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Green rusts are mixed ferrous/ferric hydroxides that typically form under weakly acidic to alkaline conditions in suboxic environments. The recent identification of green rusts as products of the reduction of Fe(III) oxides and oxyhydroxides by Shewanella putrefaciens, a dissimilatory iron-reducing bacterium (DIRB), suggests that green rusts may play a role in the redox cycling of Fe in many aquatic and terrestrial environments. We examined the potential for green rust formation resulting from the bioreduction of lepidocrocite(γ -FeOOH) by a series of Shewanella species (S. alga BrY, S. amazonensis SB2B, S. baltica OS155, S. denitrificans OS217T, S. loihica PV-4, S. oneidensis MR-1, S. putrefaciens ATCC 8071, S. putrefaciens CN32, S. saccharophilia, and Shewanella sp. ANA-3). All Shewanella species, with the exception of S. denitrificans OS217T, were able to couple the oxidation of formate to the reduction of Fe(III) in lepidocrocite; however there were significant differences among species with respect to the rate and extent of Fe(II) production. Despite these differences, green rust was the only Fe(II)-bearing solid phase formed under our experimental conditions, as indicated by X-ray diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The formation of green rust by Shewanella species isolated from a wide range of habitats and possessing varied metabolic capabilities suggests that under favorable conditions biogenic green rusts may be formed by a diverse array of DIRB.  相似文献   

Clare EL 《PloS one》2011,6(7):e21460
Levels of sequence divergence at mitochondrial loci are frequently used in phylogeographic analysis and species delimitation though single marker systems cannot assess bi-parental gene flow. In this investigation I compare the phylogeographic patterns revealed through the maternally inherited mitochondrial COI region and the paternally inherited 7(th) intron region of the Dby gene on the Y-chromosome in eight common Neotropical bat species. These species are diverse and include members of two families from the feeding guilds of sanguivores, nectarivores, frugivores, carnivores and insectivores. In each case, the currently recognized taxon is comprised of distinct, substantially divergent intraspecific mitochondrial lineages suggesting cryptic species complexes. In Chrotopterus auritus, and Saccopteryx bilineata I observed congruent patterns of divergence in both genetic regions suggesting a cessation of gene flow between intraspecific groups. This evidence supports the existence of cryptic species complexes which meet the criteria of the genetic species concept. In Glossophaga soricina two intraspecific groups with largely sympatric South American ranges show evidence for incomplete lineage sorting or frequent hybridization while a third group with a Central American distribution appears to diverge congruently at both loci suggesting speciation. Within Desmodus rotundus and Trachops cirrhosus the paternally inherited region was monomorphic and thus does not support or refute the potential for cryptic speciation. In Uroderma bilobatum, Micronycteris megalotis and Platyrrhinus helleri the gene regions show conflicting patterns of divergence and I cannot exclude ongoing gene flow between intraspecific groups. This analysis provides a comprehensive comparison across taxa and employs both maternally and paternally inherited gene regions to validate patterns of gene flow. I present evidence for previously unrecognized species meeting the criteria of the genetic species concept but demonstrate that estimates of mitochondrial diversity alone do not accurately represent gene flow in these species and that contact/hybrid zones must be explored to evaluate reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

Halse  S. A.  McRae  J. M. 《Hydrobiologia》2004,524(1):1-52
Two new genera of giant ostracods Lacrimicypris n. gen. and Repandocypris n. gen. from Australia are described and eight new species:L. kumbar n. sp., R. austinensis n. sp., R. gleneagles n. sp., Mytilocypris coolcalalaya n. sp., Australocypris bennetti n. sp., A. beaumonti n. sp., A. mongerensis n. sp. and Caboncypris kondininensis n. sp. The number of known Australian genera and species of giant ostracods are now 6 and 21, respectively. Keys to genera and species are provided: all species can be distinguished using the hemipenis and male first leg. The usefulness of the bursa copulatrix as a species-level taxonomic character is highlighted. Most of the species described in this paper occur in salt lakes and existing ecological information on Western Australian species, as well as the distributions of all species, are summarized. Western Australia has a particularly rich halobiont fauna but current explanations relating richness of the halobiont fauna to the widespread occurrence of salt lakes appear incomplete. Australocypris bennetti is unusual in that it is frequently found at pH < 4. Its morphology differs slightly in acidic and alkaline waters.  相似文献   

