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Analysis of phosphate and nitrate data recorded in the winter surface layer of the Baltic Sea from 1958 to 1989 indicate positive overall trends, although the rate of accumulation has decreased since 1978. The long term accumulation of these algal nutrients in the oxic deep water below the halocline has also decreased since 1977. Under anoxic conditions, however, the trend shown by the phosphate concentration is distinctly positive in recent times owing to phosphate remobilization from the sediment. The salinity has decreased in the surface water and even more rapidly below the halocline in the central Baltic basins during the period marked by the absence of major salt water inflows since 1977. The oxygen conditions have also deteriorated in the near-bottom water layer during this time as shown by the considerable rise in the hydrogen sulphide concentrations. These changes, including the recent phosphate accumulation under anoxic conditions, can thus be considered natural rather than anthropogenic. The impact of long-term variations in nutrients and hydrographic parameters is discussed with respect to the development of Baltic fish stocks.  相似文献   

A short review of effects of eutrophication on the phytobenthic communities in the Baltic Sea is given. Future monitoring aspects are briefly discussed. Local changes in phytobenthic communities outside point sources (e.g. industry outlets, enclosed bays receiving effluents from land runoff etc.) are easily detected and can be due to nutrient enrichment and/or toxic substances. In recent decades, changes have been reported from apparently unaffected areas. The disappearance of Fucus vesiculosus is the most conspicuous. The cause of events is similar in those areas: increases in epiphytes give increases in grazer populations. The thallus of algae is heavily grazed upon. The epiphytes shade their host and filamentous algae compete for space, disturbing recruitment and leading to a decrease in diversity. The rapid response of opportunistic filamentous algae on nutrient enrichment and changing herbivore pressure can easily be observed. Therefore, repeated surveillance in defined areas, which integrates the environmental response in both animal and plant communities, may be a fruitful approach for detecting large scale eutrophication of the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

Analysing the results of various authors recent studies in the pelagic region of the Baltic revealed that protozoan biomass is in the same range or even higher than metazooplankton biomass. The dominant groups of planktonic protozoans are heterotrophic pico- and nanoflagellates (various taxonomic groups), large heterotrophic flagellates (mainly dinoflagellates) and ciliates. Regularly the spring bloom of phytoplankton is accompanied by a maximum of protozoan biomass which declines in early summer as a result of intensive grazing pressure by metazooplankton and changing food conditions. The analysis of results from different stations indicated that biomasses of protozoans increase with an increasing degree of eutrophication. Several trophic levels within the microbial web should be added to the traditional view on the pelagic food web of the Baltic. Our knowledge regarding the quantitative aspect of the microbial matter flux of the Baltic is very limited up to now and complex ecological (and taxonomical) studies using standardized methods including all protozoan components are necessary. Protozoans (various trophic groups and levels), besides bacteria, should be viewed as the metabolically most active heterotrophic component in the pelagic region of the Baltic, their activity should increase with an increasing degree of eutrophication.  相似文献   

The effect of nutrient limitation on Baltic Sea ice algae, and substrate and nutrient limitation on ice bacteria, was studied in a series of in situ -experiments conducted during the winter of 2002 in northern Baltic Sea. Community level changes in algal biomass (chlorophyll a) and productivity, and bacterial thymidine and leucine incorporation were followed for one week after the addition of nutrient and/or organic carbon rich filtered seawater to the experimental units. The results showed the major contribution of snow cover to the algal responses during the beginning of the ice-covered season. Algal communities were able to grow even in January if no snow was present. Nutrient addition did occasionally have an effect on algal biomass and productivity in the ice. Surprisingly, seeding effect from the ice to the underlying water was negatively affected by the nutrient availability in March. Bacterial limitation varied between nutrient (phosphorus) and substrate limitations. The results showed, that limitation in both algal and bacterial communities changed periodically in the northern Baltic Sea ice.  相似文献   

