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Genomic hypermutation of RNA viruses, including human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), can be provoked by intrinsic and extrinsic pressures, which lead to the inhibition of viral replication and/or the progression of viral diversity. Human APOBEC3G was identified as an HIV-1 restriction factor, which edits nascent HIV-1 DNA by inducing G-to-A hypermutations and debilitates the infectivity of vif-deficient HIV-1. On the other hand, HIV-1 Vif protein has the robust potential to degrade APOBEC3G protein. Although subsequent investigations have revealed that lines of APOBEC3 family proteins have the capacity to mutate HIV-1 DNA, it remains unclear whether these endogenous APOBEC3s, including APOBEC3G, contribute to mutations of vif-proficient HIV-1 provirus in vivo and, if so, what is the significance of these mutations. In this study, we use a human hematopoietic stem cell-transplanted humanized mouse (NOG-hCD34 mouse) model and demonstrate the predominant accumulation of G-to-A mutations in vif-proficient HIV-1 provirus displaying characteristics of APOBEC3-mediated mutagenesis. Notably, the APOBEC3-associated G-to-A mutation of HIV-1 DNA that leads to the termination of translation was significantly observed. We further provide a novel insight suggesting that HIV-1 G-to-A hypermutation is independently induced by individual APOBEC3 proteins. In contrast to the prominent mutation in intracellular proviral DNA, viral RNA in plasma possessed fewer G-to-A mutations. Taken together, these results provide the evidence indicating that endogenous APOBEC3s are associated with G-to-A mutation of HIV-1 provirus in vivo, which can result in the abrogation of HIV-1 infection.Human apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing enzyme catalytic polypeptide-like 3 (APOBEC3 [A3]) family proteins are potent mutators of a broad spectrum of retroviruses, including human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) (4, 5, 13, 16, 29, 61). A3s are cellular cytidine deaminases that convert C in the viral minus-strand cDNA to U, resulting in the alteration of G to A in the nascent proviral DNA. Several A3 proteins are incorporated into progeny virions and mutate viral cDNA in the invaded cells, which is thought to result in the inhibition of viral replication (4, 5, 13, 16, 29, 46, 61). On the other hand, an HIV-1 accessory protein, viral infectivity factor (Vif), has the ability to counteract the incorporation of certain A3 proteins such as A3G and A3F into progeny virions by degrading these proteins through the proteasome-dependent pathway (31, 45, 47, 50). Lines of in vitro investigations have elucidated the mechanisms of G-to-A hypermutation of HIV-1 DNA mediated by A3s and the counteracting ability of Vif against A3s, which have shed light on the relevance of host-retrovirus interaction (4, 5, 21, 59, 60). Nevertheless, the physiological balance between intrinsic A3s and Vif in vivo is poorly understood, and the significance of A3-mediated mutagenesis for HIV-1 replication in vivo remains unresolved.In order to investigate the dynamics of human-specific pathogens in vivo, we have recently constructed a humanized mouse (NOG-hCD34 mouse) model by xenotransplanting human CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells into an immunodeficient NOD/SCID/IL-2R-γnull (NOG) mouse (15, 34). In the humanized mice, human leukocytes, including human CD4+ T cells, are successfully differentiated de novo and are stably and longitudinally maintained for more than 1 year (15, 34). By utilizing the humanized mice, we have established a novel animal model for HIV-1 infection (34). Our humanized mice are capable of supporting persistent replication of CCR5-tropic HIV-1 for more than 7 months and mirror the characteristics of HIV-1 pathogenesis, such as the depletion of memory CD4+ T cells in the periphery and the preferential infection of effector memory T cells (34).Recently, Ince et al. reported the significance of HIV-1 mutation and its influence on HIV-1 expansion by using a humanized mouse model system (14). In that paper, however, the authors particularly focused on the diversity of the HIV-1 env gene, and therefore, the involvement and the significance of A3-associated mutagenesis in HIV-1 expansion in vivo remain unclear.In this study, by using the humanized mouse (NOG-hCD34 mouse) model, we show that G-to-A mutation of vif-proficient HIV-1 provirus exhibiting the characteristics of A3-mediated mutagenesis occurs in vivo. We also provide a novel insight indicating that intrinsic A3-mediated G-to-A mutation is independently caused by endogenous A3 protein. Furthermore, in contrast to the prominent accumulation of G-to-A mutation in provirus, we observed few mutations in virion-associated RNA in plasma. Based on our findings, we discuss the possibility that endogenous A3s have a significant influence on HIV-1 infection in vivo.  相似文献   

