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The lumen of endosomal organelles becomes increasingly acidic when going from the cell surface to lysosomes. Luminal pH thereby regulates important processes such as the release of internalized ligands from their receptor or the activation of lysosomal enzymes. The main player in endosomal acidification is the vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase), a multi-subunit transmembrane complex that pumps protons from the cytoplasm to the lumen of organelles, or to the outside of the cell. The active V-ATPase is composed of two multi-subunit domains, the transmembrane V(0) and the cytoplasmic V(1). Here we found that the ratio of membrane associated V(1)/Vo varies along the endocytic pathway, the relative abundance of V(1) being higher on late endosomes than on early endosomes, providing an explanation for the higher acidity of late endosomes. We also found that all membrane-bound V-ATPase subunits were associated with detergent resistant membranes (DRM) isolated from late endosomes, raising the possibility that association with lipid-raft like domains also plays a role in regulating the activity of the proton pump. In support of this, we found that treatment of cells with U18666A, a drug that leads to the accumulation of cholesterol in late endosomes, affected acidification of late endosome. Altogether our findings indicate that the activity of the vATPase in the endocytic pathway is regulated both by reversible association/dissociation and the interaction with specific lipid environments.  相似文献   

F Gu  J Gruenberg 《FEBS letters》1999,452(1-2):61-66
Evidence is accumulating that membrane traffic between organelles can be achieved by different types of intermediates. Small (< 100 nm) and short-lived vesicles mediate transport from the plasma membrane or the trans-Golgi network to endosomes, and formation of these vesicles depends on specific adapter complexes. In contrast, transport from early to late endosomes is achieved by relatively large (approximately 0.5 microm), long-lived and multivesicular intermediates, and their biogenesis depends on endosomal COP-I proteins. Here, we review recent work on the formation of these different transport intermediates, and we discuss, in particular, coat proteins, sorting signals contained in cargo molecules and the emerging role of lipid in vesicle biogenesis.  相似文献   

Endocytosis leads to the internalisation of both lipids and proteins and their delivery to specific subcellular locations. This involves sorting processes that are not completely understood, but may involve interactions between lipids and proteins as well as pH and calcium gradients. This article discusses the importance of endocytosis in glycosphingolipid (GSL) synthesis as well as the potential roles of GSLs in endocytic membrane transport. Although the accumulation of GSLs in storage diseases clearly disrupts endocytic transport, increasing evidence also supports a role for GSLs in endocytosis in normal cells.  相似文献   

The uniformly distributed Fc receptors (FcRs) on the surface of many cell types are involved in a variety of immune reactions by non-specifically facilitating the entry of antigen-specific IgG molecules to the cell. Such reactions may be beneficial to the organism when foreign antigens are involved, or harmful in cases of self antigens and viruses. In order to avoid the IgG-mediated self antigen presentation or viral infection in autoimmunity and viral attack respectively, we attempt in this study to inhibit the intracellular transport of antibodies. This blockage, however, implies: efficacy of inhibition, inability of de novo exocytosis of the internalised antibody and finally maintenance of normal cell growth and morphology. We thus concentrate our interest on the endocytic pathway followed by a neutralising antibody in murine trophoblast cells where we try to inhibit antibody intracellular transport by various agents according to the criteria set above. In our model-system, IFN-gamma, upon induction of FcRs, facilitates endocytosis of the anti-p21ras antibody which blocks in turn the IFN-gamma-induced surface class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) expression. Using various intracellular transport inhibitors, we study the required conditions by which these compounds cancel the inhibitory action of anti-p21ras and allow induction of class II MHC molecules by IFN-gamma. The effectiveness of the inhibitors in a ranking order is shown as following: monodansyl cadaverine > didansyl cadaverine > pepstatin A > leupeptin > NH4Cl > brefeldin A > ZPCK > TPCK. From these inhibitors, only brefeldin A, leupeptin, pepstatin and ZPCK do not allow exocytosis of the antibody in the culture medium and only didansyl cadaverine, pepstatin and leupeptin maintain cell viability and morphology. However, by sequential elimination based on this study's established criteria, only pepstatin A and leupeptin are shown to be effective inhibitors to specific antibody intracellular transport, protecting also the cell's viability and physiology.  相似文献   

Glycosphingolipids are endocytosed and targeted to the Golgi apparatus, but are mistargeted to lysosomes in numerous sphingolipidoses. Substrate reduction therapy utilizes imino sugars to inhibit glucosylceramide synthase and potentially abrogate the effects of storage. Gaucher disease is a hereditary deficiency in glucocerebrosidase leading to glucosylceramide accumulation; however, Gaucher fibroblasts exhibited normal Golgi transport of lactosylceramide. To better understand the effects of glycosphingolipid accumulation on intracellular trafficking and the use of imino sugar inhibitors, we studied sphingolipid endocytosis in fibroblast and macrophage models for Gaucher disease. Treatment of fibroblasts or RAW macrophages with conduritol B epoxide, an inhibitor of lysosomal glucocerebrosidase, resulted in a change in the endocytic targeting of lactosylceramide from the Golgi to the lysosomes. Co-treatment of macrophages with conduritol B-epoxide and 12-25 microM N-butyldeoxygalactonojirimycin, an inhibitor of glycosphingolipid biosynthesis, prevented the mistargeting of lactosylceramide to the lysosomes and restored trafficking to the Golgi. Surprisingly, higher doses (>25 microM) of NB-DGJ induced targeting of lactosylceramide to the lysosomes, even in the absence of conduritol B-epoxide. These data demonstrate that both increases and decreases in glucosylceramide levels can dramatically alter the endocytic targeting of lactosylceramide and suggest a role for glucosylceramide in regulation of membrane transport.  相似文献   