Some ecological properties in relation to eutrophication in the Baltic Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bonsdorff  E.  Rönnberg  C.  Aarnio  K. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):371-377
The current published information of the influence of eutrophication on the Baltic Sea is reviewed and summarized. Harmful effects at different levels of the ecosystem are identified, and the spatial and temporal variability of these properties characterized. The Baltic Marine Environment Bibliography was searched on the web, and some 1170 references with eutrophication as a keyword were extracted and analyzed. The most studied regions were the Gulf of Finland (including the Archipelago Sea), Kattegat and the Bothnian Sea. The search was further divided into several parameters (transparency, oxygen/hypoxia, nutrients, primary production/ chlorophyll a, algal mats, macroalgae, zoobenthos and fish) related to eutrophication. In most regions, chlorophyll, zoobenthos and fish were the most commonly studied biological and ecological parameters. The linking of eutrophication, ecology and a potential decision-support system is discussed, and related to similar attempts elsewhere.  相似文献   

A sediment core, 55 cm long, from station F81 in the Gotland Basin of the Baltic Sea was analysed for diatoms and ebridians. Chrysophyte stomatocysts found in the core were also counted but not identified. The aim was to trace environmental changes, e.g. eutrophication and salinity variations. There is evidence that eutrophication has been increasing in the Baltic Sea in recent decades.Brackish-marine plankton diatoms dominate the entire core and reflect the local planktonic taxa rather well. The dominant taxon is the polyhalobous Actinocyclus octonarius. The main biostratigraphical change within the core analysed takes place at a depth of about 22 cm, where the abundance of diatoms, and especially of Chaetoceros spp., Thalassiosira hyberborea var. pelagica and T. baltica start to increase. This may reflect eutrophication which can be estimated to have started c. 200 years ago.  相似文献   

Sakson  Maire  Miller  Urve 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):243-249
Twenty one superficial sediment samples from areas of high and moderate eutrophication in the Gulf of Riga were studied with respect to siliceous microfossils, mainly diatoms.The results seem to imply that the number of taxa and the abundance of the frustules are affected by runoff from rivers and the degree of eutrophication in different parts of the Gulf. Areas with high eutrophication, e.g. the river estuaries, have diatom assemblages of varying composition, while in areas with moderate eutrophication the composition is almost constant and the influx of freshwater diatoms and littoral periphyton small. The high abundance and low diversity of brackish-marine and brackish, planktonic diatoms seem to be a result of an influx of nutrients and pollutants in the water and bottom sediments. The sea ice diatoms occurring in the Baltic waters and also in the Gulf of Riga tend to be resistant to eutrophication or are even favoured by it.  相似文献   

Microbial food webs are responsible for the main carbon flow in shallow eutrophic estuaries of the Baltic Sea. Bacteria account for respirative use most of the autotrophic production. Bottom-up influences are mainly directed to the phytoplankton. Massive increase of phytoplankton biomass has only little effect on the biomasses of the heterotrophic plankton. The investigated ecosystem obviously differs by its high bacteria/non-bacteria heterotrophs-relation from other aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

Macrozoobenthic communities within and outside of the drift algal mats were compared in Kõiguste Bay, NE Baltic Sea. The patches of the drift algae were on average 0.5–1 km wide in diameter covering about 25% of the total bottom area of the bay. Thickness of the mat did not exceed 6 cm. The biomass of the mat varied between 35 and 1391 g dw m?2. The drift algal mats had no clear negative effect on macrozoobenthos except for a few infaunal species. The drift algae favoured several detrivorous, herbivorous and carnivorous species. Among the studied variables, the thickness of algal mat and oxygen concentration at near-bottom layer explained the best the structure of macrozoobenthos. Total number of invertebrate species increased curvilinearly with the thickness of algal mat having the peak value at 3–5 cm thick algal mat. To conclude, moderate drift algal mats increased habitat complexity and, thus, the diversity of benthic faunal assemblages in otherwise poorly vegetated coastal areas.  相似文献   

