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Experiments on clutch size and nest size in passerine birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tore Slagsvold 《Oecologia》1989,80(3):297-302
Summary Results of experiments on three passerine species suggest that brood size may be constrained by nest size, since the breeding success of pairs provided with large nestcups was greater than that of those provided with small artificial nestcups. These results may have important implications, e.g. to the design of experiments involving manipulation of clutch and brood size. A small nestcup is requisite for successful hatching during the incubation period, but a large one for successful rearing during the nestling period. In nature this difference may select for types of nesting materials that are elastic, such as mosses and lichens. However, experiments showed that such materials rapidly absorb rainwater but only slowly dry out. In addition, because large nests dry out more slowly than small nests, selection will favour small nests among those open-nesting species that have exposed nests. A further possible nest size constraint on open-nesters is nest predation. However, no difference in the predation rate was found in experiments with small and large artificial nests.  相似文献   

On the evolution of clutch size and nest size in passerine birds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Tore Slagsvold 《Oecologia》1989,79(3):300-305
Summary I examined the hypothesis that the clutch size of some altricial birds may be limited by over-crowding of the nestlings in the nest, by comparing data on different species of European passerines. Large-sized birds build, relative to the body, larger nests than small-sized birds, both as regards the inner and the outer nest widths and as regards edge breadth; only inner nestcup depth did not change relatively to body size. Nest size also varied in relation to nesting place. Birds with open nests built off the ground had a rather narrow nestcup, whereas those with a domed nest, or which nest in a cavity, had a wide nestcup. When only open-nesters were compared, birds nesting on, or close to, the ground tended to have a wider nestcup than birds nesting above the ground. Inner nestcup width was correlated with the amount of mosses and lichens used in building the nest; the more of such materials the narrower the nestcup. The three variables: standardised body size, nesting place, and type of nesting material used accounted for 92% of the overall variation observed in inner nestcup width. When controlling for adult body size, clutch size was positively correlated with the size of the nestcup. A multiple regression analysis showed that relative nestcup depth, nest site, and type of nesting materials used, accounted for 64% of the overall variation in clutch size.  相似文献   

Variation in predator behavior has been proposed, but not tested, as a mechanism producing seasonal declines in avian nest success. We test this hypothesis by documenting seasonal activity of Texas ratsnakes Elaphe obsoleta and nest failure of endangered black-capped vireos Vireo atricapilla and golden-cheeked warblers Dendroica chrysoparia on which the snakes prey. Nest survival analysis was based on 880 vireo and 228 warbler nests and 3,060 snake locations from 62 radio-tracked snakes. Although nest success varied with snake activity for both birds, specific patterns differed substantially. Vireo daily nest survival was negatively correlated with snake activity over the three-year study, despite substantial variation among years in weather, and the fact that these birds are almost certainly a minor prey species of the ratsnakes. Warblers exhibited less clear-cut seasonal variation in nest success, and the association between nest success and snake activity was less pronounced than for vireos. Increased activity at warmer temperatures explained some of the seasonal change in snake movements, although mating may have accounted for a mid-season peak in activity. These results indicate that variation in predator behavior can be associated with and potentially cause seasonal changes in nest success, but also that these relationships are species specific even within the same community and may depend on aspects of the nesting ecology of the prey such as nest site selection.  相似文献   

There are two major competing hypotheses for variation in clutch size among cavity-nesting species. The nest site limitation hypothesis postulates that nesting opportunities are more limited for weak excavators, which consequently invest more in each breeding attempt by laying larger clutches. Alternatively, clutch size may be determined by diet; the clutch sizes of strong excavators may be smaller because they are able to specialize on a more seasonally stable prey. We built a conceptual model that integrated hypotheses for interspecific variation in clutch size and tested it with comparative data on life-history traits of woodpeckers (Picidae) and nuthatches (Sittidae). In most analyses, diet explained more variation in clutch size among species than did propensity to excavate. Migratory status was positively associated with clutch size but was difficult to distinguish from diet since resident species consumed more bark beetles (a prey available in winter) and had smaller clutches than migratory species. The literature suggests that cavities are not limited in natural, old-growth forests. Although our data do not rule out nest site limitation, we conclude that annual stability of food resources has a larger impact on the evolution of clutch sizes in excavators than does limitation of nest sites.  相似文献   

