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Extraction of high-quality RNA from blackcurrant fruit has hitherto proved difficult, probably owing to high levels of phenolic and polysaccharide components in the berries. The procedure described here is a modification of one described for grape berries, and yields RNA suitable for in vitro translations, RNA blot analysis, and cDNA library construction.  相似文献   

The sodium-dependent vitamin C transporter-2 (SVCT2) is the only ascorbic acid (ASC) transporter significantly expressed in brain. It is required for life and is critical during brain development to supply adequate levels of ASC. To assess SVCT2 function in the developing brain, we studied time-dependent SVCT2 mRNA and protein expression in mouse brain, using liver as a comparison tissue because it is the site of ASC synthesis. We found that SVCT2 expression followed an inverse relationship with ASC levels in the developing brain. In cortex and cerebellum, ASC levels were high throughout late embryonic stages and early post-natal stages and decreased with age, whereas SVCT2 mRNA and protein levels were low in embryos and increased with age. A different response was observed for liver, in which ASC levels and SVCT2 expression were both low throughout embryogenesis and increased post-natally. To determine whether low intracellular ASC might be capable of driving SVCT2 expression, we depleted ASC by diet in adult mice unable to synthesize ASC. We observed that SVCT2 mRNA and protein were not affected by ASC depletion in brain cortex, but SVCT2 protein expression was increased by ASC depletion in the cerebellum and liver. The results suggest that expression of the SVCT2 is differentially regulated during embryonic development and in adulthood.  相似文献   

Lu Y  Foo LY  Wong H 《Phytochemistry》2002,59(4):465-468
Two novel nitrile-containing compounds, nigrumin-5-p-coumarate and nigrumin-5-ferulate, together with six known flavonoids, were isolated from the seed of black currant (Ribes nigrum). The chemical structures of nigrumin-5-p-coumarate and 5-ferulate were elucidated using NMR spectroscopy as 2-trans-p-coumaroyloxymethyl-4-beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy-2(E)-butenenitrile and 2-trans-feruloyloxymethyl-4-beta-D-glucopyranosyloxy-2(E)-butenenitrile, respectively.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Fruit set in indeterminate plant species largely depends on the balance between source and sink strength. Plants of these species show fluctuations in fruit set during the growing season. It was tested whether differences in fruit sink strength among the cultivars explained the differences in fruit-set patterns.


Capsicum was chosen as a model plant. Six cultivars with differences in fruit set, fruit size and plant growth were evaluated in a greenhouse experiment. Fruit-set patterns, generative and vegetative sink strength, source strength and the source : sink ratio at fruit set were determined. Sink strength was quantified as potential growth rate. Fruit set was related to total fruit sink strength and the source : sink ratio. The effect of differences observed in above-mentioned parameters on fruit-set patterns was examined using a simple simulation model.

Key Results

Sink strengths of individual fruits differed greatly among cultivars. Week-to-week fruit set in large-fruited cultivars fluctuated due to large fluctuations in total fruit sink strength, but in small-fruited cultivars, total fruit sink strength and fruit set were relatively constant. Large variations in week-to-week fruit set were correlated with a low fruit-set percentage. The source : sink threshold for fruit set was higher in large-fruited cultivars. Simulations showed that within the range of parameter values found in the experiment, fruit sink strength and source : sink threshold for fruit set had the largest impact on fruit set: an increase in these parameters decreased the average percentage fruit set and increased variation in weekly fruit set. Both were needed to explain the fruit-set patterns observed. The differences observed in the other parameters (e.g. source strength) had a lower effect on fruit set.


