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Salinization is an important and increasingly prevalent issue which has broad and profound effects on plant survival and distribution pattern. To understand the patterns and potential drivers of leaf traits in saline environments, we determined the soil properties, leaf morphological traits (specific leaf area, SLA, and leaf dry matter content, LDMC), leaf chemical traits (leaf carbon, C, nitrogen, N, and phosphorus, P, stoichiometry) based on 142 observations collected from 23 sites in an arid saline environment, which is a vulnerable ecosystem in northwest China. We also explored the relationships among leaf traits, the responses of leaf traits, and plant functional groups (herb, woody, and succulent woody) to various saline environments. The arid desert halophytes were characterized by lower leaf C and SLA levels, higher N, but stable P and N:P. The leaf morphological traits were correlated significantly with the C, N, and P contents across all observations, but they differed within each functional group. Succulent woody plants had the lowest leaf C and highest leaf N levels among the three functional groups. The growth of halophytes might be more limited by N rather than P in the study area. GLM analysis demonstrated that the soil available nutrients and plant functional groups, but not salinity, were potential drivers of leaf C:N:P stoichiometry in halophytes, whereas species differences accounted for the largest contributions to leaf morphological variations. Our study provides baseline information to facilitate the management and restoration of arid saline desert ecosystem.  相似文献   

该研究采用空间代替时间的方法,对福建省东部海域的平潭岛林区不同演替阶段群落(灌草丛、针叶林、针阔混交林、常绿阔叶林)的土壤和植物的C、N、P含量进行测定,分析不同演替阶段土壤和植物的C、N、P及生态化学计量特征的变化规律,并探讨植物与土壤养分之间的相互关系。结果表明:(1)由于土壤C、N、P的来源不同,导致土壤有机碳(SOC)和全氮(STN)含量随着演替进行逐渐增加,土壤全磷(STP)含量呈先下降后上升的趋势;土壤C∶N随演替进行呈增加趋势,土壤C∶P和N∶P呈先升高后下降的趋势。(2)植物叶片碳(LC)含量随着演替进行呈先升高后下降的趋势,叶片氮(LN)和磷(LP)含量呈先下降后升高的趋势,反映了各演替阶段植物采取不同的生态适应性;植物叶片C∶N和C∶P随演替进行呈先升高后下降的趋势,植物叶片N∶P呈逐渐增加的趋势。(3)相关分析表明,土壤SOC与STN呈显著正相关关系,表明土壤C、N元素有较强的耦合关系;植物LN与LP呈显著正相关关系,共同反映植物的光合作用;植物叶片LP与土壤STP呈显著正相关关系,且植物叶片N∶P在各演替阶段均大于16,说明平潭岛植物生长主要受到土壤P限制。  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays several important roles in forest ecosystem development, undergoing chemical, physical and/or biological reactions that affect ecosystem nutrient retention. Very few studies have focused on gross rates of DOM production, and we know of no study that has directly measured DOM production from root litter. Our objectives were to quantify major sources of total potentially water-soluble organic matter (DOMtps) production, with an emphasis on production from root litter, to quantify and compare total potentially soluble organic C, N, and P (DOCtps, DONtps, and DOPtps) production, and to quantify changes in their production during forest primary succession and ecosystem development at the Mt. Shasta Mudflows ecosystem chronosequence. To do so, we exhaustively extracted freshly senesced root and leaf and other aboveground litter for DOCtps, DONtps, and DOPtps by vegetation category, and we calculated DOMtps production (g m−2 y−1) at the ecosystem level using data for annual production of fine root and aboveground litter. DOM production from throughfall was calculated by measuring throughfall volume and concentration over 2 years. Results showed that DOMtps production from root litter was a very important source of DOMtps in the Mount Shasta mudflow ecosystems, in some cases comparable to production from leaf litter for DONtps and larger than production from leaf litter for DOPtps. Total DOCtps and DONtps production from all sources increased early in succession from the 77- to the 255-year-old ecosystem. However, total DOPtps production across the ecosystem chronosequence showed a unique pattern. Generally, the relative importance of root litter for total fine detrital DOCtps and DONtps production increased significantly during ecosystem development. Furthermore, DOCtps and DONtps production were predominantly driven by changes in biomass production during ecosystem development, whereas changes in litter solubility due to changes in species composition had a smaller effect. We suggest that DOMtps production from root litter may be an important source of organic matter for the accumulation of SOM during forest ecosystem development. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Shauna M. Uselman, Robert G. Qualls, and Juliane Lilienfein conceived of or designed the study and performed research. SMU analyzed data and wrote the article. SMU and RGQ contributed new methods or models.  相似文献   



