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Rats were trained for retrieving a sunflower seed from a tube using a forelimb. In the process of training, all the animals were divided in two groups: with the right- and left-limb preference. The period of learning was divided in two emotional (after the period of anxiety the animal takes a sunflower seed from the flow of a chamber) and three motor stages (different degrees of dexterity and precision in reaching a seed in the tube and grasping it). After a rat learned the skilled movement, the caudate nucleus was lesioned contralaterally to the preferred limb. After surgery, the animals were tested for recovery of the motor skill. The stages of recovery were the same as during learning. "Right-" and "left-handed" rats were compared in the percentage of animals performing each stage, duration of each stage, the depth of the tube reached by the animal's forelimb, and time required for obtaining the best results. The "right-handed" rats dominated in the percentage of animals performing the emotional stages and later began to recover the skilled movement (the crucial motor stage) but faster acquired their individual maximal depth of reaching a seed in the tube than the "left-handed" animals. The recovery of the skilled movement in the "left-handed" animals was a more gradual process than that in the "right-handed" ones.  相似文献   

Adult Wistar rats were trained to get food from a narrow tube under conditions of free choice of a limb. After reaching a stable level of using the preferred limb, rats (n = 35) were forced to relearn the acquired skill for reaching food with a unpreferred paw. When afterwards the rats returned to the initial conditions of free choice of a limb, 12 animals (34%) did not recover their initial preference, 8 rats (23%) were ambidextrous, and 15 animals (43%) returned to the originally preferred paw. The results demonstrated different resistance of the initial limb preference to forced retraining in different animals. It is suggested that the process of retraining per se is not the only and sufficient condition of the change in "handedness". It also suggested that the different resistance of initial preference to forced retraining reflects individual differences in a degree (intensity) of this preference, which are predetermined by internal, probably by genetic factors.  相似文献   

A variety of skilled reaching tasks have been developed to evaluate forelimb function in rodent models. The single pellet skilled reaching task and pasta matrix task have provided valuable insight into recovery of forelimb function in models of neurological injury and disease. Recently, several automated measures have been developed to reduce the cost and time burden of forelimb assessment in rodents. Here, we provide a within-subject comparison of three common forelimb assessments to allow direct evaluation of sensitivity and efficiency across tasks. Rats were trained to perform the single pellet skilled reaching task, the pasta matrix task, and the isometric pull task. Once proficient on all three tasks, rats received an ischemic lesion of motor cortex and striatum to impair use of the trained limb. On the second week post-lesion, all three tasks measured a significant deficit in forelimb function. Performance was well-correlated across tasks. By the sixth week post-lesion, only the isometric pull task measured a significant deficit in forelimb function, suggesting that this task is more sensitive to chronic impairments. The number of training days required to reach asymptotic performance was longer for the isometric pull task, but the total experimenter time required to collect and analyze data was substantially lower. These findings suggest that the isometric pull task represents an efficient, sensitive measure of forelimb function to facilitate preclinical evaluation in models of neurological injury and disease.  相似文献   

In tests on dogs the influence has been studied of bilateral electrolytic lesion of the caudate nuclei heads on realization of acquired conditioned instrumental defensive reactions to spatially separated sound signals (clicks series) under dichotic stimulation. It is shown that caudatectomy does not influence the dogs differentiation of the side of monaural sound stimulation, but leads to their absolute disability for a long time to differentiate right- and left-side positions of the sound image, modelled by changes in interaural difference in time of sound signal arrival at binaural stimulation.  相似文献   

Recovery of the motor skill of taking a sunflower seed from a tube after the electrolytic destruction of the caudate nucleus was studied in Wistar rats with left- (n = 27) and right-forelimb (n = 22) preference. The reaching performance was divided in 5 stages. The first two stages characterize the emotional condition of an animal, the following three were immediately related with the skilled movement. After preliminary testing, the head of the caudate nucleus contralateral to the preferred limb was electrolytically damaged. After surgery, rats were tested during 20 weeks, and in every test the following indices were measured: percent of rats which perform the movement characteristic for the given stage, stage duration, depth of reaching a flower seed from the tube, time necessary to obtain the best results etc. It was found that at the "emotional" stages, higher percent of the right-handed animals perform the characteristic movements, but they spend more time to complete these stages than the left-handed rats. In rats with the left-limb dominance the recovery of the specialized movement is positively correlated with the time of the recovery onset at all the stages, while there is no such correlation in rats with right-limb dominance. Both groups of animals reach the same depth of the tube in the course of recovery, but the left-handed rats attain these results later and gradually, while the right-handed animals attain the maximal extent of recovery spontaneously and earlier than left-handed ones.  相似文献   

