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The effect of prolactin (PRL) on ion transport across the rat colon epithelium was investigated using Ussing chamber technique. PRL (1 μg/ml) induced a sustained decrease in short-circuit current (I(sc)) in the distal colon with an EC(50) value of 100 ng/ml and increased I(sc) in the proximal colon with an EC(50) value of 49 ng/ml. In the distal colon, the PRL-induced decrease in I(sc) was not affected by Na(+) channel blocker amiloride or Cl(-) channel blockers, NPPB, DPC, or DIDS, added mucosally. However, the response was inhibited by mucosal application of K(+) channel blockers glibenclamide, quinidine, and chromanol 293B, whereas other K(+) channel blockers, Ba(2+), tetraethylammonium, clotrimazole, and apamin, failed to have effects. The PRL-induced decrease in I(sc) was also inhibited by Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) transporter inhibitor bumetanide, Ba(2+), and chromanol 293B applied serosally. In the transverse and proximal colon, the PRL-induced increase in I(sc) was suppressed by DPC, glibenclamide, and bumetanide, but not by NPPB, DIDS, or amiloride. The PRL-induced changes in I(sc) in both distal and proximal colon were abolished by JAK2 inhibitor AG490, but not BAPTA-AM, the Ca(2+) chelating agent, or phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibitor wortmannin. These results suggest a segment-specific effect of PRL in rat colon, by activation of K(+) secretion in the distal colon and activation of Cl(-) secretion in the transverse and proximal colon. Both PRL actions are mediated by JAK-STAT-dependent pathway, but not phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway or Ca(2+) mobilization. These findings suggest a role of PRL in the regulation of electrolyte transport in mammalian colon.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate whether carbon monoxide (CO) induces changes in ion transport across the distal colon of rats and to study the mechanisms involved. In Ussing chamber experiments, tricarbonyldichlororuthenium(II) dimer (CORM-2), a CO donor, evoked a concentration-dependent increase in short-circuit current (I(sc)). A maximal response was achieved at a concentration of 2.5·10(-4) mol/l. Repeated application of CORM-2 resulted in a pronounced desensitization of the tissue. Anion substitution experiments suggest that a secretion of Cl(-) and HCO(3)(-) underlie the CORM-2-induced current. Glibenclamide, a blocker of the apical cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator channel, inhibited the I(sc) induced by the CO donor. Similarly, bumetanide, a blocker of the basolateral Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransporter, combined with 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanato-stilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid sodium salt, an inhibitor of the basolateral Cl(-)/HCO(3)(-) exchanger, inhibited the CORM-2-induced I(sc). Membrane permeabilization experiments indicated an activation of basolateral K(+) and apical Cl(-) channels by CORM-2. A partial inhibition by the neurotoxin, tetrodotoxin, suggests the involvement of secretomotor neurons in this response. In imaging experiments at fura-2-loaded colonic crypts, CORM-2 induced an increase of the cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration. This increase depended on the influx of extracellular Ca(2+), but not on the release of Ca(2+) from intracellular stores. Both enzymes for CO production, heme oxygenase I and II, are expressed in the colon as observed immunohistochemically and by RT-PCR. Consequently, endogenous CO might be a physiological modulator of colonic ion transport.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a selective cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitor as compared to non-selective COX and lipoxygenase (LOX) inhibitors in rat colon. Basal- and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT)-induced electrogenic ion transport (short circuit current, SCC), prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) release and histological characteristics were measured. Muscle-stripped mucosal sheets of the proximal and distal segment of rat colon were investigated by employing the Ussing chamber technique, radioimmunoassays for PGE2 and light microscopy examinations for control of tissue integrity. 5-HT and PGE2 both induced a concentration-dependent increase in SCC by activation of multiple receptors. The response to 5-HT was bumetanide-sensitive. Neither the non-selective COX inhibitor piroxicam, nor the selective COX-2 inhibitor SC-'236, altered basal- SCC or 5-HT-induced SCC. Indomethacin reduced both basal- and 5-HT-induced SCC in both segments. Nordihydroguaiaretic acid reduced the 5-HT-induced increase in SCC, but did not change basal SCC. 5-HT-induced a concentration-dependent release of PGE2. Only high concentrations of piroxicam and indomethacin reduced basal PGE2 release and 5-HT-induced PGE2 release. Histological examination of the specimens demonstrated only minor changes following mounting in chambers. There were no apparent differences in the morphology following treatment with COX or LOX inhibitors. These results suggest that in rat colon only the COX-1 enzyme is expressed under basal conditions. Furthermore, data suggest neither the COX-1 nor the COX-2 enzyme to be of major importance for 5-HT-induced ion transport in rat colon in vitro. In conclusion, this study supports 5-HT as a mediator of chloride secretion by activating several receptor subtypes and the LOX enzyme, releasing mediators such as leucotrienes.  相似文献   

