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Summary We examined two segments of the mitochondrial genome of Moroccan and Turkish Bald Ibises. One point mutation was consistently discovered in a 307 bp portion of the cytochrome b gene which was population specific. This is the first indication of a genetic differentiation between the two populations. The consequences of this finding for the conservation of the highly endangered bird are discussed. In future captive breeding and releasing programmes, only birds of known origin should be used.
Erster Nachweis von Sequenzunterschieden in der mtDNS zwischen marokkanischen und türkischen Waldrappen (Geronticus eremita)
Zusammenfassung Bei der Untersuchung von zwei Segmenten der mitochondrialen DNS marokkanischer und türkischer Waldrappe konnten wir eine Punktmutation in einem 307 bp langen Abschnitt des Cytochrom b-Gens feststellen. Dies ist der erste Hinweis auf eine genetische Differenzierung zwischen den beiden Populationen. Die Konsequenzen der Ergebnisse für den Schutz dieser stark bedrohten Vogelart werden diskutiert. Bei Zucht- und Auswilderungsprogrammen muss die Herkunft der Tiere zukünftig unbedingt berücksichtigt werden.

In recent years, an increasing number of studies have focused on the ranges of variation of health related biochemical and haematological parameters in wildlife, but information is still scarce for enzymatic activities which can be extremely important in detecting potential responses to environmental change. In a Great Tit (Parus major) population, we describe the variation in relation to age, sex, season and year of: (1) morphological: body condition index, fat and muscle, (2) haematological: hematocrit, haemoglobin, white blood cell count and heterophil/lymphocyte ratio, and (3) biochemical parameters: plasma protein and activities of plasma cholinesterases (acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase) activity and red blood cell glutathione peroxidase. Sex had significant effects on all morphological parameters except fat. Age significantly affected cholinesterase activities, H/L ratio and haemoglobin, and there was a significant interaction between sex and age affecting hematocrit. There were significant interactions of year and season affecting almost all parameters studied—body condition index, fat, protein, acetyl and butyrylcholinesterase activities, glutathione peroxidase activity and haemoglobin. This study indicates that these parameters are largely influenced by year and seasonal effects, besides the individual’s intrinsic variation. Therefore, when evaluating experimental or environmental change effects, appropriate controls should be used.  相似文献   

Adult Musca domestica were exposed to conidial showers from cadavers that were killed by Entomophthora muscae. Of the 4 host ages (14 days, 7 days, 3 days and <1 day), older flies were more likely to die without postmortem signs of infection, while younger flies were more likely to die with signs and produce primary conidia. The youngest fly group also succumbed to infection significantly sooner than older flies. Total mortality did not differ for the 2 sexes, but females died significantly more often with signs in one trial. Males died significantly earlier than did females, but differences were not significant when the sexes were paired by weight. Increased levels of pathogen exposure significantly increased both total mortality and the number of flies dying with signs; it also decreased incubation period. The potential significance of these findings in the epidemiology of the disease is discussed.
Zusammenfassung Die Mortalitätsrate von Musca domestica nach Behandlung mit Entomophthora muscae Sporen wurde in Laborversuchen in Abhängigkeit von Wirtsalter,-geschlecht und Expositionsdauer festgestellt. Fliegen verschiedenen Alters (14 Tage, 7 Tage, 3 Tage und jünger als 1 Tag) wurden gemeinsam in 237 ml Kartonbehältern gehalten. Die Behälter besassen Netzdeckel, auf denen frisch an einer Entomophthora Infektion gestorbene Fliegen ausgelegt wurden. Auf diese Weise wurden die Versuchstiere 8 Stunden (low exposure) bzw. 48 Stunden (high exposure) lang mit Entomophthora Sporen kontaminiert. Mit Hilfe von am Boden der Versuchsgefässe ausgelegten Objektträgern wurde die relative Menge Entomophthora Sporen festgestellt, der die Versuchstiere ausgesetzt waren. Der Totenfall wurde täglich für die Dauer von 10 Tagen registriert; dabei wurde zwischen Konidienträgern (external signs) und Leichen ohne Konidien (no external signs) unterschieden.Die Versuchsgruppen, die 48 Stunden lang mit Entomophthora Sporen behandelt worden waren, wiesen im Vergleich zu den kürzer behandelten Versuchsgruppen höhere Mortalität und einen höheren Anteil an Konidienträgern auf. Darüber hinaus wurde das Auftreten von Konidienträgern bei den länger behandelten Gruppen früher beobachtet. Im Vergleich zu unbehandelten Kontrollgruppen erhöhte die Behandlung mit Entomophthora Sporen auch die Rate nicht konidientragender Leichen.Bei gleicher Expositionsdauer zeigten Weibchen und Männchen ähnliche Mortalitätsraten. Ein höherer Anteil Konidienträger bei den Weibchen wurde bei einem von zwei entsprechenden Versuchen beobachtet. Konidienträger traten bei Weibchen später als bei Männchen auf. In Bezug auf die Inkubationszeit konnte kein geschlechsspezifischer Unterschied festgestellt werden, wenn Versuchsgruppen mit gleichem Gewicht verglichen wurden. Bei beiden Geschlechtern erfolgte die Bildung von Konidien bei grösseren Individuen später als bei kleineren Individuen.Das Alter der Versuchstiere beeinflusste sowohl die Mortalitätsrate als auch die Häufigkeit und das zeitliche Auftreten von Konidienträgern. Jüngere Fliegen wiesen einen höheren Anteil Konidienträger auf; bei Fliegen mit einem Alter von weniger als einem Tag wurde das Auftreten von Konidienträgern früher beobachtet als bei älteren Individuen.Die untersuchten Faktoren können auch für die Epidemiologie von Entomophthora freilebender Musca domestica Populationen eine wichtige Rolle spielen. In Populationen mit niedrigerem Durchschnittsalter wird sich eine Infektion rascher ausbreiten, da jüngere Fliegen eine kürzere Inkubationszeit aufweisen und auch nach kürzerer Kontaminationsdauer Konidien an den getöteten Individuen ausgebildet werden. Darüber hinaus wird sich eine Infektion dann rascher ausbreiten, wenn die Population mit einer grösseren Sporenmenge infiziert wird, da dann eine kürzere Inkubationzeit und ein höherer Anteil Konidienträger zu erwarten ist.

