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SYNOPSIS. Insects and anurans show various patterns of selectiveresponsiveness to playbacks of natural and synthetic sounds.Preferences and tuning of the auditory system most often matchone or more strongly emphasized frequency components in long-range,mate-attracting signals typical of conspecific individuals,but exceptions, in which frequencies lower or higher than themean are preferred, occur in some species. In some insects themost preferred frequencies may correspond to regions that maximizelocalizability of signals rather than regions of maximum sensitivity.Patterns of preference for fine-temporal properties are typicallystabilizing within a population; females prefer values nearthe mean and few males produce calls with values that deviatesufficiently to make them less attractive than calls with averagevalues. Preferences for gross temporal properties {e.g., therate and duration of signaling) are usually highly directional,with much higher than mean values preferred. In anurans, callrate is a better predictor of male mating success than dominantfrequency. Nevertheless, a variety of factors, especially close-rangeassessments that are common in insects, may modify or negatethe advantages of producing long-range signals of high relativeattractiveness. The evolutionary consequences of selective responsivenessin anurans and insects are discussed  相似文献   

The distribution of the three friendly close-range vocalization types known in the Felidae was plotted on a recently published phylogeny of the cat family (Felidae) based on sequence comparisons of two mitochondrial DNA genes and other molecular and biochemical characters, with extrapolated divergence ages of its various lineages. It was found to be congruent with this phylogeny. One of the sound types is likely to be present in 30 species of the family (documented in 22 so far), another is present in 4, and the third in 2 species only; these sound types represent a phylogenetic transformation series. The latter two vocalization types also differ considerably from the first in the mode of sound production. From this, evolutionary conservatism over a long epoch for the one widespread vocalization type can be inferred, and less conservatism in the type present in four species, while the emergence of the least common type is evidence of relatively considerable and rapid evolutionary change. Thus, acoustic communication signals in a group of taxa can evolve at considerably different rates, and for a specific character this rate can differ between different lineages of that group. The ultimate causes of the evolutionary stability or of the subsequent relatively rapid change in sound structure and mode of sound production in these felid vocalizations are unknown.  相似文献   

Neural Coding of Finger and Wrist Movements   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Previous work (Schieber and Hibbard, 1993) has shown that single motor cortical neurons do not discharge specifically for a particular flexion-extension finger movement but instead are active with movements of different fingers. In addition, neuronal populations active with movements of different fingers overlap extensively in their spatial locations in the motor cortex. These data suggested that control of any finger movement utilizes a distributed population of neurons. In this study we applied the neuronal population vector analysis (Georgopoulos et al., 1983) to these same data to determine (1) whether single cells are tuned in an abstract, three-dimensional (3D) instructed finger and wrist movement space with hand-like geometry and (2) whether the neuronal population encodes specific finger movements. We found that the activity of 132/176 (75%) motor cortical neurons related to finger movements was indeed tuned in this space. Moreover, the population vector computed in this space predicted well the instructed finger movement. Thus, although single neurons may be related to several disparate finger movements, and neurons related to different finger movements are intermingled throughout the hand area of the motor cortex, the neuronal population activity does specify particular finger movements.  相似文献   

It is now apparent that the visual system reacts to stimuli very fast, with many brain areas activated within 100 ms. It is, however, unclear how much detail is extracted about stimulus properties in the early stages of visual processing. Here, using magnetoencephalography we show that the visual system separates different facial expressions of emotion well within 100 ms after image onset, and that this separation is processed differently depending on where in the visual field the stimulus is presented. Seven right-handed males participated in a face affect recognition experiment in which they viewed happy, fearful and neutral faces. Blocks of images were shown either at the center or in one of the four quadrants of the visual field. For centrally presented faces, the emotions were separated fast, first in the right superior temporal sulcus (STS; 35–48 ms), followed by the right amygdala (57–64 ms) and medial pre-frontal cortex (83–96 ms). For faces presented in the periphery, the emotions were separated first in the ipsilateral amygdala and contralateral STS. We conclude that amygdala and STS likely play a different role in early visual processing, recruiting distinct neural networks for action: the amygdala alerts sub-cortical centers for appropriate autonomic system response for fight or flight decisions, while the STS facilitates more cognitive appraisal of situations and links appropriate cortical sites together. It is then likely that different problems may arise when either network fails to initiate or function properly.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Acoustic signals transmitted over large distancesdiffer significantly from those emitted by the signaler. Acousticsignals degrade in amplitude, spectral and temporal structureas they propagate through theenvironment. A great deal of workon acoustic communication is aimed at understanding the selectiveforces imposed by the environment on animal signals. I willdiscuss the physical constraints the environment puts on acousticcommunication, and then discuss similarities in communicationby anurans and insects that relate these environmental constraintsto their signaling systems. Lastly, I show how changes in signalsduring propagation relate to changes in signal perception duringphonotaxis, and thus, how propagation relates to mate choiceand sexual selection  相似文献   



Comorbidity among childhood mental health symptoms is common in clinical and community samples and should be accounted for when investigating etiology. We therefore aimed to uncover latent classes of mental health symptoms in middle childhood in a community sample, and to determine the latent genetic and environmental influences on those classes.


