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Using the maximum quantum yield of photosynthesis, the maximum daily integral of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and the euphotic zone depth as a basis, general formulae for the upper limits to gross and net carbon fixation in natural waters are derived by theoretical considerations. The results are compared with a set of extremely high production data published by independently working authors, including data from algal mass cultures, oxidation ponds, freshwater and salt lakes, reservoirs, rivers and canals, coastal and other marine waters, including upwelling areas. The comparison reveals a quite surprising degree of agreement and suggests that the derived formulae represent a new, theoretically sound general approach to phytoplankton production. In particular, it can be shown that the upper limit to phytoplankton production in natural waters is about three times higher than earlier estimates in the literature. The maximum energy efficiency is of the same order of magnitude as in terrestrial plant communities.  相似文献   

A survey of ecosystem research in brackish coastal waters (Baltic Sea) by the Department of Biology, University Rostock (GDR) is given. Using selected results the main goals are demonstrated, outgoing from the first steps initiated by W. Schnese.  相似文献   

The paper describes the seasonal variation in the rate of phytoplankton primary production in Suraha Lake – a large shallow water body – in relation to certain physico-chemical parameters and the abundance and composition of the phytoplankton over a period of two years.  相似文献   

Secondary production of benthic invertebrates was estimated for Delaware Bay and coastal Delaware. Production and turnover ratios were highest in Delaware Bay (P = 46,572 mg AFDW m−2 yr−1, P:B = 6,O) and progressively lower at two coastal stations (P = 7,501 to 30,124 mg AFDW m−2 yr−1, P:B = 2.3 to 5.3, and P = 4,485 to 4,492mg AFDW m−2 yr−1, P:B =2.3 to 4.8). Production was inversely related to sediment particle size. Production in Delaware Bay was relatively evenly distributed between deposit feeding polychaetes and suspension feeding molluscs with a definite shift in production dominance to suspension feeding molluscs at the coastal stations. Moreover, crustaceans and echinoderms played a larger role in production at the coastal stations than in Delaware Bay. Concerns about the health of soft-bottom communities in Delaware Bay expressed earlier were not supported here. Finally, it was concluded that P and P: B from the Delaware Bay area were very similar to those obtained from other areas in the North Atlantic which agrees with estimates for other estuaries in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

Primary production was used to measure the response of phytoplankton to entrainment in once-through cooling water at thermal electric generating stations. Ambient lakewater temperatures ranged from 1.0 to 20.5 °C. The maximum discharge temperature was 32.0 °C. There was no chlorination of cooling water at the stations studied. On a few occasions, primary production was stimulated following station passage by discharge temperatures which were approximately 10 °C above ambient lakewater temperatures of 4.5 to 8.5 °C. Differences in production levels were not apparent, however, following the return of discharge water to ambient lakewater temperature. There was no consistent response of phytoplankton to the temperature regimes tested, with production levels generally differing by less than 20 % as a result of station passage or temperature elevation alone. Entrainment was considered to have minimal impact on phytoplankton productivity in large open water bodies such as the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Relative contributions by macrophytes, epiphyton and phytoplankton to total primary production was estimated in a large (∼300 km2) widening of the St. Lawrence River (Canada), over a 2-year period with contrasting flows and water levels. Spatially-explicit estimates of whole-system production were obtained by combining field measurements with remotely sensed data and empirical models using GIS. Primary production and relative contributions of each producer type differed markedly between open-water and wetland habitats. Spatial differences within each habitat arose from interactions between physical factors including light, water depth, water transit times and wind stress. At the whole-system level, annual primary production represented 105 gC m−2 y−1, divided roughly equally among phytoplankton (34%), submerged macrophytes (27%), emergent macrophytes (23%) and epiphyton (16%). A 10% decrease in annual flows and 1-m decline in water levels between 2000 and 2001 resulted in a 50% loss of marsh habitat, a 60% increase in phytoplankton production in the open-water zone, and in the appearance of conspicuous filamentous algal mats. Low water levels induced substantial shifts in the spatial configuration and relative importance of primary producers although total river primary production remained stable between years.  相似文献   

