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In a greenhouse and in an open field, aspects of aerial and ambulatory dispersal of the phytoseiid mite, Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) were studied with a focus on events that would occur after aerially dispersing mites had landed on soil or associated substrates. We measured recovery of predators on lima bean plants (Phaseolus lunatus L.) that were infested with the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch. Factors thought to affect movement and colonization were distance to a receiver unit from a release (landing) point, intervening soil surfaces such as clods, gravel, fine soil and grass, and management of soil surfaces such as mulching, watering or both. In the field, the effect of distance (0.11–1.76m) from a landing point to a receiver unit was significant, with a negative log-linear relationship. Soil surfaces such as clods and management actions such as watering with mulching allowed for more capture of predators on bean plants with prey than did other treatments. Environmental conditions greatly affected survival of N. fallacis.Predators in the field that were present on bare soil suffered high mortality (ca. 90%) at fluctuating daytime conditions of 26.4±4.8°C and 56±13.4% RH. Predators only suffered 10% mortality in the greenhouse under the same setting, but under more controlled and favorable environmental conditions. Effects of environmental conditions, mode of dispersal and implications to biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

The life history ofAmblyseius chilenensis was studied in a laboratory at 16.4, 25 and 32 °C. The rates of development, prey consumption and oviposition varied directly with temperature. From the life history data the intrinsic rates of increase were determined to be 0.112, 0.287 and 0.307 at 16.4, 25 and 32° respectively. The net reproductive rates were 12.73, 29.09, 17.82 and the mean generation times were 22.72, 11.74 and 9.38 days at 16.4, 25 and 32° respectively. Part of a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Master of Science degree and was supported by a National Institutes of Health grant to ProfessorC. B. Huffaker who, with the junior author, directed the research.  相似文献   

C. Bernstein 《BioControl》1983,28(2):185-198
Some of the processes that control or influence the movements of females of the predatory mitePhytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot when dispersing between plants are studied here. Experiments on the preference for light or shadow, carried out in a choice chamber, showed that individuals that have been starved for longer or in environments with lower relative humidities have a stronger preference for shaded places. Whilst the speed of movement is independent of the starvation level, the net speed (i.e. measuring the distance traversed in a bee-line) increases and the turning tendency decreases with the time the animals have been deprived of food. The longevity of starving females increases with the relative humidity of the environment where they were kept. These results are compared with similar data for the spider miteTetranychus urticae Koch in order to discuss their possible effect on the dynamics on the predator-prey system they form.  相似文献   

Various aspects of the ability of the predacious miteAmblyseius bibens Blommers to survive under conditions of prey scarcity were studied in the laboratory. The presence of water considerably lengthened survival in the absence of food. An ability to pierce leaves was not observed in the predator. Walking speed was little affected by hunger, but declined with inanition. Activity (=percentage time spent walking) was greatest in well fed females, and decreased with increasing hunger, and eventually with inanition. Hence, the area searched per unit time decreased with increasing hunger and inanition. Hungry predators showed greater activity on more hairy leaves. Hungry predators became more restive in the presence of a cover. A webbed area was preferred (as resting place) by the predator, whether hungry or not. Gut content, and hence initial feeding, was only representative for the state of hunger, if the availibility of water was accounted for. Duration of the complete recovery (oviposition) in the presence of ample food provided a measure of the original inanition. Many kinds of pollen might serve as alternate food.  相似文献   

Eight reduced-risk insecticides (acetamiprid, thiamethoxam, imidacloprid, thiacloprid, methoxyfenozide, pyriproxyfen, indoxacarb, and spinosad) and three conventional insecticides (azinphosmethyl, fenpropathrin, and esfenvalerate) were tested against Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) (Acari: Phytoseiidae), the most abundant predacious mite in North Carolina apple (Malus spp.) orchards. To assess the effect of insecticides on development and mortality of N. fallacis immatures, 12-h-old eggs were individually placed on bean leaf disks previously dipped in insecticide solutions. Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) females were added as a food source. None of the reduced-risk insecticides significantly affected immature N. fallacis compared with the control; however, the pyrethroids esfenvalerate and fenpropathrin were highly toxic to immatures. To evaluate the effect of insecticides on mortality and oviposition of adult N. fallacis, 7- to 8-d-old females were confined on insecticide-treated bean leaves with Malephora crocea (Aizoaceae) pollen added as a food source. Spinosad resulted in the highest mortality, whereas azinphosmethyl, acetamiprid, fenpropathrin, and imidacloprid were moderately toxic, and mortality from esfenvalerate, indoxacarb, thiacloprid, methoxyfenozide, pyriproxyfen, and thiamethoxam did not differ significantly from the control. Oviposition was affected in a similar manner, with the exception of acetamiprid that did not affect oviposition, and thiamethoxam that reduced oviposition.  相似文献   

