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中国人群遗传结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据红细胞血型基因频率,用Harpending和Jenkins(1973)方法计算了中国22个人群间的遗传距离,同时在国内首次运用主坐标分析及其排序方法展示了中华民族的遗传结构,反映出中国东西人群与南北人群间的基因流。  相似文献   

陈璋  郑克平 《遗传》1990,12(1):0
通过主成分分析,对50个绿豆品种进行遗传距离分析,并采用多种方法对参试品种进行系统聚类。研究结果表明,以产量、国荚和品质等为代表的6个主成分累计贡献率达87.13%。应用类平均法可将50个品种分成6类,亲本来源与类型划分无必然联系。杂交组合选配时,亲本必须根据性状表现及主成分值综合选择后,在根据遗传距离进行选择,但不宜过分强调遗传距离。研究结果共评出9个理想亲本,分别是港尾选、M004、M041、M058、M094、M097、M112、M123和M133。  相似文献   

烟草数量性状遗传距离与杂种优势关系的研究   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
许明辉 《遗传》1999,21(5):47-50
利用8个数量性状计算了主成分遗传距离,对15个烟草品种进行聚类,在437的阀值下可将15个一分为5大类,分类结果与品种地理来无必然的联系,而与品种的血缘头等级一定的联系,可将烤纯烟和晒晾烟分开,在一定程度上反映了品种的遗传差异,F1产量杂种优势指数(F1/MP)与亲本间遗传距离(D^2)相关系数不显,二呈抛物线关系,在D^2〈5.63的范围内,二呈一直线关系,二相关系数为0.511。达极显  相似文献   

小麦亲本遗传距离与产量杂种优势间的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文以10个小麦品种和按双列杂交配制的45个组合为材料,对遗传距离与产量杂种优势的关系进行了研究,结果表明:亲本遗传距离与产量杂种优势有极显著的非线性回归关系.遗传距离等于零时,杂种优势等于零;随着遗传距离的增大,杂种优势迅速达到最大值,然后缓慢下降,为通过原点的不对称抛物线.并对玉米、棉花的遗传距离与杂种优势的关系重新进行了探讨,一致表明,非线性回归关系优于抛物线回归关系.  相似文献   

绿豆品种的遗传距离估测与聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈璋  郑克平 《遗传》1990,12(5):4-6
通过主成分分析,对50个绿豆品种进行遗传距离分析,并采用多种方法对参试品种进行系统聚类。研究结果表明,以产量、国荚和品质等为代表的6个主成分累计贡献率达87.13%。应用类平均法可将50个品种分成6类,亲本来源与类型划分无必然联系。杂交组合选配时,亲本必须根据性状表现及主成分值综合选择后,在根据遗传距离进行选择,但不宜过分强调遗传距离。研究结果共评出9个理想亲本,分别是港尾选、M004、M041、M058、M094、M097、M112、M123和M133。  相似文献   

本文通过10个小麦品种和按双列杂交配制的45个组合为材料,研究亲本间遗传距离预测杂种优势的可行性。结果表明:93.02%的样本实测值落在预测区间。  相似文献   

样本对小麦遗传距离与杂种优势关系的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以10个小麦品种和按双列杂交配制的45个组合为材料,研究了样本容量和样本的数据结构对遗传距离与杂种优势关系的影响.结果表明:(1)当样本容量较小时,遗传距离与产量杂种优势的关系为不相关;随着样本容量的增加,遗传距离与产量杂种优势的关系有由不相关,到Y=axe~bx(a>0,b<0),Y=ax~be~cx(a、b>0,c<0)相关的变化趋势.(2)当样本的数据结构较差时,需较大样本容量,才能真实反映遗传距离与产量杂种优势的关系.  相似文献   

玉米自交系间遗传距离与产量杂种优势,杂种产量的关系   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
黄清阳  高之仁 《遗传学报》1991,18(3):271-276
以13个玉米自交系及其按双列杂交配制的78个单交种为材料,研究性状选择、亲本选择对遗传距离与产量杂种优势、杂种产量关系的影响,结果表明:(1)当性状数较少时,遗传距离与产量杂种优势、杂种产量的关系因性状的不同而异;当性状数较多时,遗传距离与产量杂种优势、杂种产量的关系为抛物线,受性状影响较小;(2)当所选亲本材料的遗传差异较大时,遗传距离与产量杂种优势的关系为抛物线;当所选亲本材料的遗传差异较小时,遗传距离与产量杂种优势的关系为直线或不相关。  相似文献   

