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The North-east American Rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) is composed of two glacial races first identified through the spatial distribution of two distinct mtDNA lineages. Contemporary breeding populations of smelt in the St. Lawrence estuary comprise contrasting mixtures of both lineages, suggesting that the two races came into secondary contact in this estuary. The overall objective of this study was to assess the role of intraspecific genetic admixture in the morphological diversification of the estuarine rainbow smelt population complex. The morphology of mixed-ancestry populations varied as a function of the relative contribution of the two races to estuarine populations, supporting the hypothesis of genetic admixture. Populations comprising both ancestral mtDNA races did not exhibit intermediate morphologies relative to pure populations but rather exhibited many traits that exceeded the parental trait values, consistent with the hypothesis of transgressive segregation. Evidence for genetic admixture at the level of the nuclear gene pool, however, provided only partial support for this hypothesis. Variation at nuclear AFLP markers revealed clear evidence of the two corresponding mtDNA glacial races. The admixture of the two races at the nuclear level is only pronounced in mixed-ancestry populations dominated by one of the mtDNA lineages, the same populations showing the greatest degree of morphological diversification and population structure. In contrast, mixed-ancestry populations dominated by the alternate mtDNA lineage showed little evidence of introgression of the nuclear genome, little morphological diversification and little contemporary population genetic structure. These results only partially support the hypothesis of transgressive segregation and may be the result of the differential effects of natural selection acting on admixed genomes from different sources.  相似文献   

Electrolyte Effects on Attachment of an Estuarine Bacterium   总被引:5,自引:12,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The effect of electrolyte concentration on attachment of Vibrio alginolyticus to hydroxyapatite was determined. Bacterial affinity for attachment to the surface and surface capacity were derived from linearization of bacterial adsorption isotherms. At low concentrations (<0.1 M) the affinity of the bacteria for the surface increased with increasing ionic strength, in agreement with the D.L.V.O. theory of colloid interaction. At higher concentrations, bacterial affinity for the surface decreased with increasing concentration of cations and was not related to ionic strength changes in the medium. These results demonstrate a change in the mechanism by which salts affect bacterial attachment at salt concentrations above 0.1 M. The results are consistent with the relationship between the proportion of attached bacteria and salinity observed in previously published field studies. The results may also resolve differences between various attachment studies carried out in different ionic strength media, utilizing different bacteria, surfaces, and experimental methods.  相似文献   

Marine food webs are the most important link between the global contaminant, methylmercury (MeHg), and human exposure through consumption of seafood. Warming temperatures may increase human exposure to MeHg, a potent neurotoxin, by increasing MeHg production as well as bioaccumulation and trophic transfer through marine food webs. Studies of the effects of temperature on MeHg bioaccumulation are rare and no study has specifically related temperature to MeHg fate by linking laboratory experiments with natural field manipulations in coastal ecosystems. We performed laboratory and field experiments on MeHg accumulation under varying temperature regimes using the killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. Temperature treatments were established in salt pools on a coastal salt marsh using a natural temperature gradient where killifish fed on natural food sources. Temperatures were manipulated across a wider range in laboratory experiments with killifish exposed to MeHg enriched food. In both laboratory microcosms and field mesocosms, MeHg concentrations in killifish significantly increased at elevated temperatures. Moreover, in field experiments, other ancillary variables (salinity, MeHg in sediment, etc.) did not relate to MeHg bioaccumulation. Modeling of laboratory experimental results suggested increases in metabolic rate as a driving factor. The elevated temperatures we tested are consistent with predicted trends in climate warming, and indicate that in the absence of confounding factors, warmer sea surface temperatures could result in greater in bioaccumulation of MeHg in fish, and consequently, increased human exposure.  相似文献   