Summary Transmural fluxes of3H-mannitol and22Na or36Cl were measured simultaneously in portions of isolated turtle colon stripped of serosal musculature. The relationships between mannitol flux and the flux of Na or Cl are characteristic of simple diffusion and suggest that transmural mannitol flow is largely confined to a paracellular pathway where Na, Cl and mannitol move much as in free solution. The contribution of edge damage to the transmural mannitol flow appears to be minimal. Mucosal hyperosmolarity causes blisters in epithelial tight junctions and increases the diffusional permeability to Na and mannitol, suggesting that the rate-limiting barrier in the shunt path is the tight junction. If the total mucosa to serosa flux of Na is corrected for the portion traversing the shunt pathway it is apparent that changes in the short-circuit current are completely accounted for by the mucosa to serosal movement of Na through a cellular path. In addition, the serosa to mucosa flux of Na appears to be restricted to the shunt. These observations suggest that there is no appreciable backflux of Na through the active, cellular path. In the presence of 10–4 m amiloride the short-circuit current is markedly reduced and the mucosa to serosa Na flux is restricted to the shunt, so that the net Na flux is abolished. The small amiloride-insensitive short-circuit current is consistent with HCO3 secretion. Mucosa to serosa and serosa to mucosa fluxes of Cl appear to be largely restricted to the paracellular shunt path and there is no evidence for any net flow of Cl under short-circuit conditions. The total tissue conductance can be described as the sum of three components: a shunt conductance which is linearly related to the transmural mannitol flow, an active conductance which is linearly related to the short-circuit current and a small residual conductance. The shunt conductance is attributable to the diffusive movements of Na and Cl through the paracellular path. Variations in the active Na transport from tissue to tissue are largely attributable to variations in the apparent conductance of the active Na transport path. The driving force for active Na transport can be described as an apparent emf of approximately 130 mV. These results suggest that transmural mannitol flux provides a quantitative estimate of the ion permeability and electrical conductance of a paracellular shunt path across the isolated turtle colon and thereby facilitates the study of the transport characteristics and electrical properties of cellular paths for transepithelial solute movement.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that the cardiac response of the baroreceptor reflex (bradycardia) is inhibited during the defense reaction evoked by direct electrical or chemical stimulation of the periaqueductal gray (dPAG) in the rat. Whether central serotonin and nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) serotonin(3) (5-HT(3)) receptors might participate in this inhibition was investigated in urethane-anesthetized and atenolol-pretreated rats. Our results showed that both electrical and chemical stimulation of the dPAG produced a drastic reduction of the cardiovagal component of the baroreceptor reflex triggered by either intravenous administration of phenylephrine or aortic nerve stimulation. This inhibitory effect of dPAG stimulation on the baroreflex bradycardia was not observed in rats that had been pretreated with p-chlorophenylalanine (300 mg/kg ip daily for 3 days) to inhibit serotonin synthesis. Subsequent 5-hydroxytryptophan administration (60 mg/kg ip), which was used to restore serotonin synthesis, allowed the inhibitory effect of dPAG stimulation on both aortic and phenylephrine-induced cardiac reflex responses to be recovered in p-chlorophenylalanine-pretreated rats. On the other hand, in nonpretreated rats, the inhibitory effect of dPAG stimulation on the cardiac baroreflex response could be markedly reduced by prior intra-NTS microinjection of granisetron, a 5-HT(3) receptor antagonist, or bicuculline, a GABA(A) receptor antagonist. These results show that serotonin plays a key role in the dPAG stimulation-induced inhibition of the cardiovagal baroreceptor reflex response. Moreover, they support the idea that 5-HT(3) and GABA(A) receptors in the NTS contribute downstream to the inhibition of the baroreflex response caused by dPAG stimulation.  相似文献   