Adult Wistar rats were trained to get food with a forepaw from a narrow tube under conditions of free choice of a limb. It was shown that the presence or absence of limb preference determined by preliminary short-run testing far from always defines the character and extent of lateralization formed in the process of training. It was also found that reaching the maximal extent of lateralization requires, on average, more extended period of training for the animals, which finally constituted the group of right-handers, than for the rats finally classified as left-handers.  相似文献   

Motor asymmetry was studied in two groups of WAG/Rij rats with genetic absence epilepsy. A rat had to get food from the horizontal tube with preferable forelimb. The asymmetry coefficient Cas was calculated for the first 10, 50, and 100 trials. In the first group ("pure" absence epilepsy, n = 34) the percent of "left-handers", "right-handers", and ambidextrous calculated for the first 10 trials, was 56, 26, and 18, respectively. In the second group (mixed form of epilepsy, n = 27) this ratio was 19, 40, and 41%, respectively. The percent of ambidextrous, calculated for 50 and 100 trials, substantially decreased in both groups, and the above mentioned ratio became 62, 32, and 6% in the first group and 30, 63, and 7% in the second one. A possible association of pathogenesis of different forms of epilepsy with forelimb preference is discussed.  相似文献   

We evaluated the asymmetric hand measurements in right- and left-handed individuals. 343 men and 290 women aged 18-42 years (22.11 +/- 2.07) participated in the study. There were no statistically significant differences when right-left differences in hand length, third finger length, palmar length, and the digit index value were evaluated according to hand preference and sex. Statistically significant differences were found for right-left differences in hand width, hand-shape index, and the palmar length/width according to hand preference. The strong left-handers, weak left-handers, and ambidextrous individuals in the study group all exhibited asymmetry favoring the left and were considered together. Similarly, the strong and weak right-handers exhibited asymmetry favoring the right hand and were considered together. The difference between these two groups was significant. When the data were evaluated according to sex, significant differences were found between the subgroups. In particular, right-left differences in the hand-shape index and palmar length/width values of the strong left-handers, weak left-handers, and ambidextrous individuals were found to be statistically significant according to sex; in contrast, the strong and weak right-handers showed no significant differences according to sex. These results suggest a relation of hand asymmetry to hand preference in a Turkish population.  相似文献   

Using studies of the right and left hemisphere’s specialization for positional and vector coding, we analyzed the errors made by right- and left-handers while reproducing sequences of right and left hand movements in a task that activates vector coding by changing the order of movements in memorized sequences. The task was performed first with one hand (starting) and then with the other (continuing). Both right- and lefthanders were found to use information about previous movements of the starting hand only when the dominant hand was starting. After changing the hand, right-handers used information about previous movements of the continuing hand, while left-handers did not. The results were compared with data from earlier experiments wherein positional coding was activated. The comparison showed that vector coding was predominantly involved in memorizing sequences of movements made by the dominant hand, while positional coding was used in the case of the opposite hand in both right- and left-handers. Patterns of errors after changing the hand differed between right- and left-handers, and the conclusion was made that skills are transferred in different ways in right- and left-handers, depending on the type of coding.  相似文献   

We studied swimming of goldfish fries about 3 cm long in a narrow channel by calculating the numbers of spontaneous turns on different sides. The ratio of fishes preferring to turn to the right vs to the left was 1.5:1.0, respectively; two-thirds of the fishes demonstrated an ambilateral behavior. Experiments with compulsory 10-min-long rotation of the fishes (clockwise around the longitudinal body axis for fishes preferring right-side turns and anticlockwise for fishes preferring left-side turns) showed that the behavioral asymmetry smoothed somewhat after such a procedure, and a greater number of the fishes became ambilateral in their preference to turn to one side or another. After a one- or two-day-long test, the initial asymmetry of motor behavior completely recovered. Compulsory rotation of similar fishes in the opposite direction exerted no influence on the asymmetry in the choice of the turning direction. Adaptation-induced training of the fishes (using fatiguing long-lasting vestibular stimulation) resulted in some smoothing of motor asymmetry but did not change its general pattern. Thus, our findings allow us to believe that a noticeable proportion of the goldfish individuals (similarly to other animals and humans) is characterized by an innate asymmetry of the motor function with a clear preference for either right- or left-side turnings. These relations can be smoothed under experimental influences but are recovered later on, i.e., they are stable and are not fundamentally transformed. We assume that the asymmetry of motor behavior of fishes in a narrow channel can be an adequate pre-requisite for further examination of the asymmetry of the brain and motor centers controlling changes in locomotion (body turnings)Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 52–60, January–February, 2005.  相似文献   

