep Boltzmann machine (DBM), could capture the relevant aspects of (hypothetical) generative processing in the cortex. The DBM carries both the semantics of a probabilistic generative model and of a neural network. The latter allows us to model a concrete neural mechanism that could underlie CBS, namely, homeostatic regulation of neuronal activity. We show that homeostatic plasticity could serve to make the learnt internal model robust against e.g. degradation of sensory input, but overcompensate in the case of CBS, leading to hallucinations. We demonstrate how a wide range of features of CBS can be explained in the model and suggest a potential role for the neuromodulator acetylcholine. This work constitutes the first concrete computational model of CBS and the first application of the DBM as a model in computational neuroscience. Our results lend further credence to the hypothesis of a generative model in the brain.  相似文献   

Coexistent Brugada syndrome and Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome is rare, and as such poses management challenges. The overlap of symptoms attributable to each condition, the timing of ventricular stimulation after accessory pathway ablation and the predictive value of programmed stimulation in Brugada syndrome are controversial. We describe a case of coexistent Brugada syndrome and WPW syndrome in a symptomatic young adult. We discuss our treatment approach and the existing literature along with the challenges in management of such cases.  相似文献   

An ecosystem can be visualized as a graph of certain preassigned trophic compartments; these nodes are then mutually connected through the internal exchanges of material and energy. The mathematical theory of information can be applied to such a graph in order to define two relevant indices: a measure of connectivity (the entropy H of the connections) and a measure of the degree of the “energetic” specialization (the internal transfer of informationI). The computation of these indices in stationary real cases suggests that the observed complexity of ecosystems is conditioned by two competing effects. The first can be interpreted as a “thermodynamical” principle related to the unavoidable irreversibility taking place inside the system, whereas the second can be taken as a “biological” principle concerned with the selection of some particular interactions: those which maximize the information circulating between the compartments.  相似文献   

Rubella Virus (RUBV) is a common cause of childhood rash and fever in non-immunized populations, and its public health importance relates to teratogenic effects of primary rubella infection in women with early pregnancy. Infection of the fetus may lead to congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). This work aimed to assess the degree of risk associated in acquiring rubella virus infection by the women during pregnancy and developing CRS among their children in Bangladesh. The study population (n = 275) included pregnant mothers (15–38 years) from various socioeconomic backgrounds attending a women health care based hospital. All subjects were personally interviewed, clinically examined and a standardized questionnaire was filled up for each of them. From each participant 3 ml blood was taken and serum was separated. Commercially available ELISA kit was used for the qualitative and quantitative determination of IgM and IgG class antibodies against RUBV in collected serum samples. 209 women were found to contain detectable level of antiRUBV IgG antibodies, but did not possess IgM antibodies against rubella. Only 9% participants were vaccinated previously against rubella virus among the whole antenatal population studied. Ninety-two percent of these vaccinated pregnant women contained serum anti-rubella IgG antibody which was significantly (P = 0.05) higher than that of the nonvaccinated study population (75%). Pregnant women from lower middle and poor socioeconomic class had significantly (P = 0.05) more intra uterine growth retardation (IUGR) of fetus than the upper middle class. 20% of the women of child bearing age examined in this work were not yet exposed to RUBV and at risk of acquiring this virus during pregnancy and subsequently transmitting the virus to the fetus. Our work demonstrates rubella attack rate among antenatal population in Bangladesh as 14.5 in 1000 during pregnancy. A proper and reliable vaccination policy against rubella virus is not yet adopted at the national level in many developing countries including Bangladesh. This work identifies the requirement of detailed study for the identification of intrauterine rubella infection and its related influence on perinatal morbidity and mortality. Thorough epidemiological studies are also considered necessary prior to the development and acceptance of national immunization program against rubella virus in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Actin is an abundant protein in most nonmuscle cells. It has often been observed in isolated nuclei, yet cytoplasmic contamination was of course initially regarded as the most plausible origin. Numerous studies on nuclear actin appeared in the 1970s and 1980s, but the picture remained rather muddy. The viewpoint at that time was that actin-shown to move freely between cytoplasm and nucleus-was a mere "thermodynamic wanderer," transiently occupying the nucleus. More recently, evidence has been mounting that actin's presence in the nucleus is not simply governed by the laws of diffusion. The same holds true for the finding of various actin-related proteins in the nucleus, and the case for nuclear myosin, specifically myosin I, is now quite convincing. Moreover, the first intimations of functional roles of nuclear actin are now emerging. Here we examine the overall subject from cell biological and chemical perspectives. The major issue is no longer the presence of actin in the nucleus but rather its supramolecular organization, intranuclear locations, and, of course, functions. These issues interface with recent findings that reveal a surprisingly diverse repertoire of actin conformations and oligomer and polymer forms beyond monomeric G-actin and polymeric F-actin. We present ideas for advancing the nuclear actin field and call for a renewed attack on this major problem in cell biology.  相似文献   