Livestock grazing is the most prevalent land use of grasslands worldwide. The effects of grazing on plant C, N, P contents and stoichiometry across hierarchical levels, however, have rarely been studied; particularly whether the effects are mediated by resource availability and the underpinning mechanisms remain largely unclear.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using a multi-organization-level approach, we examined the effects of grazing on the C, N, and P contents and stoichiometry in plant tissues (leaves and roots) and linkages to ecosystem functioning across three vegetation types (meadow, meadow steppe, and typical steppe) in the Inner Mongolia grassland, China. Our results showed that the effects of grazing on the C, N, and P contents and stoichiometry in leaves and roots differed substantially among vegetation types and across different hierarchical levels (species, functional group, and vegetation type levels). The magnitude of positive effects of grazing on leaf N and P contents increased progressively along the hierarchy of organizational levels in the meadow, whereas its negative effect on leaf N content decreased considerably along hierarchical levels in both the typical and meadow steppes. Grazing increased N and P allocation to aboveground in the meadow, while greater N and P allocation to belowground was found in the typical and meadow steppes. The differences in soil properties, plant trait-based resource use strategies, tolerance or defense strategies to grazing, and shifts in functional group composition are likely to be the key mechanisms for the observed patterns among vegetation types.


Our findings suggest that the enhanced vegetation-type-level N contents by grazing and species compensatory feedbacks may be insufficient to prevent widespread declines in primary productivity in the Inner Mongolia grassland. Hence, it is essential to reduce the currently high stocking rates and restore the vast degraded steppes for sustainable development of arid and semiarid grasslands.  相似文献   

N:P化学计量学在生态学研究中的应用   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
化学计量学很早就被应用于生态学研究中,但长期以来几乎被生态学家所忽视。近年来,由于认识到化学计量学研究可以把生态实体的各个层次在元素水平上统一起来,因此元素化学计量学成为近年来新兴的一个生态学研究领域。氮磷作为植物生长的必需矿质营养元素和生态系统常见的限制性元素,在植物体内存在功能上的联系,二者之间具有重要的相互作用。近年来由于人类活动的强烈影响,这两种元素的循环在速度和规模上都发生了前所未有的改变,导致一系列环境问题的出现,因此N:P化学计量学研究就显得极为重要。本文论述了N:P化学计量学在物种、群落、生态系统等各层次的应用现状,同时从分子生物学角度分析了应用N:P化学计量学的可行性,并指出了N:P化学计量学研究的应用前景和存在的缺陷。  相似文献   

化学计量学很早就被应用于生态学研究中,但长期以来几乎被生态学家所忽视.近年来,由于认识到化学计量学研究可以把生态实体的各个层次在元素水平上统一起来,因此元素化学计量学成为近年来新兴的一个生态学研究领域.氮磷作为植物生长的必需矿质营养元素和生态系统常见的限制性元素,在植物体内存在功能上的联系,二者之间具有重要的相互作用.近年来由于人类活动的强烈影响,这两种元素的循环在速度和规模上都发生了前所未有的改变,导致一系列环境问题的出现,因此N:P化学计量学研究就显得极为重要.本文论述了N:P化学计量学在物种、群落、生态系统等各层次的应用现状,同时从分子生物学角度分析了应用N:P化学计量学的可行性,并指出了N:P化学计量学研究的应用前景和存在的缺陷.  相似文献   

Increases in aridity forecasted by the end of this century will decouple the cycles of soil carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in drylands—the largest terrestrial biome on Earth. Little is known, however, about how changes in aridity simultaneously affect the C:N:P stoichiometry of organisms across multiple trophic levels. It is imperative that we understand how aridity affects ecological stoichiometry so that we can develop strategies to mitigate any effects of changing climates. We characterized the C, N, P concentration and stoichiometry of soils, autotrophs (trees, N-fixing shrubs, grasses and mosses) and heterotrophs (microbes and ants) across a wide aridity gradient in Australia. Our results suggest that increases in aridity by the end of this century may alter the C:N:P stoichiometry of heterotrophs (ants and microbes), non-woody plants and in soil, but will not affect that one from woody plants. In particular, increases in aridity were positively related to C:P and N:P ratios in microbes and ants, negatively related to concentration of C, and the C:N and C:P ratios in mosses and/or short grasses, and not related to the C:N:P stoichiometry of either shrubs or trees. Because of the predominant role of C:N:P stoichiometry in driving nutrient cycling, our findings provide useful contextual information to determine ecological responses in a drier world.  相似文献   