Lipids in endocytic membrane transport and sorting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protein complexes associated to specific membrane lipids and protein-lipid domains contribute to regulate protein sorting and membrane dynamics in the endocytic pathway. It is also becoming apparent that different lipid territories are distributed along the pathway, and that some lipids segregate into specialised microdomains.  相似文献   

During cell signalling, information that is encoded by ligands travels from one place, the source, to another, the target, where signals are transduced by receptors. Evidence has emerged recently that uncovers a role for the endocytic pathway in the secretion of ligands at the source, their dispersion through developing target tissues and the transduction of the signals from endocytic compartments. As a result, endosomes have become the focus of attention in cell-cell communication studies.  相似文献   

A number of proteins that are necessary for membrane transport have been identified using cell-free assays and yeast genetics. Although our knowledge of transport mechanisms remains limited, common themes are clearly emerging. In particular, specific GTP-binding proteins appear to be involved, not only at all steps of membrane traffic but also at more than one check-point within each step. The ordered sequence of events occurring during vesicle formation, targeting and fusion may be regulated in a stepwise manner by specific GTP-dependent switches, which act as modular elements of the transport mechanism.  相似文献   

Cadherins are the primary adhesion molecules in adherens junctions and desmosomes and play essential roles in embryonic development. Although significant progress has been made in understanding cadherin structure and function, we lack a clear vision of how cells confer plasticity upon adhesive junctions to allow for cellular rearrangements during development, wound healing and metastasis. Endocytic membrane trafficking has emerged as a fundamental mechanism by which cells confer a dynamic state to adhesive junctions. Recent studies indicate that the juxtamembrane domain of classical cadherins contains multiple endocytic motifs, or “switches,” that can be used by cellular membrane trafficking machinery to regulate adhesion. The cadherin‐binding protein p120‐catenin (p120) appears to be the master regulator of access to these switches, thereby controlling cadherin endocytosis and turnover. This review focuses on p120 and other cadherin‐binding proteins, ubiquitin ligases, and growth factors as key modulators of cadherin membrane trafficking.   相似文献   

We investigated the effects of an inhibitor of sphingolipid biosynthesis, 1-phenyl-2-(decanoyl-amino)-3-morpholino-1-propanol (PDMP), on cells in culture. Two Golgi-associated enzymes were affected by incubation of cells with PDMP. The synthesis of glucosylceramide was inhibited at low concentrations of PDMP (2.5-10 microM), and in the presence of higher concentrations (greater than or equal to 25 microM), synthesis of sphingomyelin was also reduced. Transport of vesicular stomatitis virus G protein through the Golgi complex was progressively retarded by increasing concentrations of PDMP. In the presence of 75 microM PDMP, the half-times of VSV-G protein arrival at the cis, medial, and trans Golgi and the cell surface were increased 1.5-, 2.1-, 2.4-, and 2.8-fold, respectively, compared to control values. Transport of fluorescent sphingolipids, synthesized de novo at the Golgi complex from fluorescent ceramide precursors, to the cell surface was retarded by approximately 20% in the presence of 50 microM PDMP and by approximately 50% in the presence of 100 microM PDMP. Control experiments demonstrated that PDMP had minimal effects on cell morphology and physiology (including microtubule and endoplasmic reticulum structure, mitochondrial function, and endocytosis). Although incubation of cells with relatively high concentrations of PDMP was required to see the effects on protein and sphingolipid transport, use of a fluorescent analogue of PDMP demonstrated that most cell-associated PDMP was sequestered in lysosomes, while the concentration at the Golgi complex, the site of the target synthetic enzymes, was relatively low. Taken together, these results suggest that transport of proteins and sphingolipids through the secretory pathway may be coupled to sphingolipid synthesis.  相似文献   

Membrane flow through the cell is a highly dynamic process in which intracellular compartments communicate via tubulo-vesicular structures shuttling cargo molecules to their destinations. Transport carriers are formed at a donor compartment and navigate through the cytoplasm to the target organelle, on which they subsequently dock and fuse. Many of these events are regulated by the cooperative action of monomeric rab GTPases and their effector proteins. Research in recent years resulted in the identification of many rab effectors, providing first glimpses how the GTPase switch of individual rab proteins is utilized in discrete transport steps.  相似文献   

