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Electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry has allowed the unambiguous identification and quantification of individual lens phospholipids in human and six animal models. Using this approach ca. 100 unique phospholipids have been characterised. Parallel analysis of the same lens extracts by a novel direct-insertion electron-ionization technique found the cholesterol content of human lenses to be significantly higher (ca. 6 times) than lenses from the other animals. The most abundant phospholipids in all the lenses examined were choline-containing phospholipids. In rat, mouse, sheep, cow, pig and chicken, these were present largely as phosphatidylcholines, in contrast 66% of the total phospholipid in Homo sapiens was sphingomyelin, with the most abundant being dihydrosphingomyelins, in particular SM(d18:0/16:0) and SM(d18:0/24:1). The abundant glycerophospholipids within human lenses were found to be predominantly phosphatidylethanolamines and phosphatidylserines with surprisingly high concentrations of ether-linked alkyl chains identified in both classes. This study is the first to identify the phospholipid class (head-group) and assign the constituent fatty acid(s) for each lipid molecule and to quantify individual lens phospholipids using internal standards. These data clearly indicate marked differences in the membrane lipid composition of the human lens compared to commonly used animal models and thus predict a significant variation in the membrane properties of human lens fibre cells compared to those of other animals.  相似文献   

Serine dehydratase (SDH) is abundant in the rat liver but scarce in the kidney. When administrated with dexamethasone, the renal SDH activity was augmented 20-fold, whereas the hepatic SDH activity was affected little. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry revealed that SDH was localized to the proximal straight tubule of the nephron. To address the role of this hormone, rats were made acidotic by gavage of NH(4)Cl. Twenty-two hours later, the SDH activity was increased three-fold along with a six-fold increment in the phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) activity, a rate-limiting enzyme of gluconeogenesis. PEPCK, which is localized to the proximal tubules under the normal condition, spreads throughout the entire cortex to the outer medullary rays by acidosis, whereas SDH does not change regardless of treatment with dexamethasone or NH(4)Cl. When NH(4)Cl was given to adrenalectomized rats, in contrast to the SDH activity no longer increasing, the PEPCK activity responded to acidosis to the same extent as in the intact rats. A simultaneous administration of dexamethasone and NH(4)Cl into the adrenalectomized rats fully restored the SDH activity, demonstrating that the rise in the SDH activity during acidosis is primarily controlled by glucocorticoids. The present findings clearly indicate that the localization of SDH and its hormonal regulation during acidosis are strikingly different from those of PEPCK.  相似文献   

The overall derivative spectrum of a protein is the sum of the individual derivative spectra just as the overall ultraviolet spectrum of a protein is the sum of its component parts. The RNase and DNA binding protein Sso7d has two tyrosines and one tryptophan. We used two mutant forms of the protein to show that the individual aromatics contribute derivative spectra that can be explained on the basis of their environments. We used mutant forms of iso-1-cytochrome c to estimate the contributions of the single tryptophan and three of the five tyrosines to the overall derivative spectrum. The tryptophan spectrum is not exceptional. The comparable tyrosine spectra are more complex. The derivative spectrum of individual tyrosines does not correspond to that expected on the basis of concentration. This is a reflection of two factors: (1) the extent to which mutations are sensed distally through the introduction and compression of packing defects; and (2) the extent to which electronic transitions of tyrosine are influenced by nearby atoms. This influence could take the form of tyrosine residing in an area where the dielectric coefficient is not uniform; it could also result from tyrosine bumping into neighboring atoms with lower frequency than it does in solution.  相似文献   