Maltol (3-hydroxy-2-methyl-4-pyrone) produced reactive oxygen species as a complex with transition metals. Maltol/iron complex inactivated aconitase the most sensitive enzyme to oxidative stress. The inactivation of aconitase was iron-dependent, and prevented by TEMPOL, a scavenger of reactive oxygen species, suggesting that the maltol/iron-mediated generation of superoxide anion is responsible for the inactivation of aconitase. Addition of maltol effectively enhanced the ascorbate/copper-mediated formation of 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine in DNA. Oxidation of ascorbic acid by CuSO4 was effectively stimulated by addition of maltol, and the enhanced oxidation rate was markedly inhibited by the addition of catalase and superoxide dismutase. These results suggest that maltol can stimulate the copper reduction coupled with the oxidation of ascorbate, resulting in the production of superoxide radical which in turn converts to hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical. Cytotoxic effect of maltol can be explained by its prooxidant properties: maltol/transition metal complex generates reactive oxygen species causing the inactivation of aconitase and the production of hydroxyl radical causing the formation of DNA base adduct.  相似文献   

Copitarsia gibberosa n. sp. is described from Chile and Argentina. Morphological characters are discussed to differentiate it from Copitarsia decolora (Guenée), Copitarsia incommoda (Walker), and Copitarsia corruda (Pogue & Simmons). Copitarsia corruda has its status revised based on CO1 and morphology. Copitarsia paraturbata Castillo & Angulo is a new synonym of C. incommoda based on morphology. Copitarsia uncilata Burgos & Leiva is a new synonym of C. decolora based on morphology. A review of recent literature revealed a misunderstanding of the complex of species related to C. decolora, and these papers are evaluated and species are identified. Host plant utilization is discussed between C. decolora and C. corruda. Adults and male and female genitalia are illustrated to differentiate between the species in the C. decolora species complex. Keys to male and females based on genitalic morphology are given. Distribution maps of collected specimens are provided.  相似文献   

A survey of homopteran species (Auchenorryncha) was conducted in coffee plantations with no shade (C), and in those with shade of either poró (Erythrina poeppigiana) (CP) or poró plus laurel (Cordia alliodora) (CPL), in Turrialba, Costa Rica. A total of 130 species in ten families were collected, dominated by Cicadellidae (82 species). Species richness was highest in the CP system (88), followed by CPL (74) and C systems (60). Five most common species for all systems were Fusigonalia lativittata, Hebralebra nicaraguensis, Neocoelidia sp., Oliarus sp. and Clastoptera sp. Diversification of the coffee agroecosystem favors some species while limiting others, and have no effect on the majority of species. Thus, only F. lativittata, Neocoelidia sp. and Scaphytopius ca. latidens were well represented in all systems, but were more abundant in coffee shrubs. Additionally, the following were the dominant species in each system: Graphocephala sp. 1 (C), F. lativittata (CP) and H. nicaraguensis (CPL). Four species abundant on laurel trees, including H. nicaraguensis, appeared almost exclusively on these tree species. Species similarity was highest on the CP and CPL systems (51% of the species in common), followed by the C and CP (39%) and the C and CPL systems (38%). These findings show that even disturbed systems can harbor many insect species, so that they deserve attention from conservation advocates and biologists.  相似文献   

Twelve species of the genus Cecidomyia have been reported from North America andEurasia. They are known as pine resin midges inhabiting mainly the pines, also spruce andfir. The larvae fecd on pitch and cause extensive primary damage to the hosts. The new res-in midge species here dealt with is known so far only from Jiangbian Forestry Bureau dis-trict, Yunnan.  相似文献   

