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A series of imidazolopyrazinones 3, substituted at C-2, and C-2/C-6, has been prepared. The compounds behaved as quenchers of superoxide anion. The more active compounds are structurally related to coelenterazine, a natural substrate of marine bioluminescence. Theoretical parameters based on Hartree-Fock instabilities have been examined.  相似文献   

Highly reactive OH radicals, formed in an iron-ion catalyzed Fenton reaction, are implicated in many pathological conditions. The quest for Fenton reaction inhibitors, either radical scavenger or metal-ion chelator antioxidants, spans the previous decades. Purine nucleotides were previously studied as natural modulators of the Fenton reaction; however, the modulatory role of purine nucleotides remained in dispute. Here, we have resolved this long-standing dispute and demonstrated a concentration-dependent biphasic modulation of the Fenton reaction by nucleotides. By electron spin resonance measurements with 0.1 mM Fe(II), we observed an increase of •OH production at low purine nucleotide concentrations (up to 0.15 mM), while at higher nucleotide concentrations, an exponential decay of •OH concentration was observed. We found that the phosphate moiety, not the nucleoside, determines the pro/antioxidant properties of a nucleotide, suggesting a chelation-based modulation. Furthermore, the biphasic modulation mode is probably due to diverse nucleotide–Fe(II) complexes formed in a concentration-dependent manner. At ATP concentrations much greater than Fe(II) concentrations, multiligand chelates are formed which inhibit the Fenton reaction owing to a full Fe(II) coordination sphere. In addition to natural nucleotides, we investigated a series of base- or phosphate-modified nucleotides, dinucleotides, and inorganic phosphates, as potential biocompatible antioxidants. Ap5A, inorganic thiophosphate and ATP-γ-S proved highly potent antioxidants with IC50 values of 40, 30, and 10 μM, respectively. ATP-γ-S proved 100 and 20 times more active than ATP and the potent antioxidant Trolox, respectively. In the presence of 30 μM ATP-γ-S no •OH was detected after 5 min in the Fenton reaction mixture. The most potent antioxidants identified inhibit the Fenton reaction by forming full coordination sphere chelates.Patent pending.  相似文献   

Bednarska S  Leroy P  Zagulski M  Bartosz G 《Biochimie》2008,90(10):1476-1485
We have found previously that only a limited number of antioxidants are able to protect yeast cells against endogenous and exogenous oxidative stress. In search of factors determining this selectivity of antioxidant action we compared the ability of a set of antioxidants to: (i) protect a thiol-dependent enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) against inactivation by superoxide, peroxynitrite and hydrogen peroxide; (ii) prevent H(2)O(2)-induced activation of Yap1 p; and (iii) decrease extracellular redox potential of the medium. The results obtained provide demonstration with respect to yeast that the ability to lower redox potential and to maintain critical thiol groups in the reduced state is an important facet of the action of antioxidants.  相似文献   

A facile synthesis of (Z)- and (E)-2-(5-arylpyrazol-3-yl)-3-(pyrrol-2-yl)acrylonitriles and (Z)-2-(1,3-diarylpyrazol-5-yl)-3-pyrrol-2-yl)acrylonitriles, and isomerisation of (Z)-2-(5-arylpyrazolyl)acrylonitriles to (E)-2-(5-arylpyrazolyl)acrylonitriles under basic conditions have been reported. (Z)-2-(1,3-Diarylpyrazolyl)acrylonitriles did not undergo isomerisation under the similar conditions. New compounds were identified on the basis of their spectral data (1H-, 13C-, 1H-1H COSY, NOESY, NOE, HMQC NMR, IR, UV and EI mass). The structures of one acrylonitrile and five of their precursor 6-arylpyran-2-ones and cyanomnethylpyrazoles were confirmed by X-ray crystallographic studies. Effects of pyrazolylacrylonitriles and their precursors on rat liver-microsomal lipid peroxidation were evaluated in vitro with a view to establish structure activity relationship and to identify a lead compound.  相似文献   

A method for the rapid screening of cellulolytic streptomycetes and their mutants is reported. The technique consists of a plate assay on media containing filter paper fibres as cellulose substrate. The cellulolytic activity is detected and measured by the formation of clearing zones around the streptomycete colonies. The sensitivity of the method is increased considerably by subjecting the plates to an additional incubation period at 43 degrees C in the presence of a buffer at pH 5.3. by replicating these colonies on other Petri plates containing the appropriate media, it is possible to assess rapidly, not only the degree of catabolic repression of the cellulase production by glucose, but also, in a semiquantitative way, the amount of enzymes produced.  相似文献   

This article deals with the issues of studying low-molecular-weight volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of aquatic macrophytes growing in Russia under different environmental conditions and geographic regions. It is shown that the composition of VOCs and their content depend on the abiotic (geographical location of habitats, hydrological regime, and light conditions) and biotic factors (season and vegetation phase, distribution in different vegetative organs). Special attention has been paid to the functions performed by VOCs in aquatic ecosystems and their possible use for controlling phytoplankton development and algal “blooms” in inland water bodies.  相似文献   

