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Platelets are rich sources of growth factors and enzymes that are implicated in a number of diseases including obesity, atherosclerosis, heart disease, syndrome X, liver and kidney diseases and certain types of cancers. In this research we investigated, if platelets in Zucker obese rats differ from their lean counterparts with respect to the levels of TGF-β and COX isoforms, implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic diseases. In addition, we investigated if energy intake of the animals affects the platelet physiology. Platelets were isolated from obese and lean rats bearing preneoplastic lesions in their colon. Prior to platelet isolation these rats were fed either ad libitum (Ob or Ln) or energy restricted (Ob-ER or Ln-ER) diets for 8 weeks (n = 8/group). The levels of TGF-β1/-β2 and COX-1/-2 proteins in platelets were analyzed by Western blot. The platelets of the Ob rats had significantly higher levels of TGF-β1, COX-1/-2 (p < 0.001) than did the platelets of the Ln rats and were not affected by moderate energy restriction. There were no significant differences in the protein expression of platelet TGF-β2 among any of the groups. These results demonstrate that cytokines and candidates playing a role in the pathogenesis of chronic diseases, such as TGF-β1 and COX-1/-2, are over-expressed in platelets of Zucker obese rats by comparison to their lean counterparts. These findings also demonstrate that the genotype of the animals exerts a significant effect on the biochemical composition of the platelets and could contribute to the pathogenesis of colon cancer and other metabolic abnormalities associated with obesity.  相似文献   

IκB kinase β (IKKβ), a major kinase downstream of various proinflammatory signals, mediates multiple cellular functions through phosphorylation and regulation of its substrates. On the basis of protein sequence analysis, we identified arrest-defective protein 1 (ARD1), a protein involved in apoptosis and cell proliferation processes in many human cancer cells, as a new IKKβ substrate. We provided evidence showing that ARD1 is indeed a bona fide substrate of IKKβ. IKKβ physically associated with ARD1 and phosphorylated it at Ser209. Phosphorylation by IKKβ destabilized ARD1 and induced its proteasome-mediated degradation. Impaired growth suppression was observed in ARD1 phosphorylation-mimic mutant (S209E)-transfected cells as compared with ARD1 non-phosphorylatable mutant (S209A)-transfected cells. Our findings of molecular interactions between ARD1 and IKKβ may enable further understanding of the upstream regulation mechanisms of ARD1 and of the diverse functions of IKKβ.  相似文献   

Age-related changes were examined in the distribution and severity of spontaneous lesions in the neuroepithelium and Bowman’s glands in mouse olfactory mucosa. The olfactory mucosa of female ICR mice at postnatal ages from 10 days to 16 months were investigated histologically by hematoxylin and eosin staining, high-iron diamine-Alcian blue (HID-AB) staining, and immunohistochemistry for olfactory marker protein (OMP), βIII tubulin (βIIIT), and Ki67. The lesions in the neuroepithelium and Bowman’s glands were quantitatively assessed by morphometric analyses of sections stained with anti-OMP antibody or HID-AB. The first appearance of neuroepithelial abnormality was observed in the dorsomedial portion of the olfactory mucosa in 5-month-old mice. The distribution and severity of lesions progressed with increasing age. In mildly affected epithelium in which OMP-positive olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) were present but in smaller amounts, the numbers of βIIIT-positive and Ki67-positive neuroepithelial cells tended to be increased, indicating that neurogenesis was upregulated in these areas. In contrast, severely affected epithelium in which OMP-positive ORNs were virtually absent showed high variability in the numbers of βIIIT- and Ki67-positive cells among the areas examined, probably reflecting differences in the capacity of the basal cells remaining in the affected area to generate new neuronal cells. Histological analysis with HID-AB revealed that spontaneous lesions in Bowman’s glands also occurred in aged mouse olfactory mucosa. Lesions in the neuroepithelium and underlying Bowman’s glands tended to be spatially co-localized, suggesting a close association between pathogeneses in these two structures. Moreover, lesions in Bowman’s glands were associated with changes in the biochemical composition of mucus on the olfactory mucosa. This information should prove useful in improving the understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying age-related changes in the peripheral olfactory system. This work was supported by grants from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (nos. 14770886, 16790987 and 18799002; K. Kondo) and a grant from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare (Comprehensive Research on Aging and Welfare, no. H13-choju-012; K. Nibu).  相似文献   



The NF-κB activating kinases, IKKα and IKKβ, are key regulators of inflammation and immunity in response to infection by a variety of pathogens. Both IKKα and IKKβ have been reported to modulate either pro- or anti- inflammatory programs, which may be specific to the infectious organism or the target tissue. Here, we analyzed the requirements for the IKKs in myeloid cells in vivo in response to Francisella tularensis Live Vaccine Strain (Ft. LVS) infection.