In the framework of the EU Project STRATEGY, a short-term study was carried out in the Marinello ecosystem, a small brackish area located on the Tyrrhenian coast of Sicily (Italy). The investigation was aimed at understanding the dynamics of phytoplankton toxic blooms in relation to other planktonic species and environmental conditions. The study started on 10 March 2003, in coincidence with the first detection of Alexandrium minutum, a dinoflagellate known as a producer of Paralyzing Shellfish Toxins (PST) and lasted until 4 June 2003, when the bloom collapsed. The specific identity of A. minutum was confirmed on field mixed samples, through the use of species-specific PCR-primers targeting the 5.8S rDNA-ITS regions. Water samples and phytoplankton net hauls were taken approximately at 10 days intervals in the Verde Pond, one of the five basins of the Marinello ecosystem, in order to evaluate the incidence of toxic and non-toxic dinoflagellate species over the whole planktonic community. The evolution of the main environmental and trophic parameters (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, POC, C/N, DIN, PO4–P) was simultaneously investigated. Alexandrium blooms were mostly characterized by A. minutum (max. 6 × 105 cells l−1 on April 11) and Alexandrium tamarense as an associated species (max. 2.5 × 104 cells l−1 on March 25). During the bloom, dinoflagellates or small flagellates dominated over the other taxa, with a minimum incidence of diatoms. The load of dissolved inorganic nitrogen was maximum in the pre-bloom phase (29 μM on March 19), after which it decreased sharply. An oxygen supersaturation event was registered in coincidence with the A. minutum bloom. The amounts of POC ranged between 266 and 658 μg l−1 showing a discontinuous temporal trend. A recent introduction of A. minutum into the Verde Pond is suggested on the basis of the absence of this species in past years.  相似文献   

Both in situ primary production and biomass (chlorophyll ) of fractionated phytoplankton (<64,µ, <25 µm and < 10 µm) were studied in 10 Canadian Shield lakes to elucidate the spatial and temporal variability of the contribution of size fractions to the biomass and primary production of the phytoplankton community. Mean summer biomass and production of each size fraction varied significantly between lakes. Within lakes, temporal variation was low for biomass but great for production. However, temporal variation can be considered of minor importance during the sampling period, as compared to the spatial variation between lakes. Algae from the < 10 µm size fraction were the most important in biomass (41–65 %) and production (23–69%). The temporal trends for both phytoplankton variables thus generally followed closely that of the < 10 µm size fraction. Among the physical, chemical and morphometric variables of the studied lakes, water transparency (Secchi disk), total phosphorus, lake volume, lake area, and mean depth gave the best correlations with phytoplankton variables.Contribution number 354 from the Groupe de recherches en Ecologie des Eaux douces, Limnological Research Group, Université de Montréal.  相似文献   

Primary productivity of the phytoplankton was evaluated by the 14C and dissolved oxygen methods in December 1981 at the Barra Bonita Reservoir (São Paulo State, Brazil). The primary production varied between 0.17 to 14.51 mg C m−3h−1 at 4 and 0 m depth, respectively. About 57 to 94% of the photosynthetic activity was due to phytoplankton > 50 μm. The highest value of assimilation rate (3.36 mg C mg Chl−1h−1) was found in the surface water. Dissolved nutrient concentrations were very high and consisted mainly of nitrate. Light penetration was low, the aphotic zone accounting for about 90% of the water column. Enrichment with nitrate and phosphate showed that both N and P stimulated the production of biomass (chlorophyll a), mainly due to the addition of phosphate. The enrichment experiment also indicated that phosphate addition has a significant stimulatory effect on the growth of Melosira sp. The limiting effect of light penetration on photosynthetic activity is more severe than that of nutrients.  相似文献   

The isotope decay method of estimating belowground net primary production (BNPP) has the potential to overcome the assumptions and biases associated with traditional methods. Isotope loss through in situ decomposition after pulse-labeling is considered the inverse of production, and turnover times are estimated by regression to time of zero remaining isotope. Method development and estimates of production were previously published using 4 years of data, which showed a clear linear loss rate over time. A slow, distinctly different phase in isotope loss developed 5–10 years postlabeling. We assess reasons for the two-phase loss functions and the implications for estimates of BNPP and compare the isotope decay method with standard coring methods over a 13-year period. Reasons for the two-phase dynamics of carbon 14 (14C) loss could include various biological and/or methodological factors. Results suggest that 14C in soil embedded in roots as they grow, a small proportion of roots that live for a much longer time than the majority of roots, and method of separating roots from soil organic matter may influence estimates of BNPP by isotope methods. Remobilization of label in structural tissue or reuptake of label from the soil did not appear to be responsible for the slow, second phase of loss dynamics. Isotope decay produced more reliable estimates than standard coring methods. Estimates using harvest sum of increments were zero in 6 of 13 years. Thirteen years of root biomass data showed no predictable trend over winter or consistent seasonal pattern, although longer-term cycles were evident. Aboveground:belowground ratios were generally smaller during dry periods, but root biomass was not as responsive as aboveground biomass to annual precipitation. Received 31 May 2000; accepted 3 November 2000.  相似文献   