The interaction between bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A (EC and the purine nucleotides AMP, GMP, 6-chloropurine 5'-ribonucleotide and 8-bromoadenosine 5'-monophosphate was studied by u.v. difference spectroscopy. The stoicheiometry of the binding of the halogenated nucleotides to the enzyme shows a 1:1 ratio, as for the natural ones. The binding constants, Ka, for all four nucleotides at pH 5.5 were determined. They are within the same order of magnitude, though the nucleotides with a 6-amino group show a stronger interaction. The magnitude of the binding shows a reciprocal dependence on the ionic strength, which indicates an electrostatic interaction between ligand and enzyme. Finally, solvent-perturbation experiments show that all four nucleotides bind to the enzyme in a partially hydrophobic region. It is concluded that both halogenated and natural purine ribonucleotides interact in a similar manner with the enzyme molecule. The special synthesis and identification of 6-chloropurine 5'-ribonucleotide are discussed extensively. It is concluded that both halogenated and natural purine ribonucleotides interact in a similar manner with the enzyme molecule and thus the halogenated analogues are potential reagents for the affinity labelling of the purine-binding site.  相似文献   

A procedure has been developed for the use of metal-ion buffers that depends on the formation of 2:1 complexes between suitable chelators and metal ions. beta-Alanine has been used as the chelator for Cu(2+) ions in a study of Cu(2+) binding by bovine pancreatic ribonuclease by the equilibrium-dialysis technique at pH7.0, 6.1 and 5.2. The results indicated the presence of two avid binding sites, the more avid group being implicated in the inhibition of enzyme activity by Cu(2+) ions.The binding constants of the more avid site were 2.97x10(7), 7.97x10(5) and 1.25x10(4) at pH7.0, 6.1 and 5.2 respectively, and the binding constants of the less avid site were 5.27x10(6) and 1.71x10(5) at pH7.0 and 6.1 respectively.The data show that the Cu(2+) is chelated to the protein through at least two ligand groups on the ribonuclease molecule.  相似文献   

The conformational changes induced in Fab fragments of polyclonal anti-RNase antibody molecules obtained by digestion with papain as a result of binding of pancreatic RNase have been studied. The RNase-Fab complex (RN-Fab), being soluble, could be subjected to thermodynamic investigations using optical strategies, also because of the absence of tryptophan in RNase. Internalization of the chromophores (tryptophans and tyrosines) of Fab occurs when it binds to RNase, suggesting an increase in the compactness of Fab due to the binding of RNase.  相似文献   

The binding of Mn2+ on bovine pancreatic deoxyribonuclease has been studied by a conductimetric method. At low ionic strengths, a high-affinity single binding site is demonstrated. The association constant value (K = 1.2 x 10(5) M-1 at pH 8) is high enough to conclude that, in standard experimental conditions for DNA hydrolysis, the reacting species is the DNAase-cation complex. Competitive binding studies in presence of Mg++ and Ca++ show that these cations do not bind on the Mn++ site.  相似文献   

A mutant of bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) has been constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli in order to probe the kinetic and structural consequences of truncating the binding loop residues to alanine. In addition to two such mutations (Thr11Ala and Pro13Ala), it has a conservative Lys15Arg substitution at position P(1) and an unrelated Met52Leu change. In spite of the binding loop modification, the affinity for trypsin is only 30 times lower than that of the wild-type protein. At pH 7.5 the protein can be crystallized on the time-scale of hours, yielding very stable crystals of a new (tetragonal) form of BPTI. Conventional source X-ray data collected to 1.4 A at room temperature allowed anisotropic structure refinement characterized by R=0.1048. The structure reveals all 58 residues, including the complete C terminus, which is in a salt-bridge contact with the N terminus. The Cys14-Cys38 disulfide bridge is observed in two distinct chiralities. This bridge, together with an internal water molecule, contributes to the stabilization of the binding loop. The Ala mutations have only an insignificant and localized effect on the binding loop, which retains its wild-type conformation (maximum deviation of loop C(alpha) atoms of 0.7 A at Ala13). Four (instead of the typical three) additional water molecules are buried in an internal cleft and connected to the surface via a sulfate anion. Three more SO(4)(2-) anions are seen in the electron density, one of them located on a 2-fold axis. It participates in the formation of a dimeric structure between symmetry-related BPTI molecules, in which electrostatic and hydrogen bonding interactions resulting from the mutated Lys15Arg substitution are of central importance. This dimeric interaction involves direct recognition loop-recognition loop contacts, part of which are hydrophobic interactions of the patches created by the alanine mutations. Another 2-fold symmetric interaction between the BPTI molecules involves the formation of an antiparallel intermolecular beta-sheet that, together with the adjacent intramolecular beta-hairpin loops, creates a four-stranded structure.  相似文献   