遗传距离的错误观点和病毒进化踪迹的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对病毒基因序列的遗传距离(K)的演算,发现公式中的p和q应理解为转换率和颠换率;计算所得的K值是一个百分率,更适合于显示生物进化的时间概念。因此建议将遗传距离改名为进化率。并从进化率计算中的规律性变化,探索了病毒进化的信息。  相似文献   

本文介绍了DNA条形码分析中常用的距离方法,包括简单的距离方法、基于阈值的距离方法和基于模糊成员关系的距离方法,并且以松毛虫属7个近缘种的COⅠ数据为例,运用基于阈值的距离方法进行演示分析。  相似文献   

Abstract.— A necessary condition for the maintenance of genetic variation in heterogenous environments is that the relative fitnesses of a collection of genotypes vary as conditions of growth change. This can be detected by estimating the amount of gene-by-environment interaction (G X E) when a range of types are tested across a range of conditions. However it is the sign and magnitude of the genetic correlation, which is a component of G X E, that governs the ultimate fate of variation. Whether genetic variation will be preserved, then, depends on how the genetic correlation changes as a function of the ecological differences among environments and the genetic differences among genotypes. To evaluate this, we assayed the performance of 15 chlorophyte species of known genetic relation in 20 environments. We found that the quantity of G X E increased as both the environmental variance across environments and the genetic distance increased. Moreover the genetic correlation declined as the environmental variance between pairs of environments and the genetic distance between pairs of genotypes increased. These results suggest that divergent selection will be more likely to maintain genetic variation when environments are strongly contrasted and genotypes widely divergent.  相似文献   

A major aim of landscape genetics is to understand how landscapes resist gene flow and thereby influence population genetic structure. An empirical understanding of this process provides a wealth of information that can be used to guide conservation and management of species in fragmented landscapes and also to predict how landscape change may affect population viability. Statistical approaches to infer the true model among competing alternatives are based on the strength of the relationship between pairwise genetic distances and landscape distances among sampled individuals in a population. A variety of methods have been devised to quantify individual genetic distances, but no study has yet compared their relative performance when used for model selection in landscape genetics. In this study, we used population genetic simulations to assess the accuracy of 16 individual‐based genetic distance metrics under varying sample sizes and degree of population genetic structure. We found most metrics performed well when sample size and genetic structure was high. However, it was much more challenging to infer the true model when sample size and genetic structure was low. Under these conditions, we found genetic distance metrics based on principal components analysis were the most accurate (although several other metrics performed similarly), but only when they were derived from multiple principal components axes (the optimal number varied depending on the degree of population genetic structure). Our results provide guidance for which genetic distance metrics maximize model selection accuracy and thereby better inform conservation and management decisions based upon landscape genetic analysis.  相似文献   

An essential step toward reconstructing pathogen transmission and answering epidemiologically relevant questions from genomic data is obtaining pairwise genetic distance between infections. For recombining organisms such as malaria parasites, relatedness measures quantifying recent shared ancestry would provide a meaningful distance, suggesting methods based on identity by descent (IBD). While the concept of relatedness and consequently an IBD approach is fairly straightforward for individual parasites, the distance between polyclonal infections, which are prevalent in malaria, presents specific challenges, and awaits a general solution that could be applied to infections of any clonality and accommodate multiallelic (e.g. microsatellite or microhaplotype) and biallelic [single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)] data. Filling this methodological gap, we present Dcifer (Distance for complex infections: fast estimation of relatedness), a method for calculating genetic distance between polyclonal infections, which is designed for unphased data, explicitly accounts for population allele frequencies and complexity of infection, and provides reliable inference. Dcifer’s IBD-based framework allows us to define model parameters that represent interhost relatedness and to propose corresponding estimators with attractive statistical properties. By using combinatorics to account for unobserved phased haplotypes, Dcifer is able to quickly process large datasets and estimate pairwise relatedness along with measures of uncertainty. We show that Dcifer delivers accurate and interpretable results and detects related infections with statistical power that is 2–4 times greater than that of approaches based on identity by state. Applications to real data indicate that relatedness structure aligns with geographic locations. Dcifer is implemented in a comprehensive publicly available software package.  相似文献   

