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Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory, demyelinating, and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system. In most patients, the disease initiates with an episode of neurological disturbance referred to as clinically isolated syndrome, but not all patients with this syndrome develop multiple sclerosis over time, and currently, there is no clinical test that can conclusively establish whether a patient with a clinically isolated syndrome will eventually develop clinically defined multiple sclerosis. Here, we took advantage of the capabilities of targeted mass spectrometry to establish a diagnostic molecular classifier with high sensitivity and specificity able to differentiate between clinically isolated syndrome patients with a high and a low risk of developing multiple sclerosis. Based on the combination of abundances of proteins chitinase 3-like 1 and ala-β-his-dipeptidase in cerebrospinal fluid, we built a statistical model able to assign to each patient a precise probability of conversion to clinically defined multiple sclerosis. Our results are of special relevance for patients affected by multiple sclerosis as early treatment can prevent brain damage and slow down the disease progression.Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory, demyelinating, and neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system, and although the etiology of the disease is not fully understood, it is probably caused by the interaction of a complex genetic architecture and environmental factors. Multiple sclerosis affects over 2 million people worldwide, and it is typically diagnosed between ages 20 and 40, thus making a significant impact on public health and its economy (1).In most patients, the disease initiates with an episode of neurological disturbance referred to as clinically isolated syndrome. However, not all patients with this syndrome develop multiple sclerosis over time (2), and currently, the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) abnormalities and the presence of IgG oligoclonal bands in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) are used as predictors for later conversion to clinically definite multiple sclerosis (CDMS)1 (35). Although such abnormalities are considered important factors that influence the likelihood of developing CDMS, there is currently no clinical test that can conclusively establish whether a patient with a clinically isolated syndrome will eventually develop CDMS.The lack of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers is a common problem for many diseases lacking a complete etiology, which is the case for most neurological disorders related to the central nervous system such as Parkinson''s and Alzheimer''s diseases, schizophrenia, and multiple sclerosis. In the particular case of multiple sclerosis, early treatment of patients with a clinically isolated syndrome can prevent brain damage and slow down the disease progression (6). Therefore, the availability of a diagnostic test in the initial stages of the disease is not only desirable but also of extreme relevance to attenuate the degenerative effects of the disease.Biomarker validation has traditionally been dominated by enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assays (ELISA), but recent advances in proteomics techniques have enabled the measurement of a subset of selected proteins over a large dynamic concentration range in multiple samples. Targeted mass spectrometry has thus become the method of choice when quantifying simultaneously a panel of proteins across many different biological samples (79). In particular, selected reaction monitoring (SRM) is the gold standard targeted mass spectrometry method for protein quantification due to its high precision, reliability, and throughput (1013). This targeted mass spectrometry method is performed on triple quadrupole instruments, in which a predefined peptide precursor ion is first isolated, and then selected fragment ions arising from its collisional dissociation are measured over time. Each pair of precursor and fragment ion is called a transition, and multiple transitions can be coordinately measured and used to conclusively identify and quantify a peptide in a clinical complex sample.In a previous study, we used a screening mass spectrometric approach to discover potential markers for multiple sclerosis conversion in patients that initially presented a clinical isolated syndrome (14). In that discovery phase, quantitative mass spectrometry with iTRAQ labeling was used to measure protein abundances in pooled CSF samples from patients presenting a clinical isolated syndrome that either remained normal (CIS) or had eventually converted to clinically definite multiple sclerosis (CDMS) (n = 60). In the initial screening, several proteins exhibited significant differences in abundance when comparing these two groups of patients. The abundance change in one of the altered proteins, chitinase 3-like 1 (CH3L1), was confirmed by ELISA in CSF of individual patients, whereas for others, such as semaphorin 7A (SEM7A) and ala-β-his-dipeptidase (CNDP1), their abundance changes were confirmed by targeted mass spectrometry in follow-up studies with independent cohorts (15). Moreover, the levels of CH3L1 were associated with brain MRI abnormalities and disability progression during the follow-up period, as well as with shorter time to conversion to clinically definite multiple sclerosis (14).We now set out to establish a diagnostic protein classifier with high sensitivity and specificity able to differentiate between patients with a clinically isolated syndrome that have either a high or a low risk of developing clinically definite multiple sclerosis over time. For this purpose, CSF samples from an independent patient cohort from the one used in the discovery study were collected, and a set of preselected protein biomarker candidates were systematically quantified by targeted mass spectrometry (SRM) and evaluated for their classification power. Out of this study, we established a protein classifier based on the combination of abundances of proteins chitinase 3-like 1 and ala-β-his-dipeptidase, which is able to differentiate with high sensitivity and specificity between patients with a clinically isolated syndrome that have either a high or low risk of developing clinically definite multiple sclerosis. Moreover, the statistical model built around this protein classifier enables clinicians to easily assign to each patient a precise probability of conversion to clinically definite multiple sclerosis (Fig. 1).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.General workflow used in the present study. Initially, protein candidates identified in our previous discovery studies—together with several proteins described by other groups—were selected and quantified by targeted mass spectrometry (SRM) in a relatively large cohort individual patients. Protein quantities were then evaluated by their capability of classifying patients with clinical isolated syndrome, and thus, the best prognostic protein combination was identified.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a neuroimmunological disorder characterized by central nervous system demyelination, axonal injury and loss. Considering the complexity of its aetiopathogenesis, early diagnosis of MS and individualized management are challenging in clinical practice. As the pathophysiologic and pharmacological indicators, studies on biomarkers in MS are useful for early prediction and diagnosis, monitoring of disease activity and predicting treatment response. In this review, we will summarize recent development of biomarker studies in MS from protein molecules to noncoding RNAs.  相似文献   



Multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterized by a polyspecific B-cell response to neurotropic viruses such as measles, rubella and varicella zoster, with the corresponding antibodies measurable in CSF as the so-called “MRZ reaction” (MRZR). We aimed to evaluate the relevance of MRZR to predict conversion of patients with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) to MS, and to compare it to oligoclonal bands (OCB) and MRI.

Methodology/Principal Findings

MRZR was determined in a prospective study over 2 years including 40 patients that remained CIS over follow-up (CIS-CIS) and 49 patients that developed MS (CIS-RRMS) using ELISA. Using logistic regression, a score (MRZS) balancing the predictive value of the antibody indices included in MRZR was defined (9 points measles, 8 points rubella, 1 point varicella zoster, cutpoint: sum of scores greater 10).MRZR and MRZS were significantly more frequent in CIS-RRMS as compared to CIS-CIS (p = 0.04 and p = 0.02). MRZS showed the best positive predictive value (PPV) of all parameters investigated (79%, 95%-CI: 54–94%), which could be further increased by combination with MRI (91%, 95%-CI: 59–99%).


Our data indicate the relevance of MRZR to predict conversion to MS. It furthermore shows the importance of weighting the different antibody indices included in MRZR and suggest that patients with positive MRZR are candidates for an early begin of immunomodulatory therapy.  相似文献   

ObjectiveMultiple sclerosis (MS) develops as a result of environmental influences on the genetically susceptible. Siblings of people with MS have an increased risk of both MS and demonstrating asymptomatic changes in keeping with MS. We set out to develop an MS risk score integrating both genetic and environmental risk factors. We used this score to identify siblings at extremes of MS risk and attempted to validate the score using brain MRI.Methods78 probands with MS, 121 of their unaffected siblings and 103 healthy controls were studied. Personal history was taken, and serological and genetic analysis using the illumina immunochip was performed. Odds ratios for MS associated with each risk factor were derived from existing literature, and the log values of the odds ratios from each of the risk factors were combined in an additive model to provide an overall score. Scores were initially calculated using log odds ratio from the HLA-DRB1*1501 allele only, secondly using data from all MS-associated SNPs identified in the 2011 GWAS. Subjects with extreme risk scores underwent validation studies. MRI was performed on selected individuals.ResultsThere was a significant difference in the both risk scores between people with MS, their unaffected siblings and healthy controls (p<0.0005). Unaffected siblings had a risk score intermediate to people with MS and controls (p<0.0005). The best performing risk score generated an AUC of 0.82 (95%CI 0.75–0.88).InterpretationsThe risk score demonstrates an AUC on the threshold for clinical utility. Our score enables the identification of a high-risk sibling group to inform pre-symptomatic longitudinal studies.  相似文献   

Exposure to heavy metals has been associated to a higher incidence of multiple sclerosis. In this work, we present a possible relationship between serum mercury levels and development of multiple sclerosis in Isfahan, the third largest city in Iran. Seventy-four patients affected by multiple sclerosis were retrieved from multiple sclerosis (MS) clinic in Isfahan, Iran. By matching sex and age, 74 healthy volunteers were chosen as control group. Blood samples were collected and serum mercury content was determined. Serum mercury level in MS patients was significantly higher than controls (9.6 ± 10.17 vs. 5.7 ± 8.6, P = 0.037). Concerning all MS patients, serum mercury value was significantly higher than the mercury concentration founded in control subjects {odd ratio: 2.39 (CI, 1.96–2.94), P = 0.00}. Serum mercury level is higher in MS patients with odd ratio equal to 2.39 compared with healthy individuals. It may reveal that high mercury levels in serum might help MS development in susceptible individuals. More studies with larger sample size are needed to confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   



The incidence of multiple sclerosis (MS) is rising in women.


