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Molecular farming provides a powerful tool for low cost production of recombinant proteins with pharmaceutical value. The use of transgenic plants has been increasingly tested as alternative system for obtaining biologically active human lactoferrin in plants. Precise selection of plant species, transformation techniques and expression cassettes, in addition to conduction of detailed glycosylation and immunogenicity studies, serves as basis of obtaining safe recombinant human lactoferrin in high concentrations for the use of pharmacy. On the other hand, expression of antimicrobial protein lactoferrin in plants is a promising opportunity for crop quality improvement by increasing plant disease resistance.  相似文献   

This report details the establishment of a transgenic goat model in order to produce human lactoferrin (hLf) in the mammary gland for large-scale application and research. Two transgenic male goats were generated by microinjecting sequence encoding hLf cDNA to the pronuclear. In the two lines, derived from the two founders, eight lactating female goats could secrete recombinant human lactoferrin (rhLf) at concentrations of up to 0.765 mg/ml. The method of purifying the rhLf from the milk was achieved using ion-exchange chromatography and resulted in 97% purity. Biochemical and physicochemical characteristics of rhLf were similar to native lactoferrin (nhLf); this included N-terminal sequence, isoelectric point, molecular mass, glycosylation, iron-binding/releasing ability, thermal stability, and proteolysis. The rhLf showed broad spectrum antibacterial activity inhibiting the growth of several pathogenic bacterial strains. Also investigated, although to a lesser degree, was a practicable pasteurization method for the downstream processing of rhLf and, further, a method for the oral administration of rhLf. On the basis of these results, our studies show an optimistic and promising approach for the large-scale production and therapeutic application of rhLf expressed in transgenic goats.  相似文献   

Enzyme therapy for the prevention and treatment of organophosphate poisoning depends on the availability of large amounts of cholinesterases. Transgenic plants are being evaluated for their efficiency and cost-effectiveness as a system for the bioproduction of therapeutically valuable proteins. Here we report production of a recombinant isoform of human acetylcholinesterase in transgenic tomato plants. Active and stable acetylcholinesterase, which retains the kinetic characteristics of the human enzyme, accumulated in tomato plants. High levels of specific activity were registered in leaves (up to 25 nmol min(-1) mg protein(-1)) and fruits (up to 250 nmol min(-1) mg protein(-1)).  相似文献   

Expression of human lactoferrin in milk of transgenic mice   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The expression of human lactoferrin (hLF) in the milk of transgenic mice is described. Regulatory sequences derived from the bovine S1-casein gene were fused to the coding sequence of the hLF cDNA and several lines of transgenic mice were generated. Human LF RNA was detected exclusively in the mammary gland of lactating females and only after the onset of lactation. No aberrant RNA products could be detected using northern blotting and primer extension analysis. The hLF concentrations in the milk ranged from less than 0.1 to 36 g ml–1. Human LF thus expressed did not differ from human milk derived LF, with respect to molecular mass and immunoreactivity with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

A cDNA fragment encoding human lactoferrin (hLF) linked to a plant microsomal retention signal peptide (SEKDEL) was stably integrated into the Solanum tuberosum genome by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated leaf disk transformation methods. The lactoferrin gene was expressed under control of both the auxin-inducible manopine synthase (mas) P2 promoter and the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S tandem promoter. The presence of the hLF cDNA in the genome of regenerated transformed potato plants was detected by polymerase chain reaction amplification methods. Full-length hLF protein was identified by immunoblot analysis in tuber tissue extracts from the transformed plants by immunoblot analysis. The hLF produced in transgenic plant tissues migrated during polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis as a single band with an approximate molecular mass equal to hLF. Auxin activation of the mas P2 promoter increased lactoferrin expression levels in transformed tuber and leaf tissues to approximately 0.1% of total soluble plant protein. Antimicrobial activity against four different human pathogenic bacterial strains was detected in extracts of lactoferrin-containing potato tuber tissues. This is the first report of synthesis of full length, biologically active hLF in edible plants.  相似文献   

The limited capacity of current bioreactors has led the biopharmaceutical industry to investigate alternative protein expression systems. The milk of transgenic cattle may provide an attractive vehicle for large-scale production of biopharmaceuticals, but there have been no reports on the characteristics of such recombinant proteins. Here we describe the production of recombinant human lactoferrin (rhLF), an iron-binding glycoprotein involved in innate host defense, at gram per liter concentrations in bovine milk. Natural hLF from human milk and rhLF had identical iron-binding and -release properties. Although natural hLF and rhLF underwent differential N-linked glycosylation, they were equally effective in three different in vivo infection models employing immunocompetent and leukocytopenic mice, and showed similar localization at sites of infection. Taken together, the results illustrate the potential of transgenic cattle in the large-scale production of biopharmaceuticals.  相似文献   

