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Molecular weight of the coat protein of alfalfa mosaic virus   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

The intrinsic luminescence of different forms of the alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) strain 425 coat protein has been studied, both statically and time resolved. It was found that the emission of the protein (Mr 24,250), which contains two tryptophans at positions 54 and 190 and four tyrosines, is completely dominated by tryptophan fluorescence. The high fluorescence quantum yield indicates that both tryptophans are emitting. Surprisingly, the fluorescence decay is found to be strictly exponential, with a lifetime of 5.1 nsec. Similar results were obtained for various other forms of the protein, i.e. the 30-S polymer, the mildly trypsinized forms of the protein lacking the N-terminal part and the protein assembled into viral particles. Virus particles and proteins of stains S and VRU gave similar results, as well as the VRU protein polymerised into tubular structures. The fluorescence decay is also monoexponential in the presence of various concentrations of the quenching molecules acrylamide and potassium iodide. Stern-Volmer plots were linear and yield for the coat protein dimer with acrylamide a quenching constant of 4.5* 10(8) M-1 sec-1. This indicates that the tryptophans are moderately accessible for acrylamide. For the 30-S polymer a somewhat smaller value was found, whereas in the viral Top a particles the accessibility of the tryptophans is still further reduced. From the decay of the polarisation anisotropy of the fluorescence of the coat protein dimer the rotational correlation time was obtained as 35 nsec. Since this roughly equals the expected rotational correlation time of the dimer as a whole, it suggests that the tryptophans are contained rigidly in the dimer. The results show that in the excited state of the protein the two tryptophans are strongly coupled and suggest that the trp-trp distance is smaller than 10 A. Because the coat protein occurs as a dimer, the coupling can be inter- or intramolecular. The implications for the viral structure are discussed.  相似文献   

The biological functions of RNA-protein complexes are, for the most part, poorly defined. Here, we describe experiments that are aimed at understanding the functional significance of alfalfa mosaic virus RNA-coat protein binding, an interaction that parallels the initiation of viral RNA replication. Peptides representing the RNA-binding domain of the viral coat protein are biologically active in initiating replication and bind to a 39-nt 3'-terminal RNA with a stoichiometry of two peptides: 1 RNA. To begin to understand how RNA-peptide interactions induce RNA conformational changes and initiate replication, the AMV RNA fragment was experimentally manipulated by increasing the interhelical spacing, by interrupting the apparent nucleotide symmetry, and by extending the binding site. In general, both asymmetric and symmetric insertions between two proposed hairpins diminished binding, whereas 5' and 3' extensions had minimal effects. Exchanging the positions of the binding site hairpins resulted in only a moderate decrease in peptide binding affinity without changing the hydroxyl radical footprint protection pattern. To assess biological relevance in viral RNA replication, the nucleotide changes were transferred into infectious genomic RNA clones. RNA mutations that disrupted coat protein binding also prevented viral RNA replication without diminishing coat protein mRNA (RNA 4) translation. These results, coupled with the highly conserved nature of the AUGC865-868 sequence, suggest that the distance separating the two proposed hairpins is a critical binding determinant. The data may indicate that the 5' and 3' hairpins interact with one of the bound peptides to nucleate the observed RNA conformational changes.  相似文献   

Thirteen mutations were introduced in the movement protein (MP) gene of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) fused to the green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene and the mutant MP-GFP fusions were expressed transiently in tobacco protoplasts, tobacco suspension cells, and epidermal cells of tobacco leaves. In addition, the mutations were introduced in the MP gene of AMV RNA 3 and the mutant RNAs were used to infect tobacco plants. Ten mutants were affected in one or more of the following functions of MP: the formation of tubular structures on the surface of protoplasts, association with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of suspension cells and epidermal cells, targeting to punctate structures in the cell wall of epidermis cells, movement from transfected cells to adjacent cells in epidermis tissue, cell-to-cell movement, or long-distance movement in plants. The mutations point to functional domains of the MP and support the proposed order of events in AMV transport. Studies with several inhibitors indicate that actin or microtubule components of the cytoskeleton are not involved in tubule formation by AMV MP. Evidence was obtained that tubular structures on the surface of transfected protoplasts contain ER- or plasmalemma-derived material.  相似文献   

