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Boreholes between Kuqa and Korla, in the northern Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, penetrated Ordovician marine limestones at depths of 5–6.2km. From three boreholes 54 out of a total of 170 limestone samples contain calcified algae, cyanobacteria and associated Microproblematica. Calcified cyanobacteria (GirvanellaBotomaella, ?Subtifloria) account for 37 per cent of occurrences; green algae (Dasyporelleae and Vermiporella) 28 per cent; Microproblematica (NuiaBevocastriaRothpletzellaHalysis) 20 per cent; and ‘solenoporaceans’ 15 per cent GirvanellaNuia are common in the Early Ordovician deposits, and ‘solenoporaceans’ are abundant in the Mid‐Ordovician. Dasyporelleae and Vermiporella are most abundant in Mid–Late Ordovician samples. Calcified cyanobacteria are common throughout the limestone succession, but particularly in the Mid Ordovician part. MoniliporellaContextaPlexaTexturata, and Villosoporella, hitherto placed in the supposed red algal family Moniliporellaceae Gnilovskaya, are here regarded as dasycladalean green algae. Despite some omissions, this Tarim flora broadly resembles others from Kazakhstan, Baltica and North America, indicating the generally cosmopolitan nature of Ordovician calcified algae and cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The chemical form of nitrogen (N) is deemed to be decisive in shaping the composition of the primary producer community. Recently, there has been a shift in the dominant form of N delivered to agricultural landscapes. Urea-based fertilizers are a mainstay in modern agriculture, and their ubiquitous use has increased the likelihood of urea export to nearby freshwaters. The shift to urea fertilizers has coincided with the recent expansion of cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs). This study investigated N drawdown patterns between two major freshwater phytoplankton groups—chlorophytes and cyanobacteria. Experiments were designed to understand if different patterns of N drawdown occurred among taxa and the potential synergistic effects of multiple N substrates. Nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4+), and urea were supplied in a series of paired combinations, and N concentrations were monitored to track N drawdowns. We did not find significant differences between phytoplankton classes when supplied with a single N substrate. However, we found that when N substrates were supplied in combination, significant differences in N drawdown patterns were observed. Urea was consumed more rapidly among cyanobacteria, being drawn down at significantly higher rates relative to inorganic N substrates. In contrast, inorganic N substrates were drawn down more rapidly among chlorophytes relative to urea. Our findings support the emerging urea–cyanoHAB link and the potential importance of urea in freshwater eutrophication. As society becomes increasingly dependent on urea for agricultural crops, the need to understand how urea influences phytoplankton community composition may be instrumental in predicting bloom dynamics.  相似文献   

人表皮生长因子(hEGF)基因在蓝藻中的表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人表皮生长因子(hEGF)是由53个氨基酸组成的蛋白,在临床上内服与外敷可促进内外表皮细胞的生长。将人工合成的hEGF基因连接到质粒pRL-489上,位于启动子psb下游。验证连接成功后,用三亲接合转移方法将载体pRL-hEGF导入聚球藻Synechococcus sp.PCC7002和鱼腥藻Anabeana sp.PCC7120。由于pRL-hEGF没有能在单细胞蓝藻中自主复制的复制子,通过筛选,hEGF在聚球藻7002中是整合到蓝藻染色体上进行表达的。用PCR扩增的方法在两种转基因藻中均检测到hEGF基因的存在。放射免疫分析证明,hEGF基因在两种转基因藻中均得到了表达。而且,在聚球藻7002中是采用分泌形式将表达产物分泌到培养液中。  相似文献   

