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The incubation of platelet-rich plasma of rats with liposomes has changed cell functional activity. Lipid composition of liposomes modulated the ability of the platelets to respond to ADP. Vesicles, containing phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol or stearylamine inhibited the aggregation by 70, 30 and 40%, respectively. The inhibition of aggregation by phosphatidylserine-containing liposomes was of linear and dose-dependent character. The maximal inhibition was reported at 10-min incubation of liposomes with platelets. The impairment of platelets aggregation can be explained by interactions of liposomes with plasma coagulation factors and blocking the receptors on the platelets membranes.  相似文献   

The effects of antioxidants (3-hydroxypyridines, 5-hydroxypyrimidines, hindered phenols) on platelet aggregation were studied. All the compounds under study possessed low anti-aggregation activity against indometacin-sensitive aggregation (activation with arachidonic acid, 50 M). Half-maximal inhibition of aggregation was achieved at a concentration similar to that of the compounds used (10(-3) M in cases of indomethacin-insensitive aggregation, platelet activation by thrombine 1.5 mu/ml and Ca2+-ionophore A23187 1.5 g/ml). 4-methyl-2.6-ditretbutyl phenol (BHT) in the concentration range of 10(-5)-4 X 10(-5) M inhibited and in the concentration range of 4 X 10(-5)-10(-4) M activated indomethacin-sensitive aggregation. The latter effect was not observed in the absence of Ca2+ ions in the incubation medium. It is concluded that the effects of the antioxidants studied on platelet aggregation were due to their non-specific action on platelet membranes.  相似文献   

The effects of carbenicillin and phosphomycin separately or simultaneously, on ADP induced platelet aggregation have been studied in vivo. Platelet aggregation, ADP induced, was inhibited by carbenicillin and phosphomycin. The inhibition was proportional to the concentration of antibiotic. A slight inhibition was observed when platelet rich plasma was incubated simultaneously with both antibiotics, but synergy on the ADP-induced platelet aggregation was absent.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of thromboxane synthetase (imidazole), cyclooxygenase (indomethacin), phospholipase A2 (Mepacrine) were used in the experiments on rabbits with experimental hypoparathyroidism to study the role of aggregation factors in the changes of ADP- and collagen-induced platelet aggregation. The enhancement of arachidonic acid metabolism and the release of platelet aggregation factor are discussed.  相似文献   

Y. pestis "mouse" toxin, introduced intraperitoneally into rats in a dose of LD100 [correction of LG100], produces phasic changes in the thrombin-induced aggregation of thrombocytes and the content of prostaglandins and cyclic nucleotides in them. As the result of the damaging action on the endothelium of blood vessels at the initial period of intoxication, the concentration of prostaglandin 6-keto F1 alpha in blood plasma and cAMP [correction of cAMR] in thrombocytes sharply decreases, which causes the enhancement of thrombin-induced cell aggregation. At a later period the level of prostaglandin E in the cells sharply rises. At later irreversible stages of shock, induced in the cells of Y. pestis "mouse" toxin, the content of cGMP in cells sharply increases, which leads to the development of the phase of thrombocyte hypoaggregation.  相似文献   

The ability of the chemokines SDF-1, MDC and TARC to induce platelet aggregation depends strongly on low levels of ADP. The ADP receptors involved have now been characterized using the P2Y(1) and P2T(AC) receptor antagonists, A2P5P and AR-C69931MX. Stimulation of aggregation by the chemokines at 10 s was not blocked by AR-C69931MX, but was strongly inhibited by A2P5P. Pertussis toxin abolished the chemokine-stimulated aggregation. We conclude that the P2Y(1) ADP receptor plays a critical role in the initial phases of SDF-1-, MDC- and TARC-induced platelet aggregation, which involve a pertussis toxin-sensitive G protein.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid (RA) was found to inhibit ADP induced but not collagen induced aggregation of human platelets and the differential action is related to intraplatelet Ca2+ reflux. RA was active at concentrations as low as 10(-7) M and required 20 min prior incubation with platelet suspension in order to inhibit aggregation by ADP. All the steps in ADP induced but not collagen induced platelet activation, viz. hydrolysis of phosphatidyl inositol, phosphorylation of 20, 47 and 250 kDa proteins as well as increased association of actin with Triton X-100 insoluble cytoskeletal matrix were inhibited by RA. RA when used as an agent for differentiation induction of cell progenitor is likely to affect the platelet aggregation and thereby the haemostatic process.  相似文献   

Purification of staphylococcal alpha toxin by electrofocusing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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