The suitability of Aphis fabae Scopoli, Myzus persicae Sulzer and Aleyrodes proletella L. as food sources for Coccinella undecimpunctata L. was evaluated by studying the impact of prey consumption on the predator’s population growth parameters and feeding parameters. Unlike A. proletella, A. fabae and M. persicae supported the development and reproduction of C. undecimpunctata. A. fabae and M. persicae were considered to be essential prey, whereas A. proletella was considered to be an alternative prey. Aphid species showed different degrees of suitability: M. persicae significantly decreased the pre-oviposition period and increased adult longevity, fecundity and fertility compared with A. fabae. Moreover, A. fabae represents a suitable diet for larval development, but is not a suitable food source for adult reproduction. The predator’s population growth parameters, R0, rm and λ were increased with M. persicae, whereas T decreased. We found that the 4th instar larvae were the most voracious, particularly when fed on M. persicae; nevertheless, with this prey daily weight gain and feeding efficiency of 4th instar larvae were similar to that of individuals fed with A. fabae.  相似文献   

Past treatments of the sleeper shark genus Somniosus generally recognize three species: S. microcephalus, S. pacificus, and S. rostratus. Based on morphometrics and meristics, we conclude that this genus includes two subgenera (Somniosus and Rhinoscymnus) and five species. Subgenus Somniosus differs from Rhinoscymnus by being much larger when adult and in having more numerous tooth rows in the lower jaw, hooklike rather than leaf-shaped dermal denticles, more numerous spiral valve and vertebral counts, and a poorly calcified vertebral column. Subgenus Somniosus includes S. (Somniosus) microcephalus and S. (S.) pacificus of the Northern Hemisphere and S. (S.) antarcticus of the Southern Hemisphere. Although Somniosus antarcticus has been synonymized with S. microcephalus and identified as S. pacificus in past literature, it differs from S. microcephalus in having a shorter interdorsal space, a more posterior first dorsal fin, lower dorsal fins, more numerous tooth rows in the lower jaw, more numerous spiral valve counts, and fewer precaudal vertebrae. Somniosus antarcticus also differs from S. pacificus by having a shorter prebranchial length, lower dorsal fins, more numerous spiral valve counts, and slightly more precaudal vertebrae. Subgenus Rhinoscymnus includes S. (Rhinoscymnus) rostratus from the eastern North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea (senior synonym of S. bauchotae) and S. (R.) longus from the western Pacific Ocean. Somniosus longus has been synonymized with S. rostratus, but differs in having a relatively longer second dorsal fin, a slightly larger eye, more lower tooth rows, and slightly higher spiral valve counts. Both Somniosus (Somniosus) antarcticus and S. (Rhinoscymnus) longus from the Pacific Ocean were redescribed. A key to the species and the geographical distribution of all species are provided.  相似文献   

