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Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) were used to study the inheritance of shell color in Argopecten irradians. Two scallops, one with orange and the other with white shells, were used as parents to produce four F1 families by selfing and outcrossing. Eighty-eight progeny, 37 orange and 51 white, were randomly selected from one of the families for segregation and mapping analysis with AFLP and microsatellite markers. Twenty-five AFLP primer pairs were screened, yielding 1138 fragments, among which 148 (13.0%) were polymorphic in two parents and segregated in progeny. Six AFLP markers showed significant (P < 0.05) association with shell color. All six loci were mapped to one linkage group. One of the markers, F1f335, is completely linked to the gene for orange shell, which we designated as Orange1, without any recombination in the progeny we sampled. The marker was amplified in the orange parent and all orange progeny, but absent in the white parent and all the white progeny. The close linkage between F1f335 and Orange1 was validated using bulk segregation analysis in two natural populations, and all our data indicate that F1f335 is specific for the shell color gene, Orange1. The genomic mapping of a shell color gene in bay scallop improves our understanding of shell color inheritance and may contribute to the breeding of molluscs with desired shell colors.  相似文献   

For genetic analysis and linkage mapping of bay scallop (Argopecten irradians), a set of 120 novel simple sequence repeat markers were developed from microsatellite-enriched libraries and expressed sequence tags. An inter-subspecies hybrid bay scallop family (CC5) of 46 progeny was analyzed as the reference population to confirm polymorphism and test the segregation patterns of these loci. A total of 104 microsatellite markers were polymorphic in the reference family, among which 36 in female, 28 in male, and 40 in both parents, respectively. Linkage analysis allowed mapping these markers to 15 linkage groups, which is close to the haploid chromosome number of bay scallop (n = 16). Analysis of the 40 markers segregating in both parents showed a higher recombination rate in the female parent, with the average of female-to-male recombination ratio of 1.09:1 between linked pairs of markers. When null alleles were considered, there were 17 loci showing segregation distortion at the 5% significance level using the chi-square test. The microsatellite markers developed in this study provide a useful resource for future linkage mapping and quantitative loci analysis in A. irradians.  相似文献   

臭氧处理海水对扇贝卵的孵化及幼虫生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
主要研究了用臭氧处理海水在经过连续充气曝气12、24h、不经充气曝气的处理水及没经臭氧处理的正常海水,进行海湾扇贝、虾夷扇贝受精卵的孵化和幼虫培育实验。结果表明,海湾扇贝受精卵在经过24h曝气的处理水中孵化率最高为92%,其次为没经过处理的正常海水为76%,曝气12h为16%,没经过曝气的为0;虾夷扇贝受精卵在经过24h曝气的处理水中孵化率最高为88%,其次为没经过处理的正常海水为85%,曝气12h为15%,没经过曝气为0。海湾扇贝幼虫培养在没经过处理的正常海水和经24h曝气的处理水中生长较快,曝气12h较慢;虾夷扇贝幼虫则是没经过处理的正常海水生长最快,其次是经24h曝气的处理水,而曝气12h较慢,成活率方面也表现出一定的差异,从而为臭氧处理海水在贝类育苗上的应用提供一定的指导。  相似文献   

The mutant E1 of Anacystis nidulans R2 requires high CO2 concentration for growth but was able to adapt to low CO2 concentration. This was exhibited by the increased ability to accumulate inorganic carbon within the cells and the large increase in the amount of a 42-kilodalton polypeptide located in the cytoplasmic membrane. The adaptation occurred in E1 cells at an extracellular CO2 concentration as high as 0.3%, which was 8 times the concentration for maximal adaptation in R2 cells. The ability of E1 cells to exhibit low CO2 characteristics at a higher CO2 concentration was attributed to lower intracellular CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

