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The differences in potential reproductive rate between the sexescan be used to predict the operational sex ratio and the patternsand intensity of mating competition and hence sexual selectionin a population. This article describes how one environmentalcomponent, temperature, affects potential reproductive ratesof the two sexes in the paternally brooding, sex-role reversedpipefish (Syngnathus typhle). Males brooded embryos much longer(on average 58 days) in cold water (about 10°C) than inwarmer water (35 days at about 15°C). As a consequence,the potential reproductive rate (number of eggs brooded perday) of males was significantly higher in warm water. In females,however, potential reproductive rate, i.e., number of eggs producedper day given an unlimited access to mates, was not significantlydifferent between temperatures. In both sexes, potential reproductiverate was positively related to body size. At both temperatures,females had the potential to reproduce faster than males. Asa result, the operational sex ratio will become female biasedand sex-roles reversed, as is the case in this species. Sincetemperature differently influenced the potential reproductiverates of males and females, with the sexual difference largerat lower temperatures, more intense female-female competitionis predicted at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Active drag related to velocity in male and female swimmers   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Propulsive arm forces of 32 male and 9 female swimmers were measured during front crawl swimming using arms only, in a velocity range between 1.0 m s-1 and 1.8 m s-1. At constant velocity, the measured mean propulsive force Fp equals the mean active drag force (Fd). It was found that Fd is related to the swimming velocity v raised to the power 2.12 +/- 0.20 (males) or 2.28 +/- 0.35 (females). Although many subjects showed rather constant values of Fd/v2, 12 subjects gave significantly (p less than 0.01) stronger or weaker quadratic relationships. Differences in drag force and coefficient of drag between males and females (drag: 28.9 +/- 5.1 N, 20.4 +/- 1.9 N, drag coefficient: 0.64 +/- 0.09, 0.54 +/- 0.07 respectively) are especially apparent at the lowest swimming velocity (1 m s-1), which become less at higher swimming velocities. Possible explanations for the deviation of the power of the velocity from the ideal quadratic dependency are discussed.  相似文献   

The morphology of male genitalia whilst stable within species, exhibits huge interspecific variation. This variation is likely to be as a result of sexual selection due to the direct involvement of these reproductive structures in mating and sperm transfer. In contrast, internal soft tissue components of the genitalia are generally poorly investigated as they are not directly involved in physical and mechanical adequacy during sperm transfer. However, these soft tissue structures may also drive differential male–female interactions, particularly in internally fertilising organisms where females have the ability to store sperm and bias male reproductive success. In this paper we use the drosophila model to investigate the role of male and female reproductive elements in sexual selection. Our meta-analysis supplemented with additional new data clearly shows that within species, sperm length versus testis length, and sperm length versus seminal receptacle length, are highly correlated. Thus, independent of the phylogenetic relationship among species, gamete evolution is likely to result in sexual selection interactions that drive the evolution of internal reproductive components in both sexes. Our results and discussion of the literature highlight the importance of considering internal soft structures that may influence fertilisation, when investigating selective forces acting on the evolution of reproductive traits.  相似文献   

Courtship song is known to vary among several groups of closely related species ofDrosophila. The present study investigates differences in song among four members of thequinaria group of fungal-breedingDrosophila which are known to coexist in Britain and the near-continent. Results show that the species can be distinguished by several song parameters including interpulse interval.D. phalerata is very different from the other three species, while there is considerable overlap betweenD. kuntzei andD. limbata in several characters.D. transversa appears to be more similar to the latter species than it is toD. phalerata. The question of mate choice and the potential for reproductive character displacement are discussed.  相似文献   

Schistosomiasis is caused by dioecious helminths of the genus Schistosoma. Recent work indicated that unpaired female and male schistosomes can survive within their definitive host for at least 1 year, although the viability or fertility of these worms after subsequent pairing remained untested. We performed two experiments on laboratory mice, one with female Schistosoma japonicum exposure first and male schistosomes second and another vice versa. After surviving as single-sex unpaired forms for up to 1 year, 58.5% of male and 70% of female schistosomes were able to mate and produce viable eggs. This highlights an additional biological challenge in achieving elimination of schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Life-history theory predicts that individuals should adjust their reproductive effort according to the expected fitness returns on investment. Because sexually selected male traits should provide honest information about male genetic or phenotypic quality, females may invest more when paired with attractive males. However, there is substantial disagreement in the literature whether such differential allocation is a general pattern. Using a comparative meta-regression approach, we show that female birds generally invest more into reproduction when paired with attractive males, both in terms of egg size and number as well as food provisioning. However, whereas females of species with bi-parental care tend to primarily increase the number of eggs when paired with attractive males, females of species with female-only care produce larger, but not more, eggs. These patterns may reflect adaptive differences in female allocation strategies arising from variation in the signal content of sexually selected male traits between systems of parental care. In contrast to reproductive effort, female allocation of immune-stimulants, anti-oxidants and androgens to the egg yolk was not consistently increased when mated to attractive males, which probably reflects the context-dependent costs and benefits of those yolk compounds to females and offspring.  相似文献   