The history of expansion of bloom-forming cold water dinoflagellates in the Northern Baltic Sea was studied using 100-year-old sediment archives of their resting cysts. Vertical cyst distributions of Biecheleria baltica and Apocalathium malmogiense, two dinoflagellates indistinguishable by light microscopy and not recognized as distinct species in monitoring, and chain-forming Peridiniella catenata were analysed in Pb210 and Cs137 dated layers of a sediment core from deep, hypoxic accumulation bottoms of the Gulf of Finland. Cyst profiles showed that B. baltica and A. malmogiense were already present in the Baltic spring phytoplankton community at the beginning of the 20th century. This confirms that B. baltica, which was only recognized in the late 1980s, is a native species in the area. A drastic increase in B. baltica cyst concentrations in the 1930s to 1960s coincided with the acceleration of anthropogenic eutrophication. Large cyst deposits accumulated over several decades in the sediment which, by the 1980s, amounted to the seed stock necessary to inoculate dominant blooms. In the cyst records A. malmogiense always contributed a minor fraction of the two species. P. catenata had a relatively short cyst record in Gulf of Finland sediments despite demonstrated long-term presence in the plankton, which emphasizes that cyst-based historic surveys are not suitable for all cyst-forming dinoflagellates. This was corroborated by correspondence analyses of long-term plankton and cyst records which validated the trends from the sediment archive for B. baltica and A. malmogiense, but failed to do so for P. catenata. Germination experiments with 100-year-old cysts revealed a remarkable long-term survival capacity of A. malmogiense, making this species a suitable model for resurrection studies testing adaptation in heavily impacted systems such as the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   

波罗的海放线菌的多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姜怡  曹艳茹  王茜  靳荣线 《微生物学报》2011,51(11):1461-1467
摘要:【目的】为了探索海洋放线菌的多样性,为发现新的药物先导化合物提供新菌源,我们分析了波罗的海的放线菌多样性及生物活性。【方法】采集100 份底泥样品,用7 种培养基分离放线菌809 株;去掉相同菌株后,选择280 株代表菌进行了初步分类鉴定;采用琼脂扩散法,检测了它们对5 种细菌、真菌的抗菌活性;用API ZYM system 测定了21 种酶的活性。【结果】用海藻糖-脯氨酸培养基和HV 培养基分离的放线菌中,稀有放线菌占60% 和63% ;波罗的海的放线菌有15 个属,其中3 个属是首次从海洋中分离  相似文献   

Numbers of luminous bacteria were counted at three stations of the brackish water ecosystem of the western Baltic Sea from July 1985 to July 1986. Additional samples were taken during three cruises from stations at the North Atlantic Ocean, the Norwegian Sea and adjacent marine areas. — In Kiel Bight (western Baltic) values varied between 0 and 68,000 luminous cfu 1−1. With exception of the coastal station a distinct seasonal distribution pattern was shown in a water depth of 20 m: high numbers found in summer were opposed to low numbers in winter, the peaks being rather high in comparison to those of other areas. Statistical analysis showed that the results of 20 m were significantly different from those of 0 and 10 m depth; however, there was no correlation with temperature and salinity. Taxonomic studies revealed that the population consisted primarily of the genus Photobacterium. — The optimum of salinity was not a brackish but a marine one and was about 30% for the majority of the strains tested. A smaller number of strains grew best at a salinity between 10 and 15%. Optima of temperature ranged from 15 to 20 °C for most of the test strains. — Taxonomic analysis was also performed with luminous strains from marine areas adjacent to the western Baltic Sea, Photobacterium being the dominant genus here, too. Luminous bacteria were also enriched from the external surface and the gut contents of whitings (Merlangius merlangus) and cods (Gadus morhua). A model is proposed which explains the distribution pattern found. According to this, the gut-dwelling luminous bacteria are transported by their hosts from the North Sea into the western Baltic Sea. Here they are released into the environment, thus inhabiting another niche.  相似文献   