Tomato plants homozygous for the recessive lateral suppressor (ls) mutation show a number of phenotypic abnormalities among which the lack of lateral meristem initiation during vegetative growth and the absence of petals on the flower are the most prominent. As a first step towards the isolation of the Ls gene by means of map-based cloning, we have determined its position on the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) map of tomato. RFLP analysis of 527 F2 plants segregating for the ls allele allowed us to define an interval of 0.8 cM in which the Ls gene is located. Analysis of the physical distance between the two flanking RFLP markers by pulsed field gel electrophoresis revealed that they lie no further than 375 kb apart. Knowledge of the physical distance together with the availability of a tomato yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) library, makes it feasible to isolate the Ls gene by a map-based cloning approach.  相似文献   

Summary  A new genus, Cleistesiopsis, was segregated from Cleistes based on morphological and molecular characteristics, and two new species of Cleistes: C. batistana and C. elongata, both occurring in the Brazilian Central Plateau (Central-Western Brazil), are described and illustrated. Furthermore, a key to genera currently recognised within Pogonieae is presented.
Resumo  Um novo gênero, Cleistesiopsis, é segregado de Cleistes com base em caracteres morfológicos e moleculares, e duas novas espécies de Cleistes: C. batistana e C. elongata, que ocorrem no Planalto Central, no Centro-Oeste do Brasil, s?o descritas e ilustradas. Além disso, uma chave para os gêneros que atualmente comp?em a tribo Pogonieae é apresentada.

Many Cola plant species are endemic to West and Central Africa. Cola acuminata and Cola nitida are used as masticatory when fresh, while the dried nuts are used for beverages and pharmaceutical purposes in Europe and North America. Garcinia kola seeds, that serve as a substitute for the true kola nuts, are used in African traditional medicine for the treatment of various diseases, including colic, headache and liver cirrhosis. Seeds extracts of G. kola are also known for their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. To gain information on the chemical properties of the kolas, we have isolated and analyzed cell wall polysaccharides, arabinogalactan-proteins and phenolic substances from the seeds of the three kola species. The sugar composition of cell wall material of C. acuminata, C. nitida and G. kola revealed that Gal (up to 30%), Ara, GalA and Glc as the predominant monosaccharides, representing approximately 90% by mol of the total hydrolysable sugar present in this material. In Ammonium oxalate cell wall fraction, GalA was found to be the major sugar present in all kola species. In the alkali-soluble fraction, there were significant differences in the level of Glc and Gal. The level of Glc was high in C. acuminata and C. nitida while the level of Gal and Xyl were high in C. nitida and G. cola. Isolation and quantification of arabinogalactan-proteins demonstrate that G. kola seeds contained four to eight times more of these proteoglycans than the seeds of the other two species. Finally, analysis of soluble phenolic substances shows that caffeine and catechin were largely represented in C. acumina and C. nitida seeds, with caffeine accounting for 50% of all soluble phenolics. These findings indicate that the three Kola seeds are highly enriched in pectins and proteoglycans and that C. acuminata and C. nitida can be used as a possible source of caffeine and catechin.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships within many clades of the Crassulaceae are still uncertain, therefore in this study attention was focused on the “Acre clade”, a group comprised of approximately 526 species in eight genera that include many Asian and Mediterranean species of Sedum and the majority of the American genera (Echeveria, Graptopetalum, Lenophyllum, Pachyphytum, Villadia, and Thompsonella). Parsimony and Bayesian analyses were conducted with 133 species based on nuclear (ETS, ITS) and chloroplast DNA regions (rpS16, matK). Our analyses retrieved four major clades within the Acre clade. Two of these were in a grade and corresponded to Asian species of Sedum, the rest corresponded to a European–Macaronesian group and to an American group. The American group included all taxa that were formerly placed in the Echeverioideae and the majority of the American Sedoideae. Our analyses support the monophyly of three genera – Lenophyllum, Thompsonella, and Pachyphytum; however, the relationships among Echeveria, Sedum and the various segregates of Sedum are largely unresolved. Our analyses represents the first broad phylogenetic framework for Acre clade, but further studies are necessary on the groups poorly represented here, such as the European and Asian species of Sedum and the Central and South American species of Echeveria.  相似文献   

