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In boreal lakes, temperature and photoperiod are important environmental cues affecting reproduction, growth and feeding rates of benthic invertebrates; however, how invertebrates cope with seasonal changes in the availability of their food sources has rarely been addressed. In this study, where temperature and light conditions were controlled, we aimed at assessing whether Hyalella azteca amphipods from the littoral zone of boreal lakes adjust their feeding rates in response to the dynamics of their food sources and their population structure. Using a gravimetric approach, we compared the ingestion and absorption rates of amphipods from a natural population collected periodically during the ice-free season. Amphipods were fed in the laboratory with conditioned leaf detritus. Feeding rates increased regardless of seasonal variations of temperature and photoperiod in the lake. Field data suggest this increase could be linked to seasonal changes in the population structure or in the diet of amphipods. This suggests that H. azteca amphipods adjusted their feeding rates with their energy and nutrient requirements and/or developed a compensatory feeding trade-off to cope with the dynamics of their different food sources in lakes.  相似文献   

Large mammalian herbivores manifest a strong top‐down control on ecosystems that can transform entire landscapes, but their impacts have not been reviewed in the context of terrestrial carbon storage. Here, we evaluate the effects of plant biomass consumption by large mammalian herbivores (>10 kg adult biomass), and the responses of ecosystems to these herbivores, on carbon stocks in temperate and tropical regions, and the Arctic. We calculate the difference in carbon stocks resulting from herbivore exclusion using the results of 108 studies from 52 vegetation types. Our estimates suggest that herbivores can reduce terrestrial above‐ and below‐ground carbon stocks across vegetation types but reductions in carbon stocks may approach zero given sufficient periods of time for systems to respond to herbivory (i.e. decades). We estimate that if all large herbivores were removed from the vegetation types sampled in our review, increases in terrestrial carbon stocks would be up to three orders of magnitude less than many of the natural and human‐influenced sources of carbon emissions. However, we lack estimates for the effects of herbivores on below‐ground biomass and soil carbon levels in many regions, including those with high herbivore densities, and upwards revisions of our estimates may be necessary. Our results provide a starting point for a discussion on the magnitude of the effects of herbivory on the global carbon cycle, particularly given that large herbivores are common in many ecosystems. We suggest that herbivore removal might represent an important strategy towards increasing terrestrial carbon stocks at local and regional scales within specific vegetation types, since humans influence populations of most large mammals.  相似文献   

A proper balance between synthesis, maturation and degradation of cellular proteins is crucial for cells to maintain physiological functions. The costly process of protein synthesis is tightly coupled to energy status and nutrient levels by the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), whereas the quality of newly synthesized polypeptides is largely maintained by molecular chaperones and the ubiquitin-proteasome system. There is a wealth of evidence indicating close ties between the nutrient signaling pathway and the intracellular stress response. Dysregulation of both systems has been implicated in aging and age-associated pathologies. In this review, we describe molecular mechanisms underlying the connection between mTOR and the chaperone network and discuss the importance of their functional interaction in growth and aging.Key words: target of rapamycin, stress response, ribosome, chaperone, translation, folding, degradation, aging  相似文献   

It is now well established that calreticulin is a high capacity Ca(2+)-binding protein which is a major Ca2+ storage protein of the lumen of endoplasmic reticulum membranes in a wide variety of tissues with the exception of skeletal and cardiac muscles. However, in nervous tissue, confusion exists regarding the nature of the intracellular Ca2+ stores, as the organelle responsible for Ca2+ storage has been identified as the endoplasmic reticulum by some investigators and as the specialized organelle, calciosome by others. Calreticulin, calsequestrin, and calsequestrin-like proteins have all been, on different occasions, reported to be present in calciosomes. Cerebral and cerebellar tissues, moreover, have been shown to contain somewhat different systems of Ca(2+)-buffering proteins. In the present paper we discuss evidence that the Ca2+ storage systems of the retina may prove to be more complex than those of other neuronal tissues. Biochemical and immunocytochemical evidence indicates the presence of either an isoform of calreticulin or another protein that is antigenically similar to calreticulin, but of slightly higher molecular weight, in the endoplasmic reticulum of both neurons and Müller glia from rabbit neural retina. However, as retinal neurons express Purkinje cell markers, one may expect to observe the presence of calsequestrin in these cells as well. Secondly, antibodies against the onchocercal RAL-1 antigen recognize a protein sharing 62-65% amino acid sequence identity with calreticulin. The anti-RAL-1 antibodies show specificity for the retina. Whether or not the RAL-1 antigen is an active part of the Ca2+ storage systems of the retina remains to be verified.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence shows that environmental fluctuations and exploitation jointly affect marine fish populations, and understanding their interaction is a key issue for fisheries ecology. In particular, it has been proposed that age truncation induced by fisheries exploitation may increase the population's sensitivity to climate. In this study, we use unique long‐term abundance data for the Northeast Arctic stock of cod (Gadus morhua) and the Norwegian Spring‐Spawning stock of herring (Clupea harengus), which we analyze using techniques based on age‐structured population matrices. After identifying time periods with different age distributions in the spawning stock, we use linear models to quantify the relative effect of exploitation and temperature on the population growth rates. For the two populations, age truncation was found to be associated with an increasing importance of temperature and a relatively decreasing importance of exploitation, while the population growth rate became increasingly sensitive to recruitment variations. The results suggested that the removal of older age classes reduced the buffering capacity of the population, thereby making the population growth rate more dependent on recruitment than adult survival and increasing the effect of environmental fluctuations. Age structure appeared as a key characteristic that can affect the response of fish stocks to climate variations and its consequences may be of key importance for conservation and management.  相似文献   