Human lactoferrin (hLF) is an iron-binding glycoprotein involved in the host defence against infection and excessive inflammation. As the availability of (human milk-derived) natural hLF is limited, alternative means of production of this biopharmaceutical are extensively researched. Here we report the crystal structure of recombinant hLF (rhLF) expressed in the milk of transgenic cows at a resolution of 2.4 Å. To our knowledge, the first reported structure of a recombinant protein produced in milk of transgenic livestock. Even though rhLF contains oligomannose- and hybrid-type N-linked glycans next to complex-type glycans, which are the only glycans found on natural hLF, the structures are identical within the experimental error (r.m.s. deviation of only 0.28 Å for the main-chain atoms). Of the differences in polymorphic amino acids between the natural and rhLF variant used, only the side-chain of Asp561 could be modeled into the rhLF electron density map. Taken together, the results confirm the structural integrity of the rhLF variant used in this study. It also confirms the validity of the transgenic cow mammary gland as a vehicle to produce recombinant human proteins.Ellen A. J. Thomassen, Harrie A. van Veen - These authors have contributed equally to this paper.The PDB-code of recombinant human lactoferrin is 2BJJ  相似文献   

Overproduction of alfalfa glutamine synthetase in transgenic tobacco plants   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary We have obtained transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing the enzyme glutamine synthetase (GS) by fusing an alfalfa GS gene to the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promotor and integrating it intoNicotiana tabacum var. W38 plants byAgrobacterium tumefaciens mediated gene transfer. The amount of RNA specific to alfalfa GS was about 10 times higher in transgenic tobacco plants than in alfalfa. The alfalfa GS produced by these transgenic plants was identified by Western blotting and represented 5% of total soluble protein in the transformed plants, amounting to a 5-fold increase in specific GS activity and in a 20-fold increase in resistance to the GS inhibitorl-phosphinothricin in vitro. Tissue from GS overproducing plants showed a sevenfold lower amount of free NH3. The amino acid composition of the plant tissue was not altered significantly by GS overproduction. GS overproducing plants were fertile and grew normally. These data show that a high level of expression of a key metabolic enzyme such as glutamine synthetase does not interfere with growth and fertility of plants.  相似文献   

以随机整合方式获得的转基因动物外源基因的拷贝数、整合位点及染色体核型等遗传背景并不清楚,可能会存在外源基因的沉默整合、无效整合、毒性整合以及其表达水平不可预测等问题。文中选取了6只原代(F0)及其相对应的子一代(F1)的人乳铁蛋白(hLF)转基因山羊作为研究对象,分别颈静脉采血、提取DNA,通过染色体核型分析、实时荧光定量PCR(qPCR)、ELISA和Westernblotting等检测技术,研究其外源基因的遗传背景与表达水平。结果显示,6只F0代转基因山羊的染色体没有明显的形态变异、数量改变等异常情况。相对拷贝数高低不同(2–16),且能够稳定地遗传给下一代,F0和F1代hLF基因拷贝数一致。F1代转基因山羊表达hLF水平最高可达1.12 g/L(L3-1,拷贝数8)。结果表明,整合的外源基因能够稳定地遗传下一代,也没有对转基因山羊个体的生长发育造成障碍,而且拷贝数高低与hLF表达水平无明显的相关性,这为转基因山羊及其他转基因动物的新品种培育奠定了基础,解析了遗传背景。  相似文献   

A chimeric gene encoding the alfalfa mosaic virus (AlMV) coat protein was constructed and introduced into tobacco and tomato plants using Ti plasmid-derived plant transformation vectors. The progeny of the self-fertilized transgenic plants were significantly delayed in symptom development and in some cases completely escaped infection after inoculated with AlMV. The inoculated leaves of the transgenic plants had significantly reduced numbers of lesions and accumulated substantially lower amounts of coat protein due to virus replication than the control plants. These results show that high level expression of the chimeric viral coat protein gene confers protection against AlMV, which differs from other plant viruses in morphology, genome structure, gene expression strategy and early steps in viral replication. Based on our results with AlMV and those reported earlier for tobacco mosaic virus, it appears that genetically engineered cross-protection may be a general method for preventing viral disease in plants.  相似文献   

