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Summary The ultrastructure of the pineal gland of 18 human fetuses (crown-rump lengths 30–178 mm) was investigated.The pineal gland exhibits a pyramidal shape and consists of an anterior and posterior lobe. Only one parenchymal cell type, the pinealocyte, was observed. Few neuroblasts were seen between the pinealocytes and in the extended perivascular space. The pinealocytes possess all the organelles necessary for hormone synthesis. No specific secretory granule could be observed. The organ is abundantly vascularized and richly innervated. The morphology of the capillaries indicates the existence of a blood-brain barrier.The ultrastructure of the human fetal pineal gland suggests that the gland has a secretory function in early intrauterine life. Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to Mrs. Yael Balslev and Miss Inger Ægidius for their able technical assistance. This investigation was supported in part by The Carl and Ellen Hertz's foundation and the Johann and Hanne Weimann foundation.  相似文献   

Summary The islets of Langerhans of the equine pancreas were examined with the electron microscope after immersion or perfusion fixation. Five cell types could be distinguished after fixation by either technique: 1. A-cells, situated at the center of the islets, 2. B-cells, containing mostly pale granules and constituting the principal cell type of the periphery of the islets, 3. D-cells, also located mainly at the periphery of the islets, 4. G-cells, found at the edge of the islets and in the exocrine pancreas, and 5. S-cells, (small granule cells), which are relatively few in number and occur only in the islets. The function and age-dependent modifications of these cells are discussed. The formation of light and dark cells and of mixed cells are regarded as artifact, since cells of this type occur only under the condition of immersion fixation.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Drs. h.c. W. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of the various hormone-producing cell types (with the exclusion of the prolactin cells) in the pituitary gland (pars distalis) of migratory sockeye salmon is described. All fish were in an advanced stage of sexual maturation. In the proximal pars distalis five cell types were distinguished: growth hormone cells, ACTH cells, gonadotrops, vesicular cells, and chromophobe cells. Gonadotrops were also found throughout the rostral pars distalis. A conspicuous feature of the gonadotrops was the presence of two kinds of secretory inclusions: small electron-dense granules (200–375 m) and large, relatively electron-translucent globules (400–2 000 m). The large vesicular cells, so called because of their conspicuous vesicular endoplasmic reticulum, were numerous and often appeared to contain some small granules. It is argued that they may represent a second type of gonadotropic cell, which, in earlier stages of gonad development, contains many granules but becomes largely degranulated near the time of reproduction when the other gonadotrops (globular gonadotrops) abound. The chromophobes, which were smaller and far less abundant than the vesicular cells, also appeared to contain small granules (120–280 m). They are probably thyrotrops.The assistance of Mr. S. Killick, of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission, who helped in the collection of salmon, is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary In this study, antiserum to acinar cell-specific mucin was utilized to determine whether mucin could be detected in the mouse submandibular gland prior to cytodifferentiation of acinar cells. Results from radioimmunoassay indicated that mucin occurs in submandibular glands from newborn mice, i.e., before the appearance of mature acinar cells. Additionally, mucin quantitated in various stages of development was found to be antigenically identical to adult mucin. After sections of glands were treated with immunohistochemical reagents, we observed that the mature acinar cell-specific mucin was present in secretory terminal-tubule cells and in proacinar cells of newborn animals. The present findings suggest that in young animals, the proacinar cells are an immediate precursor of acinar cells and that the secretory terminal-tubule cells may represent an earlier stage in development of acinar cells. In adult female glands, mucin was also detected in the granular intercalating-duct cells. This latter observation is consistent with the hypothesis that these cells are an intermediate in the acinar cell replacement process.  相似文献   

Formation of scales in different body regions of embryonic alligators is described using light and electron microscopy. Transformation of the skin surface to produce scales takes place between stages 19 and 23, after which the shape of scales is complete over most of the embryonic surface. Scalation is not synchronous; different regions develop scales at different rates. Initially scales are formed on the back and dorsal side of the proximal tail and appear as undulations of the epidermis which form symmetrical (bumps) or asymmetrical (serrated) scale anlagen. No dermal condensations are apparent beneath the epidermis, although in some areas of the skin (belly, limbs) mesenchymal cells are more numerous within the bumps than in other areas. At stage 21, scalation has spread to the neck and belly but is absent or poorly developed over most areas of the flank, gular, jaw, limb and head regions. Grooves form between the outer edges of adjacent scales or interbump regions. A superficial denser dermis and a reticulated deep subdermis are visible in many scales from stage 21. The dermis forms a superficial loose and a deep dense layer from stage 22. Both loose and deep dermis, and sometimes the deep reticulate subdermis, move towards the surface to form the dermal core of scales, although the mechanism of this movement is not known. Bundles of collagen fibrils, with almost no elastic fibrils, are progressively deposited, especially in the denser dermis. At stage 22, the flank, gular and proximal areas of limbs form scales, but the head, jaw, distal limbs and digits still lack scales. The digits become scaled at stage 23 when scalation is well advanced in the other regions. By stage 24 most of the body is scaled and subsequent scale modifications occur only by growth. Five main types of scales are recognized by their shape: symmetrical scutes, asymmetrical scutes, overlapping scutes, tuberculate scales, and elevated asymmetrical scutes (tail verticils). Pigmentation, mainly due to epidermal melanocytes, is visible at embryonic stage 23 and progresses through stages 24 and 25.  相似文献   

