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Cells from the small cell population of viable cells in the large necrotic centre of murine M8013 tumours were investigated with respect to their cell kinetics. Flow cytometry (FCM) of this part of subcutaneously transplanted tumours revealed the presence of tumour cells with G1, S and G2 + M phase DNA-contents. These severely hypoxic cells could have stopped cell cycle progression due to the nutritional deprivation, irrespective of their position within the cell cycle. Labelling methods, used to disclose the cell kinetics of this cell population, are hampered by the absence of a transport system in these large necrotic areas. Therefore, FCM was used to monitor radiation-induced changes in the cell cycle distribution. From this investigation it was concluded that hypoxic cells in the necrotic centre of the M8013 tumour progress through the cell cycle. As well as a cell population with a cell cycle time (Tc) of approximately 84 hr, a subpopulation with a Tc of approximately 21 hr occurred.  相似文献   

The effects of extreme hypoxia on cell cycle progression were studied by simultaneous determination of DNA and bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) contents of individual cells. V79-379A cells were pulse-labelled with BrdU (1 microM, 20 min, 37 degrees C) and then incubated for up to 12 hr in BrdU-free medium under either aerated or extremely hypoxic conditions. After the incubation interval (0-12 hr), the cells were trypsinized and fixed in 50% EtOH. Propidium iodide and a fluorescein-labelled monoclonal antibody to BrdU were then used to quantify DNA content and incorporated BrdU, respectively. Measurements in individual cells were made by simultaneous detection of green and red fluorescence upon excitation at 488 nm using flow cytometry. Bivariate analysis revealed progression of BrdU-labelled cells in aerated cultures out of S phase, into G2 and cell division, with halving of mean fluorescence, and back into S phase by approximately 9 hr after the BrdU pulse. Hypoxia immediately arrested cells in all phases of the cell cycle. Both the DNA distribution and the bivariate profile of cells that were fixed from 2 to 12 hr after induction of hypoxia were identical to the 0 hr controls. The percent of cells with green fluorescence in a mid-S phase window remained 100% and the mean fluorescence of these cells remained at control (0 hr) levels. This indicates that, under hypoxic conditions, cells were moving neither into nor out of S phase. Cultures that had been hypoxic for 12 hr exhibited an increasing rate of BrdU uptake with time after re-aeration. Re-aerated cells were able to complete or initiate DNA synthesis, but their rates of progression through the cell cycle were markedly reduced. A large fraction of cells appeared unable to divide up to 12 hr following release from hypoxia.  相似文献   

Continuous exposure of Ehrlich ascites tumour cells to argon-CO2 under in vitro conditions caused rapid cessation of cell proliferation. On fixing the O2 level at 10 ppm in the protective atmosphere (0.001% in comparison with about 20% in normoxic atmosphere), G1 and early S cells remained stationary while G2 cells continued to pass from G2 into mitosis, to remain in a non-growing state in G1 of the subsequent cycle. Re-aeration of cells following 12 h hypoxia induced up to 25% of the population to continue DNA synthesis without a preceding cell division, as revealed by flow-cytometric analysis. Supplementation of cells cultured under hypoxia with a combination of deoxynucleosides (100 microM deoxycytidine, 10 microM deoxyadenosine, 10 microM deoxyguanosine) was found to stimulate reprogression through the cycle, provided the residual oxygen tension in the protective atmosphere exceeded 40 ppm. The increase in the number of cells with a DNA content of more than 4 C and in the number of binucleate cells observed after re-aeration of hypoxic cells was not prevented by deoxynucleosides or by uridine, which were present in the medium either during hypoxia of from the beginning of reoxygenation. These results indicate that the development of polyploidy as a result of oxygen deficiency cannot be influenced by improvement of RNA and DNA synthetic precursors.  相似文献   

