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The cotton-melon aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a polyphagous species with a worldwide distribution and a variety of biotypes. North China is a traditional agricultural area with abundant winter and summer hosts of A. gossypii. While the life cycles of A. gossypii on different plants have been well studied, those of the biotypes of North China are still unclear.


Host transfer experiments showed that A. gossypii from North China has two host-specialized biotypes: cotton and cucumber. Based on complete mitochondrial sequences, we identified a molecular marker with five single-nucleotide polymorphisms to distinguish the biotypes. Using this marker, a large-scale study of biotypes on primary winter and summer hosts was conducted. All A. gossypii collected from three primary hosts—hibiscus, pomegranate, and Chinese prickly ash—were cotton biotypes, with more cotton-melon aphids found on hibiscus than the other two species. In May, alate cotton and cucumber biotypes coexisted on cotton and cucumber seedlings, but each preferred its natal host. Both biotypes existed on zucchini, although the cucumber biotype was more numerous. Aphids on muskmelon were all cucumber biotypes, whereas most aphids on kidney bean were cotton biotypes. Aphids on seedlings of potato and cowpea belong to other species. In August, aphids on cotton and cucumber were the respective biotypes, with zucchini still hosting both biotypes as before. Thus, the biotypes had different fitnesses on different host plants.


Two host-specialized biotypes (cotton and cucumber) are present in North China. Hibiscus, pomegranate, and Chinese prickly ash can serve as winter hosts for the cotton biotype but not the cucumber biotype in North China. The fitnesses of the two host-specialized biotypes differ on various summer hosts. When alate aphids migrate to summer hosts, they cannot accurately land on the corresponding plant.  相似文献   

Although distinct host specialization is observed for the cotton-melon aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover) on cotton and cucurbit plants, it is still ambiguous whether the specialization is altered by experience on a novel host plant. Here the performance of cotton and cucurbit-specialized aphids, A. gossypii on novel host plants was studied by a host-selection test and by the life-table method. The two host-specialized aphids cannot survive and establish populations after reciprocal host transfers. They have ability to recognize the host plants on which they were reared, and escape behavior from novel hosts was observed. Interestingly, the cotton and cucurbit-specialized aphids survive and reproduce normally on hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus), a main overwintering host plant, and host-fidelity of A. gossypii to cucurbit plants is altered by feeding and living experience on hibiscus, which confers the same capacity to use cotton and cucumber on to the cucurbit-specialized population, but host-fidelity to cotton is not altered and the fitness of the cotton specialized population to cucumber is still poorer. A. gossypii from hibiscus has a significant preference for cotton to cucumber in the host-selection process, and none stays on cucumber more than 20 h after transfer. The results presented imply that cucurbit-specialized aphids might not return to an overwintering host plant (hibiscus) in wild fields, so host conservatism to cucurbit plants is maintained. The potential of cucurbit-specialized aphids of A. gossypii to use cotton plants, intermediated by experience on hibiscus, suggests that the specialized host-plant performance of phytophagous insects is not wholly conservative.  相似文献   

The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii, has a worldwide distribution and causes damage to numerous economically important crops. The bacterial symbionts associated with cotton aphids, sampled mainly from malvaceous and cucurbitaceous plants within Japan and Australia, were characterised using molecular profiling approaches. The goal was to document the aphid symbionts present and determine if patterns of microbial diversity are consistent with the existence of host plant related cryptic species in A. gossypii. The bacterial profiles of the aphids are diverse and reflect local geography more than host plant use.  相似文献   

Aphis gossypii Glover shows obvious host specialization, with cucurbit‐ and cotton‐specialized biotypes or host races in many regions. Because its annual natal host crops senesce earlier the cucurbit‐specialized biotype may suffer food deficiency. The method this biotype uses to overcome this challenge is still poorly understood. In order to understand the potential of the cucurbit‐specialized biotype aphids in host shift and usage, the performance of this biotype on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), a common but poor quality host plant, was explored in this study. The cucurbit‐specialized aphids could establish populations on cotton only when these plants had at least nine leaves, and subsequent populations developed rather slowly. The presence of whitefly populations on cotton improved the success rate of cucurbit‐specialized aphids. The cucurbit‐specialized aphids were mainly distributed on the older leaves of cotton, with only a few settling on the upper leaves. The cucurbit‐specialized aphids reared on cotton for 40, 54 and 61 days still maintained strong preference for their natal host plant, cucumber (Cucumis sativus), rather than cotton, and their net reproductive rates and intrinsic rates of natural increase were dramatically lower when they were transferred onto new six‐leaf cotton plants or detached leaves. Therefore, we concluded that the cucurbit‐specialized aphids have the potential to utilize mature or whitefly‐stressed cotton plants, but that this feeding experience on cotton did not alter their specialization for cucurbits. Some cotton plants could act as a temporary host for the cucurbit‐specialized aphids to overcome food deficiency arising from senescing cucurbits.  相似文献   