Summary The sinus gland of Carcinus maenas consists of the swollen axonal endings of the neurosecretory cells of the major ganglia and acts as a storage release centre for the membrane bound neurosecretory material. These neurosecretory granules fall into five different types based on size and electron density. Their contents are released by exocytosis of the primary granules or smaller units budded from the primary granules.I thank Professor E. Naylor for his constant advice and Professor E. W. Knight-Jones, Department of Zoology, University College, Swansea, for the provision of laboratory facilities. I am grateful to the Science Research Council for the financial support. Finally, I thank the Electron Microscope Unit, Southampton General Hospital, where the work was completed.  相似文献   

Summary The postnatal development of the submandibular gland was investigated in male mice of the Swiss-Webster strain, which were killed at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 and 20 weeks of age, while the older mice had been weaned at 3 weeks of age. The mean weight of the submandibular gland increases from 9.5 mg at 1 week to 232.9 mg at 20 weeks of age, and the rate of increase is rapid between 3 and 10 weeks of age. The gland's contents of DNA, RNA and protein increase in a similar manner.The changes in the constituent cell types of the gland were studied in radioautographs prepared from Epon-embedded sections of mice given 3H-thymidine and stained with toluidine blue. At 1 week of age, the gland consists of acinar cells (36%), intercalated duct cells (26%), juxta-acinar cells (13%), striated duct cells (12%) and others. The cellular composition of the gland changes little before weaning, but the absolute number of all types of cells increases with age. Between 3 and 4 weeks, juxta-acinar cells disappear and granular convoluted tubule cells appear and increase rapidly in number with age. The rapid expansion of the population size of granular convoluted tubule cells after weaning coincides with the second peak of increased proliferative activity of intercalated duct cells, whereas all the other cell types show a progressive decrease in their proliferative activity with age. In spite of the burst in proliferative activity, there is no corresponding increase in the absolute number of intercalated duct cells. The number of striated duct cells peak at 5 weeks of age and then declines. These findings indicate that the mitoses of intercalated duct cells give rise to granular convoluted tubule cells through a stage of striated duct cells. At 20 weeks of age, the gland consists of granular convoluted tubule cells (47%), acinar cells (28%), intercalated duct cells (12%), striated duct cells (1%) and others.Supported by Public Health Service Research Grant AMDE 19753 from the National Institute of Health. The authors are indebted to Mr. I. Borcsanyi for technical assistance  相似文献   

Pancreatic fibrosis is caused by excessive deposition of extracellular matrixes of collagen and fibronectin in the pancreatic tissue as a result of repeated injury often seen in patients with chronic pancreatic diseases. The most common causative conditions include inborn errors of metabolism, chemical toxicity and autoimmune disorders. Its pathophysiology is highly complex, including acinar cell injury, acinar stress response, duct dysfunction, pancreatic stellate cell activation, and persistent inflammatory response. However, the specific mechanism remains to be fully clarified. Although the current therapeutic strategies targeting pancreatic stellate cells show good efficacy in cell culture and animal models, they are not satisfactory in the clinic. Without effective intervention, pancreatic fibrosis can promote the transformation from pancreatitis to pancreatic cancer, one of the most lethal malignancies. In the normal pancreas, the acinar component accounts for 82% of the exocrine tissue. Abnormal acinar cells may activate pancreatic stellate cells directly as cellular source of fibrosis or indirectly via releasing various substances and initiate pancreatic fibrosis. A comprehensive understanding of the role of acinar cells in pancreatic fibrosis is critical for designing effective intervention strategies. In this review, we focus on the role of and mechanisms underlying pancreatic acinar injury in pancreatic fibrosis and their potential clinical significance.  相似文献   

Methodology is described that will permit the study of the effect of various drugs on development and DNA replication in the cleavage nuclei of Drosophila eggs. It is shown that permeabilized eggs can be exposed to an aqueous incubation medium for up to 30 min without measureable effects on development and that such incubations can be performed with eggs that have a relatively sharp age distribution. The effect on development and viability of a variety of drugs has been examined as an aid for future studies directed toward achieving synchronous development in a population of eggs and electron microscopic studies of DNA replication in the presence of various drugs.  相似文献   