WEHI-231 cells have been used extensively as a model of tolerance induction in B cells. Recent evidence has shown that anti-IgM treatment of WEHI-231 cells resulted in the induction of apoptosis. In this study, using acridine orange staining and flow cytometric analysis, we demonstrated that apoptotic cells are detected as a distinct population of cells separate from the cells in normal cell cycle progression. The validity of analysis gates was confirmed by cell sorting of the apoptotic population versus normal cells and subsequent gel analysis. Using this technique, we have demonstrated that F(ab')2 anti-mu, A23187, or PMA induced apoptosis in the WEHI-231 cells. The addition of LPS reversed apoptotic induction as seen previously with the WEHI-231 cell line. In contrast, however, PMA did not prevent the induction of apoptosis in anti-mu-treated cells. Additionally, we were interested in determining if the induction of apoptosis was restricted to a specific phase of cell cycle. Since growth inhibition results in most cells arresting in the G1 phase of cell cycle, we wanted to demonstrate apoptosis as a G1-dependent event. This was examined with WEHI-231 cells treated with known cell cycle inhibitors. Interestingly, inhibition of cells in each phase of cycle resulted in the induction of apoptosis. LPS was able to inhibit the induction of apoptosis with each of the cell cycle inhibitors except actinomycin D. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that the WEHI-231 cells contain a Ca(2+)-Mg(2+)-dependent preexisting endonuclease.  相似文献   

Three different technical protocols were used to prepare samples for flow cytometric (FCM) analysis. Each protocol developed worked best for only certain organs. Protocol I involved mincing small pieces of fresh tissue in the propidium iodide (PI) staining solution and filtering through packed glass wool. The organs that were prepared by protocol I were: submandibular gland, urinary bladder, liver, thymus, bone marrow, spleen, lung, kidney and testis. Protocol II involved exposure of the organ to 0.5% acetic acid for 48 h prior to mincing in the PI. The organs that were prepared by protocol II were: uterus, rectum, colon, ileum, and heart. Protocol III utilized an exposure to 0.5% acetic acid, pepsinization, and then staining with PI. The tissues that were prepared by protocol III were the epithelium of the anterior surface of the cornea and the epithelium of the surface of the tongue. A total of 16 different organs and tissues were successfully prepared. For each organ, averaged DNA histograms were analyzed by nonparametric and parametric programs and the results (phase fractions) are presented in tabular form. Several of the organs used came from animals exposed to 1.0 mg/kg vincristine (VC) for 5-6 h to test the capability of the different protocols to detect the enlargement of the G2 + M compartment by the accumulation of VC-arrested mitotic figures. The stability of the many different sample preparations was tested by comparing averaged DNA histograms obtained on the day of sample preparation to averaged DNA histograms of the same set of samples after storage at 4 degrees C, with or without fixation in 10% phosphate-buffered formalin, for days to weeks. After staining with propidium iodide, fixation of the sample with a final concentration of 2-3% phosphate-buffered formalin, was the procedure adopted to assure sample stability. The demonstration of sample stability permits sample preparation to occur at one site followed by transport of the samples to the FCM laboratory at another geographical location. The major findings of this work were a) technical protocols were developed which resulted in acceptable nuclear suspensions for FCM from 16 different murine organs or tissues, b) the stability of these samples can be assured by fixing the PI stained nuclear suspension with formalin, and c) each different protocol was capable of detecting and preserving at least some of the mitotic figures arrested and collected by vincristine.  相似文献   

To better understand how the flow cytometric bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd)-pulse-chase method detects perturbed cell kinetics we applied it to measure cell cycle progression delays following exposure to ionizing radiation. Since this method will allow both the use of asynchronous cell populations and the determination of the alterations in cell cycle progression specific to cells irradiated in given cell cycle phases, it has a significant advantage over laborious synchronization methods. Exponentially growing Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) K1 cells were irradiated with graded doses of X-rays and pulse-labelled with BrdUrd immediately thereafter. Cells were subcultured in a BrdUrd-free medium for various time intervals and prepared for flow cytometric analysis. Of five flow cytometric parameters examined, only those that involved cell transit through G2, i.e. the fraction of BrdUrd-negative G2 cells and the fraction of BrdUrd-positive cells that had not divided, showed radiation dose-dependent delays. The magnitude of the effects indicates that the cells irradiated in G2 and in S are equally delayed. S phase transit of cells irradiated in S or in G1 did not appear to be affected. There were apparent changes in flow of cells out of G1, which could be explained by the delayed entry of G2 cells into the compartment because of G2 arrest. Thus, in asynchronous cells the method was able to detect G2 delay in those cells irradiated in S and G2 phases and demonstrate the absence of cell-cycle delays in other phases.  相似文献   