Cellular restriction factors help to defend humans against human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV accessory proteins hijack at least three different Cullin-RING ubiquitin ligases, which must be activated by the small ubiquitin-like protein NEDD8, in order to counteract host cellular restriction factors. We found that conjugation of NEDD8 to Cullin-5 by the NEDD8-conjugating enzyme UBE2F is required for HIV Vif-mediated degradation of the host restriction factor APOBEC3G (A3G). Pharmacological inhibition of the NEDD8 E1 by MLN4924 or knockdown of either UBE2F or its RING-protein binding partner RBX2 bypasses the effect of Vif, restoring the restriction of HIV by A3G. NMR mapping and mutational analyses define specificity determinants of the UBE2F NEDD8 cascade. These studies demonstrate that disrupting host NEDD8 cascades presents a novel antiretroviral therapeutic approach enhancing the ability of the immune system to combat HIV.  相似文献   

The activation-induced deaminase/apolipoprotein B-editing catalytic subunit 1 (AID/APOBEC) family comprises four groups of proteins. Both AID, a lymphoid-specific DNA deaminase that triggers antibody diversification, and APOBEC2 (function unknown) are found in all vertebrates examined. In contrast, APOBEC1, an RNA-editing enzyme in gastrointestinal cells, and APOBEC3 are restricted to mammals. The function of most APOBEC3s, of which there are seven in human but one in mouse, is unknown, although several human APOBEC3s act as host restriction factors that deaminate human immunodeficiency virus type 1 replication intermediates. A more primitive function of APOBEC3s in protecting against the transposition of endogenous retroelements has, however, been proposed. Here, we focus on mouse APOBEC2 (a muscle-specific protein for which we find no evidence of a deaminating activity on cytidine whether as a free nucleotide or in DNA) and mouse APOBEC3 (a DNA deaminase which we find widely expressed but most abundant in lymphoid tissue). Gene-targeting experiments reveal that both APOBEC2 (despite being an ancestral member of the family with no obvious redundancy in muscle) and APOBEC3 (despite its proposed role in restricting endogenous retrotransposition) are inessential for mouse development, survival, or fertility.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology - The mechanisms for the protection of the human body from viral or bacterial agents are extremely diverse. In one such mechanism, an important role belongs to the cytidine...  相似文献   

Several APOBEC3 proteins, particularly APOBEC3D, APOBEC3F, and APOBEC3G, induce G-to-A hypermutations in HIV-1 genome, and abrogate viral replication in experimental systems, but their relative contributions to controlling viral replication and viral genetic variation in vivo have not been elucidated. On the other hand, an HIV-1-encoded protein, Vif, can degrade these APOBEC3 proteins via a ubiquitin/proteasome pathway. Although APOBEC3 proteins have been widely considered as potent restriction factors against HIV-1, it remains unclear which endogenous APOBEC3 protein(s) affect HIV-1 propagation in vivo. Here we use a humanized mouse model and HIV-1 with mutations in Vif motifs that are responsible for specific APOBEC3 interactions, DRMR/AAAA (4A) or YRHHY/AAAAA (5A), and demonstrate that endogenous APOBEC3D/F and APOBEC3G exert strong anti-HIV-1 activity in vivo. We also show that the growth kinetics of 4A HIV-1 negatively correlated with the expression level of APOBEC3F. Moreover, single genome sequencing analyses of viral RNA in plasma of infected mice reveal that 4A HIV-1 is specifically and significantly diversified. Furthermore, a mutated virus that is capable of using both CCR5 and CXCR4 as entry coreceptor is specifically detected in 4A HIV-1-infected mice. Taken together, our results demonstrate that APOBEC3D/F and APOBEC3G fundamentally work as restriction factors against HIV-1 in vivo, but at the same time, that APOBEC3D and APOBEC3F are capable of promoting viral diversification and evolution in vivo.  相似文献   