棉花型和瓜型棉蚜产生有性世代能力的分化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高雪  刘向东 《昆虫学报》2008,51(1):40-45
为了明确寄主专化性是否会影响棉蚜的繁殖策略或生活史对策,采用低温和短光照组合(18℃,L∶D=8∶16)分别对棉花型和瓜型棉蚜进行有性世代的诱导,比较两寄主专化型棉蚜产生有翅蚜、雄性母、雌性母及无翅孤雌蚜的能力。结果表明:两寄主专化型棉蚜在产生有性世代能力上存在显著差异,表现为棉花型棉蚜在诱导后代中产生有翅蚜、雄性母和雌性母的比率显著高于瓜型棉蚜,并且雌、雄性母产生的时间明显早于瓜型棉蚜。瓜型棉蚜在诱导条件下产生无翅孤雌蚜的比率显著高于棉花型棉蚜,并且发现有不产生有性世代的营专性孤雌生殖个体,而在棉花型棉蚜中没有发现。产生性母蚜的棉花型和瓜型棉蚜均可同时产生孤雌胎生后代。寄主型与诱导时间长短对棉蚜有性世代的产生存在交互作用。采集于田间棉花和黄瓜上的棉蚜,也表现为棉花上的易产生有性世代,在诱导的第2代中产生性母蚜的比率显著高于黄瓜上的棉蚜,并且性母蚜比率在诱导的第2代与第3代间无显著差异; 但黄瓜上的棉蚜性母蚜产生比率第3代显著高于第2代。由此推测,棉蚜寄主专化性的形成与生活史特性的分化有关。  相似文献   

张帆  刘向东 《昆虫知识》2012,49(4):900-905
棉蚜Aphis gossypii Glover种群存在寄主利用和迁飞能力上的明显分化,有棉花型和瓜型、迁飞型和滞留型之分。但是,棉花型与瓜型之间,以及迁飞型与滞留型之间是否能发生交配行为,尚无研究报道。本文在低温和短光照条件下分别诱导棉花型、瓜型、迁飞型和滞留型棉蚜的性蚜,并进行性蚜间的交配行为观察。结果表明,迁飞型和滞留型性蚜间可以发生交配行为,杂交时发生交配行为的个体比率与自交时无显著差异,但是杂交时雄蚜寻找配偶所花的时间要显著长于自交时,并且迁飞型雌蚜(M♀)与滞留型雄蚜(S♂)杂交时的交配持续时间也显著长于自交时。迁飞型和滞留型棉蚜同型交配容易完成,棉蚜的迁飞型和滞留型已在交配行为上产生了一定的分化。棉花型和瓜型棉蚜的性蚜间可以发生交配行为,并且两品系在正交和反交时雄蚜的寻偶时间与交配持续时间均无显著差异。  相似文献   

