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The Semliki Forest virus capsid (C) protein was introduced into various target cells by electroporation-, liposome-, and erythrocyte-ghost-mediated delivery. Data are presented which show that the incorporated C protein is biologically active and, at low concentrations (10(3) to 10(4) molecules per cell), markedly induces host cellular protein synthesis (average value, up to 90%). On the other hand, high concentrations (10(5) to 10(6) molecules per cell) led to a significant inhibition (average value, up to 60%). The cellular response to C protein was found to be identical in P3X63Ag8 suspension cells, CV-1 cells, and GpBind4 cells. Following electroporation-mediated delivery of C-protein molecules, both induction and repression of cellular protein synthesis were immediate, whereas with liposome-mediated delivery these events were delayed by about 1 h. Maximum stimulation and repression occurred between 0 and 1 h after delivery of C protein and decreased thereafter to reach control values at about 4 h. The analysis of the proteins synthesized suggests that low amounts of microinjected C protein are responsible for the induction of classes with specific Mrs, whereas high amounts lead to an inhibition of overall protein synthesis.  相似文献   

HeLa cells infected with Semliki Forest virus were exposed to [35S]methionine for 1 min and chased for various periods. The analysis of labeled ribonucleoproteins showed that the viral capsid protein associated first with the large ribosomal subunit in polysomes, from which it was chased to assembling nucleocapsids and to free monosomes.  相似文献   

Semlike forest virus capsid protein cosedimented with the large ribosomal subunit at 60S in sucrose gradients after treatment of cytoplasm from infected cells with Triton X-100 and EDTA. In CsCl gradients the capsid protein banded with the subunit at a density of 1.56 to 1.57 g/cm3. Most of the capsid protein could be detached from the 60S structure by treatment with 0.8 M KCl. The ribonucleoprotein of the 26S RNA had a sedimentation value of 53S and a density of 1.50 g/cm3 and could thus be separated from the 60S structure. The data suggest that the capsid protein binds to the large ribosomal subunit, but not to the viral 26S RNA.  相似文献   

The capsid (C) protein of alphaviruses consists of two protein domains: a serine protease at the COOH terminus and an NH2-terminal domain which is thought to interact with RNA in the virus nucleocapsid (NC). The latter domain is very rich in positively charged amino acid residues. In this work, we have introduced large deletions into the corresponding region of a full-length cDNA clone of Semliki Forest virus, expressed the transcribed RNA in BHK-21 cells, and monitored the autoprotease activity of C, the formation of intracellular NCs, and the release of infectious virus. Our results show that if the gene region encoding the whole NH2-terminal domain is removed, the expressed C protein fragment cannot assemble into NCs and virus particles but it is still able to function as an autoprotease. Thus, these results underline the general importance of the NH2-terminal domain in the virus assembly process and furthermore show that the serine protease domain can function independently of the NH2 terminus. Surprisingly, analysis of additional C protein deletion variants showed that not all of the NH2-terminal domain is required for virus assembly, but large deletions involving up to one-third of its positively charged residues are still compatible with NC and virus formation. The fact that so much flexibility is allowed in the structure of the NH2-terminal domain of C suggests that most of this region is involved in nonspecific interactions with the encapsidated RNA, probably through its positively charged amino acid residues.  相似文献   

In previous studies of encapsidation of Sindbis virus RNA, we identified a 570nt fragment (nt 684-1253) from the 12 kb genome that binds to the viral capsid protein with specificity and is required for packaging of Sindbis virus defective interfering RNAs. We now show that the capsid binding activity resides in a highly structured 132nt fragment (nt 945-1076). We had also demonstrated that a 68 amino acid peptide derived from the capsid protein retained most of the binding activity of the original protein and have now developed an RNA mobility shift assay with this peptide fused to glutathione-S-transferase. We have used this assay in conjunction with the original assay in which the intact capsid protein was immobilized on nitrocellulose to analyze more extensive deletions in the 132-mer. All of the deletions led to a reduction in binding, but the binding of a 5' 67-mer was enhanced by the addition of nonspecific flanking sequences. This result suggests that the stability of a particular structure within the 132nt sequence may be important for capsid recognition.  相似文献   