Determination of phytoplankton losses by comparing net and gross growth   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
By comparing primary production (14C) and biomass variation it is possible to calculate the total losses of phytoplankton. For the mesotrophic drinking water reservoir Saidenbach, average loss rates of -0.31 d-1 for the total phytoplankton and -0.99 d-1 for nanoplankton were determined from September 1980 to May 1981. The greater the share of nanoplankton in the total phytoplankton, the less the real activity as reflected in biomass changes observed. The considerable (mainly nanoplankton) losses, however, cannot be explained by grazing or sedimentation. They are assumed to be caused by high mortality of flagellates due to a relatively high depth of mixing and their retention in the aphotic layer.  相似文献   

Changes in the rate of primary production as an indication of trophic status of aquatic ecosystems have been one of the major indicators of their health. Despite different approaches been devised for evaluating this process, few are useful for comparison and generalization of their results. The coastal zone ecosystems of Yucatan (SE Mexico) exhibit hydrological variability closely associated with the groundwater discharges, which are the only freshwater sources in the coastal ecosystems. In order to learn about the trophic status of karstic tropical coastal lagoons, three of them (Celestun, Chelem and Dzilam) located in Yucatan (SE, Mexico) were monitored for inorganic nutrients, Chl-a, phytoplankton and macrophyte productivity. The nitrate concentrations suggest that the trophic status was influenced by fresh water springs, being meso-eutrophic in Celestun, oligotrophic in Chelem, and mesotrophic in Dzilam. In the case of ammonium ions, the three lagoons were mesotrophic, indicating that processes such as remineralization play an important role in the trophic dynamic of these shallow ecosystems. According to phosphate concentrations, Celestun and Dzilam were mesotrophic, and Chelem was oligotrophic. External inputs of phosphate and bioturbation by waterfowl may be responsible of these differences. Primary productivity at Celestun was greater than at Chelem and Dzilam lagoons and the contribution by seagrasses was significant in all three. It is found that indices based on nutrient concentration and phytoplankton biomass are useful as an indication of trophic status in groundwater influenced coastal lagoons. Moreover, estimations on the total system productivity, and the relative contribution of each primary producer, is a holistic approach useful for understanding trophic dynamic in shallow tropical coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

Studies on the zooplankton community of the Bothnian Bay (BB), the northernmost basin of the Baltic Sea, were carried out in 1976–78. Only 8–14 taxa dominated in the zooplankton community. The highest abundances and biomasses occurred during the warmest period or immediately afterwards, in July–September. The production of zooplankton was estimated to be 3.1–7.8 g C · m−2. a−1 in the coastal area and 2.5–3.6 g C · m−2 · a−1 in the open sea. During the short growing season (June–September) the biomass turnover took place in about 11 days. The productivity of zooplankton is discussed in relation to available food of both autochthonous and allochthonous origin and compared with the other parts of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

华南南亚热带植被第一性生产量的影响因素及预测模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管东生 《生态科学》2000,19(4):11-15
讨论植被类型、降雨、湿度、土壤条件对华南南亚热带植被第一性生产量的影响。比较各种预测第一性生产量的气候模型,为更好地预测和提高华南南亚热带植被第一性生产量提供依据。  相似文献   

Identifying the conditions and mechanisms that control ecosystem processes, such as net primary production, is a central goal of ecosystem ecology. Ideas have ranged from single limiting-resource theories to colimitation by nutrients and climate, to simulation models with edaphic, climatic, and competitive controls. Although some investigators have begun to consider the influence of land-use practices, especially cropping, few studies have quantified the impact of cropping at large scales relative to other known controls over ecosystem processes. We used a 9-year record of productivity, biomass seasonality, climate, weather, soil conditions, and cropping in the US Great Plains to quantify the controls over spatial and temporal patterns of net primary production and to estimate sensitivity to specific driving variables. We considered climate, soil conditions, and long-term average cropping as controls over spatial patterns, while weather and interannual cropping variations were used as controls over temporal variability. We found that variation in primary production is primarily spatial, whereas variation in seasonality is more evenly split between spatial and temporal components. Our statistical (multiple linear regression) models explained more of the variation in the amount of primary production than in its seasonality, and more of the spatial than the temporal patterns. Our results indicate that although climate is the most important variable for explaining spatial patterns, cropping explains a substantial amount of the residual variability. Soil texture and depth contributed very little to our models of spatial variability. Weather and cropping deviation both made modest contributions to the models of temporal variability. These results suggest that the controls over seasonality and temporal variation are not well understood. Our sensitivity analysis indicates that production is more sensitive to climate than to weather and that it is very sensitive to cropping intensity. In addition to identifying potential gaps in out knowledge, these results provide insight into the probable long- and short-term ecosystem response to changes in climate, weather, and cropping.  相似文献   

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