Phytophagous insects with wide host ranges often exhibit host‐associated genetic structure. We used microsatellite analysis to assess the population structure of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae), a serious pest on many economically important crops worldwide. We sampled aphids from five host plant species in Iran and detected strong population subdivision, with an overall multilocus FST of 0.191. The matrix of pairwise FST values indicated that differentiation between populations collected from different hosts was significantly stronger than between populations from the same hosts. Host‐associated differentiation was further supported by Bayesian clustering analyses, which grouped all samples from cotton together with aubergine, and all samples from cucumber together with pumpkin and hibiscus. This adds to the growing body of evidence that many seemingly generalist aphids are in fact an assemblage of host‐specialized lineages. Although we detected a clear genetic signature of clonal reproduction, the genotypic diversity of A. gossypii in Iran is much higher than in other parts of the world. Particularly samples from cotton exhibited a surprisingly high genotypic diversity, suggesting that many lineages on this host are cyclical parthenogens that engage in regular bouts of sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is a serious pest of cotton in northern China. A microsatellite analysis was used to characterize the genetic structure of A. gossypii populations from different geographic, host plant, and seasonal populations in 2014. Among 906 individuals, 507 multilocus genotypes were identified, with genotypic richness values of 0.07–1.00 for the populations. We observed moderate levels of genetic differentiation among geographic populations (FST = 0.103; 95% confidence interval: 0.065–0.145) and host plant populations (FST = 0.237; 95% confidence interval: 0.187–0.296). A Mantel test of isolation by distance revealed no significant correlations between Slatkin’s linearized FST and the natural logarithm of geographic distance. A Bayesian analysis of population genetic structures identified three clusters. An analysis of molecular variance revealed significant differences among the three clusters (F = 0.26596, P < 0.0001), among seasons (F = 0.04244, P = 0.00381), and among host populations (F = 0.12975, P = 0.0029). Thus, the A. gossypii populations in northern China exhibit considerable genotypic diversity. Additionally, our findings indicated that the 31 analyzed populations could be classified as one of three host biotypes (i.e., cotton, cucumber, and pomegranate biotypes). There were also clear seasonal effects on population genetic structure diversity among aphids collected from Anyang.  相似文献   

The host suitability of five zucchini and three cucumber genotypes to Meloidogyne incognita (MiPM26) and M. javanica (Mj05) was determined in pot experiments in a greenhouse. The number of egg masses (EM) did not differ among the genotypes of zucchini or cucumber, but the eggs/plant and reproduction factor (Rf) did slightly. M. incognita MiPM26 showed lower EM, eggs/plant, and Rf than M. javanica Mj05. Examination of the zucchini galls for nematode postinfection development revealed unsuitable conditions for M. incognita MiPM26 as only 22% of the females produced EM compared to 95% of the M. javanica females. As far as cucumber was concerned, 86% of the M. incognita and 99% of the M. javanica females produced EM, respectively. In a second type of experiments, several populations of M. arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica were tested on zucchini cv. Amalthee and cucumber cv. Dasher II to assess the parasitic variation among species and populations of Meloidogyne. A greater parasitic variation was observed in zucchini than cucumber. Zucchini responded as a poor host for M. incognita MiPM26, MiAL09, and MiAL48, but as a good host for MiAL10 and MiAL15. Intraspecific variation was not observed among the M. javanica or M. arenaria populations. Cucumber was a good host for all the tested populations. Overall, both cucurbits were suitable hosts for Meloidogyne but zucchini was a poorer host than the cucumber.  相似文献   

Cotton produces insecticidal terpenoids that are induced by tissue-feeding herbivores. Damage by Heliothis virescens caterpillars increases the terpenoid content, which reduces the abundance of aphids. This effect is not evident in Bt-transgenic cotton, which is resistant to H. virescens. We determined whether induction of terpenoids by caterpillars influences the host quality of Aphis gossypii for the parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes and whether this interaction is influenced by Bt cotton. The exposure of parasitoids to terpenoids was determined by quantifying terpenoids in the aphids. We detected several terpenoids in aphids and found a positive relationship between their concentrations in plants and aphids. When L. testaceipes was allowed to parasitize aphids on Bt and non-Bt cotton that was infested or uninfested with H. virescens, fewer parasitoid mummies were found on infested non-Bt than on Bt cotton. Important parasitoid life-table parameters, however, were not influenced by induced resistance following H. virescens infestation, or the Bt trait. Our study provides an example of a tritrophic indirect interaction web, where organisms are indirectly linked through changes in plant metabolites.  相似文献   