We investigated the possible translational role which elevated concentrations of highly purified Semliki Forest virus (SFV) capsid (C)-protein molecules may play in a cell-free translation system. Here we decomonstrate that in the absence of double-stranded RNA high concentrations of C protein triggered the phosphorylation of the interferon-induced, double-stranded RNA-activated protein kinase, PKR. Activated PKR in turn phosphorylated its natural substrate, the subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF-2), thereby inhibiting initiation of host cell translation. These findings were further strengthened by experiments showing that during natural infection with SFV the maximum phosphorylation of PKR coincided with the maximum synthesis of C protein 4–9 hours post infection. Thus, our results demonstrate that high concentrations of C-protein molecules may act in a hitherto novel mechanism on PKR to inhibit host cell protein synthesis during viral infection.  相似文献   

Treatment of BHK cells with 1 microM nigericin results in a 55% decrease in K+ and a 3.3-fold increase in intracellular Na+; protein synthesis under these conditions is depressed by 35%. In BHK cells infected with Semliki Forest virus (SFV), protein synthesis is depressed by 76% 6.5 h after infection; intracellular K+ is unchanged, and intracellular Na+ is increased 1.8-fold at this time. These results suggest that the increase in intracellular Na+ in SFV-infected BHK cells does not adequately account for the decrease in protein synthesis, and makes it likely that an increased Na+ concentration is a consequence, not a cause, of alterations in protein synthesis in virally-infected cells. No evidence was obtained for the purported [Alonso, M. A. and Carrasco, L. (1980) Eur. J. Biochem. 109, 535-540; (1981) Eur. J. Biochem. 118, 289-294; (1981) FEBS Lett. 127, 112-114] ability of 1 microM nigericin to permeabilize' cells.  相似文献   

G Jen  C H Birge    R E Thach 《Journal of virology》1978,27(3):640-647
The relative initiation rates for encephalomyocarditis virus mRNA and host mRNA's in infected cells were measured using two independent techniques. In both cases the results showed that viral mRNA initiates at a much higher rate than host mRNA'S. This difference was observed midway in the infectious cycle, well before virus-induced cytopathic effects (leakage of low-molecular-weight metabolites, failure to exclude trypan blue) were apparent. These results confirm that encephalomyocarditis viral mRNA is a more efficient initiator than host mRNA's in vivo, as has previously been demonstrated in in vitro experiments.  相似文献   

Over 130 million people are infected chronically with hepatitis C virus (HCV), which, together with HBV, is the leading cause of liver disease. Novel small molecule inhibitors of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) are needed to complement or replace current treatments based on pegylated interferon and ribavirin, which are only partially successful and plagued with side-effects. Assembly of the virion is initiated by the oligomerization of core, the capsid protein, followed by the interaction with NS5A and other HCV proteins. By screening for inhibitors of core dimerization, we previously discovered peptides and drug-like compounds that disrupt interactions between core and other HCV proteins, NS3 and NS5A, and block HCV production. Here we report that a biotinylated derivative of SL209, a prototype small molecule inhibitor of core dimerization (IC(50) of 2.80 μM) that inhibits HCV production with an EC(50) of 3.20 μM, is capable of penetrating HCV-infected cells and tracking with core. Interaction between the inhibitors, core and other viral proteins was demonstrated by SL209-mediated affinity-isolation of HCV proteins from lysates of infected cells, or of the corresponding recombinant HCV proteins. SL209-like inhibitors of HCV core may form the basis of novel treatments of Hepatitis C in combination with other target-specific HCV drugs such as inhibitors of the NS3 protease, the NS5B polymerase, or the NS5A regulatory protein. More generally, our work supports the hypothesis that inhibitors of viral capsid formation might constitute a new class of potent antiviral agents, as was recently also shown for HIV capsid inhibitors.  相似文献   