Many intraerythrocytic hemoparasites survive the host immune system through rapid antigenic variation. Among babesial parasites antigenic variation has been demonstrated convincingly only for Babesia bovis and Babesia rodhaini. The molecular basis for antigenic variation in babesial parasites and its possible connection with cytoadherence and sequestration are discussed.  相似文献   

In the framework of a planktological and ecological study in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa (CLIMLAKE, 2001–2005), variations of cell abundance and size were observed in a green alga, Eremosphaera tanganyikae, at two study sites, one in the north basin of the lake (off Kigoma, Tanzania) and the other in the south basin (off Mpulungu, Zambia). Whereas most green algae developed better in the rainy season and in the northern part of the lake, Eremosphaera developed better in the southern basin, in the dry season. It also exhibited large variations in cell abundance and cell size, with maxima in the middle of the dry season, which may be related to increased phosphorus availability. Moreover, increase in cell size (up to 80 μm in length), without notable change in S/V ratio, may provide the alga with resistance to grazing by copepods, which reach maximal abundance during the dry season.  相似文献   

With increasing restoration initiatives for coastal wetlands, the question of ‘What are we restoring to?’ becomes more pressing. The goal of this paper is to explore restoration concepts, examples, and challenges from the Pacific and Gulf coasts. One of the fundamental concepts explored is change over time – either in the controlling processes or the restoration structure – and how such changes can be meshed with the goals of various restoration efforts. We subsequently review the concepts of ecosystem trajectories, alternative restoration approaches, and the ideal attributes of functional self-sustaining restoration in the context of realities of restoration planning, design, and implementation. These realities include the dynamics of the ecosystems being restored, very real constraints that are imposed by the contemporary physical and human landscape, and the need to plan for the long term development of restoration sites recognizing that both project performance and expectations may change over time.  相似文献   

In ecology, tolerance of parasites refers to host mitigation of the fitness costs of an infection. This concept of parasite tolerance contrasts with resistance, whereby hosts reduce the intensity of an infection. Anti-inflammatory cells and molecules have been implicated as mechanisms of parasite tolerance, suggesting that a major role of tolerance is in minimizing collateral damage associated with inflammation. A framework is proposed here in which the cost-benefit outcome of an inflammatory host-response is hypothesized to be dependent on host life-history, parasite virulence, and the efficacy of a current inflammatory or anti-inflammatory response. Testable predictions, both within and among host species, are presented for this hypothesis.  相似文献   

After the cessation of regular management and after fertilization a single clonal species tends to dominate in many types of grasslands, whereas in regularly managed meadows these potential dominants usually attain a low cover. It has been hypothesized that plants reaching a high dominance in abandoned and fertilized meadows are selectively suppressed by mowing so that a balanced competition is maintained and competitive exclusion is postponed. We compared regeneration capacity and carbohydrate reserves accumulated by three species of clonal grasses, which markedly increase their dominance in irregularly mown, un-mown or fertilized meadows. Above-ground biomass and the amount of storage carbohydrates of the two largest species, (Molinia arundinacea, Calamagrostis epigejos) were reduced in a mown meadow. This effect was weaker in Bromus erectus, which produces smaller shoots. Shoots of Molinia were most impacted by mowing but their regeneration was efficient due to the large carbohydrate reserves in the shoot bases. Fertilization did not affect Bromus and Calamagrostis. In contrast, fertilized plants of Molinia produced larger storage organs and accumulated more carbohydrates. We conclude that plant size and growth form are important features promoting the ability of potential dominants to tolerate mowing and regenerate after it. Our results confirm that taller plants are selectively suppressed by this type of disturbance, thereby potentially promoting plant coexistence.  相似文献   

In this article, a practical demonstration suitable for any biology college classroom is presented. With the examples of a complex biological specimen (slug's radula) and a simple reference specimen (electron microscopical grid imprint in gelatin), both of which can be easily prepared, the capabilities of two imaging modes commonly used in optical microscopy are demonstrated. The results obtained under phase contrast (a rather sophisticated method, 1953 Nobel Prize to Zernike) and off-axis illumination (a very simple method) are compared. The off-axis illumination setup is capable of delivering noticeably better microscopic images of these two particular specimens, yet it can be easily assembled in a laboratory classroom. The outcome of such a demonstration is expected to be the realization on the part of the students that one needs to carefully choose the apparatus to address a given biological problem, with the "bottom line" being that a more complex one may not necessarily yield better results. An attempt to explain this "paradox" is presented, in the particular case presented here, partly from the physiology of vision perspective (the shape-from-shading problem). The overall aim of the present article is to induce in students critical thinking about the capabilities of a laboratory equipment in general and about data interpretation.  相似文献   