The apolipoprotein B editing complex 3 (A3) cytidine deaminases are among the most highly evolutionarily selected retroviral restriction factors, both in terms of gene copy number and sequence diversity. Primate genomes encode seven A3 genes, and while A3F and 3G are widely recognized as important in the restriction of HIV, the role of the other genes, particularly A3A, is not as clear. Indeed, since human cells can express multiple A3 genes, and because of the lack of an experimentally tractable model, it is difficult to dissect the individual contribution of each gene to virus restriction in vivo. To overcome this problem, we generated human A3A and A3G transgenic mice on a mouse A3 knockout background. Using these mice, we demonstrate that both A3A and A3G restrict infection by murine retroviruses but by different mechanisms: A3G was packaged into virions and caused extensive deamination of the retrovirus genomes while A3A was not packaged and instead restricted infection when expressed in target cells. Additionally, we show that a murine leukemia virus engineered to express HIV Vif overcame the A3G-mediated restriction, thereby creating a novel model for studying the interaction between these proteins. We have thus developed an in vivo system for understanding how human A3 proteins use different modes of restriction, as well as a means for testing therapies that disrupt HIV Vif-A3G interactions.  相似文献   

Xenotransplantation of porcine cells, tissues, and organs shows promise to surmount the shortage of human donor materials. Among the barriers to pig-to-human xenotransplantation are porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERV) since functional representatives of the two polytropic classes, PERV-A and PERV-B, are able to infect human embryonic kidney cells in vitro, suggesting that a xenozoonosis in vivo could occur. To assess the capacity of human and porcine cells to counteract PERV infections, we analyzed human and porcine APOBEC3 (A3) proteins. This multigene family of cytidine deaminases contributes to the cellular intrinsic immunity and act as potent inhibitors of retroviruses and retrotransposons. Our data show that the porcine A3 gene locus on chromosome 5 consists of the two single-domain genes A3Z2 and A3Z3. The evolutionary relationships of the A3Z3 genes reflect the evolutionary history of mammals. The two A3 genes encode at least four different mRNAs: A3Z2, A3Z3, A3Z2-Z3, and A3Z2-Z3 splice variant A (SVA). Porcine and human A3s have been tested toward their antiretroviral activity against PERV and murine leukemia virus (MuLV) using novel single-round reporter viruses. The porcine A3Z2, A3Z3 and A3Z2-Z3 were packaged into PERV particles and inhibited PERV replication in a dose-dependent manner. The antiretroviral effect correlated with editing by the porcine A3s with a trinucleotide preference for 5' TGC for A3Z2 and A3Z2-Z3 and 5' CAC for A3Z3. These results strongly imply that human and porcine A3s could inhibit PERV replication in vivo, thereby reducing the risk of infection of human cells by PERV in the context of pig-to-human xenotransplantation.  相似文献   

Restriction of foamy viruses by APOBEC cytidine deaminases   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
Foamy viruses (FVs) are nonpathogenic retroviruses infecting many species of mammals, notably primates, cattle, and cats. We have examined whether members of the apolipoprotein B-editing catalytic polypeptide-like subunit (APOBEC) family of antiviral cytidine deaminases restrict replication of simian FV. We show that human APOBEC3G is a potent inhibitor of FV infectivity in cell culture experiments. This antiviral activity is associated with cytidine editing of the viral genome. Both molecular FV clones and primary uncloned viruses were susceptible to APOBEC3G, and viral infectivity was also inhibited by murine and simian APOBEC3G homologues, as well as by human APOBEC3F. Wild-type and bet-deleted viruses were similarly sensitive to this antiviral activity, suggesting that Bet does not significantly counteract APOBEC proteins. Moreover, we did not detect FV sequences that may have been targeted by APOBEC in naturally infected macaques, but we observed a few G-to-A substitutions in humans that have been accidentally contaminated by simian FV. In infected hosts, the persistence strategy employed by FV might be based on low levels of replication, as well as avoidance of cells expressing large amounts of active cytidine deaminases.  相似文献   

