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Large pelagic predators occupy high positions in food webs and could control lower trophic level species by direct and indirect ecological interactions. In this study we aimed to test the hypotheses: (1) pelagic predators are keystone species, and their removals could trigger impacts on the food chain; (2) higher landings of pelagic predators could trigger fishing impacts with time leading to a drop in the mean trophic level of catches; and (3) recovery in the pelagic predators populations, especially for sharks, could be achieved with fishing effort reduction. We performed a food web approach using an Ecopath with Ecosim model to represent the Southeastern and Southern Brazil, a subtropical marine ecosystem, in 2001. We then calibrated the baseline model using catch and fishing effort time series from 2001 to 2012. Afterwards, we simulated the impact of fishing effort changes on species and assessed the ecological impacts on the pelagic community from 2012 to 2025. Results showed that the model was well fitted to landing data for the majority of groups. The pelagic predators species were classified as keystone species impacting mainly on pelagic community. The ecosystem was resilient and fisheries seem sustainable at that time. However, the temporal simulation, from 2001 to 2012, revealed declines in the biomass of three sharks, tuna and billfish groups. It was possible observe declines in the mean trophic level of the catch and in the mean total length of landings. Longline fisheries particularly affected the sharks, billfish and swordfish, while hammerhead sharks were mostly impacted by gillnet fishery. Model simulations showed that large sharks’ biomasses could be recovered or maintained only after strong fishing effort reduction.  相似文献   

The worldwide depletion of major fish stocks through intensive industrial fishing is thought to have profoundly altered the trophic structure of marine ecosystems. Here we assess changes in the trophic structure of the English Channel marine ecosystem using a 90-year time-series (1920–2010) of commercial fishery landings. Our analysis was based on estimates of the mean trophic level (mTL) of annual landings and the Fishing-in-Balance index (FiB). Food webs of the Channel ecosystem have been altered, as shown by a significant decline in the mTL of fishery landings whilst increases in the FiB index suggest increased fishing effort and fishery expansion. Large, high trophic level species (e.g. spurdog, cod, ling) have been increasingly replaced by smaller, low trophic level fish (e.g. small spotted catsharks) and invertebrates (e.g. scallops, crabs and lobster). Declining trophic levels in fisheries catches have occurred worldwide, with fish catches progressively being replaced by invertebrates. We argue that a network of fisheries closures would help rebalance the trophic status of the Channel and allow regeneration of marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

In the tropical and subtropical coastal zone, were highly diverse fish communities occur, it is important to study the small scale fisheries exploiting these communities. For this study, 219 fishing days were carried out in Bahia de Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico. Four gillnets with different mesh sizes (76.2, 88.9, 101.6 and 114.3 mm) were used for the fishing operations, from April 1994 to March 1995 and from January 1998 to December 2000. A total of 26126 organisms weighting 11680 kg were caught. One hundred and eighty three species belonging to 57 families and 19 orders were identified. Ten species accumulated more than 60% of the total abundance and biomass, the remaining species (173) individually contributed with less than 2% of the total abundance and biomass. The most important species in the catch were Microlepidotus brevipinnis, Caranx caballus, Haemulon flaviguttatum, Scomberomorus sierra, C. caninus, C. sexfjasciatus, Lutjanus guttatus and L. argentiventris. The catch per unit of effort showed a large variation during the study, both in number and biomass. On average, 110 fishes and 48.5 kg fishing day(-1) were caught. The maximum values were recorded during January and October 1998 (250 fishes and 100 kg fishing day(-1)), and the minimum values were recorded during September and November 1994 (25 org. and 10 kg fishing day(-1)). The total abundance and biomass was lower during the 1994-95 period (F=6.16, 8.32, P<0.05). There were statistically significant differences among the annual catch from each gillnet. All the environmental changes caused by the ENSO event had ecological and economic effects that can be rated from moderate to severe.  相似文献   