Summary The pancreatic islet in the mouse has a highly complex and heterogeneous structure. It contains Aa, Ab, Ac, B, C, D, E, and F cells. The classification of cell types is primarily based on the shape, size and electron opacity of secretory granules and on the spatial relationship of the granules to their unit membranes. Morphological evidence is supported by a statistical analysis of the size distribution of granules and of their membranes. Experimental immunization of mice with insulin, provides additional data to support the existence of eight different cell types in the islet of the normal animal and reveales marked immunological stimulation of B cells, secondary stimulation of Aa, D and F cells, atrophy of Ac cells and hyperplasia of C cells. It is proposed that corresponding cell types exist in other mammals and man. The experimental insulin immunization process appears to perform an immunofunctional analysis of the islet, and suggests that in mice the Aa, D and F cells might be involved in cell energy supply. Lipocaic and some pancreatic factors with insulin-like activity (NSILA) will likely find their morphological equivalents. It is proposed that chemical solubility techniques represent the most promising avenues of approach to the isolation of secretory products from the endocrine pancreas, and that the assay of these extracts should primarily be conducted at the cell level.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. med. W. Masshoff on his 60th birthday.The author is indebted to Dr. med. H. J. Stolpmann for guidance in applying the techniques of electron microscopy and wishes to express his special appreciation to Mrs. Marjanne Hinz for her valuable assistance in completing different aspects of this work and for her competent technical aid.  相似文献   

Summary Cells from foetal human cerebral cortex were mechanically dissociated and subsequently maintained in vitro for periods ranging between three and twenty-eight days.The ultrastructure of these cells at different stages of their development in culture was extensively examined. Nuclear and cytoplasmic features were extremely variable and a wide range of cell types was evidently represented. Of the three principal cell types found i.e. neurons, neuroglia and mesenchymal cells, only a minority of cells was classified with confidence, particularly during the first two weeks in culture.Extensive intercellular junctions of the adhaerens variety, common after 14 days in vitro were present at an earlier stage of development than synaptic profiles. First indications of synapse formation were observed after 21 days in vitro and after 24 days presynaptic sites filled with synaptic vesicles and with well defined presynaptic and postsynaptic thickenings were found. The significance of some of the features observed are both considered and discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Glycoprotein secretion in the mouse submandibular gland was investigated by light microscope radioautography of semi-thin sections after the administration of L-3H-fucose. The incorporation of the precursor in the acini was negligible. 3H-fucose was taken up in the paranuclear region of the cells lining the intercalated, secretory, striated and excretory ducts. This labeling pattern was interpreted as addition of the precursor to glycoproteins within the Golgi apparatus. Incorporation in the intercalated duct was restricted to the cells with fine cytoplasmic granules. The glycoproteins synthesized by the intercalated and secretory ducts were transported to the saliva by the secretion granules. It is assumed that the glycoproteins synthesized in the striated and excretory ducts are plasma membrane glycoproteins which seem to renew continuously. Quantitation of the radioautographs supplied data concerning the incorporation of 3H-fucose into newly synthesized glycoproteins as well as the renewal of the labeled macromolecules in each duct.  相似文献   

Summary The formation and development of synaptic contacts between dissociated chick spinal cord neurons has been investigated. By the 6th day in vitro immature profiles with few vesicles were observed. By 14–18 days mature types with numerous vesicles were found, indistinguishable from those of newly hatched chick spinal cord. After this period degeneration occurred, and was especially marked in the post-synaptic element. Such degeneration could be postponed by the addition of small numbers of somatic muscle cells. The Kanaseki and Kadota (1969) technique was applied to the study of coated vesicles at various stages of synaptic development.  相似文献   

Summary Different steps in mouse ovarian and testicular development have been studied in order to compare the time sequences during the in vivo differentiation of steroidogenic cell populations growing in contact with male and female gonocytes. These time sequences indicated a basic common developmental pattern: early signs of steroid synthesis in the male gonad, but late entering into meiotic prophase of XY germ cells; early meiosis but late steroidogenic activity in the ovary. In both male and female interstitial tissues, signs of involution were found following a period of exponential development.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. med. H. Leonhardt on the occasion of his 60th birthdaySupported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Pe 104/8)We wish to thank Dr. B. Nabarra, M.-F. Rousseau-Merck and D. Sandoz for helpful advices throughout this study, as well as Mrs. L. Andrianarison and Mrs. R. Sprang for skilful assistance  相似文献   

