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Carbon uptake and transpiration in plant leaves occurs through stomata that open and close. Stomatal action is usually considered a response to environmental driving factors. Here we show that leaf gas exchange is more strongly related to whole tree level transport of assimilates than previously thought, and that transport of assimilates is a restriction of stomatal opening comparable with hydraulic limitation. Assimilate transport in the phloem requires that osmotic pressure at phloem loading sites in leaves exceeds the drop in hydrostatic pressure that is due to transpiration. Assimilate transport thus competes with transpiration for water. Excess sugar loading, however, may block the assimilate transport because of viscosity build‐up in phloem sap. Therefore, for given conditions, there is a stomatal opening that maximizes phloem transport if we assume that sugar loading is proportional to photosynthetic rate. Here we show that such opening produces the observed behaviour of leaf gas exchange. Our approach connects stomatal regulation directly with sink activity, plant structure and soil water availability as they all influence assimilate transport. It produces similar behaviour as the optimal stomatal control approach, but does not require determination of marginal cost of water parameter.  相似文献   

Understanding stomatal regulation is fundamental to predicting the impact of changing environmental conditions on vegetation. However, the influence of soil temperature (ST) and soil water content (SWC) on canopy conductance (gs) through changes in belowground hydraulic conductance (kbg) remains poorly understood, because kbg has seldom been measured in field conditions. Our aim was to (a) examine the dependence of kbg on ST and SWC, (b) examine the dependence of gs on kbg and (c) test a recent stomatal optimization model according to which gs and soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance are strongly coupled. We estimated kbg from continuous sap flow and xylem diameter measurements in three boreal species. kbg increased strongly with increasing ST when ST was below +8°C, and typically increased with increasing SWC when ST was not limiting. gs was correlated with kbg in all three species, and modelled and measured gs were well correlated in Pinus sylvestris (a model comparison was only possible for this species). These results imply an important role for kbg in mediating linkages between the soil environment and leaf gas exchange. In particular, our finding that ST strongly influences kbg in mature trees may help us to better understand tree behaviour in cold environments.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the diurnal and seasonal variations in the sensitivity of leaf lamina (K lam) hydraulic conductance to irradiance in bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa Michx.) and trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), which vary in their responses of K lam to irradiance. K lam was determined using the high-pressure method and the measurements were carried out in June, August and September. The irradiance response of K lam in bur oak was present throughout the day and declined in senescing leaves. In trembling aspen, K lam declined from morning to late afternoon and drastically decreased before the onset of leaf senescence, but it was not sensitive to irradiance. In both tree species, the capacity of the petioles to supply water to leaf lamina changed during the day in accordance with the ability of the leaf lamina to transport water. Petiole hydraulic conductivity (K pet) declined during the season in bur oak leaves, while it tended to increase in trembling aspen leaves. There was no correlation between the K lam values and air temperature or light intensity at the time of leaf collection. For trembling aspen, K pet was negatively correlated with the air temperature suggesting sensitivity to drought. We conclude that the water transport properties of petioles and leaf lamina in the two studied tree species reflect their ecological adaptations. Trembling aspen leaves have high hydraulic conductivity and high stomatal conductance regardless of the irradiance level, consistent with the rapid growth and high demand for water. In contrast, the increased lamina hydraulic conductivity and stomatal conductance under high irradiance in bur oak trees reflect a water conservation strategy.  相似文献   

The hydraulic architecture, water relationships, and gas exchange of leaves of sunflower plants, grown under different levels of water stress, were measured. Plants were either irrigated with tap water (controls) or with PEG600 solutions with osmotic potential of -0.4 and -0.8 MPa (PEG04 and PEG08 plants, respectively). Mature leaves were measured for hydraulic resistance (R(leaf)) before and after making several cuts across minor veins, thus getting the hydraulic resistance of the venation system (R(venation)). R(leaf) was nearly the same in controls and PEG04 plants but it was reduced by about 30% in PEG08 plants. On the contrary, R(venation) was lowest in controls and increased in PEG04 and PEG08 plants as a likely result of reduction in the diameter of the veins' conduits. As a consequence, the contribution of R(venation) to the overall R(leaf) markedly increased from controls to PEG08 plants. Leaf conductance to water vapour (g(L)) was highest in controls and significantly lower in PEG04 and PEG08 plants. Moreover, g(L) was correlated to R(venation) and to leaf water potential (psi(leaf)) with highly significant linear relationships. It is concluded that water stress has an important effect on the hydraulic construction of leaves. This, in turn, might prove to be a crucial factor in plant-water relationships and gas exchange under water stress conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of sodium fluoride (0.3, 5 and 10 m M NaF) on root hydraulic conductivity, and gas exchange processes were examined in aspen ( Populus tremuloides Michx.) seedlings grown in solution culture. A long-term exposure of roots to NaF significantly decreased root hydraulic conductivity ( L p) and stomatal conductance ( g s). Root absorbed NaF significantly affected electrolyte leakage in leaf tissues and substantially restricted leaf expansion. NaF did not significantly affect leaf chlorophyll contents but decreased net photosynthesis ( P n). A short-term exposure of excised roots to 5 m M NaF and KF significantly decreased root water flow ( Q v) with a concomitant decline in root respiration and reduced g s when applied through intact roots or excised stems. The same molar concentration of NaCl also decreased Q v and g s in intact seedlings, but to a lesser extent than NaF or KF, and did not significantly affect root respiration. The results suggest that fluoride metabolically inhibited Q v or L p, probably by affecting water channel activity. We suggest that the metabolic inhibition of L p by root-absorbed fluoride affected gas exchange and leaf expansion in aspen seedlings.  相似文献   