Teliospore walls, teliospore germinations, hyphal septations, cellular interactions, and nucleotide sequences from the D1/D2 region of the nuLSU rRNA gene of the marine smut fungi Melanotaenium ruppiae and Ustilago marina were examined and compared with findings in other Ustilaginomycotina. The data show that Melanotaenium ruppiae belongs to the Urocystaceae and Ustilago marina to the Ustilaginaceae. Within the Urocystaceae, Melanotaenium ruppiae is morphologically similar to Melanustilospora and Vankya. However, according to the molecular results Melanotaenium ruppiae can neither be ascribed to Melanustilospora nor to Vankya. Therefore, the new genus Flamingomyces is proposed for Melanotaenium ruppiae. Ustilago marina differs from the other Ustilaginaceae in the mode of sporulation, which exclusively occurs at the base of the host plant culms. Accordingly, the new genus Parvulago is proposed for Ustilago marina.  相似文献   

Recent DNA sequence analyses indicated that Nigrosabulum globosum is a cleistothecial representative of the Bionectriaceae in the Hypocreales, but morphological characters supporting this relationship are unknown. Using light and electron microscopy we followed the development of the ascomata of this species, from the formation of gametangia through to the development of mature ascospores, and observed a series of characters that confirmed its hypocrealean affinities. These included the formation of a gel-filled centrum during early stages of ascoma development, the subsequent appearance of hyaline peridial tissue enclosed within a layer we interpret as representing a melanized uniloculate stroma, apically derived paraphyses, and an ascogenous system that gives rise to asci that were both cylindrical to clavate and globose. Ascospores, previously reported to be smooth, were ornamented with a honeycomb-like reticulum and were able to germinate within the ascoma. The carbonaceous outer (stromatic) walls of the mature, grit-like cleistothecia indicate possible resistance to UV radiation and desiccation. Furthermore, the complement of germinated ascospores would enable mature ascomata to function as propagules that could quickly initiate new growth when transferred to fresh substrate. Our reexamination of N. globosum also provides data that support the hypothesized close relationship with other bionectriaceous, cleistothecial coprophiles, i.e., species of Hapsidospora, and Bulbithecium in particular.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease II (encoded byrnb) is one of the two main exonucleases involved in mRNA degradation inEscherichia coli. We report the precise physical mapping ofrnb to 29 min on the chromosomal map in the vicinity ofpyrF, and clarify the genetic and physical maps of thisE. coli chromosomal region. The results were confirmed by the construction of a strain partially deleted forrnb.  相似文献   

Leveillula on monocotyledonous plants have been recorded as L. taurica by several authors, whereas the fungus on Allium has been described as an independent species, namely L. allii, by some authors. We sequenced ca 600 bp of the rDNA ITS region for two Leveillula specimens from Allium and Polianthes (both from monocotyledons) and compared them with several already published sequences from Leveillula isolates from dicotyledons. Pair-wise percentages of sequence divergences were calculated for all Leveillula isolates. The ITS sequence of the Polianthes isolate was identical to L. taurica on Helianthus and Vicia. The sequence of the Allium isolate was 99.5 % identical to L. taurica on Euphorbia, Haplophylum, Peganum, etc. These results suggest close relationships between monocot and dicot pathogenic Leveillula species. The identity between two monocot isolates was 98.4 %. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the two monocot isolates do not group into a clade together. This result suggests that Leveillula acquired parasitism to monocots at least twice independently.  相似文献   

We present morphometric data for the pink-footed shearwater (Puffinus creatopus) from both Chilean breeding colonies on Isla Mocha and Juan Fernández: weight, total length, wing length, tail length, head length, three bill and three tarsus size measurements and length of middle toe. Significant differences were found for most measurements between males and females as well as between birds from the two different breeding localities. In general, males were bigger than females, and birds from Juan Fernández were bigger than those from Isla Mocha. Geographic differences most likely reflect some kind of ecomorphological adaptation. Some variables, especially the total length of head, seem to be useful for sex determination in the field.  相似文献   

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