Over-exploited fisheries are a common feature of the modern world and a range of solutions including area closures (marine reserves; MRs), effort reduction, gear changes, ecosystem-based management, incentives and co-management have been suggested as techniques to rebuild over-fished populations. Historic accounts of lobster (Jasus frontalis) on the Chilean Juan Fernández Archipelago indicate a high abundance at all depths (intertidal to approximately 165 m), but presently lobsters are found almost exclusively in deeper regions of their natural distribution. Fishers' ecological knowledge (FEK) tells a story of serial depletion in lobster abundance at fishing grounds located closest to the fishing port with an associated decline in catch per unit effort (CPUE) throughout recent history. We have re-constructed baselines of lobster biomass throughout human history on the archipelago using historic data, the fishery catch record and FEK to permit examination of the potential effects of MRs, effort reduction and co-management (stewardship of catch) to restore stocks. We employed a bioeconomic model using FEK, fishery catch and effort data, underwater survey information, predicted population growth and response to MR protection (no-take) to explore different management strategies and their trade-offs to restore stocks and improve catches. Our findings indicate that increased stewardship of catch coupled with 30% area closure (MR) provides the best option to reconstruct historic baselines. Based on model predictions, continued exploitation under the current management scheme is highly influenced by annual fluctuations and unsustainable. We propose a community-based co-management program to implement a MR in order to rebuild the lobster population while also providing conservation protection for marine species endemic to the Archipelago.  相似文献   

Freshwater fishery management is treated as a dynamic system comprising environment protection and improvement, fishing, fishery resources allocation, fish stocking programs and marketing policy. The aims of the plan are to increase the economic value of the catch and to protect the professional fishery. Fisheries statistics, catch per unit effort data and other material were collected during 1972–1976. The total allowable catch (TAC) for the most important fish species was estimated with MSY and population analysis models. The results of fish stockings were studied by tagging and population analysis calculations. Fishing of vendace and non-valuable species (perch, roach, smelt) can be increased, but the fishing pressure on other species should not be raised above the present level. Restrictions on whitefish fishing are needed in some areas. A balanced multispecies fishery is desirable, and suggestions are given for the composition of the fishing gear. Fish stocking can make possible a larger and more valuable catch, but at present its profitability is rather low. The stocking results are strongly affected by the fishery and the gear composition.  相似文献   

Recreational inshore fishing activities practiced on Faial and Pico Islands (Azorean archipelago) were surveyed between October 2004 and September 2005. Recreational inshore fishers employ three main methods of fishing (shore angling, spear fishing and intertidal collecting). The method that demanded the highest fishing effort (number of fishing operations) was shore angling, followed by intertidal collecting and spear fishing. Shore angling produced the highest diversity of catch composition (38), which is in part explained by the seven fishing techniques used by shore anglers. The estimates of annual catch were higher for shore angling than spear fishing (51·2 and 6·3 t) even though they were lower than commercial artisanal fishing (442 t). The weighted mean trophic level and vulnerability index values in the fish catch were higher for spear fishing (3·4 and 50·9) than for shore angling (3·1 and 44·5). Cumulative pressure by different recreational fishing activities was detected on species already subject to a heavy pressure from Azorean commercial fishing, and on vulnerable and top‐predator species. There are important biological and ecological implications whereby fishery managers should implement additional regulations such as prohibiting catches of the most vulnerable species.  相似文献   

This study compared the catch composition, catch per unit effort, and incidental impacts of spearfishers and linefishers engaged in a structured fishing program whereby fishing effort was standardized across time, space and skill level. It was found that (1) the catch composition of both groups of fishers overlapped considerably, (2) the numbers of target fish caught by spearfishers (156) and linefishers (168) were not significantly different, (3) the mean size of target fish caught by spearfishers (1.95 ± 0.1 kg, ±SE) was significantly larger than the mean size of target fish caught by linefishers (1.27 ± 0.06 kg), and (4) spearfishers retained 43% more biomass of target species than did linefishers (304 versus 213 kg, respectively). However, linefishers used ∼1 kg of bait for every 3 kg of target fish that were captured. Linefishers also caught far more undersized, undesirable, or protected fishes (i.e., bycatch) and caused far more pollution (i.e., lost gear) than did spearfishers. It is concluded that the overall impacts of recreational spearfishing and linefishing on fishery resources of the Great Barrier Reef are broadly equivalent (per unit of fishing effort), and that management regulations should be applied equitably across both fishing sectors. A management strategy of this type will simplify enforcement of fisheries regulations and avoid discrimination of particular fishers in local communities where both fishing methods are socially or culturally important.  相似文献   