The expression of viral coat protein (CP) in transgenic plants has been shown to be very effective in virus plant protection. However, the introduction of CP genes into plants presents the potential risk of the encapsidation of a superinfecting viral genome in the transgenic protein, an event which could change the epidemiology of the disease. To detect the potential heterologous encapsidation of the cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) genome by alfalfa mosaic virus (AIMV) CP expressed in transgenic tobacco plants, a system of immunocapture (IC) and amplification by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was optimized. This provided high sensitivity and reliable selection of the heterologously encapsidated CMV genome in the presence of natural CMV particles. As little as 2 pg of virus could be detected by immunocapture/polymerase chain reaction (IC/PCR) technique. Evidence for heterologous encapsidation of the CMV genome was found in 11 of the 33 transgenic plants tested two weeks after CMV inoculation. This demonstrates a significant rate of heterologous encapsidation events between two unrelated viruses in transgenic plants. Since CP is involved in the interactions of the virus particle with its vector, the release in the field of such transgenic plants could alter the transmission properties of some important viruses.  相似文献   

The coat protein (CP) of tobacco streak virus (TSV) can substitute for the early function of alfalfa mosaic virus (AIMV) CP in genome activation. Replacement of the CP gene in AIMV RNA 3 with the TSV CP gene and analysis of the replication of the chimeric RNA indicated that the TSV CP could not substitute for the function of AIMV CP in asymmetric plus-strand RNA accumulation but could encapsidate the chimeric RNA and permitted a low level of cell-to-cell transport.  相似文献   

Plant viruses have movement protein (MP) gene(s) essential for cell-to-cell movement in hosts. Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) requires its own coat protein (CP) in addition to the MP for intercellular movement. Our present results using variants of both CMV and a chimeric Brome mosaic virus with the CMV MP gene revealed that CMV MP truncated in its C-terminal 33 amino acids has the ability to mediate viral movement independently of CP. Coexpression of the intact and truncated CMV MPs extremely reduced movement of the chimeric viruses, suggesting that these heterogeneous CMV MPs function antagonistically. Sequential deletion analyses of the CMV MP revealed that the dispensability of CP occurred when the C-terminal deletion ranged between 31 and 36 amino acids and that shorter deletion impaired the ability of the MP to promote viral movement. This is the first report that a region of MP determines the requirement of CP in cell-to-cell movement of a plant virus.  相似文献   

Specific RNA-protein interactions and ribonucleoprotein complexes are essential for many biological processes, but our understanding of how ribonucleoprotein particles form and accomplish their biological functions is rudimentary. This paper describes the interaction of alfalfa mosaic virus (A1MV) coat protein or peptides with viral RNA. A1MV coat protein is necessary both for virus particle formation and for the initiation of replication of the three genomic RNAs. We have examined protein determinants required for specific RNA binding and analyzed potential structural changes elicited by complex formation. The results indicate that the amino-terminus of the viral coat protein, which lacks primary sequence homology with recognized RNA binding motifs, is both necessary and sufficient for binding to RNA. Circular dichroism spectra and electrophoretic mobility shift experiments suggest that the RNA conformation is altered when amino-terminal coat protein peptides bind to the viral RNA. The peptide--RNA interaction is functionally significant because the peptides will substitute for A1MV coat protein in initiating RNA replication. The apparent conformational change that accompanies RNA--peptide complex formation may generate a structure which, unlike the viral RNA alone, can be recognized by the viral replicase.  相似文献   

Reassembled alfalfa mosaic virus coat protein was partially digested with trypsin to remove the first 26 amino acids (Bol et al., 1974). These particles are empty icosahedral protein shells built with 60 alfalfa mosaic virus protein subunits. This aggregate has been crystallized in two different crystal forms, one of which diffracts X-rays to at least 3.4 Å resolution. The type I crystals (space group P63, a = 200 A?, c = 314 A?) contain two particles per cell separated by 195 Å with each sitting on a 3-fold axis. The type II crystals contain three particles per cell in space group P31or P32 (a = 201 A?, c = 485 A?). Other T = 1 viral particles have very similar diameters.  相似文献   