The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is part of a wake-promoting circuit comprising the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH) and locus coeruleus (LC). Although widely considered a “master clock,” the SCN of adult rats is also sensitive to feedback regarding an animal''s behavioral state. Interestingly, in rats at postnatal day (P)2, repeated arousing stimulation does not increase neural activation in the SCN, despite doing so in the LC and DMH. Here we show that, by P8, the SCN is activated by arousing stimulation and that selective destruction of LC terminals with DSP-4 blocks this activational effect. We next show that bidirectional projections among the SCN, DMH, and LC are nearly absent at P2 but present at P8. Despite the relative lack of SCN connectivity with downstream structures at P2, day-night differences in sleep-wake activity are observed, suggesting that the SCN modulates behavior at this age via humoral factors. To test this hypothesis, we lesioned the SCN at P1 and recorded sleep-wake behavior at P2: Day-night differences in sleep and wake were eliminated. We next performed precollicular transections at P2 and P8 that isolate the SCN and DMH from the brainstem and found that day-night differences in sleep-wake behavior were retained at P2 but eliminated at P8. Finally, the SCN or DMH was lesioned at P8: When recorded at P21, rats with either lesion exhibited similarly fragmented wake bouts and no evidence of circadian modulation of wakefulness. These results suggest an age-related decline in the SCN''s humoral influence on sleep-wake behavior that coincides with the emergence of bidirectional connectivity among the SCN, DMH, and LC.  相似文献   

Hemizygous deletions on the long arm of chromosome 22 (del22q11) are a relatively common cause of congenital heart disease. For some specific heart defects such as interrupted aortic arch type B and tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve, del22q11 is probably the most frequent genetic cause. Although extensive gene searches have been successful in discovering many novel genes in the deleted segment, standard positional cloning has so far failed to demonstrate a role for any of these genes in the disease. We show how the use of experimental animal models is beginning to provide an insight into the developmental role of some of these genes, while novel genome manipulation technologies promise to dissect the genetic aspects of this complex syndrome.  相似文献   

The human genome is described in the literature as being composed of the isochores, i.e., long (hundreds of kilobases) segments with a homogeneous (G + C) content. We calculated the (G + C) content variations along the DNA molecules of the human chromosomes 21 and 22 and found the variations to be higher everywhere compared to the randomized sequences. Hence the (G + C) content is certainly not homogeneous on the isochore scale in the two human chromosomes. In addition, we found no significant difference between the two human molecules and the genome of E. coli regarding the (G + C) content variations. Hence no isochores are either present in the DNA molecules of the human chromosomes 21 and 22, or the isochores are also present in the genome of Escherichia coli. In any case, the present communication demonstrates that the isochores should be defined in unambiguous molecular terms if they are to be used for an up-to-date genome structure characterization.  相似文献   

Tunas (family Scombridae) are exceptional among most teleost fishes in that they possess vascular heat exchangers which allow heat retention in specific regions of the body (termed ‘regional heterothermy’). Seemingly exclusive to heterothermic fishes is a markedly reduced temperature dependence of blood–oxygen (blood–O2) binding, or even a reversed temperature dependence where increasing temperature increases blood–O2 affinity. These unusual binding properties have been documented in whole blood and in haemoglobin (Hb) solutions, and they are hypothesised to prevent oxygen loss from arteries to veins within the vascular heat exchangers and/or to prevent excessive oxygen unloading to the warm tissues and ensure an adequate supply of oxygen to tissues positioned efferent to the heat exchangers. The temperature sensitivity of blood–O2 binding has not been characterised in an ectothermic scombrid (mackerels and bonitos), but the existence of the unusual binding properties in these fishes would have clear implications for their proposed association with regional heterothermy. Accordingly, the present study examined oxygenation of whole blood of the chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) at 10, 20 and 30°C and at 0.5, 1 and 2% CO2. Oxygen affinity was generally highest at 20°C for all levels of CO2. Temperature-independent binding was observed at low (0.5%) CO2, where the PO2 at 50% blood–O2 saturation (P 50) was not statistically different at 10 and 30°C (2.58 vs. 2.78 kPa, respectively) with an apparent heat of oxygenation (∆H°) close to zero (−6 kJ mol−1). The most significant temperature-mediated difference occurred at high (2%) CO2, where the P 50 at 10°C was twofold higher than that at 20°C with a corresponding ∆H° of +43 kJ mol−1. These results provide clear evidence of independent and reversed open-system temperature effects on blood oxygenation in S. japonicus, and it is therefore speculated that these unusual blood–O2 binding characteristics may have preceded the evolution of vascular heat exchangers and regional heterothermy in fishes.  相似文献   