蓝藻是地球上最古老的生物之一,其形态结构较为简单,为产氧型光合作用的原核生物。山西省晋阳湖为华北地区最大的人工湖,该研究以采自晋阳湖水体及岸边附着的蓝藻为材料,采用经典毛细管法分离纯化出5株丝状蓝藻,利用光学显微镜观察其形态结构特征(如细胞形状、藻丝体宽度、是否有鞘)和显微结构,并采用16S rRNA序列分析其系统发育关系,以明确晋阳湖的蓝藻种类,为预防湖泊蓝藻水华的发生、维护水资源环境稳定与生态平衡提供理论数据。结果显示:(1)所分离纯化的5株丝状蓝藻依形态特征归属于3个科,其中2株(JYH005和JYH012)为细鞘丝藻亚科(Leptolyngbyaceae),2株(JYH008和JYH022)为伪鱼腥藻科(Pseudanabaenaceae),1株(JYH010)为沙丝藻科(Desertifilaceae)。(2)基于16S rRNA序列构建的系统发育树显示,5株丝状蓝藻中JYH005为结丝藻属(Nodosilinea)的一种;JYH008可归为Arthronema,该株蓝藻在培养条件下观察到不同的形态特征,可能为新物种;JYH010为沙丝藻属(Desertifilum)的一种;JYH012可归为细鞘丝藻属(Leptolyngbya);JYH022与伪鱼腥藻科聚为一支,由于与该科其他藻相似度低于90%,且不能聚为一支,因此只能归为伪鱼腥藻科。研究表明,基于16S rRNA序列系统发育分析与形态学鉴定结果相一致。该研究结果丰富了山西省晋阳湖丝状蓝藻的多样性,为该湖的资源利用和环境保护提供了一定的科学依据。  相似文献   

Two species of Copepoda Temora longicornis (Müller) and Pseudocalanus elongatus (Boeck) were cultured continuously in the laboratory. Four and three generations, respectively, were raised at 16 different combinations of temperature and food concentration. Prosome length and ash-free dry weight were measured in the adult stage and in Pseudocalanus also in copepodite stage I, and the relation between length and weight was established. In Pseudocalanus also the relative amount of lipid was estimated.Prosome length and length-specific body weight (condition factor) were positively correlated with food concentration. Lipid content in Pseudocalanus was also strongly affected by the concentration of food.Prosome length was negatively correlated with temperature. However, length-specific body weight in Temora was positively correlated with temperature. Therefore, at higher temperature Temora was smaller, but heavier per unit body length. In Pseudocalanus a similar but less significant influence of temperature on length-specific weight was found; lipid content was not significantly influenced by the temperature.Females of Temora had larger length-specific weights than males. In Pseudocalanus the opposite was found, coinciding with a higher lipid content in males than in females.It is discussed that at natural concentrations of phytoplankton body size and weight of copepods are reduced in the North Sea during the major part of the growing-season.  相似文献   

Photoautotrophs are capable of consuming high quantities of CO2, yet scant research exists examining the influence of different CO2 concentrations on the growth of freshwater diazotrophic or non-diazotrophic cyanobacteria. In this study, we cultured two cyanobacteria taxa (Dolichospermum circinale and Microcystis aeruginosa) within controlled atmospheric CO2 chambers at pre-industrial, and post-industrial concentrations. Biovolume and chlorophyll a (Chl-a) differed as a consequence of the adjusted CO2 gradients. Significantly higher biovolume measurements were observed in the elevated CO2 treatment for the diazotrophic species in the initial experiment. However, a follow-up experiment, with a corrected culture replenishment regime showed Chl-a measurements were greater for the diazotrophic and non-diazotrophic species in the elevated CO2 treatment. Increasing CO2 presents a risk to already compromised eutrophic and hyper-eutrophic ecosystems, and we reason increasing CO2 concentrations could affect photosynthetic performance and CO2 assimilation of surface dwelling cyanobacteria. Further experimental work is required to establish ecological thresholds for freshwater ecosystems, as pH levels showed a measurable reduction within the elevated CO2 treatments. As cyanobacteria species may respond quite differently to future CO2 concentrations similar comparative studies should be carried out that focus on CO2 dynamics and pH. The findings of the study indicate diazotrophic cyanobacteria growth in particular may benefit from elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