We produced human growth hormone (hGH), a protein that stimulates growth and cell reproduction, in genetically engineered soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] seeds. Utilising the alpha prime (α') subunit of β-conglycinin tissue-specific promoter from soybean and the α-Coixin signal peptide from Coix lacryma-jobi, we obtained transgenic soybean lines that expressed the mature form of hGH in their seeds. Expression levels of bioactive hGH up to 2.9% of the total soluble seed protein content (corresponding to approximately 9?g?kg(-1)) were measured in mature dry soybean seeds. The results of ultrastructural immunocytochemistry assays indicated that the recombinant hGH in seed cotyledonary cells was efficiently directed to protein storage vacuoles. Specific bioassays demonstrated that the hGH expressed in the soybean seeds was fully active. The recombinant hGH protein sequence was confirmed by mass spectrometry characterisation. These results demonstrate that the utilisation of tissue-specific regulatory sequences is an attractive and viable option for achieving high-yield production of recombinant proteins in stable transgenic soybean seeds.  相似文献   

Using particle bombardment-mediated transformation, a codon-optimized synthetic gene for human lysozyme was introduced into the calli of rice (Oryza sativa) cultivar Taipei 309. The expression levels of recombinant human lysozyme in the transformed rice suspension cell culture approached approximately 4% of total soluble protein. Recombinant human lysozyme was purified to greater than 95% homogeneity using a two-step chromatography process. Amino acid sequencing verified that the N-terminus of the mature recombinant human lysozyme was identical to native human lysozyme. This indicates that the rice RAmy3D signal peptide was correctly cleaved off from the human lysozyme preprotein by endogenous rice signal peptidase. Recombinant human lysozyme was found to have the same molecular mass, isoelectric point and specific activity as native human lysozyme. The bactericidal activity of recombinant human lysozyme was determined by turbidimetric assay using Micrococcus lysodeikticus in 96-well microtiter plates. The bactericidal activity of lysozyme on Gram-negative bacteria was examined by adding purified lysozyme to mid-log phase cultures of E. coli strain JM109. In this study, significant bactericidal activity was observed after E.coli cells were exposed to recombinant human lysozyme for 60min. Both native and recombinant human lysozyme displayed the same thermostability and resistance to degradation by low pH. The potential for using rice-derived lysozyme as an antimicrobial food supplement, particularly for infant formula and baby foods, is discussed.  相似文献   

An inherited disorder, adenosine deaminase deficiency is a form of severe combined immunodeficiency, which is ultimately caused by an absence of adenosine deaminase (ADA), a key enzyme of the purine salvage pathway. The absence of ADA-activity in sufferers eventually results in a dysfunctional immune system due to the build-up of toxic metabolites. To date, this has been treated with mixed success, using PEG-ADA, made from purified bovine ADA coupled to polyethylene glycol. It is likely, however, that an enzyme replacement therapy protocol based on recombinant human ADA would be a more effective treatment for this disease. Therefore, as a preliminary step to produce biologically active human ADA in transgenic tobacco plants a human ADA cDNA has been inserted into a plant expression vector under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter and both human and TMV 5′ UTR control regions. Plant vector expression constructs have been used to transform tobacco plants via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Genomic DNA, RNA and protein blot analyses have demonstrated the integration of the cDNA construct into the plant nuclear genome and the expression of recombinant ADA mRNA and protein in transgenic tobacco leaves. Western blot analysis has also revealed that human and recombinant ADA have a similar size of approximately 41 kDa. ADA-specific activities of between 0.001 and 0.003 units per mg total soluble protein were measured in crude extracts isolated from transformed tobacco plant leaves.  相似文献   

The cDNA encoding N-terminal three immunoglobin-like domains of human M-CSFR was linked to His-tag and endoplasmic reticulum retention sequence (KDEL) before being inserted into the genome of tobacco plant, Nicotiana tabacum cv. NC-89, by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. The insertion and expression of target gene were confirmed by PCR, ELISA, and Western blot. The recombinant M-CSFsR reached a maximum expression level of 1.92% of total soluble protein in transgenic tobacco plant leaf tissues. The recombinant M-CSFsR could be purified through a one-step IMAC process and its bioactivity was confirmed by the inhibition of colony formation of J6-1 cells. The results suggested that we successfully expressed a high level of bioactive human M-CSFsR in tobacco plants.  相似文献   

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