Multiple studies have indicated that the TET oxidases and, more controversially, the activation-induced cytidine deaminase/APOBEC deaminases have the capacity to convert genomic DNA 5-methylcytosine (MeC) into altered nucleobases that provoke excision repair and culminate in the replacement of the original MeC with a normal cytosine (C). We show that human APOBEC3A (A3A) efficiently deaminates both MeC to thymine (T) and normal C to uracil (U) in single-stranded DNA substrates. In comparison, the related enzyme APOBEC3G (A3G) has undetectable MeC to T activity and 10-fold less C to U activity. Upon 100-fold induction of endogenous A3A by interferon, the MeC status of bulk chromosomal DNA is unaltered, whereas both MeC and C nucleobases in transfected plasmid DNA substrates are highly susceptible to editing. Knockdown experiments show that endogenous A3A is the source of both of these cellular DNA deaminase activities. This is the first evidence for nonchromosomal DNA MeC to T editing in human cells. These biochemical and cellular data combine to suggest a model in which the expanded substrate versatility of A3A may be an evolutionary adaptation that occurred to fortify its innate immune function in foreign DNA clearance by myeloid lineage cell types.  相似文献   

Pathogenic viral infections have exerted selection pressure on their hosts to evolve cellular antiviral inhibitors referred to as restriction factors. Examples of such molecules are APOBEC3G, APOBEC3F and TRIM5alpha. APOBEC3G and APOBEC3F are cytidine deaminases that are able to strongly inhibit retroviral replication by at least two mechanisms. They are counteracted by the lentiviral Vif protein. TRIM5alpha binds to sensitive, incoming retroviruses via its C-terminal PRY/SPRY domain and rapidly recruits them to the proteasome before significant viral DNA synthesis can occur. Both of these proteins robustly block retroviral replication in a species-specific way. It remains an open but important question as to whether innate restriction factors such as these can be harnessed to inhibit HIV-1 replication in humans.  相似文献   

APOBEC3G has an important role in human defense against retroviral pathogens, including HIV-1. Its single-stranded DNA cytosine deaminase activity, located in its C-terminal domain (A3Gctd), can mutate viral cDNA and restrict infectivity. We used time-resolved nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to determine kinetic parameters of A3Gctd''s deamination reactions within a 5′-CCC hot spot sequence. A3Gctd exhibited a 45-fold preference for 5′-CCC substrate over 5′-CCU substrate, which explains why A3G displays almost no processivity within a 5′-CCC motif. In addition, A3Gctd''s shortest substrate sequence was found to be a pentanucleotide containing 5′-CCC flanked on both sides by a single nucleotide. A3Gctd as well as full-length A3G showed peak deamination velocities at pH 5.5. We found that H216 is responsible for this pH dependence, suggesting that protonation of H216 could play a key role in substrate binding. Protonation of H216 appeared important for HIV-1 restriction activity as well, since substitutions of H216 resulted in lower restriction in vivo.  相似文献   

The human cytidine deaminase APOBEC3G (A3G) is a potent inhibitor of retroviruses and transposable elements and is able to deaminate cytidines to uridines in single-stranded DNA replication intermediates. A3G contains two canonical cytidine deaminase domains (CDAs), of which only the C-terminal one is known to mediate cytidine deamination. By exploiting the crystal structure of the related tetrameric APOBEC2 (A2) protein, we identified residues within A3G that have the potential to mediate oligomerization of the protein. Using yeast two-hybrid assays, co-immunoprecipitation, and chemical crosslinking, we show that tyrosine-124 and tryptophan-127 within the enzymatically inactive N-terminal CDA domain mediate A3G oligomerization, and this coincides with packaging into HIV-1 virions. In addition to the importance of specific residues in A3G, oligomerization is also shown to be RNA-dependent. Homology modelling of A3G onto the A2 template structure indicates an accumulation of positive charge in a pocket formed by a putative dimer interface. Substitution of arginine residues at positions 24, 30, and 136 within this pocket resulted in reduced virus inhibition, virion packaging, and oligomerization. Consistent with RNA serving a central role in all these activities, the oligomerization-deficient A3G proteins associated less efficiently with several cellular RNA molecules. Accordingly, we propose that occupation of the positively charged pocket by RNA promotes A3G oligomerization, packaging into virions and antiviral function.  相似文献   

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