The Auchenorrhyncha (leafhoppers) show great potential as indicators of grassland habitat quality, which would make them useful as a conservation tool. However, they are known to have labile populations. The relative importance of site identity and the year of sampling in the composition of leafhopper assemblages on chalk grassland are assessed for two sets of sites sampled twice. The study included a total of 95 sites (one set of 54, the other of 41), and demonstrated that for both sets the vegetation community and geographical location had high explanatory value, while the influence of year was small. The conclusion is that, notwithstanding population fluctuations, the leafhopper assemblages are a good indicator of habitat quality, and represent a potentially valuable tool in grassland conservation and restoration.  相似文献   

Fossil wing of Hemiptera Sternorrhyncha with peculiar venation is described from the lower Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) of Bascharage (Grand-duchy of Luxembourg). It represents new family Xulsigiidae fam. nov., comprising a new genus and species Xulsigia karetsa gen. et sp. nov. It is placed preliminarily in extinct infraorder Pincombeomorpha for the presence of three branches of median vein. Key to families of Pincombeomorpha is given and the taxonomic position and venation features of the new fossil are discussed.

Family Xulsigiidae is registered in Zoobank under the http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:3A57B428-638A-439A-AEC4-D18B5959B5CA

Genus Xulsigia is registered in Zoobank under the http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:2B255A30-5A7C-4CF8-AE77-18ED6E8E03C2  相似文献   

This report discribes 2 new species of Haematopota, 1 new species of Tabanus and 2 males of T. omeishanensis Xu, and T. liangshanensis Xu. All the types are deposited in the Institute of Microbiology & Epidemiology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, P.L.A., China. Haematopota erlangshanensis, sp. nov. (fig. 1; 2—2) This species is related to H. hakusanensis Togashi, but is easily  相似文献   

Dysaphis (Pomaphis) pyri (Boyer de Fonscolombe, 1841) and Dysaphis (Pomaphis) reaumuri (Mordvilko, 1928) are two holocyclic aphid species alternating between Pyrus (Rosaceae) and Galium (Rubiaceae). Comparative phylogenetic analysis was performed using partial mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and nuclear elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1??) sequences. Partial COI data indicate the possibility of the early divergence in the D. pyri?CD. reaumuri stem, which might have occurred even before the splitting of the common ancestral species of the D. reaumuri?CD. plantaginea complex. Such a conclusion seems to be compatible with the available data on host specificity, life cycles and distribution of both species. This introductory phylogenetic analysis based on partial COI and EF-1?? sequences indicates the need for reconsideration of the subgeneric structure in the genus Dysaphis.  相似文献   

For the first time a complete ostracode and trilobite fauna is described from the Dobrovitá Formation (Ordovician) of Perunica. In contrast to the trilobite fauna the ostracode fauna evidences close relations to both Armorica and Baltica. The trilobite fauna comprises 11 species out of 11 genera, the ostracode fauna comprises 15 (5 new) species out of 15 (1 new) genera.  相似文献   

Hybridization has the potential to contribute to phenotypic and genetic variation and can be a major evolutionary mechanism. However, when hybridization is extensive it can also lead to the blurring of species boundaries and the emergence of cryptic species (i.e., two or more species not distinguishable morphologically). In this study, we address this hypothesis in Epidendrum, the largest Neotropical genus of orchids where hybridization is apparently so common that it may explain the high levels of morphological diversity found. Nonetheless, this hypothesis is mostly based on the intermediacy of morphological characters and intermediacy by itself is not a proof of hybridization. Therefore, in this study, we first assessed the existence of hybrids using cpDNA and AFLP data gathered from a large-scale sampling comprising 1038 plants of three species of Epidendrum (E. calanthum, E. cochlidium and E. schistochilum). Subsequently, a Bayesian assignment of individuals into different genetic classes (pure species, F1, F2 or backcross generations) revealed that hybrid genotypes were prevalent in all sympatric populations. In most cases, parental species were not assigned as pure individuals, rather consisting in backcrossed genotypes or F1 hybrids. We also found that reproductive barriers are apparently very weak in Epidendrum because the three species largely overlapped in their flowering periods and interspecific crosses always produced viable seeds. Further, hybridization contributed to enhance floral variability, genome size and reproductive success since we found that these traits were always higher in hybrid classes (F1, F2 and backcrosses) than in pure parental species, and offer an explanation for the blurring of species boundaries in this genus of orchids. We hypothesize that these natural hybrids possess an evolutionary advantage, which may explain the high rates of cryptic species observed in this genus.  相似文献   