Dose-response curves for the action of acetylcholine (ACh) and its antagonist, atropine, upon heart rate in situ were made for three larval stages and adults of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana. The absolute magnitude of heart rate inhibition at any ACh concentration progressively increased throughout larval development. Unexpectedly, metamorphosis to the adult resulted in a sharp decrease in cholinergic cardiac sensitivity down to levels similar to the earliest larvae. Thus, cholinergic sensitivity of heart rate, reflecting properties of the cardiac pacemaker, is greatest immediately before metamorphosis and lowest in early larvae and adults.  相似文献   

In perfused pancreatic islets, the fluorescence of reduced pyridine nucleotides was recorded continuously, D-Glyceraldehyde (5 mM) or 3-o-methylglucose (27.5 mM) never caused a net fluorescence increase. Since stepwise changes of the D-glucose concentration between 0 and 20 mM always induced a fluorescence increase, it is concluded that glucose on the one hand and glyceraldehyde or 3-o-methylglucose on the other hand cause different metabolic states in pancreatic islets.  相似文献   

A variety of metal ions can bind to the iron-transport protein, transferrin, at two specific sites. For each metal ion, a carboxylate anion is concomitantly bound. Six metal ions which were examined fall into two classes based on proton release and ultraviolet spectral changes which accompany binding to the protein. Class II ions, which include Cu2+ and Zn2+, release approximately 2 H+/metal bond. Class III ions, which include Fe3+, Ga3+, Al3+, and VO2+, release approximately 3 H+/metal bound. The increase in absorbance near 242 nm, characteristic of tyrosine ionization, has the ratio 0.55–0.75 for class II:class III ions. Both Fe3+ and Cu2+ form metal-transferrin-oxalate complexes in the presence of excess C2O42?. Fe3+ releases close to 3 H+/metal whether forming oxalate or bicarbonate complexes with transferrin. Binding of Cu2+ to transferrin releases 2 H+/metal in the presence of C2O2?4 or HCO3?. Since equal numbers of H+/metal are released for both anions, it is likely that the bicarbonate ion does not lose its proton, and remains as HCO3? in transferrin. These results are interpreted in terms of possible combinations of ligands at the metal binding sites.  相似文献   

The binding of glucose, ADP and AdoPP[NH]P, to the native PII dimer and PII monomer and the proteolytically-modified SII monomer of hexokinase (ATP:D-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was monitored at pH 6.7 by the concomitant quenching of protein fluorescence. The data were analysed in terms of Qmax, the maximal quenching of fluorescence at saturating concentrations of ligand, and [L]0.5, the concentration of ligand at half-maximal quenching. No changes in fluorescence were observed with free enzyme and nucleotide alone. In the presence of saturating levels of glucose, Qmax induced by nucleotide was between 2 and 7%, and [L]0.5 was between 0.12 and 0.56 mM, depending on the nucleotide and enzyme species. Qmax induced by glucose alone was between 22 and 25%, while [L]0.5 was approx. 0.4 mM for either of the monomeric hexokinase forms and 3.4 for PII dimer. In the presence of 6 mM ADP or 2 mM AdoPP[NH]P, Qmax for glucose was increased by up to 4% and [L]0.5 was diminished 3-fold for hexokinase PII monomer, 6-fold for SII monomer, and 15-fold for PII dimer. The results are interpreted in terms of nucleotide-induced conformational change of hexokinase in the presence of glucose and synergistic binding interactions between glucose and nucleotide.  相似文献   