Methods and Principal Findings

In contrast to prior reports in which conditional deletion of IKKβ in the myeloid lineage promoted survival and conferred resistance to an in vivo group B streptococcus infection, we show that mice with a comparable conditional deletion (IKKβ cKO) succumb more rapidly to lethal Ft. LVS infection and are unable to control bacterial growth at sublethal doses. Flow cytometry analysis of hepatic non-parenchymal cells from infected mice reveals that IKKβ inhibits M1 classical macrophage activation two days post infection, which has the collateral effect of suppressing IFN-γ+ CD8+ T cells. Despite this early enhanced inflammation, IKKβ cKO mice are unable to control infection; and this coincides with a shift toward M2a polarized macrophages. In comparison, we find that myeloid IKKα is dispensable for survival and bacterial control. However, both IKKα and IKKβ have effects on hepatic granuloma development. IKKα cKO mice develop fewer, but well-contained granulomas that accumulate excess necrotic cells after 9 days of infection; while IKKβ cKO mice develop numerous micro-granulomas that are less well contained.


Taken together our findings reveal that unlike IKKα, IKKβ has multiple, contrasting roles in this bacterial infection model by acting in an anti-inflammatory capacity at early times towards sublethal Ft. LVS infection; but in spite of this, macrophage IKKβ is also a critical effector for host survival and efficient pathogen clearance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Beh?et's disease (BD) is an immunoin-flammatory vasculitis with an unknown etiopathogenesis. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a cytokine-stimulating angiogenesis. It has been suggested to play a role in inflammation and pathogenesis of vasculitic processes. STUDY DESIGN: VEGF and CD34 expressions were assessed in samples taken from oral aphthous lesions. The patients were evaluated for disease activity, duration of lesions, serum C-reactive protein (CRP) levels and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). RESULTS: Twenty-six patients were included. Fourteen (53.9%) had increased CRP levels and 12 (46.1%) had increased ESR levels. Positive VEGF and CD34 staining were detected in 46.2% and 69.2% of biopsy samples, respectively. There was good positive correlation between them. The frequency of positive VEGF and CD34 staining was statistically higher in lesions with a duration of more than 6 days. No correlation was found between positive VEGF staining and serum CRP level, ESR and disease activity. CONCLUSION: Increased VEGF expression in correlation with CD34 positivity in oral aphthous lesions may show the role of VEGF in pathogenesis of these vasculitic lesions. We have concluded that VEGF may play a role during the course of oral aphthous lesions in BD.  相似文献   

The mammary gland (MG) and female prostate are plastic reproductive organs which are highly responsive to hormones. Thus, endocrine disruptors, such as bisphenol A (BPA) and exogenous estrogens, negatively affect glandular homeostasis. In addition to previously described alterations, changes in inflammatory markers expression also trigger the development of a microenvironment that contributes to tumor progression. The current work aimed to evaluate the inflammatory responses of the MG and prostate gland to BPA (50 µg/kg) and 17-β estradiol (35 µg/kg) exposure during the perinatal window of susceptibility. The results showed that at 6 months of age there was an increase in the number of phospho-STAT3 (P-STAT3) positive cells in the female prostate from animals perinatally exposed to 50 µg/kg BPA daily. In addition, the number of macrophages increased in these animals in comparison with nonexposed animals, as shown by the F4/80 marker. Despite an increase in the incidence of lobuloalveolar and intraductal hyperplasia, the MG did not show any difference in the expression of the four inflammatory markers evaluated: tumor necrosis factor-α, COX-2, P-STAT3, and F4/80. Analysis of both glands from the same animal led to the conclusion that exposure to endocrine disruptors during the perinatal window of susceptibility leads to different inflammatory responses in different reproductive organs. As the prostate is more susceptible to these inflammatory mechanisms, it is reasonable to affirm that possible neoplastic alterations in this organ are related to changes in the inflammatory pattern of the stroma, a characteristic that is not evident in the MG.  相似文献   

