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Land‐use history, recent management, and landscape position influence vegetation at the Rockefeller Experimental Tract (RET), a 40‐year‐old restoration experiment in northeast Kansas. RET is representative of the prairie‐forest ecotone, containing native tallgrass prairie and oak‐hickory forest, but unique in having tracts of replanted prairie, seeded in 1957, that have undergone long‐term restoration treatments: burned, grazed, mowed, or untreated. A land‐use history database for RET was compiled using a geographic information system to integrate historic and contemporary sources of information. Restoration management on the reseeded prairie has had a profound effect on forest development: mowing or burning precluded forest establishment (<3% forest cover), whereas portions of untreated or grazed areas became heavily forested (>97% forest cover). Forest colonization depends upon biotic and edaphic conditions at the time restoration was initiated: for areas replanted to prairie and managed by grazing, forestation was 6% on land in cultivation prior to replanting, 20% on former pastureland, and 98% on land deforested just before replanting. Patterns of forest colonization were also significantly associated with three landscape positions: near existing forest, along water courses, and along ridge tops. Additionally, land‐use history analyses showed that the presence of various prairie and forest species resulted from persistence and not from colonization following restoration. Because of the lasting imprint of historic land use on the landscape, our results indicate that it is essential that restoration studies be evaluated within a site‐specific historical context.  相似文献   

Yeasts from the St. Lawrence River   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

A recent rise in the reporting of diseases in marine organisms has raised concerns that ocean health is deteriorating. The goal of this study was to determine whether or not there has been a recent deterioration in marine mammal health by investigating the trends in disease reports over the past 40 years (categorized by the method of study, the species affected, and the etiology of the disease) and by exploring the changes in frequency of mass mortality events among marine mammals reported in the United States since 1978. The number of papers on marine mammal disease published each year has increased since 1966, although the annual publication rate appears to have stabilized since ∼1992. Those published in the 1960s and 1970s were largely about helminth and bacterial disease, those investigating viruses emerged in the late 1970s and increased in the 1980s and 1990s, whereas protozoal diseases and harmful algal toxins were largely not reported until the 1990s. The annual number of mass mortality events in the U.S. approximately doubled between 1980 and 1990 but since 2000 has been between seven and eight events per year. Causes of mass mortality events have included biotoxins, viruses, bacteria, parasites, human interactions, oil spills, and changes in oceanographic conditions. Events due to biotoxins appear to be increasing, but the change in the frequency of mass mortality events from other causes over the past 40 years cannot be determined from the available published literature due to changes in marine mammal abundance, inconsistencies in effort and extent of resources for pathological investigation, and advances in technology that have allowed improved detection of pathogens and toxins in more recent years. To ensure future information on the true incidence of marine diseases and their underlying causes is more reliable, specific and directed marine health monitoring programs, well-equipped stranding networks, and dedicated diagnostic laboratories are needed.  相似文献   

Within individuals, immunity may compete with other life history traits for resources, such as energy and protein, and the damage caused by immunopathology can sometimes outweigh the protective benefits that immune responses confer. However, our understanding of the costs of immunity in the wild and how they relate to the myriad energetic demands on free-ranging organisms is limited. The endangered Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) is threatened simultaneously by disease from domestic animals and rapid changes in food availability driven by unpredictable environmental variation. We made use of this unique ecology to investigate the relationship between changes in immune activity and changes in body condition. We found that during the first three months of life, changes in antibody concentration were negatively correlated with changes in mass per unit length, skinfold thickness and serum albumin concentration, but only in a sea lion colony exposed to anthropogenic environmental impacts. It has previously been shown that changes in antibody concentration during early Galapagos sea lion development were higher in a colony exposed to anthropogenic environmental impacts than in a control colony. This study allows for the possibility that these relatively large changes in antibody concentration are associated with negative impacts on fitness through an effect on body condition. Our findings suggest that energy availability and the degree of plasticity in immune investment may influence disease risk in natural populations synergistically, through a trade-off between investment in immunity and resistance to starvation. The relative benefits of such investments may change quickly and unpredictably, which allows for the possibility that individuals fine-tune their investment strategies in response to changes in environmental conditions. In addition, our results suggest that anthropogenic environmental impacts may impose subtle energetic costs on individuals, which could contribute to population declines, especially in times of energy shortage.  相似文献   