Tumour-related recovery in rat skin was estimated from the dependence of tumour yield on time between split doses of electron radiation. Tumour yield versus dose was established at nine dose points, and at three points the dose was split into two equal fractions spaced 0-25, 3-2 or 6-3 hours apart. After irradiation the rats were observed periodically for at least 64 weeks, and at death the tumours were examined histologically. The dependence of yield on dose for single doses was consistent with a quadratic function up to a peak yield at about 1600 rad. The effect of split doses on tumour yield depended on the position on the dose--response curve. At the lowest split dose, the yield declined with a half-time of about 1-8 hours. At the intermediate split dose, an initial increase was followed by a decline with a half-time of about 3-9 hours. At the highest split dose, the tumour yield increased with time between exposures. Fractionation-induced increases in tumour yield were explained as a sparing effect on cell lethality, whereas tumour-related recovery per se was indicated at the lower two doses.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are the central coordinators of energy metabolism and alterations in their function and number have long been associated with metabolic disorders such as obesity, diabetes and hyperlipidemias. Since oxidative phosphorylation requires an electrochemical gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane, ion channels in this membrane certainly must play an important role in the regulation of energy metabolism. However, in many experimental settings, the relationship between the activity of mitochondrial ion transport and metabolic disorders is still poorly understood. This review briefly summarizes some aspects of mitochondrial H+ transport (promoted by uncoupling proteins, UCPs), Ca2+ and K+ uniporters which may be determinant in metabolic disorders.  相似文献   

1. The effect of theophylline on ion transport was examined using an in vitro short-circuited preparation of lizard colon. 2. Theophylline increased short circuit current (Isc) and transmural potential difference (PD). This increase caused by theophylline was accompanied by a small increase in transmural conductance (Gt). 3. Theophylline did not inhibit the absorption of Na+ but reversed Cl- absorption to secretion. This latter effect was due to an increase of the serosal-to-mucosal flux of Cl-. 4. Ion substitution experiments revealed that the effect of theophylline was Na+- and HCO3(-)-dependent and that these ions were required in the bathing solution. 5. These results with lizard colon are compared with those reported for mammalian colon and the mechanism of theophylline-induced Cl- secretion in these epithelia is discussed.  相似文献   

This work aimed at studying the effect of PGE2 on water and chloride absorption from the rat distal colon and at investigating the involvement of the cytoskeleton in the modulation of colonic transporters. PGE2 increased significantly net water and chloride absorption. It increased also the activity of the Na+K+-ATPase and the expression of the Na+K+2Cl- cotransporter. The increase in pump activity was ascribed to its phosphorylation by PKA or PKC when activated upon binding of PGE2 to its receptors, and was deemed responsible for the increase in Cl- absorption. Cytochalasin B (CytoB), a disrupter of microfilaments, decreased net water and chloride absorption in presence or absence of PGE2. Furthermore it down-regulated both pump and cotransporter, and lowered Na+K+-ATPase activity. It was suggested that an intact actin cytoskeleton is required for the basal and the PGE2-elicited trafficking of both transporters. On the other hand, colchicine, an inhibitor of microtubule polymerization, had no effect on the absorption of water and chloride but abrogated the stimulatory effect of PGE2. Colchicine exerted a similar effect to that of cytochlasin on the expression of both pump and cotransporter in presence or absence of PGE2 except for the basal activity of the pump which was not altered by microtubule disruption. It was concluded that both microfilament and microtubular networks are involved in the basal and PGE2-elicited increase in colonic ion absorption.  相似文献   

Activation of ion transport pathways by changes in cell volume.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Swelling-activated K+ and Cl- channels, which mediate RVD, are found in most cell types. Prominent exceptions to this rule include red cells, which together with some types of epithelia, utilize electroneutral [K(+)-Cl-] cotransport for down-regulation of volume. Shrinkage-activated Na+/H+ exchange and [Na(+)-K(+)-2 Cl-] cotransport mediate RVI in many cell types, although the activation of these systems may require special conditions, such as previous RVD. Swelling-activated K+/H+ exchange and Ca2+/Na+ exchange seem to be restricted to certain species of red cells. Swelling-activated calcium channels, although not carrying sufficient ion flux to contribute to volume changes may play an important role in the activation of transport pathways. In this review of volume-activated ion transport pathways we have concentrated on regulatory phenomena. We have listed known secondary messenger pathways that modulate volume-activated transporters, although the evidence that volume signals are transduced via these systems is preliminary. We have focused on several mechanisms that might function as volume sensors. In our view, the most important candidates for this role are the structures which detect deformation or stretching of the membrane and the skeletal filaments attached to it, and the extraordinary effects that small changes in concentration of cytoplasmic macromolecules may exert on the activities of cytoplasmic and membrane enzymes (macromolecular crowding). It is noteworthy that volume-activated ion transporters are intercalated into the cellular signaling network as receptors, messengers and effectors. Stretch-activated ion channels may serve as receptors for cell volume itself. Cell swelling or shrinkage may serve a messenger function in the communication between opposing surfaces of epithelia, or in the regulation of metabolic pathways in the liver. Finally, these transporters may act as effector systems when they perform regulatory volume increase or decrease. This review discusses several examples in which relatively simple methods of examining volume regulation led to the discovery of transporters ultimately found to play key roles in the transmission of information within the cell. So, why volume? Because it's functionally important, it's relatively cheap (if you happened to have everything else, you only need some distilled water or concentrated salt solution), and since it involves many disciplines of experimental biology, it's fun to do.  相似文献   