Both individual fruit sink strength and the source : sink threshold for fruit set were needed to explain the differences observed between fruit-set patterns of the six cultivars.  相似文献   

Dukas R 《Biology letters》2008,4(6):645-647
Recent theory and data suggest that adaptive use of learning in the context of sexual behaviour could contribute to assortative mating. Experiments examining this issue indicated that male Drosophila persimilis that experienced courtship and rejection by heterospecific females exhibited significantly lower levels of heterospecific courtship and mating compared with those of inexperienced males. These results indicate that experience in the context of sexual behaviour in fruit flies could reduce gene flow between diverging populations, which may contribute to incipient speciation.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in nitrogen assimilation have been studied in the western English Channel by sampling at approximately weekly intervals for 12 months. Nitrate concentrations showed strong seasonal variations. Available nitrogen in the winter was dominated by nitrate but this was close to limit of detection from May to September, after the spring phytoplankton bloom. The 15N uptake experiments showed that nitrate was the nitrogen source for the spring phytoplankton bloom but regenerated nitrogen supported phytoplankton productivity throughout the summer. The average annual f-ratio was 0.35, which demonstrated the importance of ammonia regeneration in this dynamic temperate region. Nitrogen uptake rate measurements were related to the phytoplankton responsible by assessing the relative abundance of nitrate reductase (NR) genes and the expression of NR among eukaryotic phytoplankton. Strong signals were detected from NR sequences that are not associated with known phylotypes or cultures. NR sequences from the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum were highly represented in gene abundance and expression, and were significantly correlated with f-ratio. The results demonstrate that analysis of functional genes provides additional information, and may be able to give better indications of which phytoplankton species are responsible for the observed seasonal changes in f-ratio than microscopic phytoplankton identification.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The hydraulic architecture and water relations of fruits and leaves of Capsicum frutescens were measured before and during the fruiting phase in order to estimate the eventual impact of xylem cavitation and embolism on the hydraulic isolation of fruits and leaves before maturation/abscission.


Measurements were performed at three different growth stages: (1) actively growing plants with some flowers before anthesis (GS1), (2) plants with about 50 % fully expanded leaves and immature fruits (GS2) and (3) plants with mature fruits and senescing basal leaves (GS3). Leaf conductance to water vapour as well as leaf and fruit water potential were measured. Hydraulic measurements were made using both the high-pressure flow meter (HPFM) and the vacuum chamber (VC) technique.

Key Results

The hydraulic architecture of hot pepper plants during the fruiting phase was clearly addressed to favour water supply to growing fruits. Hydraulic measurements revealed that leaves of GS1 plants as well as leaves and fruit peduncles of GS2 plants were free from significant xylem embolism. Substantial increases in leaf petiole and fruit peduncle resistivity were recorded in GS3 plants irrespective of the hydraulic technique used. The higher fraction of resistivity measured using the VC technique compared with the HPFM technique was apparently due to conduit embolism.


The present study is the first to look at the hydraulics of leaves and fruits during growth and maturation through direct, simultaneous measurements of water status and xylem efficiency of both plant regions at different hours of the day.  相似文献   

