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Percutaneous needle aspiration biopsies of the lung from five patients with Wegener's granulomatosis were reviewed. Three of the patients presented with the generalized form of the disease while two presented with the limited pulmonary form; one of the latter subsequently developed disseminated disease. The morphologic findings in the pulmonary aspirates were similar in all cases. The cytologic preparations contained neutrophils entrapped within necrotic debris plus scattered but prominent histiocytic giant cells, which often had nuclei arranged in rings or horseshoes, in a background of lymphocytes, epithelioid histiocytes and reactive pneumocytes. Cell block preparations showed discrete areas of necrosis containing a neutrophilic infiltrate and focally palisaded by epithelioid histiocytes. The intervening viable tissue contained prominent histiocytic giant cells and chronic inflammatory cells enmeshed in a fibrous matrix. One cell block contained a small artery with a small focus of possible granulomatous arteritis. While an open lung biopsy is generally required for a definitive diagnosis, the pathologist may encounter unsuspected Wegener's granulomatosis in a needle aspirate. Recognition of the findings observed in these cases should alert the pathologist to the possibility of Wegener's granulomatosis so that an open lung biopsy can be performed if clinically indicated and cytotoxic therapy can be promptly instituted if the diagnosis of this entity is confirmed.  相似文献   

Soofer SB  Tabbara S 《Acta cytologica》1999,43(6):1142-1146
BACKGROUND: Intraductal papillomas are rare, benign tumors most commonly encountered in minor salivary glands. They are cystic, solitary neoplasms that arise from ductal epithelium and produce painless swellings. CASES: Two cases arose in major salivary glands. The first case was a superficial, firm mass at the superior edge of the parotid, cytologically evocative of an adnexal tumor. A firm, submandibular mass in the second case was diagnosed as a papillary neoplasm. Fluid was aspirated from both cases. Three-dimensional epithelial clusters, some with a papillary configuration and histiocytes, were the main cellular components. The majority of cells showed oncocytic differentiation; however, benign-appearing ductal cells in honeycomb sheets were also present. The first case also had occasional cells suggestive of sebaceous differentiation. The excised lesions were unilocular cystic papillary neoplasms consistent with intraductal papilloma; focal sebaceous differentiation was noted in the first case. CONCLUSION: Awareness of the cytologic features of intraductal papilloma of the salivary glands should prompt its inclusion in the differential diagnosis of papillary lesions of the head and neck.  相似文献   

G K Nguyen 《Acta cytologica》1983,27(2):173-177
The cytopathologic features of the fine needle aspiration biopsy of two cases of malignant peripheral leiomyoblastoma are presented. Aspirated tumor cells occurred singly, not in clusters. They were pleomorphic, varying in size and shape and showing eosinophilic to amphophilic cytoplasm. Many tumor cells had a vacuolated cytoplasm. Multinucleated large tumor cells were seen in one case; their nuclei were hyperchromatic and round to oval, with chromatin clumping and prominent nucleoli. The cytologic findings suggested a malignant mesenchymal tumor. Histology demonstrated the diagnosis of leiomyoblastoma.  相似文献   