A new flow cytometric method is presented that quantifies the frequency of radiation-induced micronuclei in mammalian cell cultures with high precision. After preparing a suspension of main nuclei and micronuclei stained with ethidium bromide and Hoechst 33258, both types of particles are measured simultaneously in a flow cytometer using forward light scatter and three fluorescence emission intensities excited by UV, 488 nm, and by energy transfer from Hoechst 33258 to ethidium bromide. Nonspecific debris overlapping the micronucleus distribution especially in the low fluorescence intensity region was discriminated from micronuclei by calculating ratios of the different fluorescences. The frequencies of radiation-induced micronuclei measured with this new technique agreed well with results obtained by conventional microscopy. The lower limit of the DNA content of micronuclei identified by this technique was found to be about 0.5%-0.75% of the DNA content of G1-phase nuclei. Dose effect curves and the time-dependent induction of micronuclei were measured for two different mouse cell lines.  相似文献   

The budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been a remarkably useful model system for the study of eukaryotic cell cycle regulation. Flow cytometric analysis of DNA content in budding yeast has become a standard tool for the analysis of cell cycle progression. However, popular protocols utilizing the DNA binding dye, propidium iodide, suffer from a number of drawbacks that confound accurate analysis by flow cytometry. Here we show the utility of the DNA binding dye, SYTOX Green, in the cell cycle analysis of yeast. Samples analyzed using SYTOX Green exhibited better coefficients of variation, improved linearity between DNA content and fluorescence, and decreased peak drift associated with changes in dye concentration, growth conditions or cell size.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To establish prognostic models and protocols for individualized management in colorectal carcinoma patients based on both clinical and DNA flow cytometric parameters. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective study of 88 colon carcinoma patients with a minimum follow-up of 12 months, operated on with the intent to cure and not treated with radiotherapy or chemotherapy. All the cases were subjected to a clinical evaluation: age, sex, tumor localization and size, histologic grade, tumor stage, disease-free interval, survival and flow cytometric study (ploidy, DNA index and S-phase fraction [SPF]). RESULTS: From the total of 88 neoplasms studied, 56 (63.6%) were from males and 32 (36.4%) from females; 30 (34%) were located in the right side of the colon, 7 (8%) in the transverse colon and 51 (58%) in the left side of the colon. Eleven (12.5%) were stage I, 52 (59.1%) stage II and 25 (28%) stage III. Forty-two (47.7%) were diploid and 46 (52.3%) aneuploid. The S-phase mean was 14.6% (12% for diploids and 16.9% for aneuploids). During the follow-up period, 26.1% of diploid tumors recurred, whereas aneuploid tumors recurred in 36.9% (P < .05). SPF from diploid and aneuploid tumors was analyzed separately. CONCLUSION: Regarding relapse-free interval, the behavior of diploid tumors with a high SPF was similar to that of aneuploid ones. Two kinetic profiles were established, favorable (diploid tumors with low S phase) and unfavorable (diploid with high S phase and all aneuploid tumors), that had significant prognostic value for progression and survival and that allowed identification of patients at high risk of recurrence. We formulated a prognostic index according to SPF and tumor stage that has discriminatory capacity for biologic behavior in colorectal tumors.  相似文献   