The movement protein of alfalfa mosaic virus was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by cation exchange chromatography. The purified protein bound single-stranded RNA cooperatively in a biphasic manner. At protein saturation, RNA/protein complexes (designated 'primary complexes') were detected by a nitrocellulose-retention assay within 1 min of mixing, both at 4 and 22 degrees C. In contrast, an incubation of 30 min at 22 degrees C was necessary to obtain electrophoretically retarded complexes ('stabilized complexes'), containing a large number of protein molecules bound stably to each molecule of RNA. Stabilization did not take place at 4 degrees C. The rate of formation of the primary complexes was strongly dependent on protein concentration, and thus appeared limited by a bimolecular interaction. In contrast, the rate of stabilization was independent of protein concentration, suggesting that this process consisted of a rearrangement of the primary complexes without binding of additional protein molecules. In agreement with this suggestion, the amount of complexed RNA at equilibrium was the same when assayed by nitrocellulose retention and by electrophoretic retardation. The possibility that these peculiar kinetics could be caused by the presence of Tween 20 in the incubation media is discussed.  相似文献   

We used yeast three-hybrid system, for studying interaction of alfalfa mosaic virus coat protein AMVCP (AMVCP) with RNA4, which codes this protein. We have shown that AMVCP with high affinity is bound to plus-chain of RNA4 in vivo. The mutational analysis has shown, that the N-terminal part of AMVCP (aa 1 to 85) contains RNA-binding domain. C-terminal part of this protein (aa 86 to 221) does not participate in direct interaction with RNA4. However activity of the reporter-gene LacZ, which codes beta-galactosidase, in case of interaction only N-terminal part of AMVCP is five times lower, in comparison with full-length hybrid protein, that confirms that the tertiary structure of full-length AMVCP is more favourable for interaction with RNA4.  相似文献   

The 3'-terminal of the three genomic RNAs of alfalfa mosaic virus (AIMV) and ilarviruses contain a number of AUGC-motifs separated by hairpin structures. Binding of coat protein (CP) to such elements in the RNAs is required to initiate infection of these viruses. Determinants for CP binding in the 3'-terminal 39 nucleotides (nt) of AIMV RNA 3 were analyzed by band-shift assays. From the 5'- to 3'-end this 39 nt sequence contains AUGC-motif 3, stem-loop structure 2 (STLP2), AUGC-motif 2, stem-loop structure 1 (STLP1) and AUGC-motif 1. A mutational analysis showed that all three AUGC-motifs were involved in CP binding. Mutation of the A- and U-residues of motifs 1 or 3 had no effect on CP binding but similar mutations in motif 2 abolished CP binding. A mutational analysis of the stem of STLP1 and STLP2 confirmed the importance of these hairpins for CP binding. Randomization of the sequence of the stems and loops of STLP1 and STLP2 had no effect on CP binding as long as the secondary structure was maintained. This indicates that the two hairpins are not involved in sequence-specific interactions with CP. They may function in a secondary structure-specific interaction with CP and/or in the assembly of the AUGC-motifs in a configuration required for CP binding.  相似文献   

赵桂琴  慕平 《西北植物学报》2004,24(10):1850-1855
以红三叶(Trifolium pratense L.)子叶为转化体,用农杆菌介导法将外源的苜蓿花叶病毒外壳蛋白基因AMV4转入红三叶,经过筛选、分化和再生,得到了具有卡拉霉素抗性的转基因植株。对这些植株进行PCR、Southern印迹杂交和Northern杂交分析,结果表明,外源目的基因已经整合到红三叶基因组中并且得到了表达。对Northern分析呈阳性的植株进行了抗病性检测,结果表明,表达苜蓿花叶病毒外壳蛋白基因的植株病症减轻,发病率、病情指数及病毒积累量都明显低于对照,有的甚至不表现症状,达到了免疫的程度。  相似文献   

A chimeric gene encoding the alfalfa mosaic virus (AlMV) coat protein was constructed and introduced into tobacco and tomato plants using Ti plasmid-derived plant transformation vectors. The progeny of the self-fertilized transgenic plants were significantly delayed in symptom development and in some cases completely escaped infection after inoculated with AlMV. The inoculated leaves of the transgenic plants had significantly reduced numbers of lesions and accumulated substantially lower amounts of coat protein due to virus replication than the control plants. These results show that high level expression of the chimeric viral coat protein gene confers protection against AlMV, which differs from other plant viruses in morphology, genome structure, gene expression strategy and early steps in viral replication. Based on our results with AlMV and those reported earlier for tobacco mosaic virus, it appears that genetically engineered cross-protection may be a general method for preventing viral disease in plants.  相似文献   