Marine ecosystems such as the Baltic Sea are currently under strong atmospheric and anthropogenic pressure. Besides natural and human-induced changes in climate, major anthropogenic drivers such as overfishing and anthropogenic eutrophication are significantly affecting ecosystem structure and function. Recently, studies demonstrated the existence of alternative stable states in various terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. These so-called ecosystem regime shifts have been explained mainly as a result of multiple causes, e.g. climatic regime shifts, overexploitation or a combination of both. The occurrence of ecosystem regime shifts has important management implications, as they can cause significant losses of ecological and economic resources. Because of hysteresis in ecosystem responses, restoring regimes considered as favourable may require drastic and expensive management actions. Also the Baltic Sea, the largest brackish water body in the world ocean, and its ecosystems are strongly affected by atmospheric and anthropogenic drivers. Here, we present results of an analysis of the state and development of the Central Baltic Sea ecosystem integrating hydroclimatic, nutrient, phyto- and zooplankton as well as fisheries data. Our analyses of 52 biotic and abiotic variables using multivariate statistics demonstrated a major reorganization of the ecosystem and identified two stable states between 1974 and 2005, separated by a transition period in 1988–1993. We show the change in Baltic ecosystem structure to have the characteristics of a discontinuous regime shift, initiated by climate-induced changes in the abiotic environment and stabilized by fisheries-induced feedback loops in the food web. Our results indicate the importance of maintaining the resilience of an ecosystem to atmospherically induced environmental change by reducing the anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

Effects of stress and disturbance on morphology, reproductive effort, size and sex ratio were studied for Fucus vesiculosus populations from the Baltic Sea at Askö and the North Sea on the west coast of Sweden at Tjäm[otilde]. High morphological variation was found between Fucus populations, with significant differences in length and weight of individuals, thallus breadth, number of branches and receptacles and receptacle weight, not only between Baltic and North Sea populations but also between populations within the same area, differing in wave exposure. With increasing disturbance, individuals in both studied populations were smaller and less branched. Differences were observed in plant size, with longer, broader and more branched plants being found in Askö compared with Tjärnö. Fucus populations at Tjämö allocated more biomass to reproduction and had longer, heavier receptacles than at Askö. Although the observed morphological changes may be partly explained by differences in wave exposure and salinity between the two sites, it is not possible to rule out genetic differences between the Baltic and North Sea populations. However, it is unlikely that the variations observed within the populations and between populations from the same area are genetically determined.  相似文献   

Selectivity of fishing gears used in the Baltic Sea cod fishery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) plays a very significant role in the Baltic Sea ecosystem being the major fish top predator and the most important commercial species for the Baltic Sea fishing industry. Consequently the management and understanding of the exploitation pattern of the stock is of major importance. Technical regulations, improving the selectivity of cod, have been a major management strategy and the Baltic Sea is likely to be the area where most fishing gear selectivity studies, focussing on size selectivity, have been conducted over time. The methodology for conducting and analysing selectivity data has been significantly improved in recent years. The subject is reviewed since the choice of methodology can have a significant effect on the interpretation of the outcome of selectivity experiments. Factors affecting the selectivity of trawl and gill nets are considered. Alternative ways to improve the size and species selectivity of trawls using selective devices are reviewed. Selectivity parameters from available literature are listed and the correlations of selectivity parameters to the mesh size for different gears are estimated. The historical legislation on selectivity is reviewed and the expected selectivity for trawls is estimated. Management considerations concerning the mortality of escaping and discarded fish and wider management impacts have to be considered if improving selectivity. The review is ended by conclusions including reflections on needed research in the future.  相似文献   

Sediments of the southern Baltic Sea were analysed for content of steryl chlorin esters, the chlorin compounds discovered recently in the marine environment. The chlorin esters occur in the Baltic sediments in substantial amounts and form a considerable fraction of the total chlorin content. Among the physicochemical parameters studied the highest correlation with the steryl chlorins showed organic carbon content in sediments and the content of fraction of sediments smaller than 10 μm. A significant correlation was observed between the steryl chlorins content and other chlorins as chlorophylla, phaeophytina, pyrophaeophytina as well as with β-carotene, the distinctly less significant correlation was with phaeophorbidea. This indicates an other way of formation of the steryl chlorins from algae than zooplankton grazing.  相似文献   