Larval stages of Plagiorchis spp. are both ubiquitous and ecologically important parasites in snail populations of freshwater ecosystems in Europe. However, difficulties in distinguishing the morphologically similar cercariae used for species identification, may lead to underestimation of species diversity. In this study, 38 isolates of Plagiorchis spp. infecting two lymnaeid snails, Lymnaea stagnalis (L.) and Radix auricularia (L.), in five central European freshwater ecosystems were subjected to morphological and molecular assessment. Five morphologically homogeneous and genetically distinct lineages of Plagiorchis spp. were identified via matching molecular data for the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) gene with detailed morphological and morphometric data of the cercariae. Comparative sequence analysis using partial 28S rDNA and ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences revealed that three distinct cox1 lineages are conspecific with Plagiorchis elegans (Rudolphi, 1802), P. maculosus (Rudolphi, 1802) and P. koreanus Ogata, 1938, respectively, whereas the lineage identified based on cercarial morphology as P. neomidis Brendow, 1970 plus a single isolate that could not be assigned to a described species, did not match any of the available sequences for Plagiorchis spp. A key to the cercariae of Plagiorchis spp. parasitising lymnaeid populations in central Europe is provided to facilitate identification.  相似文献   

Tardigrades have two forms of dormancy, namely cryptobiosis and encystment. The encystment is a form of diapause known for a limited number of species of tardigrades and still little studied. To increase the knowledge on encystment, two species of eutardigrades from Italy have been considered: the moss-dwelling Amphibolus volubilis (Eohypsibiidae), and the limnic Dactylobiotus parthenogeneticus (Murrayidae). Cysts have been collected in nature, or induced under laboratory conditions. In the latter case, it was possible to follow the several steps of encystment processes. Two different types of cyst (“type 1” and “type 2”) have been found in A. volubilis, while in D. parthenogeneticus only one type has been found. In general, the ovoid-shaped cysts are constituted by a series of cuticles surrounding the animals and resemble an onion or a Matrioshka Russian doll. In all three types of cyst, the encystment processes show both common and peculiar traits. Encystment begins with the discharging of the sclerified parts of the buccal-pharyngeal apparatus, as in the molting process, but without the loss of the old cuticle. Then, two or three new cuticles are serially synthesized, according to cyst type. In A. volubilis, the ultrastructure of these new cuticular involucra is similar to that of non-encysted animal cuticles, while in D. parthenogeneticus the ultrastructure of the new cuticular involucra differs from that of non-encysted animal cuticle. A modified buccal-pharyngeal apparatus has been observed both in “type 2” cyst of A. volubilis and in the D. parthenogeneticus cyst.  相似文献   

Four species of Haliotrema Johnston & Tiegs, 1922, including three new taxa, are described from the gills of two species of coral reef fishes, Zanclus cornutus (Linnaeus) and Acanthurus nigrofuscus (Forssk?l), off the Dongsha Islands in the South China Sea. Haliotrema dongshaense n. sp., from Z. cornutus, is differentiated from other existing congeneric species by its peculiar male copulatory organ, comprising a harp-shaped copulatory tube and a cup-shaped base, and two groups of short longitudinal muscles lying on either side of the vaginal vestibule. Haliotrema zigmoidocirrus n. sp. from Z. cornutus and H. nigrofusci n. sp. from A. nigrofuscus are differentiated from other congeneric species by their male copulatory organ, which has a cup-shaped base, bell-shaped middle and Z-shaped distal part, and the latter can be readily differentiated from the former by its distinctively wider haptor and longer connecting bars. Haliotrema sicklocirrus Wang, 2007, from Z. cornutus, is redescribed with additional details, including the sinistral position of the accessory piece of the male copulatory organ, the absence of eyespots and the morphology of the connecting bars.  相似文献   

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