Plants like other organisms are affected by environmental factors. Cadmium, copper and zinc are considered the most important types of pollutants in the environment. In this study, a comparison of growth and biochemical parameters between the crop wild relative (CWR) Solanum nigrum versus its cultivated relative Solanum lycopersicum to different levels of Cu, Zn and Cd stress were investigated. The presence of ZnSO4 and CuSO4 in Murashige and Skoog medium affected severely many growth parameters (shoot length, number of roots and leaves, and fresh weight) of both S. nigrum and S. lycopersicum at high levels. On the other hand, CdCl2 significantly reduced most of the studied growth parameters for both species. S. nigrum exhibited higher tolerance than S. lycopersicum for all types of stress. In addition, results show that as stress level increased in the growing medium, proline content of both S. nigrum and S. lycopersicum increased. A significant difference was observed between the two species in proline accumulation as a result of stress. In addition, a higher accumulation rate was observed in the crop wild relative (S. nigrum) than in cultivated S. lycopersicum. Changes in Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) pattern of CuSO4 treated S. nigrum and S. lycopersicum plants were also observed. In conclusion, based on growth and biochemical analysis, S. nigrum showed higher level of metals tolerance than S. lycopersicum which indicates the possibility of using it as a crop wild relative for S. lycopersicum.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping is a step towards the identification of factors regulating traits such as fruit ascorbic acid content. A previously identified QTL controlling variations in tomato fruit ascorbic acid has been fine mapped and reveals that the QTL has a polygenic and epistatic architecture. A monodehydroascorbate reductase (MDHAR) allele is a candidate for a proportion of the increase in fruit ascorbic acid content. The MDHAR enzyme is active in different stages of fruit ripening, shows increased activity in the introgression lines containing the wild-type ( Solanum pennellii ) allele, and responds to chilling injury in tomato along with the reduced/oxidized ascorbate ratio. Low temperature storage of different tomato introgression lines with all or part of the QTL for ascorbic acid and with or without the wild MDHAR allele shows that enzyme activity explains 84% of the variation in the reduced ascorbic acid levels of tomato fruit following storage at 4 °C, compared with 38% at harvest under non-stress conditions. A role is indicated for MDHAR in the maintenance of ascorbate levels in fruit under stress conditions. Furthermore, an increased fruit MDHAR activity and a lower oxidation level of the fruit ascorbate pool are correlated with decreased loss of firmness because of chilling injury.  相似文献   

Various stages of pegs, cotyledons and embryonic axes from maturing peanut fruits were examined for their ability to phosphorylate thymidine and uridine. Highest specific activities during peg elongation were found just prior to increases in endosperm nuclei and embryo cell numbers. In the developing cotyledons and axes, the net kinase activities of crude extracts reached a maximum 1–2 weeks before maximal RNA and DNA contents were attained. An exception was the apparent lack of any relationship between uridine kinase activities and RNA levels in developing embryonic axes. The present results support the observation that peanut axes are devoid of thymidine and uridine kinases during the first 24 hr of germination, as fully developed fruits had very low specific activities for both of these phosphate transferases.  相似文献   

The level of “total” ascorbic acid (ascorbate+dehydroascorbate) has been measured in the mucoid layer of combs from normal roosters, capons and capons treated with testosterone. The “total” ascorbate level in capon comb was lower than the value obtained from combs from normal roosters. This value returned towards normal in combs from capons treated with testosterone. The specific activity of L-gulonate-NADP+ oxidoreductase, an enzyme in the pathway of ascorbate biosynthesis, also was measured. The specific activity levels followed a pattern similar to the ascorbate levels in the three types of combs utilized. The results are consistent with the possible role of L-ascorbic acid as a cofactor in the synthesis of collagen, a process which also appears to be dependent on the level of testosterone in the comb mucoid layer.  相似文献   

Solanum nigrum L. (SN) is an herbal plant that has been used as hepatoprotective and anti-inflammation agent in Chinese medicine. In this study, the protective effects of water extract of SN (SNE) against liver damage were evaluated in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced chronic hepatotoxicity in rats. Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were orally fed with SNE (0.2, 0.5, and 1.0 g kg(-1) bw) along with administration of CCl4 (20% CCl4/corn oil; 0.5 mL kg(-1) bw) for 6 weeks. The results showed that the treatment of SNE significantly lowered the CCl4-induced serum levels of hepatic enzyme markers (GOT, GPT, ALP, and total bilirubin), superoxide and hydroxyl radical. The hepatic content of GSH, and activities and expressions of SOD, GST Al, and GST Mu that were reduced by CCl4 were brought back to control levels by the supplement of SNE. Liver histopathology showed that SNE reduced the incidence of liver lesions including hepatic cells cloudy swelling, lymphocytes infiltration, hepatic necrosis, and fibrous connective tissue proliferation induced by CCl4 in rats. Therefore, the results of this study suggest that SNE could protect liver against the CCl4-induced oxidative damage in rats, and this hepatoprotective effect might be contributed to its modulation on detoxification enzymes and its antioxidant and free radical scavenger effects.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A number of strawberry varieties were surveyed for their total ellagic acid concentration, and attempts were made to determine if ellagic acid and ascorbic acid concentrations of two strawberry cultivars could be increased by polythene reflective mulches. METHODS: After adjusting crop yields and cultivation using polythene mulches with two different PAR reflective capacities, field- and polytunnel-grown strawberries were analysed for ellagic acid and ascorbic acid concentrations by HPLC. Comparative measurements of yield and fruit quality were determined along with plant developmental changes. KEY RESULTS: Ellagic acid concentration varied widely with strawberry cultivar (60-341 microg g(-1) frozen weight), as did the ratio of conjugated ellagic acid : free ellagic acid. Also, there was significant year-to-year variation in total ellagic acid concentration with some cultivars. Mulches with different reflective capacities impacted on strawberry production; highly reflective mulches significantly increased growth and yield, the latter due to increases in fruit size and number. CONCLUSIONS: Highly reflective mulches significantly increased total concentrations of ellagic acid and ascorbic acid relative to control in fruit of different cultivars. The potential of agronomic practices to enhance the concentration and amounts of these important dietary bioactive compounds is discussed.  相似文献   