周扬  张丹桔  宋思梦  李勋  张艳  张健 《植物研究》2017,37(6):915-925
林窗大小与植物计量化学的耦合关系是林分管理的基础,马尾松人工林相关研究尚欠缺。本文以宜宾高县来复镇41 a生马尾松(Pinus massoniana)人工林为研究对象,设置8个梯度不同大小林窗(CK:0 m2、G1:100 m2、G2:225 m2、G3:400 m2、G4:625 m2、G5:900 m2、G6:1 225 m2、G7:1 600 m2),通过调查,选取自然更新优势草本铁芒萁(Dicranopteris dichotoma)、芒(Miscanthus sinensis)和皱叶狗尾草(Setaria plicata)进行叶片N,P生态化学计量特征探究。结果发现:研究区优势草本叶片平均N含量为15.25 mg·g-1,P含量为1.19 mg·g-1,更新植物受限元素主要为N元素;随林窗面积增大,林内光照强度、温度和湿度均显著增加,优势草本叶片N、P含量受林窗大小显著影响,各物种P含量随林窗面积增大呈降低趋势;不同物种N含量随林窗大小改变的变化规律不同,芒萁N含量随林窗面积增大而显著下降,芒和皱叶狗尾草随林窗面积增大N含量显著增加;在叶片N、P化学计量水平上,芒萁的最适林窗面积为100~225 m2,芒和皱叶狗尾草最适林窗面积为1 225~1 600 m2。上述结果说明通过调整林窗来进行近自然改造和森林抚育等措施,能够促进人工林内养分循环,有利于提高马尾松人工林生态系统生产力。  相似文献   

为了给笋用竹林土壤合理补充养分提供科学依据,以红哺鸡竹(Phyllostachys iridescens)为对象,开展了长期施用不同肥料(生物有机肥、复合肥、菜籽饼肥和不施肥(对照))竹林2年生立竹叶片C、N、P化学计量学特征的研究。结果表明:叶片C、N、P含量分别为514.26~582.77、18.25~30.20、1.20~1.75mg·g-1,施肥竹林均极显著或显著高于对照竹林,以施菜籽饼肥竹林叶片C含量最高,施生物有机肥竹林叶片N、P含量最高;叶片C:N、C:P分别为18.71~35.02、304.41~458.52,总体上施肥竹林较对照竹林极显著降低,施肥竹林N、P养分利用效率显著降低;叶片N:P为15.28~17.12,相对稳定,施肥竹林与对照竹林无显著差异;叶片N、P含量呈极显著正相关,N含量与N:P相关性不显著,而P含量与N:P呈极显著负相关。  相似文献   

以青藏高原东北缘广泛分布的53种常见菊科植物种子为研究材料,以重铬酸钾外加热法和流动注射分析仪测定种子中碳、氮、磷含量,探讨种子中碳、氮、磷组成及分配是否随种子大小及生境海拔高度变异,为进一步探讨植物对环境变化的响应提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)53种菊科植物种子大小差异显著,且随海拔升高种子有变小的趋势。(2)53种菊科植物种子中C、N、P含量及其比值差异显著,不同海拔梯度的物种种子中C、N、P含量及其比值差异不显著,但C、N含量有随海拔升高增加的趋势,而P含量有随海拔升高降低的趋势。(3)种子大小变异并不影响其C的相对含量,但N、P含量与种子大小呈显著负相关关系,C/N、C/P、N/P与种子大小呈显著正相关关系,即种子越小,种子中N、P相对含量越高。因此,高海拔条件下,种子中积聚相对较多的C、N可以为其生长发育初期提供较高的能量及较多的蛋白质合成,从而增强幼苗抵御恶劣环境条件的能力,提高幼苗的存活率;较小种子中相对较高的N、P含量可以为早期幼苗提供足够的蛋白质和核糖体,帮助幼苗快速生长,从而克服其产生较小幼苗的劣势。研究表明,植物种子中C、N、P含量随种子大小及海拔的变异趋势是一种适应性选择的结果。  相似文献   