To determine whether the use of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are associated with MS risk and whether this varies by progestin content.


We conducted a nested case-control study of females ages 14–48 years with incident MS or clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) 2008–2011 from the membership of Kaiser Permanente Southern California. Controls were matched on age, race/ethnicity and membership characteristics. COC use up to ten years prior to symptom onset was obtained from the complete electronic health record.


We identified 400 women with incident MS/CIS and 3904 matched controls. Forty- percent of cases and 32% of controls had used COCs prior to symptom onset. The use of COCs was associated with a slightly increased risk of MS/CIS (adjusted OR = 1.52, 95%CI = 1.21–1.91; p<0.001). This risk did not vary by duration of COC use. The association varied by progestin content being more pronounced for levenorgestrol (adjusted OR = 1.75, 95%CI = 1.29–2.37; p<0.001) than norethindrone (adjusted OR = 1.57, 95%CI = 1.16–2.12; p = 0.003) and absent for the newest progestin, drospirenone (p = 0.95).


Our findings should be interpreted cautiously. While the use of some combination oral contraceptives may contribute to the rising incidence of MS in women, an unmeasured confounder associated with the modern woman’s lifestyle is a more likely explanation for this weak association.  相似文献   

MRI phase imaging in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and in autopsy tissue have demonstrated the presence of iron depositions in white matter lesions.The accumulation of iron in some but not all lesions suggests a specific, potentially disease-relevant process, however; its pathophysiological significance remains unknown.Here, we explore the role of lesional iron in multiple sclerosis using multiple approaches: immunohistochemical examination of autoptic MS tissue, an in vitro model of iron-uptake in human cultured macrophages and ultra-highfield phase imaging of highly active and of secondary progressive MS patients.Using Perls'' stain and immunohistochemistry, iron was detected in MS tissue sections predominantly in non-phagocytosing macrophages/microglia at the edge of established, demyelinated lesions. Moreover, iron-containing macrophages but not myelin-laden macrophages expressed markers of proinflammatory (M1) polarization.Similarly, in human macrophage cultures, iron was preferentially taken up by non-phagocytosing, M1-polarized macrophages and induced M1 (super) polarization. Iron uptake was minimal in myelin-laden macrophages and active myelin phagocytosis led to depletion of intracellular iron.Finally, we demonstrated in MS patients using GRE phase imaging with ultra-highfield MRI that phase hypointense lesions were significantly more prevalent in patients with active relapsing than with secondary progressive MS.Taken together, our data provide a basis to interpret iron-sensitive GRE phase imaging in MS patients: iron is present in non-phagocytosing, M1-polarized microglia/macrophages at the rim of chronic active white matter demyelinating lesions. Phase imaging may therefore visualize specific, chronic proinflammatory activity in established MS lesions and thus provide important clinical information on disease status and treatment efficacy in MS patients.  相似文献   


Background and objective

In this study, we evaluated the diagnostic and prognostic significance of cerebrospinal fluid free light chains (CSF FLC) at the time of clinically isolated syndrome (CIS).


We compared FLC-parameters at the moment of CIS in patients with conversion to multiple sclerosis (MS) after 2 years (CIS-MS), patients who remained stable both clinically and radiologically after 2 years (CIS-nonMS), patients with non-inflammatory neurologic diseases (NIND) as a comparison group and patients with other inflammatory neurologic diseases (IND) with intrathecal oligoclonal bands (OCB) synthesis. ROC-analysis was conducted to define FLC-assay characteristics and cut-off values. We also compared FLC-concentrations in CIS patients to determine their OCB-status. A correlation analysis was performed between FLC-concentrations and the expanded disability scale score (EDSS), annualized relapse rate (ARR) and MRI-activity (i.e., number of new and gadolinium-enhancing (Gd+) lesions) in patients.