Synopsis Some 190 South African estuaries, covering all biogeographic provinces within the region, were classified into three types based on a combination of mouth condition and estuary size (surface area). The fish communities of the estuary types within each zoogeographic region were described and compared. Multivariate analyses revealed that each estuary type contained somewhat distinct fish communities. In addition, the study identified common patterns in species richness and ichthyofaunal composition. Open estuaries have relatively high species richness; this is a reflection of a permanent or near-permanent connection with the sea which allows access into these estuaries by all marine migrant species within the region. Intermittent connection with the sea limits the recruitment and utilisation of closed estuaries by marine migrant species; this results in reduced species richness in moderate to large closed estuaries. Small closed estuaries exhibit the lowest species richness and this is probably a result of their limited habitat and increased isolation from the sea. The key fishes that utilise estuaries could also be categorised into a number of groups based on their relative importance within each estuary type. Some species are largely restricted to predominantly open systems. Other taxa, while important in predominantly open estuaries, also occur in moderate to large closed systems. Some estuarine-associated species are well represented in all estuary types but exhibit a greater importance in closed estuaries. This study has shown that South African fish communities not only reflect estuarine typology but also respond to these differences in a consistent manner that spans all zoogeographic regions. The prevalence of similar patterns in other parts of the world suggests that estuarine typology is a major driver in the structuring of global estuarine fish communities.  相似文献   

We studied the response of the sulfate-reducing prokaryote (SRP) communities to the experimental variation of salinity and tide in an outdoor mesocosm setup. Intact soil monoliths were collected at two areas of the Haringvliet lagoon (The Netherlands): one sampling location consisted of agricultural grassland, drained and fertilized for at least the last century; the other of a freshwater marshland with more recent sea influence. Two factors, i.e., “salinity” (freshwater/oligohaline) and “tide” (nontidal/tidal), were tested in a full-factorial design. Soil samples were collected after 5 months (June–October). Dissimilatory (bi)sulfite reductase β subunit-based denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (dsrB-DGGE) analysis revealed that the SRP community composition in the agricultural grassland and in the freshwater marshland was represented mainly by microorganisms related to the Desulfobulbaceae and the Desulfobacteraceae, respectively. Desulfovibrio-related dsrB were detected only in the tidal treatments; Desulfomonile-related dsrB occurrence was related to the presence of oligohaline conditions. Treatments did have an effect on the overall SRP community composition of both soils, but not on the sulfate depletion rates in sulfate-amended anoxic slurry incubations. However, initiation of sulfate reduction upon sulfate addition was clearly different between the two soils.  相似文献   

Climate change is driving rapid changes in environmental conditions and affecting population and species’ persistence across spatial and temporal scales. Integrating climate change assessments into biological resource management, such as conserving endangered species, is a substantial challenge, partly due to a mismatch between global climate forecasts and local or regional conservation planning. Here, we demonstrate how outputs of global climate change models can be downscaled to the watershed scale, and then coupled with ecophysiological metrics to assess climate change effects on organisms of conservation concern. We employed models to estimate future water temperatures (2010–2099) under several climate change scenarios within the large heterogeneous San Francisco Estuary. We then assessed the warming effects on the endangered, endemic Delta Smelt, Hypomesus transpacificus, by integrating localized projected water temperatures with thermal sensitivity metrics (tolerance, spawning and maturation windows, and sublethal stress thresholds) across life stages. Lethal temperatures occurred under several scenarios, but sublethal effects resulting from chronic stressful temperatures were more common across the estuary (median >60 days above threshold for >50% locations by the end of the century). Behavioral avoidance of such stressful temperatures would make a large portion of the potential range of Delta Smelt unavailable during the summer and fall. Since Delta Smelt are not likely to migrate to other estuaries, these changes are likely to result in substantial habitat compression. Additionally, the Delta Smelt maturation window was shortened by 18–85 days, revealing cumulative effects of stressful summer and fall temperatures with early initiation of spring spawning that may negatively impact fitness. Our findings highlight the value of integrating sublethal thresholds, life history, and in situ thermal heterogeneity into global change impact assessments. As downscaled climate models are becoming widely available, we conclude that similar assessments at management-relevant scales will improve the scientific basis for resource management decisions.  相似文献   