Variation in leaf and shoot hydraulic conductance was examined on detached shoots of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth), cut from the lower third (shade leaves) and upper third of the crown (sun leaves) of large trees growing in a natural temperate forest stand. Hydraulic conductances of whole shoots (K S), leaf blades (K lb), petioles (K P) and branches (i.e. leafless stem; K B) were determined by water perfusion using a high-pressure flow meter in quasi-steady state mode. The shoots were exposed to irradiance of photosynthetic photon flux density of 200–250 μmol m−2 s−1, using different light sources. K lb depended significantly (P < 0.001) on light quality, canopy position and leaf blade area (A L). K lb increased from crown base to tree top, in parallel with vertical patterns of A L. However, the analysis of data on shade and sun leaves separately revealed an opposite trend: the bigger the A L the higher K lb. Leaf anatomical study of birch saplings revealed that this trend is attributable to enhanced vascular development with increasing leaf area. Hydraulic traits (K S, K B, K lb) of sun shoots were well co-ordinated and more strongly correlated with characteristics of shoot size than those of shade shoots, reflecting their greater evaporative load and need for stricter adjustment of hydraulic capacity with shoot size. K S increased with increasing xylem cross-sectional area to leaf area ratio (Huber value; P < 0.01), suggesting a preferential investment in water-conducting tissue (sapwood) relative to transpiring tissue (leaves), and most likely contributing to the functional stability of the hydraulic system, essential for fast-growing pioneer species.  相似文献   

The aspen leaf miner, Phyllocnistis populiella, feeds on the contents of epidermal cells on both top (adaxial) and bottom (abaxial) surfaces of quaking aspen leaves, leaving the photosynthetic tissue of the mesophyll intact. This type of feeding is taxonomically restricted to a small subset of leaf mining insects but can cause widespread plant damage during outbreaks. We studied the effect of epidermal mining on aspen growth and physiology during an outbreak of P. populiella in the boreal forest of interior Alaska. Experimental reduction of leaf miner density across two sites and 3 years significantly increased annual aspen growth rates relative to naturally mined controls. Leaf mining damage was negatively related to leaf longevity. Leaves with heavy mining damage abscised 4 weeks earlier, on average, than leaves with minimal mining damage. Mining damage to the top and bottom surfaces of leaves had different effects on physiology. Mining on the top surface of the leaf had no significant effect on photosynthesis or conductance and was unrelated to leaf stable C isotope ratio (delta(13)C). Mining damage to the bottom leaf surface, where stomata are located, had significant negative effects on net photosynthesis and water vapor conductance. Percent bottom mining was positively related to leaf delta(13)C. Taken together, the data suggest that the primary mechanism for the reduction of photosynthesis by epidermal leaf mining by P. populiella is the failure of stomata to open normally on bottom-mined leaves.  相似文献   

Worldwide measurements of nearly 130 C3 species covering all major plant functional types are analysed in conjunction with model simulations to determine the effects of mesophyll conductance (gm) on photosynthetic parameters and their relationships estimated from A/Ci curves. We find that an assumption of infinite gm results in up to 75% underestimation for maximum carboxylation rate Vcmax, 60% for maximum electron transport rate Jmax, and 40% for triose phosphate utilization rate Tu. Vcmax is most sensitive, Jmax is less sensitive, and Tu has the least sensitivity to the variation of gm. Because of this asymmetrical effect of gm, the ratios of Jmax to Vcmax, Tu to Vcmax and Tu to Jmax are all overestimated. An infinite gm assumption also limits the freedom of variation of estimated parameters and artificially constrains parameter relationships to stronger shapes. These findings suggest the importance of quantifying gm for understanding in situ photosynthetic machinery functioning. We show that a nonzero resistance to CO2 movement in chloroplasts has small effects on estimated parameters. A non‐linear function with gm as input is developed to convert the parameters estimated under an assumption of infinite gm to proper values. This function will facilitate gm representation in global carbon cycle models.  相似文献   