The St. Lawrence Island Eskimos: genetic variation and genetic distance   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Eskimos of St. Lawrence Island have been typed for genetic variation at 44 discrete genetic loci. Three private polymorphisms, at the 2,3-diphosphoglycerate mutase, peptidase B, and purine nucleoside phosphorylase loci, have been observed, which may be useful in future studies of genetic relationships between Eskimos and other circumpolar populations. Genetic distance analysis reveals a close relationship between the St. Lawrence Island Eskimos and other Eskimo populations and that the Eskimo populations form a distinct cluster from Amerindian populations. The St. Lawrence Island Eskimos appear to be more similar to Asiatic Eskimos than to other groups. Caucasian admixture in this population is estimated to be between 2 and 7%.  相似文献   

The distributions of most cosmopolitan invertebrate species are assumed to result from natural processes. Cryptic invertebrates with obscure biogeographic origins are often considered native by default, resulting in potentially severe underestimation of the extent of human-assisted invasions. This problem is exemplified by freshwater Bryozoa (Ectoprocta) and Entoprocta—small and widely distributed invertebrates commonly found in lakes and rivers. A benthic survey of a thermally modified section of the St. Lawrence River revealed the presence of two nonindigenous bryozoans: Carter’s moss animal Lophopodella carteri (Hyatt) and the crystal moss animal Lophopus crystallinus Pallas. Also discovered was a cryptogenic entoproct, the goblet worm Urnatella gracilis Leidy. These species were collected as statoblasts and (in the case of U. gracilis) colonial fragments downstream of the Gentilly-2 nuclear power plant at Bécancoeur, Quebec. Local densities of both U. gracilis and L. carteri increased by an order of magnitude at sites closer to the power plant. The occurrence of Lophopus crystallinus statoblasts in St. Lawrence River sediments is the first documented physical evidence of the species in North America. Contrary to the presumed natural Holarctic distribution of L. crystallinus, our literature review found that published historical records of L. crystallinus in the United States are erroneous or unsubstantiated. We propose that L. crystallinus is a western Palearctic species recently introduced to the St. Lawrence River, most likely as statoblasts discharged with ballast water from transoceanic ships.  相似文献   

湿地生态系统生态特征变化及其可持续性问题   总被引:34,自引:2,他引:34  
湿地是具有多种功能和价值的生态系统,是人类最重要的环境资源之一,被称为“景观之肾”[1]。湿地在蓄洪防旱、调节气候、控制土壤侵蚀、促淤造陆、降解环境污染等方面起着极其重要的作用[2]。随着人口的增长,人类对其影响的规模和速度在不断扩大,这其中有直接的...  相似文献   

Movement of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus) and lake sturgeon (A. fulvescens) in the St. Lawrence Estuary (Québec, Canada) are not fully understood. To assess the movement extent of both species, a mark–recapture study was conducted in collaboration with commercial fishermen operating in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Between 1981 and 2015, 3,367 Atlantic sturgeon (fork length 21.8–199.5 cm) and 3,180 lake sturgeon (fork length 17.8–190.8 cm) were tagged and released. Of these, 673 Atlantic sturgeon and 42 lake sturgeon were recaptured. The maximum distances traveled between capture and recapture locations were 1,307 km for Atlantic sturgeon (8 years after initial capture) and 252 km for lake sturgeon (less than 1 year after initial capture). Statistical analyses identified differences in the dispersal distance of both species as revealed by a first component characterized by individuals with short dispersal distances (98% and <35 km for Atlantic sturgeon; 58% and <1 km for lake sturgeon) and a second component characterized by individuals with longer dispersal distances (2% and >600 km for Atlantic sturgeon; 42% and >190 km for lake sturgeon). We suggest that the short dispersal distances detected in the vast majority of Atlantic sturgeon recaptures likely reflect strong site fidelity, highlighting the importance of the St. Lawrence Estuary as a preferred habitat for juveniles and subadults. Although recaptures were low for lake sturgeon because this species is only marginally targeted by commercial fishermen in the St. Lawrence Estuary, our results also showed that this species uses estuarine habitats and that half of the population seems to exhibit strong site fidelity (67% of individuals were recaptured within 2 km).  相似文献   