The levels of kappa-FLC (k-FLCCSF) and lambda-FLC (λ-FLCCSF) as well as kappa- and lambda-quotients (Q-k and Q-λ) were elevated in CIS-MS compared to the CIS-nonMS and NIND groups. These levels did not differ significantly when compared with the IND group. We identified several patients with high k-FLCCSF and λ-FLCCSF in OCB-negative CIS and IND groups. The level of k-FLCCSF production was significantly higher in OCB-positive patients in the CIS-MS group compared to the CIS-nonMS group. The concentrations of k-FLCCSF and Q-k in the CIS-MS group showed significant correlation with the level of EDSS after 2 years (k-FLC: r = 0.4477,p = 0.0016; Q-k: r = 0.4621, p = 0.0016). λ-FLCCSF and Q-λ inversely correlated with the number of Gd+ lesions (CSF λ-FLC: r = -0.3698, p = 0.0223; Q-λ: r = -0.4527, p = 0.0056).


The concentration of CSF FLC predicts conversion to MS within 2 years following CIS. OCB-positive patients with an early conversion have a higher concentration of CSF-FLC. We have also shown a prognostic significance of k-FLCCSF for future EDSS-progression.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic and differential diagnostic power of serum N-glycans for light chain multiple myeloma (LCMM). A total of 167 cases of subjects, including 42 LCMM, 42 IgG myeloma, 41 IgA myeloma, and 42 healthy controls were recruited in this study. DNA sequencer-assisted fluorophore-assisted capillary electrophoresis (DSA-FACE) was applied to determine the quantitive abundance of serum N-glycans. The core fucosylated, bisecting and sialylated modifications were analyzed in serum of LCMM patients (n=20) and healthy controls (n=20) randomly selected from the same cohort by lectin blot. Moreover, serum sialic acid (SA) level was measured by enzymatic method. We found two N-glycan structures (NG1A2F, Peak3; NA2FB, Peak7) showed the optimum diagnostic efficacy with area under the ROC curve (AUC) 0.939 and 0.940 between LCMM and healthy control. The sensitivity and specificity of Peak3 were 88.1% and 92.9%, while Peak7 were 92.9% and 97.6%, respectively. The abundance of Peak3 could differentiate LCMM from IgG myeloma with AUC 0.899, sensitivity 100% and specificity 76.2%, and Peak7 could be used to differentiate LCMM from IgA myeloma with AUC 0.922, sensitivity 92.9% and specificity 82.9%. Serum SA level was significantly higher in patients with LCMM than that in healthy controls. Moreover, the decreased core fucosylation, bisecting and increased sialylation characters of serum glycoproteins were observed in patients with LCMM. We concluded that serum N-glycan could provide a simple, reliable and non-invasive biomarker for LCMM diagnosis and abnormal glycosylation might imply a new potential therapeutic target in LCMM.  相似文献   



Oligoclonal bands (OCB) are the most widely used CSF test to support the diagnosis of MS and to predict conversion of clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) to multiple sclerosis (MS). Since OCB tests are based on non-quantitative and difficult to standardise techniques, measurement of immunoglobulin kappa free light chains (KFLC) may represent an easier to use quantitative test.


KFLC were measured in CSF and serum of 211 patients using ELISA. These include patients without any inflammatory central nervous system reaction (NIND, n = 77), MS (n = 20), viral CNS infections (V-CNS-I, n = 10), neuroborreliosis (NB, n = 17) and other bacterial CNS infections (B-CNS-I, n = 10). Furthermore a cohort of 77 patients with CIS, including 39 patients that remained CIS over follow-up of two years (CIS-CIS) and 38 patients that developed MS over the same follow-up time (CIS-MS).


CSF-serum ratio of KFLC (Q KFLC) was elevated in all patients with MS, 86.8% of patients with CIS-MS and 61.5% of patients with CIS-CIS. It was significantly elevated in CIS with presence of OCB (p<0.001). Q KFLC significantly correlated with other CSF variables such as CSF leukocyte count (p<0.001, R = 0.46), CSF CXCL13 levels (p<0.001, R = 0.64) and also intrathecal IgG synthesis (p<0.001, R = 0.74) as determined by nephelometry and quotient diagram. OCB were detected in 66.7% of CIS-CIS and in 92.1% of CIS-MS.


