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Stimulation of neutrophils by tumor necrosis factor   总被引:79,自引:0,他引:79  
Human recombinant tumor necrosis factor (TNF) was shown to be a weak direct stimulus of the neutrophil respiratory burst and degranulation. The stimulation, as measured by iodination, H2O2 production, and lysozyme release, was considerably increased by the presence of unopsonized zymosan in the reaction mixture, an effect which was associated with the increased ingestion of the zymosan. TNF does not act as an opsonin but, rather, reacts with the neutrophil to increase its phagocytic activity. TNF-dependent phagocytosis, as measured indirectly by iodination, is inhibited by monoclonal antibodies (Mab) 60.1 and 60.3, which recognize different epitopes on the C3bi receptor/adherence-promoting surface glycoprotein of neutrophils. Other neutrophil stimulants, namely N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, the Ca2+ ionophore A23187, and phorbol myristic acetate, also increase iodination in the presence of zymosan; as with TNF, the effect of these stimulants is inhibited by Mab 60.1 and 60.3, whereas, in contrast to that of TNF, their stimulation of iodination is unaffected by an Mab directed against TNF. TNF may be a natural stimulant of neutrophils which promotes adherence to endothelial cells and to particles, leading to increased phagocytosis, respiratory burst activity, and degranulation.  相似文献   

The frequency of cytogenetic abnormalities in cell populations of U-937 line in control group and after their exposure to tumor necrosis factor (TNF) was assayed. It has been found that the maximum effect of TNF is observed after 48-h exposure. It was exhibited as apoptosis induction, accumulation of cells with micronuclei and binuclear cells. An increased number of cells with premature chromosome condensation is an early marker of TNF action. Changes in distribution of the cells with various chromosome numbers may lead to the appearance of sublines with properties different from those of the original cell population.  相似文献   

Death receptors can trigger cell demise dependent or independent of caspases. In WEHI-S fibrosarcoma cells, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) induced an increase in cytosolic cathepsin B activity followed by death with apoptotic features. Surprisingly, this process was enhanced by low, but effectively inhibiting, concentrations of pan-caspase inhibitors. Contrary to caspase inhibitors, a panel of pharmacological cathepsin B inhibitors, the endogenous cathepsin inhibitor cystatin A as well as antisense-mediated depletion of cathepsin B rescued WEHI-S cells from apoptosis triggered by TNF or TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand. Thus, cathepsin B can take over the role of the dominant execution protease in death receptor-induced apoptosis. The conservation of this alternative execution pathway was further examined in other tumor cell lines. Here, cathepsin B acted as an essential downstream mediator of TNF-triggered and caspase-initiated apoptosis cascade, whereas apoptosis of primary cells was only minimally dependent on cathepsin B. These data imply that cathepsin B, which is commonly overexpressed in human primary tumors, may have two opposing roles in malignancy, reducing it by its proapoptotic features and enhancing it by its known facilitation of invasion.  相似文献   

Although high-stretch mechanical ventilation has been demonstrated to induce lung inflammation, the roles of soluble mediators, in particular TNF, remain controversial. We have previously shown in mice that high-stretch ventilation, in the absence of preceding lung injury, induces expression of bioactive TNF in lung lavage fluid early in the course of injury, but the biological significance of this, if any, has yet to be determined. We therefore investigated the pulmonary inflammatory response to a transient period of high-stretch ventilation in anesthetized mice lacking TNF receptors and mice treated with anti-TNF antibodies. A standardized stretch-induced lung injury (assessed by lung mechanics, blood gases, and lavage protein content), followed by noninjurious low-stretch ventilation for 3 h, produced significant alveolar neutrophil infiltration in wild-type mice. However, neutrophil recruitment was substantially attenuated in TNF receptor double knockout mice and in wild-type mice treated with intratracheal anti-TNF antibody. This attenuation was not associated with decreased concentrations of neutrophil attractant CXC chemokines (macrophage inflammatory protein-2 and keratinocyte-derived chemokine) in lavage fluid. In contrast to intratracheal antibody, intravenous anti-TNF antibody did not reduce neutrophil infiltration, suggesting that the role of TNF signaling is localized within the alveolar space and does not require decompartmentalization of TNF into the circulation. These findings provide the first direct evidence that pulmonary inflammation induced by high-stretch ventilation without underlying lung injury possesses a significant TNF-dependent component. The results suggest a potential for regional anti-TNF treatment in attenuating stretch-induced pulmonary inflammation.  相似文献   