The aphid parasitoid Lysiphlebus testaceipes is a potentially valuable biological control agent of Aphis gossypii a major worldwide pest of cotton. One means of increasing the abundance of a biological control agent is to provide an alternative host habitat adjacent to cropping, from which they can provide pest control services in the crop. Host selection and parasitism rate of an alternative host aphid, Aphis craccivora by L. testaceipes were studied in a series of experiments that tested its host suitability relative to A. gossypii on cotton, hibiscus and mungbean. Host acceptance, as measured by number of ovipositions was much greater in A. craccivora compared to A. gossypii, while more host aphids were accepted on mungbean than cotton. When given a choice L. testaceipes attacks more 4th instar and adult stages (63% and 70%, respectively) of both hosts than 2nd instar nymphs (47%). In a switching (host choice) experiment, L. testaceipes preferentially attacked A. craccivora on mungbean over A. gossypii on cotton. Observations of parasitoid contact with A. gossypii cornicle secretion suggest it provides a useful deterrent against parasitoid attack. From these experiments it appears L. testaceipes has a preference for A. craccivora and mungbean compared to A. gossypii and cotton, in this respect using A. craccivora and mungbean as alternative habitat may not work as the parasitoid is unlikely to switch away from its preferred host.  相似文献   

Liu X  Gao X 《Environmental entomology》2010,39(6):1878-1883
Variation in the reproductive mode of melon aphid Aphis gossypii Glover occurred on the large geographic scale, but the performance of different reproductive modes to use host plant is poorly understood. Life tables of melon aphid population that undergo the anholocyclic, androcyclic, and intermediate reproductive mode were conducted on different host plants. The results showed that the anholocyclic and androcyclic strains could become adults and produce offspring on cotton Gossypium hirsutum L., whereas the intermediate strain could not. The survival rate, net reproductive rate (R(0)), and intrinsic rate of natural increase (r(m)) of the androcyclic strain on cotton were significantly greater than that of the anholocyclic strain. The three strains could aptly use cucurbits host plants including cucumber Cucumis sativa L., pumpkin Cucurbita moschata (Duchesne ex Lam.), and zucchini Cucurbita pepo L.; survival rate and R(0) were not significantly different on these two host plants. Moreover, the r(m) of the anholocyclic strain on cucumber and the androcyclic strain on pumpkin and zucchini were significantly greater than that of the other two strains. The abilities of the three strains to use a host plant were flexible, because their r(m) on pumpkin or zucchini became equal after rearing for four successive generations; furthermore, the intermediate strain attained the ability to use cotton, and the performance of anholocyclic and intermediate strains to use cotton also significantly increased after feeding on pumpkin or zucchini for one or three generations. It was concluded that the reproductive mode and feeding experience affected the performance of melon aphid to use a host plant.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2019,22(3):750-757
Different cultivars of plant species can affect the performance of aphids and their natural enemies. In this study, development and life table parameters of the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii (Hem.: Aphididae) and its predatory midge, Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Dip.: Cecidomyiidae) were determined on four different squash cultivars (Rajaei, Elion, Clarita, and Chance) under laboratory conditions at 23 ± 2 °C, 70 ± 5% RH and 16:8 h L:D photoperiod. Adult longevity and total fecundity of A. gossypii differed with cultivar, with the highest value observed on Rajaei as the most susceptible host plant (21.93 ± 0.191 days and 74.37 ± 0.088 nymphs/female, respectively). Moreover, the intrinsic rate of increase (r) of the aphid on Rajaei and Elion (0.354 ± 0.008 day−1 and 0.340 ± 0.009 day−1, respectively) were significantly higher than two other cultivars. The predator reared on A. gossypii, feeding on Chance cultivar, had the lowest fecundity (51 ± 2.78 eggs/female) and the lowest r value (0.120 ± 0.011 day−1) than those reared on other cultivars. These results attained from population projection estimation based on the age-stage, two-sex life table theory were in consistence with other findings which indicated the influence of different host plant cultivars on the performance of A. gossypii and its predator, A. aphidimyza. Combined use of resistant host plant cultivars together with biological control agents can be proposed as an efficient integrated pest management strategy.  相似文献   