Warming temperatures and diminishing dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations are among the most pervasive drivers of global coastal change. While regions of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean are experiencing greater than average warming, the combined effects of thermal and hypoxic stress on marine life in this region are poorly understood. Populations of the northern bay scallop, Argopecten irradians irradians across the northeast United States have experienced severe declines in recent decades. This study used a combination of high-resolution (~1 km) satellite-based temperature records, long-term temperature and DO records, field and laboratory experiments, and high-frequency measures of scallop cardiac activity in an ecosystem setting to quantify decadal summer warming and assess the vulnerability of northern bay scallops to thermal and hypoxic stress across their geographic distribution. From 2003 to 2020, significant summer warming (up to ~0.2°C year−1) occurred across most of the bay scallop range. At a New York field site in 2020, all individuals perished during an 8-day estuarine heatwave that coincided with severe diel-cycling hypoxia. Yet at a Massachusetts site with comparable DO levels but lower daily mean temperatures, mortality was not observed. A 96-h laboratory experiment recreating observed daily temperatures of 25 or 29°C, and normoxia or hypoxia (22.2% air saturation), revealed a 120-fold increased likelihood of mortality in the 29°C-hypoxic treatment compared with control conditions, with scallop clearance rates also reduced by 97%. Cardiac activity measurements during a field deployment indicated that low DO and elevated daily temperatures modulate oxygen consumption rates and likely impact aerobic scope. Collectively, these findings suggest that concomitant thermal and hypoxic stress can have detrimental effects on scallop physiology and survival and potentially disrupt entire fisheries. Recovery of hypoxic systems may benefit vulnerable fisheries under continued warming.  相似文献   

Molluscs in general and bivalves in particular, exhibit an extraordinary degree of mitochondrial gene order variation when compared with other metazoans. Here, we determined the mitochondrial genomes of two scallops Argopecten irradians and Chlamys farreri. The complete mitochondrial genome of A. irradians is 16,211 nts in length and the nearly complete mitochondrial genome of C. farreri is 20,789 nts in length. Both of the genomes contain 35 genes including 12 protein-coding genes, 2 ribosomal RNAs, and 21 transfer RNAs. In contrast to the typical animal mitochondrial genome, both of them lack one protein-coding gene atp8 and two trnSs, but show an additional copy of trnF in A. irradians and of trnM in C. farreri, respectively. Gene order and genome content were compared among the four sequenced scallops. Gene arrangement of C. farreri closely resembles that of Mizuhopecten yessoensis. However, two genomes of C. farreri and A. irradians show only three small identical gene blocks and two genomes of A. irradians and Placopecten magellanicus share only one gene block. Comparison of the gene arrangement demonstrated that the four scallops share few identical gene blocks although they belong to the same family. This feature is seldom observed in Metazoa, even in other molluscan classes. The dramatic gene rearrangement often occurs in bivalves, especially in marine bivalves. In addition, comparisons of genomic character among bivalves are also presented.  相似文献   

Bay scallop (Argopecten irradians) is one of the most economically important aquaculture species in China. In this study, we constructed a consensus microsatellite-based genetic linkage map with a mapping panel containing two hybrid backcross-like families involving two subspecies of bay scallop, A. i. irradians and A. i. concentricus. One hundred sixty-one microsatellite and one phenotypic (shell color) markers were mapped to 16 linkage groups (LGs), which corresponds to the haploid chromosome number of bay scallop. The sex-specific map was 779.2 cM and 781.6 cM long in female and male, respectively, whereas the sex-averaged map spanned 849.3 cM. The average resolution of integrated map was 5.9 cM/locus and the estimated coverage was 81.3%. The proportion of distorted markers occurred more in the hybrid parents, suggesting that the segregation distortion was possibly resulted from heterospecific interaction between genomes of two subspecies of bay scallop. The overall female-to-male recombination rate was 1.13∶1 across all linked markers in common to both parents, and considerable differences in recombination also existed among different parents in both families. Four size-related traits, including shell length (SL), shell height (SH), shell width (SW) and total weight (TW) were measured for quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis. Three significant and six suggestive QTL were detected on five LGs. Among the three significant QTL, two (qSW-10 and qTW-10, controlling SW and TW, respectively) were mapped on the same region near marker AiAD121 on LG10 and explained 20.5% and 27.7% of the phenotypic variance, while the third (qSH-7, controlling SH) was located on LG7 and accounted for 15.8% of the phenotypic variance. Six suggestive QTL were detected on four different LGs. The linkage map and size-related QTL obtained in this study may facilitate marker-assisted selection (MAS) in bay scallop.  相似文献   