The Sr/Ca ratios in otoliths of silver Japanese eels Anguilla japonica , in Pearl River, China, indicated that both sexes did not stay in brackish water and grew in fresh water from the glass eel stage until spawning migration. This did not support the hypothesis that females tended to distribute upstream and males might be restricted to estuaries. The back-calculated total length of males at glass eel stage was not significantly different from that of females, indicating that the hypothesis that small glass eels became males and larger ones became females may not be true. The mean (±S.D.) age and total length of males at migration were 6·4±1·6 years and 48·3±4·5 cm, which were significantly smaller than for females, 8·3±1·6 years and 61·4±4·1 cm. The age of migration was related inversely to growth rate for both sexes. Growth parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth equation were K =0·21 cm year°1, L =55·7 cm and t o=-0·55 year for males and K =0·14 cm year−1, L =77·5 cm and t o=-0·60 year for females. The difference in asymptotic length ( L ) between males and females may be because females postpone migration to achieve larger size for maximizing reproductive success.  相似文献   

Abstract Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) larvae are capable of developing in one of many hosts that may vary greatly in quality. We hypothesized that they will respond to the larval environment in a manner beneficial to their subsequent reproductive performance. Accordingly, we investigated the effects of various larval diets (varying in the amount of protein and sugar they contain) on the size, development time, nutritional status and reproductive maturation (ovarian development and onset of sexual behaviour) of females and males. We found that flies which undergo larval development in artificial host fruit that contain sugar and protein ('protein-fed') were larger, developed faster and emerged with more nutritional reserves than flies that were protein-deprived as larvae. Protein-fed males, regardless of their size, became sexually active before males that developed in hosts with no protein. Protein-fed females produced more mature eggs than protein-deprived ones. Moreover, protein-fed females tended to copulate sooner than females that developed in hosts with no protein. In addition, regardless of female larval diet, females with more mature eggs tended to copulate sooner than females with less mature eggs. In light of these results, the importance of the larval environment for adult reproductive success is discussed.  相似文献   

The role of photoperiod in avian reproductive timing has been well studied, and we are increasingly recognizing the roles of other environmental cues such as social cues. However, few studies have evaluated the extent to which males and females of the same species respond similarly to the same type of cue. Moreover, previous studies have rarely examined how variation in the quality or nature of a given social cue might modulate its effect. Here, we examine the sensitivity of male and female pine siskins (Spinus pinus) to a potential mate as a stimulatory cue for gonadal recrudescence, and we investigate whether variation in the relationship between a bird and its potential mate modulates the effect of that potential mate. Birds were initially housed without opposite sex birds on a 12L:12D photoperiod with ad libitum food. After gonadal recrudescence had begun males and females were randomly paired with an opposite sex bird or housed alone. An additional group of males was paired with estradiol-implanted females. In males, these social treatments had no effect on testis length, cloacal protuberance length, luteinizing hormone (LH) levels, or testosterone levels. In females, presence of a potential mate had a significant and positive effect on ovary score, defeathering of the brood patch, and LH levels. Among paired birds, the degree of affiliation within a pair corresponded to the extent of reproductive development in females, but not males. Thus, reproductive timing in females appears to be sensitive to both the presence of a potential mate and her relationship with him.  相似文献   

Twelve water channels (aquaporins) are expressed in mammalian reproductive systems, and play very important roles in maintaining water homeostasis in reproductive cells. Impairment of their functions can result in attenuated male and female fertility. Alteration of AQPs expression is also found in reproductive tissues of the patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis or endometrium carcinoma. A lot of data have increased understanding of the functions and mechanisms of regulation of aquaporins at both the molecular and the clinical level. Researches have also focused on aquaporins as therapeutic targets. This review discusses recent advances in uncovering the physiological and pathophysiological roles of aquaporins in the reproductive systems.  相似文献   