The mid-Cretaceous vertebrate assemblage from south-eastern Morocco is one of the most diversified continental vertebrate assemblages of this time worldwide. The bony fish component (coelacanths, lungfishes and ray-finned fishes) is represented by relatively complete specimens and, mostly, by fragmentary elements scattered along 250 kilometres of outcrops. Here we revisit the bony fish assemblage by studying both isolated remains collected during several fieldtrips and more complete material kept in public collections. The assemblage comprises several lungfish taxa, with the first mention of the occurrence of Arganodus tiguidiensis, and possibly two mawsoniid coelacanths. A large bichir cf. Bawitius, is recorded and corresponds to cranial elements initially referred to ‘Stromerichthys’ from coeval deposits in Egypt. The ginglymodians were diversified with a large ‘Lepidotes’ plus two obaichthyids and a gar. We confirm here that this gar belongs to a genus distinctive from Recent gars, contrary to what was suggested recently. Teleosteans comprise a poorly known ichthyodectiform, a notopterid, a probable osteoglossomorph and a large tselfatiiform, whose cranial anatomy is detailed. The body size and trophic level for each taxon are estimated on the basis of comparison with extant closely related taxa. We plotted the average body size versus average trophic level for the Kem Kem assemblage, together with extant marine and freshwater assemblages. The Kem Kem assemblage is characterized by taxa of proportionally large body size, and by a higher average trophic level than the trophic level of the extant compared freshwater ecosystems, but lower than for the extant marine ecosystems. These results should be regarded with caution because they rest on a reconstructed assemblage known mostly by fragmentary remains. They reinforce, however, the ecological oddities already noticed for this mid-Cretaceous vertebrate ecosystem in North Africa.  相似文献   

The intent of this review is to focus on recent advances in the understanding of the factors responsible for the progressive pathologic features of diabetic kidney disease, with special attention to various growth factors and cytokines that appear to be important in this process. In addition, emphasis is centered on relatively early stages of the disease, because animal models have been most helpful to date in understanding this stage of the disease process. Although tubulointerstitial changes are of critical importance in the progression of diabetic nephropathy, especially in the evolution to end-stage renal disease, there is a general consensus that glomerular pathology occurs first. Therefore, attention is limited to factors that may be important in the development of early diabetic glomerulopathy, including transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-A, and connective tissue growth factor (CTGF).  相似文献   

Biodegradation of Dichloromethane in an Estuarine Environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dichloromethane (DCM) is a toxic pollutant showing prolonged persistence in water. So far, biodegradation of DCM has only been reported in soils and freshwater systems. Herein, we studied whether or not biodegradation of DCM could occur in estuarine waters. Results showed over 90% mineralization of DCM in natural estuarine waters supplemented with DCM. Biodegradation of DCM in estuarine waters occurred by association of different bacterial species. Generally, two bacterial species participated in DCM degradation. Two bacterial consortia were obtained. Consortia were able to degrade around 80% of DCM in about 6 days. The species involved in the process were identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing; a consortium was constituted by Pseudomonas sp. and Brevundimonas sp. and a second consortium was formed by Pseudomonas sp. and an Acinetobacter sp. Our results showed that DCM can be readily biodegraded in estuarine waters.  相似文献   

Seasonal abundance, size distribution, year-class presence, residence duration, and migrational patterns of red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, in an estuarine marsh creek in the northern Indian River Lagoon, Florida, were investigated during a study in which gill net samples were collected monthly from August 1991 to March 1996. A total of 282 large juvenile red drum were collected, of which 161 were tagged and released and 68 were sacrificed for age determination. Although red drum were collected in the creek throughout the year, abundance levels were negatively correlated with water temperatures and reached maximum levels during the winter months. Significant correlations between fish abundance and salinity or dissolved oxygen levels were not detected. The majority (90%) of the fish collected were large juveniles (260–450mm standard length) that were estimated to be from 10 to 26 months old. The oldest red drum we examined from the creek was estimated to be 37 months old. Tag-recapture data indicated that some fish repeatedly used or were associated with the creek for periods of up to 18 months after release. Estuarine creeks in this region provide exploitable habitat for large juvenile red drum (相似文献   