We previously found that nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibition fully blocked alkalosis-induced relaxation of piglet pulmonary artery and vein rings. In contrast, NOS inhibition alone had no effect on alkalosis-induced pulmonary vasodilation in isolated piglet lungs. This study sought to identify factors contributing to the discordance between isolated and in situ pulmonary vessels. The roles of pressor stimulus (hypoxia vs. the thromboxane mimetic U-46619), perfusate composition (blood vs. physiological salt solution), and flow were assessed. Effects of NOS inhibition on alkalosis-induced dilation were also directly compared in 150-350-microm-diameter cannulated arteries and 150-900-microm-diameter, angiographically visualized, in situ arteries. Finally, effects of NOS inhibition on alkalosis-induced vasodilation were measured in intact piglets. NOS inhibition with N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine fully abolished alkalosis-induced vasodilation in all cannulated arteries but failed to alter alkalosis-induced vasodilation in intact lungs. The results indicate that investigation of other factors, such as perivascular tissue (e.g., adventitia and parenchyma) and remote signaling pathways, will need to be carried out to reconcile this discordance between isolated and in situ arteries.  相似文献   

Cystathionine γ-synthase (CGS, EC, the first committed enzyme in methionine biosynthesis, was over-expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana by introducing in the genome of this plant the coding sequence of the Arabidopsis enzyme under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. In order to target the recombinant protein to the chloroplast, the transgene included the sequence encoding the N-terminal transit peptide of Arabidopsis CGS. CGS activity and polypeptide were increased several fold in these plants. There was a markedly increased level of soluble methionine in the leaves of the transformed plants, up to 15-fold, indicating that CGS is a rate-limiting enzyme in this metabolic pathway. In addition, the transformed plants strongly over-accumulated S-methylmethionine, but not S-adenosylmethionine, in agreement with the view that S-methylmethionine corresponds to a storage form of labile methyl groups in plants and/or plays a role in preventing S-adenosylmethionine accumulation. The same strategy was used to increase the level of cystathionine β-lyase (CBL, EC, the second committed enzyme in methionine biosynthesis, in transformed A. thaliana. Despite an increase in both CBL activity and polypeptide in transformed Arabidopsis plants over-expressing Arabidopsis CBL, there was very little change in the contents of soluble methionine and S-methylmethionine, suggesting strongly that CBL is not rate limiting in the methionine biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

Laminins have dramatic and varied actions on neurons in vitro. However, their in vivo function in brain development is not clear. Here we show that knockout of laminin γ1 in the cerebral cortex leads to defects in neuritogenesis and neuronal migration. In the mutant mice, cortical layer structures were disrupted, and axonal pathfinding was impaired. During development, loss of laminin expression impaired phosphorylation of FAK and paxillin, indicating defects in integrin signaling pathways. Moreover, both phosphorylation and protein levels of GSK-3β were significantly decreased, but only phosphorylation of AKT was affected in the mutant cortex. Knockout of laminin γ1 expression in vitro, dramatically inhibited neurite growth. These results indicate that laminin regulates neurite growth and neuronal migration via integrin signaling through the AKT/GSK-3β pathway, and thus reveal a novel mechanism of laminin function in brain development.  相似文献   

Numerous studies suggest that supplemental vitamin E prior to or during vast surgeries might diminish or even prevent ischemia/reperfusion-induced injuries. In the present placebo-controlled study male Sprague-Dawley rats were supplemented parenterally or orally with α-tocopherol for three consecutive days. The applied amount of α-tocopherol was 2.3 μmol per day for oral and 1.2 μmol per day for parenteral supplementation. The enrichment of vitamin E concentrations in plasma and tissue samples (aortic endothelium, liver, and lung) was determined by HPLC. The vitamin E level was elevated following intravenous supplementation in plasma (21.4±1.9 μmol/L vs. 10.2±1.7 μmol/L in parenteral control group), in aortic endothelium (1.1±0.2 pmol/mm2 vs. 0.5±0.1 pmol/mm2) and in liver and lung (41.3±7.5 pmol/mg vs. 22.9±6.5 pmol/mg and 75.6±13.6 pmol/mg vs. 51.7±5.9 pmol/mg, respectively). Oral supplementation for three days also led to an increased level in liver (38.2±7.7 pmol/mg vs. 22.9±6.6 pmol/mg in oral control group) and in lung (67.8±5.7 pmol/mg vs. 51.7±9.3 pmol/mg) but not in aortic endothelium or plasma (0.8±0.3 pmol/mm2 vs. 0.6±0.3 pmol/mm2 and 12.0±2.2 μmol/L vs. 10.7±2.6 μol/L.)  相似文献   