Bioengineered organs raised in vitro are candidate substitutes for natural organs in biological, pharmacological and clinical applications. We have studied cell kinetics in a human skin equivalent (HSE) using a combined immunohistochemical and flow cytometric approach. Morphological analysis has shown that, relative to unstimulated natural skin, cell proliferation mainly occurs in the basal layer of the epidermal equivalent. Immunohistochemical and flow cytometric measurements of the growth fraction suggested a cell turnover comparable to that of natural skin. Immunohistochemical labelling indices matched well with flow cytometric data. These observations are consistent with morphological and histochemical data demonstrating normal cell differentiation and tissue architecture in HSE and suggest that such HSE may be a usefull substitute for human skin.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated to what extent flow cytometric DNA histograms are informative of cell cycle parameters. We created a computer program to simulate cell cycle progression in a generic and flexible way. Various scenarios, characterized by different models and distributions of cell cycle phase transit times, have been analysed in order to obtain the percentages of cells in the different cell cycle phases during exponential growth and their time course after mitotic block.
Cell percentages during exponential growth were insensitive to intercell variability in phase transit times and thus can be employed to estimate the relative mean phase transit times, even in the presence of non-cycling cells. However, this information is ambiguous if re-entry of such cells into the cycling status is permitted. The stathmokinetic outline gives the mean phase transit times, but also provides information about the spread, but not the form, of the phase transit time distributions, being particularly sensitive to the spread of G1 phase duration. The stathmokinetic outline also helps distinguish between scenarios considering only cycling cells, those forecasting a fraction of definitively non-cycling cells and those admitting a Go status with first-order output kinetics.  相似文献   

Sensitivity of flow cytometric data to variations in cell cycle parameters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated to what extent flow cytometric DNA histograms are informative of cell cycle parameters. We created a computer program to simulate cell cycle progression in a generic and flexible way. Various scenarios, characterized by different models and distributions of cell cycle phase transit times, have been analysed in order to obtain the percentages of cells in the different cell cycle phases during exponential growth and their time course after mitotic block. Cell percentages during exponential growth were insensitive to intercell variability in phase transit times and thus can be employed to estimate the relative mean phase transit times, even in the presence of non-cycling cells. However, this information is ambiguous if re-entry of such cells into the cycling status is permitted. The stathmokinetic outline gives the mean phase transit times, but also provides information about the spread, but not the form, of the phase transit time distributions, being particularly sensitive to the spread of G1 phase duration. The stathmokinetic outline also helps distinguish between scenarios considering only cycling cells, those forecasting a fraction of definitively non-cycling cells and those admitting a G0 status with first-order output kinetics.  相似文献   

A new mouse model (Mutatect) that permits detection of mutations at the hprt (hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase) locus is described. It is highly sensitive to detection of mutants induced by clastogenic agents such as ionizing radiation. MN-11 cells are grown as a subcutaneous tumour in C57BL/6 mice for a period of 2 weeks, during which time they can be exposed to mutagenic treatments. Cells taken from the animal are cultured ex vivo and 6-thioguanine (6-TG)-resistant mutant clones can be readily identified and scored. This model system may have special utility for detecting multi-locus deletion events (chromosomal mutations) induced by high LET forms of radiation that might be encountered in space.  相似文献   

Neuro-2a and L-132 cells have been used as a model in the study of ammonia toxicity. Incubation of neuro-2a cells for 48 h in the presence of 2 mM NH4Cl caused inhibition of their growth and accumulation of cells in the G2M phase of the cell cycle as demonstrated by fluorocytometric methods. Mitotic figures were absent in the treated cell preparations. On the other hand, ammonia had no effect on L-132 cells treated in the same way. Electron microscopy of neuro-2a cells incubated with 2 mM NH4Cl for 5 days showed striking qualitative and quantitative ultrastructural changes compared with control cells. Treated cells doubled in absolute volume and showed marked alterations in the shape and organization of mitochondria. The absolute volume of mitochondria was also increased which, together with a decrease in their total number, suggests that ammonia induces fusion between adjacent mitochondria. Increases in the total number of lysosomes, multivesicular bodies and lipid droplets were also found in treated cells.  相似文献   