Van Molle W  Libert C 《Cytokine》2003,23(3):94-100
Application of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in combination with galactosamine (GalN) in mice causes severe apoptosis of hepatocytes, resulting in complete destruction of the liver. Administration of high levels of unconjugated bilirubin and abnormally high production of unconjugated bilirubin have been reported to cause liver damage and are associated with several human pathologies. Serum alanine aminotransferase as well as total and direct bilirubin levels in mice were determined. Bilirubin levels are shown to significantly increase after a challenge with TNF/GalN in mice. Pretreatment with a heme oxygenase-1 inhibitor significantly prevents this release in bilirubin and offers significant protection against TNF/GalN-induced lethality. A correlation between the release of unconjugated bilirubin and the toxicity accompanied with this release is provided.  相似文献   

beta-Hydroxyisovalerylshikonin (beta-HIVS), a compound isolated from the traditional oriental medicinal herb Lithospermum radix, is an ATP non-competitive inhibitor of protein-tyrosine kinases, such as v-Src and EGFR, and it induces apoptosis in various lines of human tumor cells. However, the way in which beta-HIVS induces apoptosis remains to be clarified. In this study, we performed cDNA array analysis and found that beta-HIVS suppressed the expression of the gene for tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated protein 1 (TRAP1), which is a member of the heat-shock family of proteins. When human leukemia HL60 cells and human lung cancer DMS114 cells were treated with beta-HIVS, the amount of TRAP1 in mitochondria decreased in a time-dependent manner during apoptosis. A similar reduction in the level of TRAP1 was also observed upon exposure of cells to VP16. Treatment of DMS114 cells with TRAP1-specific siRNA sensitized the cells to beta-HIVS-induced apoptosis. Moreover, the reduction in the level of expression of TRAP1 by TRAP1-specific siRNA enhanced the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria when DMS114 cells were treated with either beta-HIVS or VP16. The suppression of the level of TRAP1 by either beta-HIVS or VP16 was blocked by N-acetyl-cysteine, indicating the involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the regulation of the expression of TRAP1. These results suggest that suppression of the expression of TRAP1 in mitochondria might play an important role in the induction of apoptosis caused via formation of ROS.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor-(TNF-) triggers degranulation and oxygen radical release in adherentneutrophils. The p60TNF receptor (p60TNFR) is responsible forproinflammatory signaling, and protein kinase C (PKC) is a candidatefor the regulation of p60TNFR. Both TNF- and the PKC-activatorphorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate triggered phosphorylation of p60TNFR.Receptor phosphorylation was on both serine and threonine but not ontyrosine residues. The PKC- isotype is a candidate enzyme for serinephosphorylation of p60TNFR. Staurosporine and the PKC- inhibitorrottlerin inhibited TNF--triggered serine but not threoninephosphorylation. Serine phosphorylation was associated withreceptor desensitization, as inhibition of PKC resulted in enhanceddegranulation (elastase release). After neutrophil activation, PKC-was the only PKC isotype that associated with p60TNFR within thecorrect time frame for receptor phosphorylation. In vitro, onlyPKC-, but not the -, I-, II-, or -isotypes, wascompetent to phosphorylate the receptor, indicating that p60TNFR is adirect substrate for PKC-. These findings suggest a selective rolefor PKC- in negative regulation of the p60TNFR and ofTNF--induced signaling.


After being treated with rTNF, polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) were highly suppressive to the growth of four different tumor target cells, Raji, K562, UCLA-SO-M14, and U937. Neutralizing TNF with specific antibodies before PMN were treated blocked induction of the anti-proliferative activity against Raji. However, after PMN were exposed to TNF the cytostatic activity could not be reversed by the antibody or by washing off TNF, indicating that the continuous presence of TNF was not required for expression of the anti-proliferative function. Addition of the hydrogen peroxide (HP) scavenger, catalase, at the beginning of the assay inhibited the cytostatic activity, suggesting that HP was involved in suppressing the tumor cell growth. In contrast, other reactive oxygen species inhibitors such as superoxide dismutase, sodium azide, L-methionine, or deferoxamine did not inhibit the cytostasis. HP alone at above 10 microM was cytostatic to Raji cells. The presence of TNF did not increase the sensitivity of Raji to HP. TNF activated PMN to produce HP but the amount of HP released in the culture supernatant was too low for direct cytostasis. PMN also became more adherent after TNF treatment. Therefore, the TNF-induced cytostasis may be mediated by local high concentrations of HP produced by PMN.  相似文献   

Until recently it was believed that TNF-induced apoptosis is mediated exclusively by TNF-RI because TNF-RII lacks death domain. However, it has been demonstrated that TNF-RII enhances TNF-RI-mediated apoptosis. In this review, I have discussed the evidence and mechanisms by which TNF-RII regulates TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis. A role of RIP is emphasized and novel mechanisms of FLIP-mediated inhibition of apoptosis are discussed. In addition, various mechanisms of TNF-induced activation of mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis have been reviewed.  相似文献   