The American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is a globally invasive pest that can cause significant economic loss and threaten human health. Although it is abundant and lives in close proximity to humans, few studies have investigated the genetic diversity of P. americana. Our study analyzed 1,053 P. americana and other Periplaneta species' samples from different locations in China and the United States. A traditional tree‐based method using 17 unique mitochondrial COI haplotypes of P. americana and 20 haplotypes of the other Periplaneta species accurately identified P. americana with a barcoding threshold of 5.1%. To identify the population genetic structure of P. americana, we investigated wingless gene and pooled them with obtained mtDNA data for a combined analysis. Although the genetic diversity of the USA group was relatively higher than the China group, the number of haplotypes and alleles of both groups was small. The analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), intraspecific phylogeny, and haplotype networks indicated that P. americana had very little global genetic differentiation. The weak geographic genetic structure might reflect the human‐mediated dispersal of P. americana. Despite no apparent phylogeographic assignment of mtDNA and nuclear lineages was observed in both BI trees, the integrated COI sequence data identified four distinct P. americana haplotype groups, showing four ancient maternal lineages of P. americana in China and the United States.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the extent to which increment of heterozygosity in F1 crosses can be predicted from genetic distance of parental breeds. For this purpose, 38 polymorphic marker loci (blood groups, allotypes, polymorphic proteins and enzymes) were tested in 1115 purebred animals (Duroc, Hampshire and Czech Meat Pig as sire breeds; Landrace, Large White and Black Pied Přeštice as dam breeds) and in 1428 crossbred animals of the resulting nine crossbred groups. The number of animals in each genetic group ranged from 75 to 230. On the basis of the allele frequencies of the scored loci, three measures of genetic diversity (heterozygosity, standardized heterozygosity, effective number of alleles) were calculated in all 15 genetic groups. Furthermore, two measures of genetic distance (Nei's standard genetic distance and Gregorius' absolute genetic distance) were calculated between the parental populations. High correlations (Pearson product-moment correlation 0.62 to 0.73; Spearman rank correlation 0.58 to 0.85) were found between the increment of heterozygosity in the crosses (in relation to the mean of the heterozygosities of parental populations) and the genetic distance between the parental populations.  相似文献   

In patrilocal groups, females preferentially move to join their mate’s paternal relatives. The gender‐biased gene flow generated by this cultural practice is expected to affect genetic diversity across human populations. Greater female than male migration is predicted to result in a larger decrease in between‐group differentiation for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) than for the non‐recombining part of the Y chromosome (NRY). We address the question of how patrilocality affects the distribution of genetic variation in human populations controlling for confounding factors such as ethno‐linguistic heterogeneity and geographic distance which possibly explain the contradictory results observed in previous studies. By combining genetic and bio‐demographic data from Lesotho and Spain, we show that preferential female migration over short distances appears to minimize the impact of a generally higher female migration rate in patrilocal communities, suggesting patrilocality might influence genetic variation only at short ranges.  相似文献   