Diapause behaviou of two strains of Metaseiulus occidentalis (Nesbitt) was compared as part of a project to evaluate this predator as a control agent for Tetranychus urticae Koch on roses in greenhouses in Berkeley, California. One strain had a normal diapause and the other had been genetically selected for non-diapause. Predators in diapause sought shelters on a simple bean plant test system. Females lacking the ability to diapause and the normal strain under long photophases tended to disperse aerially from the bean plant systems, particularly when prey were scarce. M. occidentalis females with the capacity to diapause reared near the critical photophase (11.2h) at fluctuating temperatures of 17.5 to 24.5°C within a 24 h period were influenced by the availability of prey: if prey were lacking, predators were more likely to enter diapause than if prey were abundant.Starved females left the plant system, probably through aerial dispersal, and mated females dispersed more readily than males and virgin females under long daylengths. No differences in aerial dispersal tendency were observed at short photophases. Aerial dispersal of adult females occurred at air speeds of ca. 1.5 m/s.
Comportement lors de la diapause de souches génétiquement sélectionnées du prédateur Metaseiulus occidentalis (Acari; Phytoseiidae)
Résumé Au cours d'un programme destiné à évaluer la valeur du prédateur, Metaseiulus occidentalis Nesbitt pour lutter contre Tetranychus urticae Koch sur roses dans les serres de Berkeley (California) nous avons comparé chez deux souches le comportement lié à la diapause. Une souche a une diapause normale, l'autre a été sélectionnée génétiquement pour son absence de diapause. Les adultes avec diapause normale recherchent des abris sur un dispositif expérimental conçu à partir d'un pied de haricot. Les femelles perdant l'aptitude à la diapause ainsique celles de la souche normale soumise à une longue photophase ont tendance à se disperser par voie aérienne à partir du dispositif expérimental, surtout quand les proies sont rares.Les femelles de M. occidentalis aptes à la diapause élevées aux environs de la photophase critique (11.2h) avec des températures variant entre 17°5 et 24°5 pendant le nyctémère réagissent en fonction de la disponibilité en proies: quand les proies manquent, les prédateurs ont plus tendance à entrer en diapause que quand les proies sont abondantes.Avec une longue photopériode, les femelles à jeûn abandonnent le système expérimental, (probablement par dispersion aérienne) et les femelles fécondées se dispersent plus facilement que les mâles et les femelles vierges. Aucune différence dans la tendance à la dispersion aérienne n'a été observée aux courtes photophases. La dispersion aérienne des femelles adultes s'est produite à des vitesses de 1.5 m/sec.

【目的】替代食物是饲养扩繁生物防治剂的重要组成部分,但连续单一食物可能会对天敌的存活、繁殖和捕食能力产生影响。本研究旨在明确以贝氏小奥林螨Oulenziella bakeri饲养的草栖钝绥螨Amblyseius herbicolus生长发育状况、繁殖和捕食能力。【方法】利用年龄-龄期两性生命表和捕食功能反应分别测定以贝氏小奥林螨为替代猎物的F2, F4和F6代草栖钝绥螨生命表参数和对二斑叶螨Tetranychus urticae的捕食能力。【结果】在F2, F4和F6代,草栖钝绥螨幼螨期随着饲养代数的增加逐渐延长,而雌成螨和雄成螨的寿命逐渐缩短,但卵、第1若螨和第2若螨的发育历期在各代之间无显著差异。在F2, F4和F6代之间,草栖钝绥螨的存活率和种群参数无显著变化;种群参数中,不同饲养代数的内禀增长率(r)和周限增长率(λ)分别为0.19~0.20和1.21~1.22/d。F2, F4和F6代草栖钝绥螨雌成螨对二斑叶螨若螨和雌成螨的捕食量无显著差异,其捕食功能反应均符合HollingⅡ型。【结论】以贝氏小奥林螨为替代猎物时,草栖钝绥螨能正常发育和繁殖,其种群数量呈增长趋势。本研究表明贝氏小奥林螨可以作为草栖钝绥螨人工饲养的潜在替代猎物。  相似文献   