The sample comprised representative cohorts of twins. A questionnaire-based assessment of mental health symptoms was used in latent class analyses. Data on 3223 twins (1578 boys and 1645 girls) with a mean age of 7.5 years were analyzed. The sample was predominantly non-Hispanic Caucasian (92.1%).


Latent class models delineated groups of children according to symptom profiles–not necessarily clinical groups but groups representing the general population, most with scores in the normative range. The best-fitting models suggested 9 classes for both girls and boys. Eight of the classes were very similar across sexes; these classes ranged from a “Low Symptom” class to a “Moderately Internalizing & Severely Externalizing” class. In addition, a “Moderately Anxious” class was identified for girls but not boys, and a “Severely Impulsive & Inattentive” class was identified for boys but not girls. Sex-combined analyses implicated moderate genetic influences for all classes. Shared environmental influences were moderate for the “Low Symptom” and “Moderately Internalizing & Severely Externalizing” classes, and small to zero for other classes.


We conclude that symptom classes are largely similar across sexes in middle childhood. Heritability was moderate for all classes, but shared environment played a greater role for classes in which no one type of symptom predominated.  相似文献   

KaKs_Calculator 3.0 is an updated toolkit that is capable of calculating selective pressure on both coding and non-coding sequences. Similar to the nonsynonymous/synonymous substitution rate ratio for coding sequences, selection on non-coding sequences can be quantified as the ratio of non-coding nucleotide substitution rate to synonymous substitution rate of adjacent coding sequences. As testified on empirical data, KaKs_Calculator 3.0 shows effectiveness to detect the strength and mode of sele...  相似文献   

The mechanisms of generating alarm calls of different bird species, species-specific calls of closely related species, and intraspecific differences in calls were analyzed. These mechanisms proved to be basically the same: variation of temporal parameters within the frequency range limited by morphological structures of the vocal apparatus. This principle is used for constructing acoustic synthesizers allowing communication with birds and control over their behavior. The results of this work are discussed in terms of the possibility of generated signal processing by the auditory system of birds.  相似文献   

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology - The effect of social isolation or enriched environment on fear conditioning and extinction was studied in 3.5–4-month-old rats exposed to...  相似文献   

基于人工神经网络的昆虫鸣声识别   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以常见的7种飞虱雄虫求偶鸣声信号的频率峰值作为输入向量,用人工神经网络来识别它们的鸣声,平均识别率达90.6%。人工神经网络可以用于昆虫鸣声识别。  相似文献   

Determining the information content of animal vocalisations can give valuable insights into the potential functions of vocal signals. The source-filter theory of vocal production allows researchers to examine the information content of mammal vocalisations by linking variation in acoustic features with variation in relevant physical characteristics of the caller. Here I used a source-filter theory approach to classify female koala vocalisations into different call-types, and determine which acoustic features have the potential to convey important information about the caller to other conspecifics. A two-step cluster analysis classified female calls into bellows, snarls and tonal rejection calls. Additional results revealed that female koala vocalisations differed in their potential to provide information about a given caller’s phenotype that may be of importance to receivers. Female snarls did not contain reliable acoustic cues to the caller’s identity and age. In contrast, female bellows and tonal rejection calls were individually distinctive, and the tonal rejection calls of older female koalas had consistently lower mean, minimum and maximum fundamental frequency. In addition, female bellows were significantly shorter in duration and had higher fundamental frequency, formant frequencies, and formant frequency spacing than male bellows. These results indicate that female koala vocalisations have the potential to signal the caller’s identity, age and sex. I go on to discuss the anatomical basis for these findings, and consider the possible functional relevance of signalling this type of information in the koala’s natural habitat.  相似文献   