These experiments examined the effects of hypophysectomy on retention of avoidance training. In addition, the experiments examined the effects, on retention, of post-training ACTH injections administered to hypophysectomized rats. Rats were trained in a visual discriminated avoidance Y maze. Each rat received six training trials followed by six retraining trials the next day. Retention was measured by the number of correct choices during the retraining trials. When trained with a low-footshock intensity (0.8 mA), hypophysectomized rats showed retention performance which was significantly poorer than that of intact animals. There was no significant difference in performance when the animals were trained with a higher footshock intensity (1.4 mA), in part because of poorer retention performance of intact animals under these training conditions. Under both footshock conditions, a single post-training injection of ACTH enhanced later retention performance of hypophysectomized rats. This effect on memory was timedependent; injections delayed 2 or 6 hr after training did not significantly enhance retention. These findings are consistent with the view that hormonal responses to training may modulate later retention of the training experience.  相似文献   

After serotonergic lesion by administration of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine into the dorsalis raphe nucleus, effects of neurotensin microinjections into the caudate nucleus and substantia nigra on rat behavior were compared. Serotonergic lesions resulted in motivated excitement of rats manifested as an increase in the number of intersignal motor reactions during realization and, particularly, extinction of thirst conditioned reflex. Neurotensin microinjections into the caudate nucleus facilitated extinction of the conditioned reflex both in operated and control rats, but such microinjection into the substantia nigra facilitated this process only in operated animals. Neurotensin did not change conditioned reflex realization in both groups of animals but decreased emotional excitement of rats in the "open field". The behavioral effects of neurotensin in operated rats are connected with normalization of motivational and emotional states of animals and may be explained by recovery of interaction between the dopamine- and serotonergic systems. It is suggested that the mechanisms of this normalizing effects of neurotensin at the levels of the caudate nucleus and substantia nigra are different and are associated preferentially with its action either on dopamine- or serotonergic structures.  相似文献   

We provided a constructive replication of a recently published paper by measuring the relationship between handedness and recall of vivid dreams. To do this we asked groups of right- (N = 174), mixed- (N = 16) and left-handed (N = 13) university students to respond to a dream scale. Our data were consistent with those of the recent study in question in that we demonstrated that left-handers were significantly more likely to recall types of dreams that classified as a vivid. These data seem consistent with the profile of right hemispheric talent that is thought to characterize left-handers.  相似文献   

In order to study how neurons in the primary motor cortex (MI) are dynamically linked together during skilled movement, we recorded simultaneously from many cortical neurons in cats trained to perform a reaching and retrieval task using their forelimbs. Analysis of task-related spike activity in the MI of the hemisphere contralateral to the reaching forelimb (in identified forelimb or hindlimb representations) recorded through chronically implanted microwires, was followed by pairwise evaluation of temporally correlated activity in these neurons during task performance using shuffle corrected cross-correlograms. Over many months of recording, a variety of task-related modulations of neural activities were observed in individual efferent zones. Positively correlated activity (mainly narrow peaks at zero or short latencies) was seen during task performance frequently between neurons recorded within the forelimb representation of MI, rarely within the hindlimb area of MI, and never between forelimb and hindlimb areas. Correlated activity was frequently observed between neurons with different patterns of task-related activity or preferential activity during different task elements (reaching, feeding, etc.), and located in efferent zones with dissimilar representation as defined by intracortical microstimulation. The observed synchronization of action potentials among selected but functionally varied groups of MI neurons possibly reflects dynamic recruitment of network connections between efferent zones during skilled movement.  相似文献   

Dogs were trained to remove a cup with meat to the head bent down to the feeder and hold the limb flexed during eating. At the early stage of learning, the stable innate head-forelimb coordination characteristic for untrained animals was manifest. The forelimb flexion was accompanied by anticipatory lifting of the bent head, and the following bending of the head led to an extension of the flexed forelimb. The opposite coordination, i.e., the lifting and holding of the forelimb when the head is bent down, was achieved only by training. The lesion of the motor cortex contralateral to the working forelimb in the trained dogs led to a prolonged disturbance of the simultaneous holding of the flexed forelimb and the head bent down. The lesion of the motor cortex did not affect the individual movements but disturbed their coordination. In the operated dogs the innate relationships between the head and forelimb movement recovered. The results support the previous finding that the lesion of the motor cortex led to recovery of the innate coordination transformed in the process of learning.  相似文献   