Sloterdijk  Harm  Champoux  L.  Jarry  V.  Couillard  Y.  Ross  P. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,(1):317-335
A sediment study, involving both chemical and biological analyses, was carried out in the St. Lawrence River near Montreal (Lake St. Louis). About 60 stations were sampled during 1984–85, and the sediments were analyzed for support variables, heavy metals, and organochlorinated compounds. Subsamples were elutriated using a 1 to 4 sediment/water ratio. The resulting elutriates were analyzed for several chemical variables, while toxicity was measured using the Microtox test, algal 14C assimilation, and lethality/developmental inhibition in cladocerans, rotifers, and nematodes. The results showed a great variety of responses and sensitivity, and correlations between the tests were non-significant. In terms of toxic responses, the algal and Microtox tests were the most sensitive. Toxic responses could not be explained in simple terms of contaminant concentrations. Therefore, the chemistry of elutriates is not predictive of the toxic potential of contaminated sediments. Biotests can give an insight into the hazard assessment of sediments, but no single test will be sufficient; the use of a battery of standardized biotests, representing different levels of organization/food chain, including representative natural species, is highly recommended.  相似文献   

Pollen and lake-level data are used to reconstruct past climate changes in the St. Lawrence lowlands, southern Québec. Past lake-level changes are assessed from sedimentological, pollen and macrofossil records from a single shallow-water core from Lac Hertel, which lies in the central part of the studied area. Three low lake-level phases are recognised: prior to 8000, 7600-6600 and 4800-3400 cal. BP. The modern analogue method is applied to pollen data from seven well-dated sites from the St. Lawrence lowlands and adjacent mountain areas, constrained and unconstrained by lake-level changes. The reconstructed climate changes are congruent with the pattern of climate changes known from eastern North America: a dry and cold late-glacial episode due to the presence of pro-glacial lakes and seas; a rapid warming between 12?500 and 11?000 cal. BP possibly caused by increasing summer insolation; a dry period from 10?000 to 6500 cal. BP; a brief cooling between 9000 and 8000 cal. BP, possibly related to a summer cooling of Arctic airmasses; a temperature maximum around 8000 cal. BP; and finally, a progressive decrease in summer temperature and an increase in (winter?) precipitation over the 4500 last years. These results show that it is possible to reveal seasonal patterns in climate by combining pollen and lake-level data.  相似文献   

Marine mammals are often cited as “sentinels of ocean health” yet accessible, synthesized data on their health changes that could effectively warn of ocean health changes are rare. The objectives of this study were to 1) perform a systematic review of published cases of marine mammal disease to determine spatial and temporal trends in disease from 1972–2012, including changes in regions and taxa affected and specific causes; and 2) compare numbers of published cases of neoplasia with known, hospital-based neoplasia records to explore the causes of discrepancy between numbers of published cases and true disease trends. Peer-reviewed literature was compiled, and data were collected from The Marine Mammal Center database in Sausalito, California for comparison of numbers of neoplasia cases. Toxicoses from harmful algal blooms appear to be increasing. Viral epidemics are most common along the Atlantic U.S. coastline, while bacterial epidemics, especially leptospirosis, are most common along the Pacific coast. Certain protozoal and fungal zoonoses appear to be emerging, such as Toxoplasma gondii in southern sea otters in California, and Cryptococcus gattii in cetaceans in the Pacific Northwest. Disease reports were most common from California where pinniped populations are large, but increased effort also occurs. Anthropogenic trauma remains a large threat to marine mammal health, through direct mortality and indirect chronic disease. Neoplasia cases were under-reported from 2003–2012 when compared to true number of cases, and over-reported in several years due to case duplication. Peer-reviewed literature greatly underestimates the true magnitude of disease in marine mammals as it focuses on novel findings, fails to reflect etiology of multifactorial diseases, rarely reports prevalence rather than simple numbers of cases, and is typically presented years after a disease first occurs. Thus literature cannot guide management actions adequately, nor inform indices of ocean health. A real-time, nationally centralized system for reporting marine mammal disease data is needed to be able to understand how marine mammal diseases are changing with ecosystem changes, and before these animals can truly be considered ‘sentinels of ocean health’.  相似文献   



To investigate the salivary anionic changes of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) treated by radiotherapy.