Two cases of infarction of thyroid neoplasms following fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy are reported. Histologic study of a 2.5 x 2.5 cm nodule excised 18 days after FNA had diagnosed a Hürthle-cell neoplasm showed mainly necrotic debris and granulation tissue. While FNA made the diagnosis of a papillary carcinoma in the second case, which had had an FNA biopsy of the same nodule six years earlier, most of the nodule was fibrotic and necrotic. These two cases demonstrate the potential problems in such cases: (1) post-FNA infarction may obscure the nature of a cytologically diagnosed neoplasm, making histologic confirmation difficult, and (2) FNA of an infarcted nodule may have difficulties in obtaining diagnostic material, potentially resulting in a false-negative diagnosis. Review of the literature on thyroid infarction shows it to be a rare event, with most reported cases occurring after FNA biopsy of a neoplasm. The finding of necrosis and fibrosis in an aspirate or surgical specimen should thus suggest the presence of a neoplasm.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of lymphomatoid granulomatosis (LG) of the lung depends on obtaining adequate histologic material to demonstrate the characteristic angioinvasive, polymorphous, lymphoid infiltrate and normally requires an open lung biopsy. Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB), if only smeared directly, does not allow an assessment of the lymphoid infiltrate in relation to blood vessels. However, we report a case diagnosed by FNAB in which the specimen was processed by an alternative method that allows cell blocks to be made from all visible particles. Percutaneous FNAB of a nodular pulmonary infiltrate was performed after bronchoscopy and transbronchial needle biopsy failed to yield a diagnosis. The FNAB specimen was placed in 50% alcohol and submitted for processing. The specimen was then filtered through a fine sieve, and all visible tissue was embedded in bacteriologic agar and processed as a standard surgical specimen. The filtrate was processed as standard fluid cytology. The atypical, angioinvasive, lymphoid infiltrate was clearly demonstrated on the cell blocks, and the diagnosis of LG was made. This diagnosis was confirmed by subsequent open lung and skin biopsies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the significance of the "negative for malignancy" category when applied to pulmonary transthoracic fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). STUDY DESIGN: Transthoracic lung FNABs diagnosed as "negative for malignancy" were identified from the files of Barnes-Jewish Hospital's South and North Campus over a period of five and nine years, respectively. Histologic correlation and clinical follow-up were obtained. RESULTS: Of the 1,181 lung FNABs performed during the study period, 108 cases (9%) had a negative cytologic diagnosis. Histologic correlation was available in 46 cases (43%), of which 23 cases had benign histologic findings, and 19 cases were malignant. Thirty-five of the 62 cases without histologic correlation had clinical follow-up consistent with a benign process. CONCLUSION: Based on the histologic correlation and clinical data available, the negative predictive value was 77%. Inadequate sampling was responsible for all false negative cytologic diagnoses in this series.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the role of transvaginal fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) in the evaluation of palpable gynecologic masses. STUDY DESIGN: Transvaginal FNABs from 1994 to 1999 were identified from the files of Barnes-Jewish Hospital. Histologic correlation was obtained using the Pathology Department's computer database. Two pathologists reviewed the pathologic samples. Pertinent clinical information was obtained by reviewing the medical records. RESULTS: Twenty-two transvaginal FNABs from 22 patients were studied. The patients' mean age was 59 years (range, 29-84). Most patients (77%) had a previous history of a gynecologic malignancy, and 73% had a previous total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. The size of the lesion sampled was provided in 15 cases and ranged from <1 to 5.4 cm in diameter. The location of the mass was reported as follows: vaginal (10 cases), vaginal cuff (5), rectovaginal septum (2), cul-de-sac (1), fornix (1), vaginal apex (1), right side of pelvis (1), and not specified (1). The cytologic diagnoses were: negative for malignancy (10 cases), positive for malignancy (9) and unsatisfactory (3). Most cases (77%) had histologic correlation or clinical follow-up. There was one false negative and no false positive cytologic diagnosis. CONCLUSION: Cytologic interpretation of transvaginal FNAB is an effective toolfor the evaluation of palpable pelvic and vaginal masses. Its specificity and sensitivity are 100% and 88%, respectively.  相似文献   