Classification of neural signals at the single-trial level and the study of their relevance in affective and cognitive neuroscience are still in their infancy. Here we investigated the neurophysiological correlates of conditions of increasing social scene complexity using 3D human models as targets of attention, which may also be important in autism research. Challenging single-trial statistical classification of EEG neural signals was attempted for detection of oddball stimuli with increasing social scene complexity. Stimuli had an oddball structure and were as follows: 1) flashed schematic eyes, 2) simple 3D faces flashed between averted and non-averted gaze (only eye position changing), 3) simple 3D faces flashed between averted and non-averted gaze (head and eye position changing), 4) animated avatar alternated its gaze direction to the left and to the right (head and eye position), 5) environment with 4 animated avatars all of which change gaze and one of which is the target of attention. We found a late (> 300 ms) neurophysiological oddball correlate for all conditions irrespective of their complexity as assessed by repeated measures ANOVA. We attempted single-trial detection of this signal with automatic classifiers and obtained a significant balanced accuracy classification of around 79%, which is noteworthy given the amount of scene complexity. Lateralization analysis showed a specific right lateralization only for more complex realistic social scenes. In sum, complex ecological animations with social content elicit neurophysiological events which can be characterized even at the single-trial level. These signals are right lateralized. These finding paves the way for neuroscientific studies in affective neuroscience based on complex social scenes, and given the detectability at the single trial level this suggests the feasibility of brain computer interfaces that can be applied to social cognition disorders such as autism.  相似文献   

Humans recognize both the movement (physical) goals and action (conceptual) goals of individuals with whom they are interacting. Here, we assessed whether spontaneous recognition of others’ goals depends on whether the observers control their own behavior at the movement or action level. We also examined the relationship between individual differences in empathy and ASD-like traits, and the processing of other individual’s movement and action goals that are known to be encoded in the “mirroring” and “mentalizing” brain networks. In order to address these questions, we used a computer-based card paradigm that made it possible to independently manipulate movement and action congruency of observed and executed actions. In separate blocks, participants were instructed to select either the right or left card (movement-control condition) or the higher or lower card (action-control condition), while we manipulated action- and movement-congruency of both actors’ goals. An action-congruency effect was present in all conditions and the size of this effect was significantly correlated with self-reported empathy and ASD-like traits. In contrast, movement-congruency effects were only present in the movement-control block and were strongly dependent on action-congruency. These results illustrate that spontaneous recognition of others’ behavior depends on the control scheme that is currently adopted by the observer. The findings suggest that deficits in action recognition are related to abnormal synthesis of perceived movements and prior conceptual knowledge that are associated with activations in the “mirroring” and “mentalizing” cortical networks.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. We describe here a multidisciplinary investigationof the stimuli and mechanisms controlling reproduction in thegreen anole lizard, Anolis carolinensis. Bothenvironmental andsocial stimuli that vary seasonally are used as proximate cuesto reproduction. In order for these ecological factors to initiatebreeding, they must be perceived and integrated in the centralnervous system. External and internal stimuli converge uponthe hypothalamus, the major neuroendocrine integrative areaof the brain, which, in turn, directly regulates pituitary andautonomic function. In addition to their role in reproduction,the gonadal hormones are important throughout the life of theorganism, acting both peripherally and centrally, to adapt theindividual to its environment. Thus, the environment, behavior,and physiology interact in complex ways to synchronize the socialand reproductive activities of individuals.  相似文献   

We compare and contrast the signalling systems and social behaviorsof Alligator mississippiensis, Crocodylus aculus, and Crocodylusmloticus. Our qualitative analysis focuses primarily on thebehaviors of adults during three phases of reproduction: I.Defense of Territory and Courtship, II. Nesting and Incubation,and III. Hatching and Post Hatching. Signals and signal elementsare very similar among the three species. For example, all havevocal, non-vocal acoustic, and visual signals, some transmittedthrough air or water and others through both media. In addition,each species' repertoire is composed of discrete, graded andcomplex signals. A few signals are unique to each species. However,their signalling systems differ in the temporal organizationof the behaviors, and in the relative frequency in which certainfunctional groups of signals occuror in which signals occurin a particular sensory mode. Apparently, the signalling systemsof C. acutus and C. niloticus are more similar to each otherthan either is to the signalling system of A. mississippiensis.The signalling systems of the crocodile species appear to beadapted to open water habitats in which visual signals are advantageousand to high density breeding groups and post-copulatory intersexualcontact. In contrast, the Alligatorsignalling system appearsadapted to a marsh habitat in which vocal signals are likelyfavored and to low density breeding groups.  相似文献   