Vidal R  Gerbaud A  Vidal D  Drevon JJ 《Plant physiology》1995,108(4):1455-1460
Photosynthesis and nitrogenase acetylene-reducing activity (ARA) were measured in soybeans (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) in which the shoots were exposed for 48 h to 60 [mu]L L-1 CO2, a value corresponding to their CO2 compensation point. Six hours after the beginning of the light period at low CO2, the ARA started to decrease, reaching a rate of 50% of the control rate in 14 to 24 h and 20% of the control rate in 34 to 38 h after the beginning of the CO2 treatment. At these times, there was no net photosynthesis, and the transpiration rate was 20% lower than that in the control plants. An increase in the partial pressure of O2 around the nodules alleviated this inhibition of ARA. The maximal ARA achieved at 40 kPaO2 was 3 times higher than that at 20 kPa O2 and similar to the maximal ARA of the control plants. It was argued that the decrease in ARA of soybean exposed to the CO2 compensation point was due to a decrease in the nodule's permeability to O2 diffusion.  相似文献   

CO2 depresses water influx into sunflower hypocotyl segments of low water potential; by contrast, it stimulates flux into segments of high water potential. When segments of high potential were placed in a series of mannitol concentrations and allowed to achieve steady rates of water uptake, influx into CO2-treated tissue in a solution of 3 atm equalled that into control tissue in water. Reasons are given for deducing that a change in internal osmotic concentration (πi) of the order of 40% would be necessary to account for this result on the basis of πi. Direct measurements (by cryoscopy and by the minimum volume method) detected no difference in the steady state value for πi as between CO2-treated and control tissue. It was therefore concluded that CO2 had caused some reduction in turgor pressure.

Water uptake into tissue treated with CO2 for only the first 2 minutes of a 30-minute period was equal to that into tissue treated continuously with CO2, i.e. 3 times the control value. Ten seconds' CO2 treatment produced a significant stimulation. When the cycles of treatment were repeated the samples receiving flashes of CO2 maintained a rate of water uptake superior to that of the control, whereas influx into continuously treated tissue fell below the control value after 1 hour.

CO2 treatment applied in a moist air chamber stimulated subsequent water influx when the tissue was transferred to water. Fifteen seconds' treatment was sufficient to produce a marked effect. Even when a transition period of 30 minutes in the moist chamber was interposed between CO2 treatment (5 minutes) and transfer to water, a stimulation was observed. The CO2 effect could be achieved at zero degrees; 5 minutes' treatment in the moist chamber at zero degrees, followed by a 15-minute transition period at the same temperature, substantially increased subsequent water uptake at 25°.


Ethylene production and respiration by Granny Smith apples were inhibited by treatment with 20% CO2 for 2 hours. A similar effect was observed in tissue slices when treated at either 0 or 25°C.

The inhibition continued even after an extended aeration period. There is also an inhibition of ethylene emission in tissue slices incubated with exogenous 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC).

In general, CO2 treatment increased the ACC content of the tissue. These observations are consistent with the idea the action of CO2 is directed toward the enzyme system responsible for the conversion of ACC into ethylene.


This study investigated the effects of experimentally manipulated seawater carbonate chemistry on several early life history processes of the Baltic tellin (Macoma balthica), a widely distributed bivalve that plays a critical role in the functioning of many coastal habitats. We demonstrate that ocean acidification significantly depresses fertilization, embryogenesis, larval development and survival during the pelagic phase. Fertilization and the formation of a D-shaped shell during embryogenesis were severely diminished: successful fertilization was reduced by 11% at a 0.6 pH unit decrease from present (pH 8.1) conditions, while hatching success was depressed by 34 and 87%, respectively at a 0.3 and 0.6 pH unit decrease. Under acidified conditions, larvae were still able to develop a shell during the post-embryonic phase, but higher larval mortality rates indicate that fewer larvae may metamorphose and settle in an acidified ocean. The cumulative impact of decreasing seawater pH on fertilization, embryogenesis and survival to the benthic stage is estimated to reduce the number of competent settlers by 38% for a 0.3 pH unit decrease, and by 89% for a 0.6 pH unit decrease from present conditions. Additionally, slower growth rates and a delayed metamorphosis at a smaller size were indicative for larvae developed under acidified conditions. This may further decline the recruit population size due to a longer subjection to perturbations, such as predation, during the pelagic phase. In general, early life history processes were most severely compromised at ~pH 7.5, which corresponds to seawater undersaturated with respect to aragonite. Since recent models predict a comparable decrease in pH in coastal waters in the near future, this study indicates that future populations of Macoma balthica are likely to decline as a consequence of ongoing ocean acidification.  相似文献   