Although the measurement of CSF KFLC is a rapid and quantitative easy to standardize tool, it is almost equal but not superior to OCB with regard to diagnostic sensitivity and specificity in patients with early MS.  相似文献   

There is significant clinical and prognostic heterogeneity in the neurodegenerative disorder amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), despite a common immunohistological signature. Consistent extra-motor as well as motor cerebral, spinal anterior horn and distal neuromuscular junction pathology supports the notion of ALS a system failure. Establishing a disease biomarker is a priority but a simplistic, coordinate-based approach to brain dysfunction using MRI is not tenable. Resting-state functional MRI reflects the organization of brain networks at the systems-level, and so changes in of motor functional connectivity were explored to determine their potential as the substrate for a biomarker signature. Intra- as well as inter-motor functional networks in the 0.03–0.06 Hz frequency band were derived from 40 patients and 30 healthy controls of similar age, and used as features for pattern detection, employing multiple kernel learning. This approach enabled an accurate classification of a group of patients that included a range of clinical sub-types. An average of 13 regions-of-interest were needed to reach peak discrimination. Subsequent analysis revealed that the alterations in motor functional connectivity were widespread, including regions not obviously clinically affected such as the cerebellum and basal ganglia. Complex network analysis showed that functional networks in ALS differ markedly in their topology, reflecting the underlying altered functional connectivity pattern seen in patients: 1) reduced connectivity of both the cortical and sub-cortical motor areas with non motor areas 2)reduced subcortical-cortical motor connectivity and 3) increased connectivity observed within sub-cortical motor networks. This type of analysis has potential to non-invasively define a biomarker signature at the systems-level. As the understanding of neurodegenerative disorders moves towards studying pre-symptomatic changes, there is potential for this type of approach to generate biomarkers for the testing of neuroprotective strategies.  相似文献   



Expression of soluble CD163 (sCD163), a macrophage/microglia biomarker, is increased in inflammatory conditions, and sCD163 levels in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) have recently been shown to be elevated in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS): the sCD163 CSF/serum ratio was elevated in patients with relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS), primary progressive MS (PPMS), and clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) compared with symptomatic controls.


To investigate the contributions of the sCD163 CSF/serum ratio to a biomarker panel focusing on inflammation and axonal degeneration in newly diagnosed MS; thus optimising a diagnostic biomarker panel for MS.


After a full MS diagnostic work-up, including collection of paired samples of CSF and serum, 125 patients were included in this study. Patients were divided into groups based on their diagnosis, and patients with normal clinical and paraclinical findings were defined as symptomatic controls. Serum and CSF levels, ratios, and indices of sCD163, CXCL13, osteopontin, neopterin, and CSF levels of neurofilament light polypeptide were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). For sCD163 the results constitute a post-hoc analysis of already published data.


All tested biomarkers, notably the sCD163 ratio, the CXCL13 ratio, the NEO ratio, the CSF level of NfL, the IgG index, and the serum level of OPN, were significantly correlated to RRMS, PPMS, and/or CIS. The individual biomarkers in single tests had a lower performance than the IgG index, however, their combined receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve demonstrated excellent diagnostic discriminatory power.


The biomarker panel showed distinct profiles for each patient group and could be a valuable tool for clinical differentiation of MS subgroups. The combined ROC analysis showed that sCD163 contributes positively as a diagnostic marker to a panel of established MS biomarkers. Patients with PPMS were demonstrated to have significantly elevated levels of both inflammatory and degenerative markers.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Previous studies have shown that oxidative stress is one of the main underlying mechanisms of arsenic-induced cellular damage. The aim of this study was to assess the serum levels of arsenic and its relationship with lipid peroxidation in MS patients from Tabriz, as the third polluted city of Iran. The study population included 38 MS female patients and 38 age-matched healthy controls. Serum malondialdehyde (MDA) and arsenic levels were measured using thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry, respectively. The results showed that the arsenic (P?<?0.01) and MDA (P?=?0.03) levels were significantly higher in patients with MS than those in control. Moreover, serum levels of arsenic and MDA were positively correlated in MS patients. The elevated levels of serum arsenic might explain the increased oxidative stress in MS patients. We suggest that high arsenic levels in serum may lead to MS development, and therefore, exposure to this metal should be limited.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) is a member of the TNF super family that controls many cellular activities including proliferation, migration, differentiation, apoptosis, and inflammation by binding to fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14), a highly inducible cell surface receptor. Recent studies have indicated that TWEAK–Fn14 axis signaling may contribute to chronic autoimmune diseases. TWEAK expression via microglia in cortical lesions, presence of TWEAK+ macrophages in inflamed leptomeninges, and absence of TWEAK/Fn14 expression in healthy brain implicates importance of this pathway in pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis lesions. TWEAK–Fn14 axis blockade has also shown promise in various multiple sclerosis animal models. Stimulation of the TWEAK/Fn14 pathway can result in activation of both canonical and noncanonical NF-κB signaling and could also stimulate mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathways. Here, we have reviewed evidence of the possible role of TWEAK–Fn14 axis in pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) via neuroinflammation, tissue remodeling, blood–brain barrier (BBB) disruption, neurodegeneration, and astrogliosis.  相似文献   