A temperature-sensitive mutant of murine p53 (p53Val-135) was transfected by electroporation into murine erythroleukemia cells (DP16-1) lacking endogenous expression of p53. While the transfected cells grew normally in the presence of mutant p53 (37.5 degrees C), wild-type p53 (32.5 degrees C) was associated with a rapid loss of cell viability. Genomic DNA extracted at 32.5 degrees C was seen to be fragmented into a characteristic ladder consistent with cell death due to apoptosis. Following synchronization by density arrest, transfected cells released into G1 at 32.5 degrees C were found to lose viability more rapidly than did randomly growing cultures. Following release into G1, cells became irreversibly committed to cell death after 4 h at 32.5 degrees C. Commitment to cell death correlated with the first appearance of fragmented DNA. Synchronized cells allowed to pass out of G1 prior to being placed at 32.5 degrees C continued to cycle until subsequently arrested in G1; loss of viability occurred following G1 arrest. In contrast to cells in G1, cells cultured at 32.5 degrees C for prolonged periods during S phase and G2/M, and then returned to 37.5 degrees C, did not become committed to cell death. G1 arrest at 37.5 degrees C, utilizing either mimosine or isoleucine deprivation, does not lead to rapid cell death. Upon transfer to 32.5 degrees C, these G1 synchronized cell populations quickly lost viability. Cells that were kept density arrested at 32.5 degrees C (G0) lost viability at a much slower rate than did cells released into G1. Taken together, these results indicate that wild-type p53 induces cell death in murine erythroleukemia cells and that this effect occurs predominantly in the G1 phase of actively cycling cells.  相似文献   

Using sequential infusions of two S-phase-specific drugs, iododeoxyuridine and bromodeoxyuridine, we have developed an in vivo method for determining the labeling index (LI), the S-phase duration (Ts), and total cell cycle times (Tc) of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas. In nine non-Hodgkin's lymphomas studied, the LI ranged from 1.5% in a follicular small cleaved-cell lymphoma to 29.6% in a diffuse large-cell lymphoma. The Ts ranged from 16 hr in a large-cell lymphoma (immunoblastic type) to 117 hr in a follicular small cleaved-cell lymphoma. The Tc varied from 69 hr in a large-cell lymphoma (immunoblastic type) to over 1000 hr in all low-grade lymphomas studied. Immunohistochemical methods using anti-BrdU antibodies were used to detect cell incorporation of the two S-phase-specific drugs. In this manner, cell cycle times could be calculated while the architecture of the tumor specimen was preserved. Difficulties in using this methodology, specifically in the calculation of the growth fraction and total cell cycle times, are pointed out. This in vivo method does, however, allow for Ts calculations independent of growth fraction considerations. Correlations of cell cycle data with various biological and clinical factors await further patient follow-up.  相似文献   

A simple method with which to determine the cell cycle parameters, TG1, TS and TG2M (the durations of the G1, S and G2 + M phases) is described. V79 Chinese hamster lung cells were used to evaluate the method. After continuous labeling with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), V79 cells were stained with anti BrdU-monoclonal antibody with FITC (fluorescein isothiocyanate) and with PI (propidium iodide). The individual cells were checked by flow cytometry for green and red fluorescences whose signal intensities corresponded to the BrdU and cellular DNA contents. The durations of G1, S and G2 + M phases of V79 cells were determined by measuring the cell fractions containing the nonlabeled G1, labeled S and nonlabeled G2 + M phases. The reliability of this method is discussed.  相似文献   

Cell progression after selective irradiation of DNA during the cell cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chinese hamster ovary cells were labeled with [125I]iododeoxyuridine (125IUdR, 0.1184 MBq/ml for 20 min) and the labeled mitotic cells were collected by selective detachment ("mitotic shake off"). The cells were pooled, plated into replicate flasks, and allowed to progress through the cell cycle. At several times after plating, corresponding to G1, S, late S, and G2 plus M, cells were cooled to stop cell cycle progression and to facilitate accumulation of 125I decays. Evaluation of cell progression into the subsequent mitosis indicated that accumulation of additional 125I decays during G1 or S phase was eight to nine times less effective in inducing progression delay than decays accumulated during G2. The results support our previous hypothesis that DNA damage per se is not responsible for radiation-induced progression delay. Instead, 125I-labeled DNA appears to act as a source of radiation that associates during the G2 phase of the cell cycle with another radiosensitive structure in the cell nucleus, and damage to the latter structure by overlap irradiation is responsible for progression delay (M. H. Schneiderman and K. G. Hofer, Radiat. Res. 84, 462-476 (1980].  相似文献   

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