The lactogenic hormone prolactin (PRL) has been known to affect Ca(2+) and electrolyte transport in the intestinal epithelium. In the present study we analyzed ion transport in mouse proximal and distal colon, and acute changes induced by PRL. In the proximal colon, carbachol activated a Ca(2+) dependent Cl(-) secretion that was sensitive to DIDS and NFA. In the distal colon, both ATP and carbachol activated K(+) secretion. Ca(2+) -activated KCl transport in proximal and distal colon was inhibited by PRL (200 ng/ml), while amiloride sensitive Na(+) absorption and cAMP induced Cl(-) secretion remained unaffected. Luminal large conductance Ca(2+) -activated K(+) (BK) channels were largely responsible for Ca(2+) -activated K(+) secretion in the distal colon, and basolateral BK channels supported Ca(2+) -activated Cl(-) secretion in the proximal colon. Ca(2+) chelating by BAPTA-AM attenuated effects of carbachol and abolished effects of PRL. Both inhibition of PI3 kinase with wortmannin and blockage of MAP kinases with SB 203580 or U 0126, interfered with the acute inhibitory effect of PRL on ion transport, while blocking of Jak/Stat kinases with AG 490 was without effects. PRL attenuated the increase in intracellular Ca(2+) that was caused by stimulation of isolated colonic crypts with carbachol. Thus PRL inhibits Ca(2+) dependent Cl(-) and K(+) secretion by interfering with intracellular Ca(2+) signaling and probably by activating PI3 kinase and MAP kinase pathways.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The observed level and subcellular distribution of the α-glycerophosphate and malate-aspartate substrate shuttle enzymes in liver and colon were consistent with their proposed roles in reducing equivalent transport.
  • 2.2. Km value determinations of shuttle enzymes were performed.
  • 3.3. Substrate shuttles were reconstructed from isolated liver and colon mitochondria which displayed satisfactory respiratory control and P:O ratios.
  • 4.4. The results obtained suggest that while the malate-aspartate shuttle is the primary means of reducing equivalent transport in the liver, the α-glycerophosphate shuttle predominates in the colon.

Wet mass and water content of four lots of whole eggs did not change throughout embryonic development of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Eggs in all four lots accumulated Na+. Eggs in lots 2 and 4 also accumulated Ca2+ and Cl-, whereas eggs in lot 1 showed no significant change in Ca2+ or Cl- and eggs in lot 3 showed no change in Cl-and a small loss of Ca2+. Although the Na+ content of embryonic tissues increases in the later stages of development, the yolk sac content remained constant, indicating uptake of Na+ from the environment. Na+ uptake by whole eggs was non-saturable, consistent with diffusion of Na+ across the chorion into the perivitelline fluid. Na+ uptake in dechorionated embryos was saturable, as was Ca2+ uptake by both whole eggs and dechorionated embryos, consistent with active uptake or facilitated diffusion mechanisms at the surface of embryos. Very low Ca2+ uptake rates in dechorionated embryos suggest that the Ca2+ uptake mechanism is not fully developed until after hatching.  相似文献   