A case of pulmonary dirofilariasis in a 62-year-old female was diagnosed by fine needle aspiration biopsy. A review of the literature revealed this to be the first reported case diagnosed by this method. The presence of bilateral lesions in this patient is an uncommon finding for this entity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the clinical and pathological findings in six suspected cases of Wegener's granulomatosis (WG) and highlight the diagnostic difficulties faced by the cytopathologist. METHODS: Retrospective review of records of the Cytopathology Department to identify patients who underwent image-guided transthoracic pulmonary fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) for pulmonary lesions of suspected WG and those who were subsequently confirmed to have WG. Detailed evaluation of cytomorphological features was carried out. RESULTS: A total of six cases were identified in whom the initial procedure to obtain a pathological diagnosis was transthoracic FNAC. In one case, atypical squamous cells on cytology initially suggested a diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma while in another a diagnosis of WG was made on cytology; however, a subsequent lung biopsy revealed silicosis. CONCLUSION: Acute inflammation and necrosis are the most consistent cytopathological findings in WG. In selected cases FNAC can provide supportive pathological evidence to establish a diagnosis of WG.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mixed differentiated thyroid carcinomas are rare tumors, difficult to recognize on fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB). Most cases are diagnosed only after histologic investigation. CASES: The cases entailed two cytologic samples and a thyroidectomy specimen. Two FNAB thyroidectomy specimens from a 60-year-old man presenting with a solitary thyroid nodule (case 1) were investigated. Both cytologic samples were referred as atypical, with a mixture of features indicating a proliferating follicular lesion but also containing some characteristics of medullary carcinoma. The serum calcitonin level was borderline. Surgery was recommended because of a suspicion of malignancy. The diagnosis of mixed medullary follicular carcinoma was established after a complex histologic investigation. The tumor was encapsulated, with partly microfollicular architecture. Immunohistochemistry was positive for both calcitonin and thyreoglobulin. Electron microscopy from the formol-paraffin block found neurosecretory granules in many cells. The patient was well one year after the operation. One FNAB and thyroidectomy specimen from a 47-year-old woman with long-treated lymphoplasmocellular thyroiditis (case 2) was investigated. The tumor in case 2 was diagnosed on FNAB as medullary carcinoma. Only after histologic and immunohistochemical investigation was mixed differentiation proven. CONCLUSION: Mixed differentiated thyroid tumors are a diagnostic challenge on fine needle aspiration. Irrespective of their rarity, they can be suspected if combined features are present. FNAB recognition of the medullary component in both cases was of crucial importance. Nevertheless, definitive diagnosis remains a histologic problem due to the necessity for topographic information.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In rare instances, hepatic steatosis produces a circumscribed, nodular lesion described as focal fatty liver change (FFLC). The ultrasonographic and computed tomographic patterns are those of an isointense or hyperechoic nodule, sometimes simultating metastasis. CASES: Fine needle aspiration biopsy was performed under ultrasonographic control in two men aged 65 and 67 years who had previously undergone emicolectomy and gastrectomy for adenocarcinoma. Routine hepatic ultrasound showed solitary nodules, of 3 and 4 cm in diameter. The microscopic patterns were similar and highly cellular in both cases. Cells were isolated or organized in sheets and characterized by large, intracytoplasmic, clear vacuoles that displaced nuclei to the periphery of the cells, flattening them against the cytoplasmic membrane and giving these cells a signet-ring appearance. Nuclei were generally round and nucleolated or dense and hyperchromatic when flattened onto the cytoplasmic membrane. Normal hepatocytes were interspersed in the background, and in some areas of the slides hepatocytes with one or more small intracytoplasmic vacuoles with cytologic features intermediate between those of vacuolated cells and normal hepatocytes were present. Digested periodic acid-Schiff staining, performed on destained, fixed smears, gave negative results. The cytologic diagnosis was FFLC. Clinical and echographic follow-up confirmed the cytologic diagnosis. CONCLUSION: The ultrasonographic and microscopic features of FFLC may mimic those of metastasis. A proper cytologic diagnosis may contribute to the diagnostic workup of these rare lesions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the authors' experience with splenic fine needle aspiration (sFNA) and splenic core biopsy (sCB) and to examine their roles in patients with splenomegaly or splenic mass lesions. STUDY DESIGN: A total of 56 sFNAs and/or sCBs were performed on 49 patients for neoplastic and nonneoplastic indications. Both sFNAs and sCBs were performed in 21 (38%) cases, sFNAs alone in 26 (46%) and sCBs only in 9 (16%). Cytologic findings were evaluated for specimen adequacy, diagnosis and use of ancillary techniques. Cytologic diagnosis was compared with histology on subsequent splenectomy or bone marrow biopsy, when available. RESULTS: There were a total of 33 males and 16 females (aged 30-82 years) in the study. Radiologic findings were single or multiple masses (42), fluid collection (3) or diffuse splenomegaly (4). The cytologic diagnosis was neoplastic process in 12 (25%), nonneoplastic in 32 (65%) and inadequate specimen in 5 (10%). The procedure was adequate for diagnosis in 44 (90%) patients. Cytologic diagnosis correlated with subsequent histology in all cases where tissue diagnosis was available. Major complications occurred in 3 (6%) patients, including hemorrhage, pseudoaneurysm and hypotension. Five other patients (10%) had minor complications. The number of passes, inclusion of sCB and repeat procedures were not associated with an increased risk of complications. CONCLUSION: sFNA and sCB have excellent diagnostic accuracy in both neoplastic and nonneoplastic splenic disorders. While the overall complication rate is significant, major complications of the procedure are uncommon.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mastocytosis is an abnormal proliferation of mast cells and their subsequent accumulation in various organs. Diagnosis of mast cell disease relies on proper identification of abnormal mast cells. CASE: A 55-year-old man presented with a history of fever for several months, associated with night sweats, involuntary 20lb weight loss, progressive fatigue, weakness, worsening abdominal distention, shortness of breath, and diffuse lymphadenopathy. Physical examination and computed tomography (CT) showed hepatosplenomegaly, massive ascites, and generalized lymphadenopathy. Bone marrow biopsy with immunohistochemistry (ICH) studies revealed mastocytosis. CT-guided fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of the retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy was performed. The smears were cellular for a mixed population of mature plasma cells, eosinophils, left-shifted granular and lymphoid cells, and abundant abnormal mast cells. The mast cells had round to oval lobulated nuclei, some of which were binucleated or eccentrically located, with coarse, evenly distributed chromatin. Abundant pale cytoplasm contained numerous metachromatic granules. IHC studies and flow cytometry confirmed the cytologic diagnosis of mastocytosis. CONCLUSION: This case highlights the cytologic features of mastocytosis in FNA specimens. IHC stains and flow cytometry are helpful to confirm the cytologic diagnosis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the second case that describes the cytologic characteristics of mastocytosis.  相似文献   

Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis is an uncommon benign thickening of the gallbladder wall characterized histopathologically by extensive histiocytic infiltration. A case is presented in which a 62-year-old woman with clinical cholecystitis was found at surgery to have a markedly thick-walled, adherent gallbladder, raising the differential diagnosis of an inflammatory versus an infiltrating neoplastic process. Intraoperative fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy revealed abundant foamy histiocytes ("xanthoma cells"), both dispersed and in clusters associated with capillaries suggestive of organization. Occasional multinucleated giant cells and columnar epithelial cells were also present. The differential diagnosis of histiocytic processes sampled by FNA biopsy is reviewed.  相似文献   

Kong CS  Cha I 《Acta cytologica》2004,48(4):473-477
OBJECTIVE: To describe the cytomorphologic features of nodular fasciitis that differentiate it from schwannoma. STUDY DESIGN: The cytomorphologic features of 10 cases of nodular fasciitis were compared to those of 4 cases of biopsy-proven schwannoma. Aspirate smears were evaluated for cellular cohesion, cell type and stroma. Immunoperoxidase stains were utilized in select cases. RESULTS: The cases of nodular fasciitis exhibited cohesive clusters of epithelioid to spindle-shaped cells in a background of single, intact mesenchymal cells; inflammatory cells; and myxoid stroma. In contrast, schwannomas lacked single, intact cells and inflammation. Schwannoma stroma was also myxoid but appeared more finely fibrillar, and cell clusters were notable for alternating areas of hypercellularity and hypocellularity. Immunoperoxidase stains demonstrated smooth muscle actin reactivity in 5 cases of nodular fasciitis and S-100 in 2 cases of schwannoma. CONCLUSION: Nodular fasciitis can be distinguished from schwannomas on the basis of cytomorphologic features and immunocytochemical profile. Cytologic diagnosis of nodular fasciitis is important since it obviates the need for surgical excision.  相似文献   