Material and Methods

Thirty-eight patients with T1-4, N0-2, M0 NPC received conventional radiotherapy. Stimulated whole saliva was collected at baseline and 2, 6 and 12 months after radiotherapy. Salivary anions levels were measured using ion chromatography.


A reduction in stimulated saliva flow and salivary pH was accompanied by sustained changes in anionic composition. At 2 months following radiotherapy, there was a significant increase in chloride, sulphate, lactate and formate levels while significant reductions in nitrate and thiocyanate levels were found. No further changes in these anion levels were observed at 6 and 12 months. No significant changes were found in phosphate, acetate, or propionate levels throughout the study period.


Conventional radiotherapy has a significant and prolonged impact on certain anionic species, likely contributing to increased cariogenic properties and reduced antimicrobial capacities of saliva in NPC patients post-radiotherapy.  相似文献   

Changes in sedentary behaviours and physical activity according to retirement status need to be better defined. Retirement is a critical life period that may influence a number of health behaviours. We assessed past-year sedentary behaviours (television, computer and reading time during leisure, occupational and domestic sitting time, in h/week) and physical activity (leisure, occupational and domestic, in h/week) over 6 years (2000–2001 and 2007) using the Modifiable Activity Questionnaire in 2,841 participants (mean age: 57.3±5.0 y) of the SU.VI.MAX (Supplementation with Antioxidants and Minerals) cohort. Analyses were performed according to retirement status. Subjects retired in 2001 and 2007 (40%) were those who spent most time in sedentary behaviour and in physical activity during and outside leisure (p<0.001). Leisure-time sedentary behaviours increased in all subjects during follow-up (p<0.001), but subjects who retired between 2001 and 2007 (31%) were those who reported the greatest changes (+8.4±0.42 h/week for a combined indicator of leisure-time sedentary behaviour). They also had the greatest increase in time spent in leisure-time physical activity (+2.5±0.2 h/week). In subjects not retired 2001 and 2007 (29%), changes in time spent watching television were found positively associated with an increase in occupational physical activity (p = 0.04) and negatively associated with changes in leisure-time physical activity (p = 0.02). No consistent association between changes in sedentary behaviours and changes in physical activity was observed in subjects retired in 2001 and 2007. Public health interventions should target retiring age populations not only to encourage physical activity but also to limit sedentary behaviours.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean Sea has been strongly influenced by human activities for millennia. Although the environmental history of its surrounding terrestrial ecosystems has received considerable study, historical changes in its marine realm are less known. We used a multidisciplinary approach combining paleontological, archeological, historical, fisheries, and ecological data to reconstruct past changes in marine populations, habitats, and water quality in the Adriatic Sea. Then, we constructed binary food webs for different historical periods to analyze possible changes in food-web structure and functioning over time. Our results indicate that human activities have influenced marine resource abundance since at least Roman times and accelerated in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Today, 98% of traditional marine resources are depleted to less than 50% of former abundance, with large (>1 m) predators and consumers being most affected. With 37% of investigated species rare and 11% extirpated, diversity has shifted towards smaller, lower trophic-level species, further aggravated by more than 40 species invasions. Species providing habitat and filter functions have been reduced by 75%, contributing to the degradation of water quality and increased eutrophication. Increased exploitation and functional extinctions have altered and simplified food-web structure over time, especially by changing the proportions of top predators, intermediate consumers, and basal species. Moreover, simulations of species losses indicate that today’s ecosystems may be less robust to species extinctions than in the past. Our results illustrate the long-term and far-reaching consequences human activities can have on marine food webs and ecosystems.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the larval ecology of winter-spawning fish from the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada, remains scarce due to the seasonal ice cover that prevents ichthyoplankton sampling using conventional methods. Two winter-spawning species, Atlantic halibut (AH, Hippoglossus hippoglossus) and Greenland halibut (GH, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides), support the most important groundfish fisheries of this area. In March 2020, the authors captured 10 halibut larvae ranging in size from 5 to 14 mm during an opportunistic survey in the GSL onboard an icebreaking vessel. Of these, eight were AH and two GH. Judging by their very small size, the larvae were only a few days old, suggesting that the spawning grounds are close to the capture sites. This effort constitutes a first step in validating the putative spawning areas for these two important GSL stocks. This knowledge is important for the conservation and sustainable management of these fisheries.  相似文献   

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