根据2007年5月、2008年5月和6月对长江口及其邻近水域渔业底拖网调查资料,分析了该水域大型水母资源量变化对渔业种类组成、分布和资源量的影响.结果表明:2007年5月-2008年6月,大型水母的平均网获量和最高网获量增加,2008年6月平均网获量为222.2 kg·h-1,最高网获量达到1800 kg·h-1.大型水母主要分布在50 m等深线附近,及100m等深线以浅的东海沿岸流、长江径流和台湾暖流的锋面上,6月大型水母的集中分布范围与5月相比向北偏移,在2007年5月和2008年5月两次调查中均存在一个水母集中分布点(122.5° E,28.5° N).大型水母和渔业资源呈交错分布,大型水母集中分布的区域,渔业资源网获量降低,种类组成也发生了显著变化.在水母网获量高的站位主要以小型种类(竹筴鱼、龙头鱼、发光鲷等)或中上层种类(刺鲳、长蛸)及带鱼为主,刺鲳在2008年6月的调查中占整个渔获量的23.7%,小黄鱼也占有较高的比重,但一些底层种类如黄鮟鏮等在水母集中分布区没有发现,虾蟹类也相对较少.大型水母对长江口渔业生态系统的群落结构和资源量都产生了一定的影响,而且水母可以通过营养级联反应改变系统的能流方式.因此,在保护渔业资源和制定相关的渔业管理措施时,建议将水母作为一个独立的生态类群来考虑.  相似文献   



Eight years of octopus fishery records from southwest Madagascar reveal significant positive impacts from 36 periodic closures on: (a) fishery catches and (b) village fishery income, such that (c) economic benefits from increased landings outweigh costs of foregone catch. Closures covered ~20% of a village’s fished area and lasted 2-7 months.

Fishery Catches from Each Closed Site

Octopus landings and catch per unit effort (CPUE) significantly increased in the 30 days following a closure’s reopening, relative to the 30 days before a closure (landings: +718%, p<0.0001; CPUE: +87%, p<0.0001; n = 36). Open-access control sites showed no before/after change when they occurred independently of other management (“no ban”, n = 17/36). On the other hand, open-access control sites showed modest catch increases when they extended a 6-week seasonal fishery shutdown (“ban”, n = 19/36). The seasonal fishery shutdown affects the entire region, so confound all potential control sites.

Fishery Income in Implementing Villages

In villages implementing a closure, octopus fishery income doubled in the 30 days after a closure, relative to 30 days before (+132%, p<0.001, n = 28). Control villages not implementing a closure showed no increase in income after “no ban” closures and modest increases after “ban” closures. Villages did not show a significant decline in income during closure events.

Net Economic Benefits from Each Closed Site

Landings in closure sites generated more revenue than simulated landings assuming continued open-access fishing at that site (27/36 show positive net earnings; mean +$305/closure; mean +57.7% monthly). Benefits accrued faster than local fishers’ time preferences during 17-27 of the 36 closures. High reported rates of illegal fishing during closures correlated with poor economic performance.

Broader Co-Management

We discuss the implications of our findings for broader co-management arrangements, particularly for catalyzing more comprehensive management.  相似文献   

Fishery is an important economic activity in the Pantanal. Among the regions species, the Pimelodidae catfish stands out as an important part of the annual catch. This study assesses the structure, exploitation and stock management of Hemisorubim platyrhynchos and Sorubim cf. lima, the sixth and seventh largest Pimelodidae of the Pantanal. The analysis is based on fish caught by commercial fishing in the Cuiabá river and landed at the "Ant?nio Moysés Nadaf" Market in the Cuiabá city, Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The findings indicate that commercial fishing activities target several fish cohorts and that usually only individuals above mean length at first maturation are caught. Estimates of the instantaneous mortality coefficient show that the current fishing mortality is low. Simulations of relative yield-per-recruit model demonstrate that the current yield of two species could be greater if the fishery effort were increased, indicating that the stocks are underexploited. However, an increase in current fishery efforts should be viewed with caution, since the stock-recruitment relationship for the species is unknown. The results indicate that the current harvest of two species in the Cuiabá River Basin is sustainable.  相似文献   

南乔治亚岛水域不仅是南极磷虾渔业的主要渔场之一,同时该水域的南极磷虾也是许多以该岛为栖息地的捕食者(如海豹、鲸鱼等)的饵料,因此对该岛南极磷虾资源丰度的研究对于深入理解南极生态系统有着非常重要的作用.本研究基于精细尺度渔业数据,利用广义可加模型(GAM)对2013年冬季南极磷虾渔获率与环境因子之间的关系进行研究.结果表明: 该模型对渔获率总偏差解释率为32.0%,其中贡献最大的为旬别,贡献率为21.4%;其次为纬度,但贡献率显著降低,仅为4.4%.7月上旬至9月上旬,渔获率总体上呈下降趋势.渔场东侧渔获率较高,尤其是中东部海域,而北侧的渔获率相对偏低.随着地形变化程度的增大,平均渔获率呈下降趋势.风力处于4级以下的情况不仅适宜捕捞作业,且渔获率也处于较高的水平.风向并不会对渔获率产生显著的影响.在表温0.5~2.0 ℃范围内,随着表温的增加,平均渔获率呈上升趋势.  相似文献   