A technique used for hydroponics was adapted to measure instantaneousroot water uptake from the soil for a leaf succulent CAM species,Agave deserti. Comparisons were made to previously modelledwater fluxes for A. deserti and to Encelia farinosa, a non-succulentC3species. Net CO2uptake and transpiration forA. deserti underwell-watered conditions occurred primarily at night whereasroot water uptake was relatively constant over 24 h. Leaf thicknessdecreased when transpiration commenced and then increased whenrecharge from the stem and soil occurred, consistent with previousmodels. A drought of 90 d eliminated net CO2uptake and transpirationand reduced the water content of leaves by 62%. Rewetting theentire root system for 7 d led to a full recovery of leaf waterstorage but only 56% of maximal net CO2uptake. Root water uptakewas maximal immediately after rewetting, which replenished rootwater content, and decreased to a steady rate by 14 d. Whenonly the distal 50% of the root system was rewetted, the timefor net CO2uptake and leaf water storage to recover increased,but by 30 d gas exchange and leaf water storage were similarto 100% rewetting. Rewetting 10 or 20% of the root system resultedin much less water uptake; these plants did not recover leafwater storage or gas exchange by 30 d after rewetting. A redundancyin the root system of A. deserti apparently exists for dailywater uptake requirements under wet conditions but the entireroot system is required for rapid recovery from drought.Copyright1999 Annals of Botany Company Agave deserti Engelm., desert, drought, gas exchange, rewetting, roots, succulent, water uptake.  相似文献   

Changes in the ecological stoichiometry of C, N, and P in the pelagic zone are reported from a whole-lake manipulation of the food web of Lake 227, an experimentally eutrophied lake at the Experimental Lakes Area, Canada. Addition of northern pike eliminated populations of planktivorous minnows by the third year (1995) after pike introduction, and in the fourth year after pike addition (1996), a massive increase in the abundance of the large-bodied cladoceran Daphnia pulicaria occurred. Accompanying this increase in Daphnia abundance, zooplankton community N:P declined, seston concentration and C:P ratio decreased, and dissolved N and P pools increased. During peak abundance, zooplankton biomass comprised a significant proportion of total epilimnetic phosphorus (greater than 30%). During the period of increased Daphnia abundance, concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (TIN) increased more strongly than dissolved phosphorus (TDP), and thus TIN:TDP ratios were elevated. Sedimentation data indicated that increased grazing led to greatly reduced residence times of C, N, and especially P in the water column during 1996. Finally, previously dominant N-fixing cyanobacteria were absent during 1996. Our results show that strong effects of food-web structure can occur in eutrophic lakes and that stoichiometric mechanisms play a potentially important role in generating these effects.  相似文献   

为了解热带地区植物的营养元素利用策略,对海南3个生活型的9种植物的叶片和根系碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及化学计量比进行分析,包括车前(Plantago asiatica)、蒭雷草(Thuarea involuta)、木耳菜(Psidium guajava)、桑(Morus alba)、臭黄荆(Premnaligustroides)、彩叶朱槿(Hibiscusrosa-sinensis)和厚叶榕(Ficusmicrocarpavar.crassifolia)、海岸桐(Guettarda speciosa)和番石榴(Psidium guajava)。结果表明,不同生活型间的元素含量和化学计量比没有显著差异;叶片C、N、P含量高于根系,叶片的C、N含量与根系的呈显著正相关,P含量与根系的呈显著负相关。C∶P与N∶P低于全国和全球尺度,说明该地区植物具有较高的生长速率。小于14的N∶P表明海南热带植物的生长主要受N限制。这揭示了海南热带植物不同生活型的营养元素利用策略相似,虽然受N限制,海南的植物仍具有较高的N、P固持能力和生长速率。  相似文献   