Summary Snails and nematodes, the potential cyanobacterial grazers, differ in their choice for cyanobacterial diet. Snails prefer non-mucilaginous forms while nematodes prefer mucilaginous forms. Such differences in feeding choice between the cyanobacteria suggests that it may not be possible to select strains of diazotrophic cyanobacteria that are resistant to all grazers. The potential consumption of cyanobacteria at an average field density of 20,000 snails ha−1 was estimated to be about 50 kg (fresh weight) ha−1 day−1. Dorylamus sp. was most dominant nematode associated with cyanobacterial consumption. Phytoextracts of neem (Azadirachta indica), bel (Aegle marmelos) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) were effective in controlling these cyanobacterial grazers. The minimum concentration of neem, bel and tobacco phytoextract in water for 100 % mortality of snails were 0.1, 2.0 and 0.05%, respectively. However, trepellent level was only 0.01% for neem and tobacco phytoextract. Complete mortality of nematode (Dorylamus spp.) required a higher concentration level (2%) even in the most effective tobacco phytoextract. Lower levels of phytoextract (0.1%) were found to stimulate growth and nitrogen fixation of cyanobacteria. Application of these plant biomasses resulted in significant increase in cyanobacterial acetylene-reducing activity (ARA) and rice yield and a significant decrease in snail and nematode population. Augmentation of cyanobacterial acetylene-reducing activity was two to three times higher in comparison to the control in both the years of experimentation. Rice yield also increased between 3.8 and 58.5% over the control, depending on the quantity and nature of plant biomass. Tobacco waste was significantly superior in comparison to neem and bel biomass as carrier of cyanobacterial culture.  相似文献   

为了明确蓝藻中丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶的功能是否与调控细胞的生长分裂相关,以丝状鱼腥藻7120、单细胞集胞藻6803和聚球藻7002为对象,利用OD750光吸收测定和MTT方法研究了不同浓度丝氨酸苏氨酸激酶抑制剂roscovitine对其生长和脱氢酶活性的影响。结果表明:4 h roscovitine处理后对鱼腥藻7120和集胞藻6803生长量影响不大,对聚球藻7002的生长有促进作用。4 h roscovitine的处理对鱼腥藻7120有浓度依赖的显著抑制活性,对集胞藻6803的活性无影响,但是却促进聚球藻7002的活性。药物作用4 d后,7120的生长和活性均显著降低,并有浓度效应;6803的生长量较对照减少,但活性变化不明显;聚球藻7002的生长和活性均未受影响。显微观察结果显示,roscovitine对3种细胞形态没有影响,但药物作用4 d后的7120藻丝体较短。结果表明丝氨酸/苏氨酸抑制剂roscovitine影响丝状藻7120的生长和活性。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the saxicolous lichens and cyanobacteria of the open, exposed rock surface of inselbergs. Twenty-three species of cyanobacteria and 17 cyanobacterial lichen species (“cyanolichens”) from several inselbergs and other rocky outcrops of three major climatic regions, savanna, transition zone and rain forest, are reported from the Ivory Coast. Inselbergs are isolated and frequently mountains consisting of Precambrian granites or gneisses that abruptly rise from the surrounding plains. Cyanobacteria were found to be the dominating organisms on all rock surfaces. The lichens found mainly belong to the family Peltulaceae and a few were present from the family Lichinaceae. Nine species of the cyanolichens and most of the cyanobacteria are new for the Ivory Coast. A gradient in total species number (cyanolichens and cyanobacteria) occurs from the savanna to the rain forest, with a decrease in species number towards the rain forest. Saxicolous cyanobacterial lichens reached a higher species number in the savanna type ecosystem (11) than on inselbergs in the rain forest (7). The cyanolichens and cyanobacteria found are characteristic for larger, light-exposed rock surfaces and species like P. congregate, P. lingulata, P. tortuosa and P. umbilicata preferentially occur on the granite or sandstone of inselbergs.  相似文献   