As the intensity and speed of environmental change increase at both local and global scales it is imperative that we gain a better understanding of the ecological implications of community shifts. While there has been substantial progress toward understanding the drivers and subsequent responses of community change (e.g. lake trophic state), the ecological impacts of food web changes are far less understood. We analyzed Wabash River fish assemblage data collected from 1974-2008, to evaluate temporal variation in body-size structure and functional group composition. Two parameters derived from annual community size-spectra were our major response variables: (1) the regression slope is an index of ecological efficiency and predator-prey biomass ratios, and (2) spectral elevation (regression midpoint height) is a proxy for food web capacity. We detected a large assemblage shift, over at least a seven year period, defined by dramatic changes in abundance (measured as catch-per-unit-effort) of the dominant functional feeding groups among two time periods; from an assemblage dominated by planktivore-omnivores to benthic invertivores. There was a concurrent increase in ecological efficiency (slopes increased over time) following the shift associated with an increase in large-bodied low trophic level fish. Food web capacity remained relatively stable with no clear temporal trends. Thus, increased ecological efficiency occurred simultaneous to a compensatory response that shifted biomass among functional feeding groups.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined how foraging niche shift of a predator over time cascade down to local prey communities. Here we examine patterns of temporal foraging niche shifts of a generalist predator (yellow catfish, Pelteobagrus fulvidraco) and the abundance of prey communities in a subtropical lake. We predicted that the nature of these interactions would have implications for patterns in diet shifts and growth of the predator. Our results show significant decreases in planktivory and benthivory from late spring to summer and autumn, whereas piscivory increased significantly from mid-summer until late autumn and also increased steadily with predator body length. The temporal dynamics in predator/prey ratios indicate that the predation pressure on zooplankton and zoobenthos decreased when the predation pressure on the prey fish and shrimps was high. Yellow catfish adjusted their foraging strategies to temporal changes in food availability, which is in agreement with optimal foraging theory. Meanwhile the decrease in planktivory and benthivory of yellow catfish enabled primary consumers, such as zooplankton and benthic invertebrates, to develop under low grazing pressure via trophic cascading effects in the local food web. Thus, yellow catfish shifts its foraging niche to intermediate consumers in the food web to benefit the energetic demand on growth and reproduction during summer, which in turn indirectly facilitate the primary consumers. In complex food webs, trophic interactions are usually expected to reduce the strength and penetrance of trophic cascades. However, our study demonstrates strong associations between foraging niche of piscivorous fish and abundance of prey. This relationship appeared to be an important factor in producing top-down effects on both benthic and planktonic food webs.  相似文献   

We examined patterns of habitat selection in wild-caught and hatchery-reared early juvenile red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus, using mesocosm experiments. Experiments were performed in the presence and absence of a pinfish, Lagodon rhomboides. We hypothesized that newly recruited red drum would have distinct patterns of habitat selection, and these patterns could be influenced by the presence of a pinfish predator. Red drum were introduced to replicate mesocosms containing all possible pair-wise comparisons of four different habitat types: marsh Spartina alterniflora, non-vegetated bottom/sand, oyster reef Crassostrea virginica, and seagrass Halodule wrightii. Wild-caught and hatchery-reared red drum showed distinctively different patterns of habitat selection. In general, wild-caught red drum selected structured habitats, while hatchery-reared fish did not show strong selection for any habitat type. When a predator was present, wild-caught red drum either changed habitat selection or showed significant selection for other structured habitats. This predator effect was similar albeit weaker for hatchery-reared red drum, but as in the trials without a predator, overall habitat selection was reduced compared to wild-caught red drum. Our results suggest that in the absence of seagrass, other habitat types such as marshes and oyster reefs may be important recruitment habitat for red drum. Additionally, hatchery-dependent behaviors may need to be assessed in designing stock enhancement programs.  相似文献   