The aphid, Aphis gossypii, is a primary pest of citrus, cotton, cucurbits and greenhouse‐grown vegetables in Turkey and throughout Europe. There is some previous empirical data suggesting that host‐adapted genotypes of this aphid exist which may in fact be host‐races. To determine if host races of A. gossypii are indeed present in the eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey, reciprocal host transfer experiments and life table analyses were performed with multiple asexual lineages (= clones) of the aphid collected from different hosts. The collection hosts included citrus, cucumber, eggplant, okra, sweet pepper and cotton. Aphid developmental times on the host from which the aphid was originally collected (= collection or natal host) were shorter (5.2–6.0 days) and had a higher intrinsic rate of population growth (rm = 0.25–0.44) than the 6.6–7.3 days required when the aphid was reared on a non‐original collection host (= non‐collection host or non‐natal host) and had rm = 0.03–0.30. Total immature mortality of the cotton clone, especially in the first nymphal stage, was high (51–100%) with low rm (0–0.03) on cucumber, citrus and sweet pepper. Aphid populations transferred from citrus, eggplant and okra to cotton (rm = 0.29–0.30) did not differ significantly in their performance from that of the cotton population on cotton (rm = 0.34), whereas that from sweet pepper and cucumber populations (rm = 0.22–0.24) were significantly lower. These data have allowed us to separate A. gossypii into two distinct biological groups: (a) a ‘generalist’ population obtained from cucumber, sweet pepper, citrus, eggplant and okra which exhibited statistically better development on cotton; versus (b) a population from cotton which, by comparison on reciprocal hosts, developed poorly on non‐natal hosts except on eggplant. Development of the cotton clone on cucumber and okra was not improved after four successive generations on the non‐natal host. The good development of A. gossypii from eggplant and cotton on these reciprocal hosts suggests that these particular clones were similar, if not identical, host races.  相似文献   

The diversification of phytophagous insects is often attributed to diverging processes of host plant specialization onto different, often closely related, host plants. Some insect clades have diversified by specializing not only on different plant species but also on different plant parts of the same hosts. This is the case in Greya moths (Prodoxidae) where both Greya obscura and G. politella are tightly linked to host plants of the genus Lithophragma (Saxifragaceae). We assess how these species differ in their choice of plants and use of plant parts. Previous work showed that strong local host specialization in G. politella is mediated by floral scent variation among Lithophragma species. Here, we identify geographic variation in host plant use in the close relative G. obscura, relate the emerging patterns to previous studies of geographic variation in host use in G. politella and evaluate potential processes underlying the variation among and within species. First, we show that G. obscura also uses floral chemistry to locate hosts but that additional plant cues must be involved in deciding whether to oviposit on a plant, because females did not discriminate against chemically different host species in no-choice trials. We also found that, although all known populations of G. politella oviposit only in flowers, all G. obscura populations examined here distributed their eggs among both floral and scape tissues both in the field and in laboratory experiments. The distribution of eggs among plant parts, however, varied among moth populations, and also depended on the Lithophragma species they attacked. Together, these results show the potential for phytophagous insect species and populations to diverge in use of plant parts as part of the process of speciation and adaptation. These two layers of specialization enhance the potential for subsequent diversification in phytophagous insect lineages.  相似文献   

Ehrlich and Raven's (1964) hypothesis on coevolution has stimulated numerous phylogenetic studies that focus on the effects of plant defensive chemistry as the main ecological axis of phytophagous insect diversification. However, other ecological features affect host use and diet breadth and they may have very different consequences for insect evolution. In this paper, we present a phylogenetic study based on DNA sequences from mitochondrial and protein-coding genes of species in the seed beetle genus Stator, which collectively show considerable interspecific variation in host affiliation, diet breadth, and the dispersal stage of the seeds that they attack. We used comparative analyses to examine transitions in these three axes of resource use. We argue that these analyses show that diet breadth evolution is dependent upon colonizing novel hosts that are closely or distantly related to the ancestral host, and that oviposition substrate affects the evolution of host-plant affiliation, the evolution of dietary specialization, and the degree to which host plants are shared between species. The results of this study show that diversification is structured by interactions between different selective pressures and along multiple ecological axes.  相似文献   

To forecast the effects of climate change and extreme temperature events on insect population dynamics, the high-temperature tolerance of insects must be taken into account. We compared the life-history characteristics of cowpea aphid (Aphis craccivora Koch) across different temperature regimes on two different host plants, soybean (a preferred host) and cotton (a non-preferred host). Most demographic parameters were superior for the aphid on soybean than on cotton. Temperatures affected aphid development more on cotton than on soybean. The intrinsic rate of increase, reproduction rate, number of progeny per adult, and longevity were significantly higher on soybean than on cotton for the same temperature regime. Temperatures that fluctuated to extreme levels caused a rapid decline in each of these parameters for aphids fed on cotton, but not for those fed on soybean. To our knowledge, this is the first report to note that the high-temperature tolerance of A. craccivora is host-specific (cotton vs. soybean). Our findings may partly explain the observed niche switching of the cowpea aphid (Aphis craccivora) from cotton to soybean at the beginning of summer when the temperature goes up in the Xinjiang cotton-growing zone (Northwest China). This host mediation of high-temperature tolerance in aphids should be taken into account when modeling population dynamics under the influence of global warming, host adaptation, and the risk analysis of alien pest invasions.  相似文献   