CO2 concentrations of 1000 compared to 350 microliters per liter in controlled environment chambers did not increase total fruit weight or number in a monoecious cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv Chipper) nor did it increase biomass, leaf area, or relative growth rates beyond the first 16 days after seeding. Average fruit weight was slightly, but not significantly greater in the 1000 microliters per liter CO2 treatment because fruit numbers were changed more than total weight. Plants grown at 1000 and 350 microliters per liter CO2 were similar in distribution of dry matter and leaf area between mainstem, axillary, and subaxillary branches. Early flower production was greater in 1000 microliters per liter plants. Subsequent flower numbers were either lower in enriched plants or similar in the two treatments, except for the harvest at fruiting when enriched plants produced many more male flowers than the 350 microliters per liter treatments.  相似文献   

Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv Stoneville 213) was grown at 350 and 1000 microliters per liter CO2. The plants grown at elevated CO2 concentrations contained large starch pools and showed initial symptoms of visible physical damage. Photosynthetic rates were lower than expected based on instantaneous exposure to high CO2.

A group of plants grown at 1000 microliters per liter CO2 was switched to 350 microliters per liter CO2. Starch pools and photosynthetic rates were monitored in the switched plants and in the two unswitched control groups. Photosynthetic rates per unit leaf area recovered to the level of the 350 microliters per liter CO2 grown control group within four to five days. To assess only nonstomatal limitations to photosynthesis, a measure of photosynthetic efficiencies was calculated (moles CO2 fixed per square meter per second per mole intercellular CO2). Photosynthetic efficiency also recovered to the levels of the 350 microliters per liter CO2 grown controls within three to four days.

Recovery was correlated to a rapid depletion of the starch pool, indicating that the inhibition of photosynthesis is primarily a result of feedback inhibition. However, complete recovery may involve the repair of damage to the chloroplasts caused by excessive starch accumulation. The rapid and complete reversal of photosynthetic inhibition suggests that the appearance of large, strong sinks at certain developmental stages could result in reduction of the large starch accumulations and that photosynthetic rates could recover to near the theoretical capacity during periods of high photosynthate demand.


Predation is a key determinant of community structure and function, and thus should play a central role in successful ecological restoration strategies. The bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, was once abundant in the coastal bays of Virginia, U.S.A., until the complete loss of their eelgrass habitat, Zostera marina, in the 1930s. With the successful restoration of Z. marina in these coastal bays, attention has turned to reintroducing A. irradians with the intent of producing a self‐sustaining population. The success of this effort requires an understanding of the sources and degree of natural mortality that A. irradians experiences throughout their ontogeny. The objectives of this study were to: (1) quantify predatory mortality during two successive life history stages of A. irradians, in both spring and fall spawns and (2) identify possible predators of A. irradians in the Virginia coastal bays. We conducted tethering experiments to quantify the proportional losses due to predation, and used otter trawls and suction samples to characterize the predator community over two consecutive years. Losses due to predation ranged from 4 to 80% per day, with smaller juveniles (<15 mm shell height) experiencing greater mortality in 2013, and larger juveniles (>20 mm shell height) in 2014, which we infer is driven by the absence and presence of adult blue crabs in 2013 and 2014, respectively. We propose that managers should look toward relatively inexpensive predator surveys to best judge both when and at what size restored species should be introduced into the wild.  相似文献   

Serine protease inhibitors, critical regulators of endogenous proteases, are found in all multicellular organisms and play crucial roles in host physiological and immunological effector mechanisms. The first mollusk serine proteinase inhibitor (designated AISPI) cDNA was obtained from the bay scallop Argopecten irradians by randomly sequencing a whole tissue cDNA library and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The full-length cDNA of the scallop serine protease inhibitor was 1020 bp, consisting of a 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 39 bp, a 3'-terminal UTR of 147 bp with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly(A) tail, and an open reading frame of 834 bp. The AISPI cDNA encoded a polypeptide of 278 amino acids with a putative signal peptide of 22 amino acids and a mature protein of 256 amino acids. The deduced amino-acid sequence of AISPI contained six tandem and homologous domains similar to that of Kazal-type serine protease inhibitors, including the conserved sequence C-X(7)-C-X(6)-Y-X(3)-C-X(2,3)-C and six cysteine residues responsible for the formation of disulfide bridges, indicating that the AISPI protein from bay scallop should be a member of the Kazal-type serine protease inhibitor family. The temporal expression of AISPI was measured by semi-quantitative RT-PCR after injury or bacterial challenge. After the adductor muscle was wounded or injected with Vibrio anguillarum, the expression of AISPI mRNA in hemolymph was up-regulated and reached the maximum level at 8 and 16 h, respectively, and then progressively dropped back to the original level. The results indicated that AISPI could play an important role in injury healing and immune response in mollusks as it could be induced by injury and bacterial challenge.  相似文献   