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a growing medical problem around the world. NAFLD patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) can develop cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The ability to distinguish NASH from simple steatosis would be of great clinical significance. Ballooning hepatocytes are characteristic of typical pathological NASH; here, the polarized secretion of proteins is disrupted due to destruction of the cytoskeleton. We previously reported that fucosylated glycoproteins are secreted into bile, but not into sera in normal liver. Therefore, we hypothesized that the fucosylation-based sorting machinery would be disrupted in ballooning hepatocytes, and serum fucosylated glycoproteins would increase in NASH patients. To confirm our hypothesis, we evaluated serum fucosylated haptoglobin (Fuc-Hpt) levels in biopsy-proven NAFLD patients (n = 126) using a lectin-antibody ELISA kit. Fuc-Hpt levels were significantly increased in NASH patients compared with non-NASH (NAFLD patients without NASH) patients. Interestingly, Fuc-Hpt levels showed a significant stepwise increase with increasing hepatocyte ballooning scores. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that Fuc-Hpt levels were independent and significant determinants of the presence of ballooning hepatocytes. Moreover, Fuc-Hpt levels were useful in monitoring liver fibrosis staging. Next, to investigate the significance of serum Fuc-Hpt in a larger population, we measured Fuc-Hpt levels in ultrasound-diagnosed NAFLD subjects (n = 870) who received a medical health checkup. To evaluate NAFLD disease severity, we used the FIB-4 index (based on age, serum AST and ALT levels, and platelet counts). Fuc-Hpt levels increased stepwise with increasing FIB-4 index.


Measurement of serum Fuc-Hpt levels can distinguish NASH from non-NASH patients, and predict the presence of ballooning hepatocytes in NAFLD patients with sufficient accuracy. These results support the potential usefulness of measuring Fuc-Hpt levels in clinical practice.  相似文献   

The linoleic acid content of serum lipids was measured in 47 patients with multiple sclerosis, 29 patients with other neurological diseases, 35 patients with acute non-neurological illnesses, and 49 healthy control subjects. Reduced linoleic acid content of serum lipids was not specific to multiple sclerosis and occurred in all ill patients with acute non-neurological illness. The fatty-acid pattern of serum lipids in illness resembles that of essential fatty-acid deficiency. It seems that this pattern of reduced linoleic acid content with increased oleic, palmitic, and palmitoleic acid content may be a general phenomenon in ill patients.  相似文献   

Concentrations of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) circulating in blood and its epigenetic variation, such as DNA methylation, may provide useful diagnostic or prognostic information. Long interspersed nuclear element-1 (LINE-1) constitutes approximately 20% of the human genome and its 5’UTR region is CpG rich. Due to its wide distribution, the methylation level of the 5’UTR of LINE-1 can serve as a surrogate marker of global genomic DNA methylation. The aim of the current study was to investigate whether the methylation status of LINE-1 elements in serum cell-free DNA differs between relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) patients and healthy control subjects (CTR). Serum DNA samples of 6 patients and 6 controls were subjected to bisulfite sequencing. The results showed that the methylation level varies among distinct CpG sites in the 5’UTR of LINE-1 repeats and revealed differences in the methylation state of specific sites in this element between patients and controls. The latter differences were largely due to CpG sites in the L1PA2 subfamily, which were more frequently methylated in the RRMS patients than in the CTR group, whereas such differences were not observed in the L1HS subfamily. These data were verified by quantitative PCR using material from 18 patients and 18 control subjects. The results confirmed that the methylation level of a subset of the CpG sites within the LINE-1 promoter is elevated in DNA from RRMS patients in comparison with CTR. The present data suggest that the methylation status of CpG sites of LINE repeats could be a basis for development of diagnostic or prognostic tests.  相似文献   

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