Endoreduplication is the major source of endopolyploidy in higher plants. The process of endoreduplication results from the ability of cells to modify their classical cell cycle into a partial cell cycle where DNA synthesis occurs independently from mitosis. Despite the ubiquitous occurrence of the phenomenon in eukaryotic cells, the physiological meaning of endoreduplication remains vague,although several roles during plant development have been proposed, mostly related to cell differentiation and cell size determination.


Here recent advances in the knowledge of endoreduplication and fruit organogenesis are reviewed, focusing on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) as a model, and the functional analyses of endoreduplication-associated regulatory genes in tomato fruit are described.


The cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitory kinase WEE1 and the anaphase promoting complex activator CCS52A both participate in the control of cell size and the endoreduplication process driving cell expansion during early fruit development in tomato. Moreover the fruit-specific functional analysis of the tomato CDK inhibitor KRP1 reveals that cell size and fruit size determination can be uncoupled from DNA ploidy levels, indicating that endoreduplication acts rather as a limiting factor for cell growth. The overall functional data contribute to unravelling the physiological role of endoreduplication in growth induction of fleshy fruits.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium 2,5-Diketo-D-gluconic acid reductase (2,5-DKGR) catalyzes the reduction of 2,5-diketo-D-gluconic acid (2,5-DKG) to 2-Keto-L-gulonic acid (2-KLG). 2-KLG is an immediate precursor to L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and 2,5-DKGR is, therefore, an important enzyme in a novel industrial method for the production of vitamin C. 2,5-DKGR, as with most other members of the aldo-keto reductase (AKR) superfamily, exhibits a preference for NADPH compared to NADH as a cofactor in the stereo-specific reduction of substrate. The application of 2,5-DKGR in the industrial production of vitamin C would be greatly enhanced if NADH could be efficiently utilized as a cofactor. A mutant form of 2,5-DKGR has previously been identified that exhibits two orders of magnitude higher activity with NADH in comparison to the wild-type enzyme, while retaining a high level of activity with NADPH. We report here an X-ray crystal structure of the holo form of this mutant in complex with NADH cofactor, as well as thermodynamic stability data. By comparing the results to our previously reported X-ray structure of the holo form of wild-type 2,5-DKGR in complex with NADPH, the structural basis of the differential NAD(P)H selectivity of wild-type and mutant 2,5-DKGR enzymes has been identified.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Green kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) retain high concentrations of chlorophyll in the fruit flesh, whereas in gold-fleshed kiwifruit (A. chinensis) chlorophyll is degraded to colourless catabolites during fruit development, leaving yellow carotenoids visible. The plant hormone group the cytokinins has been implicated in the delay of senescence, and so the aim of this work was to investigate the link between cytokinin levels in ripening fruit and chlorophyll de-greening.