Initiation of synthesis of the structural proteins of Semliki Forest virus.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Insertion of phage λ DNA into the normal attachment site of the DNA of the host Escherichia coli has been studied by ultracentrifugation analysis of the conversion of covalent circles of F′450 (F′gal attλ bio) to F′450(λ) circles. We have found that integration proceeds at the normal rate if, in addition to the int gene product and a proper combination of phage and bacterial attachment sites, a large pool of λ DNA and some activity of the excision gene xis are present. In addition, turnoff of both phage DNA synthesis and xis gene activity are required.  相似文献   

The positive-sense, single-stranded RNA alphaviruses pose a potential epidemic threat. Understanding the complex interactions between the viral and the host cell proteins is crucial for elucidating the mechanisms underlying successful virus replication strategies and for developing specific antiviral interventions. Here we present the first comprehensive protein-protein interaction map between the proteins of Semliki Forest Virus (SFV), a mosquito-borne member of the alphaviruses, and host cell proteins. Among the many identified cellular interactors of SFV proteins, the enrichment of factors involved in translation and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) was striking, reflecting the virus’ hijacking of the translation machinery and indicating viral countermeasures for escaping NMD by inhibiting NMD at later time points during the infectious cycle. In addition to observing a general inhibition of NMD about 4 hours post infection, we also demonstrate that transient expression of the SFV capsid protein is sufficient to inhibit NMD in cells, suggesting that the massive production of capsid protein during the SFV reproduction cycle is responsible for NMD inhibition.  相似文献   

Alphavirus genomes encode a small hydrophobic protein of 6 kDa (the 6K protein) that is expressed as part of a large polyprotein containing the sequences of the two virus transmembranal glycoproteins which form the spikes of the infectious particle. Although made in amounts equivalent to those of the glycoproteins, very little of the 6K protein is found in secreted infectious virions. The role of this protein in virus replication and structure has been studied by use of a variety of mutationally altered forms of 6K, which yield phenotypically distinct viruses. A complete deletion of the gene encoding the 6K protein (delta 6K) of Semliki Forest Virus (SFV) has been constructed from an SFV infectious cDNA and the transcribed RNA-produced progeny virus that closely resembled the normal virus (P. Liljeström, S. Lusa, D. Huylebroeck, and H. Garoff, J. Virol. 65:4107-4113, 1991). Further studies of this mutant have now been performed, and they show that growth of delta 6K has a strong dependency on its host cell, varying from 2 to 50% of the rate of formation of the wild-type SFV. Mammalian cells are much more defective than insect and avian cells in replication of the delta 6K mutant. This mutant is not defective in formation and transport of the glycoproteins or in production of nucleocapsids, which accumulate at the plasma cell membrane in infected BHK cells. The major defect, thus, is in the final assembly and budding of new virus. In BHK cells infected with the delta 6K strain, a relatively large fraction of the total infectious virus formed can be recovered by osmotic lysis of exhaustively washed cells. Infectious SFV totally lacking 6K is identical to wild-type SFV in the early stages of virus replication, i.e., binding and uptake. The particles themselves are more thermolabile than those of wild-type SFV, suggesting that the 6K protein may be a part of the structure of wild-type virus or that the slower budding leads to an altered configuration of the trimeric spikes. These data support other studies that implicate the 6K protein as an important but nonessential component in the assembly and budding of the alphavirus particle, perhaps by affecting the packing of the glycoproteins and their interactions with membrane lipid.  相似文献   