The effect of the nitrogen source on carbohydrate and protein contents and on several enzymatic activities involved in the carbon and nitrogen metabolism was studied in Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413 cells grown under a constant supply of either N, NO3 or NH+4 at different concentrations. An enhancement of protein content accompanied by a parallel decrease of carbohydrates was observed with increasing NO3 or NH+4 concentrations in the medium. In cultures containing 0.1 m M NO3 or 0.1 m M NH+4 nitrogenase (EC activity was 74 and 66%, respectively, of that found in N2-grown cells. This activity was still present with 1 m M NO3 or 1 m M NH+4 in the medium and even with 10 m M NO3, but it was completely inhibited by 5 m M NH+4. Ferredoxin-nitrate reductase (EC activity was detected only in NO3 grown cells and simultaneously with nitrogenase activity. Increasing concentrations of combined nitrogen in the medium, especially NH+4, promoted a concomitant decline of glutamine synthetase (EC, NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase (EC, and NAD+-malate dehydrogenase (EC activities, suggesting that these enzymes play an important role in the regulation of carbon-nitrogen metabolism in cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

The effects of media and culture duration on growth, macromolecular composition and toxicity of an anatoxin- a-producing freshwater cyanobacterium Anabaena flos-aquae (UTEX 2383) were evaluated. The four media A3M7, CB, MA and B-12 influenced growth in terms of cell number, chlorophyll-a content and specific growth rate. A3M7 medium supported the best growth. The macromolecular composition of cultured cells, viz. total carbohydrate, protein and lipid content varied with media and culture duration reaching maximum concentration at various growth periods. The differences were significant due to interaction of the culture medium and duration. Toxicity of cells grown in different media was compared by Artemia salina bioassay and mouse units. The cells grown in A3M7 medium showed highest toxicity and the optimum culture duration was 5 weeks. In terms of both growth characteristics and toxicity the media can be ranked as A3M7, MA, CB and B-12 in decreasing order.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses account for the evolution of the inner antenna light-harvesting proteins of oxygenic photosynthesis in cyanobacteria, algae, and plants: one in which the CP43 protein of photosytem II gave rise to the extrinsic CP43-like antennas of cyanobacteria (i.e. IsiA and Pcb proteins), as a late development, and the other in which CP43 and CP43-like proteins derive from an ancestral protein. In order to determine which of these hypotheses is most likely, we analyzed the family of antenna proteins by a variety of phylogenetic techniques, using alignments of the six common membrane-spanning helices, constructed using information on the antenna proteins’ three-dimensional structure, and surveyed for evidence of factors that might confound inference of a correct phylogeny. The first hypothesis was strongly supported. As a consequence, we conclude that the ancestral photosynthetic apparatus, with 11 membrane-spanning helices, split at an early stage during evolution to form, on the one hand, the reaction center of photosystem II and, on the other hand, the ancestor of inner antenna proteins, CP43 (PsbC) and CP47 (PsbB). Only much later in evolution did the CP43 lineage give rise to the CP43’ proteins (IsiA and Pcb) of cyanobacteria. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Patrick Keeling]  相似文献   

Grazing effects of ayu, Plecoglossus altivelis Temminck et Schegel, on the benthic algal assemblages were investigated in the Chikuma River, Japan. Comparison of the algal composition on boulders with and without intensively grazed patches indicated that fish grazing decreased the abundance of diatoms and prostrate filamentous cyanobacteria and caused upright filamentous cyanobacteria to predominate. Differential consumption by ayu was estimated by comparing the relative abundance of algae in the stomach contents of ayu and that in the algal assemblages within the grazed patches. The results showed that ayu consumed the prostrate filamentous cyanobacteria proportionally to their abundance, whereas they ingested diatoms and the upright filamentous cyanobacteria in a larger and lower quantity, respectively, than that expected from their abundance. Differential consumption would involve the change in the algal composition toward the predominance of upright filamentous cyanobacteria under fish grazing conditions.  相似文献   

H. Miliou 《Hydrobiologia》1992,232(3):201-209
The harpacticoid copepod Tisbe holothuriae Humes was reared for several generations under different photoperiods (white light) and spectral quality (continuous illumination). The main life cycle parameters were measured and demographic variables were determined. Development time was retarded under green wavelengths and at photoperiods different from LD 12:12, especially under continuous white light. Total body length of females and males was shortest under LD 12:12 and longest under constant dark. Photoperiods different from LD 12:12 prolonged the interval between broods of egg sacs. Short photoperiods caused higher abortion rate, while long photoperiods retarded the maturation time of the egg sacs. Red wavelengths stimulated the abortion rate. Photoperiod LD 12:12 and blue wavelengths increased the production of offspring and the life span of females. Highest intrinsic rates of natural increase were estimated under LD 12:12 (rm =0.304) and blue wavelengths (rm = 0.254). These light conditions proved the most favourable for rearing Tisbe holothuriae.  相似文献   