We investigated the mode of TNF-dependent death of L929 murine fibroblasts and the influence of overexpression of bcl-2 family genes on this process. Based on morphological and biochemical data it has been shown that L929 cells died after TNF treatment by apoptosis irrespective of TNF dose and protein synthesis inhibition. Analysis of bcl-2 family gene transfectants revealed a down-regulation of TNF-induced apoptosis by bcl-2 and bclX overexpression, and an up-regulation by bax gene.  相似文献   

Human neutrophils (PMN) respond to tumor necrosis factor (TNF) by releasing their granules, reorganizing their cytoskeleton, and massively secreting hydrogen peroxide. This response is dependent on adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins and expression of CD11b/CD18 integrins (Nathan, C., S. Srimal, C. Farber, E. Sanchez, L. Kabbash, A. Asch, J. Gailit, and S. D. Wright. 1989. J. Cell Biol. 109:1341-1349). We investigated the role of tyrosine phosphorylation in the response of PMN to TNF. PMN adherent to protein-coated surfaces but not suspended PMN showed tyrosine phosphorylation of several proteins (approximately 150, approximately 115, approximately 75, and approximately 65 kD) in response to TNF. Tyrosine phosphorylation was evident 5 min after addition of TNF and lasted at least 2 h. The tyrosine kinase inhibitors K252a, genistein and ST638 suppressed tyrosine phosphorylation and blocked hydrogen peroxide production in a reversible manner at low concentrations. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors also blocked the spreading of PMN in response to TNF. Dihydrocytochalasin B did not inhibit tyrosine phosphorylation, but in its presence phosphorylation was rapidly reversed. By immunocytochemistry, the majority of tyrosine phosphoproteins were localized to focal adhesions. Thus TNF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation depends on adhesion of PMN to extracellular matrix proteins, and participates in the transduction of the signals that direct the cells to spread on a biological surface and undergo a respiratory burst.  相似文献   

Sudo K  Yamada Y  Moriwaki H  Saito K  Seishima M 《Cytokine》2005,29(5):236-244
Chronic liver injury causes liver regeneration, resulting in fibrosis. The proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF) is involved in the pathogenesis of many acute and chronic liver diseases. TNF has pleiotropic functions, but its role in liver fibrosis has not been clarified. Chronic repeated injection of CCl4 induces liver fibrosis in mice. We examined whether signaling through TNF receptors was critical for this process, using mice lacking either TNF receptor (TNFR) type 1 or TNFR type 2 to define the pathophysiologic role of TNFR signals in liver fibrosis. Liver fibrosis caused by chronic CCl4 exposure was TNF-dependent; histological fibrosis was seen in wild-type (WT) and TNFR-2 knockout (KO) mice, but not in TNFR-1 KO mice. Furthermore, a marked reduction in procollagen and TGF-beta synthesis was observed in TNFR-1 KO mice, which also had little detectable NF-kappa B, STAT3, and AP1 binding, and reduced levels of liver interleukin-6 (IL-6) mRNA compared to WT and TNFR-2 KO mice. In conclusion, our results indicate the possibility that NF-kappa B, STAT3, and AP1 binding by signals transduced through TNFR-1 plays an important role in liver fibrosis formation.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) is a key mediator of host immune and inflammatory responses and inhibits herpesvirus replication by cytolytic and noncytolytic mechanisms. TNF-alpha effects are primarily mediated through the major TNF-alpha receptor, TNF-R1, which is constitutively expressed in most cell types. Here we show that the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) immediate-early protein BZLF1 prevents TNF-alpha activation of target genes and TNF-alpha-induced cell death. These effects are mediated by down-regulation of the promoter for TNF-R1. Additionally, we demonstrate that expression of TNF-R1 is downregulated during the EBV lytic replication cycle. Thus, EBV has developed a novel mechanism for evading TNF-alpha antiviral effects during lytic reactivation or primary infection.  相似文献   