Studies on the temperature (T) responses of photosynthesis and leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) are important to plant gas exchange. In this study, the temperature responses of photosynthesis and Kleaf were studied in Shanyou 63 (Oryza sativa) and Yannong 19 (Triticum aestivum). Leaf water potential (Ψleaf) was insensitive to T in Shanyou 63, while it significantly decreased with T in Yannong 19. The differential ΨleafT relationship partially accounted for the differing gmT relationships, where gm was less sensitive to T in Yannong 19 than in Shanyou 63. With different gmT and ΨleafT relationships, the temperature responses of photosynthetic limitations were surprisingly similar between the two lines, and the photosynthetic rate was highly correlated with gm. With the increasing T, Kleaf increased in Shanyou 63 while it decreased in Yannong 19. The different KleafT relationships were related to different ΨleafT relationships. When excluding the effects of water viscosity and Ψleaf, Kleaf was insensitive to T in both lines. gm and Kleaf were generally not coordinated across different temperatures. This study highlights the importance of Ψleaf on leaf carbon and water exchanges, and the mechanisms for the gmT and KleafT relationships were discussed.  相似文献   

Low leaf hydraulic conductance associated with drought tolerance in soybean   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lack of water is the most serious environmental constraint on agricultural production. More efficient use of water resources is a key solution for increased plant productivity in water-deficit environments. We examined the hydraulic characteristics of a 'slow wilting' phenotype in soybean ( Glycine max Merr.), PI 416937, which has been shown to have relatively constant transpiration rates above a threshold atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD). The VPD response of PI 416937 was confirmed. Three experiments are reported to examine the hypothesis that the VPD response was a result of low hydraulic conductance in leaves as compared to two other soybean genotypes. Results are reported from experiments to measure transpiration response to VPD when xylem water potential was maintained at zero, leaf rehydration response and leaf carbon assimilation response to petiole cutting. Major interspecific differences in leaf hydraulic properties were observed. The observed low leaf hydraulic conductance in PI 416937 is consistent with an increased water use efficiency, and an increased water conservation by limiting transpiration rates under high evaporative conditions but allowing normal gas exchange rates under more moderate evaporative conditions.  相似文献   

Typical symptoms of potassium deficiency, characterized as chlorosis or withered necrosis, occur concomitantly with downregulated photosynthesis and impaired leaf water transport. However, the prominent limitations and mechanisms underlying the concerted decreases of leaf photosynthesis and hydraulic conductance are poorly understood. Monocots and dicots were investigated based on responses of photosynthesis and hydraulic conductance and their components and the correlated anatomical determinants to potassium deficiency. We found a conserved pattern in which leaf photosynthesis and hydraulic conductance concurrently decreased under potassium starvation. However, monocots and dicots showed two different hydraulic‐redesign strategies: Dicots tended to show a decreased minor vein density, whereas monocots reduced the size of the bundle sheath and its extensions, rather than the minor vein density; both of these strategies may restrain xylem and outside‐xylem hydraulic conductance. Additionally, potassium‐deprived leaves developed with fewer mesophyll cell‐to‐cell connections, leading to a reduced area being available for liquid‐phase flow. Further quantitative analysis revealed that mesophyll conductance to CO2 and outside‐xylem hydraulic resistance were the major contributors to photosynthetic limitation and increased hydraulic resistance, at more than 50% and 60%, respectively. These results emphasize the importance of potassium in the coordinated regulation of leaf photosynthesis and hydraulic conductance through modifications of leaf anatomy.  相似文献   

Diurnal depression of leaf hydraulic conductance in a tropical tree species   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
Diurnal patterns of hydraulic conductance of the leaf lamina (Kleaf) were monitored in a field‐grown tropical tree species in an attempt to ascertain whether the dynamics of stomatal conductance (gs) and CO2 uptake (Aleaf) were associated with short‐term changes in Kleaf. On days of high evaporative demand mid‐day depression of Kleaf to between 40 and 50% of pre‐dawn values was followed by a rapid recovery after 1500 h. Leaf water potential during the recovery stage was less than ?1 MPa implying a refilling mechanism, or that loss of Kleaf was not linked to cavitation. Laboratory measurement of the response of Kleaf to Ψleaf confirmed that leaves in the field were operating at water potentials within the depressed region of the leaf ‘vulnerability curve’. Diurnal courses of Kleaf and Ψleaf predicted from measured transpiration, xylem water potential and the Kleaf vulnerability function, yielded good agreement with observed trends in both leaf parameters. Close correlation between depression of Kleaf, gs and Aleaf suggests that xylem dysfunction in the leaf may lead to mid‐day depression of gas exchange in this species.  相似文献   