We evaluated eye lenses as potential recorders of stable isotope histories in fish because they consist of metabolically inert optical proteins that are deposited in successive, concentric circles (laminae) much like otolith circuli and tree rings. We conducted four different tests on lenses from red snapper, red grouper, gag, and white grunt. The first test was a low-resolution screening of multiple individuals (4–5 radial groups of laminae per lens, all species except white grunt). Along the radial axis, all individuals exhibited substantial isotopic variability. Red snapper individuals separated into two groups based on δ 15N and gag separated into two groups based on δ 13C. Two gag with the greatest variation were chosen for high-resolution temporal analysis using individual laminae from their second eye lenses. The first-order patterns from the high-resolution analysis generally mimicked patterns from the low-resolution screening of grouped laminae, yet the high-resolution plots revealed early-life details that were not apparent in the low-resolution screenings. For the third test, left- versus right-eye variation was compared using high-resolution methods. White grunt left- and right-eye radial isotopic patterns were almost identical for both δ 13C and δ 15N, suggesting the variations observed among individual fish were not artifacts. The final test evaluated intra-laminar variation; multiple samples were analyzed from different parts of the same lamina. Seven laminae from three individuals of two species were analyzed in this manner; variations among laminae were found to be much higher than variations within laminae. However, nominal intra-laminar variations were comparable to nominal differences between left and right lenses, suggesting intra-laminar variation established measurement precision. Eye lens isotopes appear to be useful for reconstructing the isotopic histories of individual fish; these histories can be compared with spatially-derived isoscapes to reconstruct individual histories for site fidelity, movement and trophic position.  相似文献   

Enclosures open to the sediments and the atmosphere were used to elucidate the response of algae and bacteria to the nutrient enrichment from fish in the mesotrophic area of Lake Balaton. Active transformation between the forms of nitrogen was observed especially in the enclosure with fish. Both nitrogen and phosphorus values were influenced by fish. Changes in nutrient dynamics, composition and biomass of algae and bacterial production were measured. It has been shown that benthivorous fish with a biomass illustrative of the most eutrophic part of the lake were able to generate high bacterial production rate and a strong outburst of blue-greens.  相似文献   

Benthic bivalves are important links between primary production and consumers, and are essential intermediates in the flow of energy through estuarine systems. However, information on the diet of filter feeding bivalves in estuarine ecosystems is uncertain, as estuarine waters contain particulate matter from a range of sources and as bivalves are opportunistic feeders. We surveyed bivalves at different distances from the creek mouth at the Yangtze estuarine marsh in winter and summer, and analyzed trophic dynamics using stable isotope (SI) and fatty acid (FA) techniques. Different bivalve species had different spatial distributions in the estuary. Glauconome chinensis mainly occurred in marshes near the creek mouth, while Sinonovacula constricta preferred the creek. Differences were found in the diets of different species. S. constricta consumed more diatoms and bacteria than G. chinensis, while G. chinensis assimilated more macrophyte material. FA markers showed that plants contributed the most (38.86 ± 4.25%) to particular organic matter (POM) in summer, while diatoms contributed the most (12.68 ± 1.17%) during winter. Diatoms made the largest contribution to the diet of S. constricta in both summer (24.73 ± 0.44%) and winter (25.51 ± 0.59%), and plants contributed no more than 4%. This inconsistency indicates seasonal changes in food availability and the active feeding habits of the bivalve. Similar FA profiles for S. constricta indicated that the bivalve had a similar diet composition at different sites, while different δ13C results suggested the diet was derived from different carbon sources (C4 plant Spartina alterniflora and C3 plant Phragmites australis and Scirpus mariqueter) at different sites. Species-specific and temporal and/or spatial variability in bivalve feeding may affect their ecological functions in intertidal marshes, which should be considered in the study of food webs and material flows in estuarine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Biological treatment has become increasingly popular as a remediation method for soils and groundwater contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbon, chlorinated solvents, and pesticides. Bioremediation has been considered for application in cold regions such as Arctic and sub-Arctic climates and Antarctica. Studies to date suggest that indigenous microbes suitable for bioremediation exist in soils in these regions. This paper reports on two case studies at the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen Island in which indigenous bacteria were found that were capable of mineralizing petroleum hydrocarbons in soil contaminated with crude oil and diesel fuel. All results demonstrate a serious influence of the soil properties on the biostimulation efficiency. Both temperature elevation and fertilizer addition have a more significant impact on the microbial assemblages in the mineral soil than in the organic one. Analysis of the hydrocarbons remaining at the end of the experiments confirmed the bacterial observations. Optimum temperature seems to be around 10 degrees C in organic soil, whereas it was higher in mineral soil. The benefit of adding nutrients was much stronger in mineral than in the organic soil. Overall, this study suggests that biostimulation treatments were driven by soil properties and that ex situ bioremediation for treatment of cold contaminated soils will allow greater control over soil temperature, a limiting factor in cold climates.  相似文献   