Water and nitrogen availability plays an important role in the biogeochemical cycles of essential elements, such as carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), in agricultural ecosystems. In this study, we investigated the seasonal changes of C, N and P concentrations, accumulation, partitioning, and C:N:P stoichiometric ratios in different plant tissues (root, stem-leaf, and panicle) of late-season rice under two irrigation regimes (continuous flooding, CF; alternate wetting and drying, AWD) and four N managements (control, N0; conventional urea at 240 kg N ha−1, UREA; controlled-release bulk blending fertilizer at 240 kg N ha−1, BBF; polymer-coated urea at 240 kg N ha−1, PCU). We found that water and N treatments had remarkable effects on the measured parameters in different plant tissues after transplanting, but the water and N interactions had insignificant effects. Tissue C:N, N:P and C:P ratios ranged from 14.6 to 52.1, 3.1 to 7.8, and 76.9 to 254.3 over the rice growing seasons, respectively. The root and stem-leaf C:N:P and panicle C:N ratios showed overall uptrends with a peak at harvest whereas the panicle N:P and C:P ratios decreased from filling to harvest. The AWD treatment did not affect the concentrations and accumulation of tissue C and N, but greatly decreased those of P, resulting in enhanced N:P and C:P ratios. N fertilization significantly increased tissue N concentration, slightly enhanced tissue P concentration, but did not affect tissue C concentration, leading to a significant increase in tissue N:P ratio but a decrease in C:N and C:P ratios. Our results suggested that the growth of rice in the Taihu Lake region was co-limited by N and P. These findings broadened our understanding of the responses of plant C:N:P stoichiometry to simultaneous water and N managements in subtropical high-yielding rice systems.  相似文献   

Root production and turnover were studied using sequential core sampling and observations in permanent minirhizotrons in the field in three dry heathland stands dominated by the evergreen dwarfshrub Calluna vulgaris and the grasses Deschampsia flexuosa and Molinia caerulea, respectively. Root biomass production, estimated by core sampling, amounted to 160 (Calluna), 180 (Deschampsia) and 1380 (Molinia) g m-2 yr-1, respectively. Root biomass turnover rate in Calluna (0.64 yr-1) was lower compared with the grasses (Deschampsia: 0.96 yr-1; Molinia 1.68yr-1)). Root length turnover rate was 0.75–0.77 yr-1 (Deschampsia) and 1.17–1.49 yr-1 (Molinia), respectively. No resorption of N and P from senescing roots was observed in either species. Input of organic N into the soil due to root turnover, estimated using the core sampling data, amounted to 1.8 g N m-2 yr-1(Calluna), 1.7 g N m-2 yr-1 (Deschampsia) and 19.7 g N m-2 yr-1 (Molinia), respectively. The organic P input was 0.05, 0.07 and 0.55 g P M-2 yr-1, respectively. Using the minirhizotron turnover estimates these values were20–22% (Deschampsia) and 11–30% (Molinia) lower.When the biomass turnover data were used, it appeared that in the Molinia stand root turnover contributed 67% to total litter production, 87% to total litter nitrogen loss and 84% to total litter phosphorus loss. For Calluna and Deschampsia these percentages were about three and two times lower, respectively.This study shows that (1) Root turnover is a key factor in ecosystem C, N, and P cycling; and that (2) The relative importance of root turnover differs between species.  相似文献   

为了探讨不同覆盖年限下雷竹(Phyllostachys praecox)细根碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)化学计量特征,明确雷竹细根养分动态对覆盖经营措施的响应,为实现雷竹笋用林地养分平衡和高效经济效益提供理论依据。该研究以雅安市雨城区草坝镇已开展连续4年覆盖(LM)、连续2年覆盖(SM)、不覆盖(CK)3种不同覆盖年限下的笋用雷竹林为研究对象,覆盖材料为谷壳(上层保温层)和稻草(下层增温层),在每个标准地内"S"形布设采样点并使用根系取样器对0~30 cm土层细根于各季节取样,分析计算不同覆盖年限下雷竹细根C、N、P的化学计量特征。结果显示:(1)覆盖年限和季节均能显著影响雷竹细根C、N、P含量及其化学计量比,与季节相比覆盖年限是影响雷竹细根C、N、P含量及其化学计量比的更关键因素。(2)SM能增高细根养分含量,而LM会降低细根养分含量,覆盖影响细根C、N养分含量的季节变化规律,而不影响P的季节变化规律。(3)3种处理的C/N、C/P、N/P均分别具有相同的季节变化规律,SM降低雷竹细根各季节和年平均C/N,而LM增加雷竹细根各季节和年平均C/N,SM和LM均能降低雷竹细根各季节和年平均C/P和N/P,LM较SM各季节和年平均C/P增大,但两者各季节N/P差异均不显著(P 0.05)。(4)相关性分析显示,覆盖年限增长会使雷竹细根C、N、P及其化学计量比之间形成更为复杂的显著相关关系。研究表明,长期连续覆盖会降低雷竹细根C、N、P含量,同时造成细根养分失衡,雷竹林的覆盖经营需降低连续覆盖时间,采取短期覆盖经营措施,给细根休养恢复的时间,从而达到雷竹笋用林可持续经营目的。  相似文献   