The pairings of Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) and Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) from western North America were monitored for tending by adult males, males in the mating position and oviposition and the activity of female deutonymphs and adults. The N. fallacis × N. californicus (♂ × ♀) tests had fewer males tending the deutonymphs but more in the mating position with new females than the reciprocal test. Afterwards, most of the females appeared gravid and approximately 20% produced an egg. Some eggs did not hatch but others became adult males, which mated with their mothers, but no eggs were produced. F1 males tended and mated with new N. fallacis females which had normal offspring. When held with new N. californicus females, F1 males tended the deutonymphs but were not seen mating and no eggs were laid. The pairings of N. californicus× N. fallacis had more males tending, less in the mating position and the females appeared non-gravid and produced no eggs. When same-species males were added to females held with F1 males for 15–20 days, normal levels and sexes of the progeny were produced. The female and male adults of N. fallacis were more active (ambulatory) than those of N. californicus. In within-species tests, the males had a high activity except while tending and mating, the female deutonymphs were inactive and the just mated females were more active than the ovipositing females. The timing of the tending and mating differed in the cross-pairings. Overall, these and other life-history data show that these two mites are distinct species, but that their males are promiscuous in tending and mating. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Dispersal behaviour was studied on a predacious phytoseiid mite, Phytoseiulus persimilisAthias-Henriot in response to the density of its prey, Tetranychus kanzawaiKishida . And the effect of the change in the rate of successful dispersal of the predators among patches was tested on the persistence of the predator-prey system. The results of the study are summarized as follows:
  1. With a severe decline in prey density available per individual predator, the predators exhibited a marked behavioural change and dispersed to other areas.
  2. When two neighboring host plants did not touch with each other and the dispersal of the predators was possible only through a 20cm plywood “bridge” which connected the two plants, the rate of successful dispersal of the predators was only 20 to 25%, whereas it was 95% when the plants touched with each other.
  3. In the system where 32 host plants touched with each other, the predators succeeded in immigrating into all the plants by the 16th day, and they completely eliminated all the prey by the 33rd day.
  4. In another system, the 32 plants were equally divided into eight “patches” which were connected with each other with two of the bridges and the predators could move between them only through the bridges as mentioned above. In such a system the predators and their prey coexisted about three times longer than in the other one.
  5. It is suggested that for a longer continued coexistence of the predators and prey, it would be necessary to introduce more physical barrier against the dispersal of the predators and to provide more chances for the prey to disperse.

《Journal of Asia》2014,17(3):207-211
Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the functional and numerical responses of the aphidophagous hover fly Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer (Diptera: Syrphidae) to different densities of 4th instar black bean aphids, Aphis fabae Scopoli (Homoptera: Aphididae), on broad bean, Vicia faba L. (Fabaceae). Two different-sized larvae of predators were tested in different densities of similar-sized prey to determine whether functional response parameters depended on the body sizes of predator and prey. In numerical response experiments, gravid E. balteatus females were exposed individually to different densities of 4th instars of A. fabae on cut sections of the broad bean plant, V. faba L. Logistic regression suggested a type II functional response for both larval sizes of E. balteatus. The searching efficiency (a) of the larger larvae was higher than that of the smaller ones. Prey consumption was higher, and handling time (Th) was lower for larger larvae than smaller ones. The theoretical maximum number of A. fabae nymphs eaten by the different-sized larvae was 125 and 269 nymphs per day. Larger E. balteatus larvae are more efficient predators for aphid management strategies. The reproductive numerical response, in terms of the number of eggs laid, increased curvilinearly with increasing prey density, but the proportion of eggs laid (egg number/prey density) decreased as the initial density of prey increased.  相似文献   