Role of tumor necrosis factor in oxygen toxicity.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
mRNA from lungs of mice exposed to high-dose oxygen (greater than 95%) for 3 days demonstrated increased expression of the genes for tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin-1, and interleukin-6 compared with mRNA from lungs of mice exposed to room air. Daily treatment of mice exposed to high-dose oxygen with an antibody to TNF improved survival compared with mice receiving a similar dose of control immunoglobulin G. Pretreatment of mice with repetitive sublethal intraperitoneal doses of recombinant human TNF for 3 days or a single intravenous dose followed by exposure to high-dose oxygen afforded a significant survival advantage compared with high-dose oxygen-exposed mice pretreated with vehicle or interleukin-1. The repetitive intraperitoneal TNF pretreatment reduced the development of interstitial pneumonitis, pulmonary edema, and lung weight gain associated with oxygen toxicity and enhanced expression of the gene for the free radical protective enzyme manganous superoxide dismutase in lung tissue, a gene that is augmented as mice are exposed to high-dose oxygen. Furthermore a single intravenous dose of TNF 24 h after oxygen exposure was still protective. The results suggest that the toxicity of oxygen therapy can be partially ameliorated by either treatment with anti-TNF antibody or pretreatment and early treatment with TNF. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that oxygen exposure induces TNF, which causes part of the toxicity of high-dose oxygen, and that pretreatment or early treatment with TNF induces the gene for an enzyme that recently has been shown to be very effective in protecting mice from the toxicity of oxygen.  相似文献   

Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha-induced hepatitis and apoptosis, as respectively assessed by serum enzyme activities and hepatic DNA fragmentation were effectively suppressed by a single force-feeding of caffeine (100 mg/kg) 1.5 h before injecting the drug. In contrast, caffeine had no significant effect on anti-Fas antibody-induced hepatitis and apoptosis. These results suggest that caffeine differentially affected TNF-alpha receptor- and Fas-mediated hepatitis and apoptosis.  相似文献   

Microcystis aeruginosa is a common cyanobacterium in water blooms that appear widely in nutrient-rich, fresh, and brackish waters, and its toxic blooms cause the death of domestic animals. The administration of a crude toxic cell extract of M. aeruginosa K-139 to mice can produce tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and prompt severe physiological disturbances, especially liver damage, which can lead to death. The in vitro production of TNF-alpha by peritoneal macrophages was observed after stimulation with the cell extract or the purified toxin from K-139 cells. The expression of a TNF-alpha mRNA was also detected in spleen cells and peritoneal macrophages after stimulation with the cell extract. However, a previous injection of rabbit anti-murine TNF-alpha serum could prevent the liver damage to some extent and protect the mice from death. These findings indicate the involvement of TNF in microcystin shock.  相似文献   

Changes in cytoskeletal structures have been investigated during apoptosis of epithelial HeLa cells induced by tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-). Shape and surface cell activity were investigated by time-lapse video microscopy, and changes of the cytoskeletal structure were studied by immune fluorescent microscopy. Addition of TNF- to HeLa cell culture caused early disruption of the actin cytoskeleton and vinculin-containing focal contacts, keratin filaments, and microtubules. Rounding of cells, general blebbing, and nuclear fragmentation were observed at the terminal apoptotic stages. Actomyosin complex inhibitors, H7 and HA1077, suppressed blebbing (but not cell rounding) and activated the development of apoptosis. The latter suggests that in contrast to blebbing the general rounding does not depend on increased contractility of actomyosin cortex. These cytoskeletal inhibitors accelerated the development of apoptosis of HeLa cells and increased sensitivity of HeLa-Bcl-2 cells (transfected with DNA encoding antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2) to TNF-induced apoptosis. Damage of cytoskeletal structures significantly attenuated antiapoptotic activity of Bcl-2 in the HeLa-Bcl-2 cells. It is suggested that the stimulation of apoptosis by cytoskeletal inhibitors may be attributed to the altered distribution of cell organelles, especially, mitochondria.  相似文献   

The structural state of two major nucleolar proteins, UBF and B23/nucleophosmin (both monomeric and oligomeric forms), was for the first time established in HeLa cells treated with apoptosis inducers: tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha), emetine, and their combination. The treatment of the cells with either TNF-alpha or emetine did not induce apoptosis and affect the state of UBF and nucleophosmin (both monomers and oligomers). Apoptosis was rather pronounced only if HeLa cells were treated with a mixture of TNF-alpha and emetine. States of the UBF and B23 proteins were analyzed in samples containing 25, 45, and 100% of cells with apoptotic nuclei. It was shown by immunoblotting that TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis of HeLa cells was associated with proteolysis of UBF and production of a 76-kD fragment, the content of which increased in correlation with the fraction of apoptotically changed cells. The N- and C-terminal amino acid sequences of UBF and its 76-kD fragment were characterized, and the site of the apoptosis-induced specific proteolysis was identified. As differentiated from UBF, protein B23 did not undergo proteolytic degradation during the TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis of HeLa cells and its content was unchanged even in the cell fraction with fragmentation of virtually all nuclei. However, the ratio between the monomeric and oligomeric states of B23 protein was changed in apoptotic cells, and apoptosis-specific forms of nucleophosmin were detected.  相似文献   

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