The mechanical extensibilities of stage IVb Phycomyces were measured before and after a humidified wind stimulus. We find that when the humidity of the wind is greater than that of the ambient air, there is an increase in the mechanical extensibility of the cell wall. We also find that a step decrease in wind humidity results in a decrease in the mechanical extensibility of the cell wall.  相似文献   

Large (about 200 grams dry weight) and small (about 5 grams dry weight) specimens of the leaf succulent Agave vilmoriniana Berger were grown outdoors at Phoenix, Arizona. Potted plants were maintained in open-top chambers constructed with clear, plastic wall material. Four CO2 concentrations of 350, 560, 675, and 885 microliters per liter were used during two growth periods and two water treatments. Small and large plants were grown for 6 months, while a few large plants were grown for 1 year. Wet-treatment plants received water twice weekly, whereas dry-treatment plants received slightly more water than they would under natural conditions. Plant growth rates in all treatments were significantly different between small and large specimens, but not between 6 month and 1 year large plants. Only the dry-treatment plants exhibited statistically different growth rates between the CO2 treatments. This productivity response was equivalent to a 28% and 3-fold increase when mathematically interpolated between CO2 concentrations of 300 and 600 microliters per liter for large and small plants, respectively.  相似文献   

High CO(2) Requiring Mutant of Anacystis nidulans R(2)   总被引:4,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Some physiological characteristics of a mutant (E1) of Anacystis nidulans R2, incapable of growing at air level of CO2, are described. E1 is capable of accumulating inorganic carbon (Ci) internally as efficiently as the wild type (R2). The apparent photosynthetic affinity for Ci in E1, however, is some 1000 times lower than that of R2. The kinetic parameters of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from E1 are similar to those observed in R2. The mutant appears to be defective in its ability to utilize the intracellular Ci pool for photosynthesis and depends on extracellular supply of Ci in the form of CO2. The very high apparent photosynthetic Km (CO2) of the mutant indicate a large diffusion resistance for CO2. Data obtained here are used to calculate the permeability coefficient for CO2 between the bulk medium and the carboxylation site of cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

REY  ANA; JARVIS  PAUL G. 《Annals of botany》1997,80(6):809-816
A field experiment consisting of 18 birch trees grown in opentop chambers in ambient and elevated CO2concentrations was setup with the aim of testing whether the positive growth responseobserved in many short-term studies is maintained after severalgrowing seasons. We present the results of growth and biomassafter 4.5 years of CO2exposure, one of the longest studies sofar on deciduous tree species. We found that elevated CO2ledto a 58% increase in biomass at the end of the experiment. However,estimation of stem mass during the growing season showed thatelevated CO2did not affect relative growth rate during the fourthgrowing season, and therefore, that the large accumulation ofbiomass was the result of an early effect on relative growthrate in previous years. Trees grown in elevated CO2investedmore carbon into fine roots and had relatively less leaf areathan trees grown in ambient CO2. In contrast with previous studies,acceleration of growth did not involve a significant declinein nutrient concentrations of any plant tissue. It is likelythat increased fine root density assisted the trees in meetingtheir nutrient demands. Changes in the species composition ofthe ectomycorrhizal fungi associated with the trees grown inelevated CO2in favour of late successional species supportsthe hypothesis of an acceleration of the ontogeny of the treesin elevated CO2.Copyright 1997 Annals of Botany Company Betula pendula; silver birch; elevated CO2; growth; biomass allocation; ectomycorrhizas; tissue composition; nutrients; leaf morphology; specific leaf area; stomatal density; shoot structure  相似文献   

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