Flooding regulates the amount and quality of habitat available for fish populations in river-floodplains. Although previous studies assessed fish population responses to river hydrology, the processes by which flooding affects fish abundance and catch remain unclear. Here, we investigated whether degree of flooding affects abundance and catch of Colossoma macropomum, a long-lived, overexploited fish population of the central Amazon Basin. We computed the degree of flooding corresponding to the feeding area of young-of-the-year C. macropomum as the annual magnitude of the moving littoral zone (ML). We estimated abundance of age classes one, two, and three of C. macropomum using a modeling program based on catch, fishing effort, and fish length frequency data from the principal commercial fishery. We found that flooding positively and non-linearly affected abundance of the age-one cohort but not of older age classes. ML data corresponding to a late rising water phase in which zooplankton, seeds, and fruits dominated the diet provided the strongest effect on age-one abundance. However, flooding effects on total catch were not found, likely due to catches comprising several age classes. These results provide support to existing evidence that the magnitude of the moving littoral zone regulates abundance of juvenile fish. Because the ML quantifies food and habitat availability for various other fish species, it may constitute an important control of fish abundance in these systems. Management of these fisheries may be improved by adjusting fishing effort based on hydrology. More generally, the information also serves to assess the impacts of hydrological alterations (e.g., dams) on fish recruitment.


In Lake Myvatn, Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) is economically the most important fish species. It is fast growing fish and its size at maturity is 35–50 cm at the age of 4 to 5 years. Catch statistics that are available for the whole 20th century show considerable long-term variation with the highest catch in the 1920s. The catches after 1970 are about 40% lower than the average from 1930–1969 and the annual catches for the last decade are the lowest. Stock size during the winter fishing season fluctuated considerably between years, with average annual fishing mortality of 83.9%. The Arctic charr population has been monitored annually since 1986, using standard series of gill nets of different mesh sizes. In 1988 one to three-year-old fish were heavily reduced in numbers during the summer months. There are indications of a similar event in 1997. In both years the charr changed its main diet from Cladocera and chironomid midges to three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus and snails. At the same time its condition deteriorated. The catch in the monitoring fishery in Lake Myvatn correlates with the stock size in the beginning of the following winter fishing season deduced from Leslie's method and can give prospects for the fishery in the successive fishing season. An index of abundance of young charr also correlates with the number of chironomids and cladocerans and also with ducklings that feed on the same food as the charr. Large fluctuations in the Arctic charr population in Lake Myvatn seem to be related to changes in the main food species. The catch records available from Lake Myvatn can to a large extent be used as a measure of changes of the Arctic charr population in the lake for the past century.  相似文献   

Kuwait's fisheries include shrimp trawlers, gill nets, intertidal stake nets, and demersal fish traps, known locally as gargoor. The gargoor fishery used to be the nation's most important in terms of value and landings volume, but declines in catch rates have reduced its ranking. This paper describes the status of the gargoor artisanal fishery. The main landings place was sampled for catch and effort, and fish length‐frequency data from May 2003 to December 2005. The catch rate, monthly average number of boats operating, and the number of gargoor cleared were estimated for dhow boats fishing in Kuwait's waters and international waters, and speed boats operating in Kuwait waters only. Over the duration of the study period, the speedboat catch rates were higher than those of dhow boats, i.e., 3.7 kg/trap‐pull vs. 2.6 and 2.5 kg/trap‐pull for dhows fishing in Kuwait's territorial waters and international waters, respectively. The grouper, Epinephelus coicodes, was the main species captured, contributing 19.3% and 17.8% to the dhow catch in Kuwait waters and international waters, respectively. The catch rates by dhow boats declined from an average of 4.7 kg/trap‐pull in 2003 to 2.7 kg/trap‐pull in 2005 representing a 41% decrease. If this decreasing catch rate trend continues, then fishing effort should be reduced to allow stock recovery. It is recommended that the number of gargoor fished in Kuwaiti waters should be limited and that several no‐fishing zones be established to ensure the minimum spawning stock biomass and preserve biodiversity for all fisheries.  相似文献   