Summary Distinct differences occur in the pigmentation and ultrastructural features of the Harderian glands in male and female hamsters. The results of a study on the effect of testosterone on the fine structure of the female Harderian glands are presented here. Glands from three groups of hamsters were examined at intervals up to 49 days: (1) testosterone injected, receiving 2mg testosterone propionate in 0.1 ml sesame oil per day; (2) sham-injected, receiving 0.1 ml sesame oil per day; (3) untreated controls. Testosterone injections caused a reduction in the number of dark-brown pigment granules in the acinar cells starting on the 6th day, whereas clusters of tubules, typical of adult male glands, appeared on the 4th day and increased in number thereafter. Lamellar structures, normally present in the female gland, decreased in testosterone treated specimens. These changes reversed after cessation of testosterone treatment. It is concluded that exogenous testosterone administered to female hamsters modifies the pigmentation and ultrastructure of their Harderian glands towards the male type and that this is a reversable phenomenon. There also appears to be an inverse relationship between the presence of tubular clusters in the acinar cells, and the degree of pigmentation.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of cardiogenesis in the chick embryo focus attention upon the intercellular junctions of epicardial, myocardial, and endocardial cells, and the role they play in diffusion across the cardiac wall. Cell membranes of apposed epicardial cells approach as close together as 40 Å; those of the endocardium additionally form focal tight junctions. In the myocardium focal tight junctions are restricted to the apposed membranes of the superficial layer of cells. The majority of close appositions in all parts of the myocardium are 40 Å gap junctions. Desmosomes and fascia adherens are distributed throughout the myocardium.Diffusion of horseradish peroxidase through the epicardium and endocardium occurs primarily through the intercellular junctions. The width of the cleft between cells, 200–300 Å, also permits the diffusion between cells of the larger ferritin particles. Pinocytotic activity, responsible for ferritin transfer across mesothelial and endothelial cells in the adult, is not significant.Tracers injected into the pericardial cavity or vasculature can be observed passing through the heart in the direction of their respective diffusion gradients. Unlike the apical junctions of epithelial cells, to which they have been compared, membrane specializations of the superficial myocytes do not form a seal separating the pericardial cavity, or subepicardial space, from the extracellular spaces of the myocardium.Supported by the Medical Research Council of Canada.The author wishes to express his gratitude to Mrs. J. Blackbourn for her excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

Summary Twelve bovine adenohypophyses were prepared for light and electron microscopy of the cell types of pars distalis. Correlation between the light and electron microscopy was effected by use of alternate thin and thick sections. Cytological changes in the experimental animals were used as criteria for the identification of six different types of secretory cells.Two types of acidophils, alpha and epsilon cells, are recognized in peripheral area of the pars distalis by light and electron microscopy. The alpha cells contain orangeophilic secretory granules of a maximum diameter of 400–450 m and correspond to ordinary acidophils (STH cells). The second type, epsilon cells, contains larger, fuchsinophilic granules of 600 to 900 m in diameter, increase in number and granulation after pregnancy and thyroidectomy, and are thought to be prolactin cells (LTH cells).Two types of amphophils, zeta and delta 1 cells, were found in the central area of the pars distalis. The zeta cells contain smaller numbers of amphophilic, cored granules (200 m maximum diameter) and based on the comparison with literature on other species of animals, are designated as ACTH cells. The delta 1 cells are round or oval and contain very dense, spherical granules (250–300 m) which are stained red or reddish purple with PAS, aldehyde thionin and PAS-methyl blue methods. They show extreme enlargement and bizarre cytoplasmic appearance after castration and are designated tentatively as LH gonadotrophs or LH cells.Two types of basophils, beta and delta 2 cells, were also identified by correlative light and electron microscopy. The beta cells are polygonal in outline, distributed exclusively in the zona tuberalis and contain large, less dense secretory granules (300–400 m) which are stained selectively with Gomori's aldehyde fuchsin. After thyroidectomy, they lose their secretory granules and are transformed into large, vacuolated thyroidectomy cells. They are therefore, identified as thyrotrophs or TSH cells. The delta 2 cells are round, oval or polygonal in shape and contain basophilic granules ranging from 220 to 300 m in diameter. They show extreme enlargement and vacuolization due to the dilation of endoplasmic reticulum, after castration, and are designated tentatively as FSH gonadotrophs or FSH cells.The investigation reported herein was supported by a Scientific Research Grant (No. 291049) from the Ministry of Education of Japan.  相似文献   

The effects of behavioral modification on the skeletal morphology of the laboratory mouse (Mus musculus) are investigated. Climibing, with increrased prehensile use of the foot, is found to bring about significant changes in metatarsal and long bone morphology. Differences in metatarsal robusticity related to weight-bearing differences associated with different locomotor patterns are reported for a natural history setting for Peromyscus.  相似文献   

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