The spikes of alphaviruses are composed of three copies of an E2-E1 heterodimer. The E1 protein possesses membrane fusion activity, and the E2 protein, or its precursor form, p62 (sometimes called PE2), controls this function. Both proteins are, together with the viral capsid protein, translated from a common C-p62-E1 coding unit. In an earlier study, we showed that the p62 protein of Semliki Forest virus (SFV) dimerizes rapidly and efficiently in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with the E1 protein originating from the same translation product (so-called heterodimerization in cis) (B.-U. Barth, J. M. Wahlberg, and H. Garoff, J. Cell Biol. 128:283-291, 1995). In the present work, we analyzed the ER translocation and folding efficiencies of the p62 and E1 proteins of SFV expressed from separate coding units versus a common one. We found that the separately expressed p62 protein translocated and folded almost as efficiently as when it was expressed from a common coding unit, whereas the independently expressed E1 protein was inefficient in both processes. In particular, we found that the majority of the translocated E1 chains were engaged in disulfide-linked aggregates. This result suggests that the E1 protein needs to form a complex with p62 to avoid aggregation. Further analyses of the E1 aggregation showed that it occurred very rapidly after E1 synthesis and could not be avoided significantly by the coexpression of an excess of p62 from a separate coding unit. These latter results suggest that the p62-E1 heterodimerization has to occur very soon after E1 synthesis and that this is possible only in a cis-directed reaction which follows the synthesis of p62 and E1 from a common coding unit. We propose that the p62 protein, whose synthesis precedes that of the E1 protein, remains in the translocon of the ER and awaits the completion of E1. This strategy enables the p62 protein to complex with the E1 protein immediately after the latter has been made and thereby to control (suppress) its fusion activity.  相似文献   

The interaction of mammalian reoviruses with sialylated glycoproteins was studied and found to be highly serotype specific in that attachment of type 3 Dearing reovirus to murine L cell receptors could be strongly inhibited by bovine submaxillary mucin (BSM), fetuin, and alpha 1 acid glycoprotein, albeit at different efficiencies, whereas attachment of type 1 Lang reovirus was inhibited only by fetuin. We subsequently demonstrated, by using reassortants between type 3 and 1 reoviruses, that inhibition of reovirus attachment to cell receptors was specified by the viral attachment protein gene S1. Using a solid-phase binding assay, we further demonstrated that the ability of reovirus type 3 or reassortant 1HA3 and the inability of reovirus type 1 or reassortant 3HA1 to bind avidly to BSM was a property of the viral S1 genome segment and required the presence of sialic acid residues on BSM oligosaccharides. Taken together, these results demonstrated that there is a serotype-specific difference in the ability of the reovirus attachment protein, sigma 1, to interact with sialylated oligosaccharides of glycoproteins. Interaction of reovirus type 3 with sialylated oligosaccharides of BSM is dramatically affected by the degree of O-acetylation of their sialic acid residues, as indicated by the findings that chemical removal of O-acetyl groups stimulated reovirus type 3 attachment to BSM, whereas preferential removal of residues lacking or possessing reduced amounts of O-acetyl groups per sialic acid molecule with Vibrio cholerae sialidase abolished binding. We also demonstrated that BSM was 10 times more potent in inhibiting attachment of infectious reovirus to L cells than was V. cholerae-treated BSM. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that sialylated oligosaccharides on host cells or erythrocytes may act as binding sites or components of binding sites for type 3 reovirus through a specific interaction with the virus attachment protein.  相似文献   

The 18S defective interfering RNA of Semliki Forest virus has been reverse transcribed to cDNA, which was shown to be heterogeneous by restriction enzyme analysis. After transformation to E.coli, using pBR322 as a vector, two clones, pKTH301 and pKTH309 with inserts of 1.7 kb and 2 kb, were characterized, respectively. The restriction maps of the two clones were different but suggested that both contained repeating units. At the 3' terminus, pKTH301 had preserved 106 nucleotides and pKTH309 102 nucleotides from the 3' end of the viral 42S genome. The conserved 3' terminal sequence was joined to a different sequence in the two clones, and these sequences were not derived from the region coding for the viral structural proteins. The DI RNAs represented by the two clones are generated from the viral 42S RNA by several noncontinuous internal deletions, since the largest colinear regions with 42S RNA are 320 nucleotides in pKTH301, and 430 and 340 nucleotides in pKTH309. All these fragments had unique RNase T1 oligonucleotide fingerprints, suggesting that they were derived from different regions of 42S RNA.  相似文献   