Deron E. Burkepile 《Oikos》2013,122(2):306-312
‘Grazing ecosystem’ is typically used to describe terrestrial ecosystems with high densities of mammalian herbivores such as the Serengeti in East Africa or the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem in North America. These abundant, large herbivores determine plant community dynamics and ecosystem processes. The general concepts that define grazing ecosystems also aptly describe many aquatic ecosystems, including coral reefs, seagrass beds, and lakes, where herbivores such as parrotfishes, turtles, and zooplankton have strong impacts on ecosystem processes. Here, I compare the ecology of grazing ecosystems in search of common concepts that transcend the terrestrial‐aquatic boundary. Specifically, I evaluate: 1) the feedbacks between herbivory and primary production, 2) the roles of herbivore richness and facilitation, 3) how predators and diet quality shape patterns of herbivory, and 4) how altering herbivory mediates alternative states.  相似文献   

We estimated the amount of carbon (C) stored in terrestrial ecosystems of the Chilean Patagonia and the proportion within protected areas. We used existing public databases that provide information on C stocks in biomass and soils. Data were analysed by ecosystem and forest type in the case of native forests. Our results show that some ecosystems have been more extensively studied both for their stocks in biomass and soils (e.g. forests) compared with others (e.g. shrublands). Forests and peatlands store the largest amount of C because of their large stocks per hectare and the large area they cover. The total amount of C stored per unit area varies from 261.7 to 432.8 Mg C ha−1, depending on the published value used for soil organic C stocks in peatlands, highlighting the need to have more precise estimates of the C stored in this and other ecosystems. The mean stock in national parks (508 Mg C ha−1) is almost twice the amount stored in undisturbed forests in the Amazon. State and private protected areas contain 58.9% and 2.1% of the C stock, respectively, playing a key role in protecting ecosystems in this once pristine area.  相似文献   

Fluctuations of "computer time" provided by the PC quartz generator were studied. It was shown that variations in the yearly course of the quartz generator frequency occur with periodicities of 13-15 days and 28-30 days. Regular fluctuations with periods of 0.5 and 1.0 min are typical of the short-term spectral component. Impulses of sharp and intense deceleration of "computer time" are often observed against the background of these regular fluctuations. The conclusion is made that fluctuations of "computer time" are of cosmophysical origin.  相似文献   

High diversification of woody seeder lineages is characteristic of the south-western cape floristic region (CFR), South Africa, which has been explained as a consequence of its mild Mediterranean climate and reliable winter rainfall. Such climatic regime reduces the risk of post-fire recruitment failure, acting as an ecological filter that favours seeder populations, thus promoting genetic differentiation and diversification in seeder populations, as previously seen in the South African heath Erica coccinea. To explore this hypothesis further, genetic population structure was investigated in two Mediterranean Erica species, one seeder (Erica umbellata) and the other resprouter (Erica australis), using nuclear microsatellites. These two species are endemic to the western Mediterranean Basin and co-occur in heathlands of the Strait of Gibraltar region. Mean annual rainfall in this region is similar to that from the south-western CFR, but summer stress is more marked and winter rainfall is much less reliable. Contrary to what was found in E. coccinea, average genetic diversity levels were considerably lower in seeder populations (E. umbellata), regardless of an apparently higher gene flow among them. No differences in genetic differentiation among populations were found between the two species. The occurrence of less favourable climatic conditions for post-fire recruitment in the western Mediterranean compared to the south-western CFR may affect seeder populations more strongly than resprouter and may thus account for lower levels of within-population genetic diversity in the seeder E. umbellata. In addition, putatively higher migration rates in the seeder E. umbellata, may contribute to reduce its potential for genetic differentiation. This study provides evidence that high divergence of seeder populations is not a general rule in fire-prone, Mediterranean-type ecosystems.  相似文献   

Seasonality, or periodic host absence, is a central feature in plant epidemiology. In this respect, seasonal plant epidemic models take into account the way the parasite overwinters and generates new infections. These are termed primary infections. In the literature, one finds two classes of models: high-dimensional elaborate models and low-dimensional compact models, where primary infection dynamics are explicit and implicit, respectively. Investigating a compact model allowed previous authors to show the existence of a competitive exclusion principle. However, the way compact models derive from elaborate models has not been made explicit yet. This makes it unclear whether results such as competitive exclusion extend to elaborate models as well. Here, we show that assuming primary infection dynamics are fast in a standard elaborate model translates into a compact form. Yet, it is not that usually found in the literature. Moreover, we numerically show that coexistence is possible in this original compact form. Reversing the question, we show that the usual compact form approximates an alternate elaborate model, which differs from the earlier one in that primary infection dynamics are density dependent. We discuss to which extent these results shed light on coexistence within soil- and air-borne plant parasites, such as within the take-all disease of wheat and the grapevine powdery mildew cryptic species complexes, respectively.  相似文献   

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