In an enclosure study in Schöhsee, a small mesotrophic lake in Northern Germany, the impact of copepods and daphniids on the seston community was studied. In general, these two guilds differ in their feeding behaviour. Copepods actively select their food, with a preference for larger particles, whereas most cladocerans are unselective filter-feeders. In this study we investigate how the impact of the two different grazers affects zooplankton growth. We combine results obtained in the laboratory with results measured in situ in the enclosures. Copepods and cladocerans were cultured on seston from enclosures that were inhabited by density gradients of copepods or daphniids. We observed that Daphnia grew faster on seston that was pre-handled by copepods than on seston that was pre-handled by daphniids, and that somatic growth decreased with increasing densities of daphniids in the enclosures. In contrast, we observed no differences in development rates for copepods grown on the different media. The population growth rates of Daphnia in the Daphnia treatments were determined in the enclosures. Growth differences in both somatic- and population growth of Daphnia were correlated to food quality aspects of the seston. In the laboratory we found that Daphnia growth was correlated with several fatty acids. The strongest regression was with the concentration of 20:43 (r 2= 0.37). This particular fatty acid also showed the highest correlation with growth after normalisation of the fatty acids to the carbon content of the enclosures (r 2= 0.33). On the other hand, in the enclosure the population growth correlated most to the particulate nitrogen content (r 2= 0.78) and only to the N:C ratio, when normalised to carbon (r 2= 0.51).  相似文献   

背瘤丽蚌稚蚌的生长与发育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用显微技术连续观察了背瘤丽蚌(Lamprotula leai)稚蚌发育、行为、生长和壳型变化等重要生物学特征。结果表明,刚脱落的稚蚌平均壳长208.5μm,在水温23.9~32.8℃条件下,经过75 d生长发育,进入幼蚌阶段,此时幼蚌平均壳长10.12 mm。壳长(L)、壳高(H)与日龄(t)的关系分别为L=0.220 4 e0.051 2t(R2=0.993 5)和H=0.227 7 e0.041 8t(R2=0.994 2),壳高(H)与壳长(L)的关系为H=0.781 5 L0.814(R2=0.998 1)。以稚蚌行为特征变化为依据,将背瘤丽蚌稚蚌发育划分为爬行期和埋栖期,再以稚蚌壳形状变化为依据,将爬行期稚蚌发育分为稚蚌脱落期、背部平直期、壳顶突出期,反映了背瘤丽蚌稚蚌生长与发育过程的动态变化。  相似文献   

ATP pools extracted from the cyanobacterium Anabaena cylindrica , grown in the absence or presence of AlCl3, were measured using the luciferin-luciferase assay. Addition of low concentrations of AlCl3 (3.6–36 μ M ) increased the ATP pool 20–40% within 24 h, the effect being more marked with time. When using the Tris-EDTA boiling technique for extraction of cellular ATP, the ATP from aluminium-exposed cells appeared more stable during the extraction than the ATP from untreated cells. The higher ATP pools in aluminium-exposed cells were also evident after dark treatment and addition of the phosphorylating inhibitors carbonylcyanide m -chloro-phenylhydrazone (CCCP) and N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD). The formation of elevated ATP pools in cells exposed to aluminium was curtailed by high concentrations of cellular phosphate and postincubation at high pH (>8). These results favour the hypothesis that intracellular aluminium binds to ATP by competing with Mg2+ and, as a consequence, the stable Al3+-ATP complex formed is no longer available for cellular metabolism. The cyanobacterium is assumed to compensate by increasing the total pool of ATP. At high AlCl3-concentrations, and in particular at low phosphate: aluminium molar ratios (<1), aluminium apparently also interferes with the membranes in A. cylindrica as indicated by inhibited O2 production, reduced ATP production and cell lysis.  相似文献   

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