Reed passerine birds are strict habitat specialists inhabiting reedbed habitats. In Europe, many of these species are threatened due to loss and degradation of natural reedbeds. Another important factor that can negatively affect the abundance of reed passerines is commercial reed harvesting. Previous studies have shown negative impacts of large-scale winter reed cutting on passerine breeding assemblages and arthropod communities. The effect of reed cutting on a small scale, however, has not been studied experimentally to date. The aim of this study was to investigate whether and how small-scale, mosaic reed cutting influences prey abundance and nest predation rate of reed passerines. In June, after the reed had reached maturity, we conducted nest predation experiments with artificial nests and arthropod sampling using pan traps in cut reed patches, adjacent uncut reed patches and unmanaged reedbed. We found no differences in the risk of egg predation between three types of reedbeds. In contrast, the abundance of arthropods in cut and adjacent uncut reed patches was significantly higher than that in unmanaged reedbed. We assume this was caused by habitat heterogeneity, small size of cut patches and their rapid recolonization by arthropods from adjacent uncut patches. Our results suggest that in contrast to large-scale reed cutting, small-scale, mosaic reed cutting has no negative effect on nest survival and food abundance of reed passerine birds. However, given that we performed all experiments in June, i.e., when the reed was mature, our findings cannot be generalized to whole breeding period of all reed passerine birds. Therefore, temporal variation in nest predation rate and arthropod abundance in managed and unmanaged reedbeds during the entire breeding season should be examined in future studies.  相似文献   

In obligately siblicidal bird species, aggressive behavior bya dominant chick results in a fixed brood size of one, yetthese species usually show clutch size variation between individuals.Simmons proposed that variation in clutch size in obligatelysiblicidal species is related to a trade-off between egg qualityand egg quantity: some individuals produce a single highly hatchable egg, while others produce two small, lower qualityeggs. We tested the egg quality hypothesis as an explanationfor observed clutch size variation in the Nazca booby (Sulagranti), an obligately siblicidal seabird. We tested the assumptionthat egg volume is positively correlated with hatchabilityand the prediction that eggs from one-egg clutches are largerthan eggs from two-egg clutches. We did not find a positive relationship between egg volume and hatchability in this species.Eggs from two-egg clutches were either equivalent in volumeor larger than eggs from one-egg clutches. Thus, the egg qualityhypothesis was rejected as an explanation for clutch size variationin the Nazca booby. Instead, two-egg clutches appear to befavored because of the insurance value of the second-laid egg,while one-egg clutches result from food limitation.  相似文献   

Despite their status as the most speciose group of terrestrial vertebrates, birds exhibit the smallest and least variable genome sizes among tetrapods. It has been suggested that this is because powered flight imposes metabolic constraints on cell size, and thus on genome size. This notion has been supported by analyses of genome size and cell size versus resting metabolic rate and other parameters across birds, but most previous studies suffer from one or more limitations that have left the question open. The present study provides new insights into this issue through an examination of newly measured genome sizes, nucleus and cell sizes, body masses and wing parameters for 74 species of birds in the order Passeriformes. A positive relationship was found between genome size and nucleus/cell size, as well as between genome size and wing loading index, which is interpreted as an indicator of adaptations for efficient flight. This represents the single largest dataset presented for birds to date, and is the first to analyse a distinctly flight-related parameter along with genome size using phylogenetic comparative analyses. The results lend additional support to the hypothesis that the small genomes of birds are indeed related in some manner to flight, though the mechanistic and historical bases for this association remain an interesting area of investigation.  相似文献   