The efficient and selective removal of apoptotic cells is an important feature of tissue development, homeostasis and pathology. In the nervous system, synapses and distal axons are selectively eliminated as part of the remodelling that underpins development and pathology, through a process that has some features in common with apoptotic cell removal. Components of the complement cascade are implicated in the efficient removal of apoptotic cells outside the nervous system, and recent evidence suggests that the complement components C1q and C3 have a role in the selective tagging of supernumerary synapses in the developing visual system and in their efficient removal by as yet unidentified cells.  相似文献   

Summary A 2-year-old girl had a de novo duplication in the long arm of one chromosome 7 and an increased level of the enzyme -glucuronidase in cultured fibroblasts. The phenotype of the girl partly overlaps those of two presumptive syndromes due to secondary partial trisomies 7q. The ratio of the enzyme activity was 1.43 to the controls, and 1.37 to her parent's values. We could not define the abnormality but suggest two alternatives: either the patient is trisomic for region q112 to q22 or for the region q22 to q34. If the second alternative is correct the locus for -glucuronidase is possibly assigned to band 7q22.  相似文献   

Insertion–deletion polymorphism of the gene for the angiotensin-converting enzyme has been investigated in random samples from various age groups in the Moscow population. A statistically significant reduction in the insertion allele frequency has been found in senior age groups.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome is the most common monogenetic cause of inherited intellectual disability and syndromic autism spectrum disorder. Fragile X syndrome is caused by an expansion (full mutation ≥200 CGGs repeats, normal 10-45 CGGs) of the fragile X mental retardation 1 (FMR1) gene, epigenetic silencing of the gene, which leads to reduction or lack of the gene’s product: the fragile X mental retardation protein. In this cross-sectional study, we assessed general and pharmacotherapy knowledge (GK and PTK) of fragile X syndrome and satisfaction with education in neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) among senior medical students in Serbia (N=348), Georgia (N=112), and Colombia (N=58). A self-administered 18-item questionnaire included GK (8/18) and PTK (7/18) components and self-assessment of the participants education in NDDs (3/18). Roughly 1 in 5 respondents had correct answers on half or more facts about fragile X syndrome (GK>PTK), which ranged similarly 5-7 in Serbia, 6-8 in Georgia, and 5-8 in Colombia, respectively. No cohort had an average value greater than 9 (60%) that would represent passing score “cut-off.” None of the participants answered all the questions correctly. More than two-thirds of the participants concluded that they gained inadequate knowledge of NDDs during their studies, and that their education in this field should be more intense. In conclusion, there is a major gap in knowledge regarding fragile X syndrome among senior medical students in these three developing countries. The finding could at least in part be generalized to other developing countries aimed toward increasing knowledge and awareness of NDDs and fostering an institutional collaboration between developed and developing countries.  相似文献   

The Meishan pig breed exhibits increased prolificacy and reduced neonatal mortality compared to commercial breeds, such as the Large White, prompting breeders to introduce the Meishan genotype into commercial herds. Commercial piglets are highly susceptible to hypoglycemia, hypothermia, and death, potentially due to limited lipid stores and/or delayed hepatic metabolic ability. We therefore hypothesized that variation in hepatic development and lipid metabolism could contribute to the differences in neonatal mortality between breeds. Liver samples were obtained from piglets of each breed on days 0, 7, and 21 of postnatal age and subjected to molecular and biochemical analysis. At birth, both breeds exhibited similar hepatic glycogen contents, despite Meishan piglets having significantly lower body weight. The livers from newborn Meishan piglets exhibited increased C18∶1n9C and C20∶1n9 but lower C18∶0, C20∶4n6, and C22∶6n3 fatty acid content. Furthermore, by using an unsupervised machine learning approach, we detected an interaction between C18∶1n9C and glycogen content in newborn Meishan piglets. Bioinformatic analysis could identify unique age-based clusters from the lipid profiles in Meishan piglets that were not apparent in the commercial offspring. Examination of the fatty acid signature during the neonatal period provides novel insights into the body composition of Meishan piglets that may facilitate liver responses that prevent hypoglycaemia and reduce offspring mortality.  相似文献   