色林错渔业生产的现状与可持续利用的对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
色林错裸鲤(Gymnocypris selincuoensis)是藏北色林错湖泊中惟一的一种鱼类。本文介绍了色林错渔业的开发利用情况,并对色林错裸鲤最小捕捞年龄、捕捞强度、最小网目以及最佳年捕捞产量进行了探讨。从可持续发展的角度,我们认为对色林错鱼类资源的利用必须以保证现有湖泊生态系统的稳定为核心,在满足维持一个足够数量及年龄结构的繁殖群体的基础上,以获得最佳持续经济利益为目标。以往强调甚至采用的最大持续产量理论在高原极端环境条件下并不能作为鱼类资源利用的追求目标或确定渔产量的标准,而只能作为对其捕捞强度的参考。总的允许渔获量应当根据最适捕捞死亡率F0.2来确定。本文最后提出了色林错湖泊鱼类资源可持续利用的8条具体措施。  相似文献   

Previously, standardized snap-shot models of the Southern Benguela (1980–1989), Southern Humboldt (1992) and Southern Catalan Sea (1994) ecosystems were examined and found to facilitate assessment of ecosystem characteristics related to the gradient in exploitation status of the ecosystems; highest level of exploitation in the South Catalan Sea (North-western Mediterranean), high in the Southern Humboldt and lower in the Southern Benguela. Subsequently, these models were calibrated and fitted using available catch, fishing effort/mortality and abundance data series and incorporated environmental and internal drivers. This study furthers the previous comparative analyses by comparing changes in ecosystem structure using a selection of ecosystem indicators from the calibrated models and assessing how these indicators change over time in these three contrasting ecosystems. Indicators examined include community turnover rates (production/biomass), trophic level of landings and the community, biodiversity indicators, ratios of predatory/forage fish and pelagic/demersal fish biomass, catch ratios, and network analysis indicators. Using the set of model-derived indicators, the three ecosystems were ranked in terms of exploitation level. This ranking was performed using the values of these indicators in recent years (ecosystem state) as well as their trends over time (ecosystem trend). The non-parametric Kruskal–Wallis and Median tests were used to test for significance of the difference between indicators from the three ecosystems in the last 5 years of the simulation to compare present ecosystem states. We compared the slope of the lineal trend and its significance between ecosystems using the generalized least-squares regression taking auto-correlation into consideration to analyse ecosystem trends. The indicators that capture better the high impacts of fishing prevalent in the Mediterranean and Humboldt ecosystems, and the more conservative exploitation of the Southern Benguela, are the fish/invertebrates biomass and catch ratio, the demersal/pelagic fish biomass and catch ratio (depending on the ecosystem and the fishery being developed), flows to detritus, and the mean trophic level of the community (when large, poorly quantified groups such as zooplankton and detritus are excluded). This study suggests that the best option for classifying ecosystems according to the impact of fishing is to consider a broad range of indicators to understand how and why an ecosystem is responding to particular environmental or fishing drivers (or more likely a combination of these). Our results highlight the importance of including indicators capturing trends over time as well as recent ecosystem states. We also identified 23 pairs of indicators that correlated similarly in the three ecosystems (they showed a significant correlation with same sign). Further comparisons may contribute towards generalization of this list, progressing towards a better understanding of the behaviour of ecological indicators.  相似文献   

Environmental changes and human activities can have strong impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. This study investigates how, from a quantitative point of view, simultaneously both environmental and anthropogenic factors affect species composition and abundance of exploited groundfish assemblages (i.e. target and non-target species) at large spatio-temporal scales. We aim to investigate (1) the spatial and annual stability of groundfish assemblages, (2) relationships between these assemblages and structuring factors in order to better explain the dynamic of the assemblages’ structure. The Mauritanian Exclusive Economic Zone (MEEZ) is of particular interest as it embeds a productive ecosystem due to upwelling, producing abundant and diverse resources which constitute an attractive socio-economic development. We applied the multi-variate and multi-table STATICO method on a data set consisting of 854 hauls collected during 14-years (1997–2010) from scientific trawl surveys (species abundance), logbooks of industrial fishery (fishing effort), sea surface temperature and chlorophyll a concentration as environmental variables. Our results showed that abiotic factors drove four main persistent fish assemblages. Overall, chlorophyll a concentration and sea surface temperature mainly influenced the structure of assemblages of coastal soft bottoms and those of the offshore near rocky bottoms where upwellings held. While highest levels of fishing effort were located in the northern permanent upwelling zone, effects of this variable on species composition and abundances of assemblages were relatively low, even if not negligible in some years and areas. The temporal trajectories between environmental and fishing conditions and assemblages did not match for all the entire time series analyzed in the MEEZ, but interestingly for some specific years and areas. The quantitative approach used in this work may provide to stakeholders, scientists and fishers a useful assessment for the spatio-temporal dynamics of exploited assemblages under stable or changing conditions in fishing and environment.  相似文献   