Heike Pröhl  Olaf Berke 《Oecologia》2001,129(4):534-542
In many species with a resource-based mating system, males defend resources to increase their attractiveness to females. In the strawberry poison frog, Dendrobates pumilio, suitable tadpole-rearing sites appear to be a limited resource for females. Territorial males have been suggested to defend tadpole-rearing sites to increase their access to females. In this study we investigate the spatial association between tadpole-rearing sites and the sexes as well as the spatial association of males and females. If strawberry poison frogs have resource defense polygyny, we expect males and females to be associated with tadpole-rearing sites and that females will deposit their offspring in tadpole-rearing sites inside the territories of their mates. To test this hypothesis, home range and core area sizes were calculated for both sexes and the association patterns were compared in two areas that differed in their abundance of tadpole-rearing sites. Home ranges and core areas of females were much larger than male home ranges. Females showed a clumped distribution in the vicinity of tadpole-rearing sites. Males were not clumped and were less associated with tadpole-rearing sites. Females generally did not use tadpole-rearing sites in the territory of their mates and we therefore conclude that males did not defend tadpole-rearing sites for females. Our data are consistent with the general assumption that female distribution is influenced by resource distribution and that male distribution depends on female distribution. Nevertheless, the distribution of D. pumilio females was also influenced by male spacing patterns. Males probably initially establish their core areas where female density is high and then females move among territories to sample males. Males compete vigorously for places with high female density, the defense of which is likely important for enhancing their mating success. In general, the spacing patterns did not differ between populations but the sex ratio was strongly female biased in the habitat with more tadpole-rearing sites, reflecting the direct reliance of females on these resources.  相似文献   

Females apparently are the choosier sex in courtship contexts, but there still is limited information about female selection criteria in real courtship settings. Given that a female knows little about a heretofore unacquainted male, upon what dimensions can (and do) females base their initial courtship decisions? Here, we report findings from observational studies that investigated male nonverbal behavior in a bar context. Study 1 documented the body movements of males prior to making contact with a female. It was found that males who successfully made “contact” courtship initiation with females exhibited different body language in this precontact phase than did males who did not make contact with females, including significantly more glancing behaviors, space-maximization movements, intrasexual touching, and less closed-body movements. The findings from a second within-subject study comparing the behavior of men in a bar when women were present or not present supported the initial study's findings and showed that males' emphasis on these behaviors increases in a mate-relevant context. We suggest that certain aspects of male nonverbal behavior in courtship contexts can serve as self-presentation and mate-value signals.  相似文献   

Males of many animals perform ‘copulatory courtship’ during copulation, but the possible reproductive significance of this behaviour has seldom been investigated. In some animals, including the spider Physocyclus globosus (Pholcidae), the female discards sperm during or immediately following some copulations. In this study, we determined which of several variables associated with copulation correlated with paternity success in P. globosus when two males mate with a single female. Then, by determining which of these variables also correlated with sperm dumping, we inferred which variables may affect paternity via the mechanism of sperm dumping. Male abdomen vibration (a copulatory courtship behaviour) and male genitalic squeezing both correlated with both paternity and sperm dumping; so, these traits may be favoured by biased sperm dumping. Biased sperm dumping may also be the mechanism by which possible cryptic female choice favours another male trait that was the subject of a previous study, responsiveness to female stridulation.  相似文献   

The adult gonads in both male and female Drosophila melanogaster produce gametes that originate from a regenerative pool of germline stem cells (GSCs). The differentiation programme that produces gametes must be co-ordinated with GSC maintenance and proliferation in order to regulate tissue regeneration. The HOW RNA-binding protein has been shown to maintain mitotic progression of male GSCs and their daughters by maintenance of Cyclin B expression as well as suppressing accumulation of the differentiation factor Bam. Loss of HOW function in the male germline results in loss of GSCs due to a delay in G2 and subsequent apoptosis. Here we show that female how mutant GSCs do not have any cell cycle defects although HOW continues to bind bam mRNA and suppress Bam expression. The role of HOW in suppressing germ cell Bam expression appears to be conserved between sexes, leading to different cellular outcomes in how mutants due to the different functions of Bam. In addition the role in maintaining Cyclin B expression has not been conserved so female how GSCs differentiate rather than arrest.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. We studied the fecundity of Epirrita autumnata Bkh. (Lepidoptera) in relation to pupal weight of females and males.
2. There was no clear correlation between male size and the success in fertilization over a considerable range of weights (from 50 mg to over 100 mg) although in one experiment only large males were successful in multiple fertilizations.
3. In the three experiments where small males (<50 mg) were used they showed reduced performance, and a large proportion of them was sterile.
4. Unlike in males, the number of eggs laid by females correlated linearly with pupal weight over the whole range of female weights.  相似文献   

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