Consumption of carotenoids is associated with an enhanced immune response and protection against neoplasia and atherosclerosis. Because these effects have been achieved using carotenoids with no pro-vitamin A activity, they are assumed to be due to the antioxidant properties of carotenoids. Carotenoids protect against photosensitized oxidation by quenching singlet oxygen. In addition, beta-carotene reacts chemically with peroxyl radicals to produce epoxide and apocarotenal products. To investigate the potential significance of these reactions to biological systems, we have used soybean lipoxygenase to generate peroxyl radical enzymatically. beta-Carotene inhibits the oxidation of linoleic acid by soybean lipoxygenase as well as the formation of the hydroperoxide product. In addition, the absorption of beta-carotene is diminished (bleached) by soybean lipoxygenase. The potential significance of these antioxidant reactions of carotenoids to biological function is discussed.  相似文献   

Tumor immunosurveillance is mediated by innate and adaptive components of cellular immunity. A complex network of cellular interactions is needed to elicit protective antitumoral CD4+and CD8+T cell responses. Thereby dendritic cells (DCs) play a central role as professional antigen presenting cells (APCs) that take up antigens, process, and present them to prime na?ve T cells. Recognition and lysis of tumor cells has been attributed to innate effectors such as natural killer (NK), NKT and gammadeltaT cells. Recently, novel subsets of cytotoxic DCs, called "killer DCs" (KDCs), have been reported in rodents and humans. Killer dendritic cells could directly link innate and adaptive immunity. This review aims at comparing the different KDC populations, their phenotypes, killer function, and their potential application for anticancer immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Molecular pathways to colorectal cancer involve multiple genetic changes, whereby extensive oxyradical damage causes mutations in cancer-related genes and leads to a cycle of cell death and regeneration. Besides direct oxidative DNA-damage, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species can induce etheno (epsilon)-DNA adducts mainly via trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, generated as the major aldehyde by lipid peroxidation (LPO) of omega-6 PUFAs. Patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) develop multiple colorectal adenomas. In affected tissues increased LPO could be triggered due to increased arachidonic acid metabolism as a result of elevated cyclooxygenases. Our studies demonstrated an increased epsilon-DNA adduct level in affected colon epithelia of FAP patients. Epsilon-DNA adducts are promutagenic and can cause genomic instability that drives colorectal adenoma to malignancy. We have further investigated the potential chemopreventive properties of olive oil and its polyphenolic components. 'Mediterranean diet', of which olive oil is a major fatty acid source, has protective effects against human breast and colorectal cancers. Olive oil extracts and the newly identified lignan fractions showed high antioxidant capacity in vitro. As epsilon-DNA adducts are biomarkers for oxidative stress and LPO induced DNA damage, they can verify the efficacy of newly identified antioxidants, e.g. from olive oil, as chemopreventive agents against colon carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Methylation of glucosamine-6-phosphate isomerase deaminase (2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucose-6-phosphate ketol-isomerase, deaminating, or glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase, EC, from Escherichia coli produces a modified protein having two alkylated sulfhydryls per each polypeptide chain. The enzyme is still active and allosteric, but exhibits a lower homotropic cooperativity and its Vmax/Etotal is almost exactly half that of the native enzyme. Arsenite produces comparable kinetic changes that can be reversed with ethanedithiol but not with 2-thioethanol or dialysis. Thiols can be oxidized by molecular oxygen using the (1,10-phenanthroline)3-Cu(II) complex as catalyst; the enzyme obtained no longer has titrable SH groups with 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) and displays kinetic behavior similar to that of the other chemically modified forms of the deaminase using monofunctional or bifunctional reagents. The results reported indicate that the involved sulfhydryls are vicinal groups, and are located in a region of the molecule that moves as a whole in the allosteric transition.  相似文献   

As part of our ongoing efforts to identify compounds having potential utility in treating neurodegenerative and mitochondrial disorders, a series of pyridinol analogues have been prepared. The synthetic route employed for the preparation of the new analogues is different, and considerably more efficient, than that used in previously reported studies. The new route yields a pair of pyridinol regioisomers that can be readily separated and evaluated. Their ability to quench lipid peroxidation and reactive oxygen species (ROS), and to preserve mitochondrial membrane potential (Δψm) and support ATP synthesis is reported. The optimal side chain length was found to be 16 carbon atoms. The metabolic stability of those compounds having optimal biological activities was evaluated in vitro using bovine liver microsomes. The omission of any side chain hydroxyl group and introduction of an azetidine moiety at position 6 of the pyridinol redox core (8 and 9) increased their microsomal stability as compared to the exocyclic dimethylamino group. The favorable metabolic stability conferred by the azetidine moiety in compounds 8 and 9 makes these compounds excellent candidates for further evaluation.  相似文献   