DNA条形码目前广泛用于昆虫多样性研究。本研究采用DNA条形码(即线粒体细胞色素c氧化酶亚基I基因COI 5′端),通过比较所获分子分类操作单元(Molecular operational taxonomic units,MOTU)的种内遗传距离,探究DNA条形码在亚热带森林(位于我国江西省新岗山)不同昆虫类群中的物种鉴定和界定效用。数据分析中结合数据库比对信息,采用jMOTU、ABGD、bPTP、GMYC 这4种物种界定方法获得MOTU,从而开展种内遗传距离分析。本研究共挑选出479个昆虫样本,获得475条COI序列,经NCBI、BOLD在线数据库比对属于6个目,与形态初步划分一致;物种界定分析获得288个MOTU,其中鳞翅目最多,达85个,膜翅目、双翅目、半翅目、鞘翅目次之,分别为80、74、21和20个,直翅目最少,仅8个。膜翅目和双翅目的种内遗传距离均值及标准偏差较大(膜翅目:0.89%±0.87%;双翅目:0.73%±0.58%),鳞翅目的最小(0.28%±0.20%)。研究表明:不同昆虫类群的种内遗传距离虽然整体在一定范围,但仍然存在一定的差异,因此不能笼统地依靠遗传距离的距离阈值进行物种划分;现有数据库需要补充足够的昆虫物种信息,才能提升物种鉴定效率。本研究丰富了亚热带森林昆虫分子数据库,同时也为进一步探索基于分子分类学开展昆虫多样性研究提供了基础数据和参考。  相似文献   

Genome-wide linkage disequilibrium (LD) is subject to intensive investigation in human and livestock populations since it can potentially reveal aspects of a population history, permit to date them and help in fine-gene mapping. The most commonly used measure of LD between multiallelic loci is the coefficient D''. Data based on D'' were recently published in humans, livestock and model animals. However, the properties of this coefficient are not well understood. Its sampling distribution and variance has received recent attention, but its expected behaviour with respect to genetic or physical distance remains unknown. Using stochastic simulations of populations having a finite size, we show that D'' fits an exponential function having two parameters of simple biological interpretation: the residual value (rs) towards which D'' tends as the genetic distance increases and the distance R at which this value is reached. Properties of this model are evaluated as a function of the inbreeding coefficient (F). It was found that R and rs increase when F increases. The proposed model offers opportunities to better understand the patterns and the origins of LD in different populations and along different chromosomes.  相似文献   

Animals use acoustic signals to defend resources against rivals and attract breeding partners. As with many biological traits, acoustic signals may reflect ancestry; closely related species often produce more similar signals than do distantly related species. Whether this similarity in acoustic signals is biologically relevant to animals is poorly understood. We conducted a playback experiment to measure the physical and vocal responses of male songbirds to the songs of both conspecific and allopatric‐congeneric animals that varied in their acoustic and genetic similarity. Our subjects were territorial males of four species of neotropical Troglodytes wrens: Brown‐throated Wrens (Troglodytes brunneicollis), Cozumel Wrens (T. beani), Clarion Wrens (T. tanneri) and Socorro Wrens (T. sissonii). Our results indicate that birds respond to playback of both conspecific and allopatric‐congeneric animals; that acoustic differences increase with genetic distance; and that genetic divergence predicts the strength of behavioural responses to playback, after removing the effects of acoustic similarity between subjects’ songs and playback stimuli. Collectively, these results demonstrate that the most distantly related species have the most divergent songs; that male wrens perceive divergence in fine structural characteristics of songs; and that perceptual differences between species reflect evolutionary history. This study offers novel insight into the importance of acoustic divergence of learned signals and receiver responses in species recognition.  相似文献   

Determining which reproductive isolating barriers arise first between geographically isolated lineages is critical to understanding allopatric speciation. We examined behavioral isolation among four recently diverged allopatric species in the orangethroat darter clade (Etheostoma: Ceasia). We also examined behavioral isolation between each Ceasia species and the sympatric rainbow darter Etheostoma caeruleum. We asked (1) is behavioral isolation present between allopatric Ceasia species, and how does this compare to behavioral isolation with E. caeruleum, (2) does male color distance and/or genetic distance predict behavioral isolation between species, and (3) what are the relative contributions of female choice, male choice, and male competition to behavioral isolation? We found that behavioral isolation, genetic differentiation, and male color pattern differentiation were present between allopatric Ceasia species. Males, but not females, discerned between conspecific and heterospecific mates. Males also directed more aggression toward conspecific rival males. The high levels of behavioral isolation among Ceasia species showed no obvious pattern with genetic distance or male color distance. However, when the E. caeruleum was included in the analysis, an association between male aggression and male color distance was apparent. We discuss the possibility that reinforcement between Ceasia and E. caeruleum is driving behavioral isolation among allopatric Ceasia species.  相似文献   

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