Arrhythmic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is a hereditary heart muscle disease that causes sudden cardiac death (SCD) in young people. Almost half of ARVC patients have a mutation in genes encoding cell adhesion proteins of the desmosome, including plakoglobin (JUP). We previously reported that cardiac tissue-specific plakoglobin (PG) knockout (PG CKO) mice have no apparent conduction abnormality and survive longer than expected. Importantly, the PG homolog, β-catenin (CTNNB1), showed increased association with the gap junction protein connexin43 (Cx43) in PG CKO hearts. To determine whether β-catenin is required to maintain cardiac conduction in the absence of PG, we generated mice lacking both PG and β-catenin specifically in the heart (i.e., double knockout [DKO]). The DKO mice exhibited cardiomyopathy, fibrous tissue replacement, and conduction abnormalities resulting in SCD. Loss of the cadherin linker proteins resulted in dissolution of the intercalated disc (ICD) structure. Moreover, Cx43-containing gap junction plaques were reduced at the ICD, consistent with the arrhythmogenicity of the DKO hearts. Finally, ambulatory electrocardiogram monitoring captured the abrupt onset of spontaneous lethal ventricular arrhythmia in the DKO mice. In conclusion, these studies demonstrate that the N-cadherin-binding partners, PG and β-catenin, are indispensable for maintaining mechanoelectrical coupling in the heart.  相似文献   

β1,4-Galactosylation of plant N-glycans is a prerequisite for commercial production of certain biopharmaceuticals in plants. Two different types of galactosylated N-glycans have initially been reported in plants as the result of expression of human β1,4-galactosyltransferase 1 (GalT). Here we show that these differences are associated with differences at its N-terminus: the natural short variant of human GalT results in hybrid type N-glycans, whereas the long form generates bi-antennary complex type N-glycans. Furthermore, expression of non-mammalian, chicken and zebrafish GalT homologues with N-termini resembling the short human GalT N-terminus also induce hybrid type N-glycans. Providing both non-mammalian GalTs with a 13 amino acid N-terminal extension that distinguishes the two naturally occurring forms of human GalT, acted to increase the levels of bi-antennary galactosylated N-glycans when expressed in tobacco leaves. Replacement of the cytosolic tail and transmembrane domain of chicken and zebrafish GalTs with the corresponding region of rat α2,6-sialyltransferase yielded a gene whose expression enhanced the level of bi-antennary galactosylation even further.  相似文献   

Wnt/ß-catenin signaling plays an important role in morphogenesis and cellular differentiation during development. Essential roles of Wnt/ß-catenin signaling in tooth morphogenesis have been well known, but the involvement of Wnt/ß-catenin signaling in the dental hard tissue formation remains undefined. To understand roles of Wnt/ß-catenin signaling in dentin and cementum formation, we generated and analyzed the conditional ß-catenin stabilized mice in the dental mesenchyme. The OC-Cre;Catnblox(ex3)/+ mice exhibited malformed teeth characterized by aberrantly formed dentin and excessively deposited cementum. Large amount of dentin was rapidly formed with widened predentin and numerous globular calcifications in the crown. Whereas roots of molars were short and covered with the excessively formed cellular cementum. With age, the coronal pulp chamber and periodontal space were narrowed by the excessively formed dentin and cementum, respectively. To compare the changes of gene expression in the mutant mice, Col1a1 expression was increased but that of Dspp was decreased in the odontoblasts. However, both of Col1a1 and Bsp expression was increased in the cementoblasts. The gene expression changes were consistent with the localization of matrix proteins. Biglycan and PC-1 was increased but Phex was decreased in the odontoblasts and dentin matrix, respectively. TNAP was increased but Dmp1 and FGF23 was decreased in the cementoblasts and cementum matrix, respectively. Our results indicate that persistent stabilization of ß-catenin in the dental mesenchyme leads to premature differentiation of odontoblasts and differentiation of cementoblasts, and induces excessive dentin and cementum formation in vivo. These results suggest that temporospatial regulation of Wnt/ß-catenin signaling plays critical roles in the differentiation of odontoblasts and cementoblasts, and that inhibition of Wnt/ß-catenin signaling may be important for the formation of dentin and cementum during tooth development. Local modulation of Wnt/ß-catenin signaling has therapeutic potential to improve the regeneration of dentin and periodontium.  相似文献   

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