In this study, Anisakis nematodes isolated from toothed and baleen whales from localities around Japan were molecularly (PCR-RFLP) identified. In Wakayama, common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) were infected with A. simplex sensu stricto (s.s.), A. typica and A. pegreffii, while A. typica was the only species found in pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata) and striped dolphin (S. coeruleoalba). Offshore common minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and sei whales (B. borealis) were almost exclusively infected with A. simplex s.s.. However, in common minke whales from two Hokkaido localities, mature worms mostly consisted of A. simplex s.s. in some individuals and of A. pegreffii in others, but immature worms were mainly A. simplex s.s.. Gross and histopathological examination on gastric mucosa attached by anisakids resulted in mild and superficial reactions by the two baleen whale species in contrast to severe inflammatory reaction associated with ulcer formations by common bottlenose dolphin. Host specificity and adaptability of Anisakis spp. in these baleen and toothed whales were discussed from the points of view of adult worm size, worm population and pathological reactions by hosts. Interestingly, most of the common minke whales predominantly harboring mature A. pegreffii adults belonged to the Yellow Sea – East China Sea stock (J stock), which migrates through the Sea of Japan, whereas most of those mainly parasitized by mature A. simplex s.s. adults were from the Okhotsk Sea – West Pacific stock (O stock), mostly inhabiting the Pacific side, suggesting that these sibling species may have utility as biological tags to differentiate whale stocks. These results represent the first definitive host records for A. pegreffi in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

14-3-3 Proteins are a family of highly conserved proteins among all eukaryotic organisms studied so far. As basically intracellular proteins, they play a key role in basic cellular events related to cellular proliferation, including signal transduction, cell-cycle control, cell differentiation and cell survival. The 14-3-3 proteins have been described and characterized in several parasites, and mostly studied in Echinocuccus granulosus and Echinocuccus multilocularis. Here, we review the discoveries regarding this protein family in the genus Echinococcus, describing new data about specific aspects related with their implication in the parasite biology and immunology in the frame of the host-parasite relationship.  相似文献   

Lipids such as fatty alcohols, free fatty acids and monoglycerides of fatty acids are known to be potent antimicrobial/microbicidal agents in vitro and to kill enveloped viruses, Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and fungi on contact. For over half a century several studies have tried to answer the question of whether or not lipids play a role in the natural host defense against pathogens. A comprehensive review is given of these studies, particularly concerning infections in skin and in mucosal membranes of the respiratory tract, and of the role of lipids in the antimicrobial activity of breast milk. Based on studies of the microbicidal activities of lipids, both in vitro and in vivo, the possibility of using such lipids as active ingredients in prophylactic and therapeutic dosage forms is considered and examples are given of studies of such pharmaceutical dosage forms in experimental animal models and in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Ecological investigations of long-legged flies (Dolichopodidae) were carried out in wet meadow wetlands near České Budějovice, Czech Republic. Sampling was performed during the adult flies’ seasonal activity (March–October) in 2002, 2003 and 2004 using yellow pan traps, Malaise traps, emergence traps, and by sweeping. Altogether 5,697 specimens of 78 species of Dolichopodidae were collected, identified and analysed. The study examined community structure, species abundance, and diversity (Shannon-Weaver’s index - H’; Sheldon’s equitability index - E). Chrysotus cilipes, C. gramineus and Dolichopus ungulatus were the most abundant species in all three years. Species richness and diversity seem strongly affected by soil moisture.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - Mineral nutrition is one of the key factors determining plant productivity. In plants, metal homeostasis is achieved through the functioning of a complex system governing...  相似文献   

Transposable elements (TEs) are a class of mobile genetic elements (MGEs) that were long regarded as junk DNA, which make up approximately 45% of the genome. Although most of these elements are rendered inactive by mutations and other gene silencing mechanisms, TEs such as long interspersed nuclear elements (LINEs) are still active and translocate within the genome. During transposition, they may create lesions in the genome, thereby acting as epigenetic modifiers. Approximately 65 disease-causing LINE insertion events have been reported thus far; however, any possible role of TEs in complex disorders is not well established. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is one such complex disease that is primarily caused by cigarette smoking. Although the exact molecular mechanism underlying COPD remains unclear, oxidative stress is thought to be the main factor in the pathogenesis of COPD. In this review, we explore the potential role of oxidative stress in epigenetic activation of TEs such as LINEs and the subsequent cascade of molecular damage. Recent advancements in sequencing and computation have eased the identification of mobile elements. Therefore, a comparative study on the activity of these elements and markers for genome instability would give more insight on the relationship between MGEs and complex disorder such as COPD.  相似文献   

Small heat-shock proteins and their potential role in human disease   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
The elevated expression of stress proteins is considered to be a universal response to adverse conditions, representing a potential mechanism of cellular defense against disease and a potential target for novel therapeutics, including gene therapy and chaperone-modulating reagents. Recently, a single mutation in the small heat-shock protein human alphaB-crystallin was linked to desmin-related myopathy, which is characterized by abnormal intracellular aggregates of intermediate filaments in human muscle. New findings demonstrate that the high level of expression of stress proteins can contribute to an autoimmune response and can protect proteins that contribute to disease processes.  相似文献   

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