Six phytophagous mites, maize pollen, and two artificial diets were fed to Amblyseius ovalis to evaluate their food suitability for the predator. The parafilm diet-chip of Hager and Tassan was adopted for artificial diet studies. The floating leaf method was the best among all tested methods, producing high survival, developmental, and reproductive rates of the predator. Offspring of A. ovalis fecding on artificial diets did not complete their life cycles. A. ovalis feeding on E. orientalis, O. mangiferus, ad O. taiwanicus developed into adult form faster than those feeding on other food resources. Predators feeding on the natural food, except those feeding on T. kanzawai, had much higher immatural survival rates, lower escape rates, and shorter developmental durations than those feeding on the artificial diets.All A. ovalis laid an average of two eggs per female per day after 2 days of preoviposition, except for those feeding on T. kanzawai which produced none. A. ovalis feeding on artificial diets showed a shorter oviposition period, lower daily and total reproductive rates, and shorter longevity. The complicated webbing life type of T. kanzawai inhibited the activities of A. ovalis, indicating that the predators may require nutrients other than T. kanzawai eggs to molt into adults and to reproduce. The functions varying the phytoseiid-tetranychid relationship during the predator's approach to the microhabitat of the prey were postulated from the predator's structures and the prey's life type. Most predator eggs were laid by 2–18 day-old females feeding on natural food resources. A. ovalis retained its high activity on the low webbing habitats of O. mangiferus and E. orientalis, and on maize pollen. The intrinsic rate of increase, mean generation time, and net reproductive rate of A. ovalis on each of nine tested food resources were evaluated from its life tables. The predator showed the highest intrinsic rates of increase when feeding on the prey of E. orientalis, O. mangiferus, and on maize pollen, and the lowest rates when feeding on the artificial diet even when the immatures had fed on the O. mangiferus and maize pollen. Consequently, the optimal food resources for A. ovalis appear to be O. mangiferus or O. oriintalis with supplements of maize pollen. When fed on these food resources, the predators demonstrated the highest rates of survival, longevity, fecundity, and intrinsic increase.  相似文献   

Dispersal behaviour was studied on a predacious phytoseiid mite, Phytoseiulus persimilisAthias-Henriot in response to the density of its prey, Tetranychus kanzawaiKishida . And the effect of the change in the rate of successful dispersal of the predators among patches was tested on the persistence of the predator-prey system. The results of the study are summarized as follows:
  1. With a severe decline in prey density available per individual predator, the predators exhibited a marked behavioural change and dispersed to other areas.
  2. When two neighboring host plants did not touch with each other and the dispersal of the predators was possible only through a 20cm plywood “bridge” which connected the two plants, the rate of successful dispersal of the predators was only 20 to 25%, whereas it was 95% when the plants touched with each other.
  3. In the system where 32 host plants touched with each other, the predators succeeded in immigrating into all the plants by the 16th day, and they completely eliminated all the prey by the 33rd day.
  4. In another system, the 32 plants were equally divided into eight “patches” which were connected with each other with two of the bridges and the predators could move between them only through the bridges as mentioned above. In such a system the predators and their prey coexisted about three times longer than in the other one.
  5. It is suggested that for a longer continued coexistence of the predators and prey, it would be necessary to introduce more physical barrier against the dispersal of the predators and to provide more chances for the prey to disperse.

Summary Two adjacent stations (H and L) were set up to study movement ofC. saccharivorus adults in sugarcane fields. At the beginning of the study the density ofC. saccharivorus including all stages of development was quite different between the two. The density of the first generation adult on Station H was about 5 times that on Station L. The number ofC. saccharivorus on both the stations became almost the same one month after the beginning of the study. At the beginning of the study macropterous adults were more numerous in Station H than in Station L. However percentage of macropterous adults on Station L increased after one month whereas that on Station H declined. About 2,000 marked adults were released on each station during the early period of the emergence of the first generation adult. Marked insects were recaptured on both the stations one month after the release. The adults released on the dense population (H) tended to disperse more actively than those on the scarce population (L). Marked macropterous adults moved more actively than brachypterous ones. The density related dispersal of adults was considered to be an important factor to regulate the population density.  相似文献   