水体低氧对香鱼幼鱼生长和消化酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水体溶氧量是影响鱼类的重要环境因子,本研究检测了不同水平的低溶氧胁迫对香鱼幼鱼生长和消化酶活性的影响。结果显示:低氧胁迫后香鱼幼鱼生长受到抑制,溶氧量分别为4.5 mg/L和3.0 mg/L的两组实验鱼在胁迫7 d、14 d和21 d时的体重均显著小于溶氧量为7.5 mg/L的对照组(P0.05),其中胁迫21 d时两组实验鱼的体重分别比对照组鱼的体重轻10.89%和20.73%;胁迫0~7 d期间两个实验组鱼的体重均为负增长(增重率分别为-2.30%、-4.78%),而对照组鱼的体重为正增长(增重率21.31%);胁迫7 d后两个实验组的鱼均恢复生长,且7~14 d期间的体重增重率均大于对照组,表现为补偿性生长;胁迫14~21 d期间溶氧4.5 mg/L的实验组的增重率与对照组相当,溶氧3.0 mg/L的实验组的增重率则略低于对照组。此外,低氧胁迫下两个实验组的淀粉酶、胃蛋白酶、脂肪酶活性均较对照组显著降低(P0.05),而胰蛋白酶活性与对照组差异不显著(P0.05)。其中,胃蛋白酶活性受低氧影响最大,胁迫21 d时两个实验组的胃蛋白酶活性分别仅为对照组的58.40%、62.34%,而淀粉酶活性已恢复至与对照组相当的水平,脂肪酶活性也有所恢复。由此表明,低氧胁迫会降低香鱼幼鱼消化酶活性,阻碍鱼体生长,同时鱼体对低氧环境也有一定的适应性,表现为在低氧环境下生活一段时间后消化酶活性有所恢复,鱼体出现一定程度的补偿性生长。  相似文献   

Experiments with realistic scenarios of species loss from multitrophic ecosystems may improve insight into how biodiversity affects ecosystem functioning. Using 1000 L mesocoms, we examined effects of nonrandom species loss on community structure and ecosystem functioning of experimental food webs based on multitrophic tropical floodplain lagoon ecosystems. Realistic biodiversity scenarios were developed based on long-term field surveys, and experimental assemblages replicated sequential loss of rare species which occurred across all trophic levels of these complex food webs. Response variables represented multiple components of ecosystem functioning, including nutrient cycling, primary and secondary production, organic matter accumulation and whole ecosystem metabolism. Species richness significantly affected ecosystem function, even after statistically controlling for potentially confounding factors such as total biomass and direct trophic interactions. Overall, loss of rare species was generally associated with lower nutrient concentrations, phytoplankton and zooplankton densities, and whole ecosystem metabolism when compared with more diverse assemblages. This pattern was also observed for overall ecosystem multifunctionality, a combined metric representing the ability of an ecosystem to simultaneously maintain multiple functions. One key exception was attributed to time-dependent effects of intraguild predation, which initially increased values for most ecosystem response variables, but resulted in decreases over time likely due to reduced nutrient remineralization by surviving predators. At the same time, loss of species did not result in strong trophic cascades, possibly a result of compensation and complexity of these multitrophic ecosystems along with a dominance of bottom-up effects. Our results indicate that although rare species may comprise minor components of communities, their loss can have profound ecosystem consequences across multiple trophic levels due to a combination of direct and indirect effects in diverse multitrophic ecosystems.  相似文献   

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