In this paper recent benthic biological studies in the Eastern Gotland Basin area of the Baltic Sea are summarised. A general pattern of vertical distribution of macrofauna is presented and special reference is made to sharp temporal changes in macrofauna of deeper, subhalocline areas of the basin. Information on faunal sediment reworking ability is compiled. The environmental factors driving benthic zonation are discussed and the vertical benthic zones are defined on the basis of their major biological and abiotic features. This analysis shows that due to sharp gradients in environment and clear differences in composition of macrofauna, the ecological functioning of the Eastern Gotland Basin benthic zones is clearly different. Therefore, in the biogeochemical models of benthic-pelagic interaction, these zones (together with water layers they underlie) should be treated separately, as different sub-systems.  相似文献   

The Baltic Sea, formed after the latest glaciation, is an enclosed, low-saline, non-tidal ecosystem and has steep latitudinal and vertical gradients from sub-arctic conditions in the north to temperate in the south. The sea has undergone rapid changes since the glaciation, and the “ecological age” of the present ecosystem is only about 8000 years. Primary successional processes are still ongoing, and numerous ecological niches (e.g. large-bodied sediment bioturbators) remain available for immigration. The system is species-poor and vulnerable to the threat of exotic invasive species, and to date about 50 zoobenthic species have established populations in the Baltic Sea. The present biota is a mixture of species of different ecological and zoogeographical origin (marine to limnic; northern Arctic marine and limnic, to North Sea and Atlantic marine). The current distribution patterns of zoobenthos are illustrated, using marine, limnic and non-indigenous examples of structure and ecosystem functions. The species richness decreases from over 1600 marine benthic species in the open Skagerrak to about 500 in the western parts of the Baltic Sea, approximately 80 in the southern regions, to less than 20 in the northern regions. On the other hand, limnic species increase diversity in the inner reaches of the Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Bothnia. Polychaetes, molluscs and echinoderms are dramatically reduced in numbers from the south to the north.  相似文献   

Coastal fast ice and underlying water of the northern Baltic Sea were sampled throughout the entire ice winter from January to late March in 2002 to study the succession of bacterial biomass, secondary production and community structure. Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) and sequencing of TGGE fragments were applied in the community structure analysis. Chlorophyll-a and composition of autotrophic and heterotrophic assemblages were also examined. Overall succession of ice organism assemblages consisted of a low-productive stage, the main algal bloom, and a heterotrophic post-bloom situation, as typical for the study area. The most important groups of organisms in ice in terms of biomass were dinoflagellates, plasticidic flagellates, rotifers and ciliates. Ice bacteria showed a specific succession not directly dependent on the overall succession events of ice organisms. Sequenced 16S rDNA fragments were mainly affiliated to α-, β-, and γ-proteobacterial phyla and Cytophaga–Flavobacterium–Bacteroides-group, and related to sequences from cold environments, also from the Baltic Sea. Temporal clustering of the TGGE fingerprints was stronger than spatial, although lower ice and underlying water communities always clustered together, pointing to the importance of ice maturity and ice–water interactions in shaping the bacterial communities.  相似文献   

To estimate impacts of nutrients and pollutants discharged by river inflow on the ecosystem it is essential to quantify the sedimentation, resuspension and transport processes of fine particulate matter. The present study aims at the modeling of basic transport processes of fine material in the western Baltic. A three-dimensional model of the Baltic Sea, that is based on the Modular Ocean Model (MOM-3.1) (Pacanowski & Griffies 2000), was applied to study maximum bottom shear velocities. Comparing the calculated shear velocities with the critical value for resuspension of fluff layers allows an identification of potential areas of deposition and accumulation. Further, model experiments were conducted to study transport paths of fluff layers in the southwestern Baltic. The model results give information about the resuspension and accumulation areas of fine material and could provide indications of potential accumulation areas of diapause eggs or cysts.  相似文献   

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