The post-war fishery of Lake Ladoga can be divided according to its catch level into four periods. In the years 1945–1954 the total annual catch increased, and reached the level of 4000 tonnes. In this period the fish stocks that had increased during the war years were intensively exploited. However, this fishery was not in balance with the stocks during the period 1955–1963. As a consequence, the catch decreased drastically, being sometimes less than 2000 tonnes.Controlling the fishery restored the abundance of whitefish Coregonus lavaretus (L.) and zander Stizostedion lucioperca (L.). This increased the total annual catch to about 5500 tonnes in 1964–1989. However, the fishery control measures have not been sufficient to achieve the conservation of salmon Salmo solar L. m. sebago, brown trout Salmo trutta L. and the migratory lake whitefish stocks.A decrease in the total fish catch has been observed since 1990. This decrease may be related to the deterioration of the environment of Lake Ladoga, caused by anthropogenic factors. The unfavourable state of the ecosystem has led to decline of the whitefish stocks and, especially during the last few years, to drastical decline of zander.Acute problems, to be faced in the near future, are connected with the hatchery maintenance of several river-spawning stocks, e.g. salmon, brown trout and migratory whitefish, because the existing fish hatcheries are insufficient in capacity and technically outdated.  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance and instantaneous natural and fishing mortalities of six species of grey mullets, namely Liza subviridis, L. macrolepis, L. tade, Mugil cephalus, Valamugil buchanani and V. cunnesius were studied as a prelude for the management of their fishery in Negombo lagoon (7°10′N and 79°50′E). L. subviridis was the most abundant of the grey mullet species in the commercial catches and accounted for 37% of the total grey mullet catch. M. cephalus was the least abundant and constituted 6%. The annual catch of grey mullets was estimated to be around 23 000 kg (5.67 kg/ha); about 40 % of the total fish landings of the lagoon. The seasonal variation in the catch of different species of grey mullets appear to be related to their breeding seasons and spawning migrations. The highest value for instantaneous natural and fishing mortalities, which were 1.04 and 0.94 respectively were obtained for V. cunnesius. The lowest values for instantaneous natural and fishing mortalities which were 0.51 and 0.19 respectively were obtained for M. cephalus. The exploitation ratios calculated were less than 0.5 for all species other than L. tade which suggest that the grey mullet populations excluding L. tade in this lagoon may presently be underexploited.  相似文献   

应用年龄结构产量模型评估印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼资源   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冯波  陈新军  西田勤 《生态学报》2010,30(13):3375-3384
利用年龄结构产量模型(Age structured production model,ASPM)评估了印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼资源状况,同时结合亲体量-补充量曲线陡度系数和年龄组自然死亡系数的敏感性分析,描述了黄鳍金枪鱼资源的发展趋势、判断了开发状况。研究认为,陡度系数设在0.6-0.8才可能使亲体量产生出最大可持续产量(Maximum sustainable yield,MSY)的水平。采用美洲热带金枪鱼委员会推荐的自然死亡系数值时,评估结果最接近渔业现状。研究发现,随着捕捞努力量的增加,总资源量和亲体量呈逐年下降趋势,但总资源量自1990年后趋向稳定,维持在195.9-263.2万t,平均为221万t;亲体量在1994年后下降到100万t以下,1997年以后处在维持MSY所需亲体量的水平之下,目前仍呈下降趋势。补充量在渔业初期呈现大幅度波动,1978年后趋于稳定,并维持在3258.36-6583.35×106尾,平均为4687.66×106尾。未成熟鱼的数量总体较为稳定,但成熟鱼的数量出现剧减,从渔业初期的246.51×106尾减少到2005年的19.02×106尾。模型估计的总捕捞死亡系数从渔业初期开始逐渐上升,1991年后出现大幅度上升,处于0.334-0.456间,2003年时超过FMSY,捕捞产量也于2003年超过MSY。分析认为,2003年以来印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼的持续高产量被认为是不可持续,根据ASPM估算,2003-2006年均产量46.4万t,超过了MSY(36.4万t);S/SMSY为0.76;Fall/FMSY为1.39,由此判断现阶段印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼正处于过度捕捞状态。  相似文献   

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