Skylarks inhabit open fields and perform an aerial song display which serves as a territorial signal. The particularly long and elaborate structure of this song flight raises questions about the impact of physical and energetic constraints acting on a communication signal. Song produced during the three distinct phases of the flight - ascending, level and descending phase could be subject to different constraints, serve different functions and encode different types of information. We compared song parameters during the ascending and the level phases. We found that the structure of the song varied with the phase of the flight. In particular, song had a higher tempo when skylarks were ascending which might be related to higher oxygen and energetic demands. We also explored which phase of the song flight might encode individuality. Earlier studies reported that skylarks reduced their territorial response to established neighbours if the neighbour song was broadcasted from the correct adjacent boundary, but reacted aggressively if the neighbour songs were broadcasted from an incorrect boundary (mimicking a displaced neighbour). Such differential response provides some evidence for individual recognition. Here, we exposed subjects to playback stimuli of neighbour song in which we had replaced either the song produced during the level or the ascending phase by the relevant song of the neighbour from the incorrect border. Singing response was higher towards stimuli in which the ‘level phase song’ was replaced, indicating that skylarks could be able to recognise their neighbours based on song of this phase. Thus, individuality seems to be primarily coded in the level phase of the flight song.  相似文献   

To elucidate the cortical control of handwriting, we examined time-dependent statistical and correlational properties of simultaneously recorded 64-channel electroencephalograms (EEGs) and electromyograms (EMGs) of intrinsic hand muscles. We introduced a statistical method, which offered advantages compared to conventional coherence methods. In contrast to coherence methods, which operate in the frequency domain, our method enabled us to study the functional association between different neural regions in the time domain. In our experiments, subjects performed about 400 stereotypical trials during which they wrote a single character. These trials provided time-dependent EMG and EEG data capturing different handwriting epochs. The set of trials was treated as a statistical ensemble, and time-dependent correlation functions between neural signals were computed by averaging over that ensemble. We found that trial-to-trial variability of both the EMGs and EEGs was well described by a log-normal distribution with time-dependent parameters, which was clearly distinguished from the normal (Gaussian) distribution. We found strong and long-lasting EMG/EMG correlations, whereas EEG/EEG correlations, which were also quite strong, were short-lived with a characteristic correlation durations on the order of 100 ms or less. Our computations of correlation functions were restricted to the spectral range (13–30 Hz) of EEG signals where we found the strongest effects related to handwriting. Although, all subjects involved in our experiments were right-hand writers, we observed a clear symmetry between left and right motor areas: inter-channel correlations were strong if both channels were located over the left or right hemispheres, and 2–3 times weaker if the EEG channels were located over different hemispheres. Although we observed synchronized changes in the mean energies of EEG and EMG signals, we found that EEG/EMG correlations were much weaker than EEG/EEG and EMG/EMG correlations. The absence of strong correlations between EMG and EEG signals indicates that (i) a large fraction of the EEG signal includes electrical activity unrelated to low-level motor variability; (ii) neural processing of cortically-derived signals by spinal circuitry may reduce the correlation between EEG and EMG signals.  相似文献   

This experiment investigated the effects of early estrogen treatment and sex composition of the social environment on sexual partner preference in female zebra finches, a pair-bonding socially monogamous species. Birds were injected daily with estradiol benzoate (EB) or the steroid vehicle for the first 2 weeks posthatch and then lived in either a unisex (all-female) or a mixed sex group from 40 to 100 days. After 100 days birds were implanted with testosterone propionate and given three kinds of tests: tests with a stimulus female, two-choice mate preference tests with male and female stimuli, and colony tests to assess pairing preference in a more naturalistic context. Both EB and unisex housing independently resulted in a preference for females (masculinized preference) in the two-choice tests, but only females with both EB treatment and unisex living were more likely to pair with females in the colony tests. Sexual partner preference, a key sexually dimorphic component of mate choice, appears to be organized by sex steroids in this pair-bonding species, but in a manner that may be mediated by the social environment.  相似文献   

A major cue to the location of a sound source is the interaural time difference (ITD)–the difference in sound arrival time at the two ears. The neural representation of this auditory cue is unresolved. The classic model of ITD coding, dominant for a half-century, posits that the distribution of best ITDs (the ITD evoking a neuron’s maximal response) is unimodal and largely within the range of ITDs permitted by head-size. This is often interpreted as a place code for source location. An alternative model, based on neurophysiology in small mammals, posits a bimodal distribution of best ITDs with exquisite sensitivity to ITDs generated by means of relative firing rates between the distributions. Recently, an optimal-coding model was proposed, unifying the disparate features of these two models under the framework of efficient coding by neural populations. The optimal-coding model predicts that distributions of best ITDs depend on head size and sound frequency: for high frequencies and large heads it resembles the classic model, for low frequencies and small head sizes it resembles the bimodal model. The optimal-coding model makes key, yet unobserved, predictions: for many species, including humans, both forms of neural representation are employed, depending on sound frequency. Furthermore, novel representations are predicted for intermediate frequencies. Here, we examine these predictions in neurophysiological data from five mammalian species: macaque, guinea pig, cat, gerbil and kangaroo rat. We present the first evidence supporting these untested predictions, and demonstrate that different representations appear to be employed at different sound frequencies in the same species.  相似文献   

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