Sesbania mosaic virus (SeMV) is a single-stranded positive-sense RNA plant virus belonging to the genus Sobemovirus. The movement protein (MP) encoded by SeMV ORF1 showed no significant sequence similarity with MPs of other genera, but showed 32% identity with the MP of Southern bean mosaic virus within the Sobemovirus genus. With a view to understanding the mechanism of cell-to-cell movement in sobemoviruses, the SeMV MP gene was cloned, over-expressed in Escherichia coli and purified. Interaction of the recombinant MP with the native virus (NV) was investigated by ELISA and pull-down assays. It was observed that SeMV MP interacted with NV in a concentration- and pH-dependent manner. Analysis of N- and C-terminal deletion mutants of the MP showed that SeMV MP interacts with the NV through the N-terminal 49 amino acid segment. Yeast two-hybrid assays confirmed the in vitro observations, and suggested that SeMV might belong to the class of viruses that require MP and NV/coat protein for cell-to-cell movement.  相似文献   

Lee CC  Ho YN  Hu RH  Yen YT  Wang ZC  Lee YC  Hsu YH  Meng M 《Journal of virology》2011,85(22):12022-12031
Bamboo mosaic virus (BaMV) is a positive-sense RNA virus belonging to the genus Potexvirus. Open reading frame 1 (ORF1) encodes the viral replication protein that consists of a capping enzyme domain, a helicase-like domain (HLD), and an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase domain from the N to C terminus. ORF5 encodes the viral coat protein (CP) required for genome encapsidation and the virus movement in plants. In this study, application of a yeast-two hybrid assay detected an interaction between the viral HLD and CP. However, the interaction did not affect the NTPase activity of the HLD. To identify the critical amino acids of CP interacting with the HLD, a random mutational library of CP was created using error-prone PCR, and the mutations adversely affecting the interaction were screened by a bacterial two-hybrid system. As a result, the mutations A209G and N210S in CP were found to weaken the interaction. To determine the significance of the interaction, the mutations were introduced into a BaMV infectious clone, and the mutational effects on viral replication, movement, and genome encapsidation were investigated. There was no effect on accumulations of BaMV CP and genomic RNAs within protoplasts; however, the virus cell-to-cell movement in plants was restricted. Sequence alignment revealed that A209 of BaMV CP is conserved in many potexviruses. Mutation of the corresponding residue in Foxtail mosaic virus CP also reduced the viral HLD-CP interaction and restricted the virus movement, suggesting that interaction between CP and a widely conserved HLD in the potexviral replication protein is crucial for viral trafficking through plasmodesmata.  相似文献   

Tobacco mosaic virus movement protein (TMV MP) is required to mediate viral spread between plant cells via plasmodesmata. Plasmodesmata are cytoplasmic bridges that connect individual plant cells and ordinarily limit molecular diffusion to small molecules and metabolites with a molecular mass up to 1 kD. Here, we characterize functional properties of Nicotiana clevelandii trichome plasmodesmata and analyze their interaction with TMV MP. Trichomes constitute a linear cellular system and provide a predictable pathway of movement. Their plasmodesmata are functionally distinct from plasmodesmata in other plant cel types; they allow cell-to-cell diffusion of dextrans with a molecular mass up to 7 kD, and TMV MP does not increase this size exclusion limit for dextrans. In contrast, the 30-kD TMV MP itself moves between trichome cells and specifically mediates the translocation of a 90-kD beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter protein as a GUS::TMV MP fusion. Neither GUS by itself nor GUS in the presence of TMV MP moves between cells. These data imply that a plasmodesmal transport signal resides within TMV MP and is essential for movement. This signal confers selectivity to the translocated protein and cannot function in trans to support movement of other molecules.  相似文献   

To investigate the functional domains of the coat protein (CP; 189 amino acids) of Brome mosaic virus, a plant RNA virus, 19 alanine-scanning mutants were constructed and tested for their infectivity in barley and Nicotiana benthamiana. Despite its apparent normal replicative competence and CP production, the C-terminal mutant F184A produced no virions. Furthermore, virion-forming C-terminal mutants P178A and D182A failed to move from cell to cell in both plant species, and mutants D181A and V187A showed host-specific movement. These results indicate that the C-terminal region of CP plays some important roles in virus movement and encapsidation. The specificity of certain mutations for viral movement in two different plant species is evidence for the involvement of host-specific factors.  相似文献   

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