The p62/E2 protein of Semliki Forest virus (SFV) is a typical transmembrane glycoprotein, with an amino-terminal lumenal domain, a transmembrane (hydrophobic) domain, and a carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic domain (or tail). Our hypothesis has been that the membrane-binding polypeptide region (membrane anchor) of this protein consists of both the transmembrane domain and the adjacent positively charged peptide, Arg-Ser-Lys, which is part of the cytoplasmic domain. We have investigated three anchor mutants of the p62 protein with respect to both their disposition and their stability in cell membranes. The construction of the three mutants has been described (Cutler, D.F., and H. Garoff, J. Cell Biol., 102:889-901). They are as follows: A1, changing the basic charge cluster from Arg-Ser-Lys(+2) to Gly-Ser-Glu(-1); A2, replacing an Ala in the middle of the hydrophobic stretch with a Glu; A3, changing the charge cluster from Arg-Ser-Lys(+2) to Gly-Ser-Met(0). All three mutants retain the transmembrane configuration of the wild-type p62. In a cell homogenate they have a cytoplasmic domain that is accessible to protease. In living cells an anti-peptide antibody specific for the cytoplasmic tail of p62 reacts with the tails of both wild-type and mutant p62s following its introduction into the cytoplasm. All three mutant proteins have Triton X-114 binding properties similar to the wild-type p62. However, when the membranes of cells expressing the three mutants or the wild-type p62 protein are washed with sodium carbonate, pH 11.5, three to four times as much mutant protein as wild-type p62 is released from the membranes. Thus the stability in cell membranes of the three mutant p62 proteins is significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Semliki Forest virus (SFV) is enveloped by a lipid bilayer enclosed within a glycoprotein cage made by glycoproteins E1 and E2. E1 is responsible for inducing membrane fusion, triggered by exposure to the acidic environment of the endosomes. Acidic pH induces E1/E2 dissociation, allowing E1 to interact with the target membrane, and, at the same time, to rearrange into E1 homotrimers that drive the membrane fusion reaction. We previously reported a preliminary Calpha trace of the monomeric E1 glycoprotein ectodomain and its organization on the virus particle. We also reported the 3.3 A structure of the trimeric, fusogenic conformation of E1. Here, we report the crystal structure of monomeric E1 refined to 3 A resolution and describe the amino acids involved in contacts in the virion. These results identify the major determinants for the E1/E2 icosahedral shell formation and open the way to rational mutagenesis approaches to shed light on SFV assembly.  相似文献   

RNA interference (RNAi) is an important mosquito defense mechanism against arbovirus infection. In this paper we study the processes underlying antiviral RNAi in Aedes albopictus-derived U4.4 mosquito cells infected with Semliki Forest virus (SFV) (Togaviridae; Alphavirus). The production of virus-derived small interfering RNAs (viRNAs) from viral double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is a key event in this host response. dsRNA could be formed by RNA replication intermediates, by secondary structures in RNA genomes or antigenomes, or by both. Which of these dsRNAs is the substrate for the generation of viRNAs is a fundamental question. Here we used deep sequencing of viRNAs and bioinformatic analysis of RNA secondary structures to gain insights into the characteristics and origins of viRNAs. An asymmetric distribution of SFV-derived viRNAs with notable areas of high-level viRNA production (hot spots) and no or a low frequency of viRNA production (cold spots) along the length of the viral genome with a slight bias toward the production of genome-derived viRNAs over antigenome-derived viRNAs was observed. Bioinformatic analysis suggests that hot spots of viRNA production are rarely but not generally associated with putative secondary structures in the SFV genome, suggesting that most viRNAs are derived from replicative dsRNA. A pattern of viRNAs almost identical to those of A. albopictus cells was observed for Aedes aegypti-derived Aag2 cells, suggesting common mechanisms that lead to viRNA production. Hot-spot viRNAs were found to be significantly less efficient at mediating antiviral RNAi than cold-spot viRNAs, pointing toward a nucleic acid-based viral decoy mechanism to evade the RNAi response.  相似文献   

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