Two adjacent stations (H and L) were set up to study movement of C. saccharivorus adults in sugarcane fields. At the beginning of the study the density of C. saccharivorus including all stages of development was quite different between the two. The density of the first generation adult on Station H was about 5 times that on Station L. The number of C. saccharivorus on both the stations became almost the same one month after the beginning of the study. At the beginning of the study macropterous adults were more numerous in Station H than in Station L. However percentage of macropterous adults on Station L increased after one month whereas that on Station H declined. About 2,000 marked adults were released on each station during the early period of the emergence of the first generation adult. Marked insects were recaptured on both the stations one month after the release. The adults released on the dense population (H) tended to disperse more actively than those on the scarce population (L). Marked macropterous adults moved more actively than brachypterous ones. The density related dispersal of adults was considered to be an important factor to regulate the population density.  相似文献   

The arrangement, number, and size of plant parts may influence predator foraging behavior, either directly, by altering the rate or pattern of predator movement, or, indirectly, by affecting the distribution and abundance of prey. We report on the effects of both plant architecture and prey distribution on foraging by the predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot (Acari: Phytoseiidae), on cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Plants differed in leaf number (2- or 6-leafed), and there were associated differences in leaf size, plant height, and relative proportions of plant parts; but all had the same total surface area. The prey, the twospotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae), were distributed either on the basal leaf or on all leaves. The effect of plant architecture on predator foraging behavior varied depending on prey distribution. The dimensions of individual plant parts affected time allocated to moving and feeding, but they did not appear to influence the frequency with which predators moved among different plant parts. Overall, P. persimilis moved less, and fed upon prey longer, on 6-leafed plants with prey on all leaves than on plants representing other treatment combinations. Our findings suggest that both plant architecture and pattern of prey distribution should be considered, along with other factors such as herbivore-induced plant volatiles, in augmentative biological control programs.  相似文献   

Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) is one of the most abundant predatory phytoseid in deciduous fruit orchards under an integrated pest management (IPM) regimen in eastern North America. Laboratory studies using N. fallacis, and the 'modified excised leaf disc method' identified four insecticides out of six, that would require second-tier field studies before inclusion in an IPM program for deciduous orchards. The overall egg mortality caused by flubendiamide, chlorantraniliprole, chlothianidin, novaluron, Spinetoram, and spirotetramat ranked from 0 to 37.6%. Larval mortality caused by spirotetramat, spinetoram, novaluron, and chlothianidin ranged from 100 to 78.3%, respectively. Chlorantraniliprole and flubendiamide were virtually nontoxic to larvae. Spinetoram, chlothianidin, and spirotetramat caused 100, 61.4, and 40.2% mortality of adult N. fallacis, respectively. Spirotetramat and chlothianidin significantly reduced fecundity, whereas novaluron, flubendiamide, and chlorantraniliprole had no such adverse effect for the duration of the study (168 h). Chlorantraniliprole and flubendiamide do not require further second tier field studies and may be included in deciduous orchard IPM programs. Spirotetramat is toxic to several growth stages but it has a very short residual activity, and along with novaluron, which is toxic only to larvae, should be evaluated in second-tier field studies. Clothianidin and spinetoram should be evaluated in second-tier field studies only if alternatives are unavailable.  相似文献   

The influence of prey density, species and developmental stages on the predatory behaviour ofAmblyseius longispinosus (Evans) was studied. A 24 h exposure revealed that gravid females were more voracious compared to young females. The trends in the number of eggs and larvae consumed by each young and gravid female predator were about the same, showing an increase with density of the red and the yellow strains ofT. urticae levelling off at a prey density of 40 per predator. The highest mean number of eggs consumed in 24 h was 16.7 for the young female and 33.3 for the gravid female, and a mean high of 17 larvae in 24 h for the young female and 27.8 for the gravid female. With adult prey, however, the predators reached satiation point at a lower density of five to ten adult prey per female. In general, the response curves were adequately described by the Holling’s Type II model. Under continuous exposure for five days, a significant reduction in consumption was observed with the gravid female from the second day onwards, to a level similar to the number of eggs and larvae consumed by a young female predator.  相似文献   

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