对天童常绿阔叶林5个演替阶段的13个种类24个植物个体叶片的N、P化学计量学的研究表明:(1)各演替阶段植物叶片的N、P含量变异较大,N含量的值在6.49~14.69mgg^-1之间,P含量的值在0.66~1.13mgg^-1之间,叶片的N∶P值在7.45~16.38之间;总体平均值N为9.43mgg^-1,P为0.86mgg^-1,N∶P为11.17;(2)演替后期的叶片N含量和N∶P比高于演替前期,叶片N含量的变化趋势与N∶P比的变化趋势协同性较好,N∶P的变化趋势能较好地反映不同演替阶段的群落变化特征;(3)叶片N∶P可以作为植物和演替阶段的限制性营养元素的指标,不同演替阶段的群落生长基本上均是受N而不是受P的限制;演替各阶段绝大多数物种新生叶的N∶P都小于成熟的营养叶的N∶P,两者均受N元素的限制,且氮素对新叶的限制性更强,表明新叶容易缺乏氮素而发育不良。  相似文献   

为探究不同灌木叶片C、N、P化学计量特征季节变化规律,揭示荒漠植物对环境的适应策略,以民勤荒漠区4种主要灌木梭梭、沙拐枣、唐古特白刺、柠条锦鸡儿为研究对象,分析不同荒漠植物在生长季内叶片的C、N、P含量及其计量比变化特征。结果表明:(1)沙拐枣、柠条锦鸡儿叶片C含量显著高于唐古特白刺、梭梭(P<0.05),且唐古特白刺显著高于梭梭,沙拐枣与柠条锦鸡儿差异不显著;唐古特白刺叶片N含量显著高于其他3种植物叶片;唐古特白刺叶片P含量最高,并显著高于柠条锦鸡儿,但两者均与梭梭和沙拐枣差异不显著。(2)4种荒漠植物叶片C、N、P含量及其计量比各指标在生长季节内的变异系数表现为:P(28.34%)>C∶P(24.70%)>N∶P(19.07%)>N(17.49%)>C∶N(16.89%)>C(2.91%)。(3)C含量与N、P含量呈不显著正相关关系;除沙拐枣,其他叶片N含量与P含量呈显著正相关关系,4种荒漠植物叶片N∶P值的变化主要由P含量变化决定。(4)植物叶片C、N、C∶N、C∶P和N∶P含量的变异主要受植物种类影响,植物叶片P含量的变异主要受生长季节影响。研究发现,民勤荒漠4种灌木植物叶片C、N、P含量及C∶N、C∶P和N∶P在生长季内因物种而不同,它们在生长季内变异系数在植物种之间也存在差异。  相似文献   

以秦岭20年生华北落叶松(Larix principis-rupprechtii)人工林为研究对象, 对其不同季节细根、茎(干)和针叶中的碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量以及生态化学计量学特征进行了分析。结果表明, 根、茎和叶中C含量在生长季节内呈先升高再降低而后又升高的变化趋势, 3种器官C含量从大到小依次为茎>针叶>细根; N含量呈波动式变化; 针叶和细根中P含量均呈“降低→升高→降低→相对稳定”的变化趋势, 茎中P含量则呈先降低后升高又逐渐降低的变化趋势, N和P含量均依次为针叶>细根>茎。在华北落叶松整个生长季(5–10月), 细根和针叶中均为全N含量变异性最大, 茎中则为P含量的变异系数最大, 3种器官中C含量的变异性均最小。华北落叶松3种器官中C:N和C:P的季节变化趋势与各器官N、P含量的变化规律相反。N:P值在茎中最高, 在细根中最低。整个生长季中C:N的变异系数从小到大依次为细根<茎<针叶, 而C:P和N:P的变异系数从小到大的排序均为细根<针叶<茎。生长季节与不同器官对华北落叶松C、N、P含量及其计量比影响的交叉分析显示, C、N和P含量及C:N的变异主要受不同器官的影响, C:P和N:P的变异则主要受不同器官和生长季节的交互作用影响。细根C:N:P质量比(369:7:1)与针叶(309:10:1)相近。细根C、N和P的生态化学计量特征相对稳定, 不受生长季节的影响, 可用于生态系统问题的分析。  相似文献   

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