In order to study the role of subunits III and IV of the cytochrome c oxidase from P. denitrificans for electron and proton transfer, electrochemically induced FT-IR difference spectra of the two- and of the four-subunit enzyme have been compared. These spectra reflect the alterations in the protein upon electron and proton transfer. Since the spectra are essentially identical, they clearly indicate that the additional subunits III and IV do not contribute to the FT-IR difference spectra of the four-subunit oxidase. Subunits III and IV are thus not involved in the reorganization of the polypeptide backbone and of single amino acids upon electron transfer and coupled proton transfer observed in the difference spectra in addition to heme contributions. The subtle differences between the FT-IR difference spectra that are attributed to the influence of protein-protein interactions between the subunits are discussed.  相似文献   

The endocytic pathway of the secretin receptor, a class II GPCR, is unknown. Some class I G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), such as the beta(2)-adrenergic receptor (beta(2)-AR), internalize in clathrin-coated vesicles and this process is mediated by G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs), beta-arrestin, and dynamin. However, other class I GPCRs, for example, the angiotensin II type 1A receptor (AT(1A)R), exhibit different internalization properties than the beta(2)-AR. The secretin receptor, a class II GPCR, is a GRK substrate, suggesting that like the beta(2)-AR, it may internalize via a beta-arrestin and dynamin directed process. In this paper we characterize the internalization of a wild-type and carboxyl-terminal (COOH-terminal) truncated secretin receptor using flow cytometry and fluorescence imaging, and compare the properties of secretin receptor internalization to that of the beta(2)-AR. In HEK 293 cells, sequestration of both the wild-type and COOH-terminal truncated secretin receptors was unaffected by GRK phosphorylation, whereas inhibition of cAMP-dependent protein kinase mediated phosphorylation markedly decreased sequestration. Addition of secretin to cells resulted in a rapid translocation of beta-arrestin to plasma membrane localized receptors; however, secretin receptor internalization was not reduced by expression of dominant negative beta-arrestin. Thus, like the AT(1A)R, secretin receptor internalization is not inhibited by reagents that interfere with clathrin-coated vesicle-mediated internalization and in accordance with these results, we show that secretin and AT(1A) receptors colocalize in endocytic vesicles. This study demonstrates that the ability of secretin receptor to undergo GRK phosphorylation and beta-arrestin binding is not sufficient to facilitate or mediate its internalization. These results suggest that other receptors may undergo endocytosis by mechanisms used by the secretin and AT(1A) receptors and that kinases other than GRKs may play a greater role in GPCR endocytosis than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

Leyla Rohani  Gary Hastings 《BBA》2021,1862(4):148366
Time resolved FTIR difference spectroscopy (DS) has been used to study photosystem I (PSI) with the disubstituted 1,4-naphthoquinones acequinocyl (AcQ) and lapachol (Lpc) incorporated into the A1 binding site. AcQ is a 2-acetoxy-3-dodecyl-1,4-naphthoquinone, Lpc is a 2-hydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-1,4-naphthoquinone. To assess whether the experimental spectra are specific to different orientations of the quinone and their substitutions ONIOM-type QM/MM vibrational frequency calculations were undertaken for various orientations of the pigments and side-chain conformations in the A1 binding site.Comparison of calculated and experimental spectra for the reduced species (semiquinone anion) suggests that the orientation for the naphthoquinone ring in the binding site and specific side-chain conformations can be identified based on the spectra. In native PSI phylloquinone (PhQ) in the A1 binding site binds with its phytyl chain ortho to the hydrogen bonded carbonyl group. This is not found to be the case for the hydrocarbon tail of AcQ, which is meta to the H-bonded carbonyl group. In contrast, Lpc in PSI binds with its hydrocarbon tail also ortho to the H-bonded carbonyl group. Furthermore, comparison of calculated and experimental spectra indicates which conformations the acetoxy group of AcQ and the hydroxy group of Lpc adopt in the A1 binding site.  相似文献   

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