D. S. Bigger  L. R. Fox 《Oecologia》1997,112(2):179-186
Although ecological specialists exploit a relatively limited resource base, it is unclear whether specialization limits local population density. Here, we focus on the relationship between diet specialization and local population density of a phytophagous insect, the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). We compared key life history traits and food plant use among five pairs of high- and low-density populations from widely separate geographical areas. Moths from populations that persist at high densities were more generalized in food plant use than moths from low-density populations. In particular, the oviposition preference and larval performance of moths from some high-density populations were less variable across a suite of food plants, suggesting that moths from high- density populations had a broader diet. In addition, low- density populations were less similar to each other, exhibiting opposing preferences for particular plant species. Hence diet breadth may explain some of the persistent differences in the population density of diamondback moths in the field, consistent with the idea that ecological specialization may be generally associated with population density. Received: 19 December 1996 / Accepted: 2 May 1997  相似文献   

The effects of two entomopathogenic fungal endophytes, Beauveria bassiana and Purpureocillium lilacinum (formerly Paecilomyces lilacinus), were assessed on the reproduction of cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Homoptera:Aphididae), through in planta feeding trials. In replicate greenhouse and field trials, cotton plants (Gossypium hirsutum) were inoculated as seed treatments with two concentrations of B. bassiana or P. lilacinum conidia. Positive colonization of cotton by the endophytes was confirmed through potato dextrose agar (PDA) media plating and PCR analysis. Inoculation and colonization of cotton by either B. bassiana or P. lilacinum negatively affected aphid reproduction over periods of seven and 14 days in a series of greenhouse trials. Field trials were conducted in the summers of 2012 and 2013 in which cotton plants inoculated as seed treatments with B. bassiana and P. lilacinum were exposed to cotton aphids for 14 days. There was a significant overall effect of endophyte treatment on the number of cotton aphids per plant. Plants inoculated with B. bassiana had significantly lower numbers of aphids across both years. The number of aphids on plants inoculated with P. lilacinum exhibited a similar, but non-significant, reduction in numbers relative to control plants. We also tested the pathogenicity of both P. lilacinum and B. bassiana strains used in the experiments against cotton aphids in a survival experiment where 60% and 57% of treated aphids, respectively, died from infection over seven days versus 10% mortality among control insects. Our results demonstrate (i) the successful establishment of P. lilacinum and B. bassiana as endophytes in cotton via seed inoculation, (ii) subsequent negative effects of the presence of both target endophytes on cotton aphid reproduction using whole plant assays, and (iii) that the P. lilacinum strain used is both endophytic and pathogenic to cotton aphids. Our results illustrate the potential of using these endophytes for the biological control of aphids and other herbivores under greenhouse and field conditions.  相似文献   

Butterfly Host Plant Choice in the Face of Possible Confusion   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We tested predictions from the theory that ovipositing females of phytophagous insects are limited by their neural capacity for information processing. Previous studies have found that relatively specialized insects make faster and/or more accurate identifications of host plants compared to generalists. The study species was the polyphagous comma butterfly, Polygonia c-album (Nymphalidae). We compared females originating from two populations (Sweden and England) which differ in degree of specialization on the preferred host Urtica dioica (Urticaceae). Females were given a choice between this plant and a very similar nonhost, white dead nettle, Laminum album (Lamiacease), or a choice between a relatively poor host, Betuala pubescens, and the nonhost Betula pendula (Betulaceae). Oviposition rate was lower in cages with Betula compared to cages with Urtica, demonstrating that P. c-album females will withhold eggs when preferred hosts are not available. As predicted, females originating from the Swedish generalist population oviposited more often on the nonhost Lamium. However, females of both populations discriminated very strongly against oviposition on B. pendula. We found that newly hatched larvae have some ability to move from herbaceous nonhost to hosts. Although alternative interpretations are possible, the results give further support to the hypothesis that there are trade-offs between diet breadth and the ability to discriminate among plants.  相似文献   

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