The expression of genes related to cytokinin metabolism and signal transduction and the concentration of cytokinin metabolites were measured. The regulation of gene expression was assayed using transient activation of the promoter of STAY-GREEN2 (SGR2) by cytokinin response regulators.

Key Results

While the total amount of cytokinin increased in fruit of both species during maturation and ripening, a high level of expression of two cytokinin biosynthetic gene family members, adenylate isopentenyltransferases, was only detected in green kiwifruit fruit during ripening. Additionally, high levels of O-glucosylated cytokinins were detected only in green kiwifruit, as was the expression of the gene for zeatin O-glucosyltransferase, the enzyme responsible for glucosylating cytokinin into a storage form. Season to season variation in gene expression was seen, and some de-greening of the green kiwifruit fruit occurred in the second season, suggesting environmental effects on the chlorophyll degradation pathway. Two cytokinin-related response regulators, RRA17 and RRB120, showed activity against the promoter of kiwifruit SGR2.


The results show that in kiwifruit, levels of cytokinin increase markedly during fruit ripening, and that cytokinin metabolism is differentially regulated in the fruit of the green and gold species. However, the causal factor(s) associated with the maintenance or loss of chlorophyll in kiwifruit during ripening remains obscure.  相似文献   

A sequential optimization based on statistical design and one-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) method was employed to optimize the media constituents for the improvement of citric acid production from oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) through solid state bioconversion using Aspergillus niger IBO-103MNB. The results obtained from the Plackett–Burman design indicated that the co-substrate (sucrose), stimulator (methanol) and minerals (Zn, Cu, Mn and Mg) were found to be the major factors for further optimization. Based on the OFAT method, the selected medium constituents and inoculum concentration were optimized by the central composite design (CCD) under the response surface methodology (RSM). The statistical analysis showed that the optimum media containing 6.4% (w/w) of sucrose, 9% (v/w) of minerals and 15.5% (v/w) of inoculum gave the maximum production of citric acid (337.94 g/kg of dry EFB). The analysis showed that sucrose (p < 0.0011) and mineral solution (p < 0.0061) were more significant compared to inoculum concentration (p < 0.0127) for the citric acid production.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Apple (Malus) fruit peduncles are highly modified stems with limited secondary growth because fruit ripening lasts only one season. They must reliably connect rather heavy fruits to the branch and cope with increasing fruit weight, which induces dynamic stresses under oscillating wind loads. This study focuses on tissue modification of these small, exposed structures during fruit development.


A combination of microscopic, static and dynamic mechanical tests, as well as Raman spectroscopy, was used to study structure–function relationships in peduncles of one cultivar and 12 wild species, representatively chosen from all sections of the genus Malus. Tissue differentiation and ontogenetic changes in mechanical properties of Malus peduncles were observed throughout one growing season and after successive removal of tissues.

Key Results

Unlike in regular stems, the vascular cambium produces mainly phloem during secondary growth. Hence, in addition to a reduced xylem, all species developed a centrally arranged sclerenchyma ring composed of fibres and brachysclereids. Based on differences in cell-wall thickness, and proportions and arrangement of sclereids, two types of peduncle construction could be distinguished. Fibres provide an increased maximum tensile strength and contribute most to the overall axial rigidity of the peduncles. Sclereids contribute insignificantly to peduncle strength; however, despite being shown to have a lower elastic modulus than fibres, they are the most effective tissue in stiffening peduncles against bending.


The experimental data revealed that sclereids originating from cortical parenchyma act as ‘accessory’ cells to enhance proportions of sclerenchyma during secondary growth in peduncles. The mechanism can be interpreted as an adaptation to continuously increasing fruit loads. Under oscillating longitudinal stresses, sclereids may be regarded as regulating elements between maintenance of stiffness and viscous damping, the latter property being attributed to the cortical parenchyma.  相似文献   

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