A fine needle aspiration biopsy specimen of a retroperitoneal mass was submitted for cytologic evaluation. Malignant cells were found, and the cytologic appearance was consistent with seminoma although the clinical possibilities included lymphoma and adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. Cytologic features of the needle biopsy specimen included uniform neoplastic malignant cells with round nuclei and nucleoli and clear or pale-staining cytoplasm. The cells were found singly or in groups of two or three cells. Lymphocytes were intermingled with the neoplastic cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of jaw tumors has not been studied extensively. Ameloblastomas are jaw tumors that show a wide morphologic spectrum and thus may pose some diagnostic difficulties. Of the many types, granular cell ameloblastoma (GCA) is an uncommon variant that possesses distinctive features. To the best of our knowledge, there have been no previous reports on the cytologic findings of GCA. We present two cases diagnosed by FNAC. CASES: Two cases of GCA were diagnosed on cytology and subsequently confirmed on histology. Both patients presented with a large, lytic jaw tumor. FNAC smears showed characteristic granular cells along with spindle and basaloid cells. CONCLUSION: Although GCAs are rare tumors, they possess distinctive features that permit an accurate diagnosis, provided that this entity is kept in mind. This tumor has to be differentiated from cystic odontogenic lesions, epulis and granular cell myoblastoma. An accurate preoperative diagnosis also helps the surgeon to plan more extensive surgery as these tumors show a great propensity for malignant change and metastases.  相似文献   

The fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy findings were compared with the results of fine needle cutting (FNC) biopsy in 40 patients. The lesions (38 pulmonary nodules, 1 mediastinal mass and one lytic rib lesion) were biopsied with 22-gauge Greene and 21-gauge E-Z-EM needles through a 19-gauge needle guide. The FNA biopsy findings were based on smears and cell blocks of material obtained with the Greene needles while the FNC biopsy findings were based on tissue cores obtained by the E-Z-EM needles. In 83% of the cases, both techniques yielded specimens with similar cellularity; in seven cases, the FNA samples were more cellular. Malignancy was diagnosed in 80% of the patients: by both techniques in 26 patients, by FNA biopsy only in 5 patients and by FNC biopsy only in 1 patient. The sensitivity of FNA biopsy was higher than that of FNC biopsy (96.8% vs. 84.3%). The specificity and predictive value of positive results were 100% for both techniques. The predictive value of negative results was higher for FNA biopsy (88.8% vs. 54.5%). The majority of FNC biopsy tissue cores consisted mostly of clotted blood, lung tissue and/or fibrous tissue and did not facilitate or improve the diagnosis. Those data suggest that the contribution of FNC biopsy to the diagnosis of thoracic neoplasms is very limited and that the performance of FNC biopsy with an E-Z-EM needle in addition to or instead of FNA biopsy is not justified.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Empyema necessitatis is a relatively rare entity. Two instances of mastitis secondary to empyema necessitatis, diagnosed by fine needle aspiration biopsy are reported. CASES: One case was tuberculous in etiology and was initially recognized by cytologic findings of epithelioid and granulomatous cellular reactions and the presence of acid-fast bacilli, which were subsequently cultured and speciated as Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The other case was due to coexisting Actinomyces and Actinobacillus. These organisms were cytologically suggested by "sulfur" granules of filamentous, gram-positive bacilli, admixed gram-negative coccobacilli and Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon in an exudative cell background and were confirmed by microbiologic culture as Actinomyces israelii and Astinomyces actinomycetemcomitans, respectively. CONCLUSION: The usefulness of fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of empyema necessitatis, supported by ancillary microbial culture, histochemistry, and radiographic imaging, is well illustrated by these two cases.  相似文献   

The role of fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) is discussed in the follow up of patients with the diagnosis of malignant melanoma. The review is based on literary data and the author's own material. The primary role of FNAB is to confirm metastatic or recurrent melanoma lesions. US or CT guided FNAB is valuable in the diagnosis of visceral metastases. FNAB has limited role in the diagnosis of primary melanomas except in cases with unusual clinical presentation (e.g. oral mucosa). In spite of the well-known cytology the diagnosis can be difficult due to the inherent histological variation of malignant melanomas, especially in cases with unusual localisation and amelanotic tumor presentation when immunocytochemistry is needed. The known clinical history of melanoma is very helpful.  相似文献   

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