This article reviews the relationship between metabolic syndrome (MetS) and nephrolithiasis, as well as the clinical implications for patients with this dual diagnosis. MetS, estimated to affect 25% of adults in the United States, is associated with a fivefold increase in the risk of developing diabetes, a doubling of the risk of acquiring cardiovascular disease, and an increase in overall mortality. Defined as a syndrome, MetS is recognized clinically by numerous constitutive traits, including abdominal obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia (elevated triglycerides, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), and hyperglycemia. Urologic complications of MetS include a 30% higher risk of nephrolithiasis, with an increased percentage of uric acid nephrolithiasis in the setting of hyperuricemia, hyperuricosuria, low urine pH, and low urinary volume. Current American Urological Association and European Association of Urology guidelines suggest investigating the etiology of nephrolithiasis in affected individuals; however, there is no specific goal of treating MetS as part of the medical management. Weight loss and exercise, the main lifestyle treatments of MetS, counter abdominal obesity and insulin resistance and reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events and the development of diabetes. These recommendations may offer a beneficial adjunctive treatment option for nephrolithiasis complicated by MetS. Although definitive therapeutic recommendations must await further studies, it seems both reasonable and justifiable for the urologist, as part of a multidisciplinary team, to recommend these important lifestyle changes to patients with both conditions. These recommendations should accompany the currently accepted management of nephrolithiasis.Key words: Nephrolithiasis, Metabolic syndrome, Uric acid nephrolithiasisMetabolic syndrome (MetS), as defined by the National Cholesterol Education Program and the Adult Treatment Panel III in 2001 (and updated in 2005), represents a growing medical problem affecting more than 22% of US adults.14 It is associated with an almost fivefold increase in the risk of developing diabetes and a doubling of the risk of acquiring cardiovascular disease.5 MetS is a clinical disorder defined by the presence of at least three of the following criteria: central obesity (abdominal girth > 102 cm [40 in] men and > 88 cm [35 in] women), low high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (< 40 mg/dL in men and < 50 mg/dL in women), hypertriglyceridemia (> 150 mg/dL), hypertension (blood pressure > 130/85 mm Hg), and elevated fasting glucose (> 100 mg/dL).2,4 The development of MetS appears to result from a complex interaction of genetics, phenotypic visceral fat accumulation (central obesity), insulin resistance, and sedentary behavior.5,6 Beyond cardiometabolic risks, MetS has a wide range of long-term complications, including nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome, obstructive sleep apnea, hypogonadism, lipodystrophy, microvascular disease, and chronic renal disease.6 An important urologic complication of MetS, not routinely cited, is nephrolithiasis.68Nephrolithiasis continues to be a major cause of morbidity and healthcare spending.9 A history of kidney stones is approximately twice as common in individuals with three criteria for MetS and three times as common in those with five criteria for MetS, as compared with those with none.10 These trends were confirmed in a large-scale, nationwide study of 30,448 Japanese patients with urolithiasis, who demonstrated that MetS was associated with a significantly increased risk of hypercalciuria, hyperuricosuria, hyperoxaluria, and hypocitraturia, independent of age and sex.11 Additionally, patients with a history of nephrolithiasis are significantly more likely to have multiple risk factors for cardiovascular disease, premature atherosclerosis, and cardiovascular events.10,12,13 It is unknown whether this is primarily a reflection of factors associated with nephrolithiasis, such as obesity, hypertension, or glucose intolerance/diabetes, or due to components of MetS, such as insulin resistance.14 The current American Urological Association (AUA) guidelines on the medical management of kidney stones suggests a need for future research on advising patients to exercise and lose weight, but does not make definitive recommendations on these lifestyle changes.15  相似文献   

We investigated the potential links between stomatal control of transpiration and the risk of embolism in root and shoot xylem of seedlings of three Mediterranean conifers (Cupressus sempervirens, Pinus halepensis and P. nigra) grown in a greenhouse under semi-controlled conditions. We measured the intrinsic vulnerability to embolism in roots and current year shoots by the air injection method. Root and shoot segments were subjected to increasing pressures, and the induced loss of hydraulic conductivity recorded. The three species displayed very different vulnerabilities in shoots, with P. nigra being much more vulnerable than P. halepensis and C. sempervirens. Roots were distinctly more vulnerable than shoots in C. sempervirens and P. halepensis (50% loss of conductivity induced at 3.0 MPa and 1.7 MPa higher xylem water potential in roots vs shoots). In P. nigra, no significant difference of vulnerability between shoots and roots was found. Seedlings were subjected to soil drought, and stomatal conductance, twig hydraulic conductivity and needle water potential were measured. The water potential resulting in almost complete stomatal closure (90%) was very close to the threshold water potential inducing loss of conductivity (10%) in twigs in P nigra, resulting in a very narrow safety margin between stomatal closure and embolism induction. The safety margin was larger in P. halepensis and greatest in C. sempervirens. Unexpectedly, this water potential threshold produced a 30–50% loss of conductivity in 3–5 mm diameter roots, depending on the species. The implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

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