We examined chimpanzee hand preference in simple reaching for food, with special reference to manipulative patterns and the developmental shift. We observed 80 captive chimpanzees, ranging from 1 to 25 years old. We also studied the manipulative patterns (grip- types) of 70 individuals as they reached for raisins scattered randomly on the floor. We employed LQ score as a measure of hand preference and designated the subjects right- handers (or left- handers) if they used their right hands (left hands) above chance level. Although the numbers of right- handers and left- handers are almost equal, the distribution of the strength is not symmetrical in both groups. Strong preference was exhibited by more left- handers than right- handers. Subjects > 9 years old exhibited greater hand preference, whereas subjects < 9 years old were ambidextrous. We classified manipulative patterns for reaching into five basic grip- types and analyzed them vis- à- vis age. There is no significant correlation between preferred hand and manipulative patterns. However, adult subjects tended to use an index- and - middle- finger grip with the left hand and to use imprecise grips with the right hand more often than other patterns regardless which hand they preferred. These data demonstrate a developmental shift in hand preference and manipulative patterns and also reveal functional asymmetries between the right and the left hand in Pan troglodytes.  相似文献   

We examined chimpanzee hand preference in simple reaching for food, with special reference to manipulative patterns and the developmental shift. We observed 80 captive chimpanzees, ranging from 1 to 25 years old. We also studied the manipulative patterns (grip- types) of 70 individuals as they reached for raisins scattered randomly on the floor. We employed LQ score as a measure of hand preference and designated the subjects right- handers (or left- handers) if they used their right hands (left hands) above chance level. Although the numbers of right- handers and left- handers are almost equal, the distribution of the strength is not symmetrical in both groups. Strong preference was exhibited by more left- handers than right- handers. Subjects > 9 years old exhibited greater hand preference, whereas subjects < 9 years old were ambidextrous. We classified manipulative patterns for reaching into five basic grip- types and analyzed them vis- à- vis age. There is no significant correlation between preferred hand and manipulative patterns. However, adult subjects tended to use an index- and - middle- finger grip with the left hand and to use imprecise grips with the right hand more often than other patterns regardless which hand they preferred. These data demonstrate a developmental shift in hand preference and manipulative patterns and also reveal functional asymmetries between the right and the left hand in Pan troglodytes.  相似文献   

Light and dark phase training may influences rodents’ physiologic parameters because these animals have nocturnal habits. Thus, we verify the effects of the training in different photoperiods on metabolism and corporal composition of rats. Eighteen rats were divided into three groups – G1: non-trained; G2: trained in the light phase; G3: trained in the dark phase. Rats were allowed to swim for 60 min, five times per week during six weeks. Trained animals presented a smaller weight gain and fat percentage in carcass. Rats of G3 increased gastrocnemius relative weight. The adipocyte diameter of G3 rats was smaller than the other groups. The levels of the total cholesterol, low-density proteins, and triacylglycerols were decreased in animals of G2 while the glycemia was increased. Training in light phase provided more alterations in the blood biochemical profile while the training in the dark increased the gastrocnemius weight and decreased the diameter of the adipocyte.  相似文献   



According to decades of research on affective motivation in the human brain, approach motivational states are supported primarily by the left hemisphere and avoidance states by the right hemisphere. The underlying cause of this specialization, however, has remained unknown. Here we conducted a first test of the Sword and Shield Hypothesis (SSH), according to which the hemispheric laterality of affective motivation depends on the laterality of motor control for the dominant hand (i.e., the “sword hand," used preferentially to perform approach actions) and the nondominant hand (i.e., the “shield hand," used preferentially to perform avoidance actions).

Methodology/Principal Findings

To determine whether the laterality of approach motivation varies with handedness, we measured alpha-band power (an inverse index of neural activity) in right- and left-handers during resting-state electroencephalography and analyzed hemispheric alpha-power asymmetries as a function of the participants'' trait approach motivational tendencies. Stronger approach motivation was associated with more left-hemisphere activity in right-handers, but with more right-hemisphere activity in left-handers.


The hemispheric correlates of approach motivation reversed between right- and left-handers, consistent with the way they typically use their dominant and nondominant hands to perform approach and avoidance actions. In both right- and left-handers, approach motivation was lateralized to the same hemisphere that controls the dominant hand. This covariation between neural systems for action and emotion provides initial support for the SSH.  相似文献   

Others have shown that amphetamine given to normal rats causes turning in a particular, preferred direction in most animals. We have studied the effect of training on amphetamine-induced behavioral and biochemical asymmetries in male Sprague-Dawley rats. Water deprived animals were trained to circle either in the same or opposite direction to their intrinsic bias using a sucrose water reward. Acquisition of the learned circling behavior was independent of turning preference and all animals were able to make the operant association. After training, animals given amphetamine turned in the trained direction regardless of their previous circling preference. Amphetamine-induced circling also led to increased dopamine concentrations in caudate contralateral to the trained circling direction. Therefore, intrinsic striatal is not resistant to behavioral modification and both the behavioral and biochemical asymmetries can be resersed by circling training.  相似文献   

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