Gut lumen is continually exposed to a great variety of agents, including noxious compounds. Chemical receptors that detect the luminal environment are thought to play an important role as sensors and to modulate gastrointestinal functions. Recently, it has been reported that odorant receptors (ORs) are expressed in the small intestinal mucosa and that odorants stimulate serotonin secretion. However, ion transport in the responses to odorants has rarely been discussed, particularly in relation to the large intestine. In the present study, we examined the effects of the OR ligand thymol on ion transport in human and rat colonic epithelia using an Ussing chamber. In the mucosal-submucosal preparations, the mucosal addition of thymol evoked anion secretion concentration dependently. In addition, dextran (4 kDa) permeability was enhanced by the mucosal treatment with thymol. The response to thymol was not affected by tetrodotoxin (TTX) or piroxicam treatments in human or rat colon. Thymol-evoked electrogenic anion secretion was abolished under Ca(2+)-free conditions or mucosal treatment with transient receptor potential (TRP) A1 blocker (HC-030031). Pretreatment of thymol did not affect electrical field stimulation-evoked anion secretion but significantly attenuated short-chain fatty acid-evoked secretion in a concentration-dependent manner. OR1G1 and TRPA1 expression was investigated in isolated colonic mucosa by RT-PCR. The present results provide evidence that the OR ligand thymol modulates epithelial permeability and electrogenic anion secretion in human and rat colon. The anion secretion by luminal thymol is most likely mediated by direct activation of TRPA1 channel. We suggest that the sensing and responding to odorants in the colon also plays a role in maintaining intestinal homeostasis.  相似文献   

This report describes experimental results which show that the fluorescent reagent fluorescamine induces mitochondrial energy-independent swelling when the incubation media contain the chloride salts of the cations Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, and Cs+. The reaction depends on the concentration of the dye and is inhibited by Mg2+, and its extension is closely related to the amount of the primary amino groups titrated by fluorescamine. Analysis of the labeled inner membrane in polyacrylamide gel shows that the amount of aminofluorescamine complex is lower when mitochondria are in the presence of Mg2+.  相似文献   

A progressive and sustained increase in inspiratory-related motor output ("long-term facilitation") and an augmented ventilatory response to hypoxia occur following acute intermittent hypoxia (AIH). To date, acute plasticity in respiratory motor outputs active in the postinspiratory and expiratory phases has not been studied. The recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) innervates laryngeal abductor muscles that widen the glottic aperture during inspiration. Other efferent fibers in the RLN innervate adductor muscles that partially narrow the glottic aperture during postinspiration. The aim of this study was to investigate whether or not AIH elicits a serotonin-mediated long-term facilitation of laryngeal abductor muscles, and if recruitment of adductor muscle activity occurs following AIH. Urethane anesthetized, paralyzed, unilaterally vagotomized, and artificially ventilated adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to 10 exposures of hypoxia (10% O(2) in N(2), 45 s, separated by 5 min, n = 7). At 60 min post-AIH, phrenic nerve activity and inspiratory RLN activity were elevated (39 ± 11 and 23 ± 6% above baseline, respectively). These responses were abolished by pretreatment with the serotonin-receptor antagonist, methysergide (n = 4). No increase occurred in time control animals (n = 7). Animals that did not exhibit postinspiratory RLN activity at baseline did not show recruitment of this activity post-AIH (n = 6). A repeat hypoxia 60 min after AIH produced a significantly greater peak response in both phrenic and RLN activity, accompanied by a prolonged recovery time that was also prevented by pretreatment with methysergide. We conclude that AIH induces neural plasticity in laryngeal motoneurons, via serotonin-mediated mechanisms similar to that observed in phrenic motoneurons: the so-called "Q-pathway". We also provide evidence that the augmented responsiveness to repeat hypoxia following AIH also involves a serotonergic mechanism.  相似文献   

The complex morphology of the mammalian lung complicates characterization of solute transport across the intact alveolar epithelium. We impaled the subpleural alveolar epithelium with microelectrodes and measured the transepithelial potential difference (PD) of the liquid-filled vascular-perfused left lobe of the rat lung. When the air space was filled entirely with Krebs-Ringer-bicarbonate, the PD was 4.7 mV (lumen negative). The PD was not affected significantly by agents that modify either Na+ or Cl- transport, but replacement of luminal Cl- with gluconate resulted in a fourfold hyperpolarization, a response also noted for large airways. When the airways were blocked by an immiscible nonconducting fluorocarbon, basal PD was not different from unblocked lobes (4.0 mV) but was inhibited 73% by luminal amiloride. Cl(-)-free Krebs-Ringer-bicarbonate blocked in the alveoli with fluorocarbon did not induce hyperpolarization. This result suggests that 1) Cl- permselectivity of the alveolar epithelium is less than that of large airway epithelium and 2) airway PD dominates the voltage across the liquid-filled lung, even when measurements are made from alveoli. When airways are blocked by fluorocarbon, the PD across the alveolar epithelium is largely dependent on Na+ flow through a path with amiloride-sensitive channels.  相似文献   

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