Skutch hypothesized that nest predators visually assess parental activities to locate a prey nest, whereas parents modify fitness‐related traits to reduce the probability of nest predation. We examined how cavity condition and parental activity interact with avian nest predators to shape the nest success of two coexisting parid species, marsh tits Poecile palustris and oriental tits Parus minor, breeding in nest‐boxes during the incubation period. Nest‐boxes were manipulated to create a prolonged risk of nest predation (entrance diameter 2.6 cm control vs 5.5 cm treatment) soon after clutch completion. To measure changes in parental behavior, we also simultaneously simulated a pulsed risk of nest predation, using sound playbacks of a coexisting control bird and an avian nest predator. We found that the parent tits merely responded the pulsed risk, presumably due to an environment with high avian nest predator encounters, compared to the prolonged risk. Instead, both species spent more time on vigilance at the nest, only under prolonged risk conditions. The activity of corvids near the nest‐box was higher in the marsh tit than that in oriental tits. This activity was also higher in the treatment nest box than that in the control nest‐box. Nest predation during the incubation period was higher in marsh tits than in oriental tits, presumably due to higher and more plastic vigilance in oriental tits, compared to marsh tits. Our results highlight that the differences in cavity condition and parental activities at the nests of two coexisting non‐excavators may contribute to differential nest predation by attracting avian nest predators.  相似文献   

The order Passeriformes comprises the majority of extant avian species. Analyses of molecular data have provided important insights into the evolution of this diverse order. However, molecular estimates of the evolutionary and demographic timescales of passerine species have been hindered by a lack of reliable calibrations. This has led to a reliance on the application of standard substitution rates to mitochondrial DNA data, particularly rates estimated from analyses of the gene encoding cytochrome b (CYTB). To investigate patterns of rate variation across passerine lineages, we used a Bayesian phylogenetic approach to analyse the protein‐coding genes of 183 mitochondrial genomes. We found that the most commonly used mitochondrial marker, CYTB, has low variation in rates across passerine lineages. This lends support to its widespread use as a molecular clock in birds. However, we also found that the patterns of among‐lineage rate variation in CYTB are only weakly related to the evolutionary rate of the mitochondrial genome as a whole. Our analyses confirmed the presence of mutational saturation at third codon positions across the protein‐coding genes of the mitochondrial genome, reinforcing the view that these sites should be excluded in studies of deep passerine relationships. The results of our analyses have provided information that will be useful for molecular‐clock studies of passerine evolution.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Incubation behavior is one component of reproductive effort and thus influences the evolution of life-history strategies. We examined the relative importance of body mass, frequency of mate feeding, food, nest predation, and ambient temperature to explain interspecific variation in incubation behavior (nest attentiveness, on- and off-bout durations, and nest trips per hour) using comparative analyses for North American passerines in which only females incubate. Body mass and frequency of mate feeding explained little variation in incubation behavior. We were also unable to detect any influence of food; diet and foraging strategy explained little interspecific variation in incubation behavior. However, the typical temperature encountered during reproduction explained significant variation in incubation behavior: Species breeding in colder environments take shorter bouts off the nest, which prevents eggs from cooling to temperatures below the physiological zero temperature. These species must compensate for shorter off-bouts by taking more of them (thus shorter on-bouts) to obtain needed energy for incubation. Nest predation also explains significant variation in incubation behavior among passerines: Species that endure high nest predation have evolved an incubation strategy (long on- and off-bouts) that minimizes activity that could attract predators. Nest substrate explained additional variation in incubation behavior (cavity-nesting birds have shorter on-bouts and make more frequent nest trips), presumably because nest predation and/or temperature varies among nest substrates. Thus, nest predation can influence reproductive effort in a way previously not demonstrated–by placing a constraint on parental activity at the nest. Incubating birds face an ecological cost associated with reproductive effort (predation of entire brood) that should be considered in future attempts to explain avian life-history evolution.  相似文献   

Sexually size dimorphic brains and song complexity in passerine birds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Neural correlates of bird song involve the volume of particularsong nuclei in the brain that govern song development, production,and perception. Intra- and interspecific variation in the volumeof these song nuclei are associated with overall brain size,suggesting that the integration of complex songs into the brainrequires general neural augmentation. In a comparative studyof passerine birds based on generalized least square models,we tested this hypothesis by exploring the interspecific relationshipbetween overall brain size and repertoire size. We found nosignificant association between song complexity of males andbrain size adjusted for body size. However, species in whichmales produced complex songs tended to have sex differencesin overall brain size. This pattern became stronger when wecontrolled statistically for female song complexity by usingsex differences in song complexity. In species with large differencesin song complexity, females evolved smaller brains than didmales. Our results suggest no role for the evolution of extendedneural space, as reflected by total brain size, owing to songcomplexity. However, factors associated with sexual selectionmirrored by sex differences in song complexity were relatedto sexual dimorphism in overall brain size.  相似文献   