Stomatal conductance (gs) and mesophyll conductance (gm) represent major constraints to photosynthetic rate (A), and these traits are expected to coordinate with leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) across species, under both steady‐state and dynamic conditions. However, empirical information about their coordination is scarce. In this study, Kleaf, gas exchange, stomatal kinetics, and leaf anatomy in 10 species including ferns, gymnosperms, and angiosperms were investigated to elucidate the correlation of H2O and CO2 diffusion inside leaves under varying light conditions. Gas exchange, Kleaf, and anatomical traits varied widely across species. Under light‐saturated conditions, the A, gs, gm, and Kleaf were strongly correlated across species. However, the response patterns of A, gs, gm, and Kleaf to varying light intensities were highly species dependent. Moreover, stomatal opening upon light exposure of dark‐adapted leaves in the studied ferns and gymnosperms was generally faster than in the angiosperms; however, stomatal closing in light‐adapted leaves after darkening was faster in angiosperms. The present results show that there is a large variability in the coordination of leaf hydraulic and gas exchange parameters across terrestrial plant species, as well as in their responses to changing light.  相似文献   

Across plant species, leaves vary enormously in their size and their venation architecture, of which one major function is to replace water lost to transpiration. The leaf hydraulic conductance (K(leaf)) represents the capacity of the transport system to deliver water, allowing stomata to remain open for photosynthesis. Previous studies showed that K(leaf) relates to vein density (vein length per area). Additionally, venation architecture determines the sensitivity of K(leaf) to damage; severing the midrib caused K(leaf) and gas exchange to decline, with lesser impacts in leaves with higher major vein density that provided more numerous water flow pathways around the damaged vein. Because xylem embolism during dehydration also reduces K(leaf), we hypothesized that higher major vein density would also reduce hydraulic vulnerability. Smaller leaves, which generally have higher major vein density, would thus have lower hydraulic vulnerability. Tests using simulations with a spatially explicit model confirmed that smaller leaves with higher major vein density were more tolerant of major vein embolism. Additionally, for 10 species ranging strongly in drought tolerance, hydraulic vulnerability, determined as the leaf water potential at 50% and 80% loss of K(leaf), was lower with greater major vein density and smaller leaf size (|r| = 0.85-0.90; P < 0.01). These relationships were independent of other aspects of physiological and morphological drought tolerance. These findings point to a new functional role of venation architecture and small leaf size in drought tolerance, potentially contributing to well-known biogeographic trends in leaf size.  相似文献   

In woody plants, photosynthetic capacity is closely linked to rates at which the plant hydraulic system can supply water to the leaf surface. Drought‐induced embolism can cause sharp declines in xylem hydraulic conductivity that coincide with stomatal closure and reduced photosynthesis. Recovery of photosynthetic capacity after drought is dependent on restored xylem function, although few data exist to elucidate this coordination. We examined the dynamics of leaf gas exchange and xylem function in Eucalyptus pauciflora seedlings exposed to a cycle of severe water stress and recovery after re‐watering. Stomatal closure and leaf turgor loss occurred at water potentials that delayed the extensive spread of embolism through the stem xylem. Stem hydraulic conductance recovered to control levels within 6 h after re‐watering despite a severe drought treatment, suggesting an active mechanism embolism repair. However, stomatal conductance did not recover after 10 d of re‐watering, effecting tighter control of transpiration post drought. The dynamics of recovery suggest that a combination of hydraulic and non‐hydraulic factors influenced stomatal behaviour post drought.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that electric and hydraulic long-distance signals modify photosynthesis and stomatal aperture upon re-irrigation in intact drought-stressed plants was examined. Maize plants (Zea mays L.) were exposed to drought conditions by decreasing the soil water content to 40-50% of field capacity. The decrease in water content resulted in a decline in stomatal conductance to 50-60% of the level in well-watered plants. Re-irrigation of the plants initiated both hydraulic and electric signals, followed by a two-phase response of the net CO2 uptake rate and stomatal conductance of leaves. The transitional first phase (phase 1) is characterized by a rapid decrease in both levels. In the second phase (phase 2), both parameters gradually increase to levels above those of drought-stressed plants. Elimination of either the hydraulic signal by compensatory pressure application to the root system, or of the electric signal by cooling of the leaf blade gave evidence that the two signals (1) propagated independently from each other and (2) triggered the two-phase response in leaf gas exchange. The results provided evidence that the hydraulic signal initiated a hydropassive decrease in stomatal aperture and for the involvement of electric signals in the regulation of photosynthesis of drought-stressed plants.  相似文献   

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