Calcium cations play a critical role in regulating vesicular transport between different intracellular membrane-bound compartments. The role of calcium in transport between the Golgi cisternae, however, remains unclear. Using a well characterized cell-free intra-Golgi transport assay, we now show that changes in free Ca(2+) concentration in the physiological range regulate this transport process. The calcium-chelating agent 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid blocked transport with an IC(50) of approximately 0.8 mm. The effect of 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid was reversible by addition of fresh cytosol and was irreversible when performed in the presence of a Ca(2+) ionophore that depletes calcium from lumenal stores. We demonstrate here that intra-Golgi transport is stimulated by low Ca(2+) concentrations (20-100 nm) but is inhibited by higher concentrations (above 100 nm). Further, we show that calmodulin antagonists specifically block intra-Golgi transport, implying a role for calmodulin in mediating the effect of calcium. Our results suggest that Ca(2+) efflux from intracellular pools may play an essential role in regulating intra-Golgi transport.  相似文献   

Summary The endocytic pathway is a well established process in animal cells, but it is not well understood in plant cells. At the morphological level, all the compartments involved in endocytosis in animal cells seem to have counterparts in plant cells, and the organization of the pathway appears to share some striking similarities. Several Rab homologues have been found in plant cells, including homologues of Rab5, Rab7, and Rab11, markers of endocytic compartments in animal cells. Coat proteins are also present in plant cells, including clathrin, adaptins, and ADP ribosylation factor proteins. However, endocytic compartments in plant cells also exhibit specific features both in organization and function. The molecular composition of these compartments remains to be established, and future work will be necessary to identify the key regulators of endocytic trafficking in plant cells.Abbreviations EE early endosome - LE late endosome - ECV-MVB endosomal carrier vesicle-multivesicular body - PCR partially coated reticulum - MPR mannose 6-phosphate receptor - TGN trans-Golgi network  相似文献   

Over the past decade, there has been an explosion in the number of membrane transport proteins that have been shown to be sensitive to the abundance of phosphoinositides in the plasma membrane. These proteins include voltage-gated potassium and calcium channels, ion channels that mediate sensory and nociceptive responses, epithelial transport proteins and ionic exchangers. Each of the regulatory lipids is also under multifaceted regulatory control. Phosphoinositide modulation of membrane proteins in neurons often has a dramatic effect on neuronal excitability and synaptic transmitter release. The repertoire of lipid signalling mechanisms that regulate membrane proteins is intriguingly complex and provides a rich array of topics for neuroscience research.  相似文献   

The urothelium, a specialized epithelium that covers the mucosa cell surface of the urinary bladder, undergoes dramatic morphological changes during the micturition cycle that involve a membrane apical traffic. This traffic was first described as a lysosomal pathway, in addition to the known endocytosis/exocytosis membrane recycling. In an attempt to understand the role of membrane lipid composition in those effects, we previously described the lipid-dependent leakage of the endocytosed vesicle content. In this work, we demonstrated clear differences in the traffic of both the fluid probe and the membrane-bound probe in urothelial umbrella cells by using spectrofluorometry and/or confocal and epifluorescence microscopy. Different membrane lipid compositions were established by using three diet formulae enriched in oleic acid, linoleic acid and a commercial formula. Between three and five animals for each dietary treatment were used for each analysis. The decreased endocytosis of both fluid and membrane-bound probes (approximately 32 and 49 % lower, respectively) in oleic acid-derived umbrella cells was concomitant with an increased recycling (approximately 4.0 and 3.7 times, respectively) and diminished sorting to the lysosome (approximately 23 and 37 %, respectively) when compared with the control umbrella cells. The higher intravesicular pH and the impairment of the lysosomal pathway of oleic acid diet-derived vesicles compared to linoleic acid diet-derived vesicles and control diet-derived vesicles correlate with our findings of a lower V-ATPase activity previously reported. We integrated the results obtained in the present and previous work to determine the sorting of endocytosed material (fluid and membrane-bound probes) into the different cell compartments. Finally, the weighted average effect of the individual alterations on the intracellular distribution was evaluated. The results shown in this work add evidences for the modulatory role of the membrane lipid composition on sorting of the endocytosed material. This suggests that changes in the membrane organization can be one of the underlying mechanisms for regulating the endocytosis/exocytosis processes and membrane intracellular trafficking.  相似文献   

Clathrin-dependent endocytosis has long been presented as the only efficient mechanism by which transmembrane receptors are internalized. We selectively blocked this process using dominant-negative mutants of Eps15 and showed that clathrin-mediated endocytosis of transferrin was inhibited, while endocytosis of interleukin 2 (IL2) receptors proceeded normally. Ultrastructural and biochemical experiments showed that clathrin-independent endocytosis of IL2 receptors exists constitutively in lymphocytes and is coupled to their association with detergent-resistant membrane domains. Finally, clathrin-independent endocytosis requires dynamin and is specifically regulated by Rho family GTPases. These results define novel properties of receptor-mediated endocytosis and establish that the IL2 receptor is efficiently internalized through this clathrin-independent pathway.  相似文献   

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