Causes of interspecific variation in growth rates within and among geographic regions remain poorly understood. Passerine birds represent an intriguing case because differing theories yield the possibility of an antagonistic interaction between nest predation risk and food delivery rates on evolution of growth rates. We test this possibility among 64 Passerine species studied on three continents, including tropical and north and south temperate latitudes. Growth rates increased strongly with nestling predation rates within, but not between, sites. The importance of nest predation was further emphasized by revealing hidden allometric scaling effects. Nestling predation risk also was associated with reduced total feeding rates and per-nestling feeding rates within each site. Consequently, faster growth rates were associated with decreased per-nestling food delivery rates across species, both within and among regions. These relationships suggest that Passerines can evolve growth strategies in response to predation risk whereby food resources are not the primary limit on growth rate differences among species. In contrast, reaction norms of growth rate relative to brood size suggest that food may limit growth rates within species in temperate, but not tropical, regions. Results here provide new insight into evolution of growth strategies relative to predation risk and food within and among species.  相似文献   

Because nest predation is the major source of nesting mortality in birds, site-specific predation risk may play an important role in determining birds' ability to select nest sites that reduce predation risk. This possibility has not been adequately tested. Here we report on 5-year experiments by which we studied, independently from birds' earlier experience with specific nest boxes, both the selection and predation risk of nest sites in the common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula). New, previously unoccupied nest boxes were erected in two habitat types on three study areas. Experimentally measured predation risk in the nest boxes varied between 0 and 1.0, i.e. goldeneye females could select a nest site along a wide gradient of possible predation-risk values. We did not find a difference in predation risk between occupied and unoccupied nest boxes, nor was the order of nest box occupation associated with predation risk. A power analysis revealed that our test had reasonably high power to reject a false null hypothesis. Our results suggest that common goldeneye females likely have not evolved an ability to assess predation risk of new, previously unoccupied nest sites.  相似文献   

János Török 《Oecologia》1993,95(4):474-478
I investigated morphological pattern and preysize preference of three bird assemblages (14 species altogether) in a Hungarian oak forest, during the breeding seasons of 1979–1986. To assess the occurrence of competition for food among forest birds I performed a 5-year removal experiment with two hole-nesting passerines, the great tit and the blue tit. Prey preference of both species was affected by the presence of the other species. The results of both the removal experiment and the estimation of available food supply indicated food limitation, at least for foliage-gleaning birds. However, I found neither a regular size ratio among species nor a strong relationship between predator size and prey size. Other phenomena such as foraging strategies may affect preysize preference. Therefore, a competition model including only morphological ratios and predator-prey size relationships is too simplified.  相似文献   

Avian life history theory has long assumed that nest predation plays a minor role in shaping reproductive strategies. Yet, this assumption remains conspicuously untested by broad experiments that alter environmental risk of nest predation, despite the fact that nest predation is a major source of reproductive failure. Here, we examined whether parents can assess experimentally reduced nest predation risk and alter their reproductive strategies. We experimentally reduced nest predation risk and show that in safer environments parents increased investment in young through increased egg size, clutch mass, and the rate they fed nestlings. Parents also increased investment in female condition by increasing the rates that males fed incubating females at the nest, and decreasing the time that females spent incubating. These results demonstrate that birds can assess nest predation risk at large and that nest predation plays a key role in the expression of avian reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Tore Slagsvold 《Oecologia》1981,49(2):213-217
Summary The general consensus of current theoretical models for the evolution of reproductive rates is that large clutches are selected for in unstable populations. Predictions from these theories on the geographical variation in clutch size in passerine birds are tested, assuming that breeding populations, often of low density, close to the borders of their distributional ranges, are more unstable than those, of usually higher breeding densities, in more central areas. The predictions were only found to be verified for the latitudinal variation in clutch size for hole-nesting species. For the same geographical gradient (Switzerland-Finland) for the open-nesters, and for all species for the altitudinal gradient (in Switzerland), no support was found for the hypotheses and, in fact, there was a tendency for the reverse trend, viz. that mean clutch size is positively correlated with population size. For instance, those few species which did exhibit an altitudinal increase in mean clutch size, from lowland to highland, are those generally characterized from their distributional ranges as highland species.  相似文献   

The variability of the fine song structure was studied in the wood warbler (Phylloscopus sibilatrix), willow warbler (Ph. trochilus), greenish warbler (Ph. throchiloides viridanus), chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), and gray shrike thrush (Colluricincla harmonica). The increase in the number of similar elements per phrase is shown to be related to the conspecific and heterospecific male-male song interactions in these birds. The responses of wood warbler males to playback conspecific songs with standard and prolonged (in the number of similar elements) second phrases differ significantly. The initial phrases of willow warbler songs become significantly longer in the populations with a high density as compared to those in populations of low density. The increase in the variability of both phrase combinations and song duration is shown to be related also to the song interaction with conspecific males for the willow warbler, greenish warbler, chaffinch, and gray shrike thrush. The within-song type variations turned out to play an important role during male-male interactions of different species. The results obtained suggest that similar ways of song responses may be quite widespread among passerine birds and reflect the general principles of changes in the song structure during acoustic interactions.  相似文献   

Sperm competition is thought to be a major force driving the evolution of sperm shape and function. However, previous studies investigating the relationship between the risk of sperm competition and sperm morphometry revealed inconclusive results and marked differences between taxonomic groups. In a comparative study of two families of passerines (Fringillidae and Sylviidae) and also across species belonging to different passerine families, we investigated the relative importance of the phylogenetic background on the relationship between sperm morphometry and the risk of sperm competition. The risk of sperm competition was inferred from relative testis mass as an indicator of investment in sperm production. We found: (i) a significant positive association between both midpiece length and flagellum length and relative testis mass in the Fringillidae, (ii) a significant negative association between sperm trait dimensions and relative testis mass in the Sylviidae, and (iii) no association across all species. Despite the striking difference in the patterns shown by the Sylviidae and the Fringillidae, the relationship between midpiece length and flagellum length was positive in both families and across all species with positive allometry. Reasons for the differences and similarities between passerine families are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of fragment size and edge on nest predation in urban bushland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To test the effects of habitat fragmentation and edge on the rate of nest predation in an urban ecosystem, 20 artificial nests each containing 2 plasticine eggs were distributed in each of 24 bushland sites in Sydney, Australia. the eastern yellow robin Eopsaltria australis was adopted as a target species, and variables of nests, eggs and nesting behaviour were manipulated in experiments. Sites ranged in size from 3.8 ha to 14717 ha and were divided into three size classes: 1) 0–10 ha. 2) 11–100 ha and 3) ≥101 ha. Nests were positioned either around the edge of the fragment (within 50 m from the fragment boundary) or within the centre of the fragment (< 50 m from the fragment boundary). The predation rate was calculated as the percentage of nests that had one or both eggs damaged or removed after 15 d of exposure. Nest predation rates were high (average 70.6%) but were not affected by patch size or distance from fragment edges. Predators were identified by marks of the beak or teeth left in the plasticine eggs. Nest predators identified were birds, black rats, brown antechinus and ringtail possum, with the majority of predation being by birds (61.7%), Our findings differ from those of most previous studies of nest predation, and perhaps reflect the ubiquity of generalist predators and the degree of habitat modification throughout remnants of bushland in the urban environment.  相似文献   

In some birds, males defend two spatially separated territories and attract females to each one in turn. it has been proposed that this behaviour, referred to as polyterritoriality, allows males to conceal their marital status, thereby deceiving females into accepting polygyny against their best interests. The deception hypothesis has gained general acceptance as an explanation for polyterritoriality in birds, but until recently the empirical basis for the hypothesis rested almost entirely on studies of Swedish populations of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). New findings, emerging from further studies of the pied flycatcher and of other species